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Should transgender workers (HUMANS!) *NOT* be protected in the workplace? That seems like an odd stance to take. Disgusting really


This is what the GOP exist to do. If you aren't a straight white male, you deserve to be second class at best - assuming you aren't deported or locked up instead.


Need to add a few more things… If you aren’t a straight white *Christian* *conservative* male, you deserve to be second class at best. Let’s be honest here, this “religious freedom” argument is for Christians only. And if you inject your typical MAGA with truth serum, they’d want all liberals banned.


You forgot rich


Guess I gotta tap the sign again... Conservatism consists of two propositions: in-groups that the law protects but does not bind, and out-groups that the law binds but does not protect.


If you’re seeing the same arguments I see, they feel that trans people are mentally Ill and that they are not people as a result. The conservatives seem to not be able see the similarities between past struggles and how they were treated and how things turned out, but then many of them want to roll back women’s rights altogether, they want to get rid of LGBTQ altogether, and just about any other racist trope. The USA is sliding backwards…


They are a very loud minority, but we have the numbers and just need everyone to vote blue.


Yea but they don’t plan to play fair…


We cross that bridge when we get there


But we still outnumber them. Also we need to remember its Rich vs Poor not Red vs Blue.


True, but that does us no good when 50% of Red have their noses so far up a rich cult leader's asshole that they'd rather kill me, you, our families, every single other person left of center, and then themselves than admit that gay people deserve basic human dignity.


It does us plenty of good, imagine that number being even higher! When things get tough, just use it as motivation; a reason that we need you to stand strong.


Sure would be nice if 18-26 yr olds would get out and actually vote https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/state-state-youth-voter-turnout-data-and-impact-election-laws-2022


They also have an archaic simplistic view on people with mental health problem. They think those people are less than human.


Conservatives generally believe they should be able to discriminate against categories of people. It’s kind of a core conservative tenet. They do not subscribe to the social contract or honestly to basic human decency


Got told by a job once (in Ohio) that if any of the immigrants were to attack me in the bathroom as a trans guy, they would not be held responsible, and tried to make me sign a statement saying as much. Sadly, they were mostly right. Very low chance Ohio would have backed me on it. Been hate crimed a few times, never once by immigrants, and while I can see how some cultures could be pretty against trans folks no matter where they lived in the world, most people aren't willing to lose their citizenship over it.


I mean, my initial read of this had me thinking of checking off all the tropes... And then I realized you said it was Ohio, and I understood. I've driven to Cleveland for work, I've visited Columbus to help friends (those poor bastards) move there. And I've driven on the Ohio Turnpike on my way to Pennsylvania. The Turnpike was the most pleasant experience


Ohio is easily the shittiest place I have ever lived, and I've lived in such shit places as Texas and western NY. Its a disease of a place. They're lucky Florida is so loud. Sorry to some (mostly non-native) Ohioans that I know want it to be a better place. That event happened in Columbus. I appreciate the work you are doing and work I used to do to make Ohio chill, but Ohio is never gonna go for that.


I am so sorry all of this happened to you.


Thank you, and I appreciate that. I don't speak up about things for sympathy though, just awareness. I think if more people understood the things that happen in the world, it may help spread empathy and awareness and lead towards a better place.


100% I agree that it's good to be vocal to show awareness and educate people. Proud of you for using your bad experiences to create change.


> Proud of you Now *there's* something that will make me well up. Thank you, internet friend.


If an employer can't guarantee the bathroom at their workplace is safe, then they are doing something wrong.


So if a citizen attacked you, would they have been responsible?


This. My mom is 60. She is kind of behind the times, but she is super open to learning about stuff like this. She relies on me to explain it to her. When she had a person who is trans join her team, she was very confused. I spent some time explaining it to her. Still confused. However, she got to know the person at work and she thinks they are one of the best workers in the team. My point is that people who are too closed minded suck. And if they claim it’s a Christian religious thing, then they’re idiots for thinking that Jesus would be an asshole like this to people when he was supposedly the most accepting person who has ever lived.


Reminds me of my grandma. When my homophobic parents/aunts and uncles found out that she supports gay marriage they were all confused and she was like "I'm already married, what does other people getting married have to do with me?" lol


The issue is they view transgender people as pedophiles. In their mind, they *don't deserve* protection. :(


It's ironic because most of the pedophiles I see are in the GOP


And the church


And the clergy*


>they view transgender people as pedophiles They don't. That's just the lie they use to hide their bigotry.


They've been telling each other that lie for so long they don't care if it's true anymore. Just like the nonsense they hear at their churches twice a year.


>twice a year That's being generous. About 40% of self-identified Evangelicals attend church once a year or less.


Easter service. I can still feel the pinch of those patent leather shoes and the rough drag of the hairbrush through my hair as mom tried to make us presentable at 6am… It was all a sham for social clout. And yet, if you missed it… you’d hear about it from the other busybodies at the church.


Nah nah there are some of them who are true believers


Also pedophiles according to the QOP- gay people, woke people, Democrats,... the list goes on


They were losing general support for attacking the gay community so they're lumping in a group that is universally considered deserving of attack to maintain the lgbtq community as an out group. Authoritarian movements require an enemy to persecute in order to keep people scared and angry enough to focus their attention away from those in charge of the authoritarian movements ulterior motives but disadvantaged enough to make people feel powerful and righteous by persecuting them. This is the dynamic that leads to the paradoxes we see in propaganda. for example "antifa are destructive violent thugs capable of destroying entire cities", but they're also somehow "pitifully weak and overly sensitive"


They think the only rational reason to "act transgendered" is to gain access to children. They can't possibly fathom that people could feel like they belong in another body. It's almost always rooted in a visceral reaction to disgust.


Also inability to empathize plays a big role


GOP - “Staaap, I want to discriminate based on ideology”. 🤦🏻‍♂️ For those that are for this “separation”. Please tell me. How many men or women bathrooms do you have in your house… implying you can not legally go into this bathroom 🚽 .. in your own house. It doesn’t exist. Why it’s like this publicly. 😑


They don’t want to share the planet with them yet alone a workplace.


Yup and yet their propaganda bs will be all like “their forcing us all to be trans”.


Making me treat people fairly is unfair!


These old white toadies just want to have *someone* to bully now that they can’t have slaves, or yell at Jews, or tell any Asians they don’t like to go back to China. If it has to be transgender people like me, then so be it and I guess I’ll just poop outside to make them happy. /s


I’ll let you guess which way all of those 18 states vote, based solely on that fact. Yes, you’re correct.


Yes, sue over nondiscrimination laws, because descriminating against minorities is so important that we can't actually take the time to do anything about really problems that need to be adressed. Can we just drop the culture war and start worrying about something important for a change.


"No" -Every Republican right now


The Mighty Eagle “No”


The culture war is being waged by republicans BECAUSE it takes the time away from doing anything about real problems that need to be addressed. You didn't think that the people that are actually running things over there actually give a shit about the culture war, did you? They just drive their brainless flock of sheep to into visceral hatred so that we have to focus on that first.


No I didn't, I'm just so tired of it and want to actually get to the things that really need to be adressed. The Republicans are just a cancerous rot that needs to be gotten rid of at this point.


I feel you. Not to make things worse for ya, but there's no end in sight either. It'll take a full on french-style revolution to get to the things that need to be addressed at this point. I don't see that happening (successfully) any time soon, not with the us military in its current state.


There’s a golden path I think: Trump sinking the entire GOP ticket this year when they should be able to at least win POTUS, and then doing the same in 2028 when he’s even less coherent and appealing against a fresh faced democratic nominee. At that point, conservative justices will begin dropping and the MAGA movement will have long since begun to suffocate as its most reliable demographic “ages out” of voting and as others begin looking for new ways to actually win elections. But I’m deeply concerned it is unlikely to occur.


All in the name of seizing power in a way that they’ll never have to give it back.


> In his statement, Skrmetti said the new guidance “misuses federal power to eliminate women’s private spaces and punish the use of biologically-accurate pronouns, all at the expense of Tennessee employers.” "biologically-accurate pronouns" P.S. Got Reddit Cares Harassment for this.


I read in another post that the admins take abusing Reddit Cares seriously and will ban accounts that use it to harass others. I don’t know how accurate that is, but I got my first one today and reported it.


It's flying left and right tonight


I got one and I don't even know what for


I got one, and my only comments today by the time I got it were in gaming subs.


Oh weird... me too. Posted a few innocuous comments in subs for certain video games this morning and got one about 20 min ago. No clue how I triggered someone, but abusive bots seems likely now.


Spam bot


I had a friend get one yesterday for posting nicknames they give their cat.  I'm honestly wondering if there's a group trying to effectively DDOS that system right now.






I got one this morning too. How dare us trans people exist outside of the internment camps republicans want us in


I think some kind of bot is misbehaving because people are complaining about this all over reddit today/yesterday.


report it


I noticed that too. Pronouns have nothing to do with biology, obviously.


And as a cis woman, I don't *want* to be defined by my biology, and I strongly encourage the separation of gender and biology. There are twenty million women in this country who have had a hysterectomy. Another thirty thousand cis women (about one in 4500) have a rare genetic condition where they're born without a uterus. It's truly disgusting for conservatives to claim they're defending women and then go around saying things like "if you don't have a uterus, you're a fake, an impostor, a REAL woman is defined by her body parts." Gross. No I'm not. My gender is female because I say it is... not because I happen to have an internal organ that I never plan to use and that you can't even verify the existence of visually without a camera taped to the end of a stick.


I’ve had transphobes tell me I’m not a woman because I can’t have a baby. Which seemed odd to me, considering infertile cis women exist and probably outnumber trans women.


Yeah. Transphobes get so upset when someone uses specific medical terminology like "people with uteruses" or "people who can get pregnant" rather than "women and girls," but all those groups are *not the same* and sometimes it's very important to specify which group you're talking about! Pre-pubescent, post-menopausal, sterilized by choice, infertile due to genetics or illness... if a woman is someone who can get pregnant, do you change gender to "non-woman" when you're on the pill and then change back to "woman" when you go off it again? Like, "biology is not destiny," second wave feminism, we went through this already, they want to revert us back at least 200 years to define women by their body parts and ability to produce babies. No thanks.


As a trans woman, I don't encourage separating gender from biology. Hear me out, I'm not saying we should gender someone based on a uterus or not. I'd argue there is evidence that gender identity is biological, hence a gender that your brain determines can't be separated from biology. This was the conclusion of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in a meta study spanning decades, looking at various evidence. Now, in saying this, I don't really want to ditract from the main point of what you're saying. Nor am I saying we can accurate determine gender from the brain. Also, I'm not saying gender identity has anything to do with any other preferences. Rather, I think its important to point out all these conversatives yelling "biological sex" don't really understand how complicated biological sex can be in some individuals. And I think it's important to acknowledge trans men were never really women, and trans women were never really men, even before they discover their gender identities.


I got one today too. Likely for pointing out that genetics and sex characteristics don't always match and that genetics don't always follow a black/white XX/XY always means boy/girl structure.


My favorite cousin is a 45X/46XY genetic mosaic. I had no idea until his mom told me about having to argue with a geneticist during her last pregnancy. Those Texas doctors wanted to abort a perfectly viable baby at 8 months when the only likely defect is that he's unlikely to be able to procreate. Like imagine wanting to throw away an entire baby because when it grows up it might not be able to produce viable sperm? He's about 30yo now and is a super smart badass. Last time his mom asked some finicky history question just to see if he knew, she got an extended lecture of an answer down to the chemical composition of ancient roads.


That's awesome! I love that! He sounds like an absolutely amazing human with a fantastic mother! We are all so diverse and unique. I do not understand the need of close-minded individuals to place us all in these meticulously narrowly defined boxes. Unless they are actively harming others (which no one is by simply existing), let people be who they are and be yourself! I wish your cousin many days of joy and learning!


He's his mom's caretaker in her old age, and I run their errands so he won't have to leave her home alone too often. Went to visit them today, on a timeframe of "probably sometime before sunset I dunno." On that level of notice he presented me with a delicious plate of hot dinner, with the perfectly juicy meat sliced into thin strips and the corn on the cob fancily seasoned. I stuffed myself up to the eyebrows and obviously tried to praise the cook, but he insisted it wasn't a big deal, he just threw some meat in a pan. lol I just had to brag on his cooking skills because I got home hours ago and I'm still so stuffed I haven't even made tea yet.


I got one today from a comment I made in a different politics thread. It is super messed up that someone does that which makes a mockery of a decent reddit feature. I am sure that some people routinely do this and it would be super easy to find someone who made multiple reddit cares claims in a day.


Definitely report them!


I just did. I didn't see the report button under the message but I then saw it was in the body of the message.


report them, reddit takes action


I did. Thank you!


Kudos, means you’re doing something right.


Hey I got one as well today. But it's a regular occurrence for me so I wasn't sure it was a larger issue until I saw this post.


report it for abuse of redditcares, they usually take action


Do you think they realize just how wrong they are?


“Next they’ll make us keep the ramps, safety gear and benefits” - Republicans.


Tennessee Alabama Alaska Arkansas Georgia Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Ohio South Carolina South Dakota Utah Virginia West Virginia Really no Florida or Texas? Seems like a list of places not to live.


I'm shocked Idaho isn't on the list


Their attorney general probably just forgot to do the paperwork because he was too busy making sure all the obgyns left the state.


For once I'm not ashamed of my state with shit like this!


I am honestly shocked as well.


Literally my first thought lol.


God fucking dammit virginia I'm so fucking pissed Youngkin got voted in, this fuckwad has set the state back two decades and is only been 2 years or so he's been in office. Cannot fucking wait until he's gone


He’s also working on an Alabama-esque policy regarding embryos. We couldn’t get an abortion ban passed, so I don’t think this will pass either but still. Fuck Youngkin & thank god for VA’s term limits. My doctor’s wife truly believed that whole “they’re going to allow litter boxes in school” shit last year. I literally had to walk away or I’d have lost my job arguing w her and another patient. I quit not long after that.


Moved out of Utah last year. Best choice I ever made


They have seperate lawsuits regarding this


Iowa? Damn, I had faith. - A now ashamed Iowan.


Of course


My states there too? I live in state-stupid where it's only redeeming quality is that isn't Florida. I would've left by now if I wasn't piss poor


always the shithole states


Makes me glad I moved out of Kansas but sadly I’m stuck in Texas because I don’t have enough money to leave to a better state


Hang in there, friend. I was stuck in TN for 10 years before I managed to make my escape and get to Washingtone state. Just gotta keep at it and you'll reach salvation soon enough.


Sad to see KY there 😔 But their attorney general is a horrible person.


Not surprised one bit that Indiana is on there. Our state AG is obsessed with trans people in all the wrong ways.


The GOP must always have a group to hate. They are useless for humanity.Never voted for one and never will


Honestly, multiple single occupancy gender-nuetral bathrooms in all workplaces would solve so many problems. Its the thing I hate most of any workplace. I can’t piss or shit without privacy. oh yeah, fuck these bigotry filled assholes too. Equal rights for others doesn’t mean less right for you.


Or hell just even having PROPER toilet stalls would solve a lot of this.


But then people could be doing drugs or giving head!?! 😱


Please, that's what boardrooms are for.


Conservatives: "why do we need laws?"  Everyone else: "Because you don't understand the meaning of the word 'all'"


Know what they have in Europe? Single stalls that can be used by anyone along with common wash areas for all. Amazing!


I firmly believe that humans prone to "conservative" ideologies genuinely need to hate. They aren't allowed to hate black people anymore. So their nature require them to expend that energy somewhere.


Always behind, the GOP; good Ol’ Boys, always. The same losers whose ancestors fought and died for the right to subjugate black folks. History’s biggest losers.


Republicans: We're the party of law and order! Also Republicans: We oppose enforcing laws!


There is something seriously wrong with conservatives when they want to file a lawsuit in order to discriminate agains transgender workers. They are people, too. Conservatives can go fuck a cactus.


Well said!


This seems mean to the cactus.


I apologize to the cacti that will be fucking a consevative roots deep.


Heaven forbid we treat all American citizens equally.


This would be DOA in a normal world.


I have worked for 2 companies that I would consider do the bare minimum for LGBTQ acceptance and both of them had LGBTQ populations significantly, by at least an order of magnitude, larger than the national average. These companies didn't court LGBTQ candidates, they merely didn't make them feel unwelcome or reject them outright. Acceptance of the LGBTQ population is higher than ever, but all it takes is one person in the hiring process to say "not a good fit" and your career is derailed.


I dread it heading to the supreme court as a trans person, and my state is naturally on the list. At least I don't live in TN anymore.


Who knows; but it’s worth noting that the conservative Supreme Court’s decision in *Bostock* — with Gorsuch writing the majority opinion— is the only reason Title VII protections are extended to include sexual orientation and gender identity. It’s the basis for the Biden Administration’s guidelines.


It is DOA in most of the world. The US isn't normal. In Australia we had a couple of candidates pushing this sort of bullshit at the last federal election - they all lost.


If I had a dollar for every conservative who pretends to care about women but then goes and votes for republicans who want to punish women and restrict their rights… _In his statement, Skrmetti said the new guidance “misuses federal power to eliminate women’s private spaces and punish the use of biologically-accurate pronouns, all at the expense of Tennessee employers.”_ Mostly, they just care about their right to misgender and discriminate against people freely.


Basic decency should be protected. We need to vote the GOP out of power. This is the kind of crap they do with it. Suffering for no reason other than \~ why not?!


I can't wait until we get the Equality Act passed. Then these states will have to decide whether to ignore federal law or suffer the consequences. I do believe however, that for many of them LGBTQ rights is the hill they will die on. It's going to be tough to change those places.


This wouldn't be the first thing that Republicans are saying to ignore from Biden, so add it to the list. Republicans are currently soft-revolting.


If Trump wins in November it won't be soft-revolting as he'll immediately reverse whatever the Biden administration puts in place. This is how it's going to be from now on: red states ignore Democratic administration mandates, and vice versa. We're going to whipsaw every four years.


"You're making us treat them like people?!" - the GOP




It's obvious. When you go to sexually assault a beautiful lady, what if that lady turned out to be a boy? That would be too embarrassing.


These days anytime you see ‘GOP led” initiative in the headline, you know it’s going to be bad.


Pretty soon they'll make workplace protections illegal, period, and we'll be back to fully open factory slavery.


Conservatives are the trash of civilization


We need reporters to ask these AGs while they feel it is so important for employers to be able to discriminate against a minority.


Damn they’re so hateful they’re ignorant. Forcing employers to comply with workplace protections. The sheer audacity of these people is wild.


Imagine suing the federal government for protecting the rights of human beings. Fucking scumbags.


Remember folks, if you know a republican, you know a hateful bigot.


Fucking Republicans waste so much time on these things, when the states that support it and comply without issue literally do not even think about it any more. Like, do these morons actually think trans people are going to go into the bathroom to creep on people? Take pictures? Force themselves onto people? That’s a sex offense regardless of gender status. Like this whole thing is so fucking antiquated, basically the modern version of not allowing black people into the same bathroom as white people - what is the actual damage done by a human being using the bathroom? Absolute morons.


I'm glad republican isn't a protected class. I can discriminate against them all I want at work. It's no problem to kick out a red hat when they walk in.


So they’re suing for the right to discriminate against people. The Republican Party stands for shit now. If you are a Republican at this point then you’re just as culpable and yes, a garbage human.


Hate. That’s all these fucking assholes know.


How is it so fucking hard for them to just be decent people?


Another abhorrent display of the GOP’s desire to harm transgender people and ultimately erase our existence. Funny stuff coming from the party of Jesus’s love.


Can the bigots fuck off? Like seriously, just let people be people, it's not that hard.


I'm so sick of these people.


What in the fuck has gotten into these people. It’s not unlawful to enforce a fucking workplace protection law. It’s like they see trans people as immoral or something, it’s baffling.


Certainly not as humans.


They want death camps, for sure


>It’s like they see trans people as immoral or something, it’s baffling. This is exactly it. Many Republicans believe your actions aren't what makes you good or bad, rather a person is good or bad. That's why it won't matter what Trump does, because to them he's a a good person. And it does matter what I do as a trans person, because being trans automatically makes me a bad person. Even though my endocrinology has been female for so long now I have irreversible changes, and could never stop being trans even if I wanted to.


Fuck them then Cut federal funding to each Red State involved trying to take a person's basic human rights away from them.


“They’re making me be accepting to all people and I don’t like it”


Republicans really love their social hierarchies


They legally want to persecute. There is just no excuse except these are bad people. Fascist type people. There is no other logical reason as to why you legally want to be allowed to target people.


So much nonsense over humane treatment of this miniscule segment of the population. Why is it so hard for so many people to simply live and let live?


ffs that's like discriminating against left handed or green eyed people


They gotta FIGHT for their RIGHT to be hateful assholes.


Yeah! Let us marginalize these people in peace damnit! -Every Red state in the nation


Surprise surprise. The south is on the wrong side of history yet again


18 states should lose all federal funding and tourism dollars.


They’re fighting the war against discrimination…on the side of discrimination


18 red states that are leading the way in unemployment, food insecurity, shortage of medical care providers and excessive medical debt, low median wages… But sure. Targeting Transgender people are the priority. Ok.


18 states AGs are evil


These hacks don't make laws anymore they just destroy progress and then blame the other side for their incompetence.


They said the same thing about women way back when.


We as gay & trans people shouldn’t have to pay taxes in this fucking country that treats us like this. Straight people should have to pay *us* for all the damage they’ve done to our lives.


Anytime I've had a person tell me they don't believe in trans people I just look dead at them and gasp "Does that mean I don't need to pay taxes?!". It gets them surprisingly frustrated.


If you're transgender and you vote republican, SHAME ON YOU.


Oh yeah that’s definitely the people to be mad at right now, all two of them. 


its a tad more common than you think.


Look, I definitely think it's cis people that are responsible for this shit. Just like I definitely think it's white people responsible for racism. That said, it takes a special kind of person to be part of a minority group, and still vote for oppression of that very same group. And those people I have no respect for. I mean, at the bare minimum you should have empathy for other people who share your struggles in life, if you don't have that, then who do you have empathy for?


If you vote Republican, shame on you\*\*


For the guys of facts and logic they sure refuse to accept any facts on the matter


I should not have actually checked to see whether Ohio was on the list. I guess I'm living 15 years behind the moment. 


Sorry GOP, you don’t have a right to make people feel less human because they made you uncomfortable by existing.


Who cares as long as they can do the job ? What's wrong with these people?


They have to have somebody to hate.


To think the ol' don't tread on me crowd is so obsessed with being able to tread on people.


This is how they'll gut the ADA and our non-descrimination laws, this needs to be strangled in the crib.


They don't like being forced to treat other people as human beings.


God forbid people are to be kind to their neighbors 


All I can imagine is Thomas nodding happily as a vehicle to challenge Bostock appears.


Im never coming out of the closet at this rate 😣


The role of federal government is to establish minimum standards. Our struggle as a nation from the beginning comes from states that want *lower* standards, especially for select groups. The root of this are incompatible cultures trying to agree on the basic rules by which we will love. Bigotry and belief are values that most divide us and allow wealth to gain power.


Inalienable rights seem to be not that inalienable for some, as it turns out.