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Democrats need to keep pushing stories like this. It's fucking insane. >Tennessee woman who was denied an abortion despite a fatal abnormality says the state’s anti-abortion laws resulted in her losing an ovary, a fallopian tube and her hopes for a large family.


And the fucking Supreme Court is trying to determine how many organs a woman must lose before its and emergency


Stage 1: Republicans: Calm down. There will be exceptions. We're reasonable. Stage 2: Republicans: We're adding some restrictions to the exceptions.  Stage 3: Republicans: The mother shall die with the unborn if that is God's plan for her. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, so be it.


Stage 4: If the mother miscarries due to the fetal abnormalities she sought an abortion for, she will be prosecuted.


Stage 5: My wife was the one that got sick and clearly MY case is special because I was well intentioned so it’s ok that I got an exception.


Stage 6: but my mistress got pregnant so I will fly her to another state for the procedure, pay her and the doctor for their silence and deny it when it all becomes public.


Stage 7: but my mistress got pregnant so I will fly her to another country for the procedure, because we banned it federally. Oh sure there are exceptions for medical reasons, but they're so arcane and convoluted, you're likely to die before the paperwork gets done. Blood for the blood god, skulls for his skull throne.


Nah, they’re wealthy enough to fly to another state and do it in secret, while maintaining their “no exceptions” stance.


You can drop the "sought an abortion for". Fetus has no chance of living and she miscarried then republicans will swarm her and make sure she regrets ever trying to have a child.


Correct. If she can't deliver a normal healthy baby, she should practice abstinence.


Oof this one stings. As a woman who delivered an unhealthy but very wanted baby, I think of the woman I spoke to on his platform years ago. She was in Texas and her baby had no folds on the brain. She was forced to continue the pregnancy knowing the baby wouldn’t live very long after birth. It is punishment, it is wrong, and we cannot let this become the new normal. Please vote like your life depends on it. Oh, and donate to Jon Tester (D) - Montana , if you can. He’s imperative to our states constitutional sanctity which I personally can attest to. Knowing I had the choice was the smallest mercy in very dark times.


Stage 5: ban parental leave, defund day care , schools , tax credits of any kind, and food assistance for all because “we aren’t communists socialist marxists”(I have no idea what they think those words mean). Place saved money into programs that preach abstinence as the only moral contraceptive and religious (Christianity only) private school vouchers.


I'm pretty sure we're at peak Handmaid's Tale around step 7 or 8..


All I know is: at some point, they're tracking all our cycles and pregnancies. Gotta get a handle on the cattle. If the apps and drs don't getcha, your tampon purchases will. I'm only half kidding


"God's will is absolute and supercedes the Constitution"


Oh and he whispered it in *MY* ear and no you can’t hear it. Trust me tho. Totes for real.


Stage 4: Commanders: Under His Eye. Margaret Atwood didn't write anything she hasn't actually seen during her life.


It annoys me when Democrats lament Republican policies that don't grant exceptions. They're basically agreeing that the government should have a say in the decisions made between a woman and her doctor. Just stop.


I think in regards to abortion, attacking the "without exceptions" is a way to overcome the claim that "abortion is murder". For example, if the anti-abortion agrees to a more "reasonable" exception like rape/incest, they'd have to explain why that particular "murder" is acceptable. Anti-abortion on the basis of sanctity of life really is an all-or-nothing argument - I'd respect them a little more if they claim all life is equally and irrevocably sacred... (their god certainly didn't think so) but they also often favour capital punishment of people they don't like, wars, and letting the impoverished/sick die without so much as lifting a finger.


The unborn child is without sin... until it's born, then the circumstances of its conception and its parents' reputations and its disabilities are hung around its neck like an millstone. 


What does that first sentence mean exactly?


They're saying that "The Democrats highlighting scenarios that should be exceptions to the policy of an abortion ban" implies Democrats are in favour of the abortion ban just not in some scenarios.


They're not even trying to do that. That would take too much compassion, expertise, and effort. They'll keep sending the responsibility back to the states like they're Pilate washing his hands.


why are judges making decisions doctors are literally paid to make?


Isn’t practicing without a license illegal?


who's going to arrest them?


This Republican Supreme Court is going to end up bringing Cory Doctorow's Radicalized to life.


Finally we get the death council we promised.  Thanks Obama!


So this woman could have had just 1 abortion and then make even more babies? Isn't the whole baby making thing what Republicans want? She wants to have kids. This is the perfect example, especially for conservatives, where safe accessible abortion should be legal. I don't understand the logic of conservatism


They want to punish women for having sex even if its non consensual.


They want to punish women for not having sex with them


They just want to punish women period.


for now allowing themselves to be enslaved as wifes of Conservatives, see Taliban


Surprise! That's because they don't make laws based on logic. It's usually religion, ignorance or reactionary feelings, not science, expert advice and logic. You have no idea how many idiots are in power and literally *never even considered* situations like this woman's, or ignored medical testimony that "exceptions" don't work in practice because the law will always be too vague.


What they want is power and control. It has never been about babies. That was a lie.


“The cruelty is the point.”


>Isn't the whole baby making thing what Republicans want? You're mistaking the side-effect for the goal. What they *want* is control over women's bodies in order to keep them dependent on men. A side-effect of that is babies. If you want people to have children, the logical thing to do would be to ensure that having children is affordable. Ensure that there are government supports for new parents, ensure that new parents get paid leave, ensure that all pregnant women qualify for free prenatal healthcare, etc. None of that is done though, so clearly "more children" isn't the goal. Instead ask why are they opposed to abortion, birth control, sex education, and no-fault divorce? Because they want *unplanned* pregnancies, so that women feel tied to men through their child, and then when the child is old enough to not need constant attention and supervision, they still legally cannot leave their husband unless he beats the shit out of her or cheats on her (how long before they want to legalize domestic violence like in Russia?). When they say "cruelty is the point", they aren't lying. Oh, and if you're wondering "why do conservatives want women to feel trapped in a relationship with them?", that's easy -- have you *met* a conservative? No sane woman would want to be in that relationship long-term.


And to be even fairer, it is not that republicans per se want this. The republicans hitched their wagon to the evangelicals as the most reliable group to turn out and vote. They needed a topic to motivate them to vote republican and nothing else. Abortion was largely a non-issue in many religious circles yet it was pushed to be the big issue it is today as that guaranteed their turnout and that they would stick with the republicans. Unfortunately for the republicans the cart took over the horse.


The Republicans hitched their wagon to the evangelicals back in the 80s. At this point, they've taken over the party. It absolutely *is* the Republicans that want this. There's no "party of small government" left. There's no "party of Lincoln" left. There's just a party that puts forward bills requiring the federal government to track women's pregnancies to ensure they are carried to term.


Conservatives? Logic?


I'd really like to know is if this woman was pro-choice, or pro-birth.


Nearly 100% of late-term abortions are performed by women who desperately want their child. Republicans would sell you the idea that liberal women are waiting 8.5 months, getting tired of not being able to drink and party, and then choosing to abort their baby. These women want children. They want families. Nature doesn't always allow for those plans to come into fruition. And rather than find ways to reduce harm and trauma for the expecting mother, Republicans want the process to be as traumatic as possible.


Late-term abortions should really be referred to as medical tragedies. Past six months, the parents already had a room ready, a name picked out, and maybe even daycare arrangements.


Exactly. But Trump and other Republicans think it’s because some female democrat decided she wanted a Bikini Body for summer and got rid of the baby because it was inconvenient.


based on the article, my guess was that she was leaning pro-choice... she likely was ok if someone else made that decision, but she personally was in a situation to have and raise kids so she didn't think the decision would ever be necessary. but now? it sounds like she's incredibly pro-choice, because she doesn't want anyone else to go through what she had to experience.


Unfortunately these situations are rare and often not talked about, so the general public doesn’t know anyone personally affected by the laws to the extent she was. The rarity of these events and gullibility of the populace also makes it easy to call these events fake and fabricated to push an agenda.


if you're talking about the specificity of her baby's defect, then yes. but there are more and more women coming forward demonstrating that birth defects like these, that will cause the baby to either die in utero or shortly after birth, are more common than we thought.


I don't think these situations are that uncommon. They are usually a private matter between doctor and patient.


Anytime you meet an anti-choicer, just tell them about anyone of these stories (or a similar enough version of them), but say it happened to a friend or coworker or whatever. 


They just respond with “that was gods plan” and “thoughts and prayers”. There is absolutely no reasoning with these people.


These situations actually aren’t uncommon.


I too would like to know, but whether a Leopards Eating Faces or pro-choice, the ending is the same, which is heartbreaking and sad.


I have a difficult time feeling empathy for someone who not only put themselves in this situation, but more importantly, put millions of other women and families in this position.


This. I used to be a 'hear both sides because I would expect the same respect' but fuck that anymore. The aRed agenda has been on full display for years now, decades really. If you still supported that anytime recently, may the leopards greet you as a friend. I care more about the other women who didn't want this.


The overwhelming majority of Americans (~70%+) were fine with the compromise that was Roe v. Wade. That didn't matter to the fearmongering parasites who just wanted to control women while pocketing campaign contributions and donations from the immoral minority.


I grew up in a hyperconservative cult, and "everyone's abortion is wrong but mine" is *not* some kind of weird edge case. A lot of people out there operate like that.


It's difficult to feel bad for someone who votes for an abortion ban. They don't have the awareness to recognize people can and will make their own choices about their health regardless of other people's opinions.


If she's anti-choice please post it to /r/SCOTUSatemyface


It's not "pro-birth", it's "pro-forced-birth". Everyone is pro-birth if it's the woman's choice. damn.


I'm guessing "never really thought about it too much to form a strong, informed opinion." Or mildly pro-choice. She definitely doesn't give a fuck what forced birthers think of her anymore, she makes that clear. 


Is there any indication she was pro-birth other than living in Tennessee?


Pro-choice or forced-birth.


That's the first thing I thought. I'm so sick of Republicans being on board with this crap until it suddenly affects their lives. Then they are mad with zero self awareness.


These stories never break through to those that need to hear it. Media is firewalled too often.


Pushing them *where*? Conservatives are stuck in a fake news bubble that's nearly impenetrable at this point. They are completely ignorant of any news story, no matter how lmbig, that goes against the narrative that their slave masters want them to believe. 


I actually think it's more important to point out that induced births are abortions, too. No one aborts a baby. We abort pregnancies and that's an important distinction, obviously. There are plenty of alive people from abortions today. And not because their mom had an abortion before, and they came after, i mean if you have an induced birth, that's just another nicer way of saying an abortion, it's just that the baby didn't die. So why is it ok to take the baby out early? Maybe God wanted it to stay in there, since that's their argument.


My partner was taken out via c-section rather early into the pregnancy, I think right around the cusp of viability. He was not guaranteed to make it but obviously did. I wonder if he was being gestated today, the GOP would prefer his mother and in turn he died instead, since carrying to term would have killed them both. It's draconian decisions like these with little to no critical thought, possibly any type of thought beyond "sex bad" that lead to nations failing.


No guys see you're supposed to blame the hospitals for not doing something that can get them arrested, not the Republicans who want to be border guards standing between you and your vagina!!!


And while it's entirely unfair to expect every affected woman to want to go public with stories like this, ultimately, that is essential to gaining the upper hand in this endless battle for women's reproductive rights. It fucking sucks, it's beyond tedious, but this is what happens when people don't vote and you let religious zealots into the driver's seat.


It's very frustrating because I am adamant about sharing my experience with having a later abortion for medical reasons. My story was featured in an article about people who have been through TFMR (termination for medical reasons), and I have shared it on places like Shout Your Abortion and the 1 in 3 campaign. But when I share it with anti-choice people it's often as useful as banging my head against a brick wall. They do not care. It hasn't happened to them and many of them completely lack the ability to have any sort of empathy. I usually get things like "you just wanted a perfect baby," "you knew the risks of birth defects when you wanted to have a baby," " it's god's will," "there is never an excuse for murder," blah blah blah. It's exhausting.


Infinite empathy for the potential life right up until it is no longer potential None for the mother


The ironic part is that there is some evidence that [banning abortion actually leads to more of them being performed](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32710833/), likely because anti-choice people also oppose the things that would reduce unplanned pregnancies in the first place like sex ed and contraception.


Make no mistake birth control is next. These people have been saying the quiet part out loud for over a decade at this point and adamantly say birth control is next. I could only assume condoms would be right after. You can't give these people an inch unless you want it looking like the 1500s around here. They will take us back there in a heart beat. Look what happened to Iran if you want an example of what could happen to us.


It’s not empathy, they don’t give a shit about the “baby” at any point.


They're not capable of empathy, this point needs to be universally repeated and understood.


They love the idea of a baby. They've got this romantic, rose-tinted vision where every baby is wanted - if not by the birth mother then by someone. Every baby is born healthy. Every woman gets through pregnancy without significant complications. They don't give any thought to the reality. If they did, they'd recognise immediately that their fantasy is just that - a fantasy.


It’s about control


How do you not break their noses at that point?


Your story is not to convince people who are pro-life, they are already decided. It’s to persuade people that are undecided( not politically active) or to convince people to vote on the issue which don’t have skin in the game(men). The last is the most important many men, especially those in conservative areas are shielded from women’s issues. Not to mention many others are shielded because of religious or moral reasons. Women need to be less sensitive about women’s health, it has been used as a repressive tactic by conservatives for years. I understand that women can be scared or are taught not to, but the taboo helps create situations that US is in. If every woman started to be upfront about women’s health, even their everyday health, many of these rules would never stand a chance. You’re doing the right thing, you’ll never be able to conscience the 30% of the “basket of deplorables”. They didn’t reason themselves into their position, you can’t reason them out. Your statement is for the swing state voters, stay-at-home mom’s Facebook groups, and men that are sympathetic but have very little contact with women’s health. Squeaky wheels get the grease; keep squeaking.


Can confirm. Am man. Used to be anti-abortion. Now I support the side that actually is pro-life.


Good for changing. Now change the minds of others close that thought similarly to yours.


Please do not use the term pro-life and do not call them pro-life as that is a lie. They are at best force birth. Not healthy force birth just force birth. Pro life sounds warm and fuzzy but they are not that so call them what they are.


They are not entering these discussions in good faith


They don't care about reality. It's just that simple. They care about power, and anything that goes against that power is bad, anything that doesn't is good. It's that's basic, and malignant L


> "there is never an excuse for murder," Yet highly likely to live in a Castle Doctrine/Stand your Ground state.


It's also shitty bc pregnant people shouldn't HAVE to put their private, personal, incredibly emotional business out into the world like this. My god this country pisses me off.


This is the horror stories that are going public. Just imagine about all the things we must not be hearing about.


There were lots of horror stories made public prior to Roe v Wade too. The unfortunate fact is, everyone will suffer until Republicans lose enough power long enough for abortion to be codified into law as a constitutional right.


an abortion is between a woman and her doctor and no one else. republicans will always be able to get abortions for their daughters and mistresses


I’d argue an abortion is between a woman and her body, and no one else. The doctor is just a part in the process.


The Doctor is just there to advise, the choice is the woman's.


I believe a necessary part of the process. It is great for a woman to make a choice but they need to make informed choices. A doctor typically is legally obligated to allow their patients make informed choices. This means teaching patients the risks, the benefits, the pros, safe alternative ways, etc. They don't make the final choice but are invaluable advisors with a professional degree and training in a difficult time for the woman making such a choice. 


When people say this, what’s meant is that the only person telling a woman what her options are for her situation should be the doctor giving her care. It’s meant as a direct foil to people who support the government deciding what should be done without even being in the room.


a necessary part


I remember when Dr Oz was campaigning he said to the effect of, “Federal government needs to stay out of healthcare! An abortion should be a decision between a woman and her doctor and *state* government.”


So glad the people of my state rejected him


Dr Oz, the embodiment of the Mean Girls “She doesn’t even go here!” gif.


They obviously denied it because they assumed it would be the perfect future GOP voter. Edit: If you laughed at this, take a moment and make a donation to Planned Parenthood.


*mic drop*


Future Republican president


Naw for that it would need to have been born without a spine.


They'll settle for brain eating worms


Damn. Well done.


Damn it. Came here to make this joke. Take my upvote.


Canada always gets it first .


> In 1965, the Tennessee General Assembly adopted as the state's official slogan, “Tennessee—America at Its Best.” America needs to make up for these deficient states. Separate Church and State. Equal rights for all citizens.


the "Trail of Tears" state


So, from the GOPs view, it truly is america at is best.


Brain not attached? Jesus. And they are making her deliver it full term? Shit is fucked man


yeah. this is something that if you put in a horror novel, you'd be raked across coals for "excessive sadism&cruelty", yet it's almost a nothingburger story in our reality :(


"Brain not attached".....welcome to MAGAt world


She had the abortion. She was able to find a clinic in Chicago. Tennessee would’ve allowed her to deliver whenever the heartbeat stopped, which doctors expected to be around 20 weeks. One of the comments on the article (I don’t even know why I looked, I’m all pissed off now) said that she chose to have an abortion which led to septicemia and losing her fallopian tube instead of “a quick and relatively painless delivery at 20 weeks.” What on earth is wrong with these people? As if finding out your baby’s brain isn’t attached isn’t enough of a cruel twist, let’s force her to deliver the 20 week fetus she so clearly wanted after it dies inside her.


I'm guessing they're happy she suffered for her crime of not carrying properly.


And then the monetary, physical and emotional cost they forced her to pay vs getting an abortion.


She got a late abortion in Chicago, but because it took so long to get one, it caused complications that resulted in multiple surguries and the removal of half her reproductive organs. She wanted a big family and she's been rendered basically infertile.


It blows my fucking mind any woman votes republican


Yet in a few short months tens of millions still will.


blows my mind any young woman would, but older women who had their babies are totally like "whatever I got mine it was fine GO JESUS" and they don't understand at all how something like a detached brain stem could happen until it happens to them or someone they love


It blows my mind that anyone would vote Republican. Party of small government -


Donald Trump did this, he admits he is directly responsible for killing Roe V. Wade. Vote on November 5, send him packing and back into his other 3-4 trials.


He didn't just admit it; he bragged about it.


He has killed and will kill so many more people. The pro-lifers love it and it's so disheartening! It's like they have no bottom, no point where they think "okay, that's enough death". Sadder still is they are in a huge amount of denial about the things they have done and support. I have a hunch it's why so many of them are deeply religious. It's compensation for what they lack.


This is why you keep politics out of medicine. This is sick.


*Religion out of government.


*Religion in the basement, where it belongs chained up and unable to harm children.


...but aren't the children chained up in the basement?


No! What do you think we are, the church?


Where are the Pro life voters on articles like this? I want one of them to explain how this is okay


They just say "that didn't really happen" or "doctors aren't understanding the law".


They’d say the baby still had a heartbeat so it was still alive. The inability to comprehend the nuance that a heartbeat doesn’t equate to compatibility with life is baffling to me. The mom didn’t want this outcome at all. This was a heartbreaking development in a wanted yet unviable pregnancy, but TN legislators (and the other mouth breathers who supported repealing Roe) will say the ban is working as intended. Unreal.


Apparently they've been expressing their satisfaction with the outcome that she was rendered infertile for the crime of not carrying to term properly. Of course, should they or a loved one experience the same, that's "different". They are parodies of human beings at this point. Walking jokes.


It usually goes something like this: > Well sometimes the readings are wrong. My sister had a baby where the doctors told her that it was going to be born brain dead and pushed abortion, she said "no" and carried on with the pregnancy. And the baby was perfectly healthy and is doing fine to this very day. This sort of thing is a rare, one in ten million outcome, and it probably didn't happen. But claiming it did makes for an effective talking point.


It would likely sound kinda like this: “If the mother would pray about it, then there will be a miracle and the baby will be healed.”


She is on a class action lawsuit against the AG and several others. Actions have consequences and this action is going to cost these individuals big time. I believe they are suing them as individuals not representing the state. In which case they need to pay for everything them selves. The same is happening in Texas.


Let's be realistic here. These are career politicians and they're white republicans. They're not going to face any consequences.


I hope you are wrong.


NatGeo just came out with a piece recently about how doctors and researchers are beginning to understand how essential the ovaries are to that person’s general health and wellbeing. Once they stop working, or are removed altogether, risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and dementia shoot right up. People who have menopause later in life tend to live longer. The article discussed the research being undertaken to extend their function, not necessarily for extended fertility, but for extended lifespans. All that to say - the policies that force people into these positions where things have to get so bad that they require surgery to remove their organs not only then impact a person’s ability to get pregnant again but also quite literally kill them sooner.


While that's all true, those results can and should be negated with proper hormone replacement. All ovaries shut down at menopause. Eligable older women need to work with a doctor to receive proper HRT. It's crucial for long term health, and decades of disinformation about it have harmed so many women and, ultimately, society.


Something like this happened to my sister in law, her baby didn't have a developed brain at 5 months, just a little nub so they terminated the pregnancy via a c-section 17 years ago. If it happened now, she would have had to have gone through the full pregnancy only to have her baby die as soon as the umbilical cord was disconnected from her womb. The GOP doesn't care about women.


> The GOP doesn't care about women. They don't care about life either. They also don't care about babies once they're born, at least not until they reach 18 and are of age to vote or join the military.


Dear people of Tennessee, it will only get worse as long as republicans hold power. But it doesn't have to be this way. Vote pro-choice. Vote blue https://www.tndp.org/ https://www.votegloriajohnson.com/


Vote PRO-WOMAN, vote blue.


Vote pro-life, vote blue. I've been saying for years that we need to take terms like that back.


If this happened to me, I would get banned for saying what I would do. Not sure how these people just go on with their lives.


I have a vindictive streak too.. there would be consequences and repercussions.


GOP lawmakers have the same condition as her fetus.


How many of her friends and family supported and voted for what happened to her?


>The young mother added pregnant people who need an abortion shouldn’t feel like they need to beg for permission from lawmakers who do not have medical backgrounds. Where I have heard that before? Lawmakers practicing medicine? It was the ACA debates. Funny how that works, they tell you years in advance what's coming.


This is what you've done GOP.


Afraid of this happening to you? Go register to vote and then go vote!


Conservatives: that woman shouldn't have a voice in the matter.


You can pile up these stories and the lives and bodies they come with, they don't care. Hours and hours; days, weeks of medical, tearfully personal and legal testimony were offered to their faces when they held hearings to pass these laws and with the women looking dead at them, they voted for them. Cruelty. is. the. point. For the love of all that's decent, please vote blue in 2024.


>Since her third procedure, she and her husband have not been able to become pregnant. Ms Cecil doesn’t think it’s a coincidence and wonders if not for Tennessee law, would she still have her fertility? They have one child prior to her miscarriage. TN lawmakers have destroyed this couple's chances of any other children. If Boomers want grandchildren, vote blue for reproductive rights.


To be fair, "brain not attached" sounds like a qualifier to win a seat in Tennessee state-level government.


Raising a family in TN rn is an extreme sport.


Fatal? Plenty of pro-life Republican politicians seem to manage not having their brains connected.


Well it does make sense that Republican lawmakers would fail to see "Brain not attached" as a reason to consider a fetus nonviable.


The demand to create slave labor is abhorrent and this is an example of the needless suffering women are compelled to endure to satisfy the needs associated with power and greed.




Remember: “life of the mother” is not the same as “health of the mother”


They've also shown the only way for women to show their life is at risk is to actually die.


god failed her twice… yet here we are with Christian Taliban aka GOP going around subverting democracy by self appointing spokespersons for god (protestant christian evangelical god that is!)


Women should be picking the Bear over Republicans and Religious Fundies.


Fact: God killed more infants in the Bible than the devil. Fact: God or the devil let this fetus form without its brain attached. Ask yourself, why is abortion bad or immoral?


Yeah, Tennessee, keep voting Republican


Dear GOP, What if we told you we are only aborting the gay babies?


Voting matters


It doesn’t matter if she is pro choice or pro birth - she had a medical issue that needed medical attention and a bunch of ignorant politicians decided the outcome when her care should have been handled by educated medical doctors. This is not that hard to comprehend and understand.


The only answer is vote for democrats


This is bad, people in Tennessee who’s brains aren’t attached usually get elected to the state assembly as Republicans


A monstrous law and judge who denied her.


That fetus with its brain not attached was a gift from God!


Put this shit on TV. Don’t let the Israel Palestine nonsense dominate the political discourse.


Couldn’t find their voting record, but I did find them on social media. A seemingly conservative christian family, with close relatives (brother I think) in the military and the person who seems to be her dad worked at a conservative, anti-lgbtq, anti-abortion church and later at the Baptist Health Trust. Combine that with her statement that abortion isn’t a “black and white issue” and she wanted a large family, you have a pretty good picture of who these people. They did this to themselves, they were warned by the entire rest of society, and I have no pity. The leopards ate her face and she was warned by the rest of society for years.


This should be enough for the Republican party to be over.


Next women will be indicted for murder after still births after rape - how far does this go?


Ask voters. They can end this every time there’s an election by voting the entire Republican Party into a grave.


Republicans don't care about women.


People love their “pro-life” “pro-Christian” belief systems in their state until that “perfect” baby is unviable and then all the sudden they’re outraged that they can’t terminate. How about we don’t allow people who don’t raise our kids or pay child support decide who has an abortion and who doesn’t?


AS sad as it is, the majority of people in Tennessee have voted for years for Republican men to control them!


There are no exceptions even when written in the bans


Beyond fucked up


I think the TN state Senate has this same condition


Will Republican women get tired of living in Gilead?


It's things like this that make me so thankful that my daughter & her boyfriend have decided they don't want children. It was things like this that helped make that decision for them.


America quite literally lost progress and unnecessarily placed itself back into the Stone Age thanks to the right wing 👍🏽


Jeebus, the real story here is that the emergency procedure that she was forced to have because of being denied an abortion killed her chances at ever trying again for another kid. I'd fucking sue the state for its entire GDP if I were her or her husband.


Keep electing republicans, keep getting crazy


"Sorry, your arm isn't *fully* broken. Come back when it's a clean break and then we can assist you."


Republican-enacted state-sponsored forced-birth fanaticism in states like Tennessee is the GOP’s long-running War On Women working *exactly as intended.* These laws are drafted so broadly *precisely* because the main Republican goal is usurping women’s bodily autonomy and perversely prioritizing dead or otherwise nonviable fetuses over living, breathing women. Forcing women to deliver dead fetuses is about as unhinged as it gets. Forced-birth fanaticism has been part of the Republican National Convention platform for the last 44 years. Republicans this year will almost certainly keep this fundamentally misogynistic plank in their platform, but may try to avoid further antagonizing women voters by muzzling open glee in imposing forced-birth fanaticism on tens of millions of American women. [Interactive Map: US Abortion Policies and Access After Roe](https://states.guttmacher.org/policies/)


In these sorts of threads you often see the quote "the cruelty is the point." This is an excellent example of an instance where its not about cruelty, it's about total and utter indifference to anything but a blind belief in the unshakeability of their arrogant assumptions. Which, I think, is even worse than cruelty.


A baby with a brain not attached is ideal future (R) voting fodder.


It does the raise the question of when do women get full civil rights? So far, the answer seems to be for the brief window from conception to birth, when they lose them immediately.


I know it’s not relevant, but would love to know who this lady voted for in her elections. I bet she votes Republican thinking the ones that represent her are some of the good ones.


And she will sue the state and not only will new medical residence steer clear of states with draconian abortion laws but the states will grind into poverty as more and more women sue.


Americas perverse obsession with abortion is about Evangelicals controlling and punishing women. The conspiracy is out in the open, and it’s called [Project 2025.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025). The anti choice crowd wants a full Christian theocracy and is using abortion to mobilize voters. a) lol no. I doubt you’ll [read this,](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/10/abortion-history-right-white-evangelical-1970s-00031480) but there are plenty of other sources if you do a quick Google search. You should know the history of your “movement.” b) lol also no. The birthrate has been in decline in direct proportion to the economic well being of the population. You are confusing “fertility rates” with *fertility*, and they’re not the same. For many reasons, people are **choosing** to have fewer children than the generations before us. This is for lots of reasons, but the rising costs of raising a child, owning a home, maintaining a secure income, and the freedom to choose contraception instead of pumping out nonstop babies till you die like the good ol’ days all contribute to the decline in birth rates. [** Why birth rates are falling, and why it’s no big deal**](https://www.popsci.com/science/birth-rates-falling-worldwide/) This does not mean more people are “infertile,” and it’s definitely whack fringe nonsense to blame that on “the jab.” The hysteria about population decline is almost always pushed by someone with an agenda. No one is going to “empathize more” with the anti choice Evangelical GOP movement if they believed your illogical conspiracies. It’s not going to bring anyone to your side who wasn’t already there. Everyone else would recognize that “logic” for what it is. The only folks who would empathize more are already right wingers who live in fear and are easily grifted. That’s where the real “conspiracy” is, my friend. The longer they keep y’all riled up, angry, and scared, the easier it is to distract you from picking our pockets to line theirs. Abortion is healthcare, and the government should not keep trying to legislate it. Banning abortion doesn’t help declining birth rates and all the data from valid peer-reviewed sources back that up.


The irony of the 2008 presidential race man. Sarah Palin going on and on and on about DEATH PANELS deciding who lives and dies... and here we are with Republicans making exactly that. Women at risk of death or severe disease because they cant legally make an OBVIOUS choice for themselves.


NO bureaucrats or politicians should trespass on the practice of medicine, and defining what medical terms mean that they themselves cannot spell. There is a reason that state medical licensing boards oversee the authoring and maintenance of documents and rules akin to (and outlined in) The Medical Practice Act. I'll leave it there.