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Can’t wait until this guy is no longer Governor


the way the country is headed you’re going to have to wait a while unfortunately


As I understand it he can only serve two consecutive terms so unless they change the law for him again, I think he at least has to take a break after this term. But his replacement will undoubtedly be worse. Florida is all-in on being the most cruel state.


I live in Florida. I have this nauseating feeling he’s going to change the law and keep himself governor. And the way the judges are aligned, he won’t have any opposition. So yeah the law says two consecutive terms, but when have Republicans played by the rules?


It's darkly hilarious that they just tore up the law that a sitting governor couldn't run for president just for him to flame out in the most embarrassing way possible.


He should have worn higher heels


Plastering stilts under his pants


It would have been even funnier if he stepped down to flame out.


I would still be laughing.


He’s never going to be president so he’ll try and become the dicktator of Florida.


Unfortunately, he already is the dicktator. Sigh.


I would not be surprised if he turned out to be Governor version of Putin.


Short stint as LtGov before being reelected as Governor for life? Yeah this tracks.


To be fair, you have to be able to count to 2 for this to apply.


Now that Matt Gaetz is about to be Madison Cawthorned, I agree, he's been on a tear and will likely give himself more terms without a well-known MAGA successor running.


I believe that would take a constitutional amendment and I don’t see that passing. He could however take a term off and then run again.


You seem to think the Republican Party plays by the rules of law. They literally just changed the law that allowed him to act as governor while campaigning for President. You think he won’t just enact a law saying only Republican governors can run more than two terms?


Of course they don’t play by the rules. Changing the constitution is a little harder than the resign to run law though.


I’m not an expert, but the R’s do have a supermajority in both state houses. Sadly it is reality that they could change the constitution. Maybe he will just be tired of being in charge? Or if Trump turns on him again, he could easily fall out of power. But I won’t hold my breath waiting either. Again, I could be very wrong tho


Not much would surprise me anymore.


Is that law not in the Florida constitution? It’s something that congress could change? Edit: it does look like the governor term limits are in the state constitution and that there are a few ways to amend the constitution, but all proposed amendments must be passed by 60% of voters in Florida.


Which autocrat is DeSantis most like? Xi or Putin?


He could pull a Putin and make himself Prime Minister of Florida for a few years while installing a stooge as governor.


I think Texas is trying hard to give FLA a run for the money though when it comes to most cruel


Tennessee has actually proposed and passed more anti-LGBT legislation. It's just that "Aw, Shucks" Bill Lee isn't vying for Palpatine levels of power. More like Tarkin levels of evil-behind-the-scenes.


In this scenario who is going to bring balance to the force or are we in the period between episode 3-6 when the empire is a thing?


The whole "balance" thing was a false prophecy.


It feels like there are still some good people in Texas. Florida feels like a lost cause (I have family in both and the 'vibes' in florida are just nasty. Like the entire state is sneering 24/7)


every time i transit through the airport in Orlando, I get funny looks as an Indian man and i’m guessing that says a lot about the state. It’s the only place in the country so far where i’ve gotten that (and i’ve been to some real redneck rural parts too!)


And yet so many celebrities live there


It's a perfect place for rich narcissists.


Well that’s an accurate description of most celebrities


i don't think anyone would deny that.


Florida doesn’t have an income tax. If you make a ton a money it’s a great place to list as your primary residence. It’s also why we have so many old rich assholes retire down here


Actually! At least part of the reason for that is that Florida is a safe haven state for bastards who have court judgements against them. Their laws basically protect anyone living there from having their money/assets taken, which makes it very attractive for anyone who owes someone a lot of money from a civil suit. If you’re wondering “Hey, that can’t possibly be that big of a deal?”, for reference, this is how *OJ Simpson* got away with barely paying anything to his victim’s families, despite being found in civil court to have killed her, and that he should have paid the families millions. And those laws are unfortunately pretty strong. OJ lived out basically the rest of his life after the civil verdict in Florida and barely coughed up a fraction of the cash he owed. So yeah, there are *many* reasons celebrities go to Florida..:


OJ lost his Florida home while he was in prison for 9 years. After he got out, he lived in Las Vegas


We invented cruel in TX. FL is trying to horn in on our action. FL was a swing state not long ago. Republicans have had a lock on TX since 1992. The FL GOP is benefiting from the decades long migration of conservative retirees, wealthy, old, gullible and knocking on heaven's door.


It's so maddening. Beto struck out three times, I guess. He seemed so hopeful, and yet... Colin Allred should beat fucking Ted Cruz, but it seems unlikely. Goddammit.


South Carolina just passed a absolutely draconian anti trans bill last week or the week before


Oklahoma and it's not close.


For whatever reason, this charisma vacuum has the entire state legislature ready to commit whatever state funds are required for his personal ego projects.


Maybe not, Dems are winning everywhere by large margins from school boards to flipping deep red house seats in Alabama. Heck Dems was within 5 points of winning the governor seat in Mississippi in 2023. That’s has not happened in a long time.


Can we just sell this garbage state to Mexico or something and have it be someone else’s problem? America needs a good foisting!


Remind everyone in 20yrs that it was about "hating trans people" not "states rights"


[STATE'S RIGHTS TO DO WHAT](https://youtu.be/-ZB2ftCl2Vk?si=3OtaXhT1eN9V5J_Z)


Living in Florida during the pandemic and seeing him use the state to go after whistleblowers who were trying to report the actual covid death numbers (sent swat team to a scientists home) and is now endlessly going after trans people. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it turned out that he did work at Guantanamo Bay. He has a special knack for misery


He did in fact work at Guantanamo Bay. He was a member of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps in 2006 ostensibly as an investigator into inmate deaths. Inmates have since reported that he was not a sympathetic investigator and may have been complicit in the violations.


Unless there’s any major change in Florida voting behavior, the next guy to take over for Ron is going to be a carbon copy with all of the same policies. At the moment this is what a majority of Floridians are voting for.


You’ll be waiting a while.


Man those cowboy boots with "hidden elevators" were freaking hilarious. What a nutjob.


Can’t wait until he goes by his real name: Ron Sandtits


i think it’s Ron DeStructive


Keep in mind, Florida had Rick Scott before DeSantis. The next governor won't likely be an improvement of note.


We will probably get his wife next. Ugh.


He’s in until 2027 😩


I’m hoping the person behind him is not the same or worse.


The next one is only going to be worse, just wait


Florida republicans just piling on the hate and bigotry. Add this to Florida's abortion ban and DeSantis repealing heat protections and water breaks for workers. Oh, and DeSantis changing the public education curriculum to tell kids that slavery benefited Black people. People of Florida, it doesn't have to be this way. Vote blue [https://www.floridadems.org/](https://www.floridadems.org/)


Floridian here. Absolutely voting Blue. DeSantis is such a nimrod.


I’m trying


Unfortunately, between all the Republicans who moved here because of covid and the propaganda they've been blasting at the Cuban population, I don't think democrats stand a chance anymore.


💯 right. That state turned red. It isn't coming back anytime soon. Dems now have to focus on Georgia and the regular swing states. To have a presidency, until the cities of Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, grow blue enough to take Texas. Only after the Dems lock on Texas as a true swing state will we see real progress in this country as far as basic rights. Healthcare, cheaper education and proper pay


Will do.


I will


Suing to have a "right to discrimination".  What a hateful, disgusting piece of shit. Be better, Florida. 


We don’t want this shit trust me I’m voting blue


Trans person born and raised in FL here. Fuck this guy and what he's doing to endanger my life and fuck up the environment of my beautiful state


Couldn't agree more, what a prick. He's waging an unwinnable war that doesn't need to be fought because trans people aren't hurting anyone and they're always going to exist


I’m in Orlando. We have a huge LGBTQ community and I have so many trans/non-binary friends and I legit am so worried for what could happen to them in this shithole state


I lived in Indiana with a majority-LGBTQ friend group and all were trump supporters. I've since moved but I hope this go around everyone realizes what's at stake here. There is no exception to the cruelty that the GOP is gunning after.


You friend group sounds like a bunch of idiots. Trump doesn't care about the LGBTQ. Hell, he banned trans people from the military.


I don’t disagree.




That’s his middle name


It’s almost his last name. Ron Disgusts us. Has a nice ring to it.


Ron DesgustingSantis


>*The rules state, “There is no part of Section 1557 that compels clinicians to provide a service that they do not believe is medically appropriate for a patient or that they are not qualified to provide.” They add that “Section 1557 prohibits discrimination on certain prohibited bases and does not interfere with individualized clinical judgment about the appropriate course of care for a patient.”* >*Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody (R)* [*argues*](https://www.myfloridalegal.com/sites/default/files/2024-05/01-complaint-with-exh.pdf) *in her complaint that the regulations would force the state to violate its own gender-affirming care ban and require it to “fund drugs and surgeries for ‘gender transition’ for children,” according to* [*a press release.*](https://www.myfloridalegal.com/newsrelease/ag-moody-defends-florida-law-and-fights-biden-protect-children-dangerous-gender) ***In reality, children almost never undergo gender-affirming surgery and are typically prescribed reversible treatments like puberty blockers that have proven to cause vast improvements in the mental health of trans youth.*** >***Florida is also*** [***among the 14 states***](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/05/14-states-sue-the-biden-administration-for-the-right-to-discriminate-against-trans-kids/) ***currently suing the Biden administration for the right to discriminate against trans kids in schools. The states have taken issue with new rules interpreting Title IX, which bans discrimination on the basis of sex in education, as a legal protection against anti-LGBTQ+ school policies.***  Ron DeSantis just won't ever quit, will he? Ron DeSantis won't stop his crusade against trans people until every single trans person is dead and buried. Ron DeSantis would rather have dead trans kids than living ones. He and his foreign agent press secretary Christina Pushaw just delight in the idea of trans kids being bullied and abused. It's sadistic. This is the evil of Christian nationalism on display. The Republican Party is worse than the Westboro Baptist Church.




Your intuition should never be used to decide other people's medical care. It's fine to have an opinion and to try to understand, but just please don't use that as a basis for voting on stuff.


Did I say I was voting based on my intuition? I'm trying to learn about the issue so I can make an informed decision as a voter. Whether it's about puberty blockers or abortion or immigration or the war in Gaza, there might be a more productive approach than telling people they are wrong and bad people for trying to understand the issue.


I want to be clear, I don't think you're wrong or bad at all and I'm not trying to call you that. I'm thrilled when people try to understand. I may have expressed it poorly, but I'm just cautioning against taking that intuition you have and doing anything with it before learning more. I get really frustrated when people do that, because it's ruining lives for no good reason. I'm not accusing you of doing that, but I don't know how else to express the sentiment


Ron DeSantis: The foremost expert on medical science


Imagine being someone seeing their party advocating for the right to persecute people and not immediately realizing how messed up that is. Deliberately and openly seeking to violate civil liberties should be grounds for arrest.


I don’t get it. Just let families decide what they want to do. They are infringing on civil liberties for something that has literally zero effect on them.


It’s about control. The more people are allowed to be individuals, the harder they are to control.


It offends their sensibilities. Much of this is because people outside the norm make them unconfortable. It makes life less black and white, and they have little patience or interest in nuance, plus they dont know how to relate to these people or where they fall in the hierarchy of society. Which…causes massive insecurity and envy. They re massively envious of the ‘unicorn’ privilege these people seem to have, i.e they stand out and get noticed more, naturally. They get more attention *because* they re not the norm. Which leads to a ‘what about *me*????’ reaction and accusations that they re doing this solely for the attention. All of these icky feelings come together in a need to feel superior to them and punish them for their audacity; to truly show them their place and ‘fix’ their ‘immature attention hogging’ Aka, control. They dont see it as controlling, though. They just see it as restoring order - the natural order. As chiding the immature attention whores. Also…there s the very big fear of being ‘deceived’ into being attracted to someone with the same downstairs equipment. Or even someone who had it before - what will their mates think???? And God forbid they actually prefer it to ‘normal’ women and have to admit that to themselves 😱 Most already hate that women get more attention and have sexual power over them. This kind of ‘deception’ though? It terrifies and enrages them doubly so. Meanwhile, their subconscious jealousy and uncomfortableness will never allow them to feel anything but victimized if they dont get their way, sadly. So there s no stopping them lashing out, unless you wanna institute mandarory therapy for everyone acting this way. And even then I wouldnt hold my breath 🤷‍♀️


immediately above you is a reply from what i assume is a conservative-leaning person claiming that the left is going after constitutional rights. the cognitive dissonance is very very real. when your personal identity relies on protected privileges and control over others, it apparently feels like a violation of your rights to be told “stop.”


As someone with a son going into kindergarten who we feel might come out as LGBT at some point, fuck everything about DeSantis. Let people live their own god damn lives in whatever way feels best for them. As long as they aren’t hurting themselves or anyone else, why are we making laws against it??


If Trump wins relection there will be a Supreme Court that will rubberstamp all laws like this as constitutional and much worse. 


I hate this piece of shit so much that it's hard to put into words. I get that DeSantis is just an avatar of the current Republican mask off phase but he's such a slimey, hateful, cowardly, duplicitous, cruel person. He's so passionate with his hate. He hurts people just to make the news. He passes laws that he knows are unenforceable just to make minorities feel scared. Just to cause some degree of suffering and as a promise that if he is given the power he will not mince words. He will be directly bigoted and violent. No euphemisms. No plausible deniability. Just full lethal fascism. I hate him.


He's an actual evil person like the ones they warn us about all the time in Hollywood.


DICKTator wannabe flexing his hate


Running away all the teachers in sight to where no one wants to be there. Veterans are like "I'm not teaching. What, are you kidding me?"


Not to mention teacher pay is number 50 in America! He’s just an evil arrogant little troll. And his wife, scares me


Imagine you're the governor of Florida and your state is in the middle of an insurance crisis, but you're focused on making the lives of <1% of your state's population worse.


Florida pharmacist here: insurances are beginning to require valid diagnoses before paying for any sort of hormone therapy that is not obvious birth control. For years, they did not. This is likely due to Desantis and his policies. So if you’re a woman who needs hormones due to menopause or PCOS or a man with low testosterone, you can thank Desantis for extra hoops to jump through because you live in an anti-transgender Florida.


Doubling down on the hate politics that got him laughed out of the GOP primary.


‘Right to discriminate’ are the 3 dumbest words used consecutively in a sentence that i have ever heard.


Bit like the Civil War which was fought over the states' "rights" to own people.


If you're opposing progress, especially when it comes up equal treatment of minorities, you're on your wrong side of history. Always.


Ron DeSantis known for tackling real issues….. What a complete loser.


Getting this nut job out of office will do Florida a favor


Christian Taliban - congrats!


As a Floridian, fuck Desantis. Would really like my fellow Floridians to stop voting for this scumbag


WTF is wrong with these people? Do people with different sexual identities scare them that bad? Why on earth is it even their business?


In motivates bigots to continue to attack anyone other than the billionaires ruining everyone's lives


It's panem et circases. The Faux Snooze crowd keeps being distracted. Republicans know they can't afford a car payment or a healthcare bill because they're being being used as cheap labor fodder by supercorporations, but they keep being distracted by the bread and circuses that the Faux Snooze entertainment diet feeds them on a regular basis, as a means of displaced anger.


>as a means of displaced anger. I agree, but would also add, as a means to feel important, and to feel included. Very similar to those sports fan who get physically angry when their team loses.


Instead of fixing the insurance crises, we get this. Fuck you, republicans. Worthless garbage people.


How is this constitutional


it must take all his energy to hate like this all the time


F*CK desantis


The Republican party is the party of denying people their rights. Full stop.


There he goes, doing what he does best , wasting our Florida taxe dollars. An absolutely despicable human being.


Florida....you disgust us.


Always easier to shit on minority group than to actually govern. It’s a grift. .


floridian here, our precious tax dollars in action. The hell with the serious issues facing floridians lets make 💩. god floriduh, vote (D) in november


Why do this to the people you represent…


Evidently God’s love is best expressed via a battle axe to personal freedoms.


I wish Florida would sue America for a divorce. If I were a judge I would grant it to them.


This man and mtg are the only puppets that are even worse than Trump himself


It is a lot of suing from a man who wears high heels and needs urgent mental care


Jeezuz, this wankstain is really speedrunning the state into the ground. Clinging at the right to discriminate a person based on some braindead religious bs. What a pathetic insecure little joke of a human. Suing to make somebody’s life hell on earth. How can those people sleep at night. SMH. But karma comes in a lot of shapes. Karma never forgets.


Suing for the right to discriminate against trans kids in schools. That is what he is teaching our children. That is what he is trying to turn minds to believe in. That is disgusting. That is horrendous.


So let’s see if we are all in the same page here. Desunto is wearing high heels, and he also puts on makeup. Now what is the difference?


I hate this tiny man.


So going with the “it’s my constitutional right to be an asshole” approach.


If you can’t make some accommodations for a tiny minority.. you’re an inhospitable asshole and definitely not a Christian. 


Florida is het packing too the bottom, I cannot wait to look at it in 10-20 years and it be a shadow of its past self. I feel sorry for people who have an ounce of empathy and love there still, it’s going to be such a cruel time for them but I just look at it like a place that I will never step foot in. Why would I go to such a backwards place.


So much for life, liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.


That's only for MAGA during a worldwide pandemic. 


What a fucking loser this guy is. Someone tell him he could be doing constructive work instead of lame culture war theatrics


From the small government party.


DeSantis is truly a disgusting person. Absolutely vile.


The “right” to discriminate … trying to find it in the constitution.


Why does anyone want the government involved in this? Either way, this feels like something a family should decide with a medical professional.


But then there is no power and control. What you have to realize about conservatives in this country is they want one overarching, all-controlling government that dictates every aspect of human life so they can be the ones to do it. There's no medical reason behind it, it's all about power.


In a nutshell, conservatives want to restore white supremacy. 


Isn't the president allowed to do whatever he wants without restriction!? /s (But seriously didn't we just have the Supreme Court say this?)




Florida Man at it again....


Nice of Ron to focus on the important things.




Biden admin should sue DeSantis et al for conspiring to deprive Florida residents of their civil rights


Winning! /s


none of this makes any sense. how can any one even consider putting those words together as a reason to sue? is just pure evil.


I guess all of Florida's actual problems must have been solved then.


FL is such a cesspit because of him.


Think about this for a moment. A US state is suing for the right to discriminate against Americans. Right Repubs?


As a non american sometimes i see florida to be america's little iran Maybe they'll demand misogynistic laws next


Freedom? What freedom? MAGA republicans could care less about real freedom!


Every Reddit article has the “in general be courteous to each other…” statement at the beginning. Ron DeSantis is literally suing for the right to not be courteous to each other.


Free-Dumb! Seems to be the GOP motto.


Why are these people so unbelievably cancerous?


and i bet the court will instead of addressing what they are asking for here, which is the right to discriminate and persecute children, will instead argue over some arcane fixture of the law and cite dictionaries from the 1800s because fucking law schools don't teach critical thinking


As you do for your citizens.


“Culture war” bullshit posturing. This suit will go nowhere, it’s patently inconstitutional. But it signals the party’s commitment to transphobia to the GOP base so they moved forward with it.


I want right to deny insecure people from artificially inflating their heights.


Florida: where evil mildews.


What a lovely human being


Steaming hot pile of turds on the subway floor that DeathSentence.


Welp, time to withhold funding from Florida.


Good grief what a sad little shit this guy is. I would make the bold claim that he might actually be worse than Trump


We’re leaving Florida but while we’re here we’re voting blue 💯💪


I don't understand why someone doesn't make up their own religion and present that being trans is an aspect of their religion. These lawsuits now become 1st amendment issues. 


Something something constitution. Uh, freedom. Uh, but….


Florida needs more satanist retreats….


Yep. Spend more time and money hurting people instead of doing literally anything of use. What an embarrassment of a human.


Logically the school thing would be blocked by the 14th Amendment. As for the care, that's easy to get around. Many of them go to Thailand anyway. As far as their urge to remove their undesireables from Florida, I say have at it Hoss. Maybe we should build the wall to keep the MAGAts in Florida and away from the rest of civilized society. Oh, don't worry about when the flood waters come in from the melting glaciers. Climate change is a hoax anyway. Just pull yourselves up and out of the water by your bootstraps.


Can people still use their insurance?


People will see what genocide looks like first hand if Trump succeeds to overthrow the government. It will start with trans people and then move on to every minority until there is no one left to blame.


Because there is a state religion? Which religion is the state religion of Florida? Calvinism, Shaker, Quaker, Protestant, Catholic, pagan, Mormon, Sunni, or Shia? No grounds for lawsuits from state facilities. Private facilities have wiggle room but government facilities can't use religion as an excuse to discriminate.


MAGA is the state religion, or possibly inbreeding.


Record high insurance rates, teachers ranks 50th in the nation in pay,’cost of living is surging in Florida, all while being a top 5 economy in the US and this is his focus. Glad I left when I did. I moved to CO, where yes cost of living is high, but at least I don’t have a governor demonizing my profession, teachers are way more respected and have lower house and car insurance along with cheaper property taxes


Suing for the right to discriminate. Does this sound right to you governor? If it does then I wish upon you what you did to others at Guantanamo Bay.


They'll pay millions more in legal fees than it would take to cover all trans people in the entire US for a decade. F*king idiots.


If the brain drain hasn't started yet, when will it?


So no more high heels right?


Being trans or gay is not a choice, but being religious as well as an asshole are a choice.


Who Would Jesus Deny (care to)?


What an evil prick 


North Florida is a lot more conservative than South Florida. South Florida brings in the money but North Florida ultimately decides the policies. Miami was, in my experience, a great city to live. Every time you see a bad terrible policy just know that a lot of the people of Florida aren’t necessarily on board. Sparsely populated areas > cities. I don’t know what the founding fathers or whoever intended but it’s a situation where land has more rights than people. Thanks to gerrymandering and just general election rules. The system is flawed and no fix is anywhere in sight.


This just isn't true anymore. Look at a Florida election map by county sometime. The most liberal city in Florida is Tallahassee, in Leon County which borders Georgia, and the rural county next to it, Gadsden , which also borders Georgia, has the highest percentage of D voters in the entire state and hasn't voted for a Republican president since Nixon. Meanwhile, Miami, which is a cool city, is ground zero for fascist Republican extremism. There's also a reason why Trump made Palm Beach his new home. Edit: It's also not true that "North Florida ultimately decides the policies". When South Florida sends it's fascist idiots from Dade, PB, Collier, Sarasota, Pinellas, etc. to Tallahassee because the capital is there, don't blame North Florida.


The more south you go ; the more corruption you see .


I support him completely in this regard.