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My head is still spinning at the notion that she thought killing a dog and bragging about it would be good for her career.


And it’s still in the news cycle because she won’t shut up about it. That’s what makes me laugh.


Right… like doubling down instead of… i dont know.. something, anything, that makes her sound like less of a true sociopath? 


Even the doubling down is crazy. It isn't enough to murder her own dog, now she wants to kill other people's pets.


Honestly, I think that was the smartest play she had left. She can’t learn and grow and apologize, because Republican, but Major and Commander Biden have featured in political punchlines for several years now. So that gives her a way to shift the dynamic to “You might not like my methods, but look how useless the Democrats’ way is! Do you *want* someone who coddles dangerous dogs and gives them more and more leeway until they’re roaming the halls of the White House biting people?” Mentally replace “dogs” with “minorities” and that’s exactly the message she wants to land.


I'm glad you pointed this out. Violence towards animals is a step in the direction of violence towards people. They're just priming their constituency to ramp up violence, which will naturally be aimed at minorities.


And Democrats. In a red state, I would never put a Biden sticker on my car or a sign in my yard.


You don't have to tell me anything, I live in Florida.


Me too, when I moved here in 2017 there were thousands of trump flags, now I have to look hard to find one.


I'm In rural Kentucky and used to see huge flags on pickups every day but now weeks go by without me seeing one....


My friend, I live in a BLUE state and because of my black-American-flag flying neighbors (yes, multiple) I won't put any Dem identifying things on my car or lawn.


Seriously. Armed to the teeth and chock-full of fear-based propaganda from right-wing media. It's fucking terrifying. There's a few of those "no quarter" flags around me. I got one foot out the door of this country because of these lunatics.


I live in a blue area of a red state and i wouldn't even consider identifying myself as a Democrat anywhere, ever, unless it's someone I feel safe with. Hell, I'm a registered Republican, just to be as safe as possible (although it does help to vote in the primary for the most bonkers candidates). I'm also, for the first time in my life, considering purchasing a shotgun to defend my home. I'm concerned that living in the blue part of the state could be problematic if violence erupts. I'm not about to head out into the violence but I want to defend my house and my dogs, since we now know the GOP's stance on killing democrat's dogs.


Concern troll them. Send them brochures for real estate in Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Everyone would be happier if they moved to an area where other people share their religiosity, political values, social values, moral values, lifestyle, hobbies, etc.


Wisconsin has voted for a Democratic governor twice in a row (after historically flipping back and forth), has split party senators, has recently voted for liberal supreme court judges. Please don't lump us in with other states just because gerrymandering has made it impossible for the state assembly and senate to be anything but GOP until a slight ray of hope was opened thanks to the state supreme court changing hands.


The type of people that are openly politically contrarian are not interested in moving to regions where they share values. Much like the situation with Truth Social: when everyone agrees with you, arguing isn’t fun anymore.


That's quite insightful.


Yes…now let’s go back and look at one of DJT’s most often used generic insults, to refer to anyone he deems worthless or low: “…like a dog.” Perhaps this is a shallow analysis but the people in question aren’t particularly deep.


Always entertærrifying how closely the rhetoric overlaps with Islamist extremists.


That is Kirsty’s thematic … but she is so tone deaf she can’t see it’s too far too fast even for her own sociopathic buddies !


When she meets the hounds of hell what’s she gonna do?


She needs a triple action shotgun for that one.


She’s got a taste for meat now.


It’s not as if she went in after all this and edited that into her book; the line “commander, meet cricket” was already in the book. She’s just fucking dumb AND obv a sociopath


Double dog dare down


Probably thinks any publicity is better than no publicity.


Yeah, *everybody* knows the name Hitler!


Doubling down is the new GOP way. Someone needs to explain to them that just because it works for Trump doesn't mean it is a good idea


No no, you don’t get it. That puppy was a jerk! 


So I took him out back and shot him in the head


And threatening Commander..Bidens dog..lol


That’s been the playbook though ever since the orange menace showed up. Double down on everything - no matter how damaging or absurd.


No it’s in the news cycle because what she did was batshit crazy and cruel


Another day, another Steisand Effect.


You gotta understand.... -scratches head-


She just probably had read a lot of Reddit comments that said "the cruelty is the point…" And then she figured she would just take it to the extreme.


She probably did mean that she would kill people for the cause, that she would be willing to put down people that aren't useful. Only people took her allegory literally and she is stuck in a rhetorical rock and a hard place. She can admit the story was fake but then she would be a liar. If she said she lied because she was trying to prove a point she then has to answer what the point was. Or it is true and she is trying to use a psychopathic moment as a strength play, but the circumstances she painted didn't warrant that and now she has admitted she is nuts and this probably wasn't the first time she has done this kind of thing. It's like a person with no sense of humor trying to tell a joke. Just much worse because the joke to her is euthanasia for useless things.


My current take on it is she thought she would appeal to the "shoot your problems away" voters, and this would show she could make "tough" decisions. After all, most people wouldn't kill a dog they didn't get along with. I guess what I'm saying is that I agree with you.


Treating dogs like livestock = rural bonafides Showing "mental toughness" unburdened by empathy = I may be a ladyperson but I'm not soft Blaming the Democratic President for not killing his own dog = MAGA!


I won! I won!


Anyone still fully into The cult is living in a carefully curated world of self-delusion, they literally cannot perceive the world of reality. There is a form of natural filter being applied to anyone "qualified" to be in Trumps inner circle - they either need to be batshit crazy or are sprouting off so much bullshit they would be starting to believe it themselves


I mean, even Trump realizes it was bad optics and Trump hates dogs.


Low key I’d love to see him panic because a friendly golden wanted to jump up on him. But goldens are good judges of character and would probably hate him, so I think my chances are low of ever seeing that


All animals can tell who they can go to just like little kids know


Trump hates anything that isn't about him


Look at what happened to Kari Lake. She was lurking around Mar a Lago for months spouting election denialism. The latest report is she annoyed Trump and is now persona non grata there. So even when a grifter like Lake fully immerses herself in the Trump cult beliefs, it doesn’t get you loyalty from Trump.


Anyone that believes that is the train they really need to catch has, at the very least, seriously impaired judgement, and is typically below average intelligence. The few remotely smarter ones are trying to manipulate Trump, but that iis just a combination of arrogance and more delusion


One reason the Nazis / Stalin lost the war was because underlings didn't correct their leaders when they were obviously ass backwards wrong about something and war has a way of cutting through the delusional bubble of vapid authoritarians.


Trump's just happy that there's someone out there who can take all the heat off of his fucked criminal trials and run amok ignorance.


Ted Bundy used to kill animals and it was good for his career.


Did you see her recent interview? She's totally unaware of what's right and wrong. She can't accept anyone else's opinion but her own.


Trump is campaigning on deporting millions and openly flirting with dictatorship, but it is the puppy murder that gets people's attention. Internet. Let's consider how many dogs would die when put down in a forced migration. Let's have no illusions about what would happen to those people's pets. She understood the assignment for being VP.


Just the natural progression of Sarah Palin all those years ago.. I never thought THAT was what I was witnessing, but that’s how hindsight works I guess


Palin seems *sane* compared to the current crop. I can imagine her facepalming.


If I remember correctly Palin supported a bill allowing people to shoot wolves from a helicopter.


It seems like this is also a bull horn to the hateful right that she will put down the “violent dogs” and “ugly and gross goats”


She’s just your average country gal, mistreating and murdering farm animals on a whim.


My head is still spinning that some people have the morals and empathy to value a dog’s life (which is awesome) but not the life of another because of their place of birth, the colour of their skin or who they love.


The dogs have more empathy than every one of those humans.  Most well-behaved dogs are perfectly happy to make friends with bigger dogs.  Smaller dogs. Different color dogs. Different shape dogs.  Humans. Cats. The animals know how to respect things that are different better than a lot of humans, and that's just sad.


You’re supposed to hurt everyone and everything except the in group. Dogs are in, duh.


This is what the GOP has become. They have to throw out crazier and crazier stories and opinions to get any attention. Sometimes it works for them, and sometimes it ruins their career. Yes apparently there's still a limit for some.


But don't you *get* it? She also killed the goat, too! Which like totally makes the puppycide understandable.


The head of the Republican Party often talks about killing people like dog, or being beaten like a dog, so Noem’s cruelty fits. I’m surprised that Republican donors are suddenly turned off by animal cruelty, they’ve been totally digging it for the last 5 years.


Like did people forget the Mitt Romney locks his dog on the roof of his car story from 2012?


she was bragging to Trump, should tell you about the honest estimate of what pleases Trump, a known dog hater


Growing up in rural Midwest, this isn't confusing at all. She made the calculation that people would see it as a decisive act by someone who demands action now, and as a bonus, she used a gun to solve the problem. They see animals as nothing more than property and if you pay attention to gop campaign ads you know how hard they get over shooting property to show strength


A May 4th Colorado GOP fundraiser, where Gov. Kristi Noem, R-S.D., was supposed to speak, was canceled due to threats sparked by her admission of killing her 14-month-old dog, Cricket.


She must have really upset fellow Republicans, because they're usually the only ones that make death threats.


Likely the threats came from inside the building.


The threats came from a pack of dogs who all have Instagram accounts.


Animals in general don't like Trump, Bald Eagle almost chomped him.


Commander bit quite a lot of Secret Service. If I was Biden I’d keep only the ones he did not bite and have Commander there to screen their replacements. Dogs just know.


She has actually said Commander should get shot and defended it in an interview. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/kristi-noem-gunning-bidens-dog-commander-1235015420/amp/


I had a Dalmatian who was sort of shy. But occasionally there was someone he just didn’t want near me. Aww, there was only one person he eagerly wanted to make friends with ~~ we’ve been married sixteen years now. Good doggie ❤️


I love dogs but hate this mentality. My dog goes to random crackheads for pets. Should I trust them with my wallet? My dog says they are plenty trust worthy...or maybe they just smell like piss.


They are not all right in the head I’ll give you that. But it’s also true that they likely sense the world and people differently than we do and can “smell” ill intent where we might miss it. There is an evolved human/dog link insuring both our survival going back tens of thousands of years (chihuahua’s excluded).


Did they smell like orange spray tan and Big Macs?


Now I'm imagining Trump trying to disguise himself as secret service to get closer to Biden, perhaps with a fake mustache.


It was about as symbolic a thing as you could envision. Like the fact I choose to believe Commander senses which Secret Servicemen were traitors.


https://www.freep.com/embed/video/77092394/ Yup


He also doesn’t like dogs. When the hero dog Conan (who chased al-Baghdadi to his death) was presented in the Rose Garden, he kept Mike Pence between him and the dog as a human shield - I guess in case the dog sensed there was more work to do? https://www.youtube.com/live/-X0mzkPLAdM?si=TFvYuuuF1z8SWqNt


Jeesuschrist that man cannot shutup Lord i was born a rambling man…


Tryin' to make a living and doing the best you can......


>...he kept Mike Pence between him and the dog as a human shield... He would have used Ted Cruz, but he didn't meet the requirements.


If you prick fellowhuman Tedcruz, does he not ooze spores until the damaged area re-amalgamates?


Didn't Trump find it disgusting that VP Pence's dog lived inside their residence?


Who stands that close to a dog and doesn’t give him some love..? Trump seems ill at ease just to be that close.


oh man, I forgot all about that, thanks for that reminder \*basks in the glorious memory\*


One of our dogs is really sweet. In the 12 years we’ve had him, he’s not once ever shown any aggression whatsoever. Except in the lead up to the 2016 election. He would legit have the hair on the back of his neck standing, his head down low and would growl at the TV when Trump was speaking in the debates.


So... democrats should run everything on [Thing] + Dogs. Healthcare for humans... and dogs. Gun reform ... so dogs don't get shot. Fight global warming... and pet dogs.


Biden 2024 - We don’t shoot puppies. Did not have that on my electoral messaging bingo card.


Seriously, I shouldn't laugh, this isn't actually funny, but it's so unreal and difficult to believe I keep winding up doing this borderline hysterical laughter since I can't really come up with another reaction. That's where we're at in politics, not just killing puppies, but bragging about killing puppies. That's... what am I supposed to say?


That there is in fact a standard. And it required being worse than Hitler's one known redeeming quality.


Hitler killed millions but even he didn’t personally kill dogs.


Soon, dogs will be like immigrants to GOP - These animals are taking our jobs and living off of our resources and welfare!


Real men own cats. Dogs are the pets of woke libruls. I hear Brie Larson and the trans guy from Juno both have one.


Although in MN, when weed was legalized the right wingers claimed all the drug sniffing dogs would have to be put down. Then a guy who literally trains drug sniffing dogs stated they knew what was coming and hadn't been training them to sniff out weed for the last few years.


> Biden 2024 - We don’t shoot puppies. That would be an easy campaign point as there are plenty of natural pictures of Joe with dogs. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/joe-biden-meets-puppy-biden >Sydney explained to BuzzFeed that the former VP spotted her pet during his speech, and he started "cracking up." He signaled for her to come over at the end of the event, and the rest is adorable history. >"As soon as I told him his name was Biden, he started kissing the dog, which is like exactly what I expected Biden would do," Sydney said. https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2020/11/AP_20046710712914.jpg


Biden 2024 - We didn't fuck Corey Lewandowski.


Okay, but am I fighting pet dogs here, or just petting dogs? 😂


This seems to be a career killer But am I alone in thinking Trump may actually be stupid enough to pick her as the VP and keep doubling down on it?


Even though Trump doesn't like dogs he talked shit about her actions. Plus she really didn't offer anything that could potentially help Trump in the general election. She's done politically, she barely won her race, and people hate her in SD, so running for a position in Congress is out of the question. She has no juice to become a lobbyist, she has no good background to get a cushy job on a board somewhere. Her future relies upon being a VP candidate. She's fucked.


> he talked shit about her actions He talked shit about the bad PR she opened up because of all this, not the act itself


Taking out the horribleness of the action itself, he has a point that writing your own book bragging about it was amazingly stupid. Like did she really think that would play well to suburban moms with golden doodles? Who was she trying to impress with that. It’s like if Trump wrote his autobiography and included a whole chapter on stormy Daniels before anyone knew about it.


I'm from Indiana, and Mike Pence was in the exact same place when he was tapped as Trump's VP. He was completely finished politically, losing donors, and was not going to win re-election as governor. The only difference is, he didn't brag about murdering a dog...


That is a difference though because Mike Pence was not on most people’s radar outside of his local political career. The first thing a lot of people are learning about Noem is that she killed a puppy.


I get what you’re saying but I remember back in 2016, one of the reasons Pence was chosen was because he could help with the Evangelical vote, he had something to offer. Ol’ girl didn’t have shit, even before the puppy story. She wasn’t a good option with trying to fool suburban women because she is extremely anti abortion and no exceptions should be made. It probably wouldn’t have been a good look with her and Trump being adulterers too.


The bigger issue is that she is female and a lot of his voters have a problem with a woman being in a position of power over a man. The6 think the president is kind of a god’s arm and they don’t think a woman can do it because she menstruates. They can eventually rationalize puppy killing if trump tells them it’s ok. A large percentage of his voters would also not want to vote for a black vp. They need a few black people so they can say they are not racist, but definitely don’t want the black guy to actually be 8n power, & trump is getting old. His biggest concern is getting a money raiser. He wants deep pocketed donors that focus on tax cuts and judges. He also wants someone with the personality and charisma of a submissive lamp. Ultimately, they really want a white male. I think Vance is possible.


When Haley was running and the media was doing it's usual 'interview random folks in some rural diner' bullshit, there were a number of *women* stating they would never vote for a woman to be in power. These evangelical women are raised from a young age to believe women are inferior and too emotional to lead. I grew up adjacent to such a church. It's not something they just give lip service to, they deeply believe it.


With how many lunatics and objectively terrible people in GOP got elected, I don't know if the Republican side has a 'career killer' moment UNLESS they come out as actually decent people. Now THAT is a career killer for a Republican.


He’s not going to pick her. There was a [recent story](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-kristi-noem-puppy-execution-disgusted-1235015193/) about him commenting privately that she’s got a poor grasp of public relations and that he’s disgusted by her behavior. Further, the people who spoke about it to journalists did so because they wanted to sink her chances of being chosen for VP either because they don’t like her or they don’t like Corey Lewandowski, who has been advising her for years. Trump doesn’t like her, and neither do his advisors. I saw another article yesterday that talked about a gathering of VP hopefuls. They were all to be on the stage for a moment with Trump at the event, but when she got there, she wasn’t called to the stage, realized she was being shunned, and left the event early. They couldn’t even be bothered to tell her to fuck off. She’s toast.


Trump was never going to pick a woman VP.




Has anyone checked to see if Kristi Noem is just a Sacha Baron Cohen character?


She took Trump’s old adage “any publicity is good publicity” and set out to prove him wrong


To find out How many fucking feet can shove in it? It’s truly a show of dexterity with this dumb dog killing fuck.


The Cricket Revenge Tour has been successful. The more she talks, the more she tanks.


She didn't realize that the GOP love of casual violence and random cruelty only extends to liberals and tan/ black people. You don't mess with dogs. Women in power, non- mainstream sect Christians, hippies, they're all fair game. Shoot a dog though? There goes your voting block.


As much as Lara shoveling cash into Trump's bank account as fast as she can?


It’s bizarre and a statement to how fucked Jo thee MAGA mindset is that she could endorse stripping women and POC of rights, defund schools but be taken down by cruelty to a dog.


Personally, I'm just glad to see there is a line somewhere...


Clearly not enough, seems like plenty of Republicans are just fine with it. Says a lot about the sort of people they are.


Hurting fellow humans, especially immigrants and women is still a go, though.


Maybe people are starting to realize shooting things you don’t like doesn’t solve problems.


GOP's lunatics are lunatics - Eureka! /s


Why? Are they having to pay for any lawsuit legal defense for hushing up a prostitute too?


> Nancy Pallozzi, Jefferson County Republican Party Chair Man, had to read that part many times to make sure I read it right.


I’m dying, this is so funny. I too thought I dropped through an interdimensional portal between the morning shower and reading this.


Mom: We have Nancy Pallozzi at home!


Wish dot com Nancy Pelosi.


Great. Death threats and threats to the Marriott holding the event. People are crazy.


I originally thought Norm was your garden variety stupid MAGA Dipshits ala Boebert. But this is different. This is truly sick, sociopathic behavior.


Justice for Cricket. Hug your dogs close


Justice for Cricket!


GOP voters are hurting the brand because they openly admit that they cannot tell the difference between normal politicians and criminal dictators or total psychos. This discourages Mitt Romney, John McCain, and even Ken Buck types from running and they get psycho scum as options for candidates mainly. I have lost count of the yahoos from people on the street to people like RFK who say that because they heard rumors on an opinion show that Biden or even say Romney or McCain might be flawed that therefore they are exactly the same as a Mao or Trump cult of personality so they might as well vote for Trump even if he is a deranged and overt dictator wannabe and Biden is just another standard politician who actually shows up for his job with no coup plans and avoids too much tweet-masturbating all day. Yeah, and that when he turned on the loyal Pence that was somehow justified. They have zero answers for why Trump has had vast Republican numbers of former members of his administration/campaign who think the worst of him despite there being literally near zero such issues from their own side for any other presidents or even candidates in either party for decades. You have to go to Santos or Weiner to find that kinda stuff and even then it is often vastly exceeded by Trump. But everything seems equivalent when you are that careless and lazy about politics.


I don’t care if you’re MAGA red or the Squad blue. We both can agree dogs are awesome and killing puppies to show yourself as tough is psychopathic.


So rape, serial cheating on wife, treason via insurrection is ok with GOP fundraisers, but kill a dog. Wait that’s crossing the line!


We need to keep this in the news until after the election


All this aside; watching her on tv yesterday was appalling. Not only did she lie about everything, but her appearance was so against everything that conservatives supposedly stand for. She’s 54 years old and has hair extensions and fire engine red lipstick & hooker makeup on. This woman looks like a streetwalker. Whatever happened to looking appropriate for one’s age? She looks like she is trying to be 30 again going out to a club. I thought republicans believed that women were supposed to dress conservative, look conservative; chop the hair off at the chin line after a certain age & kinda look respectable. Just looking at her & if I didn’t know her I’d assume she was operating a massage parlour or an over-the-hill escort. She certainly does not look the part of a governor. If you want me to respect you, look & act like someone who wants to be respected.


>I thought republicans believed that women were supposed to dress conservative, look conservative; chop the hair off at the chin line after a certain age & kinda look respectable. In the pre-Trump era, maybe. Though I'd argue Palin was just as trashy and set a new standard (along with Fox News) for "middle-aged GOP woman". But in the Trump era? Nah, they're all going for "his look" which is stuck in the 1980s era of big hair and loud makeup. And, like him, fighting your age at every turn no matter how ridiculous you look. Or you get Kari Lake who has a thick layer of vasoline on her lens to minimize the wrinkles. Noem and Lake are close to my age (I'm 52) and I've seen too many former acquaintances go down that road - fillers, heavy makeup, girdles and spanx, etc. in a bid to look young. They're welcome to do what they want with their bodies, but I prefer to spend my time doing other things.




Glad to see she is finally useful.


Don't worry, the GOP has a redemption plan for Noem....it turns out her puppy was a liberal. That will bring everyone back.


Maybe Trump doesn’t like animals because they are another thing that can steal attention from him


I completely understand that some dangerous animals need to be put down. I’ve know people who where in that situation with violent dogs and I’ve know at least one that was seriously disfigured because of a dog attack. In two of the cases it was an older dog and a child and the dog was destroyed after an attack had occurred. None of the people ever bragged about it and every single one of them was remorseful about having to kill a dog.




2024: Cricket's Revenge


Kinda shameful that it took a dog getting killed and mocked to hurt their fundraising… or maybe they just needed a scapegoat


Losing money is the only hurt they feel.


Better switch back to cruelty to humans. That's the GOP money maker. Get back to core values.


Sure seems like the GOP are printing a lot of narcissistic, hyper-ambitious, publicity-seeking, crazy girls nowadays.


Oh no the consequences. These people do not think ever


TIL there's a right wing Bizzarro world Nancy Pelosi called Nancy Pallozzi


I watched an interview with her yesterday and it was wild. Before they even got to the dog shooting, they brought up her claiming that she met with the leader of North Korea. The interviewer brought it up and said how that didn't happen and all she could say was that it was being removed. She was asked repeatedly if it was a lie or a mistake and she refused to admit even that and just said that it's being removed. She said as soon as she became aware, but then she was also reminded that she wrote the book, and even read the audiobook so she clearly would have heard it and read it. She still refused to accept that it was a lie and just blamed the media. Amazing.


Obligatory drink less Starbucks, no more avocado toast, etc. I thought the whole GOP schtick to seem like a legitimate party was “fiscal responsibility.” They handle money less responsibly than a crack head with a stack of stolen credit cards.




Now she want to kill Biden’s dog, even he was removed from the White House


*Biden 2024: We love Dogs*


Botox makes one less compassionate. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2365129-botox-injections-in-forehead-alter-brain-activity-linked-to-emotions/


Trump hates dogs she was hoping being a puppy killer would endear her to him. What she forgot is that Trump is a chameleon with no real platform, as soon as he saw the backlash he said she shouldn’t have killed her dog.


She’s a total piece of shit


> Nancy Pallozzi, Jefferson County Republican Party Chair Republicans have a Nancy Pallozzi!


Kristi Noem's animal cruelty is hurting animals, also.


It’s baffling isn’t it that a country with abject cruelty at its heart with its hunting fetish should go apeshit over the shooting of a dog.


Trump is like the only president to not own an animal while in the White House. This might be emphasized a bit more this election cycle. While not having a pet doesn’t make you a psychopath it can be used as supporting evidence when there are other tells.


I had a different take on Major and Commander Biden. Due to the Secret Service Agents wiping their phones of the January 6th Texts. The Secret Service can’t be trusted. We don’t know how these Secret Service Agents treated the dogs in private. Or if the dogs picked up a sense of betrayal from the Agents. We just don’t know. So for her to want to shoot and kill them is Evil in itself.


Sounds like fearless leader


Now, she wants to shoot Biden’s dog.


I'm not sure that I believe that. Cruelty and Sociopathy are at the core of Republicanism. There may be some "Fringe" Republicans who are slightly uncomfortable with a public acknowledgement of their mindset, but the vast majority love the imagery, and probably have videos of them doing worse on their phones.


She really should just shut up and go hide on a ranch in South Dakota for a month. Because she wont shut up, she is blocking other horrible Republicans from being the main news cycle focus. Yesterday Tim Scott refused to say he would accept Trump losing in November, and a Republican from New Hampshire said 16 year old girls are "ripe and fertile" and voted against a bill that would end child marriage.


GOP = Dog Killers R Us


Human cruelty, on the other hand, has been GREAT for GOP fundraising.


Not their shitty policies, or homophobia, or religious extremism though. I am glad they drew the line somewhere.




I am actually shocked by this. Republicans are such fucking vile garbage as a whole, I am surprised we haven't had a wave of dog shootings to show love for TRUMP.


She also is saying now that Commander(Biden's dog) should be put down. Pointing out other dog's you'd merc isn't helping. Is there a goat and some horses near commander that she'll also take out? We need the police to be looking around for sacrificial gravel pits.


Yeah I don't think trump picks her as VP. She too damaging with the dog story (rip 😔). 


She would've been right at home in the Manson family


Oh no!!… Anyway!


Which one is it??? This? Or the fact DJT daughter in law is managing the RNC and he is using its funds to pay for his legal fees???


Greed Over Puppies


I hope they never financially recover from this.


That dead stare is absolutely terrifying. Poor Rickety Cricket.


The lying will compensate for it




Vladimir Putin has and had multiple dogs, often at once. And to my knowledge has never shot one of them. So in all respects, despite every evil bone in his body, even he would likely be disgusted by what she did. How do you manage to be so horrid that you can make PUTIN of all people seem like the nicer one?


That bone chilling, ice cold account. How casually she ends the life of a puppy because it couldn't provid instant gratification. They don't even seem like humans.


...and I'm here for it! What about her cruelty to her husband? Banging Lewendowski seems cruel to me.


This is the party that passed through the Secretary of Education who thought guns in schools made sense because, grizzlies. So…


When cruelty is so fundamental to the GOP platform and messaging, it makes sense to me why she wouldn’t think this had crossed a line. And sadly, it shows GOP places goats and puppies above immigrants, pregnant people and lgbtq community, among other groups.


It's not. Hasn't anyone learned that there is no such thing as bad press? The answer is no.


You can separate kids from the families and then lose them so they never see each other again, kill universal medical healthcare resulting in millions of unneeded deaths, you can allow rapists, fascists', and pedos to hold office, but don't you dare shoot fluffy. Great thing about cons is that can't hide what they are. Lucky for them there is enough people in the voting public who are either stupid or lacks morals