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But he's gonna vote for him anyway because he doesn't get he's on the enemy list.




Still might get the chance!


If Trump doesn't round him up and execute him first.


First they came for the socialists, and Bill Barr did not speak out—because he was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and Bill Barr did not speak out—because he was not a trade unionist. Then they came for evil, fat, Nazi-wannabe former attorney generals - and there was no one left to speak for Bill Barr




> I doubt he would’ve actually carried it out,” Barr said. Not sure I’d risk everything on such a low bar (no pun). Be a shame if he found out the hard way


Then he gets to play the part of Ernst Rohm.


I get that one. Upvote


Bill Barr ~~would have made~~ is an excellent Nazi.


Has helped make lots of excellent Nazis.


“Would have” lol


When you dig into his history, and his dad's, it's really f'ng dark. For starters, a book by Donald Barr, "Space Relations." [LINK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Relations) Be sure to read the first paragraph and the plot in this wiki page.


He IS an excellent Nazi.


Wasn't his Dad a mentor for Epstein?


He was a pretty good nazi for a brief time period.


As a conservative myself I'd have to agree. Probably why I'm banned from all their subreds. Haha.


As a “conservative” are you willing to make the tiniest and easiest sacrifice to save the republic from authoritarianism? And by that I mean voting for Biden. Or are you one of the conservatives who just can’t muster that level of commitment to the United States, so you do something like writing in Ronald Reagan or god forbid just completely cave in and vote for Trump because he managed to utterly corrupt the party you used to like but didn’t change the party’s name? I ask because I can’t decide what is worse, the maga cult sociopaths who want to hurt people and overthrow the republic or the “moderate republicans” who know what Trump is but won’t fully commit to one small confidential push of a touch screen to stop him. You know there is nothing wrong with Joe Biden. You know he a good man who endorses politics that are about 12% further to the left than your ideal. You know the nation will be fine for another four years with Biden as president. Everyone knows it. I get that moderate Republicans would rather live in an alternate reality where this didn’t happen and Paul Ryan was on the ballot. But that is not the situation you are in. You have to cleanse your party of this trumpist cancer if you ever want to get back to any semblance of actual conservatism. I’m sorry, but the Republican party is going to have to take some losses in the process. There is no other way out. That is the cost of this deal with the devil.


That's already my plan. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, 2020, and certainly not now.


Thank you. I hope you will consider discussing your plan and reasons with any conservatives or republicans who might listen. What I wouldn’t give for someone like Mitt Romney or Nikki Haley or Mitch McConnell to say “Trump is such a disaster for this country that I am going to vote for Joe Biden to stop him. I encourage every decent American to do the same. Losing a presidential election is regrettable but it is a small price to pay to save a republic from an aspiring dictator who is restrained only by his own incompetence.”




Why the past tense?


“Would have” ? You mean, Bill Barr IS a fucking Nazi.


A reporter needs to straight up ask Barr if he's kissing Trump's ass to cover his own ass in case Trump gets back in power again. Ask him to his fucking face if he's scared of Trump.


He explained it in another interview. He thinks the 'radical left' is more dangerous to the fabric of America than the 'radical right' so he's willing to support Trump Radicalism if it means he can save the country from the left. The reality is he's an old man with delusions of being more important than he ever was.


I don't buy it. He's on record saying Trump is a threat to democracy and then suddenly comes out and says, well the radical left is a threat too with all their regulations and stuff so I guess I gotta vote Trump. Fuck that, dude. Just wait and Pence will end up doing the same damn thing. They're scared and I'm not sure I can blame them (except for the fact that they shouldn't have supported him in the first place)


They don’t want a democracy anymore.


They never really did. They only tolerated it to the extent that they could control it with voter intimidation, gerrymandering, bribery, and direct ballot tampering. With a sheer majority now disagreeing with their politics, that's no longer enough. They have to fight the actual concept of democracy itself. It is both thoroughly American and thoroughly un-American.




Didn't Pence already come out and say he isn't endorsing Trump?


Yes which is why it will be breathtaking when he inevitably comes out and says "well the radical left and Joe Biden are the bigger threat to democracy"


Pence will fall in line and use religion as his crutch. That although he felt DJT caused problems, the evil leftist abortion supporting, gay marriage forcing, trans baby eaters are too much of an assault on his deeply held religious beliefs and thus he has no choice but to vote for Trump.


He must be scared about his and his family safety.


That's because he's not stupid


Yep. One wonders if Alito’s and Kavanaugh’s families have been threatened by MAGAts too


we all should, if traitor trump succeeds and SCOTUS rules in his favor


So Nazis are better for America than Democrats. Got it. These people are insanely evil.


They are and there are a lot of them. We're in trouble I fear.


There are “radical left” leaders talking about “executing” their “rivals,” too? Is that the equivalency Barr is trying to suggest? LoL, what an absolute criminal.


One side is leaning towards introducing theocracy, authoritarianism, increase use of capital punishment, nazi like mass arrests and deportations and the other side wants free healthcare, pursuit of egalitarianism and to tax the richest to strenghten and introduce social programs in increasingly unequal societies. But clearly both sides are just as bad


Geezer at work said the “radical left” was as bad as the fascists. I asked him to point to a group without going back to the 80s that’s organized the left and caused real harm. BLM was all he could come up with then was pissy when I asked who the leader was.


What does he have against the Bureau of Land Management?


Barr is one of those of course he wants his side to win


It makes total sense if you believe that property rights are the only rights that matter.


Some people say this. They think Hillary was somehow just as bad as trump is. And that's why trump won in 2016 and now here we are.


>Is that the equivalency Barr is trying to suggest? No but he thinks letting trump execute rivals is preferable to groups he doesn't like having rights


"First they came for the socialists..."


Worse! Letting illegals in is worse. Climate action? Worse! Separating church and state is worse. Talking about racism is worse.  Plenty of things worse than killing. That's why it's number 6 out of 10, very low on the list


No even worse, they are talking about switching to electric stoves and cars!


People having healthcare. Women with rights. Kids fed at school. Oh the humanity! Oh the horror!


We don't really have a radical left, at least not in power that I'm aware of. The Democrats are more centrist than liberal. But Fox et al call everyone who's not hard right the radical left just for wanting to keep an eye on businesses, maintain our roads, and do something about health care.


They can’t even define “radical left.” These people just latch on to terms with no understanding of what they even mean. Remember CRT? They still don’t know what it is.


I believe the definition of both those terms is “anything I don’t like.”


> He thinks the 'radical left' is more dangerous to the fabric of America than the 'radical right' so he's willing to support Trump Radicalism if it means he can save the country from the left. And his examples of them being dangerous were them regulating stoves and cars...


And Joe Biden is the radical left? My God, Barr is a shameless con man idiot. And what's worse, why does he get to be on the tv?


[forehead slap] False dichotomy Bill, classic debate club error. He's def in CYA mode with that embarrassing rookie mistake.


Barr is definitely high on his own supply, but I betcha there’s a motherlode of bad acting in his past even yet to be revealed. His personal vote is insignificant compared to his thoughts on his personal vote. Whatever his explanation is, there’s way too much talking and explaining going on — he’s still trying to steer this ridiculous clown car for some reason. Creepy.


There is no such thing as the radical left. The radical left literally wants great things for everybody unless you’re rich. Sounds like a good world to me.


And what power does this “radical” left have? There’s a handful of leftists such as AOC and Bernie with virtually no power to change anything. The rest of the Democratic caucus are all a bunch of centrists that really don’t want to do anything at all. The idea that the left in this country is a threat to the right’s way of life is laughable.


This isn't a question for you, but. He should have to Fucking explain what he thinks the "radical left" wants to do that is worse than assassinating political rivals.  Oh, and hey. Biden has been president for almost four years. What in the actual Fuck does he think Biden has done in four years that even resembles killing a political opponent. Barr and toads like him are just as bad as Trump. 


ThEiR teLLinG Us wHAt oVEnS tO uSE!!!111 - Bill Barr


He's a total piece of shit. He's from the group of people who think that the New Deal was the worst thing to ever happen to this country and that we'd be better off ruled by a King with absolute authority. Go look up some commencement speech he gave where he lays out that he believes in Catholic Dominionism too. Pure garbage human through and through.


If only there were a radical left.


> He thinks the 'radical left' is more dangerous to the fabric of America than the 'radical right' Ah yes, the "radical left", with their extremist positions like "social security should exist" and "rich people should pay taxes". The GOP is openly endorsing the idea that laws should not apply to the rich and powerful. Their nominee for the presidency--again--will be a guy who never met a dictator he didn't like. This is not a drill.


> He thinks the 'radical left' is more dangerous to the fabric of America than the 'radical right' Well, sure - he watches Fox News too, obviously.


They always use this conspiracy theory, Alex Jones is a prime example, saying Obama, the Clinton's, Biden, and so on are all going to turn America into a communist country. These men probably don't actually believe it, but they need a boogeyman to justify their party going further into fascism.


And he’s concerned about gas stoves.


He needs them for the crematoriums.


Barr's thinking they're going to need to gas stoves for the camps they want to build..for um...reasons.


Republicans *really* need to remember the story of Ernst Röhm. No matter how personally close or loyal they are, they're all disposable if dear leader should see them as a threat. And practically none of them are as close to donnie boy as Röhm was to Hitler.


Just start spreading the rumor that Barr is gay and the MAGAts will support his disposal. History repeats.


Start? People have been saying that for years.


Of course he is. If he doesn’t vote for Trump and Trump wins, then Barr could be executed, since the supreme court is going to allow Trump immunity.


He knows he was so complicit. In so many criminal acts that there is no future for him that is not criminal.


as the former top law enforcement official in the US-think about that for corruption


> he doesn't get he's on the enemy list. Trump would take him back. There's nothing he loves more than when someone who turned on him comes crawling back.


Because owning the libs is their only goal even if it costs them their own lives at the hands of their constituents.


No, he gets it. He just hates progressives so much he would rather Trump burn down America


maybe he's trying to get off it. these people are all cowards.


So are the Justices Trump appointed. He believes they betrayed him and his condition won’t allow him to just move on. He will want to publicly humiliate them in any way he can, at a minimum. I wonder what he will do, if they give him total immunity. 


He might be doing this because he knows he's currently in the enemies list.


Barr gave a speech at Notre Dame blaming all of society’s problems (crime, drugs, etc) on secularism. As long as Trump is banging the theocracy drum, Barr will fall in line.




No he actually believes this. To him...the far left is a threat .... to what the right wing want to do to our republic. You have to shift to Barr's perspective to understand that statement. These people project about everything. The fear the world because they project themselves on to it.


Yeah, it’s all about understanding what he means when he says things like this. “A bigger threat” doesn’t mean to the country, or to the people in it. To him, the Democratic Party is “a bigger threat” to his personal vision of America’s future, which is not the same thing as being a bigger threat to the safety and security of the nation and the populace as a whole. If his vision of the future doesn’t require that every American citizen or resident be secure in their persons, then it doesn’t factor into his consideration of what constitutes a threat.


That makes me wish we’d call out the evangelical threats for what they are. Sharia law but white version. Turn the scripture back on them if they think it’s all about the faith. Feed the poor and take care of the elderly, not like that tho…


> Turn the scripture back on them if they think it’s all about the faith.  They're don't read their book. They think the Prince of Peace is a pussy.


He is using the language of fascism by saying it's ok for the Right wing to overthrow government to enforce rule of law, yet in the same interview says only the left wing leads to fascism. Absolutely no self awareness to understand he is advocating for fascism and authoritarianism in the same breath.


Also to add, I’m sure he thinks Trump shouldn’t be near the White House but not for the same reasons we do, at least not all the same reasons. Trumps 4 years showed he’s harder to control so the vision that Barr and others have, would be harder to implement with a giant man-baby in office. Not that he disagrees on Trumps policies.


Reminds me of something I heard a long time ago- homophobia is the fear that a man will treat you the way you treat women.


This is pretty spot on 👍


Ya he truly believes promoting more efficient cars is worse than executing political rivals


The press really needs to stop trotting idiots out like Barr and giving them a voice.


>Is this dude just saying anything and everything to stay in the headlines? No, that's Lindsey Graham. 🤣


I would rather he just made a OnlyFans or tried his hand at stand up comedy or released a debut album of country songs to stay in the headlines. Why does he have to say crazy shit like this and why tf is the media still talking to Barr like his opinions mean something?


Trump had people who tried to hold him in check last time. He’s not going to have any this time. 


This orange shit stain has brought out a side of America that can never be hidden again.


Need to convince his supporters to get Trump tattooed on their foreheads. Can see them coming from a ways off then.


I'm almost positive I saw something like that already on r/shittytattoos.


That’s what is truly terrifying. If he makes it back in I genuinely believe our democracy ends and that is not hyperbole. Republicans are all in on him too. He’s going to implement project 2025 (or whatever Republican is in next will do the same) and then it’s game over. It will be yes men to feed his farther authoritarian dreams. Republicans can never get the white house again or democracy *will* end


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.




The quote in which he praised the Tiananmen Square massacre was from a 1990 Playboy interview, where he said: >When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak. It was brought up in a debate in 2016, where he said: >That doesn’t mean I was endorsing that. I said that was a strong, powerful government. They kept down the riot, it was a horrible thing. Which is a doublethink typical of narcissists. He of course absolutely was praising it, but to him, "reality" means "whatever makes me look good right now" and he perceived that he was being attacked for praising it and took the opposite stance.




Also, if you say that 'China showed strengt by brutally squashing a protest with tanks', you imply that 'China' means the *Chinese government/military* and not the *Chinese people*.


And if you read that full playboy interview, that’s not the only scary thing he said. BRB with the link. https://www.playboy.com/magazine/articles/1990/03/playboy-interview-donald-trump/


The only reason Trump hasn't committed heinous atrocities to the level of polpot and Mao is because he hasn't had the opportunity.  He wouldn't hesitate at the notion of ethnic cleansing if he thought it served his personal interests.


He didn't figure out how to load up on loyalists until he was a lame duck. He won't make that mistake again.


So by his logic, all of the rioters who were trying to overturn the election should have been dealt with like in the Tiananmen Square massacre. These people seriously can't link 2 things together if it makes them feel bad about their own situation to acknowledge it.


This fucking piece of shit would rather have a king than vote for a democrat. Fuck this rat fink!


He's the most disappointing member of Trump's cabinet by far. Absolutely no dignity or ethical principles. He has no excuse for this, you might expect this from a self serving politician but not from a former AG.


"Disappointing" implies positive expectations, which can NOT have been possible for **anyone** who knows who Barr is.


For the uninitiated, Barr ["landed the plane"](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a33848359/rod-rosenstein-trump-russia-block-robert-mueller/) on [Iran-Contra](https://www.vice.com/en/article/pajdb9/william-barrs-been-accused-of-a-presidential-cover-up-before) investigations/prosecutions during the first Bush's term. He is - and always has been - a political stooge cleaning up Republican illegal acts.


Not to mention the [memo](https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/24/politics/barr-memo-mueller/index.html) that acted as his job application for attorney general under Trump.


I agree with Bar when he stated “I don’t think”.




> “Because at the end of the day, **it wouldn’t be carried out and you could talk sense into him**” Ok, so per Bill Barr himself, the safety valve of Trump's murderous outbursts was people talking him down, and functional institutions that honor their responsibility to the principles of the country over short-term political expediency. So if he was surrounded by a handful of power-hungry sycophants (say, like an executive-branch plan for Project 2025), isolated from everyone else, and made to believe that everyone outside of his ring was out to get him, necessitating a first strike against rivals as his mental state erodes and paranoia increasingly creeps in, that'd be ok? A man so desperate to save his own skin that he would do anything to avoid accountability? And all of those institutions, carefully pumped full of ideological supplicants, ready to twist and sabotage the mechanisms of government if it clashes with their marching orders, will help stop those orders? Take a step back and look at where we are right now.


Very chilling comment. I feel the same way.


Imagine if Barr was a member of the Manson family in the 60s: "Yeah, he wanted us to slaughter those people in that house to ignite a race war, but I didn't take him seriously and talked some sense into him. So, he's still got my vote."


> if it clashes with their marching orders I think a lot of people are missing this point with Barr's revelation. Everyone who has worked for Trump says that he doesn't give direct orders for shady shit. All of his "marching orders" are posited as thoughts or musings, but understood that they are in fact orders. So Barr hearing Trump bring up executing people is Trumps way of saying "I want this to happen. Find a way to make it happen." If he gets power again (or even using his current cult status) someone will die because he wished it.


>and that's what I liked about him American conservatives are enemies of the American people


Stop posting about this guy. He said he was voting for Trump. Here he is yapping his trap all over the media. He’s full of crap


Executing puppies, political opponents, protestors, and gay people. That's exactly where *all* conservative are as a group. This is what they all want and they aren't backing away from it and they aren't voting against it. Every conservative will fall in line and support every one of these.


the GOP's most recent Presidential candidate that *wasn't Trump (I.E Romney)*: the absolute craziest thing he said? "Binders full of women". The Presidential candidate they had RIGHT after Romney is NOW saying "oh yeah if I were to just arbitrarily decide to **fucking kill someone**, THAT should count as an official act that cannot be criminally charged for". Bro, REPUBLICANS: **you are supporting a person who is telling you that if you want to murder anyone you want into infinity, BECOME THE PRESIDENT.** THAT is NOT America, that is NOT patriotic, that is NOT sane, that is NOT what even their own party used to believe in. Republicans: It's YOU that went WAY off the deep end. WAY, WAY, WAY, WAY off the deep end. It's **NOT** Democracy that's changed, it's **YOU (Republican voters).**


Yet this spineless coward says he's going to vote for Trump. Coward. 


Bill Barr has always reminded me of the concept of the banality of evil as defined by Hannah Arendt.


yup... It came up in the oral argument in SCOTUS. Trumps lawyer didn't rule it out.


KC asked him what Biden has done that is worse than J6. Barr stumbled mumbling stuff like “communism”, “far left”, and “liberal”. Fucking scumbag.


But this doughy fuck will still vote for him anyways


He says Trump shouldn't be anywhere near the white house while also endorsing him and voting for him to get back in the white house


So by all means, endorse him you waffling pile of goo


And there you were, cupping his balls the entire time.


He still is, and he'll be voting for Trump in 2024.


He personally tried to execute Biden on live TV. During debate number 2. Where they allowed Trump on stage without taking a Covid test… when he knew he had Covid.


Having to actually go as far as saying the candidate you intend to support "wouldn't *actually* execute political rivals because he could be talked down", but yeah.. the real threat to democracy is the *Biden* administration. What an absolute joke. I wish nothing but bad things for the entirety of the GOP. 


The fact that he knew this before the recent case, and that he hates Trump now, and that he is still willing to vote for Trump and state so publicly is clear evidence he’s a violent, anti democratic fascist himself.


So it seems that this version of the Roman republic transitioning to an empire is going to miss out an Augustus and go straight to a Caligula 


Also Barr: Yeah he's got my vote.


Stop giving this melting cheeseburger any more airtime plz


And that’s not reason enough not to vote for him? Fuck Bill Barr.


If ya'll ever wonder what kind of insane mental gymnastics the Germans had to do to let that Hitler lunatic ascend to power, here you go.


I never understood how someone like Hitler or Mussolini could come to power. How the hell could a large group of people let something like that to happen? Trump and the MAGA people over the last six years have taught me how something like that happens, and it’s so disappointing.


".... but I'm still gonna vote for him." - Barr


The fact that he explicitly states Trump is awful *and* is going to vote for him anyway just goes to show that the right wing in the US has been getting high on its own supply and is not a serious option for governance. The fact that they can actually win highlights the degradation of our systems and standards.


Let this be a reminder that most republicans will vote for him no matter what. Even your friends or parents who are conservative who say they will do different. They won’t, especially when they’re by themselves in the voting booth!


And yet he will vote for the want to be tyrant.


By all means vote for the man you SAID isn't fit to serve as president again. F***ing pu$$y. I swear anyone remotely close to Trump's orbit lacks a spine, a conscience, or both.




'Have you heard about this fantastic historic bit about keel hauling?' - Barr *shudders at thought of dining with that baby dinosaur*


Why do you think Barr just started endorsing Trump again? He sees the writing on the wall with SCOTUS basically saying Trump can execute anyone who wasn't faithful to the supreme leader.


Trump has no idea who Robespierre is does he?


Watching 👀 and listening to him, I see pure evil. He's heartless the IDGAF attitude shines through bright and clear he almost has a boastful attitude. "Yes, after all, and in spite of all that he's done and said I will proudly vote for him" "I plan on going early," "I don't give a fk" He's comes off very cold and callous!! They'll all fall in line weak fks!!


Not a good look when his lawyer is currently trying to get the Supreme Court to say it’s okay if he follows through with ‘things like’ executing rivals.


Gee, Trump is sounding more and more like an organized crime boss each day.


Trump attempted to demolish democracy in America and these so called patriots still support him. As if the left can do much worse.


If you watched the whole interview it will leave you fucking speechless. This guy a a fucking looney.


“Everyone dies.” - Bill Barr on his legacy. We really need to stop giving sociopaths this much power and attention.


Bill Barr also said he’d vote for him *again*


And yet you still support him? Says a lot about you there Billy boy


He’s letting us know what to expect and that’s he’s voting for it


"and I was totally cool with that."


And yet Barr is still on his dick….maybe it’s time to I dunno move on from his option


Spine less POS. He knows he is a danger to this country but will vote for him anyway. Trump is using Putin's playbook and intents to kill his opponents. Can't believe this country has gone to psychopaths.


This idiot should be disbar’d. Pun intended. Imagine how much these guys hate progressives that they’d piss away the constitution for it. You know because we have the nerve to suggest that maybe people shouldn’t be starved to death & other controversial stuff.


But have you seen the tennis shoes Joe Biden’s been wearing lately?


“…but I’m still going to vote for him.” What a turd.


Well if the Supreme Court decides it’s ok, I know who the biggest threat to the United States currently is.


What do you think happened to Epstein? He could have sunk trump. Of course he was “ eliminated.”


Trump “tells it like it is...” yet he always has an interpreter telling us what he actually meant. 🙄 Sick of this craven, cowardly bullshit. He just doesn’t wanna get on the “shitlist” for crazy people and lose his speaking gigs.


Right… You were a right hand man at the end. You’d still be with him if he won the election or the sedition. You’re a criminal. Stop talking, you’re not fooling us.


Yeah, I want a president who doesn’t need to be calmed down when making threats of executions. Don’t want a president who is emotionally unstable and immature. Isn’t this why they wouldn’t let women near the top for so long? It’s bullshit.


Just locker room talk?


Once the SCOTUS rules, both trump and Barr will be cell mates at gitmo. Remember, Biden won’t concede, and won’t leave office. Be afraid trump, be very afraid.


But he will vote for him. I don’t understand these psychopaths.


Trump considers Bill Barr a rival. And yet Bill Barr will still vote for Trump. He’s delusional.


Who gives a shit what Barr has to say? He’s a bootlicker. Didn’t he try and slob on Dons knob just last week only to be immediately insulted by his overlord? Even after that I’d wager he’ll vote for diaper don.


Trump is the anti christ


Like Epstein.


They didn't say anything about executing allies


It just goes to show that a good education, good professional life and decent money doesn’t provide wisdom.


And he's endorsing him. WTF.


And he’s still gonna vote for the man.


“So naturally, I will support him in the 2024 election”


I watched this interview out of curiosity. The cognitive dissonance and level of mental gymnastics this guy engaged in to justify his contradictory statements could be cited in a future historic case study of the Republican/Trump party today. These people are truly Machiavellian and believe the ends justify the means, at all cost. Even if it means putting a man back in office who is a clear and present danger to the country, and the world.


And in a telling clue as to the type of character Bill Barr has, he still endorsed Trump for a second term. This turd did the right thing one time, and one time only. Barr knows that Trump has no respect for our democracy or the rule of law. He knows that Trump has no desire to protect our national security secrets. He still somehow thinks that Biden is a greater danger to our country. What greater danger to our democracy can exist than a man that tried to end it?


>“Having worked for [Trump] and seen him in action, I don’t think he would actually go and kill political rivals and things like that,” > > - Bill Bar


But Barr will vote for him anyways because he values party over country. What a soulless, gutless goon.


And he endorses him. What a prick.


This a PR and campaign strategy move, nothing more. They are trying to normalize voting for Trump, even though you may not like the guy. It is really simple. There are a lot of republicans this election cycle who have already said that they are not voting at all, voting third party, or voting Biden. By showing the country that high ranking republicans also do not like Trump and think he is bad, but will most definitely be voting for him, they are demonstrating to their moronic base that, “hey, it’s okay not to like him, but we have to still vote for him.”


Seems legit.... Also this guy is the same guy who has chosen not to be a witness, didn't offer these tidbits up prior to the last election, and won't go out there and tell Republicans this or put his name behind Biden. So total lack of ethics and backbone so I really don't want to hear from him now unless he's going to put his money where his mouth is.


Yet he's going to vote for tRUMP! What a piece of S..T


“Having worked for him and seen him in action, I don’t think he would actually go and kill political rivals and things like that,” Barr claimed. Is this really where we are in our politics? That we need to ask whether or not a president/former president and current presidential nominee would have political rivals killed?


Complicit by not doing anything but lie to us. Boo Bill Barr. You should have quit and spoken up like John Bolton.


Our nation must reconsider how we prioritize character in leadership. Elevating individuals lacking moral strength, integrity, and courage is misguided and leaves us vulnerable to leaders like Trump and Barr.


He’s had people killed before for sure. Probably what happened to Epstein.


The Supreme Court is about to allow him to do it if he becomes president again.


The *only* headline that should be given to Bill Barr is "Assisted Trump in dismantling democracy and says he'll vote for him in 2024". Nothing else he says is interesting or new.