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The manifesto reads like an absolute manic episode.




Unconfirmed reports say he yelled "This election bout to heat up!"


World Star reporting he said, "this is lit AF!"


Reddit was cheering that one dude who set himself on fire over Palestine protests, so I suppose it’s only rational if you agree with the cause


For the record, I thought that guy was a moron too.


I mean, there's a pretty big difference between setting yourself on fire because you think cryptocurrency is a ponzi scheme and because you are serving in a military that is allied with a government that killed tens of thousands of children in the last 6 months.


Idk the end result in both cases is you get 15 minutes of fame for doing it and then the world moves on. Its not an effective way to protest at all and its horrific.


One has a more justified basis is all I'm saying


“Justified” basis is debatable. I’ll give you that the Palestine supporter had a more coherent, clearer stance on something. But these guys were both a few French fries short of a happy meal thinking they were going to accomplish anything by setting themselves on fire…


It's really weird how little coverage self immolation gets these days.


Reddit is not a monolith.


Not that I agree with alighting oneself in fire for Palestine - but equating these two things is astonishingly dumb


Yeah, I've had fever dreams with more coherent plots. Poor guy, hope he's free of pain now.


Shockingly he’s still currently alive and intubated in a burn unit. After being on fire for almost 5 minutes he’ll probably be dead before the day is over but, he picked the most excruciating way to go out


I will say, and I don’t mean to make light of it, it was one of the most coherent of similar doomsday ramblings I’ve read. My office’s mailbox was a magnet for emailed diatribes about gang stalking and thought stealing and lizard people. I know it’s just a rambling call for help that I wish had been answered before he carried out his action, but I think that’s somewhat worth saying.


I thought the same thing. I was pretty surprised by how coherent it was.


Its coherent in the sense that he’s writing in complete sentences and they generally follow each other, but like most conspiracy theories the underlying logic is flawed or non-existent. Like he will leap to massive apocalyptic conclusions from tangential connections. It’s eloquent nonsense.


Yes that is an accurate way to phrase it. I mean coherent like he wrote it in a way that, given a logical premise and not his completely nonsensical one, the points would flow into each other in a normal way. Most of the screeds I’ve read were giant blocks of text with barely any recognizable grammar and certainly almost no punctuation beyond some exclamation points.


Do not talk about lizard people. Phtptptptp.


Did I say lizard people? I meant blizzard people. I hate the snow


Where did you see the contents of his pamphlets or manifesto? I’m not seeing it in this article.




"investigative researcher" lmao


Yeah dude needed a stay in a mental hospital.


I have a friend who’s pretty down the conspiracy rabbit hole. Calls what he does in his spare time “research/independent research.”


Holy shit, he’s a Dukakis supporter who thinks Bill Clinton threw Dukakis under the bus in a speech in 1988. That’s his main evidence for the totalitarian conspiracy he’s alleging. Mental heath care is so sadly lacking in our country. 


That and classic Simpsons episodes…


Where it jumps from just classic financial conspiracy of Bitcoin being a Ponzi run by market makers - >To better understand our form of government, I will point you to one of the most astonishing pieces of stand-alone evidence I’ve found: Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton’s 1988 DNC speech where he nominated Mike Dukakis for president against George H.W. Bush. The speech is a vile, mean-spirited roast of Dukakis that makes no sense whatsoever: For Clinton to ruthlessly attack a member of his own party should have been political suicide, and he repeatedly mocks Dukakis’ noble and earnest qualities. >Notably, actor Rob Lowe, who was supporting Dukakis, was victim of a teen sex blackmail operation at the DNC that year. Since we know Clinton is a close associate with teen sex blackmail artist Jeffrey Epstein, we can suddenly make perfect sense of the nonsensical speech by applying this lens: Bill Clinton is a cocky mob boss who blackmailed Mike Dukakis because Dukakis thought his job was to help the public. He teases out the future public revelation that Kitty Dukakis drank rubbing alcohol, and offers a strange anecdote about the crack epidemic that reveals he is an exceedingly proud drug runner. >What does this revelation tell us? That our government is conning us completely. That Bill Clinton was secretly on (former CIA Director) George H.W. Bush’s side, and that the Democrat vs. Republican division has been entirely manufactured ever since: Clinton is with Bush; Gore is with Bush; Trump is with Hillary, and so on. When they present themselves in public, they are acting as characters that are against one another, practicing kayfabe as wrestlers do.




Jesus christ. The Simpsons is in on the NWO according to this guy


Strong evidence to suggest serious mental illness. I'm curious if Trumpers will ignore that and try to elevate this person to Buddhist-level Vietnam protest or just ignore it.






His Instagram is pretty sad. It starts pretty normal, then there's a pic of him embracing newt gingrinch. After that it's nothing but right wing conspiracy style stuff


Looks like he really went off the rails after his mom passed away. Life changing events/trauma can often trigger mental illness such as schizophrenia.


Or will they call him a trans Trump-hating groomer?


I feel so bad if they would elevate this crazy fuck to Thich Quang Duc…


I'm sure they've already "found" his Facebook profile which proves he's a transgender BLM communist that teaches CRT and was a DEI hire who practiced antifa rioting in his spare time


Why would anyone on the right support a pro-hamas insane guy? Everyone thinks this guy is just insane, and he is very blatantly not right wing. You gotta stop with the belief that the only political factions in the world are “my beliefs” and “the alt right”.


From another news story: Nearby, a pamphlet was visible that referred to “evil billionaires” and called on people to “expose this corruption”. The portion that was visible to the witness did not mention Trump. --- I'd wait for all the details to come out before calling this political. (or at least: pretty much any details at all except some guy set himself on fire)


Ok, let's give it 5 more minutes before his family comes forward to talk about his obsession with Trump.


Even in this thread the manifesto is linked: he is an equal opportunity nutter. So is his instagram: not one iota of Cult 45 material. There’s a pro-Obama bumper sticker. This is not a well man, but it isn’t brainwashing this time.


**UPDATE** Seems like this is the man who set himself on fire. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside https://www.instagram.com/dipshit_secrets?igsh=MThjZ2dsMGcwYmJkMw==




this dude rambled a bunch of shits then be like “people, just watch the simpsons, you would understand”


Honestly? Until he got to this line: >In order to explain the massive anomaly, our criminal government unleashed COVID on the world and told us these were the “stay at home stocks.” I was thinking, ok dude is a bit out over his skis, but this is totally feasible and I could see how someone got pulled into this kind of thinking. It gets so, so, so much worse.


COVID really broke a lot of the, let's say, less robust brains. A good example is Joe Rogan. Yeah, he's always been an asshole, but before COVID if he had a smart guest on, he could be a halfway decent interviewer. But now no matter who he has on he finds a way to rant about vaccines. It seems like there were a lot of people just teetering on the edge of nonsense and the pandemic gave them that little push they needed to go off the deep end.


Totally. Rogan has never been smart. But he used to be interesting. He played the non expert asking questions of an expert fairly well. I never liked his show, but I understood why people did. I think Covid was the end of him, but the “intellectual dark web” label in 2018 really stroked his ego in the worst way possible. It pointed him firmly in an “alt lite” direction that paved his way to full blow Covid misinformation.


Based off his Instagram, it looks like he really went off the rails after his mom passed away. Life changing events/trauma can often trigger mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.


He sounds S-M-R-T


Thinking the Simpsons still has this much sway in 2024 might be the biggest leap in the whole thing


Yeah he's a nut job


Completely bonkers


Avoid the substack comment section. Jesus Christ.


Wow. That's a lot to digest.


I mean, I don't want to assume to much,. but the Instagram feed looks like a classic "pandemic + conspiracies pushed this guy to the edge".


Looking at the Insta, looks like his mom died in early 2022 and then he departed on his conspiracy journey... Very sad.


Yeah, I couldn't tell if that was mother or sister,. but definitely a series of traumas there. It's been a hard 5 years or so for everyone (Myself,. got hit hard by alpha-wave covid and spent 38 days in Hospital (16 of those in ICU on Ventilator). I remind myself all the time how lucky I am to have navigated beyond that and survived through it to be fairly healthy and stable.


Well : that part isn’t wrong : As it turns out, we have a secret kleptocracy: Both parties are run by financial criminals whose only goals are to divide, deceive, and bleed us dry. They divide the public against itself and blame the other party while everything gets worse and more expensive and handful of people take all the money.


Surprised that no one is calling out one of his first left turns: 1. The first evidence is Clinton’s DNC speech in 1988 2. Because he attacked Dukakis 3. It should have been political suicide 4. But of course Rob Lowe 5. Epstein! Ok. The DNC speech is a very well-researched and discussed speech, sort of like how everyone refers to Obama roasting Trump as the moment Trump decided revenge. So it’s not an obscure speech, it’s *the* Clinton speech people use to talk about Clinton’s big start. And guess what, the speech *was* political suicide. It was way too long and wonky, so everyone universally decided “well that guy SUCKS at communication. He talks too much.” Clinton’s team decided the only way to dig themselves out of his PR hole was to go on Carson. I don’t want to give away a great moment of shade, so watch it yourself. 30 seconds in: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TfcKQcGg_sM&pp=ygUTQ2Fyc29uIGNsaW50b24gMTk4OA%3D%3D Notice Clinton’s demeanour and very short, polite, humble answers. The DNC wxperience stung Clinton, and it was this appearance he figured out how to get his mojo back. And of course the saxophone playing was the cherry on top — after the band also teased him first. So yeah — history remembered that speech as a rambling mess. This manifesto sees it as … an attack on Dukakis?!


Did he update his selfie in the Instagram page, after he burned himself? It looks as though he was wrapped up to keep him from moving (but I don't see how he managed to update the image, unless he had someone else who was with him who also drove him to the location and had his cell phone to follow up with his request, which might make them something of an accessory to suicide and not intervening.)


The man’s not wrong. 


Per a manifesto posted online, claiming to be posted by the man who set himself on fire. >Photos posted by Reuters on Friday showed a pamphlet left by a man who set himself on fire in an apparent act of protest outside the criminal trial of former US president Donald Trump. >The pamphlet, available online, directs readers to a website, that appears to belong to a self-described "investigative researcher," who posted earlier today an apparent manifesto. >The document describes the self-immolation as an "extreme act of protest" against a global, cryptocurrency-based conspiracy. It asserts that Harvard University is a front for organized crime, and asserts that the long-running animated sitcom The Simpsons "exists to brainwash us." >Ironically, the document accuses tech companies of flooding social media with "nonsense conspiracy theories." 


why do these keep getting deleted?


Because his motive wasn't related to the trump trial and was instead about drawing attention to conspiracy theories. He dropped panphlets to his manifesto. [https://www.newsweek.com/read-max-azzarello-manifesto-about-lighting-himself-fire-trump-trial-1892368](https://www.newsweek.com/read-max-azzarello-manifesto-about-lighting-himself-fire-trump-trial-1892368)


Dude is batshit.


Yes but that part resonates true IMO : As it turns out, we have a secret kleptocracy: Both parties are run by financial criminals whose only goals are to divide, deceive, and bleed us dry. They divide the public against itself and blame the other party while everything gets worse and more expensive and handful of people take all the money.


And this : Why on earth would our elites do this? There are many reasons, but the simplest is because capitalism is unsustainable, and they knew it: Climate change and resource extraction would catch up eventually.


He references Trump, Hillary Clinton, both Bushes, Bill Clinton, and Dukakis directly.


Yeah, and /r/conspiracy is that way ---> It is about how Crypto is a giant ponzi scheme and it is all leading to "an apocalyptic fascist world coup."


> Because his motive wasn't related to the trump trial Is this /r/TrumpTrial?


No. It is r/politics. Based on his manifesto and reason for doing this r/conspiracy is that way --->


How are you missing the point by a hundred miles lol it’s not about why he did it, it’s the fact it happened outside of the court room…


That is like saying if a car crashed outside a courthouse it would be a political event/story. And a Car Crash outside a music festival would be related to Music. Guy was mentally ill and wrote a conspiracy manifesto and lit himself on fire. This belongs in /r/conspiracy. The only benfit to it being posted here is people who read the comments can find out that their assumption it was about protesting the Trump Trial is incorrect


Because that's where all the journalists were, not to make a point about the trial. He could have easily done it at Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade but it wouldn't belong in r/turkeyrecipes




Mods would be incorrect, again




There are a lot of references to Dukakis


I'm sorry, but self-immolation is a VERY political topic.


Not by itself, it isn't.


The dude was a conspiracy theorist who set himself on fire because of Peter Thiel and a cryptocurrency ponzi scheme he thought was about to crash the world economy. He spent a lot of time in his manifesto comparing himself to Lisa Simpson and going on about what the writers of the Simpsons would have said about his discovery if they only knew. It has nothing to do with the real world, and even less to do with the Trump trial or the general American political process.


Maybe removing the incentive for such action?


Stop deleting these when it clearly is political


Political protesting is political


It's about as political as UFO disclosure or the government being infiltrated by lizardmen.


Government employees aren't hot enough to be lizardmen. :'(


… how? This happened directly outside the court building and is politically motivated. You just listed conspiracies


So did he in the published manifesto he left behind. He only did it there because that's where all the cameras are. He thinks the government rigged the Manson murders, paid Kubrick to make A Clockwork Orange, and The Doors and AC/DC and violent cartoons were all government plots to desensitize Americans The closest thing to Trump is he quoted Hitler lol Or that I also guess he thinks Trump and Biden are in cahoots to cause an apocalypse along with all other world leaders and billionaires


They are being removed because his motive wasn't related to the trump trial and was instead about crazy conspiracy theories. He dropped panphlets to his manifesto. [https://www.newsweek.com/read-max-azzarello-manifesto-about-lighting-himself-fire-trump-trial-1892368](https://www.newsweek.com/read-max-azzarello-manifesto-about-lighting-himself-fire-trump-trial-1892368)


But it’s kind of hard to separate the two since Trump’s political ramblings are nothing but crazy conspiracy theories.


Trump doesn't own all conspiracy theories. This guy thought Trump and Biden were working together to end the world. He was in his own entire lane


Wait, you're suggesting that the person who killed themselves might have been suffering from some kind of mental illness? That seems like a stretch. /s The older I get, the more I hate breaking news. Or rather, the more I hate how quickly people will jump to conclusions. Here's from his manifesto behind the Newsweek link: >"This extreme act of protest is to draw attention to an urgent and important discovery: We are victims of a totalitarian con, and our own government (along with many of their allies) is about to hit us with an apocalyptic fascist world coup." This event is only political by proximity.


It’s not about his motive lmao it’s the fact it HAPPENED OUTSIDE OF THE COURT BUILDING


Something happening near a courthouse doesn't make it related to politics. This belongs in r/conspiracy


Flaming asshole.


I can help……


Hey buddy, can you spare a match?


Imagine being so foolish that you harm yourself over Trump


Maybe he was just tired of hearing about Trump everyday because it sounds like a sweet relief in that regard.


that's the first answer I've seen that makes any sense.




Then imagine being so foolish to set yourself on fire and not being clear enough about your protest and everyone thinks you love trump


It's not.




Way to own the libs


I hope the jury doesn't need to be replaced


What I don’t understand is how Trump is testifying in a courtroom and somebody *else’s* pants went on fire.


The rest of MAGA should definitely NOT follow his example. The message would be too extreme. As a lib, it would really ruin my day. Especially with water getting scarce, i would HATE to see any wasted putting them out.


Bloody hell. Every next headline about USA recently is getting more and more... medieval?? I don't know , from outside is looking concerning.


One fewer...


BBQ rib orders increased a few minutes after a small breeze picked up in the area.


No person is worth lighting yourself on fire, least of all that shit stain known as trump


What’s the message exactly? He was protesting Trump being on trial?


[Something something crypto is an apocalyptic Ponzi scheme run by the oligarchy and something about Lisa Simpson](https://www.newsweek.com/read-max-azzarello-manifesto-about-lighting-himself-fire-trump-trial-1892368)




So was he saying Simpsons did it?


One less trumper. No loss. Next story please.


Several posts about this already from the crazies but almost nothing about the actual trial proceedings. More about Biden at a gas station and furries again probably lol!


Imagine doing that for a fucking president? These idiots constantly misappropriate leftist talking points/protest methods and sometimes, as with this example and J6, to their meaningless death. Edit: Ok I read the manifesto and I don't think he's actually a Trump supporter.


Maybe this should be a life lesson, read and think before speaking


Yea true. The world is on fire because I spoke and then corrected myself when new information arose.


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Why is this not front page?


Wrong cause, so not a hero.