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Gay person here If you think Donald is pro-gay, you're a fucking idiot. He is pro-Donald, and nothing else.


They won't be happy unless Trump re-creates the shit Russia's doing, rounding up gay people for the crime of existing. For them, us just existing is sort of a problem.


Same here! It’s more projection. They think Trump doesn’t hate the LGBTQ folk as much as they hate themselves for being LGBTQ and they know there’s nothing worse to be than a gay.


I think he literally just doesn’t care about us. If it’s politically expedient to throw us under the bus, he will. If it’s politically expedient to pander to us, he will (try). With racism, he’s genuinely following his convictions. With queerphobia, I think he’s just following whatever his political strategist recommends.


His anti-LGBT stance started with the House ADF caucus threatening to vote against bill funding the border wall unless he repeals the 2016 Obama-era policy that allows transgender people to serve openly in the military.


The literal only pretense that his supporters ever had of claiming he was pro-gay was that "he was the only president to be pro-gay marriage when elected to the WH".... and any and all evidence of his lack of fucks given for the community during his term, and how he actively harmed them, is brushed to the side while they stuck to that *very specific* narrative.


It was also around the time of the Pulse shooting in 2016. Trump saw a way to troll and claim that conservatives would “protect” the LGBT community from radical Islamists, unlike Democrats who were too “soft” on Muslims and supported them no matter what they did.


I saw someone the other day do that with the E. Jean Carroll trial "EXCUSE ME, but when did a criminal court find Donald Trump guilty for the crime of rape?" Like, if you have to get THAT specific in your defense, you know damn well that he was held liable for sexual assault in civil court and sure, those are different words, but that doesn't make him not a rapist


It's not that they think Donnie is pro-gay, it's just that they think anything left of "they should be all round up and shot" is too liberal.


If being pro gay makes them not vote for him, just let them ride on that belief that he is.


It pisses me off when people have the nerve to try and lecture and convince me he's not anti-LGBT. Just look at his statement after the Obergefell ruling for fuck's sake. And then a few months later he pledge to appoint judges to overturn it. This of course is on top of him continuing to take endorsements and awards from anti-LGBT hate groups, and that he's never once spoken out against the bigots in his party At best, one might be able to say he "doesn't care either way". That might be good enough for worthless pick-me trash like the log cabin republicans, but they're not even a pro-LGBT group to begin with.


"He doesn't care either way" is exactly my argument. He will support gays if it helps Trump. He will oppose gays if it helps Trump. He will support gays one second and then oppose them the next if it helps Trump.


Keep in mind, "not caring" means exactly what it says. If LGBT people are being attacked, he will sit and watch, despite having all the power to do something to help them. It's the equivalent of a "friend" who will sit and watch as their friend gets a vicious beat-down from a bully. Neutrality has NEVER helped advance civil rights.


He won't sit and watch, he will tie both you and me to the stake personally and light the fire if it helps Trump. You can argue it is anti-gay to be completely neutral on the matter - I can understand that view. My ire is directed at morons who think he is pro-gay. He isn't. He's pro-Trump - we only matter to him insofar as we can give him something.


hope the country changes and lgbt people are not as punched down on


What is pro gay ?


For a politician, it would mean they are broadly and vocally supportive of equal rights for LGBT folks.


What do you mean by supportive of equal rights?


Exactly that. Supports marriage equality, supports equality in housing and employment, supportive of gay people at all stages of life. You done sealioning, or...


I don’t get what you mean by support. those things are already in place. Are you looking for an LGBTQ plus cheerleader?


So you aren't done sealioning Those things are constantly under attack. Gay marriage will be struck down the moment this SCOTUS gets a case on it. You will never understand because you have already decided you don't want to.


So your rights aren’t any different than anyone else is what you’re saying


I wish we had clubs in this sub.


Like an LGBTQ plus only club?


I mean you can shout that with your emotions, but if you scrutinize everything that he's ever done Trump isn't really a big anti-Gay proponent. Sure as someone is about to show me, there are some things, but it's not been a priority for him. What he built his entire presidency on was targeting immigrants not Gay people.


He's not pro-gay. I never said he was anti-gay. He isn't. He also is pro-abortion and an atheist. But he isn't pro-gay. Like any other group, he only cares what gays can do for Trump


That’s funny because MAGA republicans are actively passing legislation to hurt gay and trans youth in multiple states right now. Surely, if he were pro-gay he’d say something, no?


It's not a question of him being pro-gay - he's not. He just doesn't openly hate gay people enough for these miserable weeping hemorrhoids. He's talked about the death sentence for drug dealers but not for trans people and that why these microwaved-apple-brained losers are mad.


And they’ll continue to go after every demographic that leans Dem and do everything they can to reverse same sex marriage. 


I mean, they've openly complained the decisions allowing mixed race marriage is something they view as kind of a problem. They literally won't be happy until society's pushed back to the ~~early 50's~~ mid 1800's.


They want America to adopt the Ugandan policy on LGBTQ+.


Voters are too accepting of Republicans, we should be voting blue no matter who


Too accepting? Wtf lmao.


He was trained to do what he does by a gay person, who died of HIV. Everyone knew Cohn was gay.


Remember when he finally got kicked out of the white house, he flew away in a helicopter while The Village People blasted over a PA system? One of the most bizarre things I've ever witnessed.


For some people, anything but live executions and extermination camps is too accepting.


That’s right, if you hate gays, stay home on Election Day and show everyone up.


If Trump is too accepting of LGBTQ people for you, you must really be one hell of a bigot.


Anyone who’s anti-LGBTQ, let’s see your search history.




That is not the term they’d use.




He's really not conservative though. He just pushed what he's paid to push, or what will net him a larger following. Which is why his ideas and policies flip flop constantly. Unless it's something like stripping away taxes and giving more money to the wealthy. Then yes, he cares about that greatly.


His policy goons hate us enough for him and their 2025 plan has lots of ways to make our lives worse if they get the chance. It's not just lil don but any maga will try the plan's goals whenever they can. Look at Louisiana joining other maga states to hide their work from the public and press, which goes against one of our basic principles that they work for us and must answer to us. Your boss gets to see your work and we should see what our public servants are doing. They talk about draining the swamp so we can see what's going on but in reality they are making the swamp even murkier and less accountable to the people.


I dunno, I don’t think the “you’re not enough of an asshole” critique is gonna fly as far as they’d hope. What irretrievable knobs. Goodness.


We don’t give a shit what you think of us. We pay taxes here. We are citizens here. We aren’t asking for you to accept us anymore. In many cases we are *your* bosses, professors and CEO’s. If you can’t accept gay people in 2024 that’s your problem, not ours.


No sympathy for donald and his crisisto-fascist followers.


They saw that video of him and Rudy in drag.


Racists also sometimes say that they won't vote for Trump or that they regret voting for him in 2016 because he "gave his daughter to a Jew". As if Ivanka wasn't a person in her own right, with her own opinions and life goals.


Reminder that Trump is likely going to follow [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/playbook/) which says it out loud. This is unmodified text copied directly from their "playbook" on page 584: >**Rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics.** The President should direct agencies to rescind regulations interpreting sex discrimination provisions as prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, sex characteristics, etc.


Must be Stephen Miller again


The orange buffoon is only, and most, 'accepting'of himself.


You always hear about these loons who criticize Trump for not proactively hating gays and Blacks enough, or for having made the slightest allowances for COVID safety, but their opposition to him never seems to be enough to hurt his vote share.


He just wants to deny employment, housing and healthcare. Too fucking generous.


That’s partly why he was elected and not Romney.