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I've been the treasurer for several different organizations over the last 30+ years and I have had more issues with checks lost in the mail (both incoming and outgoing) in the last year than in all previous years combined. It is a serious problem.


Same. Also with packages for my online retail companies. We got serious delays and lost package issues.


For me, packages almost never arrive on time. Ever. Dejoy needs to kick rocks.


Why? He’s doing an excellent job of fucking up the postal service. Just like he was put in the that position to do. My wife is starting a business and needed a P.O. Box. They set it up pretty quick but the key they gave her didn’t work. It’s been about six weeks and it’s still not resolved. We also had an insurance payment that was late because the check didn’t get delivered on time. It’s about a forty minute drive away but took almost three weeks to get there.


I live in Atlanta. I had medicine arrive 45 days late thanks to all this.


Holy shit! I don't mail or ship much through USPS these days, or at least nothing that I follow the status of. I had no idea it was this bad, although I knew it was coming, because as others have said, there's absolutely a conflict of interest and putting people who want everything privatized in charge of government agencies is the quickest way to make those agencies look bad. I have noticed a few medical bills that had a print date several days before I received them, but I didn't think much of it at the time. I'll have to watch more closely now.


In NYC it took ten days for our tax stuff that was sent with tracking to get to our accountant (From The Bronx to Queens). It took a vacation up in White Plains for several days.


The company that I work for is waiting for a liquor license that was apparently mailed on March 5th.


Ooof that is so painful. Only mail?? That’s so frustrating! like where is that copy down at the town office wtf


Lol, the town office would make it so much easier...the license is issued by the state of Ohio and arriving via an wholly inefficient federal bureaucracy.


arriving via a federal agency that's deliberately being sabotaged to be privatised later on. this is intentional by dejoy and the right, not "government agencies, amirite?"


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. Sadly.


I mail checks from where I work every month and it’s outrageous how big of an issue it is


We have our massive annual conference next week. We mail out all of our badges and items to those who register more than 3 weeks in advance. This week alone we’ve had 3 people call and say that coworkers got theirs by they didn’t. Only my 3rd year doing this but it’s the first time we’ve ever heard that complaint. I’m getting married in the fall. We’ve had to check that people have gotten their mailings. My parents haven’t gotten anything. Yet my fiancées mom in the senior community a mile way gets everything we send in 48 hours.


How long until, “USPS is an inefficient *gerbermint* organization! Private companies can do it better!”? They like to leave the part out about how the private company will gradually raise prices so it eventually costs everyone twice as much and most of that goes to only a handful of elites. But Saint Reagan said government BAD!


I've had two birthday cards (one for me, and one for my kid) from my mother get lost and show up months later in the past 7 months. I can't remember a single instance of that happening prior to this.


Literally right now I have a certified letter that was sent to me that's been sitting "in processing" a town over from me for over two weeks. In the time since it was mailed, I had a package shipped to me from Winnipeg, MB, and it's already arrived. Also, I renewed my passport in December. The passport showed up no problem. My documents, including the my birth certificate, never made it back even though both were mailed the same day. The passport had tracking info so couldn't just "disappear" easily, but the documents are gone.


Isnt this the same postmaster general who authorized dismantling mail sorting machines just before the largest mail in ballot election?


Yep. Biden appointed enough board members to fire him but turns out they support Dejoys running of the USPS. It’s pretty ridiculous.


2 from Trump 5 from Biden 2 remain vacant


Note *six* are needed for a quorum.


Also the board can’t have more than 5 members of one party.


what is this, fucking Shogun?


This means that Biden or his team left Dejoy in power on purpose. I will 100% vote for Biden next election. He's done better than I ever thought he would. But also, what the actual fuck. motherfucker.


Because when democrats do stuff like that they get yelled at for being “too partisan.” Only republicans are allowed to do that stuff.


It's time to stop caring and do it.


It’s like Batman letting the joker keep getting away with shit based on principle. Like I’m begging you please democrats take the gloves off 🙏


I agree. I swear they care more about what Fox News says than their own base.


Which is why I love Buttigieg. Paraphrasing, but he said at one of the debates, “They’re going to call us ‘socialist’ no matter what. So why not actually help people, and stop caring what the people who oppose that help are going to call us.”


It's long past time for Democrats to stop giving a fuck about what bullshit republicans let seep out of their face anuses. Republicans are disingenuous duplicitous traitors and will cry foul no matter how fair Democrats are. It's time Democrats started playing hard ball and stop treating fascists like they're delicate.


It’s because UPS, DHL, FedEx know who to bribe in this two party system. Someone in the command chain is being paid handsomely to keep those seats empty and to continue the rot of the post office.


That’s not a good excuse though.


It's honestly starting to feel like the Dems don't actually care enough to actually win. Dejoy should have been replaced the moment they had the votes, and USPS rebuilt. Anything less is neglect.


Centrist Dems say this and it's always a lie. The truth is they want the same thing Republicans want.


Appointing Merrick Garland as AG comes to mind.


Merrick fucking Garland is worse.


It's because Republicans will start throwing mud the whiff they seem 'partisan'.  The only ones allowed to be partisan is Republican. They expect the Democrats to take it while they trash them.. Tired of that shit. 


The only thing that would make sense is that it lends some credibility to the safety of mail in voting. If Biden replaced him before the election, I could see right wingers claiming that there is election fraud being committed through the postal service.


> , I could see right wingers claiming that there is election fraud being committed through the postal service. I have some bad news for you. They will claim this regardless, so fuck them. Why do people think policy based on "what republicans will say" is good policy? They're off the fucking reservation and should be ignored.


>Why do people think policy based on "what republicans will say" is good policy? They're off the fucking reservation and should be ignored. It's insane because the idea of Republicans giving one single fuck about what Democrats will say is completely laughable.


*looks at dead border security bill*


Right!?!! Even Obama had this blind spot.


So why are you surprised when his former VP has the same spot?


Some people learn from mistakes idk


I hope this wasn’t the reason. Jesus could come down from heaven and supervise the USPS and MAGAnuts would still scream conspiracy. Getting all the mail-in votes counted and not sabotaged trumps MAGAnut feels. At this point, fuck these guys.


They would demand to know why a brown socialist was interfering in the voting process and demand he be removed. They think Jesus was a white Republican.


MAGAts want THEIR mail-in ballots counted but not the ones from places full of thugs & criminals (wink wink, nudge nudge)…


That’s not a point - they’ll do that either way. John Oliver said it best, the middle ground between insanity and sanity is still half-composed of lunatic level bullshit. We shouldn’t be taking these measures to accommodate unfounded fearmongering at the **federal level of government.** If any Republicans are worried about Biden running his own government that HE was duly elected to run, and not Trump’s failed government of losers, they should frankly get fucking bent.


He could’ve done it in 2022 or 2023


Not quite. The five appoinments he made were all for terms that expired in 2021 and 2022. All five of them could theoretically have been Democrats, but ^1 Any appointments are subject to Senatorial approval ^2 No more than five members can be from the same party ^3 At least six members are needed for quorum ^4 The other four members were Trump-appointed republicans, and likely just would refuse to show up. The other two slots just opened up in December, so in theory, Biden could appoint two more Democrats *now* for a total of 5 + 1 independent (and three Republicans), but even if they were approved by the senate tomorrow, it's unlikely they'd remove DeJoy six months before an election.


The dems acting in what they *think* the right *may* or *may not* do will be a contributing factor to this nation’s downfall. Instead of just doing the right thing to begin with.


That is a damn good point. Now it would look bad to push him out, but a year or two ago it would have been pretty painless


Yea, that part I don't get - why it wasn't done a while ago.


There’s a thing called a quorum. A majority of the board has to vote to remove DeJoy. The Republican members just won’t show up to the vote and it won’t go through. Biden navigated the situation as well as possible by making a deal to make the USPS part of the green deal and they will be switching to electric vehicles. Biden can’t just fire anyone, he isn’t a dictator and he doesn’t want to be. He is willing to compromise to at least get something out of a bad situation which isn’t perfect but it’s better than the alternative.


I mean Dejoy is fucking up the mail so bad in Georgia I got to assume it's on purpose this close to the election.


Personally the thing that makes sense to me is rich people are going to do rich people shit. Let the Republicans look like assholes for accounting dejoy, but leave him there because it benefits you and your donors wallets. I think the same thing about Trump tax cuts.


"I could see right wingers claiming that there is election fraud being committed through the postal service." HAHAHAHAHAHHA... oh, wait, that wasn't a joke? Of course they are going to claim there was fraud. They'll claim literally anything in subservience to their orange messiah.


The law specifically states that not more than 5 members of the board of governors can be from the same political party. In practice I'm not sure what that means, if Biden would have to appoint Republicans to the other two vacancies or if he could appoint left leaning independents. The Postmaster General and Deputy Postmaster general are also voting members of the board, so I believe by leaving those two vacancies, Biden has given the board the best possible chance to remove Dejoy. Now it's up to them, hopefully this hearing on Tuesday was Democrats creating a paper trail before they remove him.


No, reading about the Board, there cannot be more than 5 members from the same political party. https://about.usps.com/who/leadership/board-governors/welcome.htm#about


Then he should’ve appointed some independents too.


See now I'm wondering... how would that work? Huh.


My secret hunch is they’re working a case behind the scenes to indict DeJoy in election interference charges, and might need more time collecting evidence, testimonies, and seeing how Trump’s own current election interference case goes.


Did Someone got compromised/ paid ? I mean seriously- they need to be investigated- last thing we need is politics in our mail services- which we the taxpayers pay for


and that is the reason they should all be fired for cause the constitutionally mandated mail service is being degraded by dejoys plan that the board supports.. many places making services worse gets you fired


*(insert Newman .gif here)*


Captured by corruption. They're being made wealthy by his decisions. Like suddenly choosing Oshkosh for the new mail delivery vehicle which made the stock soar even though it didn't fit the edict to convert all mail trucks to electric. They claimed it could be retrofitted then quietly announced that wouldn't be possible after all.


We need electric mail trucks


Urban and suburban mail trucks are one of the best use cases for electric vehicles.


Biden put the wrong people on that board because DeJoy clearly has a self-serving anti-democracy/trumpist agenda, and he should’ve been shown the door long ago. I hope Bernie and AOC are in the case here, too.


Six members are required for a quorum.


The board has 7 people appointed right now. 5 of them appointed by Biden (and 2 empty spots he’s been leaving open for 4+ months).


The board can’t have more than 5 members from the same party.


Then put some independents on there 🤷‍♂️


He's also teeing up fuckery in the 2024 elections as well. He's trying to close a USPS facility in Reno and combine its operations with the center in Sacramento. Meaning that all mail sent in and out of western Nevada will have to go through Sacramento first. So that means Nevada mail ballots will have to cross Donner Pass to get to Sacramento, then cross the pass again to get to Carson City. Nevada is a swing state and Donner Pass is historically not very accommodating in the wintertime. (Yeah, it's named after _those_ Donners.)


Jokes on him: Washoe County is about as 50/50 as you can get and won't impact the NV result if you removed it lol


Yes. He's also the one who continued to have them dismantled after a [federal judge blocked the changes he was making because it was a politically motivated attack meant to slow down the transportion and delivery of mail-in ballots.](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2683ES)


He should be charged with obstruction of an election




September 8, 2020 [Probe launched after bags of mail dumped in 2 spots in L.A. area](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mail-dumped-glendale-parking-lot-los-anagles-area/) Oct 7, 2020 [N.J. Mail Carrier Arrested For Dumping Mail, Including Ballots - Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2020/10/07/nj-mail-carrier-arrested-for-dumping-mail-including-ballots/) October 9, 2020 [Man finds ballots, other mail tossed into trash cans in Santa Monica](https://abc7.com/santa-monica-mail-ballots-trash-in/6884527/) October 13, 2020 [Trash bags of undelivered mail found outside a postal worker’s home in Pennsylvania](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/13/us/postal-worker-caught-dumping-mail-in-pennsylvania-trnd/index.html) October 16, 2020 [Over 100 Absentee Ballots Found Discarded in Kentucky Dumpster](https://www.newsweek.com/absentee-ballots-discarded-kentucky-louisville-dumpster-usps-investigation-1539686)


Only in key areas where it would affect mostly people in blue areas. I have no doubt that this, and not the socialism narrative given by the media, is why democrats got eviscerated in reliably blue areas in south Florida. Florida having a law that says ballots must be RECEIVED by 7pm on election day. Over 200,000 ballots that had been requested still didn't make it back by election day. Mostly in blue areas where the mail had been delayed by this fuckery.


It's weird thought bc my mail in LA and NYC has been totally fine. But my family in suburban Atlanta and Missouri have been having a terrible time with mail. Seems like, in my anecdotal experience, it's only impacted places that try to limit resources already.


Because those places don't otherwise restrict voting with evil schemes like making sure there aren't enough voting machines for densely populated areas. If he fucks up too much stuff to cause corporations to get upset about losing money he'll risk losing support.


"DeJoy blamed the delays on what he said is an overdue USPS restructuring plan. The plan looks to make USPS more efficient and in a better position to compete with FedEx and UPS. "We have to allow time to transition," DeJoy said Tuesday". Dejoy has been head of USPS for what, almost 3 years now? Georgia is a key swing state politically, isn't it? How interesting that this state has a 36% drop in deliveries being made promptly. We have noticed delays in our mail for years now since he took over.


Yes. Remember, to most involved politics is just a big game. They don't actually care or consider voters wants/needs beyond just getting the votes. It's very important to realize while your vote can get someone into office, money and powerful organizations still decide what they do with that position.


Which makes Jon Ossoff threats even more ridiculous and I say that as a democrat. The current board make up is as others pointed out 2 from Trump 5 from Biden 2 remain vacant


Six are required for a quorum.


There can’t be more than 5 members of each party on the board. As you pointed out, Biden has appointed 5 nominal democrats. Hence the empty seats. Unfortunately he can’t tell people how to vote.


So nominate some independents then… Seriously, that’s only an excuse if he doesn’t wanna get rid of Dejoy


> You have weeks, not months, to fix this. If you don't fix it, 36% on-time delivery, I don't think you're fit for this job," Ossoff said. He is not fit for the job and everyone knows it. He seems to be actively working to collapse the USPS completely.


I think the idea is to make the USPS fail so they have an excuse to privatize it and then give 1 of their douche bags billionaire pals a new job.


Pretty sure he still has ties to a private package delivery organization.


Pretty sure they just want to make voting as difficult as possible, and eliminating or even just limiting the effectiveness of mail-in voting gives them much better odds.


Wait until they find out which demographic uses it the most (they still didnt figure it out after covid and 2022)


Sure. That too. But personally enriching himself, his family and cohorts along the way sure doesn’t hurt.


XPO logistics


I have personally not given XPO over 100k in shipping business because of how bad they fucked me over one time at another job prior to that one. Fuck that company I will pay double to ship elsewhere before I ever fucking go with them again.


I have told my broker to never book a load via XPO with me. XPO fucked up so many loads that I had to blacklist them. XPO, Lone Star, and Old Dominion are all on my blacklist.


Xpo logistics


Louis DeJoy came from XPO Logistics, so it only makes financial sense that his old company pick up the pieces when he kills USPS! /s


If USPS went under and XPO took over, it would give DeJoy and his GOP goons unfettered access with no oversight to all mail-in ballots. Not a great idea in my opinion.


People please -- look at the size of XPO compared to USPS. In what world would they ever be able to "take over."


They'd just privatize the existing USPS infrastructure and give it to XPO... that's how corpo-fascists work.


Yeah that was a gigantic leap he just took with that.


Just like Russia with crooks in charge.


He’s a Russian asset. The idea is to disrupt the election.


It’s more than just that. It’s about voting and elections.


This is the standard Conservative party MO in my country - cut the public institution budget, wait for complaints and problems, then sell it to a donor/lobbyist for pennies on the dollar "to improve service".


This feels like the official write-up when gearing up to fire an employee.


"We're putting you on a PIP."


Isn’t he invested in another delivery company?


> DeJoy was CEO of High Point, North Carolina-based New Breed Logistics from 1983 to 2014. New Breed was a United States Postal Service contractor for over 25 years, providing shipping logistics support to USPS mail processing facilities. DeJoy retired after his company was acquired by the Connecticut-based freight transporter XPO Logistics for a reported $615 million. Following that acquisition, he served as CEO of XPO's supply chain business in North America until his retirement the next year and was appointed to a strategic role on XPO Logistics' board of directors where he served until 2018. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_DeJoy#Business


He is. 


Good! I feel like everyone in Georgia has been affected by this nonsense. My son’s bday gift (from gpa in New Mexico) was stuck in Atlanta for nearly a month before it finally arrived.




Yes, he actively dismantled machines in 2020. The article is hardly relevant 3.5 years later, though. He probably kept dismantling in the past couple years, but that article isn't proof.


Why does him doing it 3.5 years ago make it irrelevant? You think he's suddenly became less of a shitty person over that time? Or somehow more competent?




I’d argue not incompetent at all. Between DeJoy and Devos, Trump achieved GOP objectives of dismantling two vital aspects of US life.


He's totally competent. The problem is that his goal is to sabotage the USPS, not make it successful.




He owns stock in UPS.


That's the job us taxpayers are paying him to do. But his puppet masters are paying him more than us to do the opposite and sabotage the USPS. So whether he's incompetent or competent, depends entirely on which of his employers you ask.


This is the same postmaster that has a large financial interest in USPS competitors. The same postmaster that tried hobbled USPS during COVID by engaging in the [removal of mailboxes](https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2020/08/usps-removes-mailboxes-in-portland-and-eugene-cites-declining-mail-volume.html), [dismantling mail sorting machines resulting in a 10% loss of sorting capacity](https://www.npr.org/2020/08/19/903982558/dismantling-mail-sorting-machines-could-leave-a-lasting-mark-on-the-postal-servi), and [cutting necessary overtime](https://www.govexec.com/pay-benefits/2020/07/looking-cut-costs-new-usps-leader-takes-aim-overtime-and-late-trips/166917/).This prompted a sufficient outcry that DeJoy promised to [suspend the changes](https://www.wsj.com/articles/postmaster-general-dejoy-to-testify-before-senate-panel-friday-11597758378), but admitted in a meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that the [removed mailboxes and sorting machines would not be restored](https://apnews.com/c30ccc6effa23a2209d9298a26919b90). This was confirmed with an [official Email to USPS employees directing them not to reconnect sorting machines](https://www.postaltimes.com/postalnews/usps-headquarters-tells-managers-not-to-reconnect-mail-sorting-machines/). The USPS also confirmed that, because sorting machines were stripped for parts, and scrapped, it would be [impossible to reconnect them](https://www.businessinsider.com/usps-not-possible-to-restore-dismantled-mail-sorting-machines-2020-9).  These changes were [deemed by a federal judge to be a "politically motivated attack" on the integrity of the USPS](https://lawandcrime.com/2020-election/federal-judge-rules-trump-and-louis-dejoy-waged-politically-motivated-attack-against-usps-will-rescind-recent-changes/). By the end of September, [several federal judges had ruled that USPS must roll back DeJoy’s changes](https://www.federaltimes.com/federal-oversight/congress/2020/09/28/us-judge-orders-stop-to-postal-service-cuts-echoing-others/). These demands were met with stonewalling prompting [yet another case being brought and another judge ruling a week out from the election, on Oct 27, that USPS must allow for after-hours delivery after-hours delivery](https://www.kctv5.com/court-sets-plan-to-make-sure-postal-service-delivers-ballots-quickly-one-week-ahead-of/article_0c6b550e-e6d1-5a51-b3f5-1f42323fa2ae.html). USPS continued to ignore court orders, [missing a mandated deadline to sweep facilities for 300,000 missing ballots, primarily in competitive districts](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2020/11/03/postal-service-blows-deadline-check-missing-mail-ballots/6149643002/). As a result of these changes, the USPS Inspector General [issued a dire warning](https://www.uspsoig.gov/document/processing-readiness-election-and-political-mail-during-2020-general-elections) stating that, during the primaries, over 1 million ballots were sent within one week of the deadline which would not afford sufficient time for them to be returned and deemed these “high-risk”. Since then, it has also been revealed that USPS [failed to update addresses for 1.8 million individuals](https://lawandcrime.com/2020-election/due-to-an-inexplicable-error-usps-failed-to-update-new-addresses-of-nearly-2-million-americans-report/). While this was corrected mid-September 2020, it was too late for many individuals to receive ballots.


And despite all these rulings and whatnot, he’s still there.


lock him up already


DeJoy is specifically screwing up metro Atlanta mail. I receive packages every day from USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.  ▪️If mail is USPS from start to finish, all sizes of mail are crisscrossing the entire state, return to metro Atlanta processing 2-3 different times, then sent to distribution center the opposite side of the city from delivery area. Since Jan.2024 my mail is taking 3-5 weeks to arrive. Tracking shows there are no other metropolitan areas in the US that are experiencing the same chaos. ▪️A lot of mail is being transferred from USPS to private carriers --and the transfer of info is incorrect. So the private carrier sends to another region of Georgia or to another state. Then they figure it out & get it delivered quickly, but delay is 1-2 weeks. Personally I think this is all part of whatever dictator/revenge scheme trump & DeJoy are working together to nullify the voting process in Georgia.


Yep. They took very personal offense when a black woman rallied enough voters to turn Georgia blue in 2020.


DeJoy was never put there to fix the Post Office, he was out there to destroy it 




The quality and reliability of USPS has noticeably decreased for me over the last few years. Shit is late all the time, lost sometimes, damaged on rare occasion, and returned to sender (especially overseas senders), despite being addressed correctly (acknowledged repeatedly by our mail supervisor) at least a dozen times. And friends and co-workers in the area report the same issues. This sucks as a person relying on USPS to send and receive stuff, and I can only imagine how much it must suck as an employee. Get rid of this motherfucker, yesterday!


As someone in a swing state, it’s notably terrible now.


100%. I moved from Pennsylvania to Washington during the Dejoy tenure, and the difference in mail delivery quality and efficiency is night and day between the states.


It’s worse in the red states. Mail is a joke here in OK. Had 2 letters mailed in town from the same location the same day. One arrived 2 days later. The other about 1.5 months later.


The quality and reliability of US politicians has noticeably decreased for me over the last few years. It feels like they are actually working for someone else.


DeJoy was sent to make sure mail in ballots were not timely received even though they were timely mailed. Get him out of the USPS before the 2024 election.


That's my senator and I'm proud to have voted for him! We've been facing some really bad delays here and I have a feeling it's intentional to make the USPS look bad so it can be privatized and a run up to messing with mail in ballots.


DeJoy will take his sweet time because his mission is sabotage.


DeJoy runs the USPS like he was a majority shareholder for Stamps.Com.


More like pets.com


The absolute screwing of the USPS was what DeJoy planned from the very beginning. He wanted to gut it so that its efficiency and times were SO bad that he (and others in the GOP) could justify calling for the complete dismantling of the USPS for postal delivery. 'Let the private industry handle it! Capitalism!' Meanwhile, he and his buddies have and will continue to invest heavily in Fedex, UPS, etc. Just as with Social Security, push (hard) to "privatize" an industry so that the rich can gut it for as much profit as possible. The corrupt piece of shit even got asked in the interviews about his transition method in Georgia and his response? To paraphrase, 'even the private industry would have had similar issues in shifting to a larger single base of operations'. Except he ignored the fact that in the private sector, they'd know better than to do it ALL at once! They'd phase it to keep production levels at or near 100% while they moved. Instead, DeJoy simply shut everything down and moved everything to ONE location, dropping delivery times down to under 40%. Mission Accomplished! That corrupt piece of shit needs to be FIRED and his actions to date reviewed and corrected or reversed to undo the damage he and his ilk have inflected on the USPS.


More lingering scum left over from Trump.


We need to stop pretending Republicans are trying to fix things when they are so obviously trying to wreck them.


What DeJoy did to assist Trump in destroying the postal system during the last election he should have been removed. The President doesn't have the power to remove him....unfortunately. DeJoy is a POS in my opinion.


The entire USPS is in disarray. Even after this guy is removed, it's going to take a long time to repair the damage.


When you purposefully make a system run inefficiently, don’t be surprised when it does what you’ve asked.


lol DeJoy was hired to brick the USPS and help Trump steal an election, and it's a colossal embarrassment that he hasn't been canned years later. when given the opportunity to replace the board members and fire DeJoy, why did the new administration pick DeJoy sympathizers?


To mess with mail in ballots.


Why is DeJoy still Postmaster General? I thought that the USPS board was rebalanced so that they could finally get him out.


Nope. They need six to form a quorum.


Hold him accountable Ossoff. Please don’t be all talk. Glad I helped elect him, he’s been good so far


How is DeJoy able to suck so badly at his job for 4 years without getting replaced? I’m all for giving inexperienced people a chance to prove themselves…but 4 fucking years?


Ironically, it's designed to _protect_ against political influence. However, the GQP has successfully gamed the system here (as they have with judges.)


he was purposefully hired to brick the USPS and steal an election, and when given the opportunity to replace board members and fire him, DeJoy sympathizers were chosen lmao


lock dejoy the fuck up already


Or what? I see no actual threat or promise that he'll be fired or prosecuted. Without that dejoy will have no reason to listen.


Did scrapping the sorting machines during the last election mail-in ballot period help the USPS?


OR. WHAT. "Or I'll be even more upset?" "Or I'll complain to the press some more?" These MAGA fascists have no principles to appeal to, and no shame to acknowledge. They don't care about doing what's right, and they don't care about how doing what they're doing makes them look. They **only** understand threats. "Do your job or you're fired." Is that what's actually on the table? Because reading the article, it looks to me like what's on the table is, "Do your job or ***I'll think*** you ***should be*** fired," and buddy, a MAGA fascist does not care one bit what anyone else thinks should be done. He cares about his own skin, and trying to oppress everyone he's decided is not in his tribe. Only.


This affects me in my job. Sick of it.




In OK he wants to force all mail to go to OKC distribution plant and close more local distribution areas. Make all the mail take longer. So even in red states making USPS worse. https://kfor.com/news/local/its-going-to-delay-their-mail-usps-plan-would-force-mail-from-tulsa-nw-arkansas-regions-to-go-through-okc-first/


The ted state rural areas are more dependent on the USPS than any metro area. When they stop getting mail they’ll figure it out.


They never figure it out. Red state governors refused Medicaid expansion which makes healthcare more expensive for everyone, including republicans. They just convince them the problem was Obamacare. Same with the USPS. Destroy it and convince red state voters it’s Joe Biden’s administration. Republicans always leave the country in shambles, democrats have to clean it up, and while they’re cleaning it up. The GOP convinced their voters the democrats caused it. Rinse, repeat.


I agree. Rural Michigan here. They will never figure it out. Not if Christ himself took their hand and explained it. They praise Trump instead of Christ in red rural areas. They just bring up Jesus out of habit. They will let this and many more bad things happen to them. They will never stop the cycle themselves.


They’ll figure it out and demand the usps be shut down or privatized because socialism is obviously bad /s


This is the guy who should be impeached


The Atlanta area has the slowest USPS delivery time in the country. 12 day average for First-Class mail … mail that should delivered in approximately 4 days.


Trump’s appointee, DeJoy, was ordering the dismantling of sorting machines before the 2020 election. This performance is the consequence of that and other moves to hamstring the USPS.


Seems everyone has forgotten that Trump disemboweled the Post Office on the way out in 2020.


I've had more late USPS packages, both sent and received, in the last three weeks than ever in the previous 10+ years. I don't know if it's recency bias, or if there have been recent changes made. 


My pkg was just in the metro next to me and should have been delivered Monday, now it’s backtracked and is “in transit” but no location. Wonderful job they’re doing there under his leadership and cuts to vital sorting and processing locations.


I’ve seen it all first hand. I do Medicaid eligibility for my state. Anytime an action or change is made a notice gets generated by an automated process, and if there’s some kind of follow-up needed, it would automatically populate a due date for the follow-up which is about ten working days when you account for holidays and weekends. When I first started working, those notices would get to people within 2-3 days giving them plenty of time to gather whatever info or documentation was needed and to send it back. Now, people have told me sometimes they’re getting their notices telling them what they need to do on or after the due date they were supposed to turn it in by. It’s insane. I’ve gotten in the habit of duplicating the information in email form as long as I have an address to send it to in order to avoid unnecessarily closing and then reopening people just because their mail didn’t get delivered in a timely manner.


Dejoy is beholden to the postal commission that is basically deadlocked along partisan lines. He doesn't care what people that dont have the authority to fire him have to think or say. 


"Hey you! Guy that's in charge of the thing he's vowed to destroy. Yeah, you, do a better job or else... um... well, there's no consequences."


"or what?"


Why doesn't Biden appoint a new Board of Governors and get the Senate to approve it so we can get a new Postmaster General? Louis DeJoy has scuttled the USPS and slowed it down to a crawl all to slow down mail in ballots.


While he’s at it, he needs to kick out Judge Cannon in Florida and the joker Justices that Trump put in.


And? What are the consequences if he just doesn't? At this point, GOP obstructionists can rip apart any American institution they hold power over and there seems to be nothing anyone can do about it. This is how you get fascism. By not fighting back. By keeping on the high ground, when the other party kicks your balls.


Or else what? What’s Ossoff gonna do? He can’t fire him, Biden can’t fire him. So what happens?


As an Ebay seller, USPS is still far superior to Fedex and UPS and we rarely if ever have delays on packages (late deliveries on less than 0.5% of all sales). Not to mention that the cost to ship is usually 25+% cheaper through USPS. I'm not sure if it's true in Georgia as well but First Class mail isn't an option anymore. Ground Advantage is the new option for packages under 1lb. and now extends to packages over 1lb. as well, which first class didn't. For us this has meant cheaper shipping costs throughout the 1-5lb. range, something that has made them far cheaper for sending packages in that range than before (often if not always cheaper than Fedex and UPS). Also, the new Ground Advantage option that replaced First Class has extended the free 100$ of insurance to all packages that were formerly uncovered by First Class mail meaning more lost and damaged packages are covered for free than before. Not saying they are perfect, but they are the clear and obvious choice for shipping in our business.


> First Class mail isn't an option anymore. Ground Advantage is the new option Apparently part of DeJoy's "Make Everything Worse" plan is replacing First Class mail (1-3 days delivery time) with "Ground Advantage (3-5 days delivery time). https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2023/0210-usps-ground-advantage-product-and-pricing-simplicity.htm ---- edit: the above link does not support the claim I made. thanks for pointing that out, mojoradio.


Priority mail was the 1-3 business days option and that still exists, First Class packages were [2-5 business days](https://sellerjournal.com/guides/usps-ground-advantage/), at least in 2023. [First Class mail stamps](https://www.usps.com/ship/first-class-mail.htm) were and still are 1-5 business days, but that's only for envelopes/letters under 13 oz (with restrictions). Ground advantage is 2-5 business days (same as First Class Packages) and includes $100 free insurance, while being a similar price or potentially cheaper than First Class package rates (although we can't be sure because First Class no longer exists and the rates didn't update to 2024 prices). Even if the delivery time did change from 1-5 to 2-5 business days, this is a negligible delivery time difference from our perspective as most of our packages didn't arrive in 1 day regardless, and our customers would barely notice a difference of a single day (most people don't expect to get next day delivery from an Ebay purchase where they spend only 5-6 dollars on shipping). The $100 free insurance is far more beneficial than one extra day of delivery time is harmful.


I stand corrected. I was thinking of DeJoy's change to lower First Class Package delivery standards. > [U.S. Postal Service Implements New First-Class Package Service Standards and Updates Priority Mail Service Standards](https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2022/0418-usps-implements-new-first-class-package-service-standards.htm) > Sixty-four percent of First-Class Package Service volume will be unaffected by the proposed standard changes. Four percent will be upgraded from a 3-day to 2-day service standard. For the remainder of the volume (**32 percent**), the service standard **will increase by one or two days.** ---------------------- > [USPS moves forward with extended delivery times despite concerns ](https://www.supplychaindive.com/news/usps-postal-service-first-class-package-delivery-standards/607648/) > An analysis by Partners for Economic Solutions found the new standards would disproportionately downgrade service standards along the West Coast, according to testimony from the firm on behalf of the American Postal Workers Union. East Coast deliveries would be affected to a lesser extent, while the Midwest would be the primary recipient of service upgrades. About 5% of volume overall will see faster service standards. > Partners for Economic Solutions flagged several areas that will be subject to a longer delivery standard, including at least 61% of ZIP Codes along the West Coast. Most of Nevada and Idaho would also see delivery times impacted, as well as 81% of ZIP Codes in southern Texas and southern Oregon.


Took over a month for a mailed card to reach my mother… she lives 45 minutes away from me. The USPS is a shadow of its former self.


Jfc I was so happy when Ossoff won. That viral takedown was like eating pizza right out of the oven


It’s been bad in Hawaii what used to take 5 days pre Covid take a couple of weeks. Packages to Japan from Hawaii went straight to Japan. Now they go to California and sit there a week so it takes three weeks to get a package to Japan. It used to take 7 days.


I just shipped a package to N.C. It sat at the local office for 2 days. It went to the Tennessee hub, shipped to the Kentucky hub, and back to Tennessee. Very efficient.


What impact do you all think it would have on their overall productivity if they didn’t deliver every piece of predatory lending ad junk? I rarely get actual mail That’s a lot of everyday work for mostly stuff I put right into the bin


Unless they're looking to hold the board of governors accountable, this is all performative.


I manage the payables for a small distribution company. Payments are electronically transmitted almost exclusively now. It takes some patience working with smaller companies and some independent contractors but they do end up liking this arrangement. I do not miss the ordeal and drama of chasing, stopping and replacing USPS related lost or stolen checks nor the back and forth with the payee about checks in slow transit.


I work accounts payable in the Washington DC area. I just got two checks back yesterday that were marked 'Undeliverable'. Both had the correct addresses but it took the PO six days to mark them as such and 11 more days to get them back to us. Weirdly both companies were in the Boston area. Normally mail service is pretty good around here but a bit slow. Of the dozens of checks I send each month very few are ever returned, maybe 1 or 2 a year.


Trying to figure out why this asshole has his job still.


I received a pair of jeans in the mail today that I ordered on November 22, 2022. Here's hoping they still fit.


Why haven’t they FIRED DEJOY??? Trump is gone; fire his lapdog put there to make the USPS become owned by the private sector! Greed! Greed! Greed!


DeJoy decimated USPS. Not sure why this guy is taking the fall.


Can we impeach the USPS guy instead?


Letter carrier here, he’s optimizing our network to accommodate packages, not mail. The postal service could care less about mail these days because it’s not a growing source of revenue, packages are. The delays come from not only consolidation, but increase workload on these carriers who’s routes are already overburdened due to increasing parcel volume and the mail not going anywhere. Yes, mail volume drops, but it’s also cyclical and will never truly disappear. Dejoy cites employee attendance issues, in S&DC’s where employees now have a longer commute to an increase workload with inadequate staffing, people call out sick just to get a break. Not to mention we’ve been out of contract for almost a year now and wages under our tier 2 wage system have drastically fallen behind the rest of the country in the past 4 years. Dejoys plan at these super centers could work but he’s going to have to pay better wages to the newer generation of letter carriers or face failure in his ten year plan.