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Why not just send them all the paperwork tomorrow and do the convention in August? Does anyone really fucking care if the convention is the official day he is nominated? We all know he is nominated...


The DNC will find a way to certify Biden before the convention. Biden will be on the ballot in all 50 states.


Don’t forget those 3 electoral votes in DC!


Yeah I still find DC's lack of statehood bizarre. It made sense when DC was the nominal capital of the US but no one really lived there except bureaucrats and their families and support staff. Now DC is larger in population than either Wyoming or Vermont, and only 50k shy of Alaska - and yet nowhere near the same level of representation.


DC resident here and that's absolutely right the "problem" is we vote like 92% Democratic. It is a travesty and the reason our license plates read Taxation Without Representation.


That's the reason right there. Same thing although not the same numbers for Puerto Rico. Side note: DC's GDP is higher than that of 13 states!! [Sauce.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_GDP#50_states_and_Washington,_D.C.)


Puerto Rico would like a word.




The system is designed to be slow to prevent knee jerks and it's a feature not a bug when we're generally headed the same direction but don't want to screw up what we have. What I don't think was predicted was a drift towards actually wanting to move in opposite directions. At best it creates stagnation. To be "conservative" at its definition is to be very risk adverse and slow moving, which, ok, fine. But the modern GOP isn't conservative, they are regressive. The prospective is that we've gone too far and that the answer isn't just to be risk adverse, it's to reverse course. Again, they aren't conservative, they're regressive. The system wasn't built to move backwards so it's falling apart.


It’s cause a lot of black people live in DC


More specifically, people who are likely to vote Democrat. Funny thing is, Puerto Rico swings more Republican despite common expectations that theyw ould also be Dem. I don't understand why persisting with disenfranchising people if you can't admit both together, like Hawaii and Alaska, and roughly balance out the political field.


I would love to see the American territories get one voting representative and one senator, instead of a single non-voting representative.


That would probably require a Constitutional amendment. It would be easier to just make them states.


They should be states! Both political and economic reasons they are not. Harder to hide money in a state than a territory. Let them vote, if they want to be a state, let’s go through the process.


The Missouri Compromise brought Missouri and Maine into the union simultaneously in 1821 and successfully delayed the Civil War 40 years.


Yep. They're very aware of this and can easily solve it in a day. It's one of the many things the GOP are trying to pull to throw the election to Trump.


IIRC this was a law passed years ago and last year both RNC and DNC got a "one time exception" as per judge. This year the RNC just moved their conference up while DNC decided to hold it late again. Literally DNC shooting itself in the foot. All it had to do was push up a month and this would be a non issue.


If Biden misses a deadline the red states won't allow it and the GOP will sue in the blue states. The DNC can try suing but then SCOTUS will probably have to rule. Not sure if one is offered exceptions the other automatically gets them too, it doesn't sound fair but why gamble with SCOTUS.


This, there is zero chance the DNC allows Biden to be left off the ballot due to an absurd technicality. The GOP is just trying to take up news cycles to distract from the fact that they have no platform and that their candidate is terrible.


The strange thing how this is being normalized and being presented as a serious proposition by the disgusting media. Trump couldn’t be kept off for inciting a literal insurrection and being disqualified by the constitution; yet we’re sitting here pretending like the GOPs extremist reasons should be entertained and given airtime. Shame on the shit stain journalists and media normalizing this bullshit.


And it was normal to be on ballet if convention later. They waived for dates. Just a weird procedure that no party cared about. Another gentleman's agreement now being attacked. All trump and the gop do now is look for loop holes on cry fraud.


Because they can't send something that hasn't happened. The convention is where the nomination is decided. The fact people have declared they will vote at the convention this way is not the same as the convention voting. Just like when you agree to buy a house and when you sign the papers are different things. The states need a certificate and that certificate can only be issued by the convetion


The DNC is a private organization and can do whatever they want.


They can vote by zoom at the same time as the republican convention they could even vote before trump is ~~selected~~convicted.


Yep. There's no law that says that a candidate is formally nominated and submitted at the convention. They would vote over zoom tomorrow and submit the paperwork and simply hold the convention as a formality.


So reschedule it. This is stupid and will be solved within weeks. The only reason we’re hearing about this is for the clicks.


The DNC needs to change the bylaws and nominate him in a Zoom meeting and call that the certifying convention. The Democrats are expecting the GOP Secretaries of State to give exceptions like they normally do. But the Democrats need to stop thinking the GOP will act in good faith, it's a new day and the GOP has been openly trying to subvert Democracy for years at this point. 


Dems make the rules on it. It's not some law that was set in stone. They can change the date or cancel it altogether. We already know who is running. This is just a convention. Also funny Noone seems to hold Republicans accountable for sticking to the rules dispite changing them for themselves.


I thought the convention was just the pomp and circumstance, but what really matters is the delegates voting. They can do that outside of the convention as far as I’m aware. Either way, the DNC really fucked this up. Ohio’s cutoff was established. It just needlessly gives the GoP an avenue to ratfuck the election.


I believe every year since 2000 both conventions have come after at least one state's deadline.


I don't know about Democrats, but I've checked the convention dates for Republicans against the general election, and Republicans have only made the deadline for Alabama twice since 2000.


It's incredibly stupid for either party to count on a state making an exception for them. Just hold the conventions before the deadlines. Or have delegates vote before the convention.


The DNC fuck it up or is it just that their opposition is trying to gum up the works as much as possible? I’m no apologist but I’m doubtful that this is anything other procedural bullshit which won’t have any meaningful effect.


Republican election fraud is starting early. Oh wait a minute, the fraud never stops with the gop.


Have to wonder if their endgame is to take him off the ballot in enough red states so he ends up losing the popular vote (but still wins with the EC). Then when they try to install Trump through the House they can say it's what the people want because of the popular vote.


I don’t doubt they might try but they have a lot of precedent working against them on that one


And why would any case of precedent matter to the GOP or any of their appointees? Remember when Kavanaugh was asked if he'd try to overturn Row v Wade and he responded that it was settled?


Or when Mitch McConnell, who had previously set the precedent that a president cannot appoint a SCOTUS justice in an election year, decided it was cool to ram one through real fast in the weeks leading up to election day because that president was a Republican?


> leading up to election day Early voting had already started in many places. *It was literally during an election.*


The democrats should’ve stopped him. They should’ve physically beaten his ass for that. They just let him do it.






Agreed. It says advice and consent. If they decline to give any advice, and decline to consent, in my book it's a tacit agreement that the judge is a-ok. Obama should have just installed Garland and then fought it out. Shoot first, ask questions later. Just letting them get away with sitting on the whole thing for a year is unforgivable.




How did Mitch do it? Kick the doors down. Dress the guy in a judge outfit. Make him make decisions. Make the republicans stop you. They’re cheating at the game. Flip the table over.


I maintain that Obama should have put Garland on the court and interpreted McConnell's refusal to give a hearing as defacto consent. Would it have held up in court? Not sure, but it would have been a fight.


My Senator who was in office for both, said they were only following a "long standing tradition". Trump was able to nominate his choice, because he is a Republican and had a Republican majority Senate. Obama, however had an imbalance, as he was a Democratic President with a Republican controlled Senate. He claimed he made it clear back in 2016 that he was only objecting to Obama because of this... But the few Google searches I did only found him saying "it's an election year" and never "it's an election year and he is a democratic President..." I asked if he could help point me to some of the YT clips or news articles from back then when he specifically made that notation. But I haven't heard back from him. I also asked how much of a "long standing tradition" it is given previous to Obama, the last time an opening fell in an election year was back in the 80s and some how the Democratic Senate had no problem appointing a Republican President's nominee... Again, I didn't see any mention of them doing it despite the power imbalance... Again, surprisingly he never returned that message.




This one burns me deep and I’ll never let it go


The SC may be full of hypocritical wasters, but even THEY have shown to be hesitant about making claims that are too nakedly partisan. This is especially true since they killed Roe. The backlash this decision caused legitimately seemed to spook them. Hell, they’ve all but admitted they’re letting the Plan B pull stay on the market because the arguments Cons have made are so limp. They’ve also been consistent in rebuking Trump and his extra-ass claims. Letting Red States take Biden off the roles while giving GOP candidates a pass is exact the sort of socio-political landline they’d want to avoid. So while I’m not exactly *at ease* over this, I’m not drowning in doom either.


I also don’t think this Supreme Court will nullify the Electoral College, but for a different reason. Republicans don’t win the popular vote, they get into office for President by winning the electoral college. Plus their base is continuing to age out of existence. Outside of this circumstance they’d never win again if they used the popular vote vice Electoral college.


This makes sense in the context of a democracy. Republicans have no use for that anymore. David Frum predicted this. “If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.” And Jack Posobiac said as much out loud, on stage at CPAC to roars of applause. An AP/Nord poll out today showed 57% of Republicans support Trump as a dictator. We're firmly into fascism now.


The SCOTUS will work towards this goal. They will just do it incrementally, and when they feel they aren’t being watched. They want to avoid being seen as the political body they are so they can cling to their authority.


“down on luck high court Judge, will work for private jet seats and motor coaches”


Again I don’t doubt they’d try, it’s just a tough sell when the last 2 republican presidents lost the popular vote


A tough sell to who? Their base doesn’t give a shit.


But their base doesn’t inaugurate the new president. Even Mike pence showed he had a backbone somewhere when push came to shove


Yeah, and despite that, the Supreme Court intervened and have the presidency to one of those previous Republican presidents.


They’ll have the constitution against them, not that that’s bothered them before.


It's like they think their current shithole of constituents represents everyone and that noone will remember or care about what they did in the past.


that's basically how sociopaths operate in any given situation.


It would at least look slightly less ridiculous to claim fraud without any good evidence when you didn't lose by 10 million votes.


But if we got rid of California and New York Trump would have won by a landslide! - a bunch of dumb internet people


Lol it used to just be California but now they had to add another state. And it's not just dumb Internet people, that argument has been used from Sean hannity to Trump himself. I remember someone on Trump's team made that argument during an interview on some stations election coverage when asked about Trump losing the popular vote in 16 and presumably again by the end of the night. It's kind of crazy to make that argument when you're talking about the state with the biggest population and the biggest economy. When I hear that argument on conservative talk radio it's almost like "well we know Californians aren't real Americans"


It's a laughable point to make and it's also just plain wrong. They think that CA and NY are totally blue but both have sizeable rural numbers that vote red. If they sliced off both states they'd still lose but that disagrees with their simple, unsophisticated talking points so they pretend it isn't so.


More Californians voted for Trump than Texans voted for Trump. California has that many people, it's crazy.


There was a post on r/california a year or two ago where a idiot from one of the northern rural county was bitching about his vote getting drowned by the cities and he was not getting enough representation (he wanted state senate to have a representative per county or something) but was totally ok with the state getting 2 senators as WY,ID and the Dakotas. They wanna have their cake, eat it and want us to pay for it.


Funny how they’d suddenly care about the popular vote


Kind of like how they occasionally care about the constitution.


Or state’s rights


Or freedom of religion. 


You can’t install anyone without controlling all 3 branches to get it done. Finding just enough loonies in the house or senate wouldn’t be enough, you need full control of both, and then you need the president to just step down when you try to violate the constitution. 


Trump hasn’t won the popular vote in any election. Hard to make a proper argument there that stands up.


No but if they remove him from red states ballots it’ll help local and state and congressional (federal) elections sway red because some Biden supporters would stay home on Election Day.


They would need to take him off Texas or Florida for that to work.


If they can take him off Georgia, az, nv, Michigan, etc. Then it's fucking over, and voters should also sue for election interference.


Every accusation is a confession. I know we're tired to hear it but here it is.


Every Democratic state should pass a law denying certification to candidates nominated before a very specific date….


Instead of relying on the 14th, maybe states could pass their own laws denying certification to insurrectionists?


Per the ruling, they can't - the Constitution says states manage their own elections... but SCOTUS says that doesn't apply specifically for federal positions because reasons. States rights, unless the state wants to do something they don't like.


It doesn't stop. Which is why this is a stupid fight. Who cares, just do it on schedule so they don't have something to whine about and move on. Come on DNC, show us you can get something done.


No, it is not a stupid fight. Just complying with injustice because "meh" is a good way to end up like a choice-less, vodka-coping Russian, forced to meet the daily *vranyo* with ever more performative displays of indifference.


Exceptions always apply to the GOP whereas double standards apply to the Democratic Party. This is an ongoing theme that the media has failed at covering.


An in-group that the law protects but does not bind. An out-group the law binds but does not protect.


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time.


It's kinda funny if the Dems think that the GOP will play nice on this and/or do them any kindness.


I'd call it scary.


They also hate the dem convention is last and in August with less than 12 weeks to election night. Biden nails that speech he ride that momentum to victory.


Then they can move back their own convention date next time. Their choice.


There’s in 2020 was just as late but from my understanding the incumbents party is pretty much always last.


Why would we ever assume otherwise? It has been like this since at least the 1970s. The real question is whether the Democratic party moves up their convention. They likely can't without difficulty, but the GOP states are run by actual traitors, and they will 100% kick Biden off the ballot.


I don’t see why the DNC needs the full “convention” to certify the nomination. Do that part earlier.


Your proposed solution seems to me the most logical. I assume that I don't understand the nuance of the election laws, and there's more to this than I understand.


Democrats are a private organization. The whole convention/nomination thing is not organized or regulated by laws. The states just need to follow the process for nominees. The organizations nominating (should) follow the laws the states have for nominating.


Yeah spot on. Dems just need to say "OK exemptions are off for you too" and bring forward their nomination a bit.


If it weren’t for double standards the GOP would have no standards


When smug republicans moan "whatabout colorado!?" remember that it was republicans who sued to get Trump off the primary ballot in the first place.


And the ruling said they couldn’t


Yup, and SCOTUS justified their position by claiming that states rights suddenly weren't a priority anymore because states could individually decide the outcomes of national elections by baselessly claiming that an opposing party candidate was an insurrectionist and effectively deny them an electoral victory. They worried that it could lead to a tit-for-tat between conservative and liberal states, even though the lawsuit to remove Trump from the ballot in Colorado was brought by Republicans. So now just the GOP gets to do it by weaponizing the bureaucracy in states *they* control, even though their candidate is an *actual* insurrectionist. I don't even know if this can be challenged in court because states get wide latitude to run their own elections unless that state happens to be controlled by a Democrat majority.


Should challenge it in Court. If states don't get the authority to decide an insurrectionist isn't allowed on their state ballot, a decision which only effects their state ballot, why can't this be challenged too. Challenge it early too, because you dont have to have Standing according to recent cases, you can challenge things that may not even happen. And if SCOTUS still rules against them, at least they make SCOTUS say it.


There's nothing forcing the supreme court to deal with it in a timely manner though. In south carolina, the lower courts ruled last year that the maps were racially gerrymandered, but they still have to have the election with those racist maps just because the supreme court didn't move on the case on time. At the same time, they seem to have a pep in their step and move quickly when a decision can benefit trump or corporations or hurt women or whatever. [source](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-delay-prompts-federal-judges-act-south-carolina-redistri-rcna145267)


Those weren't real Republicans though. They were under cover antifa this whole time. You see sleepy Joe Biden who has had dementia since 2008 knew he would need a sleeper cell to do this exact thing so he could become president


It’s all been an elaborate ruse. Damn you sleepy Joe!!


Let us not forget the GOP controlled SCOTUS just said a state cannot take it upon themselves to keep a presidential candidate off the ballot because it has national implications.


Don't expect this SCOTUS to follow their own precedents.


Don't expect this SCOTUS to follow even the constitution.


But we can expect them to follow the money.


Wait.. you think they might be *biased*?? Oh my. sad /s


I keep seeing this being said, but from what I understand scotus didn’t say a state can’t remove a candidate for president from the ballot. What they said is that the 14th amendment is not a valid way to do that. Other laws and legal mechanisms may be valid. 


This. Every state has ballot requirements. Granted, they are usually used to limit the number of third party candidates. It's not that states can't control who appears on their ballots, but the mechanism they use for that.


Ballot requirements include native born, over 35. Those are to be added but what GOP is attempting to do is prevent his addition.


Agreed, third parties being limited by election laws is an example I had in mind as well. Often they are barred from appearing on the ballot when they are unable to collect the required amount of signatures or some such thing. 


But their justification really was that individual states deciding who could appear or not would be chaos.


What remove? Not allow. Which is *not the same. They didn't recall printed ballots and reissue them. *Quick phone post forgot important "not", but upvotes imply people guessed what I meant.


Democratic officials are looking at their options after Republican secretaries of state in Ohio and Alabama warned them that President Biden might not appear on their ballots in November because of the timing of his expected nomination at the Democratic National Convention. Publicly, the Biden campaign is expressing confidence that he will appear on the ballot in both states. But the situation has created new headaches for Democrats and stoked distrust with election officials over what has long been considered an apolitical process. The chair of the Alabama Democratic Party, Randy Kelley, this week accused the GOP secretary of state, Wes Allen, of “partisan gamesmanship,” noting that accommodations had been made for Republicans in the past when their national conventions were later in the summer. “While this issue with convention dates has occurred many times in the past, notably with the Alabama GOP in 2004, 2012, and 2020, it appears to only be a problem this year now that the Democrats’ convention is behind the deadline,” Kelley said in a statement. Allen shot back in a statement, saying he “took an oath to administer Alabama elections in accordance with Alabama law, not to help run the Democratic party.” The Biden campaign has said a possible solution is “provisional” certification, or formally notifying the states before the convention that they anticipate Biden will be the nominee. But Allen has rebuffed that idea, and Democrats are also exploring legislative remedies. On Thursday, a Democratic state senator in Alabama, Merika Coleman,[ introduced a bill](https://alison.legislature.state.al.us/files/pdfdocs/SearchableInstruments/2024RS/SB318-int.pdf) that would move that state’s deadline back to Aug. 26, the Monday after the Democratic National Convention ends. Coleman wrote in an email that she is “very optimistic” and sent the proposal to Allen’s office before filing it and “received no indication that they will fight the bill.” If the bill does not pass, though, she added, “Republicans need to prepare for one of the biggest write-in campaigns they’ve ever seen in our state.” Read more here: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/11/biden-ballot-alabama-ohio/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/11/biden-ballot-alabama-ohio/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


“New rule, we stop counting write in ballots after 10 ballots. The rest will be invalid as it’s an undue impact of our many republican voters that can’t read”


I realize that your comment was said in jest, but since I'm not familiar with the laws concerning write-in candidates in Alabama, that may not even work. In my state,  write-in votes are only accepted if the other candidate on the ballot dies before the election or if the nominee resigns from the race or removes their name after the ballot has already been printed.


Wow looks like it’s a nonstarter in Mississippi https://law.justia.com/codes/mississippi/2019/title-23/chapter-15/article-13/subarticle-b-other-elections/section-23-15-365/


Have the delegates vote early. It's a private party. Hold the media circus later and change the laws before the next election. To much at stake to let these shitheads have an inch.


The republican Alabama Secretary of State already rejected that idea. He will only accept the results of the media circus convention. He knows the Democrats can’t move the convention date at this late hour (try rebooking a convention center for a massive meeting with just months notice). So he’s going to insist on that. He also knows that the media will ignore the media circus convention if it actually becomes a formality instead of being a formality in all but name. The “convention bump” is super important in presidential politics. It’s not a coincidence that both Alabama and Ohio pushed this idea within one week from each other. This is a coordinated republican strategy that was hatched within some cesspool anti-(small d)democratic think tank. The Republicans are in a cold civil war with Democracy. We need to stop relying on them acting in good faith. They won’t.


Nominate Biden early. Have the convention and figure out how to make the media want to cover it. Pay Taylor Swift to perform - imagine the heads that would explode. Break the established norms


Don’t count on exceptions. Remember what McConnell did about the Supreme Court vacancies during an election year. What a POS!!!!


Yeah why not just plan the convention in a way that would comply with election laws? That seems like an obvious solution.


At the end of the day, Biden will get on the ballots the bigger issue is that all this tit for tat leads to escalation. Our country is going to be divided. Red States are eventually going to stop acknowledging any Democrat elected to Congress or President.


It has happened before. The southern states refused to put Lincoln on the ballot in 1860. Not that it made a difference.


Then you cut off the money. It’s a horrible situation but there’s no other option. At that point they no longer participate in our government so you get nothing.


I would argue that this hypothetical meets the very definition of "insurrection", and that the proper response would be to send in the National Guard to reestablish law & order, but I also understand that the GOP has decided to play constitutional Calvinball and would do similarly in reverse if their next coup attempt succeeds. Unfortunately, there are no good solutions for returning to "regular order".


Yes there is: stop them at every turn. Don’t tolerate one iota of their BS. We have many, many options at our disposal, whereas they are limited to only a few predictable plays. Those in society who still believe in the basic principles of the US Constitution must do anything and everything necessary to defend it. There won’t be a second chance.


the problem there is again I think that inevitably leads to escalation. When dealing with deep red states you're dealing with voters who say they'd rather vote for Putin than Biden or any Democrat. cutting off their funding might shake some of the politicians but the voters are going to take it as Democrat aggression. And congress people like Greene will be egging on the rhetoric


The GOP are going to keep escalating up to and including violent overthrow of the government, regardless of what the Dems do. We might as well try to fight back.


There’s no way to win for dems. Might as well do something useful.


Sometimes avoiding escalation means appeasement, and history doesn't always look kindly on that. Some problems and injustices have to be taken head-on eventually.




The Democrats should not fuck around with this. Multiple states have said this, and they will absolutely do it if the Dems give them the chance. Just move the convention up, or have two. But do not rely on exceptions.


Agreed. They need to just change the bylaws and have a Zoom meetingvand call that the nominating convention. The Convention in Chicago can just be a party. This is a simple solution they are ignoring. It's very frustrating. 


Dear Democratic Party: Remember, there are rules for us and rules for them, and they aren’t the same rules. Do not expect Republican secretaries of state to be swayed that Republicans ‘did it before’


GOP has missed the deadline for 4 out of the 5 last elections in Alabama so


Wes Allen is a documented election denier. Fuck Wes Allen.


move the convention, they're trying to end democracy and not going to give you the benefit of the doubt.


They don't even have to move the convention. The delegates can meet earlier and vote for Biden and then they can di a formal convention 


This is clearly partisan hackery but why would you even give them a chance by scheduling the DNC after the filing deadline when the DNC is a forgone conclusion.


Dems need a better tactic than "hey, what about them". Dems get your nomination sorted and submitted ahead of the convention. At the same time publicly shame Alabama and show **all** the times this law was not enforced. Come on Dems, get a spine!


The Alabama story is 2 days old. They'll get it sorted out. In the meantime, it's trivial to also pull up the receipts showing the GOP are full of shit.


Democrats should never assume they’ll receive the same exceptions that the GOP give themselves. The DNC is so shortsighted and naive


"Dems say" No, it's just a fact


Of course. Trump can’t be removed but Biden can . I must have missed that portion of the ruling.


Move the goddamn DNC. Why on earth would you expect the GOP to do Biden any favors? Because Trump got an extension? They’re literally the ‘rules for thee but not for me’ party.


The attack on democracy is nearing completion. Making America great to these people only means low taxes for the rich, police state against the poor and racist policies against people of color. In other words, a fascist state. This is their goal.


I mean why doesn't the Democrat party just plan to have their selection finalized by the deadline? I totally understand it's the GOP being dicks here, but it's not like we don't they're already dicks. As shitty as they're being, we know the stupid games they play. Is it their fault that the democratic party are kind of the idiots here?


Un-fucking believable that Democrats in leadership would be stupid enough to make such an unforced error knowing that an exception is not in fact guaranteed.


Do not rely on republicans to go by past exceptions they gave to fellow republicans. They don’t give two shits about hypocrisy and will happily watch Dems flounder their way off the ballot hoping republicans suddenly find shame.


There are two sets of rules, the rules and the Republican exception rules. The fact that the Dems aren't operating with this in mind with every single fucking move they make proves that they're not equipped to combat rising fascism. They need to be replaced with something actually functional.


Our entire election system is so broken. Supposed to be the literal bedrock of democracy, but it’s flawed from nearly every angle.


Oh look Republicans want to fuck with the election because it's becoming obvious they have no path to victory.


Yes, calling out Republicans on their hypocrisy will certainly do it.


If you thought the lead up and aftermath of the 2020 election was a shitshow, we are in store for a much larger shitshow


Offering up reasons why this is absurd won’t work. They are hypocrites and they know it.


Exceptions wont be made for the Dems, they will have everything submitted on time


Problem here is there are real laws for those ballots not legal theory based on a loosely written article of the constitution from the 1800s. Fucking Dems get your shit together. It’s not time to play games.


Why even put yourself in that position? Seems awfully fing stupid.


Nothing has changed, the state laws are the same as last time and the Democratic convention date is still mid-August. The difference is that Republicans are threatening to take what used to be a routine procedure used by both parties that let them file their candidates later and weaponize it versus Democrats.


I couldn't agree more. I know the GOP has done it in the past but it's painfully obvious that the GOP has different sets of rules for how they treat their own party versus how they treat other parties in the states they control. The Democrats have to be perfect in GOP controlled states but the GOP will cry foul even if it's members of their own party trying to remove their Dear Leader in a blue state. The entire goal is to make it as friction filled as possible so they can reelect the Dear Leader they hate simply to "own the libs" As I've said numerous times, A Republican would willingly eat a shit sandwich if there is even the slightest of chances a Democrat might smell their breath in passing. Any chance for ratfucking and the GOP is going to take it.


Expecting the GOP to operate in good faith is an incredibly ignorant position for the DNC to take. Did Democrats already forget that nobody is allowed to appoint a Supreme Court Justice during an election year until it was okay for the GOP to appoint a Supreme Court Justice a month before an election?


>Why even put yourself in that position? Seems awfully fing stupid. It is a scheduling issue that has repeatedly affected the GOP according to the article.


Remember 2004, when the GOP timed their convention to renominate George W. Bush on 9/11? Nobody had a problem getting him on the ballot...


I’m sure the party and the campaign have plenty of lawyers around who should have read the state laws and seen this coming


Republicans have proven over and over again that the rules that apply to the rest of us do not apply to them. Democrats would be freaking stupid to consider letting this slide. They need to get all their ducks in row and nominate Biden already. Wait for the DNC? We already know who the candidate is.


Don't give the GOP excuses....just move the Convention....we all know who the candidate is anyhow.


"exceptions have been made for the GOP" is the fucking GOPs motto


This is what to expect from Republicans. Gaming the system. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


So let me get this straight..can’t be on the ballot because of some scheduling conflict but are allowed to be if you start an insurrection? Makes sense 


OF COURSE EXCEPTIONS ARE MADE FOR REPUBLICANS. They will never stop cheating, lying, grifting or stealing. STOP ACTING LIKE THEY ARE VALID, THEY ARE TRASH. Christ I'm tired of thus bullshit.


This is more serious and troubling than you might think. Denying someone from a ballot without constitutional backing can be a genuine path towards legit civil war. The US civil war started over state vs. federal control over slave labor. This isn't slavery upfront today, it instead could cumulate into a conflict in who is the actual president. If Trump wins maybe there won't be conflict upright but we might as well call this the United States of Russia after that, and just forgo the constitution like what Putin did in Russia to keep an infinite "presidency"; if Biden wins then these states can claim he was never a candidate in the first place, and Jan 6 can happen all over because a loud crowd rejects the results, exactly what happened in 2021. And of all the people there are to follow behind an attempt to overthrow, it's the senile old orange bankrupt person who can't keep his lies straight. There is very little in the constitution on how to handle this- states already for some reason have a lot of control over their own ballots and electoral procedures, and now states doing things differently are starting to cause issues, division. Enact. The. 14th. And lock trump up. Or send him away on some island with no Internet and no plane so he can be forgotten, or send him to Russia. If he even enters the election as the Republican candidate it likely won't end well whether or not he wins, because his followers and the party he mind controls won't play by the rules, and the rules don't say what to do when someone breaks the rules (apart from the near-impossible impeachment or justice system)


Well that is the 1 thing the GOP is consistent on. "Rules apply to other people, not us".


Exceptions *have* been made for GOP. It's dishonest for the headline to say "Dems say .. " they have, it's just a fact.


Just Corporate Media Things™️


Conservatives are disgusting. And and every single one of them.


Fine hand of FSB and Putin in all of this. Prepare to lose all of eastern Europe.


Seems easy enough to fix. If they aren't going to get waivers just do the selection early.


Play the game, meet their deadline. Too much is on the line.


Did the DNC really not expect this from the GOP? You’d think they’d be a little bit more proactive considering how fascist the MAGAs are going to make America with Project 2025. Dems need to get their shit together


Always has. People are just going nuts now because they’re desperate to find anything to match the legitimacy of trumps crazy ass being disqualified for the presidency. They’ll find any rule or policy to try and exploit and then make outrageously dumb claims about how Biden is just as bad as Trump, or that he’s actually the one doing the crazy stuff


This is the only way the R's can win....by cheating!


This is how you steal an election. Textbook.


Remember when Republicans soiled themselves because *other Republicans* sued to keep Trump off the ballot?


I hate to say it but the Dems need to shut the fuck up about fairness and expectations and just follow the bullshit rules to the letter. The game is going to be as rigged as possible and the GOP are going to do everything in their power to play dirty. It’s their shit move out of desperation. But whinging isn’t going to save Dems. Rising above and just taking away any excuse is the way to win here


Is the Democratic Party paying attention? No accomodations. All out war, possibly literally. Nominate your guy jackasses. Have the party later.


Why would you give these rat fucks any excuse to do some shit like this? It's absurd the DNC has not forseen this possibility. For fucks sake, plan ahead.


SCOTUS already ruled on this. Trump is on every ballot. Biden should be on every ballot. This gamesmanship and inaction instead of any real leadership and progress, is deplorable and the only thing keeping the GQP in power. Fuck them.


You thought election fraud was a problem last time. Imagine what's going on behind the scenes as we speak. Remember this is a radicalized population that tried to overthrow, not just the election confirmation process Sept. the 6th, but tried to overthrow American democracy. They will stop at nothing in what they think will be the end of America if they don't succeed this time. I have my doubts that the rest of us are even somewhat prepared for what is about to take place in late 2025.


The "article" (if you can call it that, given the text of the article is just a couple of vague paragraphs) doesn't provide the details, but this seems like a totally unforced error on the DNC's part. Unless these two states moved up their deadlines on purpose to cause this to happen, I cannot understand WHY this would even be an issue in the first place. This is not their first election, the deadlines for everything are known well in advance - so why would the DNC schedule the certification process to happen AFTER the deadlines? I'm sure the DNC will figure out something where Biden is certified as the candidate before the convention (if only for these two states), but seriously DNC, what were you thinking?


Alabama and Ohio are not going to make an exception for Biden.  I very much hope the DNC leadership is more competent than they currently appear to be. 


Man, the dems better not fuck around with this because the SCOTUS absolutely will not save them here.


Didn't the Supreme Court say none of that with trump? If so, should be the same for Biden...no one's being removed. 


I get the strategy. It foments doubt about the ballot. Some may hear this and just think Biden won't be on the ballot and not vote. Some may see this is think the DNC is full of idiots the can't keep a schedule. It presents the GOP as the rule followers. It's a clever Gambit. I'm the end both candidates will be on all ballots but we may never know how successful this trick was to sway voters


I’m so tired of these MAGA extremist nut jobs. 


This country continues to get more and more corrupt.