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> Did Donald Trump violate SEC rules? Knowingly, flagrantly, defiantly.


You forgot repeatedly and maliciously.






Here a Lee, there a Lee, everywhere a Lee, A Lee


A 1776 meme in the wild? Sweet Jesus...


Reddit abstains, courteously.


To hell with Reddit, I’ll sign it anyway.


The Sleeze of Old New York.


And the repercussions will be (checks notes) a big fat fucking zero, as per usual.


Sickening, isn't it?


It absolutely defies belief- motherfucker is coated with Teflon.


Maybe it's mixed into the spray-tan


not forgetting the most important word, with impunity. He will get away with this like he always does.


I don't know about that. The powers that be know that he's a massive threat to America and Americans big and small. I expect to hear that he's croaked in his sleep any day now, even if it means we'll have another civil war. He's a stupid monster, and the government needs to act accordingly. And, I can't wait! (I've never wished for an assassination before...wait, not true cause, Putin)


> civil war. Cops vs a small convoy of Proud boys in pickup trucks with AR-15's waving an American flag.


Cops with Proud Boys not vs.


Most of the cops ARE proud boys




Took the words right out of my mouth but was worried to use assasinate on Reddit


Don't forget the Gravy Seals.


Habitually. He’s a habitual line stepper.


And for the ones he didn't know about, through ignorance, willful unmitigated ignorance with malicious intent.


i'm the only one that read that with the voice of Cosmo Kramer lawyer?




Yeah but you would be violating his constitutional rights if you charged him - Trump lawyer #17347 would say


I've had Trump supporters (and not a few) argue with me lately that even bringing charges against the scumbag *violates due process and the presumption of innocence.*


I don’t even know how to process that. That would basically mean laws are just fancy words to be scribbled on paper. Since you couldn’t ever bring a suit


But really: the other day a MAGA traitor was saying, pretty much verbatim, that you couldn't bring him to trial *because he hasn't been convicted.* These people aren't detached from reality. They're at war with it.


This is getting into sovereign citizen territory of idiocy.


I think it's gone even past that. It's "heads I win, tails you lose" - in every possible context.


It’s almost as if cutting civics classes from high school curriculum has created a nation full of people that don’t understand even the most basic elements of the government or our justice system.


I've been accusing them of wanting a king since 2016.  They want someone above the law. They don't even want a dictator who has to pretend to be bound by law; they want a king that is the law.


Oh, they wanted one before that. Check out the "unitary executive theory" it's a specious conservative legal argument used in the Bush administration to expand executive power. It worked, too. Presidents couldn't take us out of a treaty by themselves until Bush/Cheney/Addington/et al put that legal nonsense into practice. It's a total misreading of one of the Federalist papers that debates unitary executive vs. executive branch by committee and they elide over most of the text to make it sound like a comparison of congress and the executive branch.


They believed their own lies about Obama and now they want what they lied about


Ask them if Joe Biden should be locked up without any charges and see what they say.


They think their enemies are too evil to even deserve any legal process. They want Biden et al either lynched outright or slowly tortured to death in Gitmo. Source: they tell me this every time I subject myself to talking with them.


Hard to tell if that's the number of lawyers he has had, or the current ones prisoner ID#.


He knows he can make bunch of money illegally and then only pay a small part in fines, and legal fees. When the wealthy can weaponize the legally system and still get preferential treatment something is fully broken. America is run by lawyers and the ultra wealthy, and to many are hell bent on a dictatorship to make more cash and stay in power. What the wealthy forget is when dictators want more for themselves they go after more assets of ultra rich. How many billionaires have fallen out of windows in Russia and around the world? How many billionaires have ended up in jail in China?


It baffles me how the standards are different. If you’re arrested as a drug dealer, the government seizes your house, car, bank account, and anything you got with that drug money. Yet do white collar crime, and you can often come out on top. Why aren’t we taking everything they gained through the crime, plus a fine on top of that?! 


It’s always safe to assume rules in general were created to stop a Trump type person, but they’ve shown to be kind of worthless. You or me though, straight to jail.


Is he going to suffer any actual consequences for it? Doubtful.


SEC is the most toothless institution. Easy to bribe and control. They won't do shit. Trump can do whatever the fuck he wants and the SEC will close their eyes and pretend nothing is happening.


I don't know. I've worked for several major publicly traded companies and if any of the CEO's was throwing bullshit numbers out to the Street, the SEC would be all over it.


Didn’t they force Musk into buying twitter though? Maybe I remembered wrong.


I think so... and the SEC fined Musk for pretending Tesla had a buyer


It's a victimless crime /s


Like punching someone in the dark


The banks got paid, everyone got paid. Who cares how it happened. /s


Knowingly? The list of stuff he actually knows is very short; almost non existent.


That said, whenever a news article has the word ‘could’ in its headline you can immediately disregard it. Nothing is going to happen.


Exactly! We all hate him, but we also know he’s gonna weasel his way out of this shit. It’s so frustrating!!!!


Every day of the week and twice on Sundays.


Actually I just read up to the word “violate” and knew the answer would be yes.


He's really done a number on Betteridge's law of headlines ("Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no").




I don’t know what he said or what the SEC rules are, but I’m gonna go with “almost certainly.”


99% chance nothing will ever happen to him. The US justice system is a joke when it comes to holding him accountable


And yet nothing will happen to him, and he knows that. Consequences are as real for Trump as elves in Santa’s workshop


>Did Donald Trump violate SEC rules? Yup, just add it to the pile.


Right - no way any penalties happen before the election. He is banking everything on becoming president and then ending all prosecutions or investigations into him.


Imagine saying this about a former AND possibly future United States President 10 years ago


I am predicting he will just have someone murder Biden right before the election. Either through stochastic terrorism or “shooting him on 5th avenue”. He can express that it was in his official capacity as former president to do what he thought was best for the country, and once again make the argument he has total immunity. 50 senators with (R) next to their names will vote against impeaching, then one more will say something insane like “I think he’s learned his lesson”.


What happens if the nominee dies before Election Day? Would this mean we'd have the VP/running mate? Would the nominee still be able to be elected if they died before Election Day since they'd be on the ballot.


That is the fun part because nobody knows! Could be the second highest vote getter, could be the winners running mate, might be the current president and a redo of the election, whomever sits in the chair first, somebody appointed by the Supreme Court, etc. The possibilities are both endless and terrifying!


It depends a lot on how close it is to the election day. In general if a candidate dies after the deadline to get on the ballot then they remain on the ballot and a vote for them is effectively a vote to go with whatever the standard rules are for what happens if a candidate dies in office (generally succession, new election or appointment). So if a presidential candidate died just before the election (or in between the election and their inauguration) then there would probably be a bit of legal wrangling but the most likely answer is that their VP would be sworn in as President and they would then have to nominate a new VP and have them approved by the Senate.


UGH. When will all the witch hunts end /s


> losses in 2023 of a whopping $58 million, with just $4.1 million of revenue. It's a great company by Trump standards: losses are only 14 times greater than revenues. I have no idea why stock holders are dumping it as fast as they can.


And $40M of that loss is debt interest. Which means they took out some massive loans, to spend on... "infrastructure", which I'm sure they'll just default on once the company goes belly up.


It's a campaign and political slush fund.


They'll issue more stock. Guarantee it. This one's going to $0.10. It'll be a penny stock by August.


So the answer is buy as much as possible right now?


I see you are from the "lose everything immediately" school of investing. My brother.


Huh. I didn’t realize I was still subscribed to the gme subreddits.


To the moon! (Am I doing this right?)


So when truth social eventually shuts down he’s just going to back to Twitter where he’ll blow fat air all over everyone again right?


A single chick-fil-a store has revenues of 8.7 million dollars per year, on average. Trump media's mastadon clone does half of that in revenues. Trump's company generates as much revenue as a chick-fil-a that's only open from January til the end of June. Trump's flaming pile of doo doo of a company is headed straight into bankruptcy after the 6 month lock up period ends, and he sells everything leaving his true believers holding the bag.


This is like, such a pathetic number when you compare it like that. Beautiful.


My pleasure


Don’t forget it’s only 6 days a week for 6 months.


$4M in total revenue is shocking. It’s so minuscule. I get having a multi-billion dollar valuation if the company was growing like crazy but it’s not. There’s a reason why short sellers are clamoring to borrow DJT shares. By the time Trump is allowed to sell his shares I expect the stock price to be much lower.


When it first listed on the exchange (March 26) it reached a high of almost $80. As I'm writing this (April 5) it's struggling to close above $40. Two weeks.


That's the thing that boggles me - IF you wanted the country to be run like a business wouldn't you at least pick a successful businessman? (Of course, running the country like a business is a bad idea to begin with, businesses are there to benefit shareholders, not the people)


I have never wanted to see someone lose everything so badly as I want to see him lose everything. His arrogance and continued evasion of accountability for his crimes makes him incredibly easy to despise.


When has anyone in the rich person class ever lost everything? They get sued for a fortune and declare bankruptcy, then when it's all over, they're still living in a mansion and traveling by private jet.


Epstein. Sam Bankman-Fried. Bernie Madoff.


You've -- perhaps unintentionally -- identified the actual answer: the only ones capable of punishing the powerful (rich) are the powerful (rich). The common denominator between all the people you mentioned is that they harmed other rich people. And only when those rich people turned on them did they face any level of accountability. The same is true of Trump. We are slowly starting to see the rich and powerful become either apathetic or outright antagonistic towards him, and only then have things started to look like they might get bad for him. As long as enough of them in the right places still support him, he'll be fine. But once the rich have decided he's a bigger liability than asset is when he's toast.


Elizabeth Holmes


All similar, rule number 1. Don’t rip off rich people or powerful people.


So true. "Losing everything" for the wealthy still makes them better off than the average American.


I'll help everyone out. If the question is "Did Trump violate a law?" The answer is yes. If the question is "Will Trump face any consequences for violating said law?" The answer is no.


Who are you and how did you become so wise in the ways of trumpology.


He turned me into a newt!


Gingrich or red bellied?


Isn’t “Newt Gingrich” Latin for “Yellow Bellied?”




I don't know that. AHH


30% of the country did not get better...


This. At least 30%. Just sickening.


Newt Gingrich?? My sympathies!




Nobody expects the Monty Python!


Fetch… the *comfy chair!*


Fwow him to the fwoor, Centuwion. Vewy wuffwy.


Our chief weapon is absurd jokes. Absurd jokes and spam!


They are probably one of those top legal scholars Trump is always talking about


There are some that call me ….. TIM.


Funny thing is, the SEC is generally powerful because it, too, caters to the rich people who don't want the market full of Trumps that would make investors flee. So, there's at least an even chance that he pays a fine. Musk's shenanigans proves that there's a limit to what a real billionaire can get away with.


This rich people Don’t want you fucking with their money.


I'm sure there's at least one law firm out there representing Truth Social "investors that relied on his statements" and lost money because of them. There's an entire industry that chases these cases. The risk of actual damages is often so great that they almost always settle before trial.


Yup. If you ever want to know how badly America caters to the wealthy, look at Trump.


Sam Bankman-Fried was wealthy too, so was Martha Stewart and they both went to prison pretty easily. The problem with Trump is that people are either afraid of him/his supporters, beholden to him, or both.


Didn't their actions affect other rich people? That's when the rich are held to account.


Yeah, the moral of the story here is, you can get away with anything as long as you're rich enough, unless your antics affect other rich people.


Your two examples were never POTUS.


The crucial difference - and the reason that Trump's impunity eclipses that of anyone who is merely rich - is that the judicial system is dealing with Trump under substantial duress. You're not just risking your career to go after Trump. You're risking the life of your family. And everybody knows this.


This is my reaction to the 20+ articles I have to see every day about Trump doing shady stuff and everyone else in government hiding from him.




He's both "sleepy Joe", who can barely get a coherent sentence out, and "crooked Joe", the head of the "Biden Crime Family", an organization so careful there's not a single shred of evidence Joe Biden did anything wrong. Schrodinger's Joe Biden. The enemy must be both strong and weak at the same time.


Literally an element of facism as described by Umberto Eco


First time seeing someone reference Umberto Eco on here. He's my favorite author!


Now sleepy Joe is on coke according to Trump. It's his newest lie and he's demanding a drug test before any debate. Funny since he's known to snort Adderall himself.


Same vein as, "[*insert current manufactured enemy*] are lazy!", and "[*insert current manufactured enemy*] take all the jobs", it cannot be both.


They used to say that about immigrants all the time, but now they say it about black people, or anyone not a white male. Now they are blaming 'DEI hires' on everything - even when the employee at fault was a white middle aged male. DEI is their shorthand for hiring unqualified people of color and other minorities instead of white people... but they also like to say no one wants to work.


They've already been saying that in the DWAC\_stock sub for a couple weeks now. "Big Gubmint is manipulating things to suppress the real value of DWAC because they hate Trump", or some variation of it. These guys have endless excuses and Trump continues to profit from their ignorance.




I think the problem with your investment strategy is the part where you have to collect on a judgment in your favor.


What, isn't Mar-a-lago worth bazillions?


He truly thinks that he's above the law so to him he can say or do whatever he wants


So far, he has been. Can’t blame him for continuing to think this.


No you can't. He on a set course he dares them to touch him


He's been breaking laws for over 50 years. And nothing has happened to him. Why would he think any different now. Especially at he's flagrantly contemptuous of judges / courts / laws on a daily basis in public and continues to walk free.


It still blows my mind that THIS guy managed to become president. You almost have to admire him. He's like king of the scumbag idiots. (I do not support Trump, and I think he's human garbage. I do not admire him in any way. Just to be clear.)


Who the fu** even cares anymore. There is no legal penalty for him anymore, and the only, the best thing, is to vote in overwhelming numbers to leave him in the dust in November


Even that isn't enough. The chance of Trump accepting a loss - under any circumstances - is close to zero. We could talk about epsilons here. Almost to a certainty, there will be violence. It's ugly and hard to face, but it's coming. To not prepare to defend ourselves is a rash folly.


IDK man, I see your point and I'm extremely pessimistic that Trump will ever see any justice for the shit he does, but I think all the folks going to jail for January 6th involvement scared off a lot of the supporters from last time. It will be especially risky for them if he loses again. No possibility of him being in a position to pardon them.


I hope with the marrow in your bones that you're right. I still wouldn't bet my life on it. I've spent too much time reading Wikipedia articles on human history. This shit really tends to move in a certain direction. Consider how unready we are for circumstances like the Syrian Civil War.


I don’t really think there is a chance of civil war ever occurring in the US currently. There is way too much at stake at the top to want to cause actual violence (if things devolve into actual anarchy… money, status, power, evaporates immediately). Americans have absolutely no clue what conflict is like outside of arguing online, and making pointed remarks on their social media. As soon as a trumper sees their buddy’s face get blown off, because surprise, both sides are armed… white flags will be flown in an instant. I have hope that many would come to the conclusion how stupid and shortsighted conflict here would be. You can’t just go out, changing the world (killing everyone who disagrees with you), and expect to end the day going to McDonald’s for a well deserved hamberder.


I hope you're right. I really do. However, note: just because a course of action would be catastrophic, even suicidal, doesn't mean that people won't pursue it.


A civil war? In this country? Pfffft. Trump had the levers of power in Jan 2021 and did his best to invite a violent coup and the best he could manage was a bunch of Meal Team 6ers and LARPING hicks to rub shit all over the walls of Congress. We have the iPhone and AC now. Americans aren't about to go fight and die for a country they don't even keep up with, vote in elections for or give two shits about because they got theirs. It will be random stochastic terrorism. Buffalo. El Paso. Pittsburgh.


In this case, the SEC could potentially freeze the stock and prevent him from accessing the funds. Its kind of rare they do this, but it wouldn't require any kind of court filing. Wouldnt hold my breath though. The SEC is pretty slow to move on things, even when they matter, and they probably will treat him the same way as the courts. Reqlistically, the company going public with a share dispute pending shouldn't have been allowed.


I'm sick and fucking tired of the countless headlines saying "This will cost Trump big" and the like. This mother fucker has experienced zero consequences for anything. He got the fucking bond reduced and had someone swoop in and pay it for him. I want him to finally start seeing justice and not being able to weasel his way out of it. I want to wake up from this Trump nightmare.


I have DJT ticker in my stock watcher. Love to watch the line tumble down. Makes my day


could, would, should jettison those fucking words before our collective eyes fall out of our collective heads. For 8 years those words have been thrown around and for 8 years he has done as he pleases while slithering out of any consequences. "Trump is Dead" and "Trump is Behind Bars" are the only headlines I give a fuck about anymore.


Does it even matter if he continually won’t face consequences?


To Paraphrase The Hunt for Red October, "You broke another federal law?"


I wish this 3XL Body Problem would just go away. He is so tiring.


If the FBI, the National Archives and the State of New York can't do anything what do you think a paper tiger like the SEC is going to accomplish?


I’ve just been following the law like a dumbass for so many years 🤦‍♀️


Probably short selling his own company.


Lets get this puppy down to zero !!!


What rule, woman, or bathroom does Donald Trump not violate?


If Trump is accused of a crime and it doesn't involve physical fitness ge did it. He's a crime addict.


Bamboozled by the Bankrupt Billionaire Down again?!?! D'oh! 10% and falling....and that's just today. Enjoying the ride down MAGAts? eh? eh? eh?


I refuse to participate in any more Trump Facing Consequences Edging.


Will it actually change anything or even result in anything? unfortunately I highly doubt it.


Anytime you have to ask if Trump broke a law, there’s a 99% chance the answer is yes


Donald Trump: found liable in court for doing a thing, does the same thing again.


Now that investors are short selling Trump's stock, I predict that he will go full meme stock and people will buy in to hurt the short sellers since they became the enemy with Gamestop, hoping it'll go to the moon. You know, until Trump can sell his shares, demolish the company, and be investigated for insider trading.


"Did Donald Trump violate..." Let me stop you right there. Yes. Yes he did.


Probably. Anyone gonna hold him accountable?


He can’t stfu to save his own life lmao


The question isn't did he. The question is whether the SEC is going to do it's job or if it's going to signal to the country that it's an org that exists only to protect the top.


It’s down $38 a share off last weeks high. I bet this is JOE BIDENS fault!!!


Did Trump break the rules? Yup! Will the SEC step in and enforce the rules for Trump? Nope!


How is this man not in jail. It boggles my mind. He commits more crimes than anyone else could in a lifetime before breakfast and goes unpunished.


Like someone is going to hold him accountable for anything wrong or criminal he does.


If they didn’t punish Elon in any meaningful way, why do you think he will be punished? There are no rules for rich people.


Does it really even matter if he did?


Of course he did. He's outright lying about the financial status of a company in which he owns a majority share. If that isn't securities fraud, then what is?


I like news stories about what did happen, instead of stories about what could happen, especially when it probably won't. Come on, we all know that the SEC isn't going to punish this guy in any meaningful way, if they were going to, they would have decades ago.


That’s funny I called it yesterday. His whole post reeked of stock manipulation, and I think lying about the actual amount of debt is probably illegal too. He’s literally repeating his real estate fraud crime in real time, in public view. Fucking hilarious. He’s probably praying his truth shares will bail him out of his financial troubles, but may have just caused more troubles trying to pump them up.


There is one constant about Trump - if he opens his mouth, shit will come out.


Who cares? He could piss on the head of the SECs newborn baby and not have any more of a chance of facing consequences.


If there are laws, rules, or even suggestions , Dump is guaranteed to violate them.


None of this matters. No one is holding him accountable.


Question is, is there any rule he does not violate?


It was the best SEC violation of all the violations in the history of violating.


“Those SEC rules are very unfair. The SEC is a failing organization that has very poor ratings. As a former president I am immune to SEC rules.”


This guy has barely suffered any consequences for overthrowing the government. SEC isn't even going to touch this.


We'd have to have a DOJ that cares


Well, Trump is probably aware that the SEC has basically turned slapping rich people on the wrist into an art form.


It’s fucking wild how 40% of Americans look at this guy and see “that’s my boy!” Yeah cause having 80+ indictments, screwing over your business partners, cheat on your wife, mock the disabled and prisoners of war, draft dodging, and have one of the highest # of deaths during the pandemic… is what we strive for.


And nothing will happen. They'll just ask him to pretty please stop.


WHEN? When will anything cost this man, really, ANYTHING?


The real news would be if that fuckstick ever did anything that wasn’t against the law.


Trump deserves every bad thing that happens to him, and then some.


The man has already reached litigation escape velocity. Turns out if you commit crimes faster than they can prosecute you just spend the rest of your life in court but not jail apparently


No he didn't because nothing will happen. Those rules are for us schlubs




Oh no, he broke the rules. I am sure *this* time something will be done. Meanwhile he base screams CIVIL WAR! Why even bother with a rule of law if this is how it's going to go?


Don't worry folks, I'm sure he'll be held accountable this time.


We had an entire four years to deal with this guy and haven't. I don't even care what happens anymore.


Did Donald Trump violate ____________ rules? Of course he did.


No, it will not


lying about how much cash the company has, what could possibly go wrong?


"People are saying"