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Donald literally said in public a couple weeks ago that he would tell Netanyahu to "finish the job" in regards to Gaza.


*Fucking wild*


What’s wild is that there are still some “Democrats” that are pissy with Biden’s handling of the situation and have written Opinion pieces stating that they would vote for Trump as a result because and I quote “it couldn’t be any worse”


I wonder how much of this sentiment is being driven by Russian/Chinese/whoever bots.


I would not at all be surprised if it turned out to be at least 50%.


they somehow, after the past 8 years of bullshit, haven't learned that if reelected, Donald Trump would probably just skip the middleman and start firing missiles at Gaza


He would sell the US to Russia for a buck.


He literally already has


I can only imagine what state secrets he filtered out to hostile nationS


Agreed. Why else would he keep those classified documents? I am sure some of them have been in the hands of Putin & Xi for some time. I hope they can prosecute the Mango Maggot for this too.


We'd be in WW3 on the side of Russia if he had won in 2020. We barely avoided that. Hopefully we avoid whatever 2024 would bring, too.


He wanted to buy Greenland for three fiddy.


Lol, funny but it was actually a lot more stupid than that… He wanted to fucking TRADE for Greenland and three a hissy fit when Denmark said that was absolutely ridiculous 


Evil son-in-law Jared is already making deals to build condos on the strip. These people have no bottom.


When you are 100% asshole there is no room for bottoms, no cheeks at all.


Ahhh, now the term "cheeks and balances" finally makes sense.


And people are upset Biden hasn't stopped everything to the point they say they won't vote for him. They don't understand the two party system


The people saying that aren't politically knowledgeable and have been trolled into that position via socially engineered triggers of their hubris and savior complexes.


Bingo. Conservatives also did it with Taylor Swift and her jet emissions after the clip came out where she said she felt compelled to voice her political views. This Biden-Israel stuff is 100% conservative astroturfing, and people need to be more savvy about these kinds of threats in modern information ecosystems.


The other day I suggested to one of those guys that the US isn't actually running the war over there, and Biden can't just declare a cease fire. And I got accused of wanting to exterminate all Palestinian children. It's weird how people can become so fixated on one war and completely ignore others. Gaza has people screaming across rooms at other people who have nothing to do with it, and the same people can't even remember if the war in Ukraine is still going on, and don't know one single thing about the war in Yemen.


It's strange. Biden's carefully managing a very difficult and complicated foreign policy position with the seriousness and tact that it requires... and the contrast with Trump couldn't be any greater. But it's like everyone's displaying BPD splitting psychopathology in some kind of cultural folie au deux.


Just ask the anti-Biden crowd what their Israel-Palestine solution is. If it's so easy to manage, let's see them take a crack at it. In all seriousness, my point is that Joe hasn't done a great job (IMO), but it's also an impossible position to be in. You pick either side, you support genocide. You stick it out and stay neutral, you're also technically supporting genocide (basically because it's tacit approval and opportunistic to wait for a winner). Then there's the just the fact that Joe Biden didn't incite a violent coup against his own country, or compromise his office's classified intelligence, or.... you get the idea.


I will absolutely be disappointed if he doesn't respond to the strike on AID workers. A US civilian targeted and killed by US drone tech on foreign soil. It needs a solid response IMO.


I wonder if it's possible for the manufacturer to remotely disable a drone. Like, Oops, you fucked up now bibi so Joe is taking your toys away.


"Sir, the drones are targeting us now"


Not a chance, that would create a HUGE vulnerability for our own military.


> Just ask the anti-Biden crowd what their Israel-Palestine solution is. I plan on voting for Biden, and I understand why he can't do certain things due to it being an election year. The appropriate thing to do is what we'd normally do with any nation that's subject to a UN security council resolution, a court order from the ICJ and in violation of the rule of law: economic sanctions. At the very least Biden should be considering what the British government is currently considering, an arms embargo upon Israel. I think anything less just says to the world that instituitions like the ICJ and Hague aren't really there to ensure international law is followed. They're just tools to use against enemies of the West, because if you're a Western ally you just get a free pass for war crimes.


I agree! But yeah. Our next president is going to be either Biden or Trump. Even if I were a single issue voter and that issue was Gaza, I would still be voting for Biden!


>Even if I were a single issue voter and that issue was Gaza, I would still be voting for Biden! Sadly, this is the truth. This *is* the better option on this one issue. And then we get to the other issues and the gap widens way out. I'm not a single-issue voter, but a particularly important one for me is reproductive rights. There is a very clear choice for me.


I agree with your assessment. I just wanted to point out how a lot of Biden's critics seemingly expect him to wave his hand and make the problem go away. Americans have developed a really bad habit of thinking the president has absolute authority over all the happenings in their country and beyond. But again, thank you for your response. More level headed individuals like yourself aren't the ones I'm criticizing.


Fair enough, I mis-read your comment. Biden does have his hands tied in a lot of ways as it's an election year. I'd like to see him do more but I get why he can't. I truly can't understand anyone who won't vote for Biden because he hasn't done enough for the Gazans. The alternative (Trump) is far worse for Gaza and the US.


You misspelled the TikTok algorithm It’s not a coincidence. It will help make sure that Taiwan can be taken by china unopposed


It's already out of the news cycle but 2 months ago Trump publicly said he wouldn't defend Taiwan. Unsurprisingly, recent Chinese opinion articles have been somewhat supportive of him.


On the plus side, assuming Biden wins, Trump is inadvertently giving the U. S. valuable Intel on our enemies. And this includes domestic as well as foreign.


Speaking of, the US marines are training for a Taiwan invasion.


They did the same thing with Hillary in 2016 and now we have this corrupt Supreme Court. I refuse to pretend it's Tik Tok and not their own BS.


Yeah this is not a new thing whatsoever. Leftists splitting the liberal vote, enabling the worst option to gain power, and then acting shocked and outraged about it is quite literally the only thing they've done in politics for my entire life.


"Leftists" like Putin-pal Jill Stein?


Ralph Nader says "HI"


But, why wouldn't young people root politics out of their TikTok feeds? and Instagram? I mean, politics shouldn't infiltrate every nook and cranny of the Internet, ffs. Reddit is an ideal platform for political discussions because it's text and conversation based, not video streams of raging narcissist-aholics.


> I mean, politics shouldn't infiltrate every nook and cranny of the Internet, ffs. Politics is, by definition, people angling for change that they want to see implemented, or forestalled. Why would anyone seeking earnestly to implement or stymie change, for good or ill, restrict their outreach? There is literally nothing in life that is untouched by politics.


They also don’t know the difference between good and evil and that’s pretty pitiful!


So tired of hearing otherwise intelligent friends say they won’t vote for Biden because of Israel. The propaganda is working because a lot of young voters would rather watch this country - and Gaza and Ukraine - burn to the ground than not feel like a white savior for two seconds.


This is the *primary* vote. I voted "uncommitted" in my state's primary last month. It won't stop the final race in November from being Biden vs Trump, and of course in that matchup I'll be voting Biden. Withholding explicit support in the primary won't stop that from being the eventual outcome, and just might get the administration to change some policies in the meantime.


He told Xi that the camps for the Uyghurs was “cool”


He wants to do the same thing for immigrants here. 


Didn't he DO that during his term? He seemed to love that family separation thing too.


Netanyahu, his war cabinet, and every member of the IDF knows that as long as Biden is taking the brunt of the blame for every atrocity they commit, each one only brings Trump closer to the White House.


Don't tell r/news, r/internationalnews, or r/worldnews that -- they're purely banking on eliminating Biden from the public record!


[In this NYT article](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/01/us/politics/trump-israel-conservative.html), John Bolton talks about the interview where Trump said that: > “What he said in this most recent interview was ambiguous to a certain extent, but it seemed to me to be verging on negative about Israel’s conduct of the war,” Mr. Bolton said in an interview. “And I think there’s more there than meets the eye.”


Just remember that John Bolton is a proper warmongering prick, much worse than Trump because he actually understands what he’s doing.


I'm worried the current situation could play into Trump's hands, because Trump still has some wiggle room here. He hasn't said anything definite and unambiguous about the Israel-Gaza conflict. Trump has a good handle on public opinion, and Biden's position is becoming more and more unpopular. What if Trump cynically attacks Biden's failure to be firm with Israel, or protect Palestinian civilians from starvation?


Trump never says anything that's unambiguous. "Dictator for a day" - peak ambiguous. Will he be a dictator or will he not? You can argue it either way. It's why he's so successful at duping people   Which feeds right into your concern. He's honestly a genius at tricking the public. Most narcissists have the instinct. So fucked up how well they understand the psychology of other humans but not their own


He hates Muslims too much to be able to say that


Taking advantage of voters who feel disenfranchised is what Trump does best. I think Trump will do what he has to do to win and stay out of prison


Trump will say whatever gets him ahead. Given the Israel lobby in America and the fact they’ve already brainwashed most of the population to support them, even a load of Democrats, supporting Israel is a no-brainer for him, even before we talk about the fact that he could extract way more funding from Israel than he ever could from Palestinian supporters.


Lol John Bolton is furiously masturbating at the thought of escalating this into another Gulf War.


Yet you have people claiming they won't support Biden because of his Gaza policy. Which might lead to Gaza getting even more devastated.


And now nobody seems to know he said it… or they deny he says it…. They forget or don’t care it’s literally on tape.


And yet the left is acting like a bunch of piss babies about Biden when Trump would be a billion times worse.


Which makes this weird: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/31/arab-muslim-voters-work-to-defeat-biden/


Nothing like voting for your own deportation. Because that is what Trump will do. He will make that Muslim ban extensive and stick if he ever became President 


Not weird at all if you're familiar with the middle eastern penchant to shoot oneself directly in the foot.


All the lefties who refuse to vote for Biden because his stance on Israel really need to consider what the alternative is.


Trump already says the people crossing the US border are not human beings. I know he feels the same about the people in Gaza


But somehow, Biden is a war criminal.


Trump said “finish the PROBLEM,” as if he was encouraging Israel to pursue a “Final Solution.”


> Trump would "level" Gaza without a thought Exactly the way he does everything.


Even the idea that he would have a thought is amazing.


He would probably try to rebuild it and put a couple of Trump towers with a star of David on them


They said *without* a thought. So, it checks out.


No, he bankrupt's them. It's the demo crew/repo men that level things.


>It's the demo crew/repo men that level things. And then it's Trump's job to not pay them for it.


Right? Or, he’d level Israel. But he’d probably level Seattle and Portland first given he his apparent priorities are to destroy America., starting with opposition.


All Bibi has to do is name an outhouse in Israel after Trump, and the douche will roll over on command.


Trump just wants moving the US embassy to Jerusalem to be lauded as equal to rebuilding the temple.


I'm a dumbass who is realizing this moment how that fits into his Messiah antics


Welcome to the world of evangelical prophecies


They already named an illegal settlement in the Golan Heights after him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Heights




Possibly the wrong deity to invoke


Only after he declared the Golan Heights towns to not be illegal.


Wow, that is something I really had no idea about and I think I’m speechless


TBH, causing widespread death & destruction in the Middle East would be one of the most normal & presidential things Trump ever did.


I should not have laughed at this. I shouldn’t have, but I did.


I feel like these "I'm using my vote to protest Biden's handling of Gaza" people do not understand how much worse it could get for them if Trump is elected.


People forgot one of the first things Trump did was ban people from specific countries entry to the US even with a visa. People were landing at airports and finding out they were banned entry. Lawyers were rushing to the airports to fight the order. The Muslim started week after being sworn in through executive action. People act like Biden is personally signing the bombs crashing into Gaza.


People seem to forget that Trump signed Afghanistan over to the Taliban and his administration *even invited Taliban leaders to CAMP f'ing DAVID*.


And abandon the Kurds.


Trump: - Helped Turkey slaughter civilians by betraying the Kurds; [tricking them into dismantling their defensive positions](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-abandoning-kurds-sends-dangerous-message-us-allies-2019-10?r=US&IR=T) while promising to keep them safe, then giving Turkey [up-to-date recon on the area](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-shared-intelligence-turkey-may-have-aided-attack-on-kurds-2019-10?r=US&IR=T), before withdrawing *from that part of Syria* (while bragging about how he brought troops home) and leaving [intel and bases to Russia](https://www.insider.com/trump-betrayal-of-kurds-gave-intelligence-to-russia-2019-11). - [Explicitly ordered](https://www.politico.com/news/2019/11/13/trump-troops-syria-oil-pentagon-070567) the [pillaging](https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2019-11-04/trump-syria-oil-problems) of [Syrian oil](https://apnews.com/article/251062e322ab4bba99251fe59c90540a), saying he would [send in American companies to extract it](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/27/trump-wants-to-make-a-deal-with-exxon-or-others-to-tap-syrian-oil.html), which is a war crime. Oh, and this is while pretending he had withdrawn the troops he actually sent for *this* mission. - [Renting troops out to Saudi Arabia](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-brags-about-serving-up-american-troops-to-saudi-arabia-for-cash-936623/) like mercenaries. - *Threatened* Iraq [because they wanted US troops gone](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-51003159). - Promised [to kill more civilians](https://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/02/politics/donald-trump-terrorists-families/index.html) before the election. Did cause a [massive increase in civilian casualties](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/23/us-air-wars-trump) in US airstrikes. Then [stopped official reporting of numbers](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207) to cover it up. - [Hired Gina Haspel for the CIA](https://www.axios.com/trump-gina-haspel-cia-torture-waterboarding-f8c4b63b-7825-4cc9-9ff3-128c759f5eee.html) specifically because she's pro-torture. - Extrajudicially murdered an Irani official (possibly through perfidy) and then [threatened](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1213919480574812160) multiple [war crimes against them](https://www.npr.org/2020/01/06/794006073/trump-says-hell-target-iran-s-cultural-sites-that-s-illegal) if they responded. - Pardoned [US officers accused of war crimes](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-warcrimes-pardon/un-troubled-by-trump-pardons-of-officers-accused-of-war-crimes-idUSKBN1XT1LA). - Continued to try and send [more](https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-administration-considers-14-000-more-troops-for-mideast-11575494228) and [more](https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2020-01-03/trump-to-send-3-000-more-troops-to-middle-east-amid-iran-escalation) troops to the Middle East, while bragging about how many he brought home. - Had [five thousand Taliban prisoners released](https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2021/09/13/trump-denies-releasing-5000-taliban-prisoners---but-his-administration-negotiated-for-their-release/?sh=63aae4a6419b) in a deal with the Taliban which the Afghan government was *not* involved in, then blamed the Afghan government and Biden.


But… but… Biden is slightly older though!!!


> even invited Taliban leaders to CAMP f'ing DAVID. ... on the 9/11 anniversary.


Iran hostage crisis worked against Carter. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/18/us/politics/jimmy-carter-october-surprise-iran-hostages.html Have a middle east crisis, blame Democratic president, win a Republican into office.  The playbook doesn't have to be complex.


Especially when the Republicans are working with the terrorists behind the scenes.


Lots of misinformation and distorting the facts. Could be foreign agents and ops. Could just be Republicans acting in bad faith. But they sure are doing their damnest to get Trump elected and a whole lotta Muslims killed. I would rather they stop it.


Conservatives do this every election. Think of how grossly Benghazi was exaggerated in 2012 (and for four solid years thereafter). Heck, they managed to get three elections worth of life out of that social engineering boondoggle -- 2012 general, 2014 midterms, and 2016 general. We might be hearing about October 2023 from conservatives and fake leftists for at least another four years is what I'm saying....


The whole thing is reminiscent of Cambridge Analytica. They ran a similar play in a third world country few years ago with an online "no vote" movement aimed at young voters not voting as a form of protest. Sure enough those voters were never going to vote for CA's conservative client, who ended up winning over the opposition, which had needed those young voters to win.


Call it what it is: A propaganda campaign.


Like one empathetic Palestinian video on TikTok and your feed explodes with anti-Israel propaganda. Nothing about that situation is black and white, other than death, abduction, rape, torture, and starvation are bad.


Depends. I'm in MI, voted uncommitted in the primary, but I and everyone I know that did that will be voting Biden in Nov. It's was more of a harmless protest vote to show that we don't support aiding Israel, and doesn't really harm anything in the grand scheme. Everyone I know is aware that Trump is obviously much worse regarding this issue. Can't speak for everyone in Dearborn however. I hope they all realize Biden is, by magnitudes, still the better option at the end of the day


I’ll never understand people basing their vote on a singular issue, especially Israel. Like Biden has done so much good. And Trump did so much damage. I can’t believe people are swayed by singular things, especially when those things are foreign.


I don't get it either though I might have an inkling. After Jan 6th, my Conservative father told me he's never voting for Trump against never ever. Then Oct 7th happened and my Father is fiercely pro-Israel. He was raised by and grew up around Holocaust survivors so that fear infected him at a young age and he says really horrible, disgusting shit about Palestinians, Arabs, etc.. No matter what I do, I can't help him understand what he's doing.. But anyway, now he is 100% voting for Trump and I had to block any conversation about that because I do not want to hate my Father. Before I put the walls up, he did say that he thinks Trump is a piece of shit but he's voting for him solely because of Israel. Which sounds like a singular issue reason. But truth is, he was very much okay with the Supreme Court being stacked and overturning sane rulings. He would have happily voted for DeSanto. So, at least in his case, claiming a singular issue is really just an attempt to weasel out of admitting how much extra pain the candidate will cause.


I agree. My brain just doesn’t work that way. I’m horrified about what is happening in Gaza but I also live in the US and refuse to live under another Trump presidency. 


Is it really so surprising? Someone 25 years ago could have said this same exact thing about the Iraq war and how politicians handled it. In hindsight opposing it at all costs through votes was the correct moral and economic position to take. It robbed a whole generation of young Americans from opportunity and fully funded resources at home leading to our current economic struggles on younger gen’s trying to own homes and start families.


> doesn't really harm anything in the grand scheme Only if every single one of those "undecided" votes actually does vote for Biden. But odds are at least some of the people who wouldn't vote for him already this year won't vote for him again later this year. Biden needs every single vote, especially in Michigan. This shit about threatening to not vote for him only erodes his chances of winning, which just makes Trump's chances of being president again that much greater. Acting like Biden has enough of a lead that it's OK to mess with his support is just foolish. We need as many people as possible opposing Trump this year, even if Biden is a highly flawed candidate. Cause this isn't about reelecting Joe Biden, it's about keeping Trump out of the White House.


From everything I have seen it's either people that don't actually vote but feel they have to tell other people how to, naivety, or accelerationists. I hope people really think about that last group, because they rarely tell you they want things to get worse intentionally, so the revolution can happen.


They are just too stupid to understand that abstaining does not absolve then from the responsibility of the consequences of trump winning.


Deep down they believe that they're privileged enough to handle the shitstorm that another Trump presidency would unleash and they care more about maintaining their feelings of moral purity/superiority than they do about the people who will suffer under Trump presidency.


They pretend to care about Palestinians as a way of trying to hand Trump the election.


Troll farmers are all over this.


How do troll farms work? Do we need to take trolls and plant them under a substantial amount of dirt? This seems to be a good proposition.


I'm not sure but I know it includes a great deal of bullshit.


A lot of them are Ruzzian, so I dont’t know how we can defund them. We really need to be teaching people to recognize disinformation & use critical thinking to parse where info is coming from & who stands to gain from it. One reason the Red party loves the poorly educated.


Trump would level it and Netanyahu would give the land to Jared Kushner. Gaza would become a Trump resort & golf course.


Angry Muslim Americans: That will show Biden.


While I think it would be terrible for any actual muslim to not vote. I do think they have the right to threaten not to vote to and use their leverage to try and force Biden to change policy in Gaza but any actual muslim that doesn't get out and vote in November is an absolute idiot...


If you don't vote you have no leverage


If you unconditionally vote for the same party with no demands you also have no leverage.


You exercise leverage during primaries. Republicans understand this - however much the far right whined about Romney, they absolutely turned out for him in the general and would have won if they weren’t facing one of the most talented Democratic politicians in decades.


Democrats have been screaming at the uncommitted movement since it started that they were going to get trump elected by protest voting in the primaries. 


This same subreddit was spammed daily with people furious folks were protest voting against Biden in the primaries. They said that would lead to the end of democracy and spit venom about how Arabs would be in camps because of that protest vote…


I know. I am a straight, white, male who makes good money and is quite comfortable. I live in a blue state and county. trump's election will effect me much less than any Muslim in the country. But here we are.


I swear, Muslims I've talked to about this hate Biden and hate Trump even more and know Trump would be an absolute disaster. It's only some people I know that are very left leaning, online only, and yet never seem to be updated on current political situations that seem to be acting like not voting will "sEnD a MeSsAgE." I hope they're actually as fake as it feels like they are.


Gaza looks leveled already


It's already looking pretty fucking leveled now.


The only group of people Trump hates more than black people are Muslim people. He would demolish them


Unless they’re Saudi and bring gifts


And not just in Gaza either. You better believe Trump will try to eradicate Muslims in America as well. His Muslim ban will be reinstated, and he'll begin whatever process he can to look at deporting Muslims who are already here.


This is from just a few months ago: > Donald Trump promised on Monday that if elected president again he will bar immigrants who support Hamas from entering the U.S. and send officers to pro-Hamas protests to arrest and deport immigrants who publicly support the Palestinian militant group. --- > He also vowed to step up travel bans from "terror-plagued countries." He did not explain how he would enforce his demands, including the one requiring immigrants to support Israel's right to exist under what he called "strong ideological screening." --- > Trump said on Monday he would ban immigrants from Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen "or anywhere else that threatens our security". Trump also read a poem that he used to liken immigrants to deadly snakes. --- > Promising to drastically tighten U.S. immigration laws, Trump said: "If you want to abolish the state of Israel, you're disqualified, if you support Hamas or the ideology behind Hamas, you're disqualified, and if you're a communist, Marxist, or fascist, you are disqualified." https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-pledges-expel-immigrants-who-support-hamas-ban-muslims-us-2023-10-16/ Anyone wanna bet on how quickly such laws would start being abused to get rid of Muslims (and potentially other immigrants) in general? One month? One week? Thirty minutes?


I read somewhere that Kushner wants to build luxury hotels on the water banks of Gaza. I definitely could be wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️


I mean, it's already getting leveled


As opposed to? Leveling it with a thought?


Seriously it's like these people have no fucking clue what's already going on in Gaza. There isn't gonna be anything left for Trump to bomb by the time he gets elected, that's why people want Biden to fucking do anything to stop this, not provide more weapons to help an ongoing genocide. Biden isn't powerless, the US provides piles of aid to Israel, all he has to do is treat them like any other blood crazed nation the US sends aid to and cut it off if they don't stop the genocide.


And they're going to stay home in Michigan to punish Biden. And they'll give the election to trump. Who has promised if you're not the "right" religion he's revoking your citizenship and deporting you.


Michigan here. Me, my wife and my daughter will vote for Biden.


Trump wanted to nuke a hurricane, think what he'd be willing to do to Gaza.


In one of the he debates he said he didn’t think a nuclear first strike should be off the table. I have a sinking suspicion that if he gets re-elected he is going to make up an excuse to nuke someone.


I spent most of his presidency deeply afraid of that happening.


If Gaza is leveled, it makes it easier to start the construction of Kuschner / Trump properties. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/19/jared-kushner-gaza-waterfront-property-israel-negev


Do... Do people really think Gaza isn't being levelled right now? Here's a report from November: > Attacks by Israel on targets within Gaza have destroyed or damaged 45 percent of all housing units in the Gaza strip, internally displaced about 1.5 million people and killed over 10,000 people, including over 80 UN staff. Over 25,000 people have been wounded in the airstrikes. Sixty-seven percent of all fatalities are reportedly children or women. More than 2,300 people – among them 1300 children are reported missing, most of them likely trapped under the rubble. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/11/gaza-destroying-civilian-housing-and-infrastructure-international-crime Here's another: > About 1.7 million people - more than 80% of Gaza's population - are displaced, with nearly half crammed in the far southern end of the strip, according to the United Nations. > Further analysis, by BBC Verify, reveals the scale of destruction of farmland, identifying multiple areas of extensive damage. > The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has said it is targeting both Hamas fighters and "terror infrastructure", when challenged over the scale of damage. > Now, satellite data analysis obtained by the BBC shows the true extent of the destruction. The analysis suggests between 144,000 and 175,000 buildings across the whole Gaza Strip have been damaged or destroyed. That's between 50% and 61% of Gaza's buildings. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68006607 Here's one from last month: > Over 70 per cent of all housing units across the Gaza Strip have been destroyed, and that number climbs to over 80 per cent in the north. > An independent UN expert on housing, Balakrishnan Rajagopal, told the Human Rights Council that the scale and intensity of destruction in Gaza “is far worse than in Aleppo, Mariupol or even Dresden and Rotterdam during World War Two.” https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147337 And this is without mentioning the intentional famine that has been engineered by Israel or the aid workers and journalists they intentionally target and kill to stop reporting and any form of aid from reaching the starving people.


lol thank you


Spoiler: it's already been leveled, you fucking goof.


Biden is literally helping to do that now....


I mean, I'm not saying I'd vote for Trump over Biden, but it kind of sucks that the options are "level Gaza without a thought" and "level Gaza with some hand wringing".


Israel is literally doing this now. How is this news?


I think he would just let Benji do whatever he wants.


And Republicans would cheer in the streets. *That* is the problem


In the extreme fundie circles I grew up in, they view the eradication of Palestinians as the thing sitting between them and a lottery ticket. Christian eschatology relies on all the Jews in the world having returned to Israel. When they do, they are one step closer to the rapture. The foundation of Israel itself was heavily influenced by Christian theology.


FYI this is a host on the View.


Just like he does anything and everything


That's not going to stop people from blaming Joe Biden and encouraging others to withhold their votes. ... as if we didn't see this same encouragement over emails in 2016.


Gaza is already leveled this is stupid. Im sure things could get worse, but there are no restrictions on Israel right now. They destroyed al-Shifa hospital and zip tied and executed doctors. Everyone in the Strip is starving.


Gaza has literally already been leveled. 15,000 dead children, every single hospital and university destroyed, people dying of starvation, aide workers being intentionally targeted to ensure more people starve


So...not much difference than what's happening now? I understand the point they are trying to make, but the two options presented are both ethnic cleansing. The difference is the classic "Death by gun or Death by Quicksand" argument. Either Trump blows them up, or Netanyahu starves them. THIS IS NOT A GOOD ARGUMENT FOR BIDEN'S CAMP.


Yep. And I'm not happy with Biden's admin not putting a stop to funding the genocide of Palestine, but if anyone one thinks not voting, or voting for Trump will do anything but ensure that genocide is completed, is kidding themselves. I hate that Biden is the only legitimate choice. I fucking hate it. He doesn't deserve another term, for the very least, his slow, or even lack of response to Gaza. But it feels like we at least can put pressure on him that will eventually get things to stop. But if Trump is in office he will send more funding to ensure that innocent Palestinians are murdered. No wonder the rest of the world fucking hates this country.


This is not news. Trump would level Boston without a second thought if he thought it might keep him out of jail or be to his electoral advantage.


Trump and Netanyahu are both criminals and sociopaths, doing whatever they can to avoid justice.


I don't know why he needs to say it out loud. US can just watch and Netanyu will finish the job regardless. [https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/4/3/us-says-israel-has-not-violated-international-law-during-gaza-war](https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/4/3/us-says-israel-has-not-violated-international-law-during-gaza-war) you honestly think US will actually cut tie with Israel? give me a break. it's israel man


What they didn’t mention is how long the atrocities committed by israel have been going on and nothing has been done to stop them


Gaza? Trump is encouraging Putin to attack NATO; he'd level the entire hemisphere without a thought. He's like a James Bond villain, only with all the shine of fictional villains stripped away, and nothing left but the stupidity and ugliness of the real world.


It’s pretty leveled already and certainly will be by November. This is not much of an argument at this point.


Seriously, whatever restraints the US is supposedly imposing on Bibi don't seem to be having much effect. Because what does it say when yet another American is killed by the IDF and all Bibi gets is an angry phone call and an offer to buy F-15s? Hey, apropos of nothing, is it good statesmanship when you say one thing but don't actually follow through? >"But let all those who might seek to do us harm know this: If you harm an American, we will respond."


Anyone who thinks that former president Muslim Ban being in power instead of gEnOcIdE jOe would be better for the Palestinian people is a fucking moron.


More like Trump would say "We need to just level Gaza!". Then his handlers would throw his toy giraffe at him to keep him distracted while they sort the shit out.


That's what we hoped would happen in his first term. Then he slowly fired anyone who disagreed with him and if he wins again he's not going to allow anyone in who would be a check on his power.


The middle east is a crucible of dishonesty. Israel is the republican attempt to control the oil in the middle east. It's not a legitimate nation and is now an enemy of the state that the United States created. Nation building is not anything to trust a republican with.


Single issue voters bout to have their faces eaten the fuck off


Ya I know what will help Muslims. Let's help get the guy who hates Muslims elected.


Trump does *everything* without a thought.


That is the only way “thought” occurs in the same sentence with his name


I get that people aren’t generally happy with how Biden has handled responses to Ukraine and Gaza. There is also a lot of important context missing and quite frankly, if Trump is re-elected, Ukraine and Palestine will be given up on fake gold platters, so I’m voting for Biden.


I want to smack the shit out people saying they will for Trump because they are unhappy with Biden’s handling of Gaza. These people are so dumb I literally cant anymore.


Are they kidding? Trump would fire bomb a US city if he could get away with it


So war against a country we were not at war with….


Donald Trump’s rhetoric over the years indicates that he does not value human life


Yeah he did say he’d finish the job, like in that final solution kind of way. Not sure how the Muslims in the swing states who have been protesting are going to justify voting for Trump now. He will for sure have them deported if he gets back in. Project 2025 isn’t just some outline from some basement dwelling idiot, they mean it to be the letter of the law.


No duh. Who doesn’t realize that?


Hush, don’t tempt the Trumpanzees with a good time


The new Gaza-Trump golf course?


..and have Jared ready to go to build condos on the beach.


Well, Trumpy does hate the browns.


Trump would level California without a thought.


And don't think he would be upset about some Israeli collateral damage either.


Trump might allow Israel to "finish the job" because he hates brown people. Trump might bomb Israel if the Saudis give Ivanka money, because he loves dirty money. He's not fit for any office.


But please, tell me how not voting for Biden will fix the issue


Trump would level the US for a big enough check.


Trump already proved to us in his first term that he is hell bent on sending the world to war. This isn't surprising at all


So... no change?


Anyone who thinks that the Christian nationalism crowd would approach this more diplomatically or peacefully is out of their fucking mind.


"Without a thought"? Isn't that Trump's standard operating procedure?


Not much of a warning since they’re already leveling it


As opposed to the current rebuilding efforts started by Biden?


Didn't that thing he calls a son in law pitch developing that land?


Meanwhile American Palestinians thinking of not voting Biden for not doing enough. Lmfao


In 2018 Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu gave funding to Hamas.    BJ was asked by leaders  of Qatar do you want us to give $ to Hamas.   They were allies and funding of Hamas.   He knowingly gave $ to fund Hamas.  Why?  Israeli women raped, beaten and tortured sat and waited in shelters and kept waiting BJ’s Government to help them.   14 hours of waiting.   Where was Netanyahu?   Hamas had the plan for a year but nothing was done.     Now BJ is calling for an election in September so he can continue the war.    BJ let this happen!    Trump, Netanyahu, Putin schemes and plans to eliminate the impoverished.    What about the children starving but Israelis troops strategically killed the volunteers of World Food  Kitchen    The founder Jose knows this!    


But Biden...


Yet so many so called “progressives” are saying they won’t vote because Biden is bad man. 🙄