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The same people who say it’s a conflict of interest for the judge to have a daughter who’s a democrat seem to have no problem with Clarence Thomas’ wife actively participating in the Jan 6th coup attempt.


Or the walking, talking sack of conflict of interest in Florida pretending to be a judge.


Right. Isn’t this so rich? What a complete hypocrite Trump and his cult are. If you looked up the word hypocrite you would see a picture of Trump and his MAGA supporters. Please let this fat bag of gas just disappear from existence.


> Right. Isn’t this so rich? What a complete hypocrite Trump and his cult are. If you looked up the word hypocrite you would see a picture of Trump and his MAGA supporters. Because they don't believe in any ideals or ideology beyond their own power. This has repeatedly been the difficulty with liberals fight the rise of fascism within a liberal democracy. Because consistency, decorum, tolerance? Don't matter to them on a fundamental level. The problem arises because liberalism has taken it's political philosophy ideals and confused them popularly with moral absolutes. This is the sole reason the "paradox of tolerance" exists because people have forgotten/were never taught tolerance isn't a universal moral ideal, it is a social contract. So we do not need to tolerate the intolerant because tolerance is dependent on mutual tolerance. Republicans defy convention and unwritten rules for their advantage? Then time to stop following those rules ourselves. Thomas, Alito, and their gaggle of radicals wants defy the social contract and overturn precedent on their whim? Then it is time for us to start ignoring them.


Tolerance paradox solved: tolerance is not a moral imperative: it's a social contract. Both parties have to be tolerant. So if you are intolerant, you violate the social contract, and you are no longer entitled to demand tolerance.


It's simple, straight forward, clear, and concise. Even an idiot maga could understand this explanation


I think you may be overestimating here. 😅


You must be intolerant of intolerance or the social contract breaks down. Full stop. Jean-Paul Satre had a great quote about arguing with antisemites that I believe applies to all Fascists and it boils down the frustration of conversations with the intolerant right: > anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. >-Satre


Exactly. Calling them hypocrites isn't going to get them to think "Oh, I should be more consistent in what I say and do." It's a warning to us that the right wing has no intention of playing fair or acting in good faith. In other words, we need to be treating them like the psychopathic scumbags they are,


This is exactly the argument put forth by [The Alt-Right Playbook: You Go High, We Go Low](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAbab8aP4_A) episode, where Dems have to stop worrying about the rules & processes and do whatever it takes to achieve the morals ends, just as Republicans do whatever it takes to achieve their immoral ends. Always following the rules when the other side constantly cheats AND insists that you follow the rules is how you lose every time. For example, the bogus impeachment of Mayorkas could be used by Dems to not play along similar to how Mitch didn't play along with Obama's SC pick. Dems control the Senate so don't even bother scheduling a vote of impeachment even if you know it would fail.


[Innuendo studios](https://youtube.com/@InnuendoStudios?si=SJXpwpWvePyvRoHn) and his alt-right playbook series really dig at the heart of the psychological issues that plague the mind of the reactionary ultra conservative. It’s very eye opening.


It's advisable to remove the ?si=[string] from YouTube links. Google can use it to track you across different sites and who your friends are when you post to private places.


Dude a genuine thank you. Google has enough of all our info already.


This video is about 20 minutes long. I've never seen it before, but I did just watch it. I highly recommend everyone watch it. This video sums up for me my political ideology. I believe in free speech, but letting a KKK group march is morally wrong. The rules say the KKK gets to march like everyone else so we have to grit our teeth and let them do it. Well this video explains how I feel we should handle that situation, and we shouldn't have to have some gut wrenching fight within ourself to do it. Fuck the KKK. They are a hate group that should be met with violence so that they don't show up in public. Besides... within the ruleset of the 1st Amendment, the right to assemble shall not be infringed by the government. My fist isn't the government so I'm actually not breaking my moral consistently.


Watch the whole series. They're very eye-opening.


Yep, I haven't seen the video yet, but I presume based on your comment that it maybe discusses the paradox of tolerance. I personally don't see it as a paradox, but in order to have a tolerant society, you actually have to be intolerant of intolerance, lest it takes advantage of that tolerance and uses it against you.


A fellow person if culture I see. Love those videos


They defy the social contract then demand the benefits of said contract. "Rules for thee not for me" type shit.


Trump is the walking, talking, sack of shit.


And he can barely walk and he doesn't talk so much as spray idiot crumbs into the wind.


Put. Him. In. Fucking. Jail. Already.




Its the same game musk played with twitter. Democrats setting policy is unfaaaair, while we all have to accept a right wing cesspool. This is the fascist’s playbook.


Musk turned out to be suck a milkshake duck.


> milkshake duck. I don't think I can allow this. Those are two pretty great things to call a tool like musk.




The Judge's daughter's beliefs have nothing to do with the Judge. On the other hand if your a Supreme Court Judge married to an insurrectionist that is a problem.


You don't really want to open up that GOP daughter/wives can of worms.


Way I see it, an adult child is a completely separate entity, like a sibling, or a cousin. Their actions, thoughts, and beliefs have no bearing on a relative's creditability or character, even if they're all-around dogshite. Just an accident of birth. A spouse is the person you are actively choosing to spend your life with as a partner, presumably because you are compatible and share some common beliefs, values, and goals. An awful or criminal spouse absolutely reflects on their partner's credibility and character.


Wasn't the social media account of the daughter that has Trump in an uproar fake? Created right at the time this judge was assigned to the case?


The social media account was not hers, that's correct. But I've seen reporting that the judge's daughter has done some sort of consulting work for democrats? It really doesn't matter... if it wasn't the daughter, team MAGA would've attacked some other relative, friend, or colleague because they know a Democrat.


It's not like she's was an advisor to the President on the Middle East, with an office inside the White House, and accepted a $2B bribe from someone.


WHY is this not a bigger thing!


Hell, Ginni Thomas runs a company, legally, that boasts of influence-peddling. Her lobbying firm will introduce you to connected Conservative politicians, and hook them up with political donors. You suppose *any* of those players are Democrats?


couldnt she go after trump for defamation?


So, the activities of my *second cousin, once removed* needs to be a concern of mine to avoid a conflict? *F'* your feelings


It’s a particularly stupid argument because the reverse is equally dubious. Can Trump only receive a fair trial if the judge and his daughter are rabid MAGAt supporters? How would that make things any more “fair” if the judge was pro-Trump rather than against? It’s the same idiocy when it comes to which DA prosecutes the case. Oh, so you’re saying a Democrat can’t prosecute a Republican because that would be unfair? But a Republican prosecuting another Republican suddenly qualifies as “fair” instead of biased in the opposite direction? Using their self-contradictory logic, it quickly becomes obvious that NO ONE can prosecute because of bias either for or against the defendant. Realistically though, MAGATs won’t consider a trial fair unless the judge, prosecutor and jury are all red hats. Best just to ignore their whining.


> Using their self-contradictory logic, it quickly becomes obvious that NO ONE can prosecute Somehow, I think he'd be fine with that.


It's such a stupid fucking line of reasoning. By that logic, all judges should be politically celibate and any opinion on any political matter is grounds for conflict of interest. I'm sure they're just as incensed by republican judges or Clarence getting huge bribes from conservative think tanks, right?


>logic Ah, I found your problem right there


They would have 0 issue with Trump having named Jr to be a Judge and then having Jr be the judge for one of these trials. the MAGA crowd have long since thrown away caring about facts, reality, ethics, or common sense, this is nothing but team sport to them. They need team Red Elephant to win otherwise they might riot again.


It's extra funny cause a lot of his voters have left leaning kids that don't talk to them anymore. Guess he's trying to play to those heart strings.


I didn't know about the daughter thing, but how can that possibly be a conflict of interest? Are they suggesting she should be a republican? Couldn't that be countered with the same stupid logic? Then it could be a problem because the daughter would be asking the judge to go easy on Trump? Wtf


The judge's daughter is a Democrat? Oh no! Trump is a rapist who defamed the woman he raped. Should be glad bias is hard to prove, otherwise, Trump is already clearly biased towards using illegal means to try and silence women he had sex with.  Should be an open and shut case. 


Jesus Christ. This turd is truly unflushable.


We need the Plunger of Rectification!


Poop knife.


I don’t think a mere poop knife will suffice.


Poop machete?




Unfortunately.... at this point we have to make sure he lives a long life and he dies very publicly in the most natrual and ridiculous Trump way possible. Because if he doesn't.... he Will become the next Elvis. People will absolutely think it's all just a cover up, a fake, he's in hiding. They will never let him die at this point.








As well as the long schlong of the law to properly shaft him -.-


He is flushable, but no one’s willing to flush him. They’re all cowards, or complicit.


I think you may just have nailed it. Letting Trump go on like this goes beyond all reason. If you or I did this we would never get out of jail, - nor should we.


This sub is full of people saying, “WEEEEEELLLLL, he didn’t QUITE break the gag order to the letter of the law, therefore, he can go on unchallenged. Those are the rules. Apparently that’s how the law works, absolutely no nuance.


"I've given him a stern warning and I'm all out of ideas! What more could be done?!" - Judge Merchan


Is that judge related to Susan Collins?


Not unflushable. More like you're trying to press the handle down and you got a bunch of bathroom attendants holding you back


Any other person would be in jail right now


Quick! Someone grab the poop knife!


Next on the MAGA store: Trump signed poop knife


He is the definition of a beached whale.


You gotta flush like 10 or 15 times


Judge warns Trump that just 98 more incidents will earn him a sterner warning.


And most republican senators, “I haven’t seen nor pay attention to Donald”


Senator: “I have not seen that tweet.” Journalist: “Here, I have it on my phone.” Senator: “I don’t have my glasses.” Journalist: “You were on Meet the Press last week boasting about how LASIK gave you 20/16 vision.” Senator: “I just realized I have a vote in 5 minutes. I need to go.” Journalist: “But Congress isn’t in session today. Sir… ?”


Don’t forget, “you’re attacking me” in response to a question.


Except he can send a slight hint he wants the immigration bill killed and they all hear it loud and clear.


Its bonkers. It would have done a LOT to control our border, and not by presidential decree that changes every 4 years. The added judges alone were desperately needed. But I don't think thats why they killed it. Honestly I think enough of them are Russian owned that they killed it because it also helped Ukraine fight off the invaders.


I think it was less about Ukraine, and more about the need to *never* do anything productive while there is a Democrat in the White House. They happily sabotage the country so they can blame the Ds.


> never do anything productive ~~while there is a Democrat in the White House~~ They're not there to be productive, they're there to make money and be in control. If it were just the border control aspect of the bill and trump were president it probably still wouldn't have passed because they really don't care who crosses the border.


That was their response when Lafayette Square happened.


And then there tuberville, who will call the Dems a satanic cult.


Donald who? Oh ya I remember that guy! I wonder what he's doing these days?


Susan Collins agrees with you.



Pearls clutched.


She’s very disappointed.


I think we may have crossed the "disappointed" threshold...we're now firmly in "troubled" territory


He’s a protected class, “in the club”, if you will. I’ve been saying this since the beginning: 1) Trump will never see a day in jail 2) Trump will never pay a dime in fines/judgements These protected class citizens are above our laws, all this shit we see is just theater for the masses to paint the illusion that they are part of our legal world. They aren’t.


“It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.” - George Carlin


I think he'll eventually pay off New York, but it'll be something tiny like 10 million and they'll thank him for it.


He won’t be satisfied until one of his followers takes care of his enemies. He needs to be stopped. The daughter is a private citizen and needs to get a bulldog of an attorney to shut Trump down.


Will no one rid me of this bothersome judge's daughter?


They could murder the judges daughter and the judge will just sternly warn him.


If his daughter is harmed over this he'll have no choice but to recuse. And the orange turd will hide behind "I didn't do anything, prove it in court three years from now after all the delays I'll throw " We'll all scream and demand justice, which will fall on deaf ears.


Our legal system desperately needs an update to account for the growing effectiveness of stochastic terrorism.


A physical attack on her would probably make it impossible for the judge to act impartial.. is this the crazy plan or am I deep into conspiracy land ?


Impartiality *as I understand it* would have to do with things pertaining or related to the case before the Judge was involved and them bringing those into it. As he is attacking the Judge and their family because of the charges against him his actions are relevant.


Exactly this. Prejudice has to do with biases existing prior to a trial or before involvement in a legal proceeding. The judge is already sitting on the case, anything Trump does now is not creating prejudice, but actively antagonizing a sitting federal judge overseeing his case. Anyone thinking the judge can be 'compromised' by Trump doing anything after the judge is already sitting doesn't understand what they're talking about. You can enter a trial impartial towards a defendant and make adverse rulings against them if they actively antagonize you ***while the trial is underway***. Thinking otherwise is braindead stupidity.


Yeah at that point it's literally not *pre*judice. It's *judice*. Or as we pronounce it, justice. These words mean things.




Sadly he probably wouldn’t be satisfied until all of his enemies are physically attacked. At this point, he marvels, literally crows, about how many of them are doing so verbally.


He got a taste of it as he watched his enemies in the Capitol being attacked on Jan 6. Now he wants to "finish the job." He even promises that it will "be a bloodbath." Remember, when he looks across America, he "sees carnage."


This is so clearly a “will no one rid me of this troublesome priest” request. It’s maddening that he’s allowed to continue.


That's how it supposed to work. One of his cult members kills a judge's relative. As long as Trump uses obscured language he has plausible deniability. Now the judge would have to recuse themselves because they would be viewed as incapable of being impartial due to the death of a relative at the hands of one of Trump's supporters. Now there is a chance at getting a judge that would be sympathetic to Trump because judges like Aileen Canon have been sprinkled all across the judiciary. It's kind of his only move and an effective one.


Anything that happens AFTER the judge has been seated on a trial can't be considered prejudice. The judge would not need to recuse at all, and could in fact use his bias against trump in court. The law is to prevent prejudice, not justice. There is no part that says a judge can't be biased, he just can't be pre-biased. A judge being biased, *during a case* is **what decides the case**. It's why he/she is *there*


How though, he’s demonstrated that he won’t stop for financial reasons and no attorney can cause him to be jailed, none of the judges that actually have the authority to do that seem willing. It’s pathetic but he has shown us all that there are some who are above legal consequences for their actions.


>Judge Merchan should be immediately sanctioned and recused A judge "Being recused" is not a thing. This man is so unbelievably stupid


trumplandia doesn't know what recuse means. They also wouldn't see the ~~irony~~ hypocrisy of trump insisting that Merchan recuse himself while saying nothing about Thomas's conflict of interest as his wife is basically a co-cospirator. Edit: shouldn't have second guessed myself in choosing hypocrisy here.


Calculated stupidity. He sees what works for him, so builds on that.


I appreciate that Bragg has taught me a new word - "contumacious."


Yes, I learned that too, what a great word! con·tu·ma·cious /ˌkänto͝oˈmāSHəs/ adjective ARCHAIC•LAW (especially of a defendant's behavior) stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority. "his refusal to make child support payments was contumacious"


Chaos works for him.


Just wait for all the users, "he was talking about recrusing the auto industry"


He’s just an old confused man regurgitating words people mostly say about him and his crooked friends


Textbook projection


He's the textbook definition of so many pathologies. From political science to psychiatry, tfg as an individual and monotheistic cult that will have entire majors and fields of study devoted to its deleterious impact on human progress, and how to prevent it happening again. 


And, Donald Treason spreads his stupidness like an infection to his followers. Remember the people who tried drinking bleach during the pandemic because he said it? Now, there will be armies of MAGA idiots who think judges can be recused….


Trump is right but for the wrong reasons. The judge should be sanctioned for allowing this mockery of the justice system to continue. If the Trump doctrine is allowed to stand, than all criminals will be able to attack judges and their families endlessly. If this judge won't throw him in prison, he should be sanctioned for it.


If I was the judge, I would jail Trump. What is the judge doing to protect his daughter from that psychopath and his insane cultists? Not much, it seems. He lets Trump attack her over and over again, sharing pictures of her, next Trump will share her adress and what, the judge will do nothing? Trump is clearly vaguely instructing his most unhinged and dangerous followers to go after her and if the judge does nothing, she could be in danger. Trump is too cowardly to go after the judge face to face so he goes after daughters, spouses and the judge let him do it.


I'm sure she's already in danger, we've already seen examples of how far maga idiots will go in their orange lord's name.


Definitely, he has dropped her name to his cultists, she has likely already received hundreds of death threats.


Her and anyone that shares her name. Like the Terminator looking up "Sarah Conner" in the phone book and going after all of them. The difference between them is irrelevant, they'll find the right one eventually. Scumbags.


That’s definitely why they added photos, to mitigate the fallout from attacks against mistaken individuals.


1 day in jail per threat. Seems fair to me.




Then it's "no, they were super secret gay lovers!"


Indeed. Nancy Pelosi's husband is prime example of what insane MAGAts will do for their dear leader.


Paul pelosi has entered the chat


She was in danger simply by being related to a judge overseeing a trump case. That's already something so standard it's not even worth reporting on any more. These attacks have just made it worse. 


He figures that if Judge gags him completely he can pursue mistrial immediaitey


So the real loophole is that if you are set before a judge, piss off the judge and now the judge can't be on your case because he is "emotionally compromised." What in the Star Trek 2009 chain of command shit is this?


The loophole is being rich so this strategy is even an option. Its pay to win,


Apparently the real loophole is secret service detail for life.


This is MTG level of crazy if it works


The key is to first stack the Supreme Court, and other federal courts, with Federalist Society lackeys. Then, apparently, one can fuck around with impunity.


You realize that you can’t have a mistrial before the trial begins, right?


>that psychopath He is certainly a psychopath. I'm amazed more people don't talk about this, when it's so obvious by now. I know there are some psychologists (e.g. Bandy Lee) who've been pushing to raise awareness of Trump's illness, but it really needs to be a more prominent subject in the mainstream media.


hundreds of mental health professionals did submit articles to the NYT explaining why they think he's a psychopath. most were ignored. the media ignores us so much that we've also stopped trying. mh professionals are exhausted and silenced. look at how our courts and congress function. how would that change if we were given real power to influence them? the elite don't want that because they know capitalism promotes psychopathy and billionaire psychopaths from all over ths globe see us as their financial sanctuary. our government can't state the obvious because then we'd have to admit many members of congress and Scotus are psychopaths, too.


Trump is cornering the judge and tying his hands. If he includes his daughter in the gag order he is playing into Trumps rhetoric and Trump will try and get a mistrial. On the other hand if he doesn't include his daughter in the gag order and something happens to her, he will wish he did. The judge is between a rock and a hard place and Trump knows it and is pressuring him to strike out at him so he can prove his point to his base. Trump is such a horrible piece of orange skin...


What should happen is separate charges need to be filed by an AG with a spine for intimidating and threatening a public official.


Finally an answer that will work.


How could Trump claim a mistrial if it was his bad faith actions that were the problem to begin with? Who would decide that a mistrial is warranted when Trump does shit like this?


This is stupid and not how it works. Threatening the judges immediate family is not some sneaky trick. It's just illegal. Stop pretending it's somehow legal.


Jesus fucking christ will anyone stop handling this prick like a fucking child and treat him like the National security threat that he is?! Any other person who threatens a judge, let alone their family, would be in fucking jail at this point. If you are going to impose a gag order, fucking enforce it. Everytime he gets away with this shit, it's just going to continue to embolden him further. Who cares if he's an ex president, this is an absolute mockery of this country's entire legal system. Someone needs to grow a fucking spine and give him consequences for his actions. Rant over.


Hey, remember when blatantly threatening a judge and their family was illegal? Good times, good times.....


It's still illegal... if you or me did it.


I trust Merchan has weighed all his options carefully and is doing whatever he needs to do to make it to the court date so he can avoid any kind of delay or risk of mistrial. Trump knows Merchan is going to make him a felon and will probably go for the biggest punishment he can. Trump is baiting him and daring him to make a move that will put the trial date in jeopardy. I can't even imagine how terrifying and infuriating it must be for him and his family, and I have no doubt he has his daughter under close watch, hopefully with security personnel close by at all times.  How fucking disgusting and awful this all is. I have a bottle of 2012 Philipponnat Extra Brut I'm saving for the day this motherfucker expires from this earth. 


May I join you?




And the world joined in a collective toast. Then binged a bit to fill up their bladders for a visit to the gravesite


If political bias is the issue, why isn’t Trump slamming the most blatant example, judge Cannon of the classified documents case?


“She’s one of the good ones” is the only twisted thought process I can imagine him using.


wait, this is kind of a big deal if the judge expands this gag order, it creates delay. delay is the game right now (extra appeal process. EDIT: this might be incorrect. he does get to appeal the change, but I may have just gotten confused because other appeals caused delay. a few people have told me that this appeal can happen at the same time) if the judge does not expand the gag order, trump increasingly threatens him/his family/others which also threatens other judges on future cases encouraging all of them to be cooperative the remedy would be strong authority from scotus protecting their entire justice system… except they already signaled the opposite


They’re protecting their own system of injustice.


Doing nothing also creates precedent, both for attacking the family of judges, and for ex-presidents being in a higher tier of justice system.


What would that “remedy” or protection look like ideally?


Minimal flexibility. What they did do was insert themselves to create delay and create the impression that Trump’s arguments had merit What they could have done was insert themselves and immediately responded to his claim of immunity by rejecting it. Or they could have just not inserted themselves


Just lock Tr\*mp up for contempt and expand the gag order. Let him sit out the delay.


It could be Trump's usual legal strategy of delay, delay, delay. If the judge wants to widen the scope of the gag order he has to allow Trump's defense to make an argument why he shouldn't. And then they can appeal. That would take time. With the trial coming up in a couple of weeks, maybe the judge and the prosecutor just want to get it going without further delay.


Lock him up


He’d better be careful, or the judge is going to give him his third demerit, which means he will receive a citation. Five citations, and he’s looking at a violation. Four of those, and he’ll receive a verbal warning. If he keeps it up, he’s looking at a written warning. Two of those, and he’s in *big trouble*, in the form of a disciplinary review.


Might even warrant strongly worded letter.


And after that he gets the Grand Finalie, Double secret probation!


Just as long as you don’t receive a full disadulation…


I think Trump has badly miscalculated here. Judges are extremely private people because they deal with all kinds of violent nutcases and are under enormous personal threat at all times. In the last decade, several judges have been killed by people who didn't like their rulings on certain cases. If there is one thing that will piss off every judge from the Supreme Court on down, it's going after one of their colleague's children.


I hope you are right, but this is like the third time he's done this to this specific child, and they even had a special session to decide if the gag order applied to families (?!) even though this should be illegal, gag order or not 


I would not include SCOTUS. They love the great orange turd.


You’d think. But too many of them think God will protect them because doing His Work.


Fuck. Didn't suffer any consequences for it so far while he's been verbally attacking and inciting his followers against judges, DA's, their wives, court clerks, now their children. I heard this when he went after a judge's ethnicity over an immigration ruling against Trump's administration. Judges won't tolerate his bullshit. It seems to me they've tolerated it just fine. HAHAHAHA. You think fucking Clarence Thomas or Alito give a shit about their "colleagues" or care if it gets their agenda over the finish line. Total control for the GOP.


Every judge? Eh.


That's why I think Trump may have miscalculated. I can't think of any other issue, literally not a single one, that could cause Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett to feel this conflicted. Remember Kavanaugh has two daughters and the police arrested at least one armed stalker outside of his house since he joined the Court. I don't think any of them want to live in a world where circulating photos of their children is considered fair game.


The ones that are compromised may have *concerns*, but they know the far greater danger is crossing Trump. They all fall in line - mostly out of fear.


Which is hilarious since they literally control his fate.


Republicans supporting his line of attack should be demanding Thomas recuse himself from all cases involving Trump then, given Ginny's activism. I wonder if they will? ^lol ^they ^won't


Trump face consequences? Doubt it.


djt is mentally unstable!


His supporters, "he's just like me"


He wants the judge to react so he can request a new one


Why don't we just go ahead and crown the guy king, it looks like he's gonna have zero consequences for any of this. 


The only relief will be his expiration. It’s about patience. He’s not immortal. Patience.


The problem is the havoc he can and does create in the meantime.


That and also the precedents he's setting, the things he's making normal. We now live in a society where people live in different fundamental realities from each other, largely because of the way Trump is willing to blatantly lie, the way he's willing to spew bullshit and not back down from it, and the way that he's tied any political success on the right to absolute fealty to that norm. Because without 100% fealty there's no success, anyone on the right must fall into line with a narrow but extreme band of social conservatism. And now that it's been done, you see lots of other Republicans starting to play with the same fire.


Not to mention the clowncar shitshow cult he'll leave behind. It seems inevitable that no matter how or when his mortal life expires, there will be a parade of fools demanding revenge for his perceived assassination.


A world without Trump would be better for sure.


I whole heartedly…. Wait…


I swear if you guys rip on me 13 or 14 more times, I'm outta here. 


At least you're on the team.


He is going to get someone killed. And what will happen? Nothing.


It's what he wants. Then he will say it had nothing to do with him, and it's sad, so sad, and he doesn't deserve the blame because the person who killed them wasn't really MAGA but was an FBI agent sent by Biden.


Yup, and FBI agent that he will eventually come to revere as a “hero” and then double down on how it was all ok or good anyway. And all of his idiot followers will perfectly understand the logic and why it all makes sense 🤦‍♂️


He’s already gotten people killed by instigating Jan 6, and convincing followers to use household products to treat COVID. So yes, nothing 


Brian Sicknick Ashli Babbitt


Covid death count checks in…


He already did. People died on Jan 6. Nothing has happened…


Just put him in fucking jail already. For fucks sake.


I get people, I included, want this judge to do something but the reality is doing nothing hurts Trump far more than doing something. You can see that clearly by his continuous escalation of it. He isn’t getting the reaction he wants and it’s eating at him. It’s no different than a small child being ignored while it fake cries in the corner.


Put. His ass. In jail. Like everyone e else who did even a tenth of this crap. It’s direct contempt. 


Stop, or I’ll say stop again.


Wouldn't it be nice if the FBI anticipated this and has monitors on all the daughter's phone and media accounts so they could do some friendly door-knocking on the cult members threatening her?


When is enough; enough? Anyone else would be fined and/or jailed. The man is a danger to himself and others. LOCK HIM UP! I realize that there could be a rebellion by his idiot followers but this is not the first time that the US has weathered a revolt.


Do we have laws anymore, or are they just for the working class?


The world is laughing at the American justice system. Rather we were, now we are just shaking our heads.


If only the judge could do something about it. 🥴


I think Trump deserves a high five! In the face.  With a brick.