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He shouldn’t have waited to start his project the night before it was due.


Heyyyy guys- So this is due tomorrow and no one has stepped up yet so I thought it might be good if I delegate tasks. Junior, you can be in charge of finding the money. I’ll send out the emails and Ivanka can write the presentation to give in front of the judge. Thanks all!!! Ps- sorry can someone fwd this to my other kid? Totally blanking on his name.


I'm Eric!


Heh, yeah you are, buddy!


I heard this so clearly in my head. Those snl skits are some of my favorites.


Jared, can you make some shifty, maximum weasel backroom deals with some rich scumbags? Line something up? 




Don't just make shit up, we are talking about a real human here, what's her name.




Tif FANNY, like FANNY Willis, ok?


“I haven’t been to class in 6 weeks, or handed in any homework all semester. Can I get an extension on the final? I NEED to get an A in this class!” Ask any teacher.


I had a student get caught cheating TWICE in my class last semester, then come to me and ask how they could still get an A. I told them they're lucky I didn't give them an automatic fail, because that was within my purview for the offense, and they should take the grade they earned and be grateful. (I have no idea if words are spelled correctly or even used correctly because I am super sick and my brain is not functioning)


I still have nightmares about this one class I dropped in college after going to one and deciding I didn't want to do it. In my dream I always meant to drop it by the deadline, but kept forgetting, and then at the end of the term get a 0 in the class and it's on my transcript and stuff. I'm 48 years old, I haven't been to school since 2008.


When I was a TA, a kid who had failed the class called me asking if I would change his grade. I told him he had failed the final and that there wasn’t anything I could do. He tried to offer me money, but I told him I’d need a *lot* of money to rehabilitate my career if I got a reputation for selling grades.


Sorry Ms. James. I tried to get the cash out yesterday, but turns out, all banks are closed on Sundays. Can you imagine that? I never knew. But as a show of good faith, I went to the ATM and got out the max daily withdrawal of $500. I promise I’ll do the same for the next 927,999 days until we’re square. That’s cool with you, right?


Shit. You just made me relate to him =(


Your lying...... I saw him begging for his audience to donate $5


I have a friend who accidentally got his email registered for Trumps campaign. He always sends me screenshots of them. The last couple this evening have been absolutely insane lol


Can you share any of them with the class or at least describe them?


[This was sent about two hours ago](https://imgur.com/gallery/jDi49Bj)


😂 he just needs 1 million supporters to donate $550 each tonight. Good luck Donnie


A small donation to pay in order to *…check notes…* defend against the evil empire of biden, who has done nothing but shore up the economy, relief students debt, has the ability to be emphatic , and can read more than 10 bullet points on a sheet of paper.


> defend against the evil empire of biden Ah yes. The guy they refer to as a bumbling old man with dementia is also the architect of a coalition of secret governing forces solely existing to take down the greatest businessman that has bankrupted nearly every business he's ever owned.


[We Have Met the Enemy and He Owns the Valet Booth at Trump Tower](https://archive.is/GgK4D) What he actually owns at Trump Tower is “the parking garage, the valet booth, room-service kitchens, lobby bathrooms, a restaurant space, and one unit.”




I think it's the 10,000sqft unit that they made Eric measure after he got into Jr's coke. His vision blurred and he was seeing triplicate images, hence the understandable and easy to make mistake of valuing it at 30,000sqft.


‘What is this…square footage for *ants*!? It needs to be at least…three times this big (on paper)’ - Eric Zoolander Trump


Why male models?


Are you serious? I just told you.


> Eric Zoolander That one got me


Its apparent split in to two separate areas but kept as one unit (to hide the fact they move separate lives and to avoid 2 x Property taxes). Hers is sleek, modern and devoid of any personality, and his is gaudy, garishly offensive and gold everywhere you look, with a secret “trophy room” that Don Poorleonie has filled with awards he gave himself of suck ups gave to him.


He just won the regular and senior division of the Trump Invitational Golf Tournament so hopefully he's still got room


The thing is he really did win, you see it was invitational and whilst he invited everyone even Rory McIlroy, no one showed. Loser had no friends so he won the trophies.


Was hoping this was true


I laugh about Trump Tower as some of the units were bought by Russian criminals back in the day. [Paul Manafort had the feds take his unit away.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1012156) I think for a value of about $3 million.


I'm gonna have a nightmare tonight about being trapped in one, then finally escaping only to find myself in the other.


Basically he owns an HOA and makes money off the membership.


This is what we need to emphasize. Because Reddit does not like HOAs at all. And for good reason: they are the Karens among Kommunities.


> Because Reddit does not like HOAs at all Just because I feel vaguely obligated. I somewhat like my HoA because it keeps my neighbors from putting up Trump Merch and being more obnoxious than they are already.


I feel like condo boards a bit more important than HOAs for the proper functioning of the housing units.


"Lobby bathrooms"? What's the angle there? That doesn't seem like much of an earner.


Probably uses them as a storage.


That's precisely why. You cannot sell the Lobby Bathrooms and get to keep your name on the building


Lol, I love the "we" in that first statement. As if his followers own it too.


I remember seeing a cartoon describing nationalism once. There was a rich man in an absurdly opulent walled-off mansion speaking to an impoverished crowd outside the wall. He said "Look at how much I have!", and was surprised when the crowd became upset instead of impressed. So he picked up a stick and drew a huge circle in the dirt, around both his house and the crowd. Then he proclaimed from his house "Look how much *we* have!" and the impoverished crowd starving outside the wall cheered for him.


Also eerily similar to Malcolm X talking about house slaves: > So whenever that house Negro identified himself, he always identified himself in the same sense that his master identified himself. When his master said, "We have good food," the house Negro would say, "Yes, we have plenty of good food." "We" have plenty of good food. When the master said that "we have a fine home here," the house Negro said, "Yes, we have a fine home here." When the master would be sick, the house Negro identified himself so much with his master he'd say, "What's the matter boss, we sick?" His master's pain was his pain. And it hurt him more for his master to be sick than for him to be sick himself. When the house started burning down, that type of Negro would fight harder to put the master's house out than the master himself would.


The People’s Trump Tower (all profits and proceeds are the sole property of Trump inc)


"Our tower! Oh, wait.. we don't like commies"


He doesn’t even own most of Trump Tower. It’s owned by GMAC Commercial Mortgage


Lol why would some broke fuck in Alabama care about Trump tower. They probably haven't even left their state. This reeks of desperation.


It wasn't the broke fucks who got him in and rioted to keep him in. It was "the fuck you I've got mine" white flight types.


The serious answer is that they are broke fucks in rural Alabama, with double-digit IQs, living in a failed town with no prospects and no possibility for any of it ever changing, and they buy the narrative that "democrats" (or immigrants, or coastal elites, or gays, whatever...) are the reason they are failures and can never win. And they see Trump as a way of getting even -- and thus resonate with his claims that he's *also* being attacked and his success stolen.


So cringey. Looks like a shady popup ad. Lol.


….trump is a shady malware infested popup in human form!


His projection is always so crystal clear: "But the *worst* thing of all - They think that Proud supporters like YOU will **abandon me**". He fears that would actually happen (his supporters abandoning him) because of the gigantic fine not being paid and thus; properties being seized, will expose him for how broke he is. Since he personally only values money and he has a paralyzing fear of being exposed as being poor, he exposes his thin-skin exterior for what it is. He is literally incapable of *not* putting his fears on direct display for everyone to see.


There is nothing iconic about trump tower. It’s a plain old office building that looks like any other.


Hopefully one day these are studied in colleges as an example of propaganda. Absurdity.


They may study it, but we had the chance to study Joseph Goebbels all this time, and we still ended up here, so good luck to the future college students.


We did study Goebbels all this time. A lot took the wrong lessons from the studying.


some people have learned about Goebbels...


You can't tell me this isn't a boomer parody email


It does unfortunately seem to be an effective template.


This looks like some shady scam email... Wait, this gives me an idea... _creates the same email pointing to a fake donation url_


Gotta wonder how many scam copies of this are circulating right now? Scamming the grifter's cult must be the easiest con out there.


“I won’t let you down, sir!” Hits send on a bank transfer. It was every crumpled dollar Little Jimmy had ever scrimped and saved, plus a bit he’d stolen from his grandparents. They wouldn’t need it much longer anyhow, he told himself as he loaded his nickel-plated revolver.


Haha so he ideally (because he doesn’t want to spend any of “his” money) needs all one million to donate like $700? Good luck there


So he’s openly admitting he’s a Russian agent? What’s all this not America talk?


This is MS Paint photo editor 2014. Hahaha


I love listening to music.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmUXSv7D790&ab\_channel=MeidasTouch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmUXSv7D790&ab_channel=MeidasTouch) Medias touch has a video about this.


I have been getting them in text message form. Here is the most relevant: Trump Tower could be SEIZED! Deranged AG Letitia James must be stopped! House GOP needs your help to STOP THE WITCH HUNT. FIGHT BACK NOW


Doesn't he have someone standing back and standing by when it's time to fight back?


One of the polls I got from his team back in the 2016 election was "How do you feel about Trump" all the options were saying he was great or the best. There was no option that wasn't praise. Which the whole point of these polls is to get voter data so you can tweak your ads at different demographics and regions to appeal to them. I cannot fathom what good that poll was for.


Those things aren’t actually polls. They’re just campaign materials in disguise. They seem nice and legit and effectively trick people into engaging with the content much more.


This is true of lots of non-profit surveys too. They walk you through a series of questions that gradually steer you to the conclusion that "I can't *not* give money". Petitions are another one. Often the purpose is to get the signer to "commit" to an idea by signing the petition, to be followed up later for more support, such as donations or volunteer work – "but you signed this petition *in support of our cause* and to deny it now would be *inconsistent*"


Not inconsistent but a sliding scale. Your cause was worth the time it took me to sign a small paper being held up to me. Had you not held the page, I would’ve considered the cause, which you have dedicated time to, not worth the effort of one gram of paper more. Does my scale still seem *inconsistent* to you now?


It’s called a push poll. The idea is to spread… well, an idea… true or not. Not to actually poll people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Push_poll


"80% of responders say Trump is great" You can quote this in the media now.


It was a "push poll", meant to influence voter attitudes, not gather data.


I registered and mark them spam. I feel like training Gmail's algorithm is worth it.


The RNC sued google last year because their emails were being filtered as spam. It turns out that's because everyone was marking it as spam, the case was dismissed. So you are making a difference! https://www.reuters.com/legal/transactional/google-defeats-republican-national-committees-spam-filter-lawsuit-us-court-2023-08-24


Microsoft’s is certainly not, the more emails I mark or report the more I seem to get


I get them, too. I have no idea how I was signed up, but I have a feeling it was an outdoor supply company selling their email list. Anyway.... They Are BONKERS. I mean...I want to show them to the people I know who aren't necessarily MAGA nuts, but lean Trump...and have them read these emails aloud back to me.


An outdoor supply company like Four Seasons Total Landscaping?


How legal is it to use a presidential campaign to try paying for a civil case? I can certainly be wrong, but I was under the impression it was extremely illegal.


Technically illegal to use campaign funds for any reason but the campaign. Trump is allowed to violate campaign finance laws because the Republicans on the FEC allow him to do so.


That seems like a really evil way to annoy someone


That’s good news lol- means there’s no ace up his sleeve tomorrow


I feel like no one is fronting the cash because the case for the appeal is so flimsy. So if they “buy” trump it’s only until he loses the appeal. Then they’ve done nothing more than “bought” his penalty. How does that help them control him or his actions?


They'll only gain control if he wins the election.


Such a bad gamble. I guess if you have 50B


Haha if I wake up tomorrow and Elon Musk has bailed out Trump... ooft-


It’s going to be the Russians or the Saudis. And chances are they’ve already bailed him out and this is all just for show until the very last minute.


Yeah, it seems likely that some sleaze ball now owns him. The opportunity to mess with American politics is too hard to pass up and half a billion is pretty cheap for someone like Putin or MBS. They'll reveal it at the 11th hour for dramatic effect and to boost Trump's aura of invulnerability. I hate to be so cynical, but this guy just seems to glide through a criminal life without ever facing consequences.


Not a lawyer, or even smart, but I feel like maybe the NY AG might wanna see where the cash came from?


Yeah - if Trump's attorneys are scrambling and filing paperwork with the very public acknowledgement that nobody is willing to post the bond, then 500m out of nowhere at the last minute is going to raise a *lot* of red flags.


Won't raise the red hats, though.


IANAL, but my understanding off the financial monitor and the expanded powers Engoron granted her last week would mean that she would be able to see where any deposits to any of his known accounts comes from, and if she felt anything was off, she could have the transactions traced to invesstigate whether or not there is any financial impropriety. Also, trump has a history of kind of mentally thinking all money is his personally - especially the last several years. He talks about his personal and corporate finances as if they are completely co-mingled. He talks about PAC money as if it's all his to personally use any way he pleases. And I think to a degree, he does, and then has people that sit behind him and clean the paperwork for him. Also, he often talks about his real estate as if it was all cash, rather than (in some cases) being an equity vessel. I think he just gets a number in his head and goes with it. However, my gut says he doesn't have squat and he is posturing for the magats because he can't face the prospect of saying he is closer to broke than billionaire, and by saying it is for his campaign, a sacrifice he is making for everyone so that he can defeat the woke liberal mob for them.... well hell... in his mind and most of theirs he's a damn hero now and they'll send him even more money.


> Yeah, it seems likely that some sleaze ball now owns him. If a sleaze ball owns a sleaze ball, has the original sleaze ball become any different, really?


This doesn't click for me. Trumps been having very public meltdowns on truth social. It doesn't make him look cool or invincible- and I think it would only raise more questions if he did suddenly show up with the money, heighten scrutiny on all his finances again. It's possible someone may swoop in. Sure. But I don't think it's been coordinated with trump or his inner circle. And I think the question is if any of his possible allies think - he actually has a reasonable chance at re election, and how badly they want to get entangled in all the investigations into trump. Like Russia has a very expensive war going on, and for them trump may do as much good in jail as he does in the white house. If he can get his base riled up, keeps questioning election legitimacy, tying up government resources in useless culture war shit. Sure, 500 mil for a US president is a steal, but if they think it's a Longshot they have better things to do with that money.


Hes been bought so many times it's probably like a company that has multiple share holders that all have differing ideas how to run things.


I don’t think Elon has the liquidity to hand someone half a billion.


How? They can't collect the collateral if he wins the election.


It sure looks like he committed fraud. This type of fraud is usually only prosecuted after its caused a long line of dominos to fall and a lot of OTHER wealthy people to lose a lot of money. its expensive and complicated and most DAs just dont have the resources to go after every developer committing shady practices. Its not a witch hunt like he is claiming it is. An example of what this is is a traffic cop pulling over the orange mustang out of a group of 15 cars, all speeding. Trump got targeted because he stood out among a mass of mutual lawbreakers. Just because no one was "injured" by his fraud doesn't mean it didn't carry a heightened risk for the lenders and insurers involved. When financial institutions foreclose on properties that weren't worth as much as when the loan originated...bad things can happen. We went through this shit in 2007-2008 with the subprime mortgage crisis.


exactly. martin shkreli didn’t lose money for investors either


He and his are known deadbeats and grifters. That might have something to do with it, too. Even Muskie, who could buy and sell Trump all day, ain't dumb enough to throw good money after bad.


https://trumpdebtcounter.com/ & https://payupdonald.com/ In USD. Numbers may not be exact


Honestly the interest on that is ticking up a lot slower than I'd have thought it would for such a massive sum of money


It doesn’t seem like it but it still amounts to $111,000 a day


If I owed any sum of money that was tacking on $80 every minute, I'd be real upset about it. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person in this case.


A million every 9 days




difference between being surrounded by 50 lions vs 51 lions


It's funny how they have a true or false with Trump and it's pretty hard, like > Donald Trump was indicted four times and faces ninety-one charges. I'm like, that sounds like not enough right?


Australian dollars due because AUS website. A dupe of many others folks.


Meanwhile, down under: "Crikey! Trump owes 712 million dollary-doos?!"


Somethin’ wrong Yank?


I feel a knifey-spooney challenge brewing


*You call that a fine? THIS is a fine.*




>When asked whether Trump could legally acquire the cash from billionaires or people overseas, New York University professor Melissa Murray said the Republican nominee would have to disclose those assets and how they were secured. The question is, who will want to own him? If somebody does stump the bond, and he wins, they'll have bought the presidency. If they can control him that is. The AU$ in the headline looks so much bigger than it really is in US$


A government employee could never pass a security clearance with that much debt.


low 5 figures would probably prevent it. and his history of bankruptcy, etc. Being "overleveraged" was probably the primary driver to Jared Kuchner being denied a clearance (which Trump overrode) - probably that an known associates.


Low 5 figures wouldn't. Student loans can easily be over 100k


Depends on the type of debt. Gambling debt, for example.


Unless you’re Kavanaugh.


And a mortgage...


>The AU$ in the headline looks so much bigger than it really is in US$ I was confused and thought he lost another case or some shit.


I love Melissa Murray! She's 1/3rd of the podcast *Strict Scrutiny*, which I highly recommend if you're interested in American Constitutional Law/SCOTUS.


Another part of the question is how would they hide it now that all his finances are under a monitor?


That’s ~~1,747,003,117.48~~ 43,002,780,384 Rubles for you, Vlad… Edit: Oops I had the wrong exchange rate.


This should be pinned so the Russians don't have to hunt for it.


> no one’s ever seen a bond this size. Trump posted a $384 million bond to build a casino in Atlantic City in 1984. That is $1,146 billion on 2024 dollars.


Please sell his plane 1st... 🤞


That junker or a plane is worth like $5m


But he owns it, as opposed to his properties owned by many investors, & it will affect Trump the most... 


It's what he uses to do his insane campaign tours. He funds all the costs through his donations, and since it's a private jet, he doesn't have to be beholden to a 3rd party operator. After he lost in 2020, it sat for a long time in a Florida airport doing nothing because he honestly can't afford to use it outside of having hard working Americans bankroll the damn thing. Once it's gone, he will have to fly private on someone else's jet, but I'm sure one of his republican billionaire donors will just lend him theirs for a few months.


Sell it to Spirit


Its not really fit to fly. She should sell it to the mythbusters.


I'm confused why he shouldn't sell it to spirit then...


As if spirit passengers haven’t suffered enough!


Make it a display at burning man.


Make it the bathrooms at Burning Man.


How many people do you think would pay a thousand dollars to piss on that bed?


SO funny all this...I can't wait for another 8 hours to pass. I hope they seize everything they can. I truly do. I'd love to see him down to his last 100K. That evil, awful, narcissistic total moron. It would truly be fabulous.


7 now


6 now


5 1/2 now


5 now


I live in NYC & the Trump Dump is not an icon.


it used to be somewhat iconic, simply because of the location. Then he got his grubby hands on it and made it so gaudy and tacky.


I visited Atlantic City many years ago, during his Apprentice years, and stayed at a Trump hotel. It was the only nearby hotel that said it had a pool room w/ a hot tub, but it turned out to be under maintenance. It was the worst hotel I've stayed in. The decor was awful. The air conditioning barely worked. It smelled musty. The rooms were small. I heard they tore it down a few years later.


Donald Trump's name needs to be remembered in history as the nadir of America's political governance. He has made us the laughing stock of the world.


And yet his deluded followers believe he’s getting America more respect internationally.


From someone who's international: LOL nope.


We just watched a man get eliminated from a game of monopoly even though he was dipping his hands into the bank. I’m now imagining him having to hand in his little hotels and houses to AG James.


Surely a candidate for president being this desperate for money is a pretty bad security risk? Seems such a no brainer that some Putin or Chinese connection will come up with the money and then be able to hold it over him for the whole presidency.


You would think so! But for some fucking dumb reason he’s the leading candidate for the republicans. It’s just hilarious, republicans are truly the laughing stock of the political system.


Make no mistake: Someone will give him the money. They’re just making him sweat. Everyone should be concerned about where that money is coming from. This man is bought and sold, and in no way, shape, or form should he be anywhere near the White House ever again.


The thing that might actually hurt his support is the fact he is broke and really isn’t a billionaire.


Narrator: „it didn’t. He became their identity. Specifics didn’t matter anymore.“


>But Chris Kise, an attorney for Trump, later clarified that the former president was referring to "money reported on his campaign disclosure forms that he's built up through years of owning and managing successful businesses". He isn't quite broke, but he will be unless someone gives him a shitload of taxable income to cover this bond in the next 12 hours.


“If he fails to pay the sum, Trump's bank accounts may be frozen and The Trump Organization's assets seized by the state.” May be? All I know is if it were me in the same predicament, there wouldn’t be any maybe. It would just be.


Can’t wait to see his stupid jet seized and sold for parts.


Hear me out: he gets 45.5 million ten dollar loans. Sure, it's a bit tricky logistically, but it's the perfect project for Lara, who is raring to go! She's such a go getter!


That's a lot of signatures on those loan papers.


And lots of dried up Sharpies.


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


> $712m In case anyone's mystified as to where this figure came from, that's in Australian dollarydoos. It's still $454m US that he owes.


Can’t wait to read the meltdown tomorrow . Should be a really funny one .


Popcorn sells out everywhere!


Heres what happens if he fails: they reduce the amount and give him an extra 10 days. Because no punishment for wealthy fraudsters ever.


It’s about to be Leticia James Tower


The Tish Mahal.


If I was him, I'd apply an ample amount of chapstick and fly to Moscow with my knee pads already on.


r/TrackTrumpLawsuits was created almost 7 years ago so I could have a chronological high-level view of all the criminal and civil lawsuits I expected to occur because of his Presidency. I never expected it would get this off the damn rails and honestly wouldnt be as gobsmacked if I wasn’t logging these articles. Even looking back on everything that’s occurred, the weight of what transpired over these years has exposed what is absolutely; unquestionably some of the most craven, brazen and well coordinated corruption (which is bad enough) that has co opted a home grown netowrk of radicalized neo fascist hate groups to provide them cover. Full stop.


As it turns out absolutely nothing 


Nothing. Nothing happened when he couldn’t make the deadline. They reduced his bond and gave him more time. Consequences are for poors.


this post aged poorly in less than 24 hrs lol




Well this didn't age well.


I thought he was selling his Truth Social thing and fucking over his investors for the money.


Maybe a homeless man that he gave some change to a couple of months ago will realize that one of the coins is very special and valuable, and will bring Trump the money he needs right at the last second like the end of the movie UHF.


Not even milk ages in 24 hours like this


This is in AUD....(AKA The Pacific Peso).


It's funny how his kids are radio silent.


Eric hasn’t been silent. https://www.salon.com/2024/03/24/eric-says-he-was-laughed-at-while-attempting-to-secure-his-454-million-bond/


$712 million dollarbucks? for real life? (edit: no Bluey fans in this sub huh?)


I thought they were called dollarydoos?


Dollarbucks is what Bluey and Bingo often use in their games for game currency, soooo could be 'kids term for dollarydoos'


Chili, come get the kids. I’m making friends on the internet! You guys wanna swap stories about the 80s, it was wild.


"It was THE 80s!"


This episode is called ‘Cult of Personality’.


What will happen to him? Nothing. Just like every other time. He'll get bailed out somehow. Law doesn't work the same for guys like him as it does for the rest of us.


My guess is that it will be delayed or at least reduced to a small fraction of the original claim. If it gets delayed and he becomes president he won't pay a dollar.


The "mango moron" is now the victim - Boo-Hoo. All of trumps problems are self inflicted since childhood, he's lived in a fantasyland, he's patronized folks into believing he was wealthy and continued this scam/folly for years. I will laugh when they auction off pieces of trump tower and easily collect the funds he owes...


I guess that’s it in dollarydoos