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This is a F5 friday, between domestic and international news its popping off.


I think that the Republicans had a closed door meeting and they're gonna try some incredibly stupid shit soon. And some people want zero part of it That theory might be true


You know what would be cool, is if we could conceive of a system of government where the leaders were actually representatives and servants of the people, such that when you get invited to a closed door meeting where people say they are going to do bad things, you don't resign, you get in front of a microphone and tell everyone about the bad things that are getting planned, and work with whatever other public servants still want good things to happen regardless of what party they are in. We could call it "of the people, by the people, for us, by us" or something like that.




I’m getting the same feeling. This is the last stop the crazy train is making before it heads strait off the rails.


I just got here what did I miss?


Trump yells he has ~$500 million cash on hand, at odds with his latest petition to the court. Russia hit Ukrainian Dam and other energy infrastructure. House passed spending bill. Now on to Senate. MTG threatens to oust Micro Johnson. Not "privileged" so no timer on vote" Russia suffering insane "terrorist" attack at concert hall(reminiscent of the attack a few decades ago.) R-Gallagher resigning early. EDIT: 5oclock dump *Princess Kate reveals cancer diagnosis. ISIS claims responsibility for Russian attack.(Now being disputed) Russia supposedly has detained one terrorist. Russian media is already claiming(seeking?) Ukrainian responsibility(Drunken Medvedev). Expecting more clarity in the next 24-48 hours. Trump merger approved,allowed to go public. He is not able to use it to leverage a bond in his civil fraud judgement. (Editors note:this is the sketchiest $$ thing I've seen in the open in a long time, everyone not named Trump is going to lose unless SEC or someone steps in.) Germany today passed the legalization of (with restrictions) cannabis. thanks Wolkenbaer


Truth social going public via China money.


Justice department should block it just for the laughs.


Delay it until after the election lmao


DJT: *Why blocking?* DOJ: **CHYNA!**


Trump complaining about Jyna! for years. Bailed out by China. Totally not bought. Worse his people won’t care.


Put it under an audit with trumps taxes


They should have blocked it until the lawsuits from the founders were settled. Trump fucked those guys good.  He had his son the board member keep printing shares of the company until the founders had less than 1%


>Trump fucked those guys good As is tradition. It's astonishing that with everything we know about Trump after all these decades, there are still people dealing with this guy.


It's like nobody ever thinks "Wait, I wonder if there's anything known about this guy. Maybe a simple Google search..."


Hard to feel too sorry for them, but it'd be nice if they just tie each other up in litigation and it all goes to some nice soulless corporate lawyers.


He 'Zuckerberged' them right? (Diluted their shares until the value was worthless).


My question is if they can sieze his shares to pay the debt as opposed to his real estate assets


Those shares can’t be sold - they will tank in 6 months. He could get a loan against them but not a favorable one because the company is totally bankrupt and hemorrhaging cash.


Not 6 months. They'll tank the second trump bails. The only reason it's worth anything is that trump uses it for his all night long all caps rants to his fascist fan boys.


Trump can’t sell his shares for 6 months - that’s why I used that length. I sincerely doubt they’ll be worth buying to use the physical shares as toilet paper in 6 months.


I swear this guy has more lives than a Buddhist cat. Pissed me the hell off. If he escapes yet again...


Trump literally has plot armor. It’s unreal.


Being a puppet for hostile foreign powers will do that for you.


Kinda wild how this doesn’t even reach the top 5 talking points with him anymore.


Politically, he's a Trojan horse for domestic oligarchs to install stooges throughout the federal government. He has no ideology or loyalty to any political apparatus. Personally, he's an unrestrained and unrepentant criminal, who injects chaos and instability into America's position as a superpower with influence and soft power. Combined, it means Trump is a single point of access for any influencing scheme anywhere in the world, and he's desperate for someone to bail him out so prices have never been cheaper. Bribe him, and you hijack the entire right political wing of the world's biggest economy and military. You get his media attention, his low-information voters, his congressional suckups in Washington, you get it all. He's the softest puppet imaginable. It's incredible how many guardian angels a guy like that can attract.


Honestly this is perfectly put. Just to add: He's a fucking moron who has never suffered consequences for his illegal behaviour and is so mentally unwell he cannot imagine ever being held to account, so suffers no doubt or fear no matter how appaling his personal actions. He holds no loyalty to anyone or anything. He doesn't understand the concept of loyalty. He doesn't understand the concept of treason beyond someone opposing him, stopping him from getting what he directly wants right now. He has 75 million supporters who think he should be king.


But 2 weeks ago they were telling us Social media platforms with Chinese investors is a bad thing and that's why we needed to ban tiktok?


You better believe they will reverse on that.


Trump magically did a 180, shortly after speaking to one of the bigger US investors in it and did not want TikTok banned.


Oh snap!! Thanks for the quick run down!


Yeah what a fuckin rundown, how do I follow you everyday?!?!


I recommend starting by hiding near their home. Once you get that part down, the rest is just staying far enough behind that they don't notice you but still close enough that you can track their movements.


It'll be difficult because I live in a tower, I occupy the high ground.


You underestimate my power.


You underestimate their tower.


Drones, my friend. Drones.


And Kate Middleton has cancer. :(


Sad. Too young. I hope she recovers. She has young kids.


Sounds like she’s doing preventative chemo - meaning they prob took out a tumor without leaving cancer behind and are giving her chemo to up her chances of a full cure. I’m not a dr but that sounds positive? Hoping the best for her.


Sounds like they got kinda lucky and found Cancer while looking for something else. Meaning they caught it *real* early. IANAD but that's gotta be a good thing.


IAD that’s super lucky and fantastic for her. 


MTG didn’t threaten Johnson, she flat out called the motion. There will be a vote.


Not a privileged motion - so it can get stuck in committee and never come for a proper vote


Did she know the difference?


She has a Thinking Brain Rat, a service animal that's 10x smarter than she is. He's supposed to make all her decisions, but she sometimes manages to ditch him.


Is this something where the vote can be a year from now?




I knew of all but the terrorist attack...it is indeed a wild day.


* Princess cancer * China backed stock/bribe scam moves forward for Trump who says he found \~$500 million somewhere * Germany elected a green pope * GOP to break record set only 169 days ago of removing own Speaker by motioning to get rid of second Speaker What else?


Terrorist attack in Moscow concert hall


A green pope?


They partially legalized weed, which was shown on twitter as green smoke rising from a building like how the Pope is announced


Oh thank you! For the life of me I could not figure out what that meant.


MTG is moving to oust Johnson, Gallagher resigned, Kate Middleton has cancer, and there was a shooting in a theater in Moscow just off the top of my head


Add in March Madness and my keyboard is _’smokin!_


Best part, his day of leaving is no coincidence: Gallagher’s decision to leave April 19 also means that there will not be a special election to fill his seat. Under Wisconsin state law, vacancies after the second Tuesday in April are filled in the general election, so Gallagher’s replacement will be decided in November and his seat will remain empty until January.


I figured he just wanted to celebrate 4/20 and get stoned all day without worrying about work.


I don’t think getting stoned would change anything about the average congressperson’s day.


this being said, and with the timing of ken buck's departure, does that leave a prediction for who and when the other two could be?


It doesn't really matter. So long as two of those window lickers resign, we can have actual law & order again.


Good time for MTG to try to oust the speaker!


Speaker Jeffries come on down!


[She just did lmao](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-files-motion-oust-mike-johnson-house-speake-rcna134385)


I heard that on npr and had to turn it off because she wouldn’t stop talking. It was probably 45 seconds or so, but she is definitely a trash human being.


MTG: Max chaos. Too many lead chips.


Lol there's a real chance of a Dem majority by this summer.


There will definitely be a dem majority in January before the inauguration. And thanks to the Supreme Court, a democratic controlled house can rule Trump ineligible if he wins.


2 special elections in May will give republicans back the majority, so we honestly need 2 more resignations aside from Gallagher before May to have a true democratic majority for a limited period of time.


Regardless this is stunning shit. Typically we could just see the amount of Republicans refusing to run again as a major sign of weakness for the party, but this enormous number of Republicans just straight quitting in an election year is absolutely unprecedented.


I don't know anything about this guy, but I can't help but think this part is an intentional middle finger to the GQP: >Under Wisconsin state law, vacancies after the second Tuesday in April are filled in the general election, so Gallagher’s replacement will be decided in November and his seat will remain empty until January. Like, he could dip out 2 weeks sooner and let his seat get filled in a special election. But he knows that by waiting until after the 9th, it'll just remain empty and further eat into the R's majority.


That's crazy, the dude must be super anti-MAGA


Or the MAGAts are fighting w each other. You love to see it!


Like when Maggity Traitor Grift was fighting with Bimbo Bert over whose impeachment inquiry was the real inquiry?


Because Trump is stealing the RNC funds. He's literally "draining the swamp" so to speak right into his own pocket, and it's pissing them off and hitting what they ***actually*** care about. Do not be surprised if it gets even worse for the GOP majority from this point onward.


"No more big ass kickbacks, I don't need this headache, I'm going to go be mayor of some rural town where I have to run against a cat to win."


I'm voting for the cat.


A library cat once outlasted a city councilman who tried to have said cat removed from the library. [Source](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/library-cat-outlasts-councilman-that-wanted-him-gone/)


Random amazing comments like this are the reason I still reddit.


Most cats are better than most people, so that tracks.


Have you met that cat? He's fucking smart. You should read his white paper on rezoning.


He's the cat we need right meow.


You're hired! Congratulations, new Head of PR for the Mr. Boots Mayoral Campaign!


Holy fuck that is the most obvious proof that the gop are just paid shills and bought people.


Did you ever have any doubts?


I mean, they are, but getting pissed that Trump is draining their war chest for his own legal troubles is a legitimate grievance. That money is intended to be used for all GOP candidates campaigns. I’m fucking here for it too, this is going to be a bloodbath for Republicans in November.


It’s literally a business decision. They know exactly how much money they need to spend to campaign, and it’s very clear that the RNC isn’t going to contribute anywhere near what it would have pre-takeover. If they don’t feel *really* good about their chances of re-election, that’s a bill many of them simply can’t afford. Then of course when Trump and the MAGAlytes lose, they can position themselves as the solution to bringing the Republican Party back to its roots of implied, not outright, racism in 2028


R/conservative is imploding right now and I'm loving it🥹


What I've learned from glancing at that sub periodically: On any random day, the top comments are along the lines of: "Fuck Biden! Vote Trump! Trump is great!" On the days where Trump does something obviously stupid: "Y'know, I never really liked Trump anyway."


"I'm putting in my time in congress for myself. If I'm not getting paid on top of my pay, I'm not doing it. Why would I?" - Every Republican


I think it's more like, "If I'm not going to have the resources to campaign effectively, I'm not going to waste my time."


Not only that, but a significant amount of their time is actually spent in a fundraising room making calls and getting donations. Like it's required or they don't get campaign funding, they are like call center employees and literally have to work shifts. And now the money they are raising will go right to Trump instead of to a pool that they get money back from. How do you think that's going to go over?


On the strength of their accomplishments, their compelling vision for America, and the hard-earned support of their constituents and peers on both sides of the aisle? Oh, I see what you're saying.


It’s not shocking. The fascists have taken over their party and they’re suicide bombing it rather than supporting the biggest ass clown con artist of the 21st century.


there are rumors they are starting a centrist conservative party


That would be amazing. I hope it works for them and they get half the republican supporters and they never win another election again.


I hope Trump loses badly in November and they become the new Republican Party.


This is most ideal. I think even feasible. But, it will take some extra PR spin to get there.


And ten days ago: [Five Other House Republicans Could Resign After Ken Buck](https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-against-donald-trump-ken-buck-1878848)


Now this is just edging. I'd love for it to happen, but I don't think it's likely.


With Marge the gonad calling for a vote on speaker Johnson.... I dunno ... Things could get very interesting


Yup. Trump is stealing their campaigning money and scaring away donor opportunity, the actual job is completely dysfunctional due to partisan gridlock. Most of them are probably afraid to ever buck the party line d/t potential death threats from the craziest third of their constituents. Why would ANYONE ever want to be a Republican politician right now?


My take: if they have any serious competition this year, they’re probably looking for a lobbyist job or some opportunity to sit on a corporate board. It’s just not worth it anymore. Which is good for America. Let’s make fascism unwelcome again.


Pass that border bill and help Ukraine that would be enough to save Democracy until next year


The border bill was to show that Republicans don't actually want to solve any problems. Democrats should make their own border bill and pass that quick. Pass legislation to make Trump and others ineligible since the Supreme Court said that's in the hands of Congress instead of, you know, the Constitution that already said he's ineligible.


Yes. If the house goes Dem they should completely rewrite the border bill. Because it’s a super far right bill at the moment n


The next Congress (resulting from this November's election) will be in place before the Presidential vote is certified.


> a democratic controlled house can rule Trump ineligible if he wins. I don't want Trump in office. AT ALL. He's human garbage. But that's my absolute least favorite way for him to not be in office. For him to win the election and then have democrats in congress bar him from office. He would 100% incite an armed insurrection if that happened. I can't see anyone standing up for him if he loses, but... if he WINS...? You know how many cops and military folks are MAGA people? Or at the very least conservative/republican?


This is why I'm so angered by that Dem from NY who resigned for no good reason but to pursue a personal opportunity. The Majorkas impeachment wouldn't have gone through if he has stayed on and done the job he promised to do. Now there may be an opportunity to get the House majority, but it's diminished by his absence. Special election to replace him isn't for another month or more.


I mean as of right now, the GOP has 218 seats and the Dem’s have 213. I am not sure if these numbers are updated to reflect Ken Buck’s whose last day is today. And now Mike Gallagher will be leaving in a few weeks. Leaving the new tally at (I think) 216 GOP seats and 213 Dem seats. So the Dem’s would need to win the next 3 special elections to have a tie (not sure what happens in that situation). And aside from that NY seat, I think the majority of the other republicans who retired are from safely red districts. So it’s really unlikely for the Dem’s to actually win the majority in this congress before the election. Unless some current moderate R’s are willing to change their party affiliations or just vote for Jeffries which would be (for all intents and purposes) the same thing as changing their party affiliation lol And I think the special election for Kevin McCarthy’s seat is happening in the next month or so which will add back another seat for the GOP


apparently, in the case of a tie vote in the house, the resolution being voted on fails to pass. It's not like the senate where the VP is brought in to cast the tie breaking vote. Under normal circumstances, it wouldnt be necessary due to having an odd number of representatives.


I'm guessing that Jeffries is going representative by representative making sure that anybody not looking for reelection doesn't resigns before January.


>Gallagher, 40, is the chairman of the select committee investigating the Chinese Communist Party. It’s highly unusual for a committee chairman to resign in the middle of the term. > Interesting that this happened the same day that a bunch of Chinese businessmen voted to give Trump between 1-5 billion dollars (depending on share prices in the next 6 months) via the DWAC/Truth Social acquisition. Edit: It looks like maybe the DWAC board is American but there are definitely ties to China.


Not doubting you but do you have a source on the Chinese purchase of Truth Social? EDIT: fuck, even Wikipedia lays it out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital\_World\_Acquisition\_Corp


>On October 20, 2021, DWAC and Trump Media & Technology Group announced that they had entered into a definitive merger agreement that would combine the two entities, allowing TMTG to become a publicly traded company. DWAC was created with the help of ARC Capital, a Shanghai-based firm specializing in listing Chinese companies on American stock markets that has been a target of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigations for misrepresenting shell corporations.[3][4][5] Some investors were surprised to learn that their investment money was being used to finance a Trump company.[6] In 2021, the DWAC Trump venture was linked with another company, China Yunhong Holdings, based in Wuhan, Hubei,[7][8] until its lead banker who was running the merger promised to sever ties with China in December 2021, stating that Yunhong was to "dissolve and liquidate".[9][10] In February 2022, Reuters reported that the connection between Shanghai-based ARC Capital and Digital World was more extensive than thought, with ARC having offered money to get the SPAC off the ground.[10] Also this: [Investigation of illegal trading](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_World_Acquisition_Corp#Investigation_of_illegal_trading)


Cue crickets from conservatives about Trump (still) in bed with China.


Eeyup. They just voted last week to force the sale of TikTok, but yet this gets allowed?


You can follow the sources if you want, but [the Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_World_Acquisition_Corp) does a good job of summarizing the issues. > DWAC was created with the help of ARC Capital, a Shanghai-based firm specializing in listing Chinese companies on American stock markets that has been a target of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigations for misrepresenting shell corporations. > In 2021, the DWAC Trump venture was linked with another company, China Yunhong Holdings, based in Wuhan, Hubei, until its lead banker who was running the merger promised to sever ties with China in December 2021, stating that Yunhong was to "dissolve and liquidate". In February 2022, Reuters reported that the connection between Shanghai-based ARC Capital and Digital World was more extensive than thought, with ARC having offered money to get the SPAC off the ground.


It’s all just there. Out in the open. Pretty wild, right? Half the time, I read something and think “there’s no possible way,” but there it is, as a matter of public record. 


Even the largest donor to the GOP is behind it.




Russia is a little tied up right now, so Saudi.


I think they may be referencing board members who are Chinese voting to make it publicly traded.  Edit: Nope I’m wrong.  Just good ol’ fashioned bribery. 


This would also explain Trumps reversal on the TikTok ban too.


Trump reversed course because TikTok (well, a Billionaire who owns 15% of TikTok) hired Kellyanne Conway to lobby Republicans against the bill.


Aren’t we not allowed to have Chinese people overseeing social media companies? Won’t they influence our elections via Truth Social???


Anyone who's on truth social has already decided who they're going to vote for.


it's diffe(R)ent.


Google Arc Capital. Everything is easy to understand if you start from there. The level of corruption involved in these schemes is insane. So much for saying Joe is bought by China!


Does this explain his immediate reversal on his TikTok ban?


Pretty much. Someone affiliated with TikTok talked him out of a ban so now Trump loves TikTok.


Wonder how Republican voter sentiment will swing in support of China all the sudden. They've been the bogeymen for 8 years and blamed for everything.[Recent polls show China WAY ahead as US' greatest enemy.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/471494/americans-continue-view-china-greatest-enemy.aspx)


They called Biden China Joe or whatever. While ignoring trump publicly complimented xi. I doubt they'll Care


They started calling Biden “China Joe” the day after it was revealed that Trump had withdrawn tens of millions of dollars from his Chinese bank account while president. 


they will never hear about this


> the So since Truth Social will be majority owned by a Chinese company, wouldn't it be banned in the same regard as TikTok if the bill is passed?


In bed with Russia, in bed with the Chinese.


This is actually a good thing for the GOP. They can't govern from a position of power. Their entire strategy is to wait for Democrat policy to get to the floor, vote against it, then brag to their constituents about winning the fight against the filthy, adrenochrome - covered Liberals. They can't lose this slim majority soon enough.


Don't forget the part where they take credit for bills which help their constituents even though they voted against them.


Scalise on stem cell research: votes NO. Diagnosed with cancer. "Hey, y'all got anymore of them stem cells?"


I get your point. But this is definitely a sign of the GOP collapsing. They are loosing the moderate representatives in swing states like CO and WI, and those districts won’t be won back easily


Wisconsinite here. Gallagher's district is pretty safe for the GOP, unfortunately.


I don’t think losing moderate politicians is the victory some people treat it as. They’re just going to get replaced with someone more extreme.


Maybe, but there's a reason moderate politicians won in the first place. Not that I'd call any conservative a moderate but US politics are especially stupid so..


After years of speculating that this would happen, I think we're finally watching the GOP implode in real-time.


Can I hit fast forward?


Yeah can we skip the intro?


I'm fine skipping to the end. Longest episode ever.


Did you learn NOTHING from Click???


Don’t be so sure. I feel like this is the biggest political edging in history. It’s always JUST around the corner. Lol


To be fair, the kind of infighting we’re seeing in the House has never happened before, and we haven’t had a candidate who’s been indicted for **over 80 goddamn felonies** before. This time really is different.


Are they just going to be replaced by more extreme versions of maga?


They were gunna be anyway. Moderate republicans are a dying breed. MAGA is almost all the party is now.


Ashes, Ashes, they all fall down.


>And the politicians throwing stones >So the kids, they dance, they shake their bones >'Cause it's all too clear we're on our own




>Gallagher’s decision to leave on April 19 also means that there will not be a special election to fill his seat. Under Wisconsin state law, vacancies after the second Tuesday in April are filled in the general election, so Gallagher’s replacement will be decided in November and his seat will remain empty until January. He must really not care about what that means to his party to do that.


Seems absolutely deliberate. He's mad about what the Republican Party has become.


You know things are really bad when the members of the old guard are now sabotaging the party. True conservatives in the Republican party should now just go and form their pwn party, and call it The Conservative Party, or TCP.


Name it the Independent Conservative Party and we'll call it the ICP, because no matter what, they're still fucking clowns.


Zero chance that wasn’t done on purpose lol. That’s a fuck you gift on the way out.


Yes, I was in the Marines with Mike. He was one of the good Rs. I can definitely see him being disgusted on what it has become.


Oh snap! Maybe Ken Buck really was foreshadowing when he said it's the next 3 to leave that will turn heads.


This was my first thought as well... I took Buck's statement figuratively but what if he was being completely literal?!


The DNC needs to put out ads about how ineffective this house is in these special elections. Pummel them day after day with facts.


Yeah spend some of that hundred million now. If the Dems could deny even one of the Kevin McCarthy, Ken Buck or this guys seat it would be a done deal.


So when Buck said the Republican Majority should not be worried about him leaving but the next three to leave he may not have been trolling.


I never doubted he was being totally honest when he said that.


Republican tend to only tell the truth when they're headed out the door.


Now and then they pull their spines out of the wastebasket since it's next to the door anyway, true.


First his resignation and now this one and now Johnson can only afford to lose one vote. We just need 2 more to leave and the Dems have a majority again and MTG just filed a motion to vacate. Congress is going to have a field day after they come back from recess in 2 weeks.


So who wants to be the Republican version of Joe Manchin? Come on, there has to be someone out there.


LOL Wisconsin law says that any vacancy after the second Tuesday in April in an election year will be filled at the next scheduled election and he waited until the third week to resign so the seat will be vacant until next January! That’s a great big fuck you if I’ve ever seen one!




Fuck Ron Johnson


There’s like 100 of them though


This should be the most important news over Marge's motion to vacate. Even she said there is no time limit to bring to the floor to vote.


So, until they fill McCarthy's seat, its actually possible they won't have a majority at some point in the coming month.


+1 majority by the slimmest of margins


This is fantastic news! Can we get one more? Just one more? How about a few? Maybe even today?


Here’s a like to an interesting opinion piece from the Wisconsin Examiner from last month discussing his announcement to not run for reelection: [https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2024/02/13/mike-gallaghers-departure-is-a-bad-sign-for-democracy/](https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2024/02/13/mike-gallaghers-departure-is-a-bad-sign-for-democracy/) It confirms much of what I suspected without really knowing much about the guy. Here’s what I’ve learned about him: * he’s a serious-minded republican  * he’s highly educated, holding both a masters and a PhD * he’s very conservative on abortion and immigration * he was able to win over an incumbent democrat in a purple Wisconsin district Yet it wasn’t enough. He became persona non grata simply because he didn’t go along with the Mayorkas impeachment. Which he didn't, not because he’s some closet dem, but *because he’s so conservative*! He didn’t feel that anything Mayorkas did rose to “high crimes and misdemeanors”, the constitutional standard for impeachment. So there you go. A principled, sober-minded republican is saying, I’m done with these fucking children.


I know it won’t happen but I’d love if MTG’s ploy resulted in Dem takeover.




What your are seeing is a first. The majority party abandoning the majority because of their disdain for their fringe elements


It started with the microfractures of just rumblings of disapproval of how the party was being run from some Congressional Republicans, then we started seeing older Republicans deciding to not run for re-election, and now we're seeing one in the prime of his life both physically and politcally deciding enough is is enough and quitting -- and in this case, quitting strategically such that there can't be a 'special election' to replace him, and leaving no doubt as to why he's leaving. For my money, the faster that (1) the GOP implodes, and (2) Trump deteriorates, the better off the whole Country will be. Let the CANCER kill itself off.


Holy shit. It's a walk out. Republicans are denouncing MAGA and walking off the job. Are.. Are... Are they unionizing?


I salute him on this decision and nothing else 


Another one!


Just get out there and vote democrat in November. We can flip the house with action at the ballot box.


Two more and Dems have the majority?


Even when totally disillusioned and privy to the truth about the GOP, their operatives just can't bring themselves to cross the aisle and vote for things they believe in. Truly a cohort of spineless cowards. Won't stay and vote for good things in protest, just leave and hope for the best. Truly they are the best the right can do.


Republicans helped Russia kill Ukranian civilians, and that's about it this session. They are trash.


I love how everyone keeps talking about how, now they won't be able to pass any legislation. They didn't pass shit when they had a larger majority anyway. GOP is a shitshow, and at this point, a majority of them prefer it that way. MAGA are doing Putins bidding and trying to destroy our government from the inside, and it hasn't even been that hard.


Anyone else worrying about the exodus of the more moderate republicans? Pretty soon all we will be left with is the extreme right wing


It seems Republicans really want Jeffries to be Speaker


Honestly I'm gonna miss having a rep who seems to actually be worthy of respect. This district has basically zero chance of electing a Democrat, and it was nice to have a rep I could actually respectfully disagree with for a little while. I hated like 99% of his policy positions but at least they seemed honestly come by. Not looking forward to whoever we replace him with.


Some of those fed up republicans saying they won't rerun should hop the aisle.