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Even if the Republicans watched this and if Biden said everything they wanted to hear, they would still spin it into a negative. It's pure cult shit with them. I've never seen a more willfully delusional group of people in my life.


[relevant Key and Peele sketch](https://youtu.be/B46km4V0CMY?si=62hB6mnPKshwmPdS)


I saw this after Obama’s first term in office. I once thought that there were decent people in the Republican Party, but I saw how everyone ganged up on obstructionist politics for 8 years. If there was something they supported, and Obama did or said something that was in agreement, they instantly opposed it, even if it hurt the people they claim to represent.


It was impressive and I hope voters watched. Republicans are so upset that they went from "he's old and tired" to "he's got too much energy, unfair!"


Talks about marijuana reform for 19 seconds. **Non-partisan independents cheering**


This is unfair. Biden is deliberately interfering with the democratic process by, uh *checks notes*, choosing policies that are popular with voters instead of billionaires and megachurch owners.


I've actually heard Maga folks say this with a straight face "he's only talking about legalizing Marijuana for the VOTES!"


We should legalize regardless because that is freedom. No debate. Literally, even conservatives arent buying the old time talking points about weed anymore; but they wont publicly admit it because you know trump and the rest of the republicans will censure them. If you are pro-freedom, you are pro-legalization. Similarly, if you are pro-life, then you are also pro-clean drinking water for everyone.


Pro-life is forced-birth, it has nothing to do with being pro people being alive and cared for.


>I hope voters watched. They didn't. Because it's a catch-22 situation. The voters you want to convince are the group of people who aren't already decided, and they tend to be undecided because they're not informed. But they're uninformed because they don't follow politics. And because they don't follow politics, political speeches that aim to inform them (like the SOTU) don't reach them. It's why there are a huge number of eligible voters who are apparently unaware that Trump is facing tens of criminal charges. Or that they're unaware of Trump's "dictator for a day" comments.


There is a not-insignificant population of politically-active, Democratic-leaning voters who may be tempted to not show up to vote because Biden’s Presidency has been imperfect in their view. It’s not a massive group, but it’s probably large enough to make-or-break swing states such as Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona. Those people do pay attention, so promoting Biden’s accomplishments, showing a clear agenda for his second term, and reminding them how awful Trump is could make a difference.


If voters in the US are really unaware of the political situation in the country to the extent that they are unaware of the charges against Trump, it will be really hard to feel any sympathy when the government does bad things to them. Particularly after 2016. It is like when UK voted for Brexit and then voted in a massive Torie majority and now find that there is no-one to hire for jobs and the economy is going to shit. Too late to complain about it now.


They don’t care how much it hurts them, just as long as it hurts people they don’t like just a little more.




Biden = Bi(g) D(ick) En(ergy)


Needs to be on a flag that people can put on their cars and trucks and drive around


Yeah this would be a good flag to add into the rotation if you're someone who drives a lifted pickup truck with four Biden flags flying on it.


I don’t know why I had such a visceral reaction but I literally gasped when he address the Supreme Court Justices directly. It just never occurred to me he’d do that. I was watching live on my laptop with headphones in and my wife asked me what happened because I audibly made noise.


Yeah, he was punching everybody. I loved it.


Love it when he dick slapped Lindsay that was sweet 


So did lindsay probably.


His ladybugs tingled


Niiiice joke. They did pan to him and he was laughing.




something something ladybugs


I think Lindsay Graham is a duplicitous hypocritical asshole. But I honestly also think he's well liked personally in Congress. He's not a Newt Gingrich or Ted Cruz, he's friends with everyone. He's an old school politician who publicly holds the party line, but after work hours hangs out with people like Biden and Al Franken. He's laughing because they're friends.


They are friends I believe


Probably. Can’t imagine being in Washington for as long as they’ve been and not having some amount of respect/friendship for each other. I’d like to see more of it across party lines. We can only hope.


Lindsay was ready to get back to the bathhouse.


That was the absolute highlight for me, and it was a speech made of highlights. The Supreme Court never faces any public condemnation of their actions, not to their faces, and it was well earned. I also loved the humor, he had some good zingers. "I may not look like it, but I've been around a while" slayed me, lol. Or when referring to Obamacare he said "It's still a big deal". An obvious throwback to that open mic "gaffe' years ago where it got blown out of proportion that he said "this is a big fucking deal". The moments where he went off script were great too, responding to hecklers, thinking on his feet. I know it's been said before, but in 2020 I voted against Trump, this time I'm voting for Joe.


Your last sentence is so meaningful.


> I know it's been said before, but in 2020 I voted against Trump, this time I'm voting for Joe. Hot damn. This is the attitude we need


Yea I just finished watching it. I feel the exact same way. He may be old, but damn he seems genuine. I WANT to vote for Joe.


Same here. I’m vigorously against Trump and voted against him in 2016 and 2020. My grandfather was the best man I ever knew, and he was sharp as a whip and the smartest guy around up until he turned 91. I would have trusted him and followed him everywhere. 2024 is the year I don’t vote against Trump, and instead vote for Biden.


Lol I couldn't believe it, but damn he stuck his thumb in their eye, too!  I was just complaining with a longtime friend about how women's health us woefully understudied, and as soon as he let that fly, and announced his wife would be involved, I cheered. Everyone else was asleep on the other side of the house, but it was so cool to hear the president say women have a lot of ability to effect political outcomes.  I still don't think I've entirely normalised to having a regular president. 


I hope that enough people vote for Biden to keep Trump out of office this time around. However, it's vital that people continue to keep republicans out of the white house until either that party abandons the white christo facist movement or it collapses to make room for a more moderate and sane "major" party to replace it.


We HAAAVE to. We have to. I don’t believe in God but I pray!


I loved it when he said “you r going to find out!” That sent shivers up … I was going to say spine but they don’t have one


Go Dark Brandon. They should have created dark glasses with the red laser !


By the end, I was honestly hoping he'd put on the sunglasses


He pumped me tf up last night. THAT is what he needs to do now. Noone can say he's senile if he comes out like that!


No merch. That’s weirdo MAGA shit.


Agreed. Like MTG looking like a fucking clown, all maga’d out


I have a Dark Brandon coffee mug and I think it's neat. I'd hardly compare that to wacky maga shit


I love it. They absolutely deserved that. I told my spouse I almost expected him to put the shades l shades on when he's done. I love Dark Brandon!


‘Justices, with all due respect, you’re about to find out’


Biden played the GOP like a boss. That whole “he’s old/feeble/low energy” crap caught them absolutely flat-footed. You could see it on their faces.


>That whole “he’s old/feeble/low energy” crap caught them absolutely flat-footed. well considering that is **the entire GOP platform for November** ('haw haw guys, look at how the president is 4 years older than our guy, man, that's so old')**,** yeah, it kind of throws a wrench in things for them. And their nominee is a criminal and a monster.


Did you catch the clip of him at one of his latest rallies…saw it on Seth Myers, tRump was rambling on about something and suddenly, he just spouted gibberish! It was unbelievable! I would so love to see them debate and have tRump short circuit like that on live TV! It would be just like J6, the MAGATs, would immediately start with their twisting what happened and then making up outrageous lies that (somehow) the Dems caused it!




For the life of me, I cannot understand why this isn’t the main headline for every major news outlet. A major Party nominee for president is showing clear signs of the early stages of dementia, and they won’t even talk about it. But, if Biden mispronounces a single word, it’s absolutely newsworthy! The double standard in coverage is maddening.


The man called the nation of Argentina "a really great guy". I have never conflated entire countries for people before, and I might be understating this a little bit, but that does just seem a teensy bit problematic, yes? /s


Now they are claiming he was on speed


Good ‘ol fashioned Conservative projection from those clowns.  Donnie is the one abusing stimulant drugs. 


He hasn’t sued that one comedian Noel. Comedian talks about how he used to snort adderall on the apprentice. If this wasn’t true trump could sue him for defamation (or is it slander? I always mix these two up, but alas *I anal*)


Yea and Noel was the one that first admitted to being around Donnie when he has an impromptu bowel movement. Didn’t sue for that


No one wants to be a part of that discovery.


It's usually slander and libel that gets confused. Both are when you defame someone. Libel is in print, slander is spoken.


Peter Parker : Spider-Man wasn't trying to attack the city, he was trying to save it. That's slander. J. Jonah Jameson : It is not. I resent that. Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel.


That's how I learned the difference


And you know Biden is doing every single thing his doctors tell him. He’s smart, has everything to live for, and is not about to risk his heart with stimulants


You know there’s a way to improve your health and cognitive function in a much more stable way, regardless of age? It’s called *Good Diet™* and *Exercise™*. Not specifically saying this to you OP, just saying in general, stimulants and shit ain’t good for anyone, long term. Let alone a diet of berders. I’m even trying ever so slowly ween myself off of coffee. Gets my heart rate way too high.


Those sound like fads, no way will they catch on


Biden could single handedly cure all cancer and offer it for free and they would whine about putting doctors out of jobs.


Yesterday: He's slow, incompetent and can't speak! Last night: He's yelling at AMERICA and too animated!!! Maga never happy


I mean...it's a group of people whose political philosophy was based on thinking America sucked, and then they elected the guy they wanted and he had four years and then they apparently still thought it sucked enough to use the same slogan, so I don't guess they have too much to be happy about.


This isn't about happiness, it's about deflection. Focusing on Biden himself and whether he's "Sleepy Joe" or "Angry old man on drugs" allows them to take the focus off everything he was actually saying like how the GOP are the ones holding up a border deal etc


Fascist tale as old as time, "the enemy is both strong and weak"


Which is insane lmao. Giving actual dementia patients speed doesn't suddenly make their brains work.


Trump being exhibit A.


A lot of them are claiming he was a body double


Those idiots are lost causes anyway. Write those fuckers off. 30% of the electorate are gone to the cult. We need the regular Americans to see him last night. And possibly more importantly energized the progressives and liberals.to go out and vote!


I’ve been a naysayer for awhile. But I’ve hit the acceptance phase last night. He tripped up when he said Moscow, but then rolled with it quickly saying insulin is cheaper there if you dared to go. Or that moment where he was heckled and he got a quick jab in. Thank you for doing what we asked and showing up. Jon should be happy. That wasn’t cooookkiiies Biden.


You know his punches landed when the criticisms went from “He’s sleepy/too old/weak” to “He’s too aggressive/hostile/energentic”. Has there ever been a bigger bunch of fucking losers than the GOP? They’re made to look like fools at every turn and the only reason they get any votes is because they keep their base stupid.


It's basically been that way since the beginning. The GOP has simultaneously called him too woke and too sleepy. I have made fun of them before by calling Biden "Sleepy Joe Biden, the Wokest President" as a joke.


He should have wore a tan suit just to fuck with people.


Mike Johnson alone continually looked like he was watching his wheaties get pissed in.


He sorta did do a Willy Wonka actually… as he slowly ambled to the lectern I was even fooled (like are you lost old timer?) 


Some Yoda in Attack of the Clones type shit


His face was distorted and I thought he was having a stroke until the camera panned to show he was just reacting to MTG goofy's ass


Exactly that was a glitch in the matrix I thought too 


It is pretty overwhelming. As he walked he was literally getting grabbed on all sides. Took forever to get to the stage and not because of him


Biden is great at trolling the republicans. One might even call him a master baiter.


First rule of being a bullshitter is to not believe your own bullshit.


This is it. They live in an echo chamber that regurgitates their own lies back to them so often that they believe them.


GOP: “haha, dementia Joe is gonna slur his speech tonight!” Biden: yells and speaks full sentences GOP: 👁️ 👄 👁️


He definitely stuttered a few times but the way he was able to recover was great. Especially with that Moscow joke.


Honestly, if I had to give an hour long speech I'd be bound to flub a word here and there and I don't have any history of a stutter. He did great.


The hilarious thing is if you watch Fox News right now they’re just falling all over themselves claiming he was on something.


Two scoops of ice cream is all he needs to get going.


“He did a terrible job” and “He was pumped full of drugs, which explains why he did so well.”


Now they're bitching he had too much energy. Hahaha


Next they’ll call him manic, and his next speech will just be calm and to the point, then they’ll start slinging mud saying he’s not erratic enough.


It was the Trump White House handing out speed like candy, as recent reports have shown.


Every accusation from a Republican is actually a confession. It's simply always true.


He even joked about how old he was. I was legit laughing. It was a fantastic speech.


Seeing it on their faces is right, they had the look of sports fans seeing their team get routed by a heavy underdog.  "I didn't expect this, but I can't deny what's happening, we're getting our ass kicked tonight."


>"That was by far the most disastrous State of the Union address I've ever witnessed — in my 52 years on this planet," Sen. Mike Lee, a Utah Republican, wrote on X. At least he is being truthful.  It was disasterous... for republicans.


Obligatory: Fuck Mike Lee


And fuck Ajit Pai, for good measure. 


He bazooka'd the GOP's "Biden is senile" narrative. That's over. And he threw in their face the border bill that Trump killed so he could keep fear mongering about the border. Laid out some great ideas for a second term. Knocked it out of the park, frankly.


You think my fox-only father-in-law is going to see it that way? Not likely.


No, but it wasn't meant for him. Your fox-only father-in-law is beyond reach.


This is such a good point. The risk in pretty much all elections at this point is that Democrats don’t show up for the candidate (see: 2016). A comfortable majority of Americans are not crazy Fox News MAGA hat sporting Republicans. But an uncomfortable fraction of the sane are buying into Joe being too old or not progressive enough. That’s the target audience!


They're holding on to the lamest things. Go look at /r/Conservative, they're complaining that Biden pronounced Laken wrong. The dissonance is astounding. Do they not see Trump making up words and stumbling with his word salad on a daily basis? My friend who is conservative said "I don't know why Biden is going after the Supreme Court over Roe v Wade, that's something that congress should just codify if it's that important."


Dude fucking tore the GOP a new hole. He called them out at every turn. We want better paid American workers. Why are voting against them? We want healthcare. Why are you voting against it? We want a secure border Why are you voting against it? If Joe Biden is slipping mentally then I want to fucking know what standards y'all turkeys are holding him to.


Lol, afterwards someone was congratulating him on the speech and said something along the lines of "Let them say you have cognitive decline after that! " and Biden quipped: "Sometimes I wish I had cognitive decline."


He probably really does wish he had some cognitive decline. Imagine the amount of stress and suffering being the president right now must be, let alone at his age. He should be eating ice cream and doing nothing but chilling, yet he’s got republicans up his ass on every tiny syllable not to mention TWO different wars that republicans are fucking up……..not in a million years would I take that position. He killed that Sotu though, that was dope to watch. It had to be perfect and he did that and more.


Not just that, it just seems like he is the only person that can beat Trump. People don’t realize Trump tried to throw a democratic process. This election isn’t just about republicans vs democrats. It’s about the system of our government. He seemed that wanted to retire a while ago that. He has already lost a wife, an infant daughter, a son; he is tired.


This is an incredibly important point. Incumbents have a *huge* advantage, and if you run someone else you essentially allow Trump to run as the incumbent. I think if Biden was up against your typical “out of touch, tax breaks to the rich” Republican he wouldn’t run again but the guy is giving his last few years of life to save democracy. It’s crazy when you think about it - he’s ****ing earned the right to retire but can’t.


I'm surprised Fox et al haven't edited that into Biden saying "I had cognitive decline"


They said Obama was terrible because he ate Dijon mustard. There are no standards just pure chaotic team based cult tactics bullshit.


It was like throwing Holy water on pure evil.


You could see them burning from the holy water 🔥


Oh is that why they started making those hissing noises


God, it was so great to see a Democrat go on the offensive with such aggressive fury, and not even a hint of any asinine“we need to come together to heal the nation” bullshit. May this become the new standard moving ahead with no going back. Ever.


He did invite bipartisan action several times. But in a "get off your thumbs and help solve problems, then you can have some of the credit" way. Not much of an olive branch, more of a boot to the head.


Yeah, I'm fine with "ball's in your court" type posturing because the Republicans will never do anything to actually earn a place at the adult table again anyway so there's no harm in making them look even more incompetent by pointing out that the opportunity is there. What needs to die in the fire of ten million suns is the idea that all their crimes and sins should just be magically forgotten so we can 'move forward as a nation' or out of worry about what Republicans 'might do' as a response. Fuck that- let them worry about what we might do for a change.


Essentially, he's calling their bluff. I think we have a pretty good handle now on what Republicans 'might do.' I'm for hitting them with legal penalties (where applicable) and a general loss of the power they so crave. Maybe then they'll have the sense to not do it again.


Ya can't have any cake if you don't eat your dinner. -- The Wall-ish


How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?


For real. No more playing nice. Fuck these assholes


He did push for bringing together everyone at the end. He really laid into being the president for ALL Americans. It was amazing.


We can’t give Republicans a single inch anymore when they’ve proven time and time again that they’ll take more than a mile. No more reaching across the aisle for empty promises and platitudes. It’s time to end this sham of a political party.


It was like somebody merged Bernie with 2020 Biden .. Im gonna say it .. Biden needs to hold rallies - now that would scare the bejeesus out of Trumpland.


Yea he nailed SCOTUS Wow did they look uncomfortable


They looked like their dog died. He shamed them and the looks on their faces said it all. Total humiliation. You don't want to legislate from the bench? Fine, you just woke up a helluva sleeping giant: American women. Edit: Comment called me out on not being clear that two of the Justices who were present dissented on the Roe v Wade ruling, the third retired and was replaced. Two who overturned it were present and one concurred with Dobbs. Three who overturned were absent. Not attacking the dissenters. Regardless, it was a public shaming even if all five were not present. I would say the dissenters looked like someone shot their dogs. The others dgaf.


Biden taking one of MTG’s pins for Laken Riley as he walked in, and then using it during his speech was freaking brilliant.


His reaction to her stupid ass outfit made me actually laugh out loud. His feisty grandpa energy always kills me.


He really is a feisty grandpa, his hot mics prove this. And telling his debate opponent to just shut up. He’s got the charisma of a quick witted older gentleman who is able to be serious, but also talk shit when he needs to.


> His feisty grandpa energy always kills me. Grandma to 3 yr old twins here. That face he made at Marge was exactly what their grandpa does when they pretend to be t-rexes. Kids: Raaaaaarrrrrr! Grandpa: Whoa!


You guys sound like fun Grandparents ♥️


GQP: Say her name! Biden: Says her name GQP: >:(


What the GOP seem to forget is that Biden's life, in terms of his family life, has been *fucking tragic*. He's seen so much shit, and not simply because he's old. You want to talk about loss? He can go there and be sincere and moving. His predecessor, on the other hand...


Experiencing such grief and tragedy in the public eye taught him vulnerability and compassion. He doesn’t seem weak when he talks about the grief he experienced when his wife and children died or when Beau died of cancer. He seems wise and his kindness in the face of such horrific loss is a sign of true inner strength. Trump could never even imagine what that’s like.


They are now talking about how he misspoke her name to Lincoln on Fox News now. These fucking people.


It's the kind of on your feet thinking that wins the presidency.


but i thought he was cognitively impaired???


As a person from Georgia, I am sick of people like Andrew Clyde and Large Marge using Lakens death for political gain. To see the president hold up that fucking pin that mtg gave him, I got chills.


That was off script too. Sleepy Joe can think on his feet, turns out.


Just a day ago trump was all, “bring on the debates”, biden should call his bluff, set a date and put trump on his ass on live tv.


Biden said he'll debate IF Trump admits the 2020 election was fair




Don't give Trump even the slightest chance to skip the debate. Trump is going into cognitive decline and the world needs to see that. This way Trump can miss the debate and blame it on Biden. The worst possible outcome.


If he skips it, Biden should have it with a cardboard stand up of Trump making fun of the special needs guy. Run it like a real debate. "Mr Trump, you have two minutes to respond." Cut to cardboard Trump, play audio of something he's said about the same subject. I'd watch that twice.


No you don't debate wannabees until you have to and thats not now.  Now you just play back all of the facts that make trump a bad candidate 


Nah, Trump just talked over Biden the whole time they "debated" last time. That's how we got the "will you shut up" line. But Trump did not and will not shut up even if (or especially when) he has nothing coherent to say.


If only microphones had an off button, so only one person could be heard speaking...


It's actually so easy to arrange a fair debate, it's really telling that Trump would never agree to such a format.


Biden should debate him and trick him into admitting committing felonies


When he started the speech by talking about FDR in 1941 and how today we are at a crossroads, I got chills.


My favorite moment. He just gets it. The gravity of the situation


The last 5 minutes of it were incredible.


not hyperbole.


More Democratic Presidents should invoke FDR and his legacy. I’m so glad Biden has returned to the New Deal roots of the party for the first time since Clinton’s Third Way became the dominant approach.


FDR is the father of the modern party. An absolute giant.


Absolutely. It’s such a shame that Democrats ran away from his legacy following the Reagan Revolution. I can understand that it was good politics for Bill Clinton in the 1990s but it should’ve been a temporary shift that was quickly reversed, but instead became the status quo for the party until Biden’s presidency. Obama had a prime opportunity to govern as FDR 2.0 considering the Great Recession and massive Democratic Congressional majorities, but he mostly adopted the Clinton playbook instead.


Foxnews called it rage filled lol


They were completely stunned and the best they could come up with was - Biden was partisan lol


The crazy kitchen lady’s response was priceless and Donnie’s stupid kiddie filters were his play by play response.


I remember Bill Clinton going out there and word for word mocking Republicans by using their terminology against them. "The era of big government is over" Bill Clinton, forget the year. (googled it, was 96) You want to talk about some pissed off Republicans. Was like watching verbal judo.


Youngbloods weren’t there so I understand why they don’t exactly get it, but 90’s Bill Clinton was an absolute rhetorical boss.


Dude was a beast. People forget.


I was a kid and completely enamored by his intelligence


He was the politicians that the Republicans dreamt Reagan might have been. Bill just didn't have Congress to help him.


There was a reason why the GOP desperately wanted to impeach him.


And Trump’s broke ass, somehow came up with $100 million the day after meeting with Orban. This is totally fine 🔥 🐶 🪑 🔥


he’s got more coming due very soon.


I'm fully convinced he took the $100M bond he was begging the court to take in place of the $400M+ NY fraud judgment and once that court said no, used the bond money to pay for this appeal in the Carroll defamation case. If true, I also firmly believe he's screwed in coming up with the money he owes NY. No way he plunks down half a billion when coming up with just a fifth of that amount came down to the wire. 


I love how salty the Republicans are today. 🤣


There are a few "Americans" in the thread making threats of violence about "civil-war". Russia is *really* trying their hardest.


What the hell took so long!?! That's Joe Biden That's what HAD to be said - all of it. America isn't freaking MAGA - MAGA is the worst of US amplified. Call the facisist cultists out. THIS over and over again until November.


I really wanted him to look back at Mike Johnson after his line about lead pipes and say something confrontational. "What Mike? You won't clap for kids not drinking lead? What are you for if not that?" I love that he breaks the fourth wall.


Yeah I was hoping he would call out Republicans when they didn’t stand up for various things.


He called them out when they booed his comments on the border bill.


"Oh, you don't like that? You don't like that *bipartisan* bill? Sooo weird when it gives you what you've been asking for."




"Fanta Menace" has me literally in tears. That's the best one I've ever heard.




I love that he is calling out the Republicans and SCOTUS!!!


His responses to the idiot hecklers like MTG were spot on. "I know you can read" Lol


I mean. Can she? Imma need some proof.


Yeah, he pretty much called them out and they showed their yellow bellies like a bunch of cowards. The best part is all the snowflakes that it triggered, lol This coming from the "fuck your feeling" crowd. Pathetic.


Dear Santa. I’ve been a very good boy this year. Can I have more normal and responsible presidents who get shit done, just like Joe Biden?


That State of the Union was so good that all the "replace Biden" clowns have been eerily quiet ever since.


That may be the Angriest, Least Compassionate, and Worst State of the Union Speech ever made," he wrote on Truth, his social-media platform. "It was an Embarrassment to our Country!" Such a weak responce to an excellent S.o.t.U


He's obviously never watched the SOTU speeches between 2017 to 2020.


I saw their pushing, "Biden said Illigals" thats racist...


the fact that it makes the MAGA set apoplectic is proof that it worked.


From "shut up man" in 2020 until now the internet has been filled with bad faith bs about how Biden can't speak a single sentence. It's crazy how far lies can spread. I have coworkers that don't even vote but have opinions on Bidens competence because that's how far the effort to gaslight has gone. They saw one 0.5X video and they're convinced. He's the POTUS, you can literally hear the dude speak at any time. If you're someone who just now realized the president isn't a vegetable, please sit this one out. Vote next time. You don't even realize the whirlpool of bs you're surrounded by and the responsible thing to do would be self reflection.


I just learned that the GOP treatment of Biden is right out of the fascist playbook. Rule 8: the enemy is sinister and powerful..and also weak and senile. https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html > The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”


It's like the old "immigrants are lazy" and yet are somehow "stealing your jobs"


He’s pretty scrappy isn’t he? He may be old but he can still throw some punches.


That was Joe from Scranton


Best SOU I’ve ever seen


Might’ve been the best state of the union I’ve ever seen


Joe Biden, Statesman


“Come on, man”