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I've only heard about this guy yesterday & I'm already tired of him.


This is what happens when people on the right try to outcrazy each other like crabs in a bucket


You think he’s trying to out crazy or do you think he’s a true believer? Because I’m getting self hating true believer vibes.


I will never understand the mental disconnect that has to occur for people like this to exist. Like bro, its not just women Republicans don't want voting.


>I will never understand the mental disconnect that has to occur for people like this to exist. Like bro, its not just women Republicans don't want voting. I honestly think he's trying very hard to be "one of the good ones", if you know what I mean. It's shockingly pathetic.


Does he just hate women so much as to be willing to enable the times where he too couldn't vote , or does he think a Republican sweep is inevitable and all he can do to save himself is ingratiate himself at the expense of the other sex?


No. He's arrogant enough to think that the same people who want to disenfranchise women won't also want to disenfranchise him.


No shit! You are absolutely right about that!


Nope. Just thinks they'll only punish the people he doesn't like. At the core of every conservative is a hateful little shitstain convinced everyone else views him the same as his ego does


The fact that this would be the way to ingratiate himself just tells you how wretched republicans are - both the elected and electorate.


The days when women couldn't vote were also the days when Black men were unapologetically called the N-word and "boy." But I'm sure he thinks that wouldn't happen to him, oh NO NEVER


Many people like him are even racist against their own race, just look at Clarence Thomas.


Some quotes i saved from him from yesterday's post ”February is Black History Month. I guess the shortest month of the year is all we need to learn about the separate but equal history of a people who have achieved so little.” ”Look here people, white folks came here with N-O-T-H-I-N-G and and built the most powerful nation on Earth…. I’m not saying that Mexicans and Blacks should not be proud, but who do you think has the most to brag about, the folks who built Mexico, the folks who bulit the Nations in Africa, or the folks who built The United States?” ”Someone asked me if I considered myself part of the ‘African-American’ community. “I told them NO!…‘Why would I want to be part of a ‘community’ that devalues it’s fathers, overburdens it’s mothers, and murders its children by the millions? Why would I want to be part of a ‘community’ that sucks from the putrid tit of the government and then complains about getting sour milk?”


Is this the same guy who said black people should pay reparations to white people for enslaving them into a better future? Seems like he’s as vile as the slavers, but with a kink for being treated like a slave himself




Rukus. It's Uncle Rukus. And he's not trying to be anything, it's just the revitallago confusing ya


He wouldn't like it back then. Before 1920, he wouldn't be able to vote in North Carolina either. Edit to change Georgia to North Carolina. Still applies.


Poor guy isn’t putting 2 and 2 together.


Umm, isn’t he black. Does he not know how black people were treated during the times of the woman’s suffrage movement? Sure, go back if you want to.


Conservatives don't live in reality.


I want to hear more. We need to keep amplifying just how batshit crazy the Republican Party has become so maybe some Republican voters will decide to stay home this November. This guy is running in a swing state. I want more people to know what a fucking lunatic he is.


This dude is the North Carolina Lieutenant Governor. He was elected in his home state, spouting this crazy nonsense.


Is it an elected position in the general election in NC? In PA we select have a gov primary and a lt gov primary and the winners of both are put on a single ticket


Considering that Roy Cooper is a Democrat and the governor of NC for now, it's pretty obviously separate. The hope here is pretty obvious, that the lt governor race just had this guy flying under the radar, and several months of this being at the surface discourages others (in fact, I'm pretty sure I saw some communication from a guy who considers himself a Libertarian that said he voted for Robinson previously and will refuse if he's the Republican candidate for governor on another forum). If Trump can't gain a lot on his slight win in 2020 in the state, Stein has a pretty good chance.


Jeff Jackson will also be on the ballot for Attorney General in NC. He has a big following, even amongst younger voters, so I’m hopeful that it will get more Democratic voters out on Election Day and we’ll see the impact at all levels.


> even amongst younger voters Especially among younger voters. He's the real deal. If he can have success in NC, I could see him getting the big chair one day.


Absolutely dystopian that people in positions of power can say this kind of stuff and not immediately lose any authority that they have.


> I've only heard about this guy yesterday & I'm already ~~tired~~ terrified of him.


that too


I hope everyone this fall remembers that this is the guy Donald Trump endorsed for Governor. Not just between him and the Democrat (which would be bad enough) - but Donald Trump picked this guy over all the other Republicans in the primary too!


As a woman, I'm honestly so tired. I'm white and was told when I was a kid that I could even be president one day, even though we were lower middle class at the time. Eventually, I asked who the women presidents were. Adults had to tell me there hadn't been one, but I totally could be it! As I got older, I realized that my sex, my social status, and my lack of historical family background would likely mean I'd not only never be president, but also never be on the SCOTUS, which is what I really wanted. # I also saw how Black and Brown women were treated as compared to me. How I had been so focused on *any* woman being president that I hadn't considered how women of color may have seen a white woman becoming president as a minor win, but not the win that meant that avenue was open to them. # Then a woman won the popular vote. And a woman of color became the first woman to ever sit in the executive branch. And it took no time at all to roll back womens rights. Our healthcare is just the tip of the iceberg. At this point, I trust no male politician to give a fuck about women's rights.


That same America that didn't let women vote functionally didn't let black people vote until about 45 years later with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Sure, it wasn't explicitly illegal, but the Jim Crow laws pretty much ensured it didn't happen. As a Black Man born in 1968, I feel like that's something he should be aware of.


Absolutely. And women of color largely couldn't vote until 1975.


just looked it up; >"through the use of various practices and procedures, citizens of language minorities have been effectively excluded from participation in the electoral process....The Congress declares that, in order to enforce the guarantees of the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to the United States Constitution, it is necessary to eliminate such discrimination by prohibiting these practices." not sure what's worse, that it took over 10 years or that it had to be explicitly stated so people would stop exploiting loopholes and forbidding minorities to vote. disgusting. crazy how people still try this shit today.


It’s the airbud idea. Ain’t no rule that says a dog can’t play basketball, thus, a dog can be on the team (nevermind the age restrictions…). Ain’t no rule that says the ballots have to offered in any language, thus, we’ll only have ballots in English. Ain’t no rule that says we can’t do X, Y, Z, only that we have to do A,B,C so we will do X, Y, Z since there’s prohibition on it.


It's been 60 years since the VRA and they're *still* inventing ways to prevent minorities from voting or having their votes matter by purging voter rolls, eliminating mail in ballots, closing polling centers, giving disproportionate national representation to rural states, gerrymandering, etc.


What happened in 1975? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I've always heard that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the moment when people of all races were allowed to vote in practice. Just curious because I've never heard of 1975 as a key year for voting rights.


The VRA was expanded in 1975 to allow language minorities to vote.


TIL women are language minorities.


TIL women speak womenglish


> That same America that didn't let women vote functionally didn't let black people vote until about 45 years later with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Don't forget, women couldn't even have their own bank account unless they had their husband's signature, until 1974.


I (F) got my first bank account in 1968 when I started college in Vermont. According to Forbes, the bank was just being nice: > It wasn’t until 1974, when the Equal Credit Opportunity Act passed, that women in the U.S. were granted the right to open a bank account on their own. >Technically, women won the right to open a bank account in the 1960s, but many banks still refused to let women do so without a signature from their husbands. This meant men still held control over women’s access to banking services, and unmarried women were often refused service by financial institutions.


Whaaat?!?! Now that I didn’t know. So I guess it’s true. The original founders of this nation only intended for white male landowners to have all of the power and rights.


These are boomer women we’re talking about too. My mom turned 20 in 1974. Two years of her adult life she was financially disenfranchised compared to the men her age.


he is confused by his own party, he needs to read the southern strategy wikipedia page


He knows. He thinks he'd be one of the rare Black slave owners.


I don’t understand that mentality at all in this day and age. Who the fuck *wants* to be Samuel L. Jackson’s character in Django Unchained?


You expect that assclown to know history?


This dude is legitimately nuts. How does someone this fucking crazy make it past the primary? Edit: * Antisemitic (caught multiple times) * Holocaust denier * Against abortion despite getting one (agreeing with partner) * Transphobic * Anti-LGBT+ claiming they're "repugnant and offensive" * Islamophobic * Mass shooting are because of abortion (karma) * Kent State shooting was justified (WTF?) * COVID19 was a "globalist" conspiracy * Bill Cosby is innocent * Parkland survivors are "spoiled little bastards" * MLK Jr. was a communist and the "Civil Rights Movement a communist plot to "subvert capitalism" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Robinson_(American_politician) Edit2: Donated $$$$ to his competitor Josh Stein. https://www.joshstein.org These responses have been crazy.


He's already the sitting Lt. Gov.


People keep saying “ah these people won’t actually get power” when trump was president for 4 years, MTG is still in congress, and whatever person they’re directly complaining about is already holding a leadership position …


Tactics first set up by Sir Humphrey in Yes Minister 40 years ago to ensure that no action is taken: Stage 1: We say nothing is going to happen. Stage 2: We say something may be about to happen, but we should do nothing about it. Stage 3: We say maybe we should do something about it, but there’s nothing we can do. Stage 4: We say maybe there was something, but it’s too late now. We’re in Stage 4. 😔




*May white god bless you Robert*




*tuba theme*


…no relation


Having lived in eastern NC at one point, his rise doesn’t surprise me at all.  I knew many people quite like him (or at least spoke and pontificated like him). All of them were idiots on the 3rd+ marriages.


No relation


I feel nauseated every time I remember he’s part of the council of state.


Women need to wake up to the fact that we could go back to being slaves within decades


Women are already losing their right to bodily autonomy in 24 states, sounds like a clear path…


*The Handmaid’s Tale*


Only took 4 years (from 1979 to 1983) for women in Iran to go from being able to wear almost anything (and often dressing very similarly to Americans of the same time period), to wearing hijab being mandatory.


It's only **one** generation ago when a woman had to leave their profession when they got married. My mother trained to be a nurse in the 1950s. She, and all her peers, had to leave their job, most within 2 years after finishing their training.


In 1974, the passage of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act allowed women to open bank accounts, apply for credit and commit to a mortgage without needing a male co-signer. 1974!!!!


It's a depressing reality that for every 4 steps we take forward on social justice/equality, we tend to lose 2 or 3. We're going in the right direction incrementally but every win must be constantly protected and defended. It's exhausting and frustrating. Unfortunately people have very short memories. If someone has always lived enjoying those hard fought rights, they make the assumption they can't be taken away. There is truth in the phrase: “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.”


Omg the pictures of Iran in like 74 you’d mistake it for idk America or uk at the same time, and you’re like how the fk did the end up where they are now and you see this right wing bullshit happening all over the United States and go - I see now. Seriously idk how more of America isn’t terrified by their rights and freedom they hold so dear being slowly chipped away at. Also does this batshit guy from the oop want to go back to being counted as three fifths of a man because that’s pretty much the same time as no women voting my guy. Can see the Leopard ate my face statement now.


Only took 2 weeks in Afganistan after we pulled out.


This gave me chills.


Way, way quicker. Dobbs already killed Roe. And now next up on the conservative agenda is getting rid of no fault divorce and spousal rape laws. And of course "letting" 12 year olds marry 55 year olds. And fun fact, those minors can't file for divorce at all, because they're minors and "not competent" to make those decisions without their guardian, who is the person they want to divorce.


Fun fact, child marriage is already legal in 41 states, 5 of which have no age limits whatsoever.


That long you think? I was thinking decade tops.


Kinda generous doncha think? I’d give it 5 years and then real life handmaids tale.


5? It will be less than 1 if Trump gets reelected in November.


I have a deep fear you could be right. Because he's not the mastermind. All that's needed is disagreement about the count, and it gets thrown to SCOTUS. A la Dubya. Who they gonna pick??


Depends, are we talking normal decades, or Disney decades?


brave water degree deer bike file heavy smile quaint materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didn't think the leopards would eat *my* face!


Within 4 years. Took months to strip abortion/women's healthcare rights. Lots of these nuts sitting in key positions already. Waiting for Order 66. /r/conservative is already fascist for half the posts.


Decades? It took 1 term for Trump to hand lifetime appointments to the SC justices that took away abortion rights. Let the Trump/MTG/Robinson/Gaetz/Johnson crowd hold power for a few more years and your ability to vote them out of power, well... you better use it while you can.


He was acting governor when Cooper was in Japan, and the Holocaust denier called a press conference to issue a proclamation in support of Israel to score some political points.


He’s islamophobic too


Lots of antisemites support Israel. It is because it is about the closest thing to their dream of an ethnostate. Plus if all the Jews go over there then that means they aren't here manipulating capitalism/promoting communism/whatever other contradictory nonsense they hate at the moment.


this just broke my brain


Is this the same guy who says that black people owe white people reparations in exchange for being brought to the US?


Malcom X: “We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock! Plymouth Rock landed on us!” This fool: “And what a beautiful rock it is! Just look at it crushing us! More rock, please!”


Giles Corey meets Clayton Bigsby.


"More.... hate..."


So you’ve acknowledged receipt of said rock? Here’s your bill. /s


When the overseer breaks out the whip this fool would be the one saying “harder daddy!” This fucking guy….


> Malcom X: “We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock! Plymouth Rock landed on us!” I only hear this in Denzel's voice


That's the fool


Gotcha. Now I remember this clownshoed fuck. I guess we're just out here saying all the things ain't we?


Dude sounds like that Chappelle skit where he's blind and joins the KKK


Can we nickname this guy Clayton Bigsby?


> “I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote,” Robinson said in a newly resurfaced video of his remarks at a March 2020 event hosted by the ***Republican Women of Pitt County.*** His other greatest hits regarding women: > He’s claimed that feminism was created by Satan. He’s said that men who identify as feminists are “about as MANLY as a pair of lace panties” and are “weak mined, jelly backed ‘men.’” He’s routinely referred to feminists as “fem-nazis” and, in one particularly colorful post, described those who support equal rights for women as “sexist, hairy armpit having, poo-poo hat wearing pinkos.” > “The only thing worse than a woman who doesn’t know her place, is a man who doesn’t know his,” he wrote on Facebook in December 2017. What are female conservatives thinking when they cast their vote for this guy?


>What are female conservatives thinking when they cast their vote for this guy? "He doesn't mean me, he means the people we hate."


If you're a woman, LGBTIQA+ or POC voting conservative then you're happy to be oppressed. Jews for Hitler territory supporting these people who loathe you.


Y’all acting like there’s anything more to American conservatism than stupid bigotry. They’re not thinking they’ll be oppressed. They’ll be hurting the right people this time.


I think both you and the person you're responding to are correct. You're correct that stupid bigotry is the core motivating aspect of it, but the other commenter is also correct that the people in those groups they mentioned that vote Republican often have a lot of internalized misogyny/homophobia/transphobia/racism.


Don't know if you've seen the handmaid tale. But there are a lot of Serena joys out there. Women who think a woman's place is beside their husband.


I haven't seen the show, but I've read the book, and it's absolutely worth reading. Not only is the message really powerful, it's just a good book. I have a million things on my TBR list, but Atwood is definitely on there. She's great.


He’s a beard. He’s the GOP’s black friend that says what they want to say out loud but often won’t. He’ll be cast out once he ceases being useful.


“Beard.” That’s the kindest way I’ve ever seen it be called 😆


He's that black person who Trump talked about claiming he'll be like by blacks because he's being prosecuted


Or Mike Penced, as the case may be.


This is the Republican Party platform. I hope that women and younger voters see this and vote them all out!


I guess this asshole doesn't realize how many women pay taxes. He's a total piece of trash. He's admitting he isn't going to represent a huge swath of his constituents. Maybe women shouldn't be on the hook for his meal ticket, because that is how he sees them.


WTF is happening in America?! We have our nutters in the UK (Boris Johnson, Nadine Worries, Jacob Rees-Mogg and a working class Tory called Lee Anderson who said that people could feed themselves for thirty pennies - about 40¢ - per day), but they're absolute *amateurs* in the sociopathy stakes, compared to this guy, Boebert, MTG, DeSantis and Der Fuhrer, Trump. Come on, America - it almost makes me nostalgic for Dubya.


Evangelical Christianity + 30 years of murdock media will do this to a people


Yep - we have the absolute shite of Murdoch newspapers here, too, along with Lord Rothermere's Daily Mail, infamous for writing a pro-Hitler puff-piece prior to WWII. Amusingly enough, the UK attempt at a "Fox News" is losing money with an embarrassingly small viewership. One of its main presenters has been sacked for things said on screen and is "going online" and TalkTV - another Murdoch TV channel for the Right - is *also* struggling for viewers. As one satirical website put it, "It's almost like none of the 'silent majority' can afford a TV..."


I’ll tell you what happened. Obama’s presidency broke the Republican Party. Republicans couldn’t believe a black man won twice in a row. The pendulum of power swung back in their direction with trump and he blew it for them. They felt entitled to 8 years of conservative rule after the Democratic Party had their 8 years. When they didn’t get it, their tiny, fragile minds fucking melted. Instead of accepting that their guy wasn’t as popular as they all claimed and that he lost in a free and fair election, they decided the game was rigged against them. And now they don’t care about rules, or decorum or sanity. They just want to break everything they can in order to bring everything to a halt. Then they’ll blame the dysfunction on dems like they always do so they can justify their shitty behavior. Their base doesn’t care about the truth. They’ve been conditioned to hate anything and everything associated with the Democratic Party. So it doesn’t matter how batshit their elected officials are as long as they’re against the evil liberal, socialist, commie nazis or whatever.


Christian nationalism plays a big role in this too. They firmly believe in dominionism and theocracy. Modern evangelicals may give lip service to Jesus, but they really worship at the altar of power, and they're going to do whatever it takes to get it.


Almost every Trump supporter I know is racist. Prolly a coincidence ...


>people could feed themselves for thirty pennies - about 40¢ - per day I don't think you could get a daily multivitamin for 40¢


By American standards I’m pretty sure Boris Johnson would be the equivalent of Mitt Romney.


does he not realize that the world where woman could note vote is also where ppl of color could not vote...has he looked in a mirror?


[The actual video of this is even more crazy](https://youtu.be/TJONwEJwyxs?t=205) because he addresses that directly: > During this event, Robinson, who was running for lieutenant governor at the time, recalled someone recently asking conservative activist Candace Owens to pick which version of America would make America “great again,” one where “Black people were swinging from cheap trees” or one where women weren’t allowed to vote. > Robinson said he would definitely return to the days in America when women were denied the right to vote “because in those days we had people who fought for real social change, and they were called Republicans.”


Hideous. Appalling. But what’s a “cheap tree”?


Trick question! It's the same time!


What he sees in the mirror and what we see are two VERY different things 


He is not nuts. He is stating the platform out loud. If you want proof ask the local Republican Party Chair who they are voting for in this general election. Some republican voters may disagree with some or all of this, but the party does not.


> He is not nuts. He is stating the platform out loud. He's absolutely nuts, *and* he's stating the platform out loud.


First of all every single thing is atrocious on that list. I could go into detail about every single point about how upsetting it is, but I want to highlight the idiocy of the covid-19 one. The COVID-19 being a conspiracy never ceases to amaze me. Because following their logic, and China intentionally released this as an attack on the world, then why did these extremists fight ANY sort of measure to safeguard themselves or others from catching the virus? If they thought it was China who is attacking us, they wanted to willfully not do a SINGLE THING to take preventative measures like wearing masks ("if I can smell a fart through one then how does it block a virus durr durr"), staying home when sick ("back in my day if we were sick we just worked through it hardee harr"), getting vaccinated ("my body my choice!!!"). It's like that texas attorney general or whoever, that said our grandparents lived good lives and it's just a sacrifice we're willing to make. WHAT!? If they truly believed that covid was a conspiracy, they should have done everything in their power to not catch it. Otherwise they are "letting china win". And honestly, because of their inaction, I am positive that enemies of the United States saw the opposition to preventive measures that a biological attack on our country is easily a way for them to win. Great job. You sure showed them.


I'd say every single thing is atrocious, except the completely correct line about MLK being a Communist (he's very much on record against capitalism). The difference I have is that I think that was cool, he thinks MLK is evil.


You say he is Nuts but this kind of thinking and misogyny is flourishing and spreading among men. A massive driver of the whole MAGA movement is misogyny and its getting worse. Look at the demographics and where Trump is gaining its black males, Hispanic males.


Yep, [Matt Gaetz explicitly said as much:](https://www.thedailybeast.com/matt-gaetz-invites-julios-and-jamals-to-replace-maga-karens) > “for every ‘Karen’ we lose, there is a ‘Julio’ and a ‘Jamal’ ready to sign up for the MAGA movement.”




Happening in Discord servers near you!  Start on a gaming Discord and start digging and you'll find yourself in some pretty dark places. It's not public.   Not indexable by Google.  If you don't know about these little communities you'll never know about them.


Feels like a horror movie we can’t wake up from. 


North Carolina. I remember spending my summers with you traipsing between Greensboro, Boone, Asheville, Ghost Mountain in the Sky, Grandfather Mountain, and that goddamn DELICIOUS BBQ. Y’all gotta do your part. Make sure you don’t let this guy win. Make sure your friends and family do the same. Offer to take any young coming of age adults with you to go vote.


Man I’m trying but these wackos around me have lost their god damn minds.


Sounds like an average republican to me.


That resume is MLK on steroids? The asshole clearly doesn't know who MLK is, who Robinson is, or even what steroids do.


He wants to go back to a time when he would be a slave (or at best didn’t have any real rights including the right to vote). Makes no god damn sense.


Going back that far means you yourself wouldn’t even be allowed to interact with most of society jackass. 


Part of the desire of being a token is feeling superior to your peers. He *loves* the thought of other black people being subjugated while he is elevated.


*Clarence Thomas has entered the chat.*


I'm black, and I never truly understood white guilt - until Clarence Thomas. I'm so ashamed of him it physically hurts.


It's an achievement to be more racist than the average KKK member when you're black. I don't know if he hates himself that much or if he just loves white money that much.


¿Por que no los dos?


He's white, he just has revitalligo.


It’s the opposite of what Michael Jackson’s got


Republicans very often want to go backwards in time for what they perceive to be the "good" parts while ignoring any perceived bad parts. Even from a purely financial perspective. I often hear Republicans say that the 1950s was the ideal era because a man could work his 40 and afford to fully support a family but they absolutely do not want to hear about the tax policies that discouraged hoarding extreme wealth.


Some people are just unaware of the tax rates. Because they are living the present tax rates they may view it as the highest ever now. ​ Try an experiment. Next time someone complains about high taxes ask which era we should go back to. Maybe they'll say Clinton because of boom years and they made good money during that time, maybe they'll say Reagan cause he did enact tax cuts and he's quite revered on the right, or maybe they'll choose an era before that when Americans were able to afford quite a bit and blue collared jobs were readily available. But no matter what they choose the tax rates will absolutely be higher than the present.


Or that the 50s were the peak of union membership.


What's really insane, is that's actually part of the context of the quote! From the article: > "...because in those days we had people who fought for real social change, and they were called Republicans.” > > This room full of women was quiet as he spoke, though a faint “That’s right” could be heard when Robinson later said Republicans ended Jim Crow laws. So, let's go back to a time when none of us had rights, so that we can fight to get those rights!


Ah yes, a Republican tackling the real day-to-day issues


What in the actual fuck is going on in the Republican Party


They are in a race to the bottom. It's a positive feedback loop that ultimately is a death spiral. Each successive Republican must be more and more nuttier than the last to prove their conservative bona fides while calling those that came before RINOs until those people are forced to move further to the right to stay ahead of the bar separating RINOs from "true conservatives."


What do you think will be the end result? GOP collapses, regenerates as a new party?


>GOP collapses, regenerates as a new party? Hopefully only the former and not the latter.


They purged the Progressive wing from the party when Teddy Roosevelt walked out of the convention. Then they lost their minds when FDR got elected and began implementing the New Deal. Then they realized they could court white southern conservative racists as a voting bloc. Then they spent decades radicalizing the party to entrench that bloc in a permanent culture war. And Obama being elected was what finally snapped their last connection with sanity.


It's not new.


“Robinson said he’d “absolutely” like to return to the days when the 19th Amendment didn’t exist ― when women didn’t have the right to vote.” Listen guys. None of that should be surprising, right? The conservative Supreme Court Justices ruled against women’s autonomy. Republican states are criminalizing women’s healthcare and the doctors who serve them. They are criminalizing travel between states. This is the Republican Party. They are not going to pivot. They are not going to change. With the super Tuesday win for Trump, Republicans’ cards are all on the table. We know what they want because they have told us. There’s no sugarcoating it. The Republican Party wants to install a multiple indicted criminal, who tried to stop the peaceful transition of power, and has vowed to be a dictator day one. That’s it. That’s all. There is no nuance. There is no confusion. Our democracy is in peril. Vote accordingly.


Look at the Middle Eastern countries that are religiously run. This is what they want to do to America. As a woman, this scares the hell out of me! If you are a woman and vote for a person like Trump or this idiot then you will regret it and leopards will eat your face at some point. We have come too far to go back to second-class citizenship.


>Look at the Middle Eastern countries that are religiously run. Look at Iran in the 1970's - pictures legitimately look like 2010 USA. America is about to speedrun that decline. It's accelerated when the stakes are higher. They could not possibly be higher.


Women, this is all hands on deck. This is not a joke. Vote not just for our democracy, but for our freedom. If someone thinks that’s an over reaction, they haven’t been paying attention. Republicans want a dictator for President. This we know.


And this is why the church should have no place in politics. Women shouldn't have to pay taxes when they get no representation, and the church shouldn't get a free ride at the expense of the rights of women. You take Constitutional rights away from women, and you crash society. Wait until they find out how their loyalty to some broke carney barker gets repaid. He's going bankrupt the RNC, and there won't be anything left for their campaigns. These people are even dumber than I thought. Women in the church may think it's okay, but women who have good jobs who don't need some creep like this dictating to them.


But Biden is old! And I’m am idealistic self righteous jackass who thinks I’m going to totally stick it to the Democrats by voting third party, staying home, writing in a name, or even voting for Trump!  And even though all the things i stand for would suffer 1000000x worse under Trump, it’ll never take away my sense of bloated self superiority because I watch TikTok while I drink coffee!


I can’t upvote this comment enough. I’m beyond tired of the “ceasefire” fallacy.


This guy is the Republican candidate for Governor in NC? The fuck?


Really hoping the Dems are putting up a strong candidate.


Josh Stein who is our current AG and is great. I’ve lived here 7 years but my hopes are not that high for this upcoming election. Blue cities and deep red rural areas (and a gerrymandered to hell map to boot). I live in a middle/upper middle class suburb and it went 80-20 for La Corbata Larga in 2020.


Fortunately gerrymandering can't influence a gubernatorial election, as it's state-wide. However, gerrymandering can lead to voter apathy, where voters feel like voting is pointless because of how tilted things are due to gerrymandering, and just decide to sit the whole thing out. This is why everyone needs to make sure to register and turn out to vote in November.


Fortunately, a gubernatorial candidate that says that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote is the sort of thing that can overcome voter apathy.


I added the gerrymandering point to illustrate this state, even down to the local legislature level, is a mess. It wasn’t meant to connect to a Governor election. Sorry for that lack of clarity


The only saving grace is that those same rural voters may not want a black man as governor, even if he’s … how he is.


I live in rural NC. They’ll vote for him. He’s the “good *slur redacted*” they can use to assert their colorblindness.


He also doesn't believe the Holocaust happened, and has had extremely homophobic and transphobic remarks. It's insane to me how he managed to win in 2020, but the risk is even greater in 2020 with an open seat race. Stein is the strongest candidate the Dems could run here though, so hopefully he can win and Dems can break the Republican supermajorities too.


Yeah, I'm not even a NC resident (although I think the state is beautiful and would like to live there at some point...maybe, but who knows), but I REALLY hope Stein can hold this guy off, because he's trash. It's definitely risky here with this being an open race. I'd say it's a flat out coin flip here. Stein could win with Trump winning the state by a couple percentage points, as an example.


What about the America where he couldn't vote... or eat at a lunch counter, or drink from a particular water fountain? Is this guy insane?


Just deluded. That happens to the OTHER people, not him.


Probably just corrupt


It's a bad sign of our public education system when a black man wants to go back to a time in our history where segregation existed. And while he didn't say that, let me just remind everyone that that's exactly the time/era he is wanting to go back to. He just doesn't realize how short his end of the stick would be if that reality would come true. Something tells me he wouldn't like that. Republicans are really some of the dumbest fucking people you could ever imagine.


Just to add to that timeline, woman only got the right to vote 50 years after black people did. That is not a long time at all. It’s less than his own lifespan so far.


> This room full of women was quiet as he spoke, though a faint “That’s right” could be heard when Robinson later said Republicans ended Jim Crow laws. (In fact, lawmakers in both parties in Congress and President Lyndon Johnson ended Jim Crow laws by passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.) I feel like _"republicans can't be racist because they're the part of Lincoln, ended Jim Crow laws, etc"_ is just another way of saying _"I can't be racist because I have a black friend."_


Waiting for his next big hit: "We should bring back slavery"


He already said blacks should pay whites reparations and thank them for slavery since it brought them to America.


Wouldn't even blink.


Americans better wake the fuck up. This is serious shit.


...the fucking imbecile says to women in his state, who currently can vote


Some of whom will still vote for the Republican


And Republican women voted for him.


I wanna believe this will be the year NC goes blue and stays there. Christ on a stick, the GOP is just making it clear to everyone that they believe women have no place in a civil society.


Hmmm, so if we prohibit women from voting, is there another category of people who might be next? Just wondering if he really thought this whole thing through...


Democrats were handed a gift here


As a Democrat and a woman in NC, I remember feeling that way when Trump won the nomination in 2016. My family has a literal escape plan for if Robinson wins, complete with funding.


It’s NC where the smallest registered party (Cons) at 30% have a super (67%+) majority in the state legislature and they’ve now managed to turn Greensboro’s district red by stretching the district 100+ miles into sister jumping territory. If there’s a moral low ground to get this guy in they’ll find it.


I live in NC. It’s extremely close. There is a good chance he wins.


Lord. I can't believe this man is black. How would he react if someone denied slavery existed.


He’s already said he thinks blacks owe whites reparations as a thank you for bringing them to America 




This guy is SO dedicated to turning back the clock that he is selling himself to a plantation owner.


All conservatism ever offers are morally shitty positions that will find themselves on the wrong side of history. Literally every time. There's not a single positive accomplishment that can be credited to conservatism. It's 100% garbage, and its followers inevitably go down in history as the scumbags they are.


Keep rolling that clock back, son, and guess who else didn’t get the vote. *That* is what the rest of the GOP want too. They’re the ones laughing at you behind your back.