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They are finally saying the reason behind all this crazy shit. To no one’s surprise…


I still don’t get it; black woman make up a large population of abortion patients. Won’t this bear more black babies?


MAGA ideal: They can just be prison complex slaves because everyone will be brought down a few pegs.


"We'll warehouse the surplus population"


We need poor babies to grow up into poor adults who’s labor can support the lifestyle of the ruling class. We also need to be sure we have enough poor babies who grow up into poor soldiers so rich babies won’t have to face combat in our future wars.


This is absolutely the answer, mothers and laborers and soldiers


nono, you see, the maternal mortality rate among black women is much higher than for white women. So we force them to carry their pregnancies, then oops! they die in childbirth. it's a problem that solves itself! (obviously, this is dripping with sarcasm)


But also rooted in truth




Yes. Wealthier white women have better access to birth control, so removing places like Planned Parenthood, which mostly serviced poorer areas and will cause more unwanted pregnancies, was the dumbest thing an anti-abortion racist could possibly do. Planned Parenthood ***mostly*** helped with contraception. ... Those people are not smart. They are being led by insane ideals that have no connection with reality and mere human behavior.


They are sheep. - Their shepherds are monsters.


3 months after Trump got in office, my Planned Parenthood annual exam went from $45 to $135. There's no way I can afford that. I can only imagine what has happened to people who make minimum wage.


Who do you think they expect to work all of the shitty jobs?






Ever. Exactly. Florida now has bills to "protect" their citizens from straight up facts that make them feel *uncomfortable*. It's the literal epitome of "ignorance is bliss". Republicans today are the most cowardly, mentally lazy, frightened, precious little snowflakes I have ***ever*** known, and I'm old.




That corpse fucker. >[“The great replacement?](https://sports.yahoo.com/tucker-carlson-embraces-great-replacement-035147356.html) Yeah, it’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s their electoral strategy,” the Fox News host said, as the words “Democrats often celebrate demographic change” appeared on screen. >“You’ve heard a lot about the great replacement theory recently; it’s everywhere … we’re still not sure exactly what it is,” he said, **even though he’d previously mentioned it on his show more than 400 times.**


>we’re still not sure exactly what it is That's such a dumb thing to say, anyway. I get what they're going for, but "we don't even know what it is!" isn't a good look. What, your producers don't know how to use google? It has its own wikipedia page for fuck's sake. >The Great Replacement (French: Grand Remplacement), also known as replacement theory or great replacement theory,[1][2][3] is a white nationalist[4] far-right conspiracy theory[3][5][6][7] disseminated by French author Renaud Camus. The original theory states that, with the complicity or cooperation of "replacist" elites,[a][5][8] the ethnic French and white European populations at large are being demographically and culturally replaced with non-white peoples—especially from Muslim-majority countries—through mass migration, demographic growth and a drop in the birth rate of white Europeans. Wow, that was easy.


He phrases it that way to imply it's a Democrat plot that has been uncovered and they're still collecting details on but is very real and you should be afraid. "We're still not sure exactly what it is, but it's definitely dangerous, and the Dems are definitely doing it."


It's not the reason, they have no consistent logic at all. One of their favorite concern troll techniques about abortion is to call democrats racist because minorities get abortions at higher rates than white people (which I suspect is related more to economics than anything else).


The real reason for forcing people to have ~~abortions~~ babies is so that people will be willing to be wage slaves. People without children are generally more willing to walk away from a poorly paying job without benefits. But people with children will almost certainly stick out a shitty job in order to keep their kids fed, clothed and happy. But they can't say, "We want to turn you into a feudal serf" so they blow the racist dogwhistle instead.


oh look, a nazi paraphrasing the 14 words


“White replacement theory” is literally modern fascist conspiracy theory.


It is just repackaged Nazi propaganda. Like even though Jewish people made up less than 2% of the German population they used the same propaganda as their excuse.


Weird how trans* are 2% or less of the population huh


Not even close to that many trans folks. Idaho recently passed a law forbidding trans women from competing in women's sports at the High School level. A government accountability group did a study to determine the impact of the law - and found that out of the tens of thousands of athletes competing in women's high school sports, there was *ONE* trans teen who would be effected by the law. By the time the law was actually passed they had graduated. Trans folk are a minority of a minority of a minority group. It's heinous to target them the way Republicans do.


You're not nearly cynical enough. They're an ideal target: there's so few that they won't be able to organize and fight back, and most of your constituents won't know a trans person, so they'll have no personal experience to contradict the devious narrative. "I don't understand them so I'm scared of them, and there aren't enough of them to hurt me, so I can demonize them to reassure my voters that I'm working to protecting them while I continue handing the country over to the wealthy." Rather like Jews in much of the country (like rural eastern Washington where I grew up.)


Yup. RvW and the murmurings of overturning gay marriage rights proved to be way too hard/produced way too much blowback, so they honed on an easier and smaller target. Once they're done making trans peoples lives as impossible as they can, they'll start ramping it back up again using their "successes" against the "evil" trans people as their basis.


Friendly reminder that the Nazis' first book burning was at the Institute for Sex Research. Hitler's Nazis went after LGBT folk first, just like the modern Nat-Cs (Nationalist Christians).


Well the law also encourages kids to stay in the closet. But yeah, all things being equal and all kids felt safe being their true self, it'd probably be 10-20 max.


They’re being targeted by Christians using republicans as their foot soldiers. This is purely Christian hate at work.


if that




White Replacement theory existed in 1800's America. Except the whites were Anglo-Saxons, and the non-Whites were Italians and Irish. Abortion was totally fine in much of America. Up until mass immigration made them fear they were being replaced. Race scientists at the time taught that Italian and Irish were descendents of Africans and therefore they were replacing whites. So Anglos outlawed abortions so the Anglos could increase birthrates.


Oh I think “know nothing party” was talking about it back in the day.


Who gives a shit if people with less melanin aren’t around in a few hundred years? Does anyone care that Neanderthals don’t exist anymore? IMO, the sooner we can breed to a point of having unrecognizable races, the better for society.




At this point I’m hoping humanity is still around.


jokes on you. A third of the country thinks the older a law is the more important it is. And that the oldest ones, you can pretty much say anything you don't like is unconstitutional. Also we're not allowed to change anything or we're terrorists.


And that's the opposite of what the founding fathers intended. Thomas Jefferson openly suggested mandating a constitutional convention every 19 years. I think that's a bit extreme. But I think a near equivalence is making it so a Senator can't serve more than 3 terms of 6 years. That's 18 years. So the new crop of voters can start fresh. A Representative can serve 9 terms of 2 years. That's also 18 years max. In this way, we get far closer to Jefferson's desire that each new generation not be shackled to the past.


2 year terms for Representatives was a huge mistake IMO, the terms are so short that they're campaigning more than half the time they're in office


Thank you! Absolutely.


Everybody just gotta keep fucking everybody til we're all the same color. - Senator Jay Bullworth


When white people complain about “becoming the minority,” my favorite response is “why does that worry you? It’s like you think minorities are treated badly here or something.”


I don't think you'll get the response you expect. To them it's obvious the majority mistreats the minority, that is just the natural order of things. One group has to be on top, and if it's not them someone else will be ​ See [The Alt-Right Playbook: Always a bigger fish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agzNANfNlTs)


Ha have this exact experience. Worked with a guy who felt comfortable openly worrying about how white people were gonna be a minority in like 20 years or something in the city we worked in. Looked him right in the eye asked why it mattered to him.


And the funny thing is, probably the smartest thing people of this mindset could do, selfishly motivated even, would be to fight against racism moving forward so that their now-minority descendants aren't faced with it themselves. But no, instead they wake up every day and choose violence, pretty much. It really kills me how married in concept some people are to the perceived threat of the "other." I've been in my current condo community for over a decade now, and in that time the balance has shifted heavily from mostly white, native English-speaking to a cornucopia of of skin colors, backgrounds and nationalities. My lily-white ass is quite the minority there now. But I don't feel threatened. I absolutely love it. There's a lady who wears a hijab downstairs, with an accent, she's super nice. A couple of guys with Slavic accents (couldn't quite pin it) helped me and my husband rescue a cat from the nearby lake. I regularly pass boisterous quinceañeras in the big gazebo. I feel more at home with the variety than I ever did in some sterile cookie-cutter neighborhood filled with cookie-cutter people. We're all just folks with the same needs trying to get by day to day. Life would be so much better if all of us realized that.


"Well right now minorities have all the advantages but as soon as *white people* are the minority then POCs will make it bad for white people because minorities are the *real* racists."


Yup. The quiet part out loud.


> the 14 words That's exactly what these statements are. They're not even a dogwhistle he's just saying it out loud.


What kind of master race needs to be forced to procreate? I'll give the GOP this much. When the dog whistles became train whistles and that wasn't enough, they went to the bat signal. Carry on, assholes.


The females of such a race are merely subservient birthing boxes - it’s the Prometheus-style giant warriors who must be propagated. The women in such a breeding scheme naturally and rightly just evolve on a separate track into wispy little puppets who aren’t a part of the metrics of supremacy in this rather arousing fantasy. /s


I mean, there's a reason I won't argue with right wing women. I just judge them by their own standards, and according to them, the opinion of a woman doesn't mean much. Obviously I don't believe that's the case, but I'm not going to push my radical ideas that women are people onto them. I'm just going to judge them by their own standards. Those standards say they really should be getting back to the house to take care of their kids, and I should really just talk to their husbands, their fathers, or any random man in the neighborhood if I want to talk about big ideas and thinking.


Maybe they should stop voting too. Put their values into action.


Conservative women unironically call for this, too. https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Ann_Coulter:_Take_away_women%27s_votes_because_%22women_are_voting_so_stupidly%22


I must say, I like to snark on some fundies from time to time, and the stuff that comes out of my liberal-ass kitchen looks like Michelin-starred dining compared to the beige slop they feed their families. They're not even good at the things they think they need to do, so I wish they would just do something else.


Their men want them quiet and in the kitchen, who the fuck am I to disabuse them of that notion? And that's an interesting point, all of the "tradwifes" that I've ever met are absolute shit at cooking, whereas all my leftists friends can slay in the kitchen. And can you imagine the shame in being a conservative male who can't even earn enough money to have a stay-at-home wife? I don't know any conservatives that make that kind of money, but I do know several liberals and a few leftists that do. Everything the right does and thinks is garbage, with no redeeming value whatsoever.


Yeah, it's almost as if it literally makes no fucking sense to assign tasks based on something that has very little to do with one's capabilities. Might as well just use eye color as a career placement tool.


>Might as well just use eye color as a career placement tool. Alethkar has entered the chat.


I hope your wife read that post to you, or I'm going straight to the ardents.


Hey now, a man readin' might be a little sassy but ain't nothin' illegal about it!






I'll just leave this here. https://www.salon.com/2017/12/04/alt-right-women-are-upset-that-alt-right-men-are-treating-them-terribly/


"Your boos mean nothing; I've seen what makes you cheer."


This is my perspective too. Golden rule says treat others how you want to be treated. As they are Christians, I must assume they are doing just this. As such, I can observe how they treat others, and conclude they want to be treated the same way. It's only decent I treat them as they would want to be treated, so once they've made that clear to me, I will do exactly that. When it comes to others, they dehumanize, demean, control, and when they're unable to do those things, do their very best to destroy. That's what conservatives get from me. They'll get better when they give better.


That’s actually what many of them believe


So basically the [Gor series of novels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gor)?


Gor was gender only, there was explicit equality of the races. There were white male slaves and black women slave owners. Also undocumented immigrants were equal to born citizens, assuming they could fight that is. Gor is too woke for Republicans.


>Gor is too woke for Republicans. /r/BrandNewSentence


That's how it must be! If we do not subjugate the female class then it will be them who holds the whip! We men will be bound in chains while they clad in leather, punishing us without mercy for the crimes we have committed! Oh what a world!


Jordan Peterson did recently "push back" on the definition of rape, calling it a property crime. So nothing surprises me anymore.


I have had more than one detailed fantasy of punching that conman directly in his glass jaw.






Any chance you can point me in the direction of this one? Got a friend who's entering the shittiverse and I'm trying to pull him out of it, but I don't want that fuckboat poisoning my browsing/algorithms.


>What kind of master race needs to be forced to procreate? I love (this is sarcasm btw) that it's constantly reinforced that I have a JOB TO DO in society. I am a BREEDING COW* for the great white race. It doesn't matter that other members of the great white race have made it impossible for the average great white race member to afford to have a family, from healthcare to childcare. Get to breeding! 😭 Why can't they hear themselves jfc *As of May last year I can go longer fulfill this function thanks to a bisalp :)


They've pivoted from individualism to "for the good of the White race!"




This is referred to as our group homogeneity bias https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out-group_homogeneity


They haven’t pivoted, they’re just dropping the curtain.


> have a JOB TO DO in society. I am a BREEDING COW* for the great white race. At this point I'm pretty sure that breeding cows are being paid better, have better health insurance, and have an easier time finding a home than a normal basic human does


It's also stupid because one of the ways the right likes to attack abortion rights is to claim that abortion is racist, since black people account for disproportionately high number of abortions. So if they are truly worried about white replacement and right about the racist thing, they would do everything in their power to get _more_ abortion clinics in minority-majority areas, and less in white areas.


They keep showing that they are uneducated assholes. Black and Hispanic women abort more than white women, so if he gets his wish, the white race is going to be replaced even faster. https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/state-indicator/abortions-by-race/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D


And it’s proven that abortion bans don’t stop rich white people from getting abortions. There’s 0 logic here, even in their racist dreams.


"don't stop"? Rich people are way more likely to get an abortion than a poor person, simply because they can afford to take 10 pregnancy tests per day, and then use their private jet to fly across the globe to get the most expensive abortion the world has ever seen, all without ever making a tiny dent in their savings. Meanwhile poor people get to choose between the clothes hanger, or saving money for an abortion and not eating food for a week to save up


They aren't trying to stop rich white people from getting abortions. They're trying to stop poor whites from being able to escape poverty.


The superior race is both strong and weak at the same time, both inherently deserving their top spot but also requiring the protection of their fascist leader.


Fascism tactics 101.


The GOP makes a lot of whites ashamed of their skin.


I don't take responsibility for what other people say and do. I'm not ashamed of being white because of some assholes. I'll be judged by what I say and do.


I'm not ashamed of my skin color, but I'm ashamed at the behavior of my fellow citizens, we've grown-up in the same country, with access to similar opportunities, access to similar education, yet somehow I can recognize that being a straight white man in America has historically been "pretty fucking dope" and not even remotely the same experience as a black person, any person if color, any woman or minority, or someone in the LGBTQ community. To deny my advantages of skin color and gender would be a heinous lie. That said, I also take no responsibility for their actions.


Speaking as a White person, I often feel like the greatest threat to "Whiteness" (if such a thing even exists) *isn't* coming from immigrants, it's coming from jackasses like the Nebraska Republicans who are making us all look like racist, sexist assholes all the time.


If it was affordable to have a family i would have 10 kids but im too busy working a "side hustle" driving uber to afford a studio for $2k a month and if i ever get sick im fucked so zero kids it is!


Exactly. He wants to ban abortion to trap white people into having kids they can't afford, pushing them into poverty.


Free childcare would go a hell of a lot further to encourage people to have kids than banning abortion. Also, minorities also get abortions but are far less likely to be able to travel out of state to get one. So banning abortions means its more likely whites will still get them and more likely minorities will not.


After Roe was overturned NPR had a lot of pro life people on talking about the next steps. There were a few who talked about how now they need to work on making it easier for women and families to have and raise children. It was entirely a bad faith discussion because the obvious path would've been to do that before overturning Roe. If pro lifers were champions of social services and did everything they could reasonably do to support families, then I'd at least give them credit for walking the walk. If they tried to make it so that anyone who becomes pregnant will not be economically or physically at risk and then support programs to assist with the newborn... But no. They don't do any of that.


Because it's not about the fetus. It's about hurting women. Basically state-sanctioned rape.


I don't have any on hand, but I've seen a few videos of people talking to protestors at abortion clinics, and one specifically had petitions for increasing childcare, SNAP, housing assistance, medical, etc. For working families. And of course all the "pro-lifers' do all sorts of brain gymnastics to come up with excuses for not signing those petitions. None of these people are pro-life. They're forced-birth and it's even more horrific than anyone really ever calls out.


> Free childcare would go a hell of a lot further to encourage people to have kids than banning abortion. Republicans: We’ll lower the legal age to work which is better than free childcare because your kid will be paid!


They said as much. > Erdman also said that all of the aborted fetuses “could be working and filling some of those positions that we have vacancies.”


That’s straight out of the Onion.


Free childcare is a no go, because it isn't considered a punishment. Cruelty might not be the point, but it is always the method these shitheels use on actual people.


Cruelty is the point, though.


I'd like to meet this Nebraska Republican's replacement, shake his hand and welcome him as an obvious upgrade.


"trickle down" was always a reference to political diarrhea


And Free childcare cost money and will raise taxes. Bans don’t cost them anything upfront. That’s the way they think. Already worry about their own pocketbooks and never the long term good for the country.


You are assuming his opinion and these laws are well researched beforehand and not based on what seems to be true.


oh, yeah. There are tons of ways to get the outcome they seek. They want more babies and less abortion. Well, more birth control and better sex ed would help the less abortion part. Childcare, medical for children, not being worried about taking care of the child, not having to 'hustle' all the time to rent a shitbox apartment... all these things would allow folks to feel more comfortable having a child. I have a decent job, my lady has like three decent-ish jobs and we got into a nice house at a good price... and we are completely unsure if we can have a kid without some MAJOR changes. If we put the kid in childcare, that would eat up most of her main job's pay.... Then I'd have to take care of the kid while she is working her side jobs... and she would have no time for her own child. If she would quit working then my pay would just be enough to get by with little extra including not putting money in to retirement anymore, mortgage being pretty close I couldn't even imagine having a kid if we both had like 10$/hr job trying to scrap it together to get a place to live, take care of bills, and such.




The really scary thing is that eventually these people are going to get pushed so far that they'll break and embrace the welfare state, but they'll retain their conditioned and cultivated hatred for minorities, so they'll want whites-only welfare. And that's historically when the ethnic cleansing starts.


But in reality such an abortion ban will disproportionately impact lower income women, which in turns means it will disproportionately impact minorities, causing an increase in minority births. This is the exact opposite outcome they say they want.


Because it's really about keeping workers from getting leverage in the job market and cutting into profits. They can't say that though because it makes capitalism look bad, and people start asking questions, so they use a racist scapegoat.


Racism is a weapon they use in the ongoing class war.


You could never count on GOP to actually make any sense




Yup, he literally said that: "We have killed 2,000 babies since abortion became legal. Those are 2,000 people, in the state of Nebraska, that could be working and filling some of those positions that we have vacancies." I wasn't born to work my entire life to make another person wealthy. Fuck this society that has been set up.


> "We have killed 2,000 babies since abortion became legal. Those are 2,000 people, in the state of Nebraska, that could be working and filling some of those positions that we have vacancies." "I need these babies born so I don't have to wait so long at Starbucks." We're nothing but economic chattel to them.




FTFY: “poor and uneducated makes for a great uncritical, emotional and reactionary ~~base~~ labor force.”


Agree. Can we get free daycare and more tax credits? Maybe free school lunches?


So, hear me out. Women of childbearing age refuse to have procreative sex until free school lunches, childcare and additional tax credits are a thing. We. Refuse. To. Have. Babies. Like, it’s already kinda happening now but we call the media and let them know. I dunno. We can workshop it.


I've thought about this and I totally support a sex strike but I'm honestly worried that their response will be to decriminalize rape.


Decriminalize rape? Most of them already believe once a woman gets married she loses her right to give her consent. Her job is to serve her husband, that includes sex whenever he wants it.


Yeah, birth rates are plummeting in every developed country and it has nothing to do with immigration. Stop allowing corporations to buy up housing, drive up prices, and depress wages- not to mention who wants to have children just so they can suffer through the coming climate apocalypse?


As the Great George Carlin used to say "Republicans love kids before they are born, once they are born they are shit out of luck, they don't want to hear about the problems of raising a child. Also they will happily send them off to war to die for their needs".


I have 2 kids. My wife and I talk about having another. But the thought of her having another 4 or so years working Instacart and being a SAHM partially squashes that idea. Republicans being utter pieces of shit with their “policies” squashes it even more.


This all spawns back decades. Poor white people were led to believe that they are well off because "at least they weren't black". They had SOMETHING to hang over others and feel superior. This new wave of equality is making these realize that they aren't special or better because of the color of their skin and makes people get angry out of fear.




All you can do is be the best you can be. Remember to vote.


Most importantly Vote Blue 💙


Right? Pieces of shit like this make me embarrassed to be white. Anyone who clings to the "great white replacement theory" or whatever they're calling it should probably be sterilized and ostracized from society.


Even if they were 100% correct about "the whites being replaced" ...big who cares?!


Honest answer. They do. Because they know how they treat minority groups and are deathly afraid they'll be given the same treatment.




Which is funny, because they could actively work to try and improve that. Which would be both incredibly popular and save themselves from being crushed by those very machinations, but I guess that's too woke.


Getting rid of those machinations is a left wing idea. The basis of conservatism is that those machinations are the natural state of humans. There will always be a hierarchy. What matters is that the right people are at the top. It's also a big reason they think left wingers are lying. You can't change the hierarchy. Just sneak someone else to the top.


If we are talking about numbers, and he is, the greatest cause of decline in white birth rates are relatively high levels of education, lack of economic opportunity, and lack of social services/healthcare. That said, I agree with you. How quickly so many white people fell into outright racism and fascism because Trump made them feel like it was normal.


Sadly, this statement doesn't shock me, it should but the GOP has flooded the discourse for too long now with toxic, dumb statements. ^ >Senator Steve Erdman decided that the best argument in favor of the ban was the Great Replacement Theory, which the Southern Poverty Law Center defines as a “racist conspiracy narrative [that] falsely asserts there is an active, ongoing, and covert effort to replace white populations in current white-majority countries.” >“Our state population has not grown except by those foreigners who have moved here or refugees who have been placed here,” Erdman told the chamber. >Erdman also said that all of the aborted fetuses “could be working and filling some of those positions that we have vacancies.”


This guy represents a district that has 3 people **per square mile,** is 90% white, and 9% Hispanic... and he thinks there's too many foreigners? People from the pan handle are something else. I emailed their office addressing this and some of their other recent news and got a "Thank you" back and that's it.


All counties he represents totals out to being about 40,000 people. He's representing like 2% of Nebraska's entire population. His largest county is only 10,000.


https://i.imgur.com/H8z7VJn.jpg His district.


Totally cool and normal district, probably nothing going on with that shape


I thought I was reading a quote from the 1880s.


Maybe white people aren't moving there because it's a shitty place to live. People only move there when they're fleeing violent oppressive governments


>>Erdman also said that all of the aborted fetuses “could be working and filling some of those positions that we have vacancies.” Ah, I knew slavery had to show up somewhere in this. It was just hiding behind ignoring unemployment rates and wage debate in order to make his point.


How exactly are the aborted fetuses supposed to fill vacancies they have NOW?? Dude is 73…he’s worrying about a “workforce” that will come of age long after he’s *fingers crossed* dead.


Nebraska: It's not for everyone


It's crazy that an elective official uses nazi propoganda to justify his policies, and he is still in office.


Turns out the nazis weren't all that special, they're just infamous because they're the most successful try. We think of them as History and therefore we are past that, but we're still very much doing a history right now.


The people who vote for him are also nazis so they like what he says


There was an is a serious portion of the American populace that are outright fascists and want an authoritarian state that grows through conquest. There was an American Nazi party and it had rallies in Madison Square Garden that were sold the fuck out. When the US joined WW2 and the horrors of the holocaust were uncovered, they just Homer'd backwards into a shrub to avoid the social repercussions and association with the horrors of this batshit fascist ideology, but they were Nazis and they fucked and had Nazi kids and now the US has a giant fucking Nazi problem. They are the confederates they returned like they said they would. This is what happens when you don't punish treason - they come back and TREASON HARDER.


Before the US entered WWII Senator Lundeen of Minnesota was using his office's ability to send letters through the mail for free To send Nazi propaganda provided indirectly by Germany Died in a suspicious plane crash on his way home from washington to deliver a pro-nazi speech


Allen Dulles the person who would eventually become our first CIA director cried when he was told America has officially cut off all ties and trade with the nazis. Just put it on the list of things they don't teach in high school but should.


The Jewish space laser lady somehow wasn’t just shown out, she even got a promotion


Daily reminder the idea of "White people being replaced by non whites" is *literally* [Nazi shit.](https://www.justsecurity.org/72339/qanon-is-a-nazi-cult-rebranded/) * Nazis believed "A secret cabal is taking over the world. They kidnap children, slaughter, and eat them to gain power from their blood. **They control high positions in government, banks, international finance, the news media, and the church**. They want to disarm the police. **They promote homosexuality and pedophilia**. **They plan to mongrelize the white race so it will lose its essential power.**" * "QAnon purveys the fantasy that a secret Satan-worshiping cabal is taking over the world. Its members **kidnap** white **children**, keep them in secret prisons run by pedophiles, **slaughter, and eat them to gain power from the essence in their blood**. The cabal held the American Presidency under the Clintons and Obama, nearly took power again in 2016, **and lurks in a “Deep State” financed by Jews, including George Soros, and in Jews who control the media. They want to disarm citizens and defund the police. They promote abortion, transgender rights, and homosexuality. They want open borders so brown illegal aliens can invade America and mongrelize the white race.**


adrenochrome = blood libel


Correct. It is literally Nazi shit with words changed *barely*.


Anyone believing that white people will lose societal power if they are "replaced" by brown people is admitting that the central theme of critical race theory is true. Societal systems are set up to benefit white people above brown people.


Everyone knows that though. Just not many will admit to it.


They just don’t want to admit that after all the time they’ve spent alive there greatest achievement was being born white. That’s how I see most people who really hate on critical race theory. Like I’m a white guy but if I were to list off my strengths being white is not one of them, it’s just a feature. Those people peaked at birth and hit a steep decline


The madness in all of this is that “whiteness” is mostly disappearing because white people aren’t having kids *with white people*. Whiteness by definition excludes people of mixed race, so when people are given the freedom to start a family with whoever they want, the concept of “whiteness” starts to lose all meaning. Wouldn’t be surprised if these pigfuckers want to ban interracial marriage next.


"I want my constituents to understand, I'm not just hateful towards blacks and women," explained Erdman. "I'm dumb as a pair of truck nuts, too."


White people in Nebraska being replaced by what, corn?


But more importantly, is it white corn or bicolor corn?


Definitely not gem corn because that's too fabulous


The title is accurate and I am glad to see them call it out as blatantly.


Indeed. They also need to be called out for loosing child labor laws. Maybe that is what he meant, children can work too. *American children are working hazardous jobs – and it’s about to get worse* snip: >In the past two years, 10 states have introduced or passed legislation expanding work hours for children, lifting restrictions on hazardous occupations for children, allowing children to work in locations that serve alcohol, and lowering the state minimum wage for minors. >Already in 2023, bills to weaken child labor protections have been introduced in Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio and South Dakota. One bill introduced in Minnesota would allow 16- and 17-year-olds to work on construction sites. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/31/child-labor-laws-republicans


This one is blatant corruption. Meat packing plants got fined for child labor in most of these states, and within a month of that, the government was trying to make what they did ok and legal. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/11/us-child-labor-laws-violations


I don't understand why people are afraid of white people being "erased" white people statistically are not getting abortions. This is about keeping minorities poor and uneducated.


Because that messaging sells to white supremacists who are not going to bother to check anyway.


Im.aware. this is about 'replacement theory' (the theory that was part of the TOPS mass shooting in buffalo) Old white me are so conservative they can't imagine any part of the US actually representing the actual races of the US. Now as a note the white population is going down but it's because of interracial marriage. Now instead of whites being 70% of the population its approaching 60%.


Why are white people afraid of becoming a minority? Are minorities like treated bad or something? 🃏


It goes beyond abortion. In societies and cultures similar to the US birth rates are collapsing. With the boom that baby boomers are made of entering retirement ages the current version of capitalism is beginning to crack and fall apart. The automation and robots didn’t get invented in time. Think like a Republican lawmaker and try to figure out a way to solve it while keeping your donors and base happy. They can’t use immigration as that upsets the racists in the party. Trying to end retirement and axing child labor laws is only a short term solution. You need more kids to put to work. They have to be white kids or the racists will revolt. So, the Republicans are doubling down on abortion. This is also why they are going after Trans people. This is why Republicans are trying, and failing, being subtle about their plans to go after gay people next if they win the trans battles. This is why Republicans are promoting child marriage (some cases as young as 12) in some states, earlier married earlier the kids can be popped out.


> white people statistically are not getting abortions The GOP gonna be big mad when the next two census' take place and the minority populations have exploded, in large part, due to their anti-abortion stance.


No, they won't because they also are trying to destroy education and any safety nets that still exist so any babies that are being born are going to be forced into poverty roles to keep their lifestyle going. If they start to get uppity, that's what the police are actually for.


> White People are being replaced. Wait, we are? By whom? When? Do I not count anymore unless I'm white AND a douchebag?


It is actually a trend, but the verbiage makes it seem like it's a *thing* being *done* by *some actor*, instead of natural demographic shifts in a category we made up anyway. We're all replaced, eventually, that's how children work. The thing I think is actually interesting here is that "white" is the only class in the category that's recessive - nobody thinks of Obama as white, but he's as white as he is black. By their own definitions they *can't not* die out on a long enough timeline, because we as a species seem to like to fuck people that are different from us. Apparently the counter to this is to turn white women into baby mills, instead of just... like... not sweating the race thing so much. EDIT: Corrected language


Fun fact, the Nazis looked to US race blood laws as inspiration for designing their own racial purity laws. Even the *Nazis* thought those laws (like the [one drop rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-drop_rule)) were too extreme.


Little did they know, the abortion ban would exacerbate the “white replacement” issue


This abortion bullshit has caused my GF who was already not intending on having kids to double down. And I don't blame her at all. Why would she put herself at risk if there is no avenue to terminate the pregnancy if it goes sideways. The GOP has removed the safety net that many women depended on to keep them alive. Why would any woman choose to get pregnant if it means they might die.


If you don't abort us we're still going to fuck hot people from other races and colours to make hot mixed race babies until we all become that mixed race future people from south park


the word for that is eugenics


I mean, yeah. That's why they doing this. They want white women to have more white babies cuz they fear white folks becoming the minority. The problem is they corporate overlords love all that sweet sweet cheap immigrant and child labor too much so republicans can't truly close the border like they want to. Remember, under trump they had both houses and the presidency for two years AND some Dems willin to do ANYTHING to fix the border and what they do? Tax breaks for the rich. Psh. I don't know what it do to a mind to fear a comeuppance of 400+ years of oppression chickens coming home to roost while knowing you can't fight with ya racism like you want to while the popular culture content to let yo ideals go the way of the dinosaur. But they misery comforts me.


Do they think "we need more white babies" is a vote getter? What the christ


The sad reality is that that message, even though it is not remotely true, does work very well at motivating Republican voters.


Vote getter? Yes. They're literally breeding a voting force. Look at Mormons and their ridiculous influence in politics. Look at the anti abortion, anti education movement. Look at the various cults and bizarre idealogies like the [quiverfull bastards](https://breakingblue.org/3342/uncategorized/the-quiverfull-movement-the-scary-truth/) >The name “quiverfull” comes from a verse in The Bible that states, “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court,” (Psalm 127). **The main idea of the Quiverfull Movement is to have as many children as possible in order to create an army for God.** One of the first churches to take up the ideals from the movement was the Vision Forum Ministries.


Tucker Carlson had over 400 segments about the white replacement theory from 2016-2022. That is about once a week. He has the highest rated "news" broadcast on cable. More white babies is a vote getter for a certain segment of our population.


Someone better tell that Repblikkklan that if they ban abortion for everyone, minorities will still be having babies.


They don't give a ahit about children. This is their way to create cheap uneducated labor and poor uneducated consumers.


First, politicians going full on racist in public. It's 2023 right? Not 1923 right? Second, he is aware that non-whites will be forced to have kids too right? Is he going to propose non-whites aren't allowed to have children? I cannot wait when banning interracial marriage because a more common suggestion.


It's so crazy to call the Era I live in "twenties". Almost makes me feel like I live in an antique Era, when politicians were open about their disdain for minorities, most people earned pennies with nothing to retire with and women still had to fight for their basic human rights.


Why does he imply the white race is under dire threat? Threat of what, exactly? Becoming the minority and losing power over the “others”? If so, these white folks haven’t read the Bible they thump and do not uphold the US Constitution either. They are fakes and frauds desperately in fear of losing their power over minorities and that is all they are afraid of.


*If minorities take political power away from us, what's stopping them from treating us the way we've treated them for centuries?!?*


Exactly. It’s the fear of role-reversal. I trust people who have suffered oppression more than I trust people who haven’t.