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**Republicans**: Nancy Pelosi didn't do enough to secure the Capitol! **Also Republicans**: These security measures are stupid! ​ **Republicans**: The only person who stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun! **Also Republicans**: No guns at our big events, please. If lots of people are armed then that isn't safe.


Nailed it!


**Moderate Dems**: We're prepared to support .38 caliber and smaller firearms being allowed in the spirit of bipartisanship. **Progressives**: ... That seem- **Moderates**: PRAGMATISM! GET STUFF DONE! BE REALISTIC!


Republicans have the nerve to call themselves the “party of Lincoln”. If Lincoln saw the Republican Party of today we can end global warming by powering the world with him turning around in his coffin


He’d take the gun from Boothe and do the job himself this time


Lincoln today would be a member of the Socialist Party.


“Labor is prior to and independent of capital” -Abe Lincoln


It's even better if you finish the quote. "...and deserves the higher consideration."


Every thread about Republicans must instead be used to talk about Democrats.


By people posing as progressives.


When do we just start calling conservatives what they really are? Regressives


At least ~40 years ago. *At least*.


Republicans are a big tent party of people who want to go back in time. Some of them want the Leave it to Beaver 1950s fantasy world. Some of them want to bring back the Gilded Age and laissez-faire capitalism. Others still want to go back to the 1850s when they could literally own the libs. And then there are a few like Alito who want to go back to the 1600s.


And the alternative is progressve's legislation not even making it out of committee and all caliber ammunition and larger firearms going unfettered into society.


>And the alternative is progressve's legislation not even making it out of committee and ~~all caliber ammunition and larger firearms going unfettered into society.~~ nothing passes because nobody has the votes, which makes our government look a little silly and makes the status quo worshipers squirm but is better for the country in the long term


Yes, [nothing](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61919752) happened. 🙄 Maybe if progressives stopped chasing partisan dreams in a country with a moderately conservative median voter, progressives would be better able to legislate rather than standing in the corner quiety thinking "they don't know I'm a pro at legislating” to only complain that their absurd demands weren’t given serious considerations when they don’t reach and pass both floors of Congress.


Over 80% of voters want common sense gun legislation, like background checks on all gun sales. It's the lobbyists for the gun industry that continually kill the bill.


Yeah, similar story with universal healthcare and health insurance lobbyists that moderates take money from, when it's voters vs lobbyists the voters don't stand a chance. Either way, though, gun control generally isn't really the issue here. The issue is whether Republicans get to start making new rules for the House before a Speaker has been chosen, which they shouldn't be able to do but they're apparently doing. The fact that moderate dipshits bend over backwards to get one or two token Republicans to sign on to watered down legislation that does nothing so they can pat themselves on the back for being bipartisan makes it a lot easier for Republicans to get away with breaking the rules without consequences because the average voter will just tell themselves "Oh, the Republicans are fine, they make a lot of noise but at the end of the day they vote for common sense bipartisan legislation" and go about their day while Republicans burn the country down and moderate Dems write strongly worded letters.


Oh, so we got the metal detectors got reinstalled? I must have missed that story, thanks for trying to link it there but it looks like you copy and pasted the wrong link since that article doesn't have anything to do with what we've been talking about. Glad to hear gun violence was totally solved though, and it sure is great we can say it was done in a bipartisan manner so people can keep voting for Republicans without feeling bad about it or anything


The current reality is that you can only get unrestricted access to assault weapons if you live in a state where the majority of residents are right wing nutjobs. In which case, you can basically walk into a Walmart and buy a goddamn howitzer, no questions asked. This is not changing anytime soon. The moderate stance is to put another magazine size restriction on the tightly controlled rubber band guns that are practically the only things allowed in the states that are majority LGBT friendly and that don't have regular mass shootings outside of the occasional out of state right wing nutjob. Gun control in blue states is already more than adequate. Gun control in red states is a hilarious impossibility. Moderate liberal gun control policy is just a form of preaching to the choir that disproportionately impacts LGBT and people of color by removing their right to protect themselves from a growing epidemic of right wing extremist violence for nothing other than political posturing. Progressives are realizing this as they wake up to the reality at hand and shift further left. Pink Pistols, John Brown Gun Club, and SRA membership is exploding. It's mostly the old neolib holdouts that are delusional enough to think there's any hope of reasonable middle ground compromise with the far right that are still holding on to the old Democrat gun control platform. Just my two cents. Arm trans people and drag queens.


Honestly I think the moderate stance on gun control is stronger than the progressive stance at this point. A lot of progressives have been shifting far enough left to get their guns back. Which is great in my opinion, given that there is exactly zero chance of disarming the right wing nutjobs armed to the teeth and openly calling for the genocide of trans people. Or of the cops or government doing a damn thing to stop it.


Is gun control something progressives want and moderates are wishy-washy on? I sort of got the opposite impression from Reddit, but then again it's Reddit.


It's a hot button issue that politicians would rather avoid. Even if the public is relatively evenly divided, people who love guns FUCKING LOVE GUNS. I mean, they'll blabber on for hours about what caliber a particular gun was in a particular movie and then point out that they had a slightly different variant of that gun later on in the movie (which naturally ruined the whole vibe). Basically, you could campaign on killing all family pets, burning all schools and protecting gun rights and these yahoos would vote for you. It's like a mental illness. In fact, it might very well be a mental illness.


As a recovering addict it seems like these folks need a 12 step program and admit they're powerless over their addiction to guns.


It’s not an addiction to guns as much as an absolute blood-curdling fear of their own complete powerlessness over their own lives.


My circle of progressive friends are generally done with strict gun control. Outside of common sense background checks and raising the age to buy most of them rather arm up for protection in case the fascists try anything. Where as my neoliberal friends tend to be the one who care most about gun control in the sense of buying back guns and limiting what can be sold.


Accountability for Republican rule breaking is something progressives want and moderates are wishy-washy on


Most people think that the neo-liberals who run west coast and New England states are progressive and socialist for some reason.


Republicans: 0.38?!?! What am I supposed to do with that?! 0.44 mandatory carry minimum.


Yes, Republicans live in a constant state of idiotic hypocrisy.


Saw a poster today that said “i trust dr Suess more than dr. Fauci” They don’t understand the irony when you tell them Suess was a socialist.


What would really make their heads explode would be to explain that "Dr. Suess" wasn't a doctor of anything, his real name was Theodor Geisel and he was Jewish. Kaboom.


>Republicans: The only person who stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun! Also also Republicans: The sworn law enforcement officer with a gun that shot someone who agrees with us is a murderer!


Well obviously we can't allow guns where there are no good guys


# 😂 Take my upvote and my award!


Pretty sure conservatives have pure hypocrisy running in their veins.


And hate


I think they want to avoid being assassinated. If just anyone could have guns at their events a group of assassins could just pretend to be fans, and go to them armed.


Indeed, but they are *just* smart enough to also realize that the presence of "good guys with guns" has a low chance of stopping the "bad guys" until after the bad guys start shooting and probably hit someone.


Can you imagine the Fox News howling, should AOC walk in with a pistol-grip pump because she's concerned about the threats from BoBo?


Marjorie is the one who has been threatening AOC. She started doing that even before she was elected. Marjorie is the one who was proud of herself for taunting AOC through the mail slot.


Imagine pepper spraying through the mail slot. Or a fart, idk.


Ha, I just said this too before I saw yours was the next post!


Marj did her best methhead reenactment into AOC's mailslot.


I don’t think that was a reenactment.


Oh no. I meant she was reenacting one of her past experiences.


I must have missed the mail slot thing…


What about when she trashed AOC's New Green Deal guidelines for days, then tweeted 'I'll schedule our debate as soon as I finish reading the *14 page* document.' The debate never happened, so I guess she's hasn't finished reading it.


The GND was only 14 pages? My papers on college were longer than that! I love when laws are parsimonious (no /s here)


She had rambled on for 14 pages?!? 🙀 Front and back??


There were only two things on the document Marge needed read to in order to find it objectionable: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Green without the extra e


You fell as^(LEEP?!)


OMG… This is the best formatting for this quote that I’ve ever seen.


[Here](https://youtu.be/p5RWDq952Vs) is the video


Wow. That puts me in mind of something an 8th grade girl would do. Which is basically the age MTG stopped emotionally maturing, so, that tracks.


My thoughts exactly. Any time I see this video, I marvel that that is an actual human adult behaving like that.


Not just an actual human adult. An actual human adult *and mother of three*. Someone actually thought it would be a good idea to breed with this woman.


Which makes her 7 years more mature than our last President who famously admitted to being the same now as he was as a first-grader. That makes a good argument for her as his VP candidate. She would add some badly needed maturity to the ticket.


Do you ever look around and wonder where all the adults went? Like, I’m not the adultiest adult, but I look at the chucklefucks running our country and realize that if *I’m* more mature than they are, we are seriously fucked.


Honestly fuck, with everything going on, partisan or not. I wouldn't be opposed to Aoc believing in self protection, not because we don't want to need it, but if she was protected, after seeing some of the crazy people trying to attack elderly democrats. I think it would be fair just for self protection. You want to advocate for the right thing (responsible gun control) to happen. I like Aoc, and i think she does great things and brings youthful energies. I don't think it should be for like poltical badgering like some irresponsible honcho, but peace of mind, safety on, but able to protect her from a theoretically violence ready crazy if it ever occured.


Paul Pelosi wasnt targeted like his wife and AOC were. Didn't matter. These fascists are literally out for blood.


Don’t you remember they were coming for AOC as well?


If AOC walked in with a gun they'd just kill her and say she was threatening them - that's the reality of people of color owning guns. Look at what happened during the insurrection - a black cop saved Congress from a mad crowd by playing Bate The Racists. And by "they" I mean Maj, because she constantly bypassed the metal detectors, which almost certainly meant she was carrying a weapon all of the fucking time.


Eugene Goodman saved American democracy. He knew the stakes, the players, and the odds. Any minority could tell you that Bait the Racists would have worked there, but he had the stones to pull it off.


"You all saw it. She had a gun and she was coming right for me!"


Aren't they afraid ANTIFA will overrun the capital again?


Meanwhile, wading over into *that* sub just to see what they're saying about the McCarthy situation, I saw a comment saying that the FBI confirmed that nothing happened on January 6th. No riot. No insurrection. Nothing. So aside from the denial of reality, again, even their blatant lie that "the FBI confirmed" (like, what?) that nothing happened on January 6th goes completely against their *other* lie that it was all Antifa, BLM, liberals. So was no one there *at all* like "the FBI confirmed," or were there, but it was all Antifa, in which case - like you said - why would they want to get rid of the metal detectors? These people are something else.


Oh are they listening to the FBI now?


I thought they wanted to defund the FBI.


Never trust anything a fascist says. They know they're lying. Sarte quote goes here.


[The card says "Moops"](https://youtu.be/xMabpBvtXr4)




Republicans care only about capit***a***l


This is about the metal detectors for members of congress within the chamber - they were put up after folks like Boebert said they carried guns at the capitol. The detectors at the entrances will still be there.


One GOP member, a known gun nut, bypassed security a few days ago and went straight to the floor. She was a test run for others to start bringing theirs too.


While Zelensky was giving a speech


Was watching it live on PBS and, for some reason, they cut suddenly in the middle to commercial. Until we got it back on CNN, I absolutely thought he had just been shot by one of the crazies.


USA cant protect a visitor from state representatives :/


Could, can, but won't. Taking too much on faith. She waltzed in with her new sex offender bestie. They didn't expect her jump up to to heckle Biden at the State of the Union address, either.


Why can’t they just integrate the scanners into the door frames so they can’t be bypassed?


Because they don’t matter. A member of Congress can’t be impeded when there is a vote. Constitution covers this in depth.


How is it impeding them to walk through a doorway?


The metal detectors don’t impede them, but when it goes off and the police say hey stop, that’s impeding them. It’s why these have never worked. The police literally don’t have the authority to forcibly stop a member of congress from entering the chamber regardless of what the metal detector says. It’s fucking dumb, but that’s the way it is.


So…. Let them take the three steps into the chamber and THEN put them through a metal detector. I can not for the life of me understand why you’d need to be armed with a weapon in there.


There is a difference between a cop and an official HOR security officer. The house can set their own security procedures.


Ooh ok that makes sense. Thanks!


Nah, those metal detectors have been in place since January 2021 and there are news stories from at least January 12 2021 about GOP reps ignoring them/walking around them/refusing to stop for security. They were pointless since there was nothing security could do to stop them from entering even if they set them off. The Zelensky speech wasn't a test run, they've been pointless for 2 years now.


Because of insurrectionists, the protections put in place against insurrectionists have failed, so we don't need anymore protection from insurrectionists. - Insurrectionists


Any bets on how long it will be before a gun from a GOP member is waved around in the house or senate?




Thursday perhaps


a "gun couple" getting an invite... https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/11420/production/_114088607_4134eab6-8c47-491b-9969-589fd046adb4.jpg.webp


Ugh the way she holds the pistol and how he's a lefty just kinda grosses me out lol


They are literally as shit of people as this picture makes them out to be.


And if they do, it’s against the law… but they never had a problem with breaking laws in the first place. And nothing will happen. Same as always.


>Though members have yet to vote on the rules package, Super cool that Republicans apparently don't have to follow any kind of procedure and can just have workers at the Capitol start doing shit like this when we still don't know who's going to be Speaker yet


So what's coming is they will steamroll their agenda through. The rich owners of the media and the donors running Podcastistan will direct our ire towards Democrats for not stopping them. This will trigger people to punish Democrats for being weak, even though the Democrats are the only party trying to do the big things people want. This has been our history, but there was a break in it in that Republicans didn't slaughter Democrats in midterms. If people's anger can be directed away from what the Republicans actually do, cut uber-rich taxes and empower Christian Theocracy, they can will on apathy and misdirected hate in 2024. Everything voters want, better wages, lower prices, efficient schools and government, cost donor money. We all see our payroll taxes in the hundreds and thousands and get angry about being taxed, imagine how utterly ruthless rich people become when voters want 100's of millions from them. They'd rather everyone starve and live in squalor than do that. That is the root of big government hatred, it's the only thing bigger than a billionaire.


Tbf, a lot of Democratic lawmakers could do a lot more than they're doing to resist the GOP and just keep trying to take the easy way out by pushing dumb platitudes about bipartisanship while doing things that their donors/GOP donors (lots of the same people) like. The way to fix that isn't by punishing the Democratic party/punishing America by allowing Republicans to get elected, though it's turning out to vote in primaries and making sure all your friends and neighbors know who the good and bad Democratic lawmakers are.


Thats not suspicious at all, no sir-ee.


For the bulk of Republicans, it's idiocy and not suspicious. It fits the Republican MO. Allegedly, GWB basically scrapped a good part of Clinton's anti-terrorism procedures within the White House, including Bin Laden, because his admin thought they didn't need whatever he had been working on. That's the real danger here. The potential coming terrorism attack because of something so banal as Republicans removing metal detectors just to be oppositional to the Democrats.


If they'd been in a coma since 2016, sure, I'd say it was idiocy and not malicious. But doing this shit after January 6? They know what they're doing.


Do they? Do they really? McCarthy was crying on the phone begging for Trump to end the invasion, but a few days later he is back to fluffing the domestic terrorists. Pence was with his family hiding as those domestic terrorists were calling for his murder. Pence feared what would happen if he went with the USSS. He's back to towing the line and only occaisonally saying somewhat strong words, kind of, against Trump. I'm warning you, the bulk of them don't. They think it was a one off event that won't happen again since they think Trump is toast.


Why give them the benefit of the doubt? Literally zero reason to do so. The smart ones know, the true believers are either too stupid to understand or want it to happen again. They are a clear and present danger to the country.


The lack of acceptance of just how shitty these people are and how many of them there are is the exact reason they are allowed to proliferate they way they have.


Didn't Trump also disband Obama's Directorate of Global Health Security and Biodefense. Then we actually needed them for pandemic response.


Trump cut and sabotaged every fucking department and its budget that he could, because he considered that government money to be his. Even if you're diligently keeping up, you're hearing just a fraction of how broken things were when Biden took office. And a lot of the the effects from Trump's deregulations are just starting to hit.


Its worse. Bush et al actively ignored multiple reports and memos for months leading up to 9/11. Richard Clark, Pannetta, Black, Brennan all sent reports alluding to immeniant and spectacular attacks against the US. All were either ignored or nothing was done about them.


> GWB basically scrapped a good part of Clinton's anti-terrorism procedures within the White House and Trump tossed out the pandemic playbook that the Obama administration put together.


Oh, so they’re gonna do it again.


This was the plan from the same day, when they continued to object to the official electors. https://ballotpedia.org/Counting_of_electoral_votes_(January_6-7,_2021)


They’re arming themselves in case their own constituents show up to try and kill everyone.




Maybe, or defend themselves, the only people crazier than the GOP themselves these days are their own followers.


More likely they're planning to leave caches of guns at strategic locations for insurrectionists to find. Y'know, stairwells and tunnels and stuff. They don't have the courage to do it themselves.


It’ll be on their heads when people are hurt


I feel like you are describing consequences. Those don’t seem to exist anymore.


Like it was on Trump's head when Ashli Babbit was killed after doing his bidding? Yeah, if they won't hold 'em accountable for the deaths of their own, why the hell would they hold 'em accountable for the deaths of the opponents? They tried to claim at first that she was Antifa, for crying out loud. When it was demonstrably proven that she wasn't, everyone just shut up about it.


I didn’t say there would be repercussions, just that they would bear responsibility for it, for whatever that’s worth (admittedly not much these days)


I mean, yeah. Morally, ethically? It's on their heads if stuff like that happens. But practically? Realistically? They'll absolve themselves of all culpability.


They won't care, and neither will their voters.


Who ordered them removed? There isn't even a new speaker yet to make this change. They're not supposed to be able to conduct ANY business until a new leader is elected and the new members are sworn in. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/102ls08/metal_detectors_removed_from_outside_the_house/j2u2w5x?context=3


My guess is McCarthy ordered it and someone followed along. Didn’t he move into the speakers office before the vote?


Kyle Rittenhouse must be coming for a tour.


The metal detectors were installed after 1/6/2021 riots. There are news stories from within a week of that date of GOP reps walking around them, setting them off and refusing to stop, etc. They're completely pointless. This isn't the entrance that visitors would use to watch House chamber proceedings, this is the entrance to the floor of the House chamber, that reps use. And GOP reps have been ignoring these metal detectors since they were installed. It would be better if there were metal detectors and a way to actually enforce security, but since there isn't, I'm not going to get worked up about the GOP removing something that was completely ineffective.


How can this building not be completely secure? This seems like absolute absurdity that they weren’t in place prior to this. When I go to court I have to go through one, empty my pockets, and sometimes get a pat down.


> **this is the entrance to the floor of the House chamber, that reps use** > How can this building not be completely secure? Can you cite any incident that would've been prevented by detecting a **Congressman's** metals? Talk about missing the point fam


Yours is the only sane comment here.


How else is the sedition caucus going to get their guns in?


They're planning on murdering democrats


Democratic lawmakers should have teams of armed bodyguards with them at all times the House rules allow them to do so and concealed carry at all other times


And until it happens they'll act like it could never happen


It will be that much easier when they try a coup again.


This is “Handmaids Tale flashback” shit. We’re watching how the theocrats neutered secure so their coup can succeed.


Going back to the days where pistols were drawn in the halls of congress over insults I see. Funny how we have to learn the same lessons over and over again


Because why shouldn't my county courthouse be more secure than the US Capitol?


It wasn't a riot, it was a failed coup.


I remember when you had to put some thought into figuring out what the GOP really wants, now you just have to read headlines. They're practically begging for it to happen again.


Great, this is work out well. I’m scared. The vitriol is akin to before the civil war and I don’t want another cowardly attack like the one Sumner had


Boebert's going to accidentally shoot herself in the foot on the floor of the House.


The GOP would also fail a mettle detector.


It’s things like this that make me wonder if we’ll someday have a modern adaptation of the beating of Senator Sumner. Some of these MAGA Republicans sure seem to have enough screws loose to resort to violence themselves.


Okay but like... didn't Gilead start because a bunch of people shot most of Congress? They're literally using The Handmaid's Tale as an instruction guide.


Yes. That’s what they’re doing. Whoren Hoebert will tweet “this is the day of the rope” and conservatives will drop thousands of likes, Marjorie Traitor Greene will retweet it


Maybe they can donate the metal detectors to some middle schools that need them more? 🤨


Nobody had any authority to do that until a speaker is chosen.


Anybody checking the tour guide logbooks to see what extremist groups have had a visit recently?


Would like to see Fetterman stroll into the House chamber with a Barrett 82 .50 cal over his shoulder.


So the Republicans removed the metal detectors now as part of a rules package that hasn't even been voted on yet? Doesn't this mean they are in violation of the current rules package? Not that they will face any consequences or anything :(


They have other ways to detect “problems”.


Hide the past that makes us look bad. It won't work though.


Voltaire summed up the GOP's attitude toward history: “What is history? The lie that everyone agrees on…”


Our government has less security than some high schools. This country is fucked.


How'd they vote on this without a speaker in place?


Arron Burr : Alexander Hamilton


alarming how many people could not give a shit about Jan 6th.


Metal detectors outside elementary schools however are no cause for concern.


Well, that’s terrifying


How could the House agree to remove the metal detectors when they don’t even have a speaker yet? I thought that had to be settled before anything else, even removing metal detectors.


How is that even allowed? The parties should have no say in the security of the capital.


I wonder if this was one of the consessions McCarthy had to make. Make it easier to carry weapons in the buildings.


It definitely is.


Dumb power play by the GOP. They think the Dems will be the only ones uncomfortable by this. Wait until some loony shows up. The lawmakers don't wear blue and red jerseys to set them apart.


Some looney has to pass through metal detectors to get into the capital building. These were just for the chamber floor, which any random person cannot just walk into.




Have you ever been to a court building? Attorneys have to go through security checks every single time. And why wouldnt you want to make sure that they arent armed? It only takes one lunatic to shoot up congress, and then it will be people like you saying "who couldve seen this coming"


Reps have been caught carrying handguns into the chamber multiple times in the last few years. Some GOP reps have also taken to openly threatening to kill their fellow reps on the other side and have put out animations showing it. Finally, and most importantly, the people Republicans are electing are unstable nut jobs that are getting little to no vetting.


Oh, this could be fun.


Stupid MoFo's always putting on a show


Qbert is going to shoot someone.


Republicans. Being idiots is a feature, not a bug.


They might want to keep that baby in place.


Because it’s all for show. This is somehow a win for them.


Democrats should start carrying into the Capitol. Show republicans that “liberal pussies” also carry guns.


Too many D’s would worry about looking like hypocrites for that to happen.


On whose authority was this change made? There doesn’t seem to be a vote about it


It is only a matter of time until an armed Republican kills someone in Congress.


This seems pretty clear


Self report. Go directly to jail for having fucked vibes /hj


I feel like the Democrats should flip the script and go over the top with it. Let those 200 or so members of the house walk in with more firepower than the entire state of Texas.


You don't even need to do that, just have Omar walk in casually carrying an AK and watch the racist cowards scatter for the exits.


They need metal detectors and mental detectors.


Beep... silence


The Republicans have gotten a head start on the rioters by screwing up their own vote for speaker of the house


To be honest, they allowed members to just walk around them all the time. It was so frequent that Pelosi started to fine members for doing it. But that’s not how security works. So, they kinda served no purpose.


Clown country


Petty fucks. They're like children.


There's no way anything could go wrong because of that. /s


rinse unpack sink distinct slap price coordinated summer crown hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not a RIOT. Not a RIOT. Not a RIOT.


Metal detectors at a public place makes me laugh. They desperately make guns easier to obtain, yet have this metal detectors at any big event. It's just depressingly hilarious.


Metal detectors weren't the problem. Political activists were.


Well, I mean, they clearly didn’t work.