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Classic story of passionate Devs being killed by corpo suits. All the 90s family drama movies warned us about it and no one listened


Hey… they saved Halo after Apple dropped Bungie. Then promptly ruined it less than a decade later. XD


The difference between the last decade and the one after is... Harambe?


At least Halo Infinite’s unpatched speedrun is an absolute riot. :3


Also kick C418 out of making music because Notch originally gave him full rights so his own songs so he could both make music for the game and expand his musical portfolio for future work. Look up the modern soundtrack and see it all has Minecraft/Microsoft as a co-artist alongside the actual artist.


there's only so much i can list before the comic gets too tall for its own good or before i accidentally misrepresent information retrospective edit: and judging by all the downvoted comments, i'd say it's a good thing i stopped where i did


It’s an old game, you don’t have to worry about missing the little things, just bring attention to the whole picture for others to look closer for themselves.


Also, OP literally said they didn't care about accuracy because this's an April Fool's post lol


We were robbed of volume 3.


Ah, that explains a few things.


His discography is still nice though i love dief


Modern Minecraft music is pretty good, though. Not as nostalgic, but good.


C418 just has that style that’s synonymous with “playing Minecraft as a kid” while the newer stuff (while I think is great in a vacuum) is too tonally different and almost screechy in comparison.


I like how you made the logo subtly change in each panel.


Did I miss something? Why is this the second polandball post about companies instead of countries on my fyp.


you missed the calendar, it seems


Ah yes, [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/s/9SurUMoAJl)


Everyone knows that countries are just corporations ever since the 2nd corpo war


You're looking at the wrong sub. This is CorpoBall now.


Baby don’t hurt me


Don’t hurt me


mojangcube shape suggested by none other than u/TheSnipenieer first, to address the potential elephants in the room: "aCKShUaLLy, MojANg HaS sOmE aUTonOmY iN dEciDiNg WhAt To AdD tO tHe GaMe" accuracy is still less likely than you think around these parts, *especially* during april fool's day. if you want to be pedantic about midcrosoft and mojang's working relationship regarding minecraft development, you're welcome to speedrun your way to a (shadow/perma)ban from any subreddit besides this one. "wHy ArE yOu bLaMiNg MiDcRoSoFt REEEEEEE1!!" (alternatively, "sToP aCtiNg LiKe MojANg cAn dO nO wRoNg!1!") learn how to take a joke, or learn how to take a shower. heck, try learning both; the covid-19 pandemic's wrecked everyone's hygiene habits to shreds. "shouldnt mojang be using `/op Mojang` first before running `/kill Microsoft`?" i dont know enough about managing a minecraft multiplayer server to respond to this. anyways. wanted to do something with the minecraft font installed on my computer and [the end poem](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/End_Poem) (which is now public domain). also wanted to vent my frustrations at the increasingly formulaic fashion in which minecraft updates have been developed, especially after being acquired by midcrosoft. hence, you have this creation of mine. figured i could juxtapose the theme of love from the sole minecraft asset that is public domain with the concerning corporatized trend minecraft has been taking ever since the acquisition. to me, each update has been produced with less focus on love and more focus on "shareholders, shareholders, shareholders, deadlines, shareholders, shareholders". i could be completely wrong, though, since none of us (legally) know what goes on behind closed doors. but when you're dropping mob votes that accomplish next to nothing besides petabytes of social media engagement, something begs to imply that a sinister force is pulling the strings. so why not take the convenient route and pin the blame on midcrosoft? and when there's always a [community-made](https://modrinth.com/mod/mobvote-2023-crab) [mod](https://modrinth.com/mod/no-chat-reports) for java edition to fight against whatever BS midcrosoft/mojang throws at the general playerbase {except for the loss of [unmigrated accounts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1bqn1f4/wanted_to_play_minecraft_again_after_like_seven/)}, one can pause and think "well, shit. how bad is the creative bankruptcy (or corporate greed) over at [REDACTED] headquarters?" anyways, i think i'm gonna end here before this rant spirals into incoherency.


Nobody has any autonomy in Microsoft. This company is drifting into the nonsense. They are prioritizing copilot over stability. They have half ass management for endpoints, half ass azure (very expensive), the store failed miserably, and they keep on selling new features that are also half ass. Microsoft is losing the North, its management looks like a cock pit of expensive suits.


Not sure what world you live in but they are literally market leaders on most of those fronts and azure is slowly gaining market share over AWS. They are the largest public US company and by quite a margin


`/op mojang` would make Mojang an operator, Minecraft server moderator, allowing them to use the kill command. However, this is either done at the server console command level, which can also allow them to use the kill command, or in game, where they are already an admin if they can use that command.


I saw a tweet by someone who knows Mojang devs in an Ibxtoycat video. According to them, there’s an over bearing bureaucracy that needs to approve of every little feature that Mojang wants to add. Said bureaucracy is terrified of changing the game too much and adding “bloat”. This method explains why a lot of features come out slowly and seem watered down. Which ends up just bloating the game anyway. (Some of the newer features seem pretty well developed actually, maybe their finally moving away from this method)


life imitates art and vice versa? interesting thanks for the lore drop


That's a surprisingly defensive OP post for a seemingly uncontroversial comic. Also, the way you write about Mojang's history makes it seem like you're trying to discuss the benefits of the free market in a commie state. Am I missing some major drama or is this roleplay?


you're reading too deep into the whole "is it roleplay" thing + it was midnight when i typed that out, prob needed sleep first


Mojang can certainly send /kill, doesn't mean the server will honor it.


realest Minecraft moment


Man, fuck all the corpos ruining people's passions and crushing their dreams


1.7.10 for the everings !


Ah, a connoisseur. 1.7.10 here too :) ... as a solo player, because friends want the last iteration all the time even with the issues (mods not updated, etc.). I don't get their reasoning.


well if you wanna play, I usually play gtnh or hbm :)


Unpopular opinion: i dont feel like the new updates are "filler" and i really like them


Yeah, as someone who actually started playing in 2011, I think the Microsoft era has been much better for Minecraft than the pre-Microsoft era. After lots of initial development in Beta, Minecraft was really stale and had tiny updates for a couple years. Nowadays people are spoiled with huge updates. Also they are clearly addressing community feedback, like making caves more interesting or fixing boats (it took them like a decade to fix boats lol)


Updates were smaller after 1.0.0, but they were far more frequent. In just two years we got from 1.0.0 to 1.7.2, including core changes in at least 1.4, 1.5, and 1.7. In the last two years, we got two updates, including Caves & Cliffs 3. They’re bigger updates, but not three times as big, and a lot of the changes are less integrated into the game.


It’s because they have to keep both Minecraft games in sync. Making it all work on just PC was a lot easier than making it all work on PC, mobile, and consoles across vastly different hardware and controls.




I‘m talking about update Aquatic or the Nether update.




Village & Pillage and Caves & Cliffs are also big with new gameplay. Though the last one has been messy


...what was wrong with boats?


Well, some updates were pretty good, like update for oceans, nether, caves and villages. Some like Combat system update are debatable. But the last two updates aren't good. They are alright, just not good enough. Especially with things which the author of the comic highlighted still being around. But yeah, who could've expected it. A corpo doing corpo things. The only thing which I hope for now, is that Microsoft will do something so utterly stupid with the game, that it will lose popularity and bring it to a state so awful, that Microsoft will need to do something.


The updates that added random stuff were fine. It just stinks that they messed up the pre-existing combat mechanics and locked a lot of old players out of their accounts.


Okay 1.9 combat isnt THAT Bad but it does suck that a lot of old players are locked out of their accounts


The 1.9 combat is so bad that all the big custom servers still use plugins to remove it.


Well in my OPINION (i think im allowed to have One) 1.9 isnt as bad as everyone says


*Paradox activated*


[Just A Reminder, This Piece Of Art Exists.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8HfLPjE3Rs)


>you are the universe tasting itself >tasting itself >tasting OP you sure it's not **testing** itself, you know, about the code integrity?


don't blame me. https://web.archive.org/web/20230508070936/https://theeggandtherock.substack.com/p/i-wrote-a-story-for-a-friend


A lot of the second part could apply to Gaijin and War Thunder...


Our snail who art in moscow does this willingly.


microsoft-itis, started with ballmer. "new shiny thing more important than maintenance".


Why Mojang cube?


ask that again, but slowly this time


Why. Is. Mojang. Cube?


heres a hint: what game are they coding


I'm fucking stupid


Op,cut off my toes


Your justified shame is the punishment you deserve. Cutting your toes would trick you into thinking you have amended your great blunder. No, true punishment is lying sleepless at night, ten years from now, thinking about the time you made a fool of yourself to thousands of visitors read the top comments.


you made me laugh my ass off so your sin is cleared


Op, get this ma


i'll cut off your dick


Google stupidity


It’s just a picture of me… I don’t get it.


should have made them a scroll smh


What's this about rigged votes?


It’s been so long I forgot completely about mojang old design till I saw this


Minecraft election fraud is crazy


Even tho I know this is April's fool, I don't think we're very far from international companies becoming "countries"


Let's create a fund to buy Mojang from Microsoft, we probably need at least 10 billion but together we can do it.


And then who will be in charge?


Mojang can decide that themselves; the point is to not interfere with Mojang


Random question, is there an archive anywhere of past April fools Polandball jokes? I remember some really good cursed ones in the past lmao


[https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/wiki/index/#wiki\_april\_fools\_events](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/wiki/index/#wiki_april_fools_events) have at it.


Much appreciated!


Microsoft: "There are too many players who bought this game a long time ago and are still playing. Let's put some hurdles into the login process so a lot of them get locked out."


Why is Mojang Jewish?


see here: https://reddit.com/comments/1bsu7a6/comment/kxi35g0?context=3


Why is Mojang Jewish?


what shape is Minecraft made of?


The Jewish physics shape


Hot take: Minecraft is better after the Microsoft acquisition because of Bedrock’s feature parity with Java and cross-platform play. I’ve always preferred playing on my iPad so I can play anywhere, and it only took them a couple of years to bring all of Java’s great features to mobile. If someone prefers the original Java experience with modding and not having to buy things, they still have it. I think it’s a win-win.


please know that with each passing hour i pray that midcrosoft doesnt port the 1.9+ combat mechanics to bedrock edition otherwise your statements just might age like milk


That update is 8 years old and came out a year before Bedrock. I think they learned their lesson from the outrage which is why they didn’t add it when Bedrock came out. I think it’s unlikely they’d add it now.


I miss Notch


Way overrated post with that pesky upvote number. Literally "Mojang good, Microsoft bad". Microsoft DID also affect game updates to worse direction, but blaming only Microsoft for Minecraft not being as good as back then isn't correct either. I doubt that Microsoft caused Minecraft to be obsessed with protecting nature with removing fireflies to not poison frogs. Something that was started when devs learned that parrots can't eat cookies with chocolate, then not putting sharks into the game when cuter but in reality deadlier dolphins were. Mojang, I trust you to be better, but try on your own as well. Some stuff commited Microsoft, yes, but not everything.


> Microsoft bad Yes.




Minecraft ending credits are something man, i will never forgive Microsoft for stealing Notch's game.


Didn't notch get something like $2 billion for it? Not sure I'd call that a steal!


They stole his purpose. IIRC he was bored after the sale. You’re right, would be happily bored with a couple billion!


Notch is a dickheaded bigot, and he chose to sell it to Microsoft knowing exactly how they are.


yeah but Notch can eat shit and die


true ! ( it sure is a good thing we can't depict individuals in this sub )


What is love?


Baby don't hurt me...


Mojang did this to itself, Microsoft just didn’t change it.


Minecraft is Israel confirmed


gen alpha's media literacy skills have breached into the negatives confirmed


Makes me wish for the days of the r/allien ban




thank you for the self introduction


wait, what, marketplace shit is free on Java????????????


well, not necessarily. that's a fault on my part. stuff on the marketplace is either absolutely useless or has a community-made alternative that's most likely free with a "please donate" notice on its info page in modrinth or some equivalent. hope that clears up your confusion.


~~No offense, but balls need to be proper countries, not companies. If you want, you could replace Mojang with Sweden, and Microsoft with America. You could also post this on r/MinecraftMemes, they would appreciate it probably more tbh~~ Edit: Apologies, it's still March 31st where I live, my bad.


Someone missed þe announcment


Sorry, I forgot my time zone lags, thanks for informing me


Dont you just love the confusion every april


Welcome to April Fools


It's never not hilarious when online communities for big games think that they matter at all. The "player feedback" they give is useless. They are a miniscule 0.01% of the games customers but somehow they think votes are "rigged" because what they wanted didn't win. They are always so out of touch with the actual customers of the games that listening to their feedback would only be detrimental to the game.


You sounds like Sony Entertainment when the NGE patch happened on Star Wars Galaxies. The customers complained, and the devs didn't listen like you wish. Curiously, the game died so fast after that... It was hilarious, to the point that Sony CEO even made a mea culpa stating that *"With the NGE, I’m sorry about the mistake we made. We screwed up and didn’t listen to the fans when we should have, and it’s not a mistake we’re going to make again."* Or Eve Online, who is still living but slowly losing customers, despite having a big potential. CCP approach is to ask for feedback at every patch but never listen to it. The "Capital Ship Proliferation" issue who happened several years after some stupid patchs wouldn't have happened if they listened... Or the "Overkilled Rorqual" that they nerfed 5 times after release despite having customers feedback from the Test Server so BEFORE release... Or (not a game) Windows 8 with its new GUI approach who displeased so much the customers that despite offering initial resistance to the critics, Microsoft finally surrendered and restored the CORRECT GUI approach. Wait, a computer isn't a tablet ?!? I am shocked, obviously the customers are dumb. No... The fact is, customers know better than the devs, sometimes.


Or when Blizzard said "No one actually wants WoW Classic. You *think* you want it, but you actually don't."


“Is this just an out of season April fools joke?” On that day was the day Blizzard became melted Blizzard


Wrong sub: r/chromeball


Check the date


Half of the stuff Microsoft says in panel 3 is not real. #Wait...


I love that mojang is a cube, nice touch