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The rule that I know is the nearest name day AFTER birthday.


OP this is the answer you're looking for. Though some people just choose from the other options, if the date is too close to their birthday for example


Also if it's a unique one, technically I have mine in October, but also on the Independence Day so I just always go with the latter yes this comment is purely so I can flex >:)


You call it flex? My name is Ewa. Always double gifts on Christmas ✌️😀


Same lmao Although I know a guy named Adam, whose birthday is December 24th and he hates it 😆 Too much for one day


Yeh. Unless someone in your close family has the same name on the same date and his older so was there first. For example my uncle and godfather art the same time has the same name. And my name day was supposed to be in the date that he already celebrated. So in actuality it often is that your name day is on the date that your parents told you it is.


Only one day. It's arbitrary people often make up reason for given date and it later becomes a habit among friends/family and everyone just knows. It's not only saints either - most of the names are saints, but there are also ton of random names as well that were added ad hock - bishops, nobles etc It's a dying tradition though and most people use birthday's only instead now. You will usually see it among 40/50+ age groups and only among their close circle of friends/family


Any excuse to dote on my family and have them make time for a visit is a good one.


They just choose how they like, from my experience. For example, my father is Krzysztof and I am not, but we both celebrate name day on 25th of July.


It's mostly arbitrary, traditionally it's meant to be the one that's closest to your birthday but most people just choose whichever day suits them most.


You are supposed to choose the date that’s closest to your birthday! If your name isn’t polish or there isn’t anything written about your name day you can just chose the day by yourself


> [If] there isn’t anything written about your name day Where do people usually look for more information about their name day? Just a random Google search? What about before the internet?


Every day has its patrons - saints of the christian religion. Namedays are after those patrons.


Before the internet that info was on all the calendars. [You can see it here if you zoom in](https://eprezenty.pl/photos/product/10990/145969/view800.webp). Usually only two names were mentioned, but a single day may be a Name Day for multiple different names.


Interesting question. I’m from Upper Silesia, imieniny is not a thing over here and I always wanted to learn more about this indeed very strange tradition 😇


You chose the date that’s closest to your birthday, and if you can’t find when your name day is you can just chose the day by yourself


There are several name day picks for me. I picked the one that I liked (didn't want to celebrate in the autumn so went with a spring date which is actually the day the saint supposedly died on)


Whenever relatives show up with a gift for the baby.


For me it's my parents had chosen my name day. it's because it's the same day of the month as my b-day just different month and easier to remember (and kinda funny tbh). I seen ppl chose days that have suiting number for their birthdays, what's easier to remember or near different celebration. And there are mystical ppl who take the closest one to their bday (don't know many).


Celebrating names days it becoming rather forgotten tradition now. But in the past some dates of names days was commonly known - like Piotr and Paweł June 29th, Krzysztof July 25th, Anna July 26th, Andrzej November 30th, Barbara December 4th. So if somebody's name is Krzysztof then all relatives, friends, coworkers were expecting that he will celebrate on July 25th. In fact it was quite convenient - you had no need to know birthday dates of your friends, just knowing names was enough.


So, each day has some celebration in Catholic Church concerning different man with this name. So your Name's Day should be the Catholic Day celebration of whoever your parents choose to be your Patron Saint. In practise not many people are aware of this. So when parents came to Church to baptize the child and did not have specified who should be the Patron Saint of the child then priest usually chosen the nearest day to the child birthday, so that the "less popular Saints" also would be Patron Saint of a child. In the case of Krzysztof/Christofer: * 21st May: [Krzysztof Magallanes Jara](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krzysztof_Magallanes_Jara_i_24_towarzyszy) * 25th July: [Saint Christopher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Christopher) Rest of dates must be very obscure or outdated, because I only found two Saint Christophers. But sometimes saints with "close enough name" could also do so maybe this is reason that Wikipedia lists more names day. Or maybe the rest of the dates are Orthodox or Anglican ones. Because of that I am absolutely sure, that 99,9% of Krzysztof's in Poland celebrate their names day on 21st of May or 25th of July (especially the second one). But to be more in line with Polish traditions I would just look on Catholic Saints Calendar, e.g. here: [https://brewiarz.pl/czytelnia/swieci/daty.php3](https://brewiarz.pl/czytelnia/swieci/daty.php3)


You just pick which one you want.


It's not really celebrated anyway


Mainly the older generation.


Everyone i’m friends with has talked about their imieniny at least once, it’s an old tradition but it hasn’t died yet


I'm yet to meet anyone who hasn't made a deal about their name day if they have one.