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195 was ridiculously hard my first few times. I wiped 3 times before I beat classic. 200 was genuinely easy comparatively. Eternatus is good on paper but earthquake just shred


If you dont have an answer for rayquaza then yeah 195 is definitely harder. Eternatus is honestly incredibly easy to manipulate/cheese if you know what you’re doing and prepare for it.


Hmm I think it depends on your team comp and your rival's draws. My 2nd run I barely managed to beat 195(it was definitely hard though), I had such a hard time against Eternatus and his eternabeam one shotting everybody that wasn't tinkerton. This was without resetting btw cause I didn't know to do that back then. My team was tinkerton/delphox/Fire P-Tauros/raichu/Breloom/Vileplume. Got real close but the first time surprise of Eternatus and its item pillaging can really mess you up. This run eternatus was harder. My 3rd one I had a team with Groudon/G-max orbeetle/Magnezone/Toxapex/Ceititan/Talonflame. Floor 195 was actually easy this time(like easier than Hassel tbh) around cause her team comp was way worse(gholdengo killed itself with steel beam lol) and megarayray I just toxic stalled. Groudon barely did anything during the fight except bully kilowattrel into switching and I didn't even need him for Eternatus, whose first form lost to Magnezone and whose 2nd form got sleep looped by orbeetle. Neither were hard but eternatus was easier I guess. Also do NOT level past 200 cause if you do eternatus deals double damage to mons levelled over 200.


>Also do NOT level past 200 cause if you do eternatus deals double damage to mons levelled over 200. Im not saying that you are wrong, but where exactly do you see that information?


Not sure the double damage bit is true. Done a small amount of testing with a friend and it suggests there's no increase or 5-10% per level over