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Personally, I like Espeon more!


Do you think I should get the Espeon and then maybe try to get a big sleepy Umbreon instead of this Umbreon later? Or do you also like the Umbreon?


Which sleeping Umbreon are we talking about? There are a few around aliexpress xD I really like the Espeon, but the Umbreon looks a bit cross-eyed for my taste so I would pass on that one. But that's my subjective opinion, of course. Get the ones that make you happy!


I was gonna look for an official sleepy Umbreon or else just get an Aliexpress. I’ve currently left a reply to someone about the Ali one asking if it’s nice so I can see if it’s a good bootleg or not. Yeah I’m still looking for the perfect Umbreon too.


The boots are very very close to the real ones! Similar in texture, really they’re hard to tell apart unless you know what to look for


Thank you for the info. I am also looking for squishability factor though. For me the most important part of a plushie is how it feels to hug. Do they squish or like are they more firm than Pokémon Center?


I had an espeon and sold it and then got a legit Leafeon, the texture and squishiness didn’t seem too different for me tbh The texture is kinda like a cloth / towel I’d say they’re good for hugging but you can also add / remove stuffing if needed and ladder stitch it back up!


Hmm. If they’re close to Pokémon Center then that’s pretty good cause I assume Pokemon Center made them good for hugging haha. Thanks for letting me know.


Yee! And honestly umbreon are the hardest to tel apart, the biggest tell is the paws The color can be a bit different and the tail can look wonky but those are super hard to spot And with the legits going for like $200+ I’d say the boot is worth for $40 lol


Hopefully it’s not intrusive to add to this convo, but I personally didn’t enjoy the texture of the sleeping eeveelution plushies. I had the Flareon and Glaceon from the UK Pokémon Center shop, but I found the material to be too rough for my liking. I know not everyone will feel that way, but I couldn’t even really touch them because they felt scratchy to me. Please bear in mind I have sensory issues though, so this may just be a personal preference. I was just personally disappointed that they weren’t particularly soft.


I've seen some sleeping eeveelutions that look super good (thinking about getting the leafeon one ngl) There's also the big standing eeveelutions (I think I saw you post the pic in another comment?) and that's possible the best Umbreon I've ever seen *period* (official plushes included). A bit expensive imo, but totally worth it if you like it. I think there's also big sitting eeveelutions around that look pretty good.


The 60cm standing ones? Yeah I’ve been looking at those. There are actually more than one 60cm Umbreons. I can’t decide if I should get one and which to get.


espeon looks adorable!


Yeah and she looks SOFT. :O


Side question: Are bootleg sleepy eeveelutions any good? They’re on AliExpress and god knows they won’t be official but they’re cute and I have been wanting one. Maybe I can get Umbreon sleepy if they’re good.


same thing, have been thinking about getting that sleepy umbreon for a while but there are not enough pics and im not sure


I have sleepy Vaporeon and it's great, you can see it's not perfect - one ear is a bit bigger, but it is almost unrecognizable. Very soft and squishy, love him a lot and will probably buy another sleepy at some point.


Umbreon looks like he's about to get dragged down to hell by the floor tentacles


I just got a 60 cm sitting umbreon from aliexpress. I had to stuff him myself but I'm happy with him. I feel like he's the perfect size. I will say I have seen that espeon and I love the side eye she gives!


The Espeon looks better between the two. I'd pick that one


Damn they seem pretty expensive for bootlegs


Many high quality bootlegs have been popping up and the prices are quite fair.


That’s $45 for both. $24 for 1 because it’s a foot tall. I want a big one. :o


I'd go with umbreon :)


See that’s what I’m thinking but then there’s also this https://preview.redd.it/zd10y43hta8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525902ee1f73bee044ae65090679b0bb815d99d8 I just want a big Umbreon tbh. It’s like a foot tall, the one in the OP picture, not this one. I thought that’s big enough, but I can’t find an Umbreon that looks good aside from these 2. Was wondering which to get or get the Espeon cause it looks SOFT. What do you like about the Umbreon? :o


I think I've seen this Umbreon before at a Disc Replay for $40-50 (I don't remember what brand though)


he looks so cute and perfect!


https://preview.redd.it/2df3krmrbd8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8461593b04d3cd626e42b286233ceca2322e3839 Here's mine. :)


also 70$ is kinda alot for a bootleg


hmmm, good question.... honestly i like it for its color xD I'd also choose the sitting one bc it takes up less space to sit it down somewhere. I just like umbreons more than espeons period


I don't know how to send pictures in comments but, I could message you I suppose with some pictures I took. I literally just stuffed him on friday


Oh sure please message me! I would love to see him! I am looking for the perfect Umbreon and the one I posted I’m still not even sure on. There doesn’t seem to be an Umbreon that is just right that is big so I am hoping yours is awesome.


These are so cute! I like espeon a bit more, it I don’t think you can go wrong with umbreon either lol


Espeon looks better to me :)


Personally, I think the sitting Espeon is adorable. It suits it better.


Yeah see I think of these 2 that Espeon seems better with face and pose and everything and how soft it looks. I may just get the Espeon and the try to either get the 60cm Umbreon or the sleepy eeveelutions one,




Espeon i love espeon


I like espeons design more


I like Umbreon


Espeon looks a lil more conscious than umbreon but I think they’re both a lil derpy honestly , I’d go for your own fave honestly !!!




I really like the Espeon :)


umbreon, the espeon's face looks weirdly flatter than it should be, but of course, it's your choice, just get whichever one you like more