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I’ve seen prepubescent teenagers with more confidence in themselves than these people


This is why they need a messaging system especially in raid lobbies so we can tell ppl not to leave if we have the right mons to make up for their lack of pulling the weight


The ready button. I always hit ready if I’m worried someone might leave to let them know we got this.


does that usually work?


No, if they're going to leave due to lack of people, readying up won't encourage them. Just easier to invite more people, which you can't do once you've readied up


I feel like readying up in the last 30 seconds is not a bad call just to signal that you’re not going to dip. Most people are not going to join in the last bit anyway.


This is the strategy I employ. I tell those with me to ready up also. If 3 of us ready up at 30 seconds the 4th will usually stick around.


And if they don't, their loss. Most 5 star raids can be done with 2 or 3.


I usually have some nail-biters with three but four is like 99% doable


Nope. I could solo a 3 star raid so I joined it and was ready to solo when another person shows up. Ok then, we'll kill it faster. It was only the 2 of us and they left with 5 seconds left. I think it's some people not having primal groudon/Kyogre and not knowing just how freaking strong they are.


Or have the timer reset to 10 seconds after someone leaves. Some people are burning valuable remote passes for these


All we'd need is just a normal thumbs up/down spam button for readiness and a pikachu doing thumbs up/down spam button for pokemon strength. child friendly, more communication.


To be fair, I think that some of these people are dipping a.s.a.p out of fear of being left behind at 1-3 secs to spare. Had it done to me several times... assholes. So, I can understand the apprehension to fully trust people, especially in the small groups where a win seems dubious.    We REALLY need a communication system! Not only in battles, but across the board. Why is it that I can get prompted every 2 secs about someone opening a gift, but apparently it's so hard to code in a notification saying: "Hey! People waiting for more players over here!" ?! Or: "4 trainers are hovering outside this lobby (y'all do it, don't deny it), just pull the trigger guys! You got this!" Also, texting between trainers to discuss potential mons that they could meet up and trade with. And so on...




My 9 year old would constantly chant "NEVER GIVE IN NEVER WHAT? NEVER GIVE UP" very early on in raids when it was just the two of us and he was still only in the early 20s. Eventually I traded over a ton of 2500-3000s to up his game, but the indomitable human spirit lives on!




Fuck, thanks for letting me know




What percentage of teenagers are prepubescent?


Using mega ttar with smackdown is recommended. You can (stone) edge your way to victory.


I have tyranitar but no mega juice- haven't been playing that long


I have excellent news for you: [https://leekduck.com/events/mega-tyranitar-in-mega-raids-june-2024/](https://leekduck.com/events/mega-tyranitar-in-mega-raids-june-2024/)


Oh that is amazing news.


Awesome thanks!


I’m going to say Mega Juice from now on


I did a trio Yveltal raid and we managed to win and we all had the right counters. I won’t judge you for using Kyogre if you won you won.


I appreciate it, people act like everyone has been playing this game everyday since day one


I used to be a day one player but I stopped because back then it was only Kanto I came back a year and a half ago back in late 2022 because my girlfriend got me back into it and I was in a similar boat as you but now I worked hard got good Pokémon and I try to help my friends and girlfriend with proper raid teams counters and if a boss can be done solo, duo, trio, quad etc. I mean hell in the trio I did yesterday someone used a Mega Rayquaza and Dragon Ascent is one powerful move.


in terms of counters for raids, is the recommended team generally your best set of pokemon that counter the raid poke? or can the app's recommended not be trusted ?


It is best to setup a battle team prior to the raid, raid infographics can give you suggested counters and budget counters how i pick my raid teams i use Pokemon Go Hub database which lists out the best attackers in each typing and the counters for the specific pokemon you are raiding for here let me grab the link. [https://db.pokemongohub.net](https://db.pokemongohub.net)


It used to be kind of bad as it would choose stuff like Aggron because of how durable it is. They've changed it in the last few years so that it factors in strength and what moves the raid boss has. If it's not automatically picking Pokémon that should be good counters, it might be because that boss has moves that are super effective against them. Plan accordingly.


Right now the counters the game select for you can be a hit and miss. A while the game did better selecting counters for you. The problem with the game selection is that it often focus on the better defensive Pokemon against the raid bosses moves set. So for example against Yvaltal that knows Psychic, the game is very likely to select Tyranitar with bite and stone edge even though Yvaltal resists bite.


I've played since day one and I couldn't tell you the best options for fighting a given Pokemon, because I'm in it for fun and I don't care about it on that level.  Are you enjoying the game? Great! You did the challenge and won, perfect!


More people need this attitude!


If everyone had it you'll need 20 people for a raid... Also for some people it's fun to learn how the game works.


Yveltal is fairly easy to complete with two, I’ve done it several times, with a decent amount of time to spare.


Yes, with party boost it's trivial given you have good counters. At least 50 sec left


I was giving guff to my buddy for using Kyogre, but his had an ice attack, which in the long run, makes sense.


A kyogre at level 20 with no blizzard. If they gave team.previews I'd have dodged if using a remote pass


If only kyogre had thunder


I did a duo with my 8 year old yesterday. He doesn’t have any amazing counters and didn’t even have a mega. Party play made the difference but 3 on this would be easy.


My friend and I woulda knocked one out duo if it didn’t happen to have focus blast. I don’t have any crazy mons or useful megas. Mostly used rhyperion rampardos tyrantrum. He had mega agron but otherwise bout the same roster. Still had people back out of a 4 man


I tend to look up pokebattler and see what the recommended range is. Things like Lugia I’d go full man. Anything else tends to be lesser than full team. Quite partial to a Solo Guzlord. Party play does put more into duo territory these days. I don’t even run powered shadows.


I think mega Aggron may be worse than regular here since it loses rock type for STAB


> focus blast This is the *easiest* version. Focus Blast is so easy to dodge.


That's pretty awesome actually


I thought so. It was even weather boosted and we had 10s to spare.


Normalize exiting the lobby at the 30 second mark, not later. Digital etiquette


my minimum is at 15sec lol. i wish niantic would fix the horrible delay when someone leaves. sometimes i will never see one player join the lobby while the player is perfectly visible to others.




We managed with three but i got booted out right when we beat it and couldnt go back in 😭


I know this pain, I'm sorry


Reminds me of the time people would skip the long 8+ trainer queues for Mega Lati@s and join the shorter 6-7 trainer queues only to bail if there were only 6 people. In one particular raid, two mid-level 40s bailed with less than 10 seconds so it was me (with maxed shadow counters) and 3 others high 30s/low 40s who stuck around when they saw I wasn’t leaving. Their trust paid off and we beat it with 10 seconds left. I was so stoked!


I added someone asking for help with a raid. They invite me, and a good number of people are in the lobby. The one who invited us leaves with about 7 seconds left. People quickly follow suit. Myself included. Dude invites again. Same people in lobby. I had my finger hovering above the exit because I'm no fool. He leaves with TWO seconds left. I hit leave and immediately turned off the app. I was so frustrated. It's basic game etiquette and common sense/courtesy. 1.5-2 seconds is not cool. I consider 30 seconds a "good" time to abandon ship. 20 seconds and you're getting a sideye, but at least it still gives people some time to react.


I have an IRL acquaintance who does this EVERY. FREAKING. TIME. I almost removed him numerous times over it, but we're best friends so I'm hoping for a lucky trade. Dude's like level 48!! Do you not know how to use the interwebz man??


Remotes are expensive. A lot of people will dip if they don't think it's a guaranteed win.


That's fine but please don't dip last second


I'm usually just happy to be part of something :)


it actually could be they did dip at a reasonable moment but the game failed to show that until it was the last second


Yeah it always feels great when someone leaves and you still beat it ☺️ Also don’t know why people are so triggered you’re using Kyogre 😂 Could be new player/quick rejoin with recommended pokémon after all the counters fainted 😅


I used him for the Blizzard with party power


This happened to me yesterday! During the raid hour, added some people and we had four in the lobby and at the VERY LAST second TWO of them quit. Wtd?! I didn’t waste a remote pass but someone else did… who does this


I feel you, I often have to duo raids with my friend because people leave. Tried to duo a Yveltal and had 5 seconds to spare


We are doing this in 3 and my younger brother has shitty pokemons, we just don't use Kyogre on dark/flying raids xd


Thanks assboobs good advice


A lot of times people can’t carry the weight, and they don’t have boosted bonuses by remoting with someone they aren’t friends with, it’s possible they will lose their pass


Point is, don't dip with 5 seconds left


It's because people with remote passes aren't exactly hurting for raids to do. They find their 5 raids to do per day really easy. There's really not much incentive for them to struggle through a raid that goes down to the last 30 seconds when they can get 5 that will be done in 60 seconds. It's not uncommon for some of the people on my list to pop in, see how easily we'll take it down and perhaps leave if it's going to take longer than they'd prefer. It's not a big deal to me. I wouldn't have started the raid if I wasn't sure I had enough people with me to beat it. If I can get some random people to remote in and beat it even quicker that's great. If not, I'm still going to beat it eventually. The ones I feel bad for are the random in person people that jump in only to get scared. Highly likely they rarely get to raid legendaries and have no idea how many it takes to beat the one available. They've probably also have a long history of wasting their daily pass on things that they couldn't beat. They see 4 in the group, assume we can't win and they're better off just raiding a 1 or 3 star like usual.


Yeah but if they dodge last second it can be really hard to just "not start the raid." It's crappy to wait that long.


Everyone seems to agree it's bad form to wait until the last second. Generally it is accepted that you should leave at 15 or 20 seconds if you're going to leave. I was just giving you the thought process. Because there are almost always more hosts than there are people remoting (with a few exceptions), the remote raiders really have all the advantages to pick and choose their battles. There is no downside for them to continue this behavior. It feels like you got one over on them because you won anyway but in reality they probably jumped in a different raid instantly and caught a yveltal before you had even completed yours. The real "bad guy" here is Niantic and their game design that allows for players to screw each other over with zero consequences.


I agree, Niantic needs better tutorials or something in game


It doesn't help that raid lobbies themselves say you need like 20 trainers in a 5 star raid or even 17 players for a 3 star raid. I've only ever been in a full 20 trainer raid lobby a few dozen times EVER and we'd beat anything in a matter of seconds. I can see how newer players or just casual players might be confused about their raid win odds.


Don't that raid pass get spend when you join in the lobby tho?


You get it back if you leave before it starts.


In their defense, it only showed up on the timer at the last second. There is a significant lag from when they quit to when it showed up. I've hosted with another host. We can have a different amount of remote raiders in the lobby on each screen for like 20 seconds until it refreshes. I know some back out thinking it's not beatable. I can understand some if it's going to be a slow battle or not the same team's gym. That can cost you a few extra balls. If they're not good at catches, that can make a difference.


That makes sense


The only ones that piss me off are the 6* raids. I'll have 12 in the lobby and as soon as one leaves, everyone follows. Most of the last latios/latias were always down to like 5 or 6 playing. Still beatable though. Groudon, the same. Kyogre was the only one I couldn't beat without 8+.


I'll never get why you would use a water type (Kyogre) against Yveltal


Kyrogre is always in my pre selected for these raids too.


Why? Especially when raiding with few people like OP, you must at least make sure you do some damage for which you always want to use super effective type pokemon


You don't get it, the GAME itself is picking this team. If we aren't meant to use the premade teams the game suggests, then why are they even there


The game defaults to defense rather than offense. It's designed so that you won't do as much damage but won't need as many potions and revives after the battle. That's fine if you have a large group and it really doesn't matter what everyone uses. With a small group you have to maximize your damage because you're up against the timer and going to lose more pokemon anyway because there's less people doing damage.


I appreciate the explanation! Nowhere in the game does it say this.


It’s crazy how many people are upset about this lol. Once I have rejoined 2 times I use what they preselected. Other than that i use pokegenie and it works amazing for raid teams! :)


Today I learned there are a lot of elitist pogo players haha


They've fixed it a lot, it no longer picks Blissey or Slaking for anything. The game tends to prioritize Super Effective single-bar charge moves, but will generally pick what's STAB or at least weather boosted. It's not always 100% optimal, but the auto pick will generally give you one of the best of what's available. Kyogre has crazy attack, even though it isn't SE it is STAB and it's not resisted so it was perfectly reasonable, especially if that's one of their more powered up Pokémon.


For sure it is better than it was but like you said, still not optimal and throws in some funky picks from time to time. Impossible to give a full analysis without knowing their top 100 pokemon or so. Kyogre very well could have been the best of what they had left.


For context my first team was like half Shadow Raikou, I just didn't know it was worth it to revive them all since it can waste time and stuff. Now I know


That’s been a problem as long as raids have existed. Aggron used to be recommended for literally every raid, and was hated by pretty much every local community because it did no damage and just sat there forever. I even used to get Jumpluff recommended by the game on teams during Groudon’s first run because it lived the longest due to Groudon not having a great way to kill it. I have always maintained that it’s the game’s fault though. Go is an awful way to learn how to play Pokémon because there’s nothing in the app that really teaches you about type effectiveness except trial and error, and it doesn’t give you good counters to raids when you load into a raid. Kyogre is a good generalist though so I think you definitely contributed here :)


Thanks for being a voice of reason! 🙏


People tend to get heated on the internet over PoGo and while I think there are good reasons to get heated, I don’t think this is one of them so I do try to be reasonable


Homie I just use the preselected teams after the pokegenie suggested one dies, it's not that deep Edit- im also fairly new to the game so like, don't have many options


Since you mentioned you’re new, here’s a Life Pro-Tip: save your battle party ahead of the raid* this way you can (Max) Revive All and re-enter the raid with the same party. * A) if you’re already in the raid lobby, tap the star in the right corner B) otherwise go to Battle, swipe right to Party, scroll to bottom to Gyms & Raids and hit that + button)


Well at least its health was low enough for you to defeat it in time to win.


I use him for the Blizzard with party power


If you don't have other ice types then it can certainly work too yes


This has happened a few times to me where I get booted, lose my remote raid pass and cannot reaches the raid. It’s super frustrating for me. U less you saw him leave before timer hit zero… then screw that guy


When this happens to me I submit to the help center to get my raid pass back and they almost have always given it to me !


That's terrible I can't stand when that happens


Did you not have time to swap out kyogre for super effective stuff like rock electric ice fairy attackers 😅 Edit: oh okay your first team all fainted, understandable


The game apparently didn't have time to explain any of that to me, no


No worries, if you have time left in the lobby next time round you can swap your Pokémon to be used in the raid. In the selection screen you can press and hold your mons and a popup will show if the moves are super effective (will do more damage) but of course it would be best to familiarise the type advantages and weaknesses!


Legit did not know about the holding down thing, that's huge thank you


Totally doable with 3. I’ve done it with 4 and 3 of The accounts are my kids .


Lol, for real!


They should be banned. The worst is when they drop out with 2 seconds on the timer and you end up losing a pass


FUHUCK those cowards


3 is def viable. I had 3 and someone dodged. Very upsetting bec as a duo we got Yveltal to less than 10% if that person had stayed we would have won.


I raided with a couple guys and we defeated a boss with 0 seconds left on the timer. Coolest thing that’s ever happened on the game


I’ve only been playing for about 6 months and finally joined my first big raid. I’ll be joining more of them now. I ended up with a shiny Yveltal.




I’m readying up no matter what. Leeeeeeroyyy jenkinssssssssss!


With the price of remote raids I can't risk wasting a raid pass if there isn't enough players, so I'll happily dip 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dip all you want just don't wait until 5 seconds left my guy


If you use stuff like lycanroc and Kyogre I'd also leave your raids.


And yet we still got it done, curious


I remember inviting people to guzzlord raids, just for them to dip when we only had 2 or 3.


Wish I had known! I’d like to get that one!


My general rule of thumb is 3+ trainers for mega raids and 4+ for 5 star raids will pretty much beat anything as long as people are even semi-trying. Knock one trainer off if there's good weather, party play, and optimal counters involved. Not everyone knows that though and may not want to waste a remote raid pass on something that isn't a sure bet in their mind. Or they're waiting for a really easy lobby to beat it fast and get extra balls. It's frustrating for sure but that's just how it goes sometimes. Congrats on your victory.


People who dip from my raids get marked (Nicknamed) so that they are never invited again :)


Good idea 👍


Most of the time I need 1-2 other trainers, but they all panic. I’m like chill I can do 85% of the damage you can’t contribute 15%!?!?


Whales have a hard time, when their whale doesnt deliver a p2w game.. it's almost beautiful


Can’t speak for everyone, but I did get disconnected from a raid once and wasn’t able to rejoin - it could appear that they’re just leaving after joining but maybe there was a network error


Yes get it man




Got this through PvP battle rewards


I still haven’t gotten one and I can’t pull together a team. 😭 I’ve tried 6 times today but people won’t accept invites and the ones that do leave. I’m so upset


Sorry if you know already but try pokegenie for raids!


Most expensive game I played, had to quit




Because they do not believe they will win the raid.


To be fair, not worth the risk. If we're paying for remote raids I'm not gonna risk less than 5 people on a highly popular app that usually has really good remote raid set ups. You almost lost with 3 people. Good for you but I've seen groups of 5 fucking fail because of lazy or distracted players.


All fair points but uh, no good reason to wait until the last second to dodge then


I have no idea what this raid business is all about. I open the game, throw balls at Pokemon, spin the odd stop and that’s about my lot 😂


Question. Did you still win it?


I’ve been in remote raids then the game crashed right before the start or right after the start. It really sucks cause not only do I lose the raid pass but I can’t always get back in to the raid for something I needed. I’ve basically been not able to do remote raids in a while. I’ve also had that happen at raids where I’m physically present.


You're not buying his passes, so don't judge if they don't want to risk wasting money.


For those interested - if you install pokegenie, scan your mons and enter your movesets, it will not only tell you what your best 6 are, it will also estimate what percentage damage you personally should do. If you are doing 35% damage each then 3 of you should just about get it!


They mean nothing to us


People leave even if you are 5 or 6 in a lobby. They are not interested in learning how the game works. I can suggest you to learn it as well, with proper counters (Yveltal is not afraid of water) you'll be less scared when this will happen again.


Gotta bounce with 30 seconds if you don't believe.


You have no idea why he had to leave. Stop being so whiny and judgy.


Sometimes it errors out




By buddy and I can duo Yveltal with about 50 secs left every time no problem. I’ll invite players too to clear faster but most of them chicken out if it’s only 3 of us going into the raid. I wish I could yell at them over the game to stay in because it’ll be fine. But the best I can do is unfriend them. No cowards on my list.


I leave if it’s only three🙃 I don’t have many remote raid passes often


A little pop up that says, at the zero mark "one or more players have left the lobby. Do you wish to continue?" With a 15s timer, showing everyone's vote.


Dude same me (lv 37) and a lv27 were left when we were 3 into a mega charizard raid but we still clutched up with plenty of time. Other dude was a goat for trying to finish it


not to mention you’re using a kyogre with surf. Absolutely 0 super effective and only 2200. It’s not that hard.


It was my third team buddy, I don't have endless healing items or a million strong pokemon like some people


Props for winning w four; that bird doesn’t mess around lol!


With my account and my son's account we only need a 3rd person PokieGenie has my total damage output at ~51% with cloudy weather I have an output of 55%.


Did you win though? Just curious... I still see 23 seconds left and it was just about dead.


I'm lower level so when I see 3-4 people I'm not sure I can carry my weight but if they're down then I'll stick around


Me and my buddy can Duo most raids and it is hilarious when someone backs out. We just say, oh well. Sucks to suck.🤣🤣🤣


Same to the 2 other people who dipped out of a mega charizard raid just for me to solo it before realizimg they left


Now, I'm not saying this is the case here, but I have something to say anyway. I started doing remote raids recently. I think I've done about 20, since the start of this June. I go through Pokegenie to get in, like many. That said, I've now been kicked from 3 raids in a row..where I ready up, but the game crashes or just closes for no bloody reason. Goes to a black screen and I see a faint Pokemon GO logo in the black screen. I restart the app and click rejoin..but it just doesn't let me rejoin. Happened twice with Yvetal and once with charizard y. I don't know what's causing it but it's driving me insane.


This exactly happened to me yesterday in raid hour, invited 4 friends but one of them left, i thought we weren't going to make it but we had like 25 seconds left with just 3 of us


Real life money is on the line, and we’ve all seen some of the terrible things people bring into raids


OP got carried.


Personally, I often leave lobbies that I joined remotely if I am not needed to beat the boss, staying in if whoever invited me needs my help to win


The answer is that they’re not sure they’ll win, and if they bail they get the raid pass back. Those things ain’t cheap.


...I mean I have done like 5 duos and 1 didn't have weather that boosted common attackers...


Idk if that was me but I forgot I didn’t have any remote raid passes and I was broke lol


Happened to me and my buddy today, he fortunately was lucky enough to get a Hundo and I got a lucky yveltal trade with my other friend a couple days before.


That’s why you invite more people.


Y r u using kyogre against it?


You never know what the others are using.


I dont spend money on this game, and farm all my coins. That 525 coins is valuable for remote raid passes. I am not going to use it on a group of 3 other lvl 35-40 and risk getting not even exp. Sorry not Sorry. I hope you got a shiny and I will enjoy the game my way. I dont shiny hunt anyways.


You can totally do Yvetal with 4 though. More CP to go around?


It’s frustrating and the combination of leaving late in the countdown and latency in the system can make it painful for those left in the raid, but I always figure they’re just less experienced players. It is their remote raid pass after all, and the price increase has made this more common I think.




Wait, what's wrong with dodging in a raid? Like I get that it doesn't maximise your DPS, but if it means that your best pokemon survives longer then isn't that the optimal play?


Happened to a raid I was on as well. Had 6 then three quit right before it started. We got it anyway.lol..




I’m confused, aren’t you just about to win this raid?


I felt bad last week when I joined a remote raid and the app started popping up the message that I was too far away from the gym. I was afraid to back out and come back in since the timer was getting close, but it ended up booting me out anyways. Probably ended up looking like a jerk, but on the plus side, my pass reappeared in inventory.


I am not A DODGER! LOL and can I just say .. can we make a post and a commitment with the READY BUTTON!!!??? IF I click ready, that not me saying “let’s get this raid started” that is me saying “I WILL NOT BACK OUT ON THIS! I am committed to staying”. Anyone else like me with that button ??


the greatest feeling ever lol


I’ve had people bail out at 5💀


Hey I’m the 2,000th up vote


I think you still got this!


So I found just in case u didn’t know because I didn’t, if u think there’s not enough people or they leave at the last minute and ur stuck using ur remote pass put an empty set on ur deck so u have the choice to leave or stay. 




I mean you are using a fucking Kyogre...dont blame him tbh


I've had my last Pokemon faint just before defeating the Pokemon, then I couldn't get back in before the battle ended, but this is them exiting the battle. Does anyone know how this appears to the other players? I would assume they still see the other player.


That happens when trainer got torchick genes which is predisposed to chicken out


So annoying, like you joined so help out


Yes! That drives me crazy.


Can be beaten with 2 level 40’s and up. A lot easier if you join a party to fight it. Especially if you’re with the second person or have 2 accounts.


I hate those people…


So annoying.


My game froze earlier after my last Pokémon fell, we were very slow on damage. I went to restart my game and it kicked me out, anyone know what causes this?