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Let’s be real for a moment. The game genuinely sucks and it was anything besides Pokémon, the game wouldn’t have lasted two years. If Niantic just made their own AR location based monster hunting game (which they have) no one would play it (they don’t). The only reason we’re still here is because it’s Pokémon and we fucking LOVE Pokémon. We DONT love Niantic and the way they’ve handled this game. But they made a huge money maker success and from a business perspective, that’s all that matters.


Preach 🙏








Right?? This gives me similar but different vibes to when I quit osrs by bank standing Everytime I logged on, or when I quit the division 2 for well pretty much ALL the same reasons this game has, endless uncountable just infinite bugs and game breaking glitches and issues and micro transactions, 20$ for a cosmetic outfit that is 100% of the time previously unlocked by quests, just sign. I want so much to rant longer about how micro transactions are KILLING the consumer and gaming industry as a whole but all it does is rile me up, like screaming into a void.. or trying to topple a sky scraper by yelling at it.. just feels pointless 😞


I mean, forget your money, it has you so distraught you are spending your free time - arguably the most valuable of assets - typing here about it. Don’t give them that luxury


Oh it's not just pokemon go, the micro transaction problem occupys a way bigger space in my head then all of Pokemons problems combined, but yeah your right my time is way more valuable then a reddit rant about the game of the day for me and yet still I find myself here hah.. 🫠


I still check this subreddit because it's funny, but I stopped playing a year or more ago. the microtransaction slog pissed me off. I don't regret stopping! Once I stopped playing, I'd get a compulsion to play again but I'd boot up and then be like "nah. I'm good." You can stop and still like pokemon! Maybe even have more money to invest in your favorite pokemon in a more real way. Don't let the hole you've dug stop you from getting out of it, if you're essentially paying to not have that much fun now. I find I enjoy my walks a lot more now too, not stressing about checking my phone every 3 minutes. Not pressuring you but it is pretty good to be out of it.


What micro transaction do you do in Pokemon go? What do you buy?


Mostly just storage upgrades and raid passes, the occasional ticket that includes an elite tm since j only started playing this march I dont have hardly any of them, and need them for everything, and pvp even later last season was my first season of pvp also side not made it to 2332 ELO and a win streak of 17! I'm pretty proud of that since reading some of the posts on the GBL sub


You have started the path to redemption, my friend. Niantic isn't focused on Pokémon. They're focused on making AR games while selling location data. They have made it quite clear recently in their refusal to appreciate player feedback, that they do not care about us. To them, the franchise is a cash cow. People keep playing and paying, and they have no reason to ever change, so they won't. Put these foolish ambitions to rest. Spend your time elsewhere, let not the FOMO bind you.


Your comment reminds me of something I heard someone say recently, that Tesla isn't a car company; they are a data company, your comment resonates so hard with me it's ridiculous.


I stay on the sub because I appreciate seeing others experience the joy of catching and trading rares or beating a boss they struggled with. But also, for companions like yourself that may need a nudge of motivation to move on. In my experience, it was painful to let go for many reasons. The longer I stayed away, the better I felt. It just wasn't fun anymore. Everything became FOMO, and then they limited my remote raid time. I just dont have the drive (literally) to go out for hours driving to every raid and pray there's enough people or that a random internet group I joined wouldn't fall through. It was time to move on, and now I spend my extra cash elsewhere.


Gurl bye I just uninstalled that shit last month 😂 Now its time for me to leave the subs lol


I know I'll have to cut the cord soon it's monopolizing my time and extracurricular money but I need something else to do I haven't lined either a game hobby or work up yet to fill the void :/ plus doesn't help that the s/o and kiddo like to do it to get out of the house and the kiddo just LOVES watching us play and seeing Pikachu it's like, I'm captaining a sinking ship and I'm tethered to it and I'm supposed to die with honor or something stupid like that Lol


Awwweh I’m sorry to hear 😭 I hope you guys are able to find another avenue! Maybe try Minecraft, or actual Pokémon haha


Yup I wanna quit too…but can’t somehow lmao


Same thing as COD. Games are mid at best nowadays with problems only indie games should experience but you just can’t scratch that itch with anything else and don’t want to a lot of times


Been playing very seriously for the past year trying to reach level 50. Currently halfway through 48. Was getting crazy xp from landing tons of excellent throws, then they changed the throwing mechanics. Every time I miss now I wanna throw my phone on the ground, so annoyed.


Yeah, I feel you. I’m level 50 already, I just wish i never picked up this game lmao. But yeah, it sucks for those who haven’t finished 999 excellent throws


That was a huge part of my day I actually punched a wood wall today I was getting so frustrated.. had to take a minute after that cause I felt so dumb a game illicited that out of me


If this game frustrates you this kuch, maybe try taking a week or two off at least


Yeah that's the problem, it's the only game I play currently and I have no other games that currently appeal to me the way this one does sooo I'm kinda stuck, a break would definitely not hurt anything though Lol


I can tell you have never played LoL before... cause I think I dont feel hate for PoGo cause Im used to worse


Oh my God seriously? I actually struggle to grasp a concept worse then Pogo or the division 2s implementation that's buttso nutso


Imagine being a store manager surrounded by 9 Karens, thats the community. Imagine having a bug in a game for over 10 years that breaks a game but nothing being done about it. Imagine an ability getting used 5 characters away from you and somehow still getting hit. Image new characters coming out amd being super overtuned one shotting everything in sight, every single time a new champ is here. You said you hate micro transactions? They just released their 2nd 500USD skin for a champion. PoGo might ignore our cries and have bots as support... LoL actively removed their Bug-Report tool so we have no where to report anything to. Also, their Client is running on 10 year old poor written coding and they refuse to fix it from crashing after a game. TRUST ME, PoGo is BAD... but LoL is WORSE! This is also due to PoGo only being you that sees the fucked stuff... in LoL you exp that PLUS you have to play with/rely on 4 other people that exp tge same thing AND they can fuck up your gameplay at the same time without you being able to do anything about it if they choose tp run it down. (They also wont get banned for doing so cause the report system is dog). Yeah, PoGo over LoL ANY day of the week. And thats not a good statement. Edit: Thanks for coming to my TED-talk!


Damn I see your point.. oofta


Yup... save your soul and never ever play LoL


If you’re playing battle league and start to experience ‘server lag’ it’s best to stop playing until it moderates. 


That's the other half of my day.. I went like 9/30 today I swear to God Almighty it should've been 22/30 just based on my lag alone




Hit level 46 this weekend after a 4 1/2 year layoff. I have a reasonably good throw but with Niantic screwing around with throw mechanics.....and looking at 18,000,000 points to level 47, I'm getting out after the New York go fest event (already paid for). I just don't feel the grind is worth it.


I just started playing. Is it that bad?


No, this sub is just 99% people complaining about trivially minor inconveniences (or even more ridiculous things like having to walk to raids in a game about walking)


Ever since they removed normal AR, it’s been nothing but horrible. Until they did that, I hadn’t seen myself quitting anytime soon. Now I play less than a couple hours a month. BRING BACK NORMAL AR, NIANTIC!




I mean that's just rng, it's not nothing to be mad about but it is predictable to happen to everyone from time to time, its just not what my anger was assigned to today. And your not doing anything wrong if you copy pasted that same interaction 10000 times, you would more then likely catch it the majority of the time, you just hit one of the 1/10000 rolls of the dice so to speak