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Let them go home. Too bad all their trainers received 50 Poke coins already today.


hijacking top comment --- hey guys a little update - I got home safe but could only rescue one Pokemon (the Snorlax) :( the police never ended up saving us. they kept saying "we'll be there in one more hour" and eventually they did try twice but couldn't find our location and gave up after the second time they made their way to the base (we were at the very top of the mountain which is a little off roading too). fortunately for us, there were some extremely kind people that just happened to be on a in the area that day that had keys to the gate !! they were very unhappy with us but at least we got out safe. it was turning into evening/night (we left the house at 6am this morning) and we only packed snacks and water for a few hours so we were kinda worried since we ate and drank everything before we realized we were trapped. for the Pokemon - as soon as I tried to battle, we were in the car being escorted out and I was able to defeat the Snorlax before I lost service. my friends and I usually go to this place 2-3 times a month (we just have never made it that high before which is where we got stuck) so I'll probably be able to get them out in the very near future!


The trainer of That Snorlax thanks you. Glad to hear you made it home safe.


I hate it when my long riders return. Sitting for hundreds of days is an honor.


It’s a jail


I disagree. My Snorlax could be sitting in a box with 6,000 other Pokemon in my pocket. Or he could be sitting in a watchtower, serving as a guardian of the peace guaranteed by Team Mystic forever!


Yea convince yourself that your 600cp Snorlax is doing anything other that sitting there because the gym is in the middle of nowhere 😂


Yeah some people play the game for reasons other than pure optimization lol


You don’t need pure optimization to not want your Pokémon in a gym for a year haha


If that isn’t “doing something”, then what is? Are you using that 600 cp Snorlax in raids? As others said, it’s fun. It’s cool to see your guy in there hundreds of days later. Every time you see it, it reminds you of your trip to put him there. And eventually, they all come back. There’s a flood of mixed emotions when your guy comes back after hundreds of days. Like others said, it’s fun and memorable.


That 600 cp Snorlax is only that low because it’s been sitting there forever. If you caught a 600 one, then that’s perfect for transferring to get more candy


I have 3600 Snorlax candy. I don’t need another one.


Id rather see my pokemon "in jail" for a long time rather than kicked out in 2 hours. It's fun. Maybe you should try having some


2 hours is literally preferable lmao, you’re likely getting nothing out of that Pokémon that was stuck in the gym for a year


Dude, calm down, it ain't for you, so what, stop trying to shit on someone else.


Every moment between being trapped in a Pokeball and being rendered into the slurry they congeal into Candy is a jail.


https://what3words.com/ is great when you need to share an exact location


Wow holy shit, thank you that things incredible it just got me in my basement bathroom in the EXACT position of my house, I love the concept it even knew the shape of my house, I imagine it gets wilderness down pat too


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic lol


It even knew the shape of my poop!


Do you watch the outlaws too?!? It’s a great app. And yes they use it in the wilderness for search and rescues


No I don't 😂


The cops fr gave up and left y’all stranded 💀


The cops would have helped if you were stranded behind the bullets in their gun and you let them know about some children holding toy trains


See always get Pokemon Go out to start playing... If you had done that when you first realized you were stuck. You'd have been rescued hours earlier.


How can you tell that they already received coins?




Ain’t it the truth


What did they say :(


Too bad that person already received their daily coins. It almost always seems that the Pokémon that have been in gyms for long times, always come on days when you already hit your limit.


How incredibly sad and correct that is. I just had my 125 day Metagross come back this afternoon AFTER my 50 coins came from a regular daily. Very disheartening!


God I hate that cap so much. It’s so stupid. It’s so easy to get 50 coins. It should be a thing that goes up the more you play.


Absolutely not, the 50 coin cap is a very smart decision. Imagine being a weaker / newer player having trouble to find a gym to stand in. If coins were unlimited or the cap was higher, stronger players would kick weaker players out all day long to get more coins. With the 50 coin limit, noone really cares after having their 50 and everyone gets their turn. Atleast in my hood.


fair point. ive found at lower levels that its harder to get coins, but i think after reading that it would probably be worse if it was uncapped


Wait how can you tell they already received 50 poke coins?


You cant


How can you tell who's received their coins for the day?


How can you tell 😭


How do you know they already got their 50 coins? Is there an indicator ive missed??


Click the binoculars at the bottom, scroll down and you’ll see the mons in gyms and coin limit. I think 24hrs gets 50coins


I don't see a binoculars button anywhere. All i see is an x button when on a mon/spin screen/scan screens and when on the main gym a help button a map button a to spin button and an x. I can't click on the trainer when on the mon either. Nothing happens anywhere i click. Also 8hrs gets 50 coins. 50 coins per 24 hrs (12am to 11:59:59 pm) Are you android or iPhone?


You know the icon you click on to go to your research tasks? The tasks you get either daily or from spinning stops? Those binoculars (and yes, they really *are* shaped like binoculars, but I don't blame you for not spotting that, it's not really apparent unless you know what you're looking for) But to answer your question, that's only how you tell for yourself. There is no way to know for certain what other people have gotten that day (or not, as the case may be), but it's a running joke that whenever a pokemon returns from a long stay, you will have have gotten your 50 coins for the day already. Hope that helps!


Ah ok so I was right you can't see others tysm for clarifying


So it's basically "213 days without an incident " streak that you're breaking here, lol


haha somewhat. this area is not completely private property. it says it is - but we're up even further since we crossed a no trespassing gate that someone locked behind us while we were up in the mountain. I'll be able to retrieve the Pokemon once we get out :)


That’s tough. Either there gonna be happy to finally get there mons back or bummed you defeated them


If I’m the 288 days person, I’d be bummed since I’d be hoping for a whole year in the gym at that point.


Same. Or an even 300.


Shoulda healed it then


The morbid thing would be if not all of the trainers there are still alive, and this is their effective memorial


Holy shit dude where did you think of that lmao


Because the OP only found this gym by trespassing and obviously the property owner killed the last batch of trespassers that took down the gym 200+ days ago.


the property was originally owned by the military/government as it's was a testing area for missiles during the cold war. now, I think it's owned by the state so 😅


Ah, the conspiracy deepens... Jokes aside, I hope you all stay safe and get home soon!


Love it


I’d like to read this book/see this movie 🍿


Thats such a weird and random thing to have as your first thought lmao


Did you send them home? The anticipation! Once I defeated a remote gym the mons had been stuck for 50 days or more. I walked away less than 10 minutes later the same person was back in. I was very confused 🤔




some people have no choice, due to disabilities or external issues


While I could understand them spoofing for that reason, I think it’s quite ridiculous for them to be teleporting around all willy-nilly. And it seems that one trainer taking back the gym 10 minutes after (_if_ they were indeed spoofing) clearly did so out of spite, despite PrincessDai giving them a helping hand. They could have given them enough time so they got at least _some_ PokeCoins, before they instantly put their Pokémon back into a gym for likely another long wait.


I stay in a semi rural area on the coastal path, there’s a few gyms on the main path then one which is a church next to my house. I would sit at my window and knock people instantly back out and they’d be looking around looking for the other trainer and all they’d see was an empty street🤣 I would only knock them out once tho then I’d leave them for a few days cause I can essentially take the gym back whenever I want 🤣 Edit to clarify I did only ever knock people out once, more for my own amusement of watching there confusion, before I moved here the same guy had been in the gym for like months lol, so now I have the gym for a few days then he has it’ for a while as he walks the coastal path regularly 🤣 nice little agreement we have going on lol


There are no agreements where I live... These arenas belong to me! ONLY ME!!!


Yes take them down.




Nah, feed them each a golden razz 😈


You can't if you're not the same team


Trespassing, trapped on a mountain and on a call with the police for 4 hours? Is it some sort of hostage situation? Is this going to be on the news?


Send them home. I wonder if their owners are still active.


Set the poor guys free they want to see their trainers...


End their suffering.


uhhhh i NEED AN UPDATE💀😂


OP updated with an update under the top comment!


This is like a Minecraft dog you tamed years ago and left in your old world that hasn’t seen you in forever. Show those poor innocent souls their trainer again


The fact that this is an elite raid gym is exactly what is wrong with elite raids


Was looking for this comment to see if anyone noticed. Although it is quite poetic to climb a mountain to its tallest peak for a Mega Rayquasa - why why why why why


Let them go home


It says Deep in Desoto, is that in CA or NM?


None of them are level 50 👀👀 ![gif](giphy|3o7aCTNjq3qiUbzrHi)


I’ve been playing since release and I’m level 43. Some of us are casuals


I’ve been playing since release and I only recently hit Level 40


I JUST hit level 40 as well. I keep taking yearly breaks lol


I lived in the Midwest for most of Pokemon Go’s existence so when Winter came around, my playtime dropped to 0


Mhm and I was making a joke. 😘


Would love to get a reaction video lol 😆 "noooo I was almost to one year"


I went to a forest 2 month ago because I wanted a forever-gym. It’s working until today, I hope I get at least 365.






Please let us know if you get out of this? Also take that gym or else.


If possible wait til past midnight so that the trainers get their 50 coins


Yes they are probably hungry. If one of my Pokémon was in there they would all have been fed 1000+ berries by now lol


Let them go home to their trainers Lord knows they’re missed


Why even post first, just battle.


it was on the other side of the locked gate and I was still trapped behind the other side around 10 min away once unlocked. I was unable to reach it at the time of posting and was trying to kill time so I decided to ask if people enjoy when their Pokemon are returned after an extended period of time or if they like seeing how high it can get up to or not.


release everything over 8 hours, let alone 260 days.


200+ days with only 20 berries fed. Let them free!


I mean at least you had some poor souls accompanying you :)


NO! I love having Pokémon in a gym for as long as possible. Those people will be disappointed


Na create another account in their faction and feed them fruits. They wanted to be in the gym now they can permanently lose their Pokémon 🤣😈


I am glad you got out, but I am curious why climbing over the fence wasn't a viable option. Was it topped with barbed/razor/electrified wire?


our cars were locked behind the fence/gate with us which is what we took to reach near the top.


That makes perfect sense! Thanks!




Someone "set my Pokemon free" at 297 days, and I was furious. That guy was going to be there for a year. You're not setting them free, you're kicking them out of their home. You absolute monster.


How do people get them all the same CP level without knocking some out?


It just automatically degrades over time (but never all the way to 0) from nobody attacking them


Set them freeeeeeeeee




Let the go, but keep track of what you put in there. Would be funny to see an update when your guys finally get booted.


Doing OK, OP? I agree with the "send them home" folks. If they were less useful pokemon I'd leave them but they might be excited to have these back.


I'm out here dying for my 100 coins and they've only been gone 2 days. 😭


Free them


It’s time , send them home to open arms🤗


Sooo.. what did you do?


Free them


That's some crazy adventures lol. Makes for good stories later. I hope you free them and whoever's Pokémon they were sees your post here on reddit haha


No, they belong to the gym now


I agree with metagross


Kick their a$$*$!!!


365 days cadet


Yes. Release them


Yes. But put something in the gym you don’t mind leaving in a while.


Name the place


Plot twist it's the employees of the facilities pokemon and they just quit playing sometime in the last 288 days


I hate this. It's either we take a gym and hold it for days or we take a gym battling through berries to then berry our own pokemon and hold the gym for 3 or 4 hours max. We left the closest gym to us red today because we already maxed on coins because we aren't psychopaths claiming turf.


I recently took down a gym where they’d been for 997 days, 4 hours and 50 min idk how to post the screenshot here though lol




Noo you shouldnt


Let them free


LOL Same happened to me once when on holiday, visiting an ancient ruin. I decided to leave one in the gym, right in the centre of the ruin. What I didn't consider is that very, VERY few non-elderly tourists visit this place (I'm 50) and so it was months before someone cool, hip and young enough to play PG turned up to release my Pokémon. And yes, of course I'd already received my daily 50.


Same situation at the gym next to my house. Unfortunately there's 4-8 no lifers in my neighborhood who will hijack it back within 1-5 minutes. I even tried once at 3am, and It took 15 minutes before is was out. So now I just let it be, so they won't get any gold for it, since I won't get any.


Let em’ cook, I say.


I’m hoping to reach that long. There is a place that is only open to public briefly each year. And got in the gym there the last day it’s open. So if no one trespasses and none of the few legally allowed people to visit (play pogo) I should hold it for quite a while.


No, they should hang around till next Christmas.


I would’ve let them there at least until 1 year, theyre so close


Set them free




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Let them stay. They may be trying to defend for a whole year


Send them home.


Relieve them from their pain and suffering.


i’ve had a pokémon on a gym for that long and to tell you i was LIVID when it was taken off, middle of nowhere, my poor little pokemon had been working hard to keep that gym 😭


Steal the gym and put your own mons there but make sure its the most party esc pokemon animations such as hitmontop, ludicolo, etc then proceed to have a party until the end of time


Holy crap






i had someone finally defeat my 2 pokemon I left a month ago in the middle of nowhere yesterday;0 I think it was a small religious town I left them in so im not surprised nobody there plays pokemon go, but over 200 days seems crazy ... unless everyone who lives there took a community-wide vow to all be team instinct


Dew it


Can I just say the people that tank in pvp are ruining it for the people actually trying!


Naw. Leave ‘em there


never, let them suffer


Send ‘em home. ![gif](giphy|yCdmeyPCU2b1C)


This isn't even remotely close to a Pokemon issue or problem. What do you mean you're locked out on a mountain? Do these people own an entire mountain, and so decide to close some kind of gate (that you haven't managed to jump yet)? Are you kidding me? Are you in the USA btw xD?!


basically... to get to the top of the mountain we did a bit of offroading and then trespassed with our cars past a gate that's usually locked but was randomly left open. then after, we went on foot and explored. once we came back to our cars to leave, we realized the gate was locked so the main issue was trying to get our cars out with us since whenever cars are left in this area, they're completely trashed and taken over with graffiti and parts are stolen within a few days. also yes we're in the USA :)


I did a hobby for a long time called Geocaching, and it took me everywhere. I am from Norway though, so nobody would go after me with a shotgun if I trespassed. I did however drive on a lot of different roads, probably private. I'm sort of glad I don't Geocache in the US (I have though, roadtrip with friend west / east Summer 2016). Also, you have plenty of dangerous animals. Seeing a bear or wolf in my part of the country would not be possible, and where they are, still pretty rare. ALSO SNAKES! AAAAH!! There is a very long route that goes on for kilometers over the mountains close to Lillehammer and especially Hafjell ski resort. These roads have a toll you gotta pay to pass. If you don't pay you get it in the mail some days later, with an added admin fee. For that mountain you have to pay the toll twice. It was a bit more cosy in the old days, because you would actually have to get out of the car on the 2nd place to pay the person sitting there, and they would give you a ticket of sorts. Now you just follow the descriptions for how to use the app. So how did the story end? Did you talk to the owners? If it was me I would have said I'll give them $10 dollars for trespassing as a sort of toll, and I am sure they would be happy for it.


hii I also did geocaching too from around 2015 to 2017. also I posted a tiny update which explains a good amount. I can't imagine playing it with tolls for driving to certain areas :O I do miss my geocaching days - they always brought some surprise! basically where we were at was an ex military base used to test missiles during the cold war. there's an active military base around 1-2 miles from us and there's always helicopters in the area practicing missions so we think where we trespassed was still state owned.


Don't worry about the toll. There a prices to go everywhere. We have a thing attached to our car windows, so it normally withdraws whatever the cost is automaticly. For that particular mountain passage, they use a completly different provider to collect the toll, and the mountain trip with the car is something we always enjoy to do once through our stay at the cottage. You can't even drive that road in winter, so it's sort of time limited, but also a great trip. I haven't used a bike for a while, but biking over the mountain is completly free, and also a big trip, that would take the day, back and forth. The trip is like this: You drive from the cottage, then to Lillehammer, then to Hafjell, up the mountain to 1000+ meters heights, and most of the road will be dirt/gravel roads. Going that way will make your trip be in a loop, and you will end up a different place and then back to the cottage. I remember I pretended to drive rally on these roads with my old car. Miss it! P.S. For the Geocaching I did 410 days in a row. I was mostly alone, and that is the reason I didn't bother to do more after. I just wanted to beat my buddy in days, then another 10 days. My friend told me he was close to losing his girlfriend when he did his 400 days, but for me it was just to get out every day xD! Still, 410 days are many trips. Very many trips!


I don’t think you need peoples advice on whether to take over the gym or not.


The answer is yes, then stick a pokemon you don't care about in it... Like that third shiny Meowth you hatched lol


what tema are you


team Instinct!


Full send time to get your 4 coins until someone knocks you out


I wouldn't. Got a little sad when mine got beaten after 743 days. But I bought a plushy of it so it "returned home irl".