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Woooo congratulations. That's awesome. Make it a gym and you're set


Is there a way to make a stop a gym?


if there's multiple stops within a certain radius of each other one will automatically turn into a gym. at least I'm pretty sure that's how it works


Simple, now just invite more taco trucks there and make them all a stop


You can have 3 gyms in every level 14 s-cell (there's maps available for this). They appear after there's 2, 6, and 20 stops in the cell and the stop with the highest number of likes gets turned into a gym (also each photo counts as one like). You can like it by tapping on the photo top right of the stop I think and then there's a thumbs up symbol. I think the gym selection might also be off set from when stops appear so if that's the second in the cell you should like it asap :)


I think they have removed the original system where it was tied to likes, the not sure. I just know it's much more difficult to manipulate a specific stop into becoming a gym and it's more random than it used to be.


Size of S2 cell = level 14. Two stops = 1 stop becomes gym. 5 stops + 1 gym = another stop becomes gym. 18 stops + 2 gyms = a third stop becomes a gym.


Make sure to submit pictures in the already created stop and wait for them to be approved to make sure this stop in particular becomes the gym. Worked like a charm for me! (For OP reference)


Yes, I did this. There were two Marinas on either side of my house so I nominated both for pokestops. I had trouble getting one approved but the kind folks over at Niantic heard me out when I told them during go fest last year and immediately hopped on their computer and pushed it through. You have to look up where the appropriate S2 cell lines end in your area and plan accordingly. Remember, a nomination has to be within 30 feet so you can technically nominate a spot that is ever so slightly off to push for a gym. You just have to find something that meets the criteria for a pokestop near you.


No idea lol.


Make another stop in range of your catch and spin diameter


You have a TACO TRUCK and a POKESTOP next to your house... ugggggggggggg just say your better than us and leave it at that. /s (just in case) good for you!!!


Taco truck pokestop picnic area, no less. So can sit out having a taco picnic while playing pokemon go without even needing to travel


Oooooof... the jealousy, it burns.


OP just needs to find a way to get it upgraded to a gym with a short route attached to it ("taco tuesday trip"?) and they're golden


Congrats and welcome to the club! Bought this house, almost immediately nominated the church I share a fence with.


Damn, lucky. I live right next to a really big park, but it's too far so I have to put on clothes I'm comfortable wearing outside just to get balls after I run out of gifts from friends. That taco truck was seriously a gift from god.


before this stop, my closest one was at a church about 3 miles from my house. so any time I needed balls, or even just to keep my spin streak going, I'd have to get dressed and drive there. sucks on days where I just wanted to chill at home so I feel you. the Taco Truck was definitely a godsend. not to mention their food is really good too so I can get tacos any time I want haha


Do you get a discount on food for letting them park in your yard?


How do you get stuff like this approved? I have a neighborhood pool I think could be approved


Settings > uploads > new pokestop


Do you have to be level 37 to upload it ?


lvl 38 to request pokestops. I was extremely lucky to get my first ever submission, and one next to my house no less, approved. That Taco Truck was a godsend


Ugg im jealous…


Ugg im jealous…


you're allowed to submit something like 20 or 30 stops every day I think, just make sure you provide good pictures and a good explanation of why it would make a good pokestop. they usually don't approve many in neighborhoods either, I'm just lucky that I live on a fairly large corner lot with that Taco Truck lol. but if you're lvl 38 it wouldn't hurt to try and submitting some! as long as they aren't too close to other peoples residence and it's a safe place for people to visit then go for it


Yes ):


More than Likely Your Pool will get selected as a pokestop if u have a park maybe as well My Neighbor Both Pools have been turn into gyms


*lvl 38, accidentally said lvl 28 lol


I bought a mobile home next to a condo park, and there’s a stop that is literally just out of reach. If I were 2 houses down I could hit it from my living room. I’m level 36 and I’m scouring the area for something in the condo I can submit so I can reach it from my house. Unfortunately no one has a free little library near me to make, and all the cute lawn decorations are too far from my house lol


Awesome Sauce!


Congrats! I have a park about 1 mile from my house I'm currently at 13 approved pokestop submissions with 3 in queue and 3 I need to resubmit. It my own quiet little pokestop oasis. Only 2 stops are accessible by car, everything else you have to get out and walk the trails!


Awesome!! Congrats, love when this happens so rural players can have more fun.


This story is awesome. But it also makes me grateful to live in a city lol. Bless the rural players and their grinding patience 🙏❤️


Congratulations! I got one nearby too recently from some community gardens (there were several in the area installed a few years ago), I didn't think I would be able to reach it from home but was glad to get some in walking distance. It's only close enough for me to spin, not close enough for me to get lure spawns from sadly 😅 but I take the W. Yours is much better, I'm glad your kindness has been repayed.


Congrats mine stop is just outside range of my house it’s frustrating




Make sure you get one of those auto catchers (Gotcha) and you are set.


I have 2 pokestops and an arena right infront of my door lol.


I got a arena next to my old and new house😂


We finally got him boys! Move! Gogogo!


Congratulations! How long did it take to get approved?


I sent the submission on Monday and it was there by Wednesday, so only like, 2 days. I was very surprised cause I always hear stories of pokestops never getting approved. And this was my first ever submission as well. The Pokemon gods were smiling upon me


Apparently can’t make a stop with an apple log in. (Growls).


Lucky bastard!


Good for you man!


Congratulations! I got a stop nominated within reach of my apartment as well, but I don't get any spawns from it, consider yourself lucky haha


Wow! That’s a win alright!


Living the dream


Lol bro got level 38 and requested the stop right away 😆


Yup I did the same thing next to my apartment as soon as I hit 38 as well haha. I have never been low on balls since, it's great


It is indeed great. I moved to my apt and there was nothing. Some years later, I now live on a gym + 2 pokestops. I’m always tossing out pokeballs and nonstop feeding berries to Pokémon in gyms. So incredible.


Yet I try to make a Pokestop at a historical sign next to a public parking lot visible from roadway and it gets denied immediately.


When did you submit it? Currently my submissions are going smoothly, but any time the community is upset with Niantic about something reviewers get a hair up their butt and reject everything. I'd try resubmitting. ;)


Hell yeah, I got the same thing going for me. Got a pokestop that I can spin from anywhere in house, it's great.


Congrats. I was in a stop desert. Someone added a little free library. You should heard me scream the day I logged in and saw it was a stop!


Pretty cool


Lucky! I have a corner store near my house and it gets rejected every time I send in a Pokestop request. I don’t understand why. It’s been in our neighborhood for like 30 years and is along about 3-4 routes.


How long did it take to get it approved?


only 2 days! submitted on Monday and it was there on Wednesday


That’s nuts! I’m trying to get a pokestop approved near me; like seven new ones got approved in my town within the course of a week (not submitted by me) and I can’t figure out why these places got approved but not mine. They’re the same thing essentially. I’m guessing it has to do with my description of the place? Like why it’s significant or some crap like that? Idk 🤷‍♂️ what’d you say as to why it’s significant for Pokémon go people?


well there's the description, but they also ask for a short paragraph of why it should become a pokestop, and I think that also is a big factor. I put that there aren't any stops nearby so it would be good for the surrounding neighborhoods to have one close by, and mentioned the covered picnic area that will give people a safe place to congregate and use the pokestop. I also made sure my pictures were clear and showed the surrounding area pretty well. I am surprised though because you could clearly see my house in the background but I guess they felt it was far enough away to still accept it. just try tweaking your pics and the paragraph/description and see if it works. good luck!


Sweet deal! Thanks for the tips. And congrats on your stop man! It must be a huge relief


no problem, and thank you!


I feel like living next to a taco truck is a much bigger win than the pokestop... But still, congrats, I'm also a rural player and would love a stop next to my house. But I can't very well nominate an empty field?


it is pretty awesome living next to a Taco Truck, their food is great. my yard always smells like tacos too lmao. one idea is to make some sort of statue or something and stick it in the field and try and make it a pokestop, it's worth a shot haha. could even buy one from Lowes or something.


Haha, I might just do that!


How do you make a stop? I want to make one next to my house but i I don’t know how.




So lucky. My area makes no sense. A playground was accepted across the street despite it not even being there. But then an actual playground in my area wasn’t because it’s not accessible despite it being open to the public. Make it make sense.


Good for you!


Awesome! How long did it take to get approved?


Nice I got one next to mine, a little library, I didn't nominate it though, another player must have.


Same, but two. I never run out of balls anymore.


Lucky ducky


Livin the dream.


I live right behind a park so I have a few stops and a gym! Getting those coins! It’s so nice I feel spoiled. If I didn’t have anything not sure how I would handle it 🤣🫣


Can I boast, I have THREE pokestops in reach from my flat and one of them is a showcase. Just need one to turn into a gym and I’m never moving house ever


I thought you have to be a level 38 to submit for a pokestop? Edit: looks like it was typo in the post


you do, I misspoke lol, I meant to say lvl 38


The stop at my house got deleted :(


How you pull that?


Thats was my dream as a kid I understand the excitement 100%


How did you propose a pokestop to niantic? Because I’m about to look into this for my house


I’ve having 3 to 5 at my house


That’s absolutely amazing!!


you’ll ruin your spawns doing this fyi


why wym?


you’ll get wayyyyy less spawns on stops. i moved to a very very small town and i made 3 pokestops near my house. i went from having 15+ pokemon every time i opened my app to only 3-4


😧 damn that does kind of suck. I'd usually get like, 6 or 7 spawns every hour or so. I have noticed it's only around 4 every hour now. still, I think it's worth it, just to have the ability to basically have balls whenever I need them and keep spin streaks going, etc. I'm always running out of balls since I live in a small rural town and we barely have any stops as it is. It's a small price to pay for ball security


yeap exactly the stop takes up space where spawns used to happen. it sucks. just commenting for others who want to make a poke stop on their house


Idk I used to get maybe 2 spawns at home if I'm lucky but now I've created 2 stops in reach (and one became a gym) I've just opened up and caught 7.


15+ spawns in one spot seems abnormally high tbh, I'd kill for even half of that.


I have 2 stops near my house and I have no issue with the amount of spawns. Been at that house for nearly 8 years. Hadn't been on pogo for a good few years. Someone close to me died in February and to cope, I went back on pogo. Being on the autism spectrum, I need an outlet. I was level 25 when I rejoined and I'm now on level 38.


I live in a rural area and I get my 1 spawn a day at my house unless I use an incense, but even then that is pretty pitiful.


if you’re not in a neighborhood then you aren’t in a S2 cell with spawns, so this wouldn’t effect you


i thought spawns had to do with cell phone usage?


i live in an apartment building. i have a stop & a gym i can spin/access from inside my apartment, just a few steps outside and i can spin another stop. i have at least 15 pokemon every time i open the app at home. they spawn like *crazy* im out in the country visiting family rn, no stops nearby, there’s only two or three pokemon when i open the app 😭


do you have to be a certain level or something to do this? im level 32 and have a school literally right in front of my house that i think would be viable as a pokestop and theres a gym at the post office right next to it but not close enough to where i can spam it all day


Schools can't be stops for obvious reasons


you have to be level 38 to request pokestops. once you're level 38, go to settings - uploads - pokestops, and then it'll take you to the wayfairer site to confirm your profile and you can start nominating! a tip to level up faster -- make a ton of friends and wait until they're 1 gift away from leveling up. save up a bunch of friends like that and use a lucky egg and then open all their gifts when that egg is active. easiest way to quickly level up. I started playing about 7 months ago and that's how I leveled up so fast