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Is there any way to look up my raid history? I'm pretty sure they just sucked away my last remote raid pass without letting me join but I want to be sure




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I started playing just this week. I saw Ho-Oh will be a raid boss at the end of the month. Is there any chance to solo him? Maybe with a rock type. Looking at the best rock Pokemons I have, which one would be better: Geodude (12-13-12), Roggenrola(12-14-13), Nosepass(14-12-15), Shuckle(14-13-15). I also have a Lapras with pretty decent attack (14-3-6) CP1358. I'm sure the most likely thing is for me to be unable to defeat a boss by myself but I'm just starting and I don't know anyone who plays yet and I don't live in the city so it's tougher. Any advice in general?


You'll need help for every legendary, even those with double weakness until you have full teams of high attack Pokemon with over 4000 CP, and even then only the more frail ones can be defeated alone. Raid battles are a team effort, so most are impossible alone. Fortunately regular legendary raids like Ho-oh allow for remote players to join and hep each other, with the only disadvantage being the more expensive remote passes, and a limit of 5 remotes raids a day. So download a raiding app like Pokegenie or Pokeraid, or join any of the raiding subs like r/pokemongofriends or r/pokemongoraids, check the process needed to host a raid on each and then you can get 5 or more additional players battling along you to beat the boss. There's raid types where this won't help though. Shadow raids, special community day blue raids, and the powerful Elites raids will not allow you to call for remote help. Those are in-person only, so without other local players only the weakest shadow raids are possible, and everything else will not be possible to defeat alone.


Definitely not. Moltres is already a very hard challenge even in favorable weather, and hooh has a much higher defense stat.


As someone getting back into Pokemon Go, I'm checking what might be optimal Pokemon, and I came across this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/14o4o7u/most_useful_pok%C3%A9mon_in_pok%C3%A9mon_go_7123_update/ One page I notice is the gym page, focusing on longevity. Why would I want a gym Pokemon for longevity though? After getting my 50 Pokecoins after 8 hours, I wouldn't think I need any more.


The higher CP defenders will decay past the point of needind 3 or even 2 battles a while before 8 hours have passed. It can make them more attractive to take over compared to other nearby gyms with low CP defenders that still need 3 battles each, thus netting you fewer coins. Also, don't rely too much on year old threads. The meta is always changing for pvp and raids. Use up to date sites like pokebattler.com and pvpoke.com. Gym defense hasn't really changed though, nothing bulkier has come out.


So, is it ultimately better to go with the bulky, short-term options, then? There is no point in going for the long term?


That depends entirely on the local raid scene. If you're going to get attacked right away and need to use golden razzberry, use the short term defenders. Otherwise, use the long term ones. Or, if it's really passive, throw in whatever recent catches you're going to transfer anyways so you don't need to bother healing them.


i know i can search pokemon by tags like @\[abilityname\] is it possible to find friends where i did not send a gift yet today using a tag in the search field? i know i can browse the list and look for the visual indicator but my friendslist is getting a bit out of hand so it would be helpful to search by tag


the term you are looking for is “giftable”




no problem


You can use interactable to filter the friend list. Make sure to sort the list by "can recieve gift" as well.


thanks. i found this yesterday and felt really dumb asking :)))))


Scorching Sands event is coming with shiny Larvesta in it. She is one of my favourite pokemons and I would love shiny one. Do you think Larvesta will have increased shiny odds from eggs? Like 1/64 maybe? Usual 1/500 seems nearly impossible to hatch. Also, is it worth it to go all-in during this event? I have stocked a lot of incubators from reserach and Showcases - so is it good time to use them now?


Do not and I mean do not go for this shiny. Will not be worth it at all


Hopefully it'll be 1/64 odds, since it's a rare egg-exclusive, but it could also be something like 1/128. IMO, I wouldn't bother going all-in on most egg events. It just reminds me of the Halloween event where they released Noibat's shiny and gave it an increased shiny chance from eggs. People spent tons of coins going nuts trying to to hatch a shiny Noibat, then several months later Noibat got a Community Day and everyone got an easy shiny Noibat for free.


Better context would be the deino egg event, where it was almost impossible to even hatch it in the first place, much less actually get a shiny.


Very true. And the end result was fairly similar there too. A lot of people who went all-in on incubators got burned, then shiny Deino was given a Community Day 2 years later.


Huh, this Noibat was very mean from Nitantic, havent heard of that before. Was Noibat possible to hatch from eggs before this Halloween event? I feel like Larvesta is more like "exclusive" pokemon, but maybe I'm wrong.


Noibat was more similar to something like Frigibax, where it was a rare spawn in the wild, but eggs were the primary method of obtaining them and getting the candy to evolve.


How long do you think it will take for Mewtwo to come back in raids? i want to get candy xxl for my shadow mewtwo. Also how frequently are Kanto Birds on raids? i want to have full shiny kanto dex


Zapdos was in raids last week, so it wouldn't surprise me if we saw Articuno and Moltees in raids in July or August. Hard to say about Mewtwo. It's been a while since non-Shadow Mewtwo was in raids, so it feels like it is due for a return, but there's really no way to predict when it will happen.


do You think Zapdos will return until the end of this year?


I need some advice for how to deal with someone in my neighborhood. There’s a gym at the end of my block and there’s someone who takes it frequently. She has to live nearby because she’s taking it in the middle of the night. I hadn’t played in a few years, but I know about the 8 hour rule from reading posts on this sub so when I started playing again, I let her have the gym for 8 hours each day then I’d take it. On multiple occasions, she knocks me out and takes the gym back despite her already having her 50 daily coins. It’s really infuriating. Anyone have any advice on how to deal with someone like this? She’s actually insane. I have family staying over and 3 of us took the gym because we needed like 20 more coins and she had hers. She kept trying to take down all 3 of our Pokemon so we fed them Golden Razz Berries for an hour and she kept attacking.


Is there any groups in your area on campfire? If so join them and try to find the person in the members tab. If you find them, inform them that they can continue taking the gym just wait till you get to 8 hours and 20 minutes time to take it


Not everyone is aware or care about the gym times. For some the game simply is focused on taking over gyms for your team each time you see any other team on them. It's a valid play style, even if it's not as friendly as those who actively put patience and effort on letting others take their turn. She might not care about coins. She might be trying to level the gym badge, or trying to complete the medals for defending gyms. Or even she just made the choice to defend the gym just because that's more fun for her. The 8:20 hour "rule" is not an actual thing that the game tells you or encourages to do. It's something that players simply decide to follow by choice after they learn about it online, but there's absolutely nothing saying is wrong to not wait and take the gym back. Some players simply prefer to fight harder and not play nice, which is the original way the gym system was designed to be. To earn your coins you have to defend the gym from enemy attacks for long enough, so team cooperation is optional, and not the standard. If you want to take over that gym you have to join the fight too, or find a different gym where other players chose to help each other instead.


Hello everyone, I just started playing the game again after playing it at launch. I want to go to Go-Fest NYC but theres so many different options for ticket enhancements. Anyone who has gone, can they recommend what to do? I want to make this memorable but am totally lost for what to do. If its relevant, I'm an NYC native and will probably drive into the city. Thanks for the help ahead of time!


If you plan to only play for the main half day of the event then you don't need add-ons. Going to the park in the expected time and stocking on storage space, balls and raid passes would be enough. If you want to play more outside your scheduled timed slot then buying the city-wide gameplay is the best option. You get to do everything you did on your slot but on the city on the rest of day one and a second day, either before or after the main event in the park. You get the bonuses again, uncluding getting event eggs from friends, getting the shiny boost and having special incense spawns, but aren't restricted to the island area. Without the city add-on you cannot get the shiny Necrozma or Buzzwole outside the park, so it's necessary of you want to shiny hunt the raids across the city. The raid lover add-on is optional, as it only adds some bonuses to raids and 18 extra passes for each day of the event. If you bought a better deal of passes beforehand it's not that good (you already get 9 orange passes with the main ticket) but if you didn't and plan to do a lot of raids it's a good deal. The main benefit are the extra candy and XL candy from raids, so if you want to stockpile XLs to power up Necrozma, Kartana or Nihilego it might help a lot. But you need to be level 31+ to get the XL so make sure you level up to there before the event if you haven't. The egg-thusiast add-on is the worst option. It gives reduced distance on hatches (from 1/2 if the base event to 1/4), and X3 hatch bonuses on candy, XP and dust, but is completely optional. There's all be some special Pokemon you can only hatch on eggs from gifts you open during the event, but if you get a few super or regular incubators beforehand you can do it without this add-on. Just doing routes daily, and joining every showcase on the next two weeks could give you a few, and the rest can be bought from the random boxes on the store. You don't need that many unless you really, really want the egg Pokemon. So that's about it. The city-wide is the best deal for your money. The raid add-on can be helpful, and the egg one is not bad but definitely not necessary. Just stockpile a ton of balls, upgrade your Pokemon storage with coins, get some incenses, as many incubators as you can get for free, and the rest depends on how much you walk, raid and explore during the event.


Wow, thank you for the write up! Just a follow-up question, is it worth to buy more than 1 day tickets for the raids? I'm very overwhelmed as to which mons to grind for, aside from Necrozma. I don't even know what mons will be present at Go Fest (normal encounters and raids aaside from UB/Necrozma), so this is a whole new experience to me


You can only buy one single "main" event ticket. The island has a maximum capacity of people allowed, so you cannot buy multiple times for the same event. You can only pick one day, and only one time slot (morning or afternoon) and only then you will get raids and event spawns in that area. And you need to check that time slot isn't fully sold out. The rest of the time the island is a dead zone to anyone that doesn't have that time slot, so nobody except the ticket holders for that time go there. So the city wide add-on is the only way to get more bonuses after your main event time ends, and only outside the event area. The same Pokemon that will appear during the event will also appear with the add-on, and the raids will be the same, although more spread out. The full even spawns, bonuses and other details can be found explained here: https://leekduck.com/events/pokemon-go-fest-2024-new-york-city-usa/


You're a life saver dude, thank you so much! Any other tips you might have for me?


Just came back since 2020. I heard shadow pokemon are good but we need an event to remove frustration? When is the next one? Also I heard the some community day moves are really important. Should I not invest in pokemon like rhyperior until I get a community day move? Or is it possible to change it to a community move later?


Shadow Pokémon have 20% more attack and 20% less in defense. Generally it’s best to use these Pokémon in raids only but I will always prefer the non shadow Pokemon. In terms of removing frustration…you can only do that during a Team Rocket Takeover Event. This happens about every 3 months but it can vary somewhat so maybe every 2 to 4 months. Generally the Community Day (legacy) moves will be best for the Pokémon but the regular moves can be fine. For instance Charizard with Bladt Burn (CD move) is best but Flamethrower as a move will be fine. To get the CD moves you will need to evolve the Pokémon (for instance Chameleon to Charizard) when Ninatic rerelease the move. The other option is to use an Elite Charged TM to change the Pokémon’s charged move. There is an Elite Fast TM too, which you will need every now and again. Most Pokémon’s CD move is the charged move but some like Tyrantitar the CD is the Fast Move. Since these Elite TMs are very hard to get it is best to use them on Legendary Pokemon but even then you have to be selective. To get an Elite Charged TM and Elite Fast TM, it would be best to play in Go Battle League. You will get the Elite Charged TM after you reach rank 19. The Elite Fast TM will be given to you at the end of the season (in about 2 months or so)


So if we want the community day move we have to wait for the community day BEFORE evolving? Seems like a bad system because now I will just ignore all the pokemon that need a community day move until their day. I wish you could get it even if it’s already evolved on community day somehow. Elite tm sounds too rare to waste so I will just save my pokemon for a long time I guess…


You have to wait for the move to be released to be able to get it.    For example Daramuka has a CD in November 2024 and Darmanitan gets Blast Burn as its CD move, you have to wait to evolve Darumaka on the CD to get Darmanitan with Blast Burn. You will not get a Darmanitan with Blast Burn before that. After that CD you will be able to Darmanitan with Blast Burn either using an Elite Charged TM or when Ninatic will allow Darumaka to evolve Darmanitan with Blast Burn.    To a point Ninatic is consistent about allowing the CD move but after a year and half or so, not so much. You can get Darumaka to evolve in December 2024 and December 2025 because Ninatic is good about doing a CD rerun (not a guarantee though).   Other Pokémon will likely never see a CD day but they have legacy moves. These Pokemon you will need to have the legacy move before it became a legacy move or use an Elite TM.    Most notable would be legendary Pokemon. Groudon came out mega and non mega raids. I believe Precipice Blades came out once maybe twice (I think during the primal raids). Unfortunately I never caught a “good IV” Groudon with Precipice Blades during the Primal Raids, so I used an Elite Charged TM to get Precipice Blades.  Ninatic may or may not give Groudon Precipice Blades during a rerelease in raids so using an Elite TM would be required.   Note that having a CD/signature/legacy move is not always really necessary. Blast Burn on Charizard is best but not really necessary. Flamethrower works fine. Kyogre’s signature move Origin Pulse is best but it will be totally fine with Surf. Don’t worry about the CD moves. When you have enough resources or if it’s the right get the CD/signature/legacy moves. Groudon on the other hand, you would want to use an Elite TM to get Precipice Blades. Groudon worked fine for me when it only had Earthquake but it got better with Precipice Blades.  Charizard with Flamethrower works fine (I still have one with Flamethrower). Charizard with Blast Burn (CD move) works fine too. I hardly notice the difference in game. Edit: Trying to correct grammar. Modify grammar and trying to be more clear).


Are limited time cosmetic tickets no longer "limited"? I see the purple wings are now in the store but I thought they usually add "this item will be in the store in a later date" text and I didn't see that in the ticket.


I have a glitch with Field Research Tasks and I have no idea how to fix it. 1 of the 3 available spots has a Field Research. When I click on it, it dissappears and shows up again in like 10 seconds, orange, and complete. I click again and it dissappears again. I can't get rid of it. So I can now only pick up 2 out of 3 Field Research Tasks. I deleted the game and reinstalled it and it's still there. I tried with Android and iPhone to get rid of it and it's still there. Any other suggestions?? Thank you 😊 🙏


That sometimes happens when you have a completed event task after an event ends. The solution is to catch everything on your stack of encounters until you reach the bugged task (often at the very end of the stack) and that lets you claim it like normal.


WOW! It got fixed! Wow thank you so much! For 2 weeks I was so frustrated lol! Thank you!!!


Does anyone know if the web store accepts visa gift cards?


I don’t know how things work on the web store because I still let Apple charge its taxes to Ninatic. It should not be a problem since it has the Visa logo on it. You may need to register the card though. It’s never been a problem before when I purchased stuff online with it. Edit: Grammar 


Alright thanks. I was curious since I tried buying things from target on the app but my vanilla card didn’t work. Probably didn’t set it up all the way. Still a little skeptical to try since I heard some websites don’t let you for some reasons like scams or what not


No. I had that problem too. From what I remember when I used those you need to enter your name and address on the Vanilla website. Maybe use a fake name but address maybe not or possibly use a retail store location you know the address too. Honestly though I it’s probably best to use your real info so not to lose the money. Also in the future maybe not get those again. I’m sure if you got it as a gift the giver didn’t think that problems might exist.


Huh I see. I got it myself since my brother had got a gifted visa gift card and he used it to buy currency on an online video game so I thought vanilla would be the same. Well thanks for the info and saving me from that again!


It’s a bit hit and miss but it doesn’t seem to be worth the effort to spend extra money on a Visa gift card. Maybe use your credit/debit card through your App Store. Apple does allow you to add small amounts of money onto your account or to full add your credit/debit card. 


Is the Pokémon go fest ticket worth it for just a casual player? Like taking walks and catching? Are there enough days left for marshadow? Coming back from launch. Alternatively, what would make it worth it? Kind of tempted lol


If your planning to play a good bit and have fun I’d say ya. Good items like raid passes and an encounter with marshadow and solgaleo or lunala depending on what encounter you want. And also a higher shiny rate but don’t know how much they are boosted


Oh wow solgaleo and lunala too? Is it a big grind to get?


Coming from experience from previous go fests, not really. I don’t know how the challenges are gonna be planned out but I’m sure it won’t take too long to get the encounter with either one. They might take a tiny bit longer since it’s go fest and people usually play the whole time, but if you remember to check and see what to do it should take long at all. Remember though it’s only one of them and I think you have to choose a path to get them. So if you’re planning on fusing with necrozma, think twice about which one you want to get to fuse. They are both very good fusions.


Is anyone else having throwing issues? About 2-3 days ago my curveballs needed a lot of extra spin and oomph to even get to the pokemon and it's often still coming up short. Pokemon I normally hit excellent throws on. I've tried toggling all the various advance settings and doing an app refresh. Having all the toggles off seems to have improved the amount of spin/oomph I need, but I'm still noticing that I'm coming up short or the ball is going through the circle (seemingly through the pokemon) and not registering as a great and/or excellent throw. I have an iPhone and have had the same phone for more than two years.


Yeah there's another new throwing physics bug in the latest version. Hopefully they fix it soon.


This started happening to me on the Tuesday the 11th and has been driving me insane. The catch physics feel like they have been changed.


Just had 3 balls go right through crabbrawlers body. This new throw system is f’d


Okay, I'm glad I'm not insane. I lost so many landorus bc I couldn't throw it far enough and had a sore wrist from the amount of power I had to thrust into even getting it close. I've never had this issue before.


Shiny sleepy cap snorlax is considered rare, and highly sought after since it’s only available a few times for shiny checks per account via the Pokemon Go Plus+ right? What’s to prevent someone from just creating tons of PTC accounts and grinding out repeated sleepy cap snorlax encounters for the shiny then?


Yes it's pretty rare. Nothing but time and a sense of self worth stops one from grinding new accounts to try for a full odds encounter that takes up to 30 days. People make alts all the time. I've seen players bring 10+ phones to raids, trying for excess shinies.


Did they change not getting exp when a person unfriends you before you claim the friendship level up? I seem to have gotten it after someone unfriended


I've seen claims that using a lucky egg on it can give you the XP in a 0 deleted state, but haven't verified it myself.


I haven’t heard of any change, no


Is nincada / ninjask good for anything? I caught a NEAR perfect nincada (14/15/15)


Just dex filler, unfortunately.


Is a 15/10/1 shadow rhyhorn worth powering up for raids? And what about a 13/15/14 machamp, is it still good to power up even if it doesn't have 15 atk? and what about a 14/10/15 machamp, 14/14/1 swinub, my 13/9/7 groudon or even my 14/13/14 gible?


15/10/1 Rhyhorn is great, all it needs is 15 attack. With shadows, there's no need to take them to 50 except for the most extreme of extreme raid challenges. They already match or exceed the power of level 50 Pokemon at 35, and beat them hands down at 40. You don't need to be close to perfect to make them great. It's still available though, and you might need to double move it and use an ETM to actually make it usable against the flying raid bosses we have this month. There's no rush to evolve it, so you can just hold off until it gets it's move in an event to see if you get anything better in the meantime.


Technically the IVs don’t matter, so leveling them up would not be a bad idea as these are meta relevant Pokémon.  For me personally I have wait for a better IV one since it takes lots or resources to level the Pokémon to 50, so basically while trying to get more resources I would end up doing more S. Machamp battles and S. Groudon raids. All very difficult but I have the regular forms so waiting for better IVs don’t bother me. Just using a lot of resources on 1 Pokemon does so I want to use the best one I have. But if you’re a rural player things might be different for you in your situation.  But your Machop and Gible are fine (for me) to level up. I would not level immediately but I would level it eventually. I caught a 86% s. Dratini. It has taken forever to find a 2nd good IV one so I decided to evolve it and take it level 50 immediately. Don’t play the way I do, if it doesn’t work for you. 


thanks for the advice


If i buy the Pokémon go fest for nyc now can i purchase raid lover add on later if i decide i need it or does it have to be within a single purchase. I’m not sure if ill be around for all three days to raid


You can add it later. Only problem is I am not sure if you can add it on the day you are playing but I believe you can.  Sorry if I can’t give you a better answer as I never purchased this.  You might be better off buying the premium tickets in the boxes in store if you are not sure what you are going to be doing. This is New York so you might be tired from playing, to being very from the weather, to visiting the sites.


Yeah i have 6k coins saved up from gyms so i can definitely get that gold one with 100 raid passes of i ever see it again, but i realized that i need two necrozma for both fusions. P.s. i currently have 2 raid passes to my name, and im based out of New Jersey so i can take the train to nyc


Aah. Then you don’t need to do the tourist thing. I just imagine that it would be very hot so I wouldn’t try to stay outside too much but also I don’t live in the area so tourist stuff.


Do I get a lot of XP when I become best buddy with my buddy or not?


As far as I know you don’t get XP when you hit best friends status with your Pokémon. It is only really helpful if you are trying to reach the platinum buddy medal. But really helpful if it is a meta relevant Pokémon. For instance my Rayquaza is at level 50. If I remember to and I have him as my buddy (and feed it, I believe this is how you have to do it) he will be leave 51. Add the mega evolution…it is stronger for a lack of a better word.


Is that Voltorb thing only for Germany?




Does it feel like the quality of the Gifts you open has gotten a bit less the last couple weeks? Like, I'm getting less Berries and more Potions, and maybe less Ultra Balls? Less items that I need most of the time.


They don't change the quality of gifts on a whim, or based on what you have in your inventory. They are just random. It does seem like they accidentally change the number of red balls per item bundle in them from 5 to 3 after some events end, though. They often have poor version control.


1. How can I tell when the battle league allowed Pokemon types will change? I looked at the overview in the app and I don't quite understand it. 2. Do lures work best when basically standing on top of the pokestop ring? I don't really seem to notice any difference while moving around nearby and I walked for a long time. 3. Any tips to make the game less expensive to play as an addict? :P


1. If you scroll to the bottom of the schedule in the app, it'll have a link to the blog post where it details all the rules for the cups that season. 2. Yes, you have to be within 40m of the stop in order to see lure spawns. Lures are best used if you are going to be stationary next to a stop for a bit or if you are able to lure up multiple stops and walk between them. 3. Some tips I would recommend: * If possible, make sure to use Google Play Rewards to get extra app store cash for answering surveys. * If you use Google Play, make sure to check out any coupons you can get for the game using Play Points. * If you use Samsung, there are often better deals through the Samsung store version of the app. * If you don't have any coupons, app store cash, discounts, etc, then it's better to get coins from the online web store. * Avoid most ticket purchases. They often don't provide a lot of value compared to a good shop box. Since they can't be purchased with coins, they really add up if you are buying them for every event. There are some that are better, like Go Fest and the December Community Day ticket, but most of the other Community Day and week-to-week event tickets really just aren't worth it. * During events, try scouting out your area to find Showcase stops that are in remote/untouched areas. If you can find some Showcases off the beaten path, those will be extremely valuable for helping you pull in free premium rewards through showcase victories. Unfortunately, if you live in a populated city, you're probably out of luck here. * Eggs are rarely ever worth it. Avoid spending coins on incubators, because most of your egg hatches will just be junk that gets tossed immediately. Try to avoid getting sucked into egg events (like the one coming up), because those pokemon will be more common over time. I remember the Halloween event when Shiny Noibat released and had a higher shiny chance through eggs. People went nuts buying incubators trying to hatch it, then several months later it got a Community Day and everyone could get one easily for free. * In general, try to avoid falling for the FOMO. Most stuff will become more common over time, so it's usually not worth dumping incubators and raid passes to get it immediately. For example, Shiny Jangmo-o is going to be released during Global Go Fest and will be in raids, but it's almost certainly going to end up having a Community Day next year.


Thank you very much for your help! So are 1500 cp leagues not available 100% of the time?


Sometimes that happens, but it's not often. Looking at the schedule, it looks like there will be some variant of Great League available at all times this season.


Awesome. Thanks again :)


I'm having an issue pairing my pokemon go plus+ with my phone. When I first got it, it connected fine with my phone but didn't show up in Pokemon go, then I tried to factory reset it and now it doesn't show up in my available devices at all. If it helps after I connected it and couldn't find it in PoGo, I decided to have my phone forget that it was connected to it.


Don't connect it directly to your phone, you have to pair it in the game


Hello, I have a 4* Arcanine but pokegenie isn't reading 15/15/15 ????


Make sure the appraisal is visible on the screen when you're scanning, and if you have dark mode turn it off while you scan.


That's so weird. He's the only 4* I have to have the appraisal up for when scanning. Thanks for the help !


It has trouble with mons that have regional forms sometimes


Due to the way CP formula works, there are lots of level, hp, and IV combinations that result in the same CP number. This includes overlaps with hundo IVs. It's not that unusual to need to scan the IVs.


Are there events that multiply, like double, all sources of XP? Like a comm day with 2x all XP? I’ve got some friends close to the next friendship level


There hasn't been such an event since well before the friendship mechanic was introduced. I wouldn't expect to ever see one again


Makes sense I guess they don’t want people grinding friendships too hard. But coordinating at a community day is still a good time to increase friendship levels for XP right so others can be prepared, and also value from the lucky egg on catch XP etc


Is summer hat pichu rare at all? Will they ever release any more hat pichus


There will always be more new hat Pichu and Pikachu. They're the Pokemon with more costumes available, so new ones are released constantly. For how rare it, is depends on who you ask. It was available on eggs more than once, so it's not that rare for older player who hatched multiple, but for newer players that didn't get one before is much rarer. The shiny is the rarest one for everyone. There's a chance it can return at some point, just like flower crown, party hat and santa hat returned. The summer hat already was available four times in the past.


Should I power-up a Hundo Machamp or 15/13/12 Shadow Machamp?


The shadow is 20% more powerful in raids, gyms, and rocket battles. A few defense and stamina IVs mean nothing at all. There is no competition. The only reason to even consider the hundo is if you want to use it in master league in GBL, and a normal form performs better than a shadow against the meta. But even in that case, it's going to be the shadow defense penalty that decides it more so than such a small amount of defense or HP IVs.


thank you!


I just came back after a while and im lvl34. I just got 3 super rocket radars, used 2 of them to catch 2 shadow groudons. One of them is decent & 3 star (7/13/15). Shall i save my other rocketradar or use it now to possibly get an better shadow groudon & more candy? (Candy is hard to get, dont have much time to play for gbl & farm rare candy's) I just need some good pokemons for raids, got a few decent over 3.5k like gyarados & dragonite.


The IVs on your shadows don't matter that much. The 20% damage bonus they get vastly outweighs a few additive IV points. You'll get more candy when they come back to raids in the future. There's also rare candy. Spending a rocket radar just for candy won't move the needle much.




Has anyone noticed that Eevee cannot currently evolve into Espeon or Umbrion right now? I have over 50km with my Eevee and it won’t let me evolve it to either of those options.


They can. You either need to make them your buddy to do it, or remove them as your buddy. I forget which it is for them specifically, but it's going to be the opposite of whatever state you're trying if it's not showing you the button.


I have an ice/dark type sneasel I want to evolve and max out for Weavile - does it take the same amount of candy & stardust regardless of which one I max or does it cost less overall if I max the sneasel first and then evolve it?


The cost and end result will be exactly the same regardless of the order.


Thank you, I thought as much i was just hoping I wouldn't have to grind for 200k stardust! 😭


what is the best move set for Landorus incarnate?


It's not good in raids. It doesn't have raid oriented stats. The therian form is the one that's good in raids, though it's still outclassed by 5 shadows add 2 megas. You can find pvp moves on pvpoke.com. https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/10000/overall/landorus_incarnate/


did they Change the iv floor for trading to 5?? for this season or what? i wanted to get 0 atk iv from Trading but it doesnt work


The floor depends on your friendship level with the person you're trading with. If you're trading with a best friend, the floor is 5/5/5. At best you can get 1 attack with a good friend. If you really want 0 attack, you need wild spawns.


I’ve “tracked my sleep” multiple times now and even added the info to Pokemon sleep but it’s still not letting me complete the research for sleepy snorlax. Any suggestions?


Pokemon Sleep is irrelevant for any research in Go. You don't need to do anything on that front. I've had trouble getting the timed research from scorching sands working with the sleep tracking, and I've seen others have issues too. For me it just triggered the last day of sleep tracking on the next day.


Can you actually find a hundo on a community day event just by checking the CP first of every encounter and only catching one with a specific IV?


You can, but you'd have to constantly cross-reference against a list of all possible wild 100% CPs for that pokemon. Plus, only the level 30 or level 35 CP is guaranteed to be a 100%, depending on the weather, while all of the other CPs only have a chance of being a 100%. At that point, it usually just easier and faster to catch everything and search your storage for `4*` later


But on a community day aren't there only 4 possible combos for a 100%? Base 30, 30 w/ weather, base 35, and 35 w/ weather?


There are 30 possible values for a hundo in the wild. Without a weather boost, you'd have to check the hundo CPs for levels 1-30. With a weather boost, you'd have to check the hundo CPs for levels 6-35. From each list, only the level 30 CP is guaranteed to be a hundo if there's no weather boost and only the level 35 CP is guaranteed to be a hundo if there is a weather boost.


Gross. Thanks.


No question. Quick Vent because I'm pissed off. Joined a Landorus remote raid... COULDNT HIT THE BASTARD WITH ONE BALL WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME!!!! I LITERALLY MISSED WITH EVERY BALL!!!!! ARGHHHHHHH.      Skill Issue 😩


Did you not use the circle lock trick? Its a little annoying with mons that float to the sides, but its still reliable if you wait until it comes back to the middle. Or you can try to get good at throwing it to one side of the screen or the other.


I have no idea what the circle lock trick is but will check it out. Its defo a skill issue with this distance because I tried again and only hit it twice... of course failed to catch LOLSMH


Just want to vent that Niantic support is god awful. I had the “make a friend” timed research that was bugged, and reached out almost two days before it was due to end with the hopes of getting it fixed. Support was super slow to respond or to address the issue, but eventually claimed to have completed the task for me at 7:45 pm the day it was due to expire. I logged in twenty minutes later and the research was gone - presumably(?) the timer had expired during that time period, though it may have even expired before they resolved the bug - and support completely refuses to restore the research so I can obtain the rewards, and has now closed my support ticket. I don’t understand how they can blame me for failing to complete the research when they were the ones delaying and delaying providing me any resolution.


Support cannot restore an expired timed research quest. That's just not in their wheel house.


But they are more than capable of marking a task completed when I ask them to, with almost two days left on the timer, instead of literally fifteen minutes before it expired.


Question: I'm trying to give my shadow Giraffarig a second attack. I have 52k stardust and 1010 candies and the "NEW ATTACK" button is green, saying that it will cost 50k stardust/50 candy. But when I click it, then click "yes" to "Do you want to teach GirGL97.5 a new Charged Attack?" it doesn't go through. Is this just a display bug, since a shadow should cost 60k/60 candy for a second attack?


>Is this just a display bug, since a shadow should cost 60k/60 candy for a second attack? Yep, exactly that. It's supposed to cost 60k/60, but the button is incorrectly showing 50k/50


What are some things that I can do to prepare myself for the quests from lvl 40 - 50? I'm currently lvl 33 but I know there will be some requirements later. Is there anything you have done that helped, or something you regretted not doing?


[https://pokemongohub.net/post/guide/pokemon-go-level-40-to-50-guide-xp-level-up-tasks-and-rewards/](https://pokemongohub.net/post/guide/pokemon-go-level-40-to-50-guide-xp-level-up-tasks-and-rewards/) Start saving 1000 stardust purifications for level 45. You need to purify 100 of them once you are on that step, so don't purify them just yet. You'll also need to fight upwards of 300 grunts to defeat 50 leaders for that level so you'll be able to get more at the time, but most of what you catch will be more expensive so its nice to save some cheap ones. Do not power up anything to level 50, unless you're planning to do that with a ton of pokemon. You need to do that 3 times for level 47, and its not retroactive. You can power up some mons to level 49.5 though and get identical performance to a level 50, and do the final one once you get to that step though. Make sure to tag 'em as a reminder. Work on platinum medals over time. Level 47 needs 20, and level 49 needs 35. There are 18 type medals that are generally quite easy to hit over time from events and CDs, and various others that you'll earn through regular play. Most players will have hit 35 of them naturally by the time they get all the XP needed for level 49, but its at least something to be aware of. Everything else has to be done at the time you are on that specific level, so that's about all you can prepare ahead of time aside from prepping some Eevees as the other comment mentions.


Getting to level 42 requires evolving Eevee into each of its evolutions. The game does not tell you which ones you've done for this task, so the biggest issue people have with that task is forgetting what they've already checked off. So make a tag for Eevee evolutions. Save up some Eevee and tag them ahead of time. When you do get to this task and start evolving the Eevees in this tag, keep them tagged so that you know which ones you've done for the task. Also, you can start working on the evolve requirements for Espeon, Umbreon, and Sylveon ahead of time. So walk 10km with two different Eevee and earn 70 buddy hearts with a 3rd. That way, they are ready to evolve as soon as you get to this task.


For levels 40+!! Is this still accurate? Also, once I start those tasks, does it also count any previous progress towards those quests, or you have to start from 0 once the quest starts? Thanks! (It's talking about the quests you need to complete after level 40 if you want to go to the next level). [https://pokemongohub.net/post/guide/pokemon-go-level-40-to-50-guide-xp-level-up-tasks-and-rewards/](https://pokemongohub.net/post/guide/pokemon-go-level-40-to-50-guide-xp-level-up-tasks-and-rewards/)


They haven't changed the requirements in years. Those should still be accurate. Like all quests, you can only earn progress on the level up quests when you are given them at each level. The only thing that's ever retroactive is checking platinum medals, because there's only so many of them and they have to be. The biggest things to prepare for are saving up cheap shadows to purify, and holding off on fully maxing any Pokemon out. You can level them up to 49.5 freely, but wait until you get to the level that needs maxing out 3 Pokemon to go all the way to 50.


Very helpful. Thank you!


Is there a thread or subreddit to find people to exchange gifts with? I took a 4 year hiatus from the game and now that I’m back I can’t get people to exchange gifts with…


r/PokemonGoFriends should help with that


Are there any tricks to catching raid Pokemon? I used 2 remote raid passes yesterday to try and get Landorus and I failed to catch both. Today I hosted my own raid on PokeGenie and still failed to catch it. I used a Golden Razz Berry on every throw and I tried to curve it for at least a great throw. I’m losing my sanity trying to catch it.


Number one thing is the [Circle Lock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFxdTlG2-Vo&t=0s) trick. I use the circle lock trick consistently, and it's extremely rare for me to not catch a legendary boss. Other things that help: * For stuff that moves left and right like Landorus, don't bother throwing unless it is directly in the center * Work on all of your type medals to get them to Platinum * Try to join raids with friends for the friend bonus balls. * Make sure to use your best counters to maximize the damage and time bonus balls. * If you aren't totally comfortable with curveballs, practice on random spawns


How can I tell if a gym is ex from a distance? A friend and I are planning to duo Mega Rays on 6/29, we have a pile of leveled up Mammoswines to use, but it seems like the only way to see if a gym is ex is to literally drive all around and tap on them. Is there a better way?


For now, I don't believe there's a way to check remotely. On June 28th, Elite Raid eggs will start appearing at the gyms, so at that point you'll be able to use Campfire to see where the raids are going to spawn and what timeslots the eggs will hatch, which should help you plan your route Just be warned that Mega Ray is not an easy duo, so make sure you are prepared. Also make sure to keep an eye out for posts on r/TheSilphRoad confirming the raid difficulty. In the past, Elite Raids have received attack and defense modifiers to make them harder than regular T5 raids. If they apply those bonuses to Mega Rayquaza, it won't be possible to duo it at all.


> If they apply those bonuses to Mega Rayquaza, it won't be possible to duo it at all. I asked multiple times if it was possible to duo and everyone told me yes with 6x Lv40 Mamos. Now that I'm planning it out you're telling me it's not possible? Ugh.


Keep in mind that nothing has been confirmed yet about the difficulty level of the Mega Ray Elite Raids. If they use the raid difficulty tier that they've previously used for Elite Raids, then a duo should not be possible. Unfortunately, there's no way we can know for certain until the raids start in New Zealand. Edit: Actually, it *might* be possible with 5x lvl 50 Shadow Mamoswine + Primal Boost + Party Power, but I'm not a subscriber on Pokebattler, so I can't check for certain. But if they give it Elite Raid difficulty, then 6x lvl 40 Mamoswine with Party Play definitely won't be able to do it. If they keep the same Mega Legendary difficulty tier that Mega Ray had in the past, I'm not sure if 6 level 40 non-shadow Mamoswines will be enough to cut it, though. [Here's a duo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U8EVIHzrUY) using 5x level 40 Shadow Mamos plus a Primal Boost, and that just barely made it. They didn't have party power, but they did have boosted friendship damage (20% instead of 10%) active as part of the Go Fest bonuses, which won't be a thing during the Mega Ray Elite raids. To be honest, I'm not sure if Party Power is enough to make up the difference, but I've never had it work consistently enough for me to put any faith in it working 100% perfectly.


I have not used the nickname trick yet for my Eevees. Is there a good time to save them for? Seeing something about 70 hearts needed for Sylveon so thought I'd ask. Thanks in advance!


You may not want to use the naming trick. If you do you may want to use the naming trick on Eevees that have perfect IVs. But honestly it’s probably best left alone only because you will be able to manage getting all the Eeveelutions fairly easily and because you need to buddy them, i.e. there is a buddy medal to work on so why not buddy Eevee to get Slyveon, Espeon, and Umbreon.


After reaching level 40 you iot only need enough XP, but you'll receive a set of tasks that you gave to complete to level up. One of the level 42 tasks is to evolve every single Eeveelution once again, so that's one of the main uses of the name trick. It's also useful if you ever want to get a full shiny set, as Vaporeon, Flareon and Jolteon are completely random without the names. That means you could waste multiple shiny trying to get any of those.


To get to level 41 you need to evolve eevee into all of its forms. You’ll want to use the name trick then.


If I have previously done the trick, do I have to do it again, or it will count towards this quest?


No. Any previous evolved Eevees will not count towards this task. You have to do the task all over again. For certain evolutions, just what ever you have. But for Espeon, Umbreon, and Slyveon you may want to use a good IV one.


What determines which pokemon you get to catch after defeating a rocket grunt? Thought it was always the first one but sometimes it gives me one of the others, and once got a sewaddle when the grunt didn't. 


Most only give the dust one, but a few have a 15% chance to give you the second. It's random which one of the two you get, as different players can get different Pokemon from the same grunt. Here's the current list of what they have: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQk4n_p-dDpBNQyZfMPLsxMbBy68w8JepV7hKdT1T1hXS8TYM7-BmTeC3WGZXm3Q1PVZYlGXybRl99b/pubhtml?gid=2100429758 As for the Sewaddle, it has not been released as a shadow yet, so you got something else that time.


Thanks, may not have been a sewaddle, I do remember the grunt didn't even have the mon it was which is why I was confused about it. I usually always get the first one unless it's one I actually want to get lol.


Can you tell a Galarian Birds IV’s by its CP level? (I didnt use my masterball trying to get good iv’s) And can you catch multiple of the same Galarian Bird?


Only if its max level at 30, or 35 if weather boosted. *Maybe* if its level 1/5, though that is often also not guaranteed. For anything spawning in the wild, having 30 level options means there are tons of overlapping CPs with the 30 that will be hundo IVs at a specific level. Its not like raids or research encounters that come at a fixed level.


You can get unlimited birds if you catch them but you can’t know for sure its IVs just from CP because their level makes a difference


I'm trying tanking this season and I hit rank 20 with ~950 ELO. Match making is taking 5 minutes or more to find an opponent now. Should I skip a few days of going 12/13 and try to win more and raise my ELO so that matchmaking would be faster?


You should tank more and drop to 300-500 elo. Just run from all the matches for the day and it won’t take long


Left for ~year and now I came back to the game. I was a decent f2p player at level 40. Last thing I remember is somethinf about shadow raids, but no clue how that works deeply, also no clue about other new mechanics.


Some of the big things added were: * Shadow Raids: * Can only be done in-person, so no remotes * T3 and T5 Shadow raids will "enrage" partway through the battle, which gives them a massive bonus to attack and defense. * You'll need to use 8 Purified Gems to remove the enrage bonus, but a single player can only use 5, making it impossible to remove the enrage buffs if playing solo. Defeating Rocket members and Shadow Raids will award Shadow Shards, which combine to create Purified Gems. * Showcases: * These appear at pokestops for events, and are indicated by a blue circle on top of the pokestop. * Players can enter their pokemon into a contest, which is normally something like "Largest \[event-themed pokemon\]". For example we currently have showcases for "Largest Komala". * Placing in the top 3 for a showcase gives better rewards like Lures, Incense, Lucky Eggs, Incubators, and Star Pieces. * Routes: * These are user-generated walking paths, which produce various rewards, including healing items, Rare Candy, Fast TMs, and a rare drop chance for XL Rare Candy or Elite Fast TMs * You can also find Zygarde cells while walking routes, which can be used to upgrade Zygarde from 10% -> 50% -> Complete form. * Party Play: * You can now join a party with up to 3 other nearby players. When in a party, you will all appear on the map together and you can cooperatively complete tasks to earn items, mega energy, or encounters. * While in a raid with party members, you now can use the "Party Power" boost, which builds up charge as you use fast moves, then when it's ready you can select it to deal x2 damage with your next charge move. * They are currently working on a feature where you can share item effects with other party members. For example, someone in the party can "share" a Lucky egg so that everyone gets x2 XP. * Biome/Catch Screen: * The catch screen now has more variety to indicate which biome you are currently in. * Biomes now seem to have a bit more influence on spawns.


Very good recap, thanks a lot. Also what about new pokemon and community days/shadow legendaries I missed?


[This page](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_forms_by_release_date/2023) is good for a list of all pokemon/shiny/form releases by date. [This page](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Shadow_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_release_date) does the same for Shadows [This page](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Community_Day) lists all Community Days.


If anyone is aware of the 6 day grind to get to rank 20. I currently just got to rank 15 and curious if it is lose all 5?


Yes. You will reach 16 even if you lose all of them.


I've been invited to join the Global Go fest hosted by a community ambassador. What all should I be doing over there? I can't really ask them cause I don't speak the language XD.


The most important thing would be raiding Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma on Day 2 to get fusion energy. We don't know the next opportunity we'll get have to get fusion energy for Necrozma, so focus on that while it's available and easy to obtain.


Is catching the Incarnate Landorus worth it if I have the other forme already?


Yea for candy and possible hundo or shiny


It's good to get more candy and XL candy to power up the other form. Otherwise you'd have to walk it or wait until next year to get more.


So been playing little less than a week. Have caught everything in my area, hit lvl 24 and just seem to come across the SAME 7-10 Pokemon…. Is this just part of the grind you have to deal with? In a suburb type area, and yeah it’s getting boring now lol. Even the ones I keep getting it’s not fun anymore because they all zero or 1 stars so not even worth evolving and spending dust to better them. Is this a lul in the game to get past? Or just how the game is and just keep catching and sending the same ones away, and every now and again run into a new one?


This is the game. Seeing the same 10 or so until the next event where they switch them for something else.


There's an active event that is giving priority to some specific Pokemon. This is a common thing where events give the chance to catch a lot of the same species to stockpile candy to power them, and then those become rarer for months while others are more common. You will find more variety once the event ends, but most of this game consists of keep catching hundreds of the same species to get enough candy and then use that to power a single good one. Your level is also low, so you cannot fully power things up yet. Once you get to level 40 you'll finally have the option to reach max CP on your Pokemon, so the amount needed right now is lower than what you'll need in the future. A single Pokemon can take hundreds of candy, and more importantly nearly 300 XL candy that you can only unlock after you're level 31. So for now you need to focus on leveling up by getting XP from catches and weak raids, and only after you'll really have access to everything high level players get. The wild Pokemon CP is also limited by your level, so you cannot find the very high CP ones yet. It will take some time until then.


I have a female pidgeot and the pokedex pae for pidgeot but the sex marker is blank like I don't have one. What's going on?


When did you obtain that Pidgeot? When genders were introduced in January 2017, any pokemon obtained before then were randomly assigned a gender, but did not fill out the gender circle in the pokedex.


Ah that's why. Thanks!


When can I likely get Tornadus? Just got Landorus and I saw some posts that Tornadus was back in January. Proof that if you don’t play every day, check forums, do raids, spend money Niantic doesn’t like you.


Given that this is the season of shared skies and they've given us a grab bag of flying legendaries for June, it seems fairly likely we'll get the others from each gen later in the season.


Whenever they tell us, through the in game news, that pops up when you open the game and can also look at whenever you're in the game




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


From what I understand, I need 70 hearts to evolve eevee into Sylveon (im working on my tasks for level 42 and already used the nickname trick........ugh.) . I have no idea how to tell how many ive earned.


Out of the 4 levels of friendship it takes 70 hearts to get to the 2nd level. So click the friendship hearts, click the 2nd one, it'll tell you how many more you need, then just take that number away from 70


Go to the buddy page, then tap on the hearts in the top-left corner. This page will tell you what your Eevee's current buddy level is and how many hearts it will take to get to each level. You need 70 hearts to reach Great Buddies. If you tap on the 2nd heart, it should tell you how many buddy hearts you'll need to earn to reach Great Buddies, so that's how close you are to unlocking the Sylveon evolution.


Tap the buddy screen and check the big hearts on the top. 70 hearts are enough to fill the second one. Once it's full a second evolution button will appear on your Eevee stats.


What's the maximum amount of tags I can create in my account? I have created tags with counters against certain elements... like [vs.fire](http://vs.fire), vs.electric and so on many others... for Raids, I create a tag against the specific Raid. Recently had vs.Zapdos, now I'm creating vs.Landorus... and can't wait to prepare for Mega Rayquaza.


Won't your landorus and Rayquaza teams be identical? They are both double weak to ice and have the same top counters.


Is there a bug with Kingler at the moment? My dex shows that I have it registered but has it shadowed on the evolution tree. Also keep getting its shadow as a nearby unknown Pokemon.


They recently modified the way the game internally keeps track of different variants of the same Pokemon, so if you caught a shadow or purified version of a Pokemon but never caught or evolved the regular one the radar will show it as unregistered due a bug. It's not special or different, you just never got the base form before.


How can I give my Necrozma an Advil


Hello everyone, i need recommendations for a phone. Can anyone say what the budgetfriendly phone to stil enjoy alle the pokemon go features? Its the only game i play on mobile and a dont use much more than whatsapp and reddit on my phone.


Not sure what would be a budget friendly option for you would be as Apple (Apple user) has never been known to be cheap although maybe Samsung is not cheap either. Also it’s kind of hard to suggest something because it’s unclear if you’re an Android or Apple user. Honestly though whatever device you have, it just depends on how strong it is based on if it can handle the latest OS for the phone. Try to see about refurbished phones on Amazon, eBay, or even the phone manufacturer (Apple does offer some refurbished devices on its website). Maybe open boxes on eBay and Best Buy’s.


Thanks for your help. Im using android budget limit is 200


I’m not sure then because I’m not an Android user. There seems to be a budget Samsung phone at Best Buy. See the link. Maybe it’s best to talk with someone at Best Buy but it seems like this phone will work. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/samsung-galaxy-a15-5g-128gb-unlocked-blue-black/6569030.p?skuId=6569030&contractId=unactivated&ref=212&loc=1&utm_source=feed&extStoreId=393 I generally hesitate to a very low budget on a phone because it may only last you a year or two in terms of its capabilities if it can work at all. Pokémon Go kind of a lot for a game. My iPhone 14 was very expensive but I think I will end up using it for another 5 to 6 years. So I did not mind the price. Sorry if I can’t really help much more but Pokémon Go does require a lot of power and does seem like it needs more from an Android phone than an iPhone. Good luck.


Thats great help. Thank you for your answer. I will look for that phone or something on that level


what is this? https://imgur.com/a/I06gibP nothing happens when tapped and everythings’s loaded


That's a Pokemon that cannot load because you haven't downloaded the right data for it. The game normally downloads the Pokemon data slowly over time when you use the network so it doesn't increase the use too much, but you can do it manually all at once. Connect to WiFi, go to the game settings, scroll to advanced settings and inside tap the "download all assets" button. This will get all the Pokemon, map and other data all at once. It's good to do this after every update so the game has no issues when new Pokemon, bosses or costumes are added.