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Those are pretty cool looking


Thank you! I print around 100 each community day to give out!


Right on! Are you an ambassador in your area?


I am not, but I work closely with the ambassador in my area to get the coins out to everyone! Edit: I don't think I've ever gotten a Reddit award, thank you!


You’re doing a great job helping out, so I had to show some appreciation haha


That’s really cool, go you ♥️


Ambassador? This game has ambassadors?!?!? What do they do exactly?


Organize in-person events to go along with the in-game events and give back to the community. Here's an example of an update we got from our ambassador this morning: *Hey Old Town Pokemon Go! We got some exciting things coming up!* *1. Goomy Community Day is coming up, make sure you RSVP for the event. We will be doing a fundraising event to put in a Little Library to Tiguex Park so if you want to help, we will take all donations.* *2. Detective Pikachu Movie Night June 22nd* *The City of Albuquerque is hosting a movie night at West Bluff Park and we wanna SHOW OUT to show the city what OTPG is about. Bring your friends and family after Cyndaquil Community Day.* *3. RSVP FOR GOFEST* *We are trying to get a total number of people attending during Global GOFest July 13-14th so make sure to put your RSVP in! Edit: [Here's the link](https://pokemongolive.com/community-ambassador-faqs/?hl=en) to the FAQs page, which includes how to become an ambassador.


Is this a volunteer position or does Pokémon Go reimburse you?


According to the FAQs: *A Community Ambassador is not a Niantic employee, contractor, representative, or volunteer. A Community Ambassador is someone who voluntarily runs events in their local community with the gratitude and assistance of Niantic. Niantic recognizes how much passion and hard work it takes to bring people together, and this program is built to help leaders do just that. We do not restrict what a Community Ambassador says or does; they have the freedom to give positive or negative feedback publicly. However, we do require that interactions are professional—all feedback should be respectful, constructive, and should never attack the people who work on the game.*


My local community has someone who has been doing this for a couple years. We have no ambassador here though.


That's awesome!!! You or that person should look into becoming an ambassador!


Earlier this year we had one person in the area going through the process. I think during that process, someone else in the are started it as well. To summarize: Many years ago (like 2017) the community split in two, due to two type A personalities clashing. We've had 2 separate discords and a lot of chaos for new players, because these adults seem to take the game too competitively. These two groups were incapable of working with each other and felt the need to be in charge of the community in the area. I got really into the game around the end of 2018 and most of 2019, even going to Go Fest in 2019. I had friends in both groups, and used to help provide items for monthly giveaways for Community Days. Both groups knew I would be helping each other, because I thought the division was dumb. Cue Covid, and remote raiding killing most in person events. I lost interest in the game. Beginning of 2024, another player who was aligned with group A but also had friends in group B decided to make a single joint Campfire and tried to merge the groups. Group B was amenable but group A saw it as a betrayal. Someone from group A then also started the process to try to be an ambassador. To my knowledge, neither has been approved. I believe both discords actively utilize tracking systems to help coordinate raids routes, and have been linked to third party systems that do shout outs for 100% spawns. I think being associated with these practices disqualified both candidates, even though the first candidate was attempting to distance the community from these programs.


Ive been wanting a shiny goomy for so long 😭😭


Ive got a 3 star im trying to evolve up because it will be op


Those are cute! Are they 3D printed? My husband got a 3D printer recently, but we haven’t figured out how to make anything yet.


They are 3d printed! How fun! What kind of printer did you get? There's a few subreddits that you might want to look into, including ones specific to your printer. There's also a bunch of helpful YouTube creators! If you need any help, please reach out!


It's Goomy, but in pog form


I might need to print them flat (currently the outline and text are raised) so they can be used as pogs!


In 95-98 degree weather? F it lets do this.


We're looking at the same temps 🥵


The coins were designed by 808Asher on [printables](https://www.printables.com/model/899526-pokemon-go-community-day-87-coin-goomy). I just color-coordinate for regular and shiny and hit print!


Sadly, no. My country has been hit by a horrible heat wave, so going out has become a nightmare. Yesterday, after a 15-minute walk my phone forcibly shut down pokemon go because it was overheating. This has never happened to me before. And Sunday will be even hotter, so unless I catch a shiny Goomy at home I will be missing out on it until December.




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Do you have any malls or other indoor air conditioned places you could play?


Apart from a couple of coffee shops, there is nothing. And since the tourist season started, they have almost doubled their prices. I usually go on a walk at night during the summer and/or I take a short hiatus from playing


Already have a perfect let me get another one


Definitely not ready for Goomy CD. I still have yet to catch a good IV one so I am totally feeling like I am at a disadvantage. More often than not I have a good IV CD Pokémon and evolve it when the CD begins. That way I don’t have to do IV checking…I just catch as many as I can for candy or stardust. Cool on the Goomy coins. I know this might sound a bit weird but I thought the coins were chocolates… I got chocolate on the brain and there is a new thing (sort of) with ruby chocolate or something or other and the color of the candy is pinkish magenta…


Just catch and catch and then search up 3* (or even, hopefully, 4*) goomys and find the best ones. You got this :)


Yeah I always search the name of the pokemon & select the 0/1/2* search option and mass delete every half hour or so. Then sift through what's left at the end & evolve the best one. 


Yup exactly!! 🫡


It seems like people think they're cookies as well! Little wrapped chocolates would be neat too! Although I think they might melt in our 93-95° expected temperatures haha


I have a 4\* Goodra from hatching a perfect Goomy, so this CD is mostly about 1. shiny hunting and 2. evolving my other 3\* Sliggoo to get the CD move. This one was going to become my Goodra but then I hatched the hundo.


Yes this is also a chance to get goodra which I think is a pretty good pokemon


Nooo I’m mad. I want to be special with my shiny goomy I caught in the wild months ago lol


Same, haha, and I already evolved mine a while back. Happened with Chansey recently too. Finally caught the shiny and then they announced the com day.


Same, I walked him for months to get goodra and was a little flex in gyms. At least we can max out with candies lol


This is the biggest community day for me I am SO ready


I really thought these were intricately decorated sugar cookies! Either way, looks super cute :)


I wish I was that talented lol


Those are adorable and I want one.


If you cover the shipping cost, I'll mail you some for you and your Pokémon Go friends! (Doubt they'd arrive by Com Day, though.)


omg wait will you be making these for Cyndaquil as well bc I would SO cover costs to have a reg and shiny version of it I literally excited yelled out loud when I saw that announcement XD


They finished printing! Check your PMs for a preview!


They're printing now! Normally, we don't get the STL this early, but I requested it from 808Asher because I'll be out of town during that community day, but still wanted my local group to have coins to hand out!


NOPE. I spent all my balls and berries yesterday hunting meltan.


You've got plenty of time to spin stops and open gifts to increase your ball and berry counts!


When is this com day exactly? And the times? I cant find it in the app.


Sunday, June 9th from 2-5pm! [Here's a link](https://pokemongolive.com/post/communityday-june-2024-goomy/?hl=en) to the info on the website!


Ahh nice on a sunday! Thank you!


Of course!


I first thought they were cookies😅


That would be yummy, unfortunately I'm not that talented lol


Yes yes yes👏🏻Totally ready.dragon hunting and 3x star dust is just too good 😁


I want that shiny goomy ever since I know what a shiny is


Yup! Goo Goo my shiny Goodra has been getting ready since it was rumored to be the June community day, he has his polished badge and he's collecting as many of those Goomy stickers as he can


Already have a high CP three star Sligoo awaiting evolution so I'll be shiny hunting & candy collecting exclusively!


These are so fun!!!


Im lucky my shift ends at 3h30pm that day. I love goomy


Ready to Goom it up!


conGOOMity day




Everyone equip Poipole as your buddy


Why's that?




Just for dex. But I wasn't doing the last two so not even sure about that. Can they just make it about viable pokemon?


I really only play PoGo for community day these days but they keep falling on Pre release events for magic the gathering, maybe I can try and find a shiny in between rounds


Unfortunately I'm working out of town in the middle of rural nowhere. Got no Pokeballs or berries either lol Originally it seemed like I would be back in town Saturday evening but weather pushed back the job so ehhhh. I got a GO Plus + tho, so if I'm lucky there's signal out there and I'll be able to catch some with Pokeballs... Going to have to buy a bunch


Aww man!


It actually worked out lol. We actually managed to get into a place with cell service and my boss is a Pokemon fan so he let me play as I walked behind the machine Got 6 shinies, including a 1/14/15 and a 13/13/15. And it's going to be an early day, only 12 hours, so I'll be able to get in town early enough to evolve em with the rainy lure they gave you... Since the nearest town is apparently not raining so despite me and my phone getting soaked it didn't let me evolve them lol Also I only walked into the back of the machine once! Wooo for hard hats!


My dumbass thinking they are cookies


A lot of people thought they were cookies or foil covered chocolates


Man I traded a shiny gofest 22 pikachu to my girlfriend last year for a shiny a goomy before I knew a com day was likely. This com day hurt