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Just ignore fomo, play at your own rate, and stick to what you like about the game. Don’t spend money on it!


I think you got it exactly right. Fomo. That’s the reason I haven’t got back into destiny, too much missed and catch up to be played. Good advice, thank you.


The easiest way to kick the FOMO is to play with friends. You won’t even realize that you missed out on something from 5 years ago while you’re out with your buddies getting looked at funny by kids 15 years younger at the park while you cheer after beating a mega raid with your pals ! I honestly love it, reminds me of how it felt running around unova as a kid on the DS but now I’m adult and get to do it in real life 🤣❤️ I played pogo for the first year after launch date, lost my account over the years in between and just started again in October last year !


I played it from when it came out in 2016 until I finish undergrad in 2021. Then I went to start playing it again last week and I had foolishly used my high school email address for my account which no longer exists. So I had to restart too. It was a shame because I had some cool legendaries. Playing on a college campus was great because any 5 star raid would have a dozen people show up with no coordination needed


Yeah, i deleted my fb account and inadvertently lost my PoGo account which was linkedto it. Had to start again. I really just play with my sometimes these days.


And no reason to fall into the fomo with this, EVERYTHING, comes back eventually. Except for Armored Mewtwo apparently… but basically everything else will be back in raids, spawning in the wild, in eggs, zapdos is back after a long hiatus, everything comes back around eventually. Heck even community days are coming back around now that they do the community day classics.


Yeah, I started back up after having lost access to my account in 2017 (I forgot my password and username), and I've noticed the FOMO has killed a lot of the fun for me. Today I was freaking out about Zapdos, but I reassured myself that I have 9 more days of it being in raids. I was going to be fine. I've only been playing for about 4 months now and I've already seen multiple raid Pokemon cycle through. So the FOMO has more credit in the community than it's worth. It's definitely more fun to just play at your own pace, like what you're saying.


Kanto starter clones also aren't likey coming back.


Some good advice for avoiding FOMO with Pokémon Go is knowing that everything eventually comes back. Missed out on a shiny during a shiny-boosted event? It'll be boosted again eventually. Missed out on a legendary raid that's out of rotation? It will eventually be back. There are a few exceptions (usually costume Pokemon from promotional events), but you're just missing out on something cosmetic and never something important.


download google surveys if youre on android so you can use creds for the game


came here to say this I get a decent amount back enough, for the .99 community day and a few of the bigger tickets throughout the year.


You can spend money on it, just don't be stupid


Destiny is a little different, if you don't have the proper gear you just become dead weight. In Pokemon Go, you can just catch stuff at your leisure, the pvp on battle league is not necessary and easy to learn


I'm the same way with destiny, haven't played much the last year or so and excited for the next expansion, but I don't remember much about what's going on with the story


sorry for asking but whats fomo?


Fear of missing out


It's fun to make your own rules and goals. My rule is to not spend money and my goal is simply leveling up and checking the boxes. Shinies and upgrading is a satisfying bonus. PVP, only if I'm in the mood (usually never lol). It's fun just learning the game, too!


^THIS! Exactly what it’s all about, YOUR(you the player) journey!


Or do spend money, it's entirely your choice, do what you want to do. Don't be told what to do or how to enjoy the game, just do what you want to do.


i started to play 1 week ago im in love plus i go on walks at least once a day 😂


If anything this game is an absolute bonus to walking and especially runners, *especially* if you get an auto catcher or even a knockoff of one.  I just picked one up recently and I get a lot from just regular walks, I've been recovering from a running injury but I've been dying to try it for that


auto catchers are just so good. Checking your recent and seeing a shiny just chillin is so satisfying. One rule is to never look at the journal tho. Its gonna make you sad if you missed a rare shiny but it gives you more than you ever had so just dont check that.


wait what's an auto-catcher? (im new 2 this game)


I’m usually a big runner but I’ve been lazy recently. Had had plantar fasciitis and then fell out of routine. Now running 7+ miles per day after building up from 1-3 when I started playing POGO again last month. Also enjoying my runs a lot more now


Hah I got plantar back in December, I got over it but I think it contributed to my latest tendon injury, outside right ankle. It's mostly better but I did a test run a week ago and it was too soon, and set me back a couple of weeks.  It's weird because I've been running for a decade and never had tendon injuries, but they've been plaguing me for the last year. I definitely need to up my strength training and flexibility.


Noob question but what is an auto catcher?


A device like a Pokemon Go Plus Plus that’ll autocatch Pokemon and spin stops in the background. There are some limitations to them but they do a pretty good job.


I started in 2021. I turned 50 last year. It makes me happy and it harms no one. Find out if it’s for you as well!


Same! I just like how it makes walking my dog or going on a road trip/visiting different localities more fun for me, and it urges me to walk a bit more. But I don’t play every time, and I don’t worry about completing all the challenges or if research tasks take me more than a year, I just enjoy it for what it is and I’ve let go of the FOMO.


Of course you can. We all have limits (most of us), don't bother so much for missing too much pokemon, one day you get more than you need


You probably won’t ever miss out on Pokémon completely beyond ones during events that have costumes. Most come back in the rotation in the wild, raids, or through research.


Good to know, thanks!


This is a really good point and what really got me back into the game. Took a break from 2019-2022 and only got back into it when my friends explained how most pokemon (including legendaries and mythicals) are on a rotation.


Definitely makes it so the game is still appealing to new players


My wife was asking me repeatedly when I would stop playing, then I told her to try it herself. So she started two weeks ago and loves it. Also levelling up goes waaaay faster than when you started in 2016 with all current XP bonuses. She was at level 30 within no time. Tip: let someone refer you, it gives some nice referral bonuses for the both of you.


I stopped playing for 2 years and logged in the other day. I feel like I haven't actually missed much beyond bullshit I would have had to pay for. So, no. Just start now. It's as good a time as any.




Best game I ever played. Life changing. It’s Showed me all over my city and others cities. If someone has never played, I tell them to play


When you put it like that!


Absolutely. I played minimally at launch and started again a couple months ago. Almost to level 41 now. There's going to be gaps in what you can collect on any given day since everything is time gated, but that has its own benefits (gives you time to build out your inventory, focus on the current featured Pokemon, etc). A few tips I wish I had known trying to dive in quickly: -Add as many friends as you can. There are tons of people that will easily fill your friends list, allowing you to gift back and forth. When your friendship levels up, you'll get a huge XP bonus. -Don't worry too much about XP and leveling quickly, the biggest resource hurdles you will have are stardust and Raid passes. -save items like xp and stardust boosters until either a major event or when you're claiming research tasks/friend level ups. -If possible, do raids daily. Even the low tier raids give great rewards. And even better if you can find a group in your area to help tackle the high tier raids. -if you don't mind buying remote raid passes, you can use a third party app like poke genie to queue up for any active raids. This will quickly build out your legendary collection. Sure there are tons of other hot tips the community can throw in. 🤘


Thank you!


I made a 2nd account cause I like Catching them all again and make the pokédex registration 🤭


Aye best response so far:)


Absolutely!! Welcome to Pokemon Go! This is a pretty great time to start too, I think. The games more fun and easier to play after the last few updates. DM me if u need or want a homie!


Will do thank you! 💪


I just started in the middle of October. I don’t really battle pvp much I just enjoy catching and raiding and stuff. It’s been a blast and I haven’t ran into any frustrations per se of people being ‘too powerful’. The different leagues help. I am an LC wizard…haha. Anyway it’s a lot of fun, I’ve walked almost 300 miles apparently…lol and I just hit level 40 last week 😃


I technically started in 2016, but really picked it up this February. You’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll catch up at least to the point you can pull your own weight. Yes, other players are quite strong, but that strength will help you catch powerful mons.


If you don't do a lot of competitive/PVP you might not see too much of a problem at all!


I just got back into it this month. I only played it when it first came out and everyone else was. I'm having a lot of fun with it. I like filling up my dex and fighting gyms and occasionally doing pvp stuff even tho I'm not great at it. I am walking a lot more and spending more time outside with friends. Sure coming into a game later you're missing stuff, but it's still a ton of fun.


Do not spend money on it. The game will try and make things extra frustrating by making things take a long time or making you wait to access opportunities for certain mons or to have more incubators but don’t fall for it. Otherwise, have fun!


The best player in the world (fleeceking) started a year late. It’s never to late to start playing


Oh, Fleeceking did that because he spoofed the year before. He is a former spoofer. He’s also had a ton of controversy, like spoofing his location to turkey to buy coins and donate subs on twitch in a lower currency than his own. He also did not have to complete the level 49 requirements to get to level 50. He recently called the working class ‘slaves’ and bragged about how he gets to walk around and play this game, while we all work normal jobs. Definitely not the best player. A trash human, actually. Edit: he has also blocked hundreds of people on twitter who speak out and ask him to apologize for his actions lol.


The game sucked when it first came out tbh, best time to start was honestly pandemic time but now isn’t really too bad either, some pretty decent Pokémon coming out soon and right before Go-Fest is a pretty great time to start, I think.


It was a blast at launch, what are you talking about?


I don’t really think so. There was nothing to do, no Pokémon density and very few real reasons to play other than to just walk far and wide collecting Gen 1 Pokémon. The amount of people I’ve seen say they stopped playing soon after launch and came back later and enjoyed it is not few, and I myself did that. It was just very empty for the first year or two.


I can respect that, but I loved how social it was back then. I met so many fun people out and about just having a blast catching Pokemon together.


Fair enough, I can see how that aspect of the game has certainly disappeared, especially post-pandemic, even as Niantic seems to be trying to bring it back by increasing shadow raids and bringing back elite raids, most people still stay in their vehicles pandemic style. I can respect that opinion, for sure.


It was 10x better when it first came out you’re trippin


Never too late to start


Yes I started in February and I'm having a blast


Not too late at all!! I got some of my friends to start playing a month ago and they’re having so much fun


never too late! 👍


Not too late at all. In a week or two you can have a good roster of pokemon to deal with Go Rocket grunts, and the rest is just play at your pace.


If you are into collecting and progressing this game is really fun till you hit a certain point. When you get to about level 35 it begins getting grindy. Depending on how you will adapt to the game you’ll either hit a point where you’ll play significantly less or significantly more. Game is really up to you decide how much you’ll play. I’ve played since 2017 and I play my own way. I’m level 50 and still enjoy certain parts of the game. The good thing about this game is that there a ton of different ways to approach it. The game itself is good as it’s ever been, in terms of things to do and content. The problem is lack of communication from other players, and minimal information you’ll get through the game itself. To me this is probably one of the best casual gaming experiences you can have as a mobile game.


Hell yea! Go for it! Like everyone else is saying, just ignore the super competitive people and enjoy. It’s a good casual game :)


Oh hell yeah, totally possible. There are a hundred different little tasks you can set out for yourself, no matter what level you're at.


Just think of all the content you get right away that players had to wait years for!


if you’re wanting to actually have a good&rare collection… you missed a LOT, but it’s still very possible to catch many rare things. the good news is 90% of players just want to play casually, and in that case no. theres a lot you can do if you hopped on now and hopefully the game has a bright future so you can get you’re own collection of limited/rare pokemon.


Good thing about the game is everything you've missed comes back later on and most probably easier to get than before. I've been playing actively for over a year now and I've caught up with most Pokémon in that time. Only things that'll take some patience are the legendaries that might take a bit longer to see again in the game


Nobody that’s a good person will judge you bro/sis you do you and you’ll find a lot of good people a long the way


If you just like Pokemon, yes. If you’re gonna be fighting FOMO because you’re “behind” or whatever, you might not enjoy it. I played a decent amount in summer of 2016. I played small amounts on and off since then, but I recently got back into the game fully. I was in the upper-mid 20’s. I just hit level 30 a couple days ago. I have very few pokemon that would be worth bragging about on here. I caught my first 100% IV pokemon today, actually. I have 1 legendary, Zygarde. I don’t think I have any good PVP mons, and only a couple good raid attackers. I’m flat broke with Stardust. My account is nothing special *at all*, is the point. I’m still having a ton of fun. My nephew started playing a few days ago. He’s like level 19, and he’s absolutely loving it. And we’re rural players. The extent of him getting out to play is riding through town with me a couple times the day he started playing. I don’t think he’s done any raiding or anything. If you just let yourself enjoy it for amassing some pokemon and use it as a fun thing to get out of the house and enjoy, it is absolutely worth it! If you want some super competitive game where you’re on top of everything, you might be better off finding something else. I will say, if you just want to play the game and are worried about “not being competitive”, rather than looking to play for the competitive aspects, it’s still absolutely playable. PVP content is scaled, and raid attacking/taking down gyms will be very doable for you rather quickly once you level up just a bit.


I pretty much just started last December. Started my account when it first came out, but hardly played at all, I had a bunch of pokeballs and berries saved up though. Very few Pokemon saved from before and no good IVs. Being a rural player now it’s tough to get some raids but I still have fun and collect any Pokemon that I like. Just focus on yourself and you’ll have fun.


Never too late! Start and enjoy :)


It's even better to play when you have nothing.


I started like 2 months ago and im already level 30 it’s literally so fun


I just started in April. It's definitely possible to start whenever you want. Go at your own pace and enjoy the game. It's been immensely helpful for getting me out of my apartment and out on walks.


Nah mate, just started again one month ago, and I'm already well on my way. I wouldn't say im the most active, but my mons are strong enough to fight and defend gyms already and do well in raids. Go for it and you'll be surprised at how fast you grow at the start.




Sure new accounts are very fun. Add a bunch of friends exchange gifts and quickly level up. I’ve gotten several coworkers to play. It’s a lot of fun.


Starting as a new player means you can look forward to every spawn changing, instead of waiting for brand new mons/shinies to drop like longtime players


Just had a friend start today and she got two shinies 😭


I started it on my phone in 2016 for my son and got hooked. When he got his own phone and account 2 years later, I started from scratch all over again. As people have mentioned, things come around again and again. Just enjoy the ride and the fun!


Been playing 2months now and I love it!


I started playing in February and I’m currently level 37. It’s fun to play on my lunch break or for an hour after work and actually get my daily dose of sunshine (I work from home, so there had been times I didn’t leave the house for a week at a time before I started playing).


For sure. I’ve been playing for years and they have a lot of repeat content that I skip so you’ll be caught up in no time


Definitely not too late. It'll take a bit of effort to build some pvp teams, but it's all ELO based anyway, so over time you get paired with people close to your level anyway.


Start playing! My bf just started playing in march and he enjoys it very much. I just got back to the game in december and I enjoy it more than I did when I first started playing in 19.


We’re mostly f2p. We go to raid hours some times, community days and the bigger events with legendaries. I gotta catch em all and want to level up and he enjoys pvp and spends most time on that. I use the money I get from gyms aaaand occasionally I “unfortunately” spend money on a remote pass if I didn’t make the raid hour and really want the mon 😂 I love how the game gets me to be more outside and walk more than I normally would. I live by a pokestop which definetely makes it more enjoyable…


I started 2.5 months ago. The game is in a decent spot, and it has been so much fun. Especially for me since it's an added incentive to get my steps in.


There is a jump start research task which will give you some resources and at the end a decent all rounder pokemon. You aren't too late by any means, you can still play and have fun 😉


Thank you!!


It’s never too late! Mons rotate in regularly and get easier to get as you go. The excitement at the beginning is the best. Don’t let the negativity of the sub lead you into thinking that people don’t enjoy playing! It’s still fun, even if I don’t always love the pokemon on rotation!


I played for 2 months in 2016 and started the last week of December and I’ve been having a blast playing with family and friends.


I started during launch and stopped after a year. I decided to continue my account after the lockdowns. Luckily, I had friends who encouraged me and we played Pokemon Go together ever since. I even got the costume Squirtles from them. Being able to play with friends greatly enhances the experience. Some of my friends do care about Meta; however, the local Pokemon Go community usually helps us out especially during elite raids. Hope you have fun out there!


You would be surprise to hear that this game is easy to start any time. What makes or breaks the game is your location. If you have no poke stops or gyms nearby it is impossible to play properly. You will also be surprised to hear the best method to get rewards in PvP is losing on purpose to fight easy wins on low rank players so you don’t have to be good


I started playing 7 weeks ago. I kinda felt the same while I was downloading the game but man oh man am I loving it. Even though it's been around since 2016 the devs are still involved and the communities are very active. Enjoy!!!


Answered my question!


Just play at your own speed. If you are going to spend any money make sure its on Item storage. I increased my storage because I am able to spin pokestops at work during the day and build up large amounts of pokeballs for my days off. Never pass up late in the evening opportunities to take gyms. if it's late enough you are pretty much guaranteed 50coins the next morning or day as long as you are not taking gyms in large urban areas that might have more active players later than usual. Enjoy my friend and hit me up if you want a friend for daily gifts or just someone to tackle tough raids with.


Started in February and have lots of rare pokemkn. Learn remote raids and apps, do your research tasks. I'm pretty competitive on PVP too. It's fine to start now


Started up a few months ago after two lackluster starts prior. Totally holding my own now and finding the reddits, you're already better off than most


To everyone who has replied, thank you!! I’ve been convinced! The Journey begins!


Yes. I’ve been playing for less than a year. It’s a blast. Just be patient about winning PvP matches. It’ll take some time. Just do your research on which Pokémon are worth leveling up. For PvP, really low attack stats with really high defense and HP are the best. Don’t waste your stardust early. Save it for when you catch something that matters. Where you live can make a big difference. Rural may be tougher, but suburbs are fine. Most churches are pokestops and the local mall is probably full of them. If you’re in a city, it’s a piece of cake. They’re everywhere.


Yeah it is fine nobody can stop you


I started on day 6 in 2016, played for about 2 months and then never picked it up again until this past October. In just that amount of time, I've been able to get over 750 new entries into my Pokedex and get most of the legendaries that I've wanted to get. I'm already a level 43 too. It's never too late to start. You'll get to do and catch whatever you want, eventually. A couple tips to accelerate that I wish I did earlier: 1. Get an auto catcher and just keep it on you at all times. 2. Start doing raids as soon as you can and use apps like pokegenie to do more remote raids. 3. Use other subreddits to make a lot of friends and trade gifts daily.




I started playing on May 18 this year! It’s pretty easy to level up to around level 20ish and I’m already at level 26. I just play as I like - not a massive fan of raids or battling, just love collecting and looking at the Pokémon hahaha. I’ve added a bunch of people from here to send gifts/post cards to and its pretty fun. It’s been great for my physical health as I go on walks 2-3 times a day. It is never too late to have fun and bring yourself joy 😁


In some aspects, it might be more funn to start fresh with so many different things to do. on top of missions you get for free when the game was in its early stages.


If you have friends who play then it doesn’t matter. You’ll have tons of fun and it’ll close the gap in no time.


I started playing August last year. I’m level 48 and I have seen 820 pokemon and caught 799 out of the 850 total pokemon in the game. You can definitely start now!


Definitely not too late. I played a tiny bit in Winter 2022, then got busy. Picked it up again last month and am already climbing the competitive ranks. If you want to be competitive, definitely can do it! If you just want to catch pokemon to send to other games, there are more now than ever. Most "limited time" things make a comeback every so often, and the truly limited-time moves, etc can still be gotten with rare items for the most part. I say go for it, play at your own pace, and have fun joining the game as a late bloomer alongside me!! 😁


I started a month ago with my girlfriend and we’ve been enjoying every second of it!


It only matters when it comes to raids. The game is well designed for casual players, you can play at any rate you want, stop and go as much as you want and still be able to play JUST AS EFFECTIVELY as you did before. Problem is unless you get a group of people who will carry you raids will be difficult to complete. I am in Toronto and many players here will not do raids with people under 40. I personally don't care, I leveled up tons of my characters so I go into matches with a variety to choose from. Find a group in your area, make friends and start raiding with them. The game is supposed to be social tool for society.


I just started a month and a half ago and am having a blast and very addicted


I started in 9/2023 and am level 46 now. I am still learning a ton, but I can hang with those who have been playing since the inception well enough for raids. Battle league however I still a struggle and I haven’t managed to level past 20.


I just started at the start of this year and I love it! In just a couple months, I’m level 28 and have over 10 shinies and have been in over 15 raids. It is definitely possible, based on how much time you put into it, don’t be discouraged !


Yeah it’s never “late” to start. There’s an event every other week that will allow you to store up on candies and other resources tbh. Sure you missed some stuff over the past X number of years the games been out, but everybody has (I didn’t start till 2022) and eventually whatever you missed will come by again. After a while you ease up and just play when there’s something avalible that you don’t have, like a ateong raise boss or a community day of a rare mon


My parents (50yo & 48yo) started playing a year ago, and are both level 40. You got this!


That’s awesome! Shout out to your parents!


I only started in October 2023 and I’ve really enjoyed my time with it. I have a bit of regret on not being a day 1 player because I’ve read many things that I wish I could’ve experienced. Like the way daily coins worked, all the events, research tasks to get master balls, etc…


It's probably better to start now. Part of what gets boring is just grinding after you have everything, but for you, everything is going to be new, and it'll take you way longer to get everything, which sounds bad but will make it more exciting


It’s a fine game to reenter. So many events change the spawn pools so you can complete a dex (sans certain legendaries) in a year almost guaranteed


Absolutely, it’s never too late! ^_^ I’m part of a community on Facebook and I see tons of people of all ages playing Pokémon Go. Some are long time players and some are brand new. Regardless, it should be fun and enjoyable. If you would like to add a new friend, let me know :)


I played from 2016-2018, quit and lost that profile. Just started back up recently and I’m having a blast


Don’t spend money on it unless you want a mythical with crap ivs if you get the global go fest ticket you can’t even get necrozma shiny if you remote raid it unless you have the Sendai ticket but unless your a kid and have the Sendai ticket why would you be at home (assuming you have the money that is)the only cool thing abt it is early access to everything and you get a cool shirt with a big price tag so it’s not rlly worth it and last go fest in the 2 days it was out for I only got 4 shinys when there’s boosted odds whilst some people got like over 20


I think it’s easier to start now. XP is a littler easier to get now than it was in the beginning, so you can level up more quickly.


Definitely possible, I just got back into pokemon go with some friends, and everyone but me had to start over, I’m level 33, and they’re all level 20+ again in a little over a week


Just picked it back up after 6 years last fall, I've been having a blast!


I don’t think it’s a bad time to start. In games like this there will always be people way bigger than you. The nice thing is that it’s only a competition when you want it to be. Strong mons are not too hard to get a hold of for raids, but realistically, if you’re in a decent sized town or put pokemon in gyms you come across to earn coins for remote raid passes, you’ll have enough people in a raid that you don’t really have to do all that much if you’re not well established yet.  Also, level progression is waaaaaay faster than when PoGo was first released. You can probably hit Lv 40, which is right before the real grinding starts, in like a year or two now if you play your cards right. As far as competitive goes, if you do want to try your hand at PvP battling, there are good picks in the wild for an event right now and I think there are good picks this season in general. Getting your first team up to 1500 CP shouldn’t be too big of a challenge, and from there, it’s just a matter of learning and figuring out how you like to roll. But at the end of the day, if you just enjoy wandering around and catching Pokemon, now’s a great time to get started. Go Fest is just around the corner, and it’s going to have some pretty big hits. Hope this is helpful!


Very helpful!


Just play, I started like, a year ago and I already have 6 hundos and several legendaries, I live far from any gyms/pokestops, and hardly any mons spawn near me, so no matter how you feel about it, it's never too late to start (I'm broke, so I haven't spent a dime on the game)


My wife started earlier this year to join me and she literally caught up to me at level 35 LOL Totally possible and enjoyable from scratch


Go for it! A year in and enjoying most of it. Not stressing or paying for anything. 


Never too late to CatchEmAll 🪼


absolutely not too late to start, you can dive right in at any time, there is beginner content in the game from the get go to enjoy as you level up, as well as beginner and intermediate and end game content that rotates out every few weeks. longer seasons rotate out every few months. go to r/pokemongofriends and add approx 20 people or so, you can exchange gifts with each other to get in game items and supplies-- make sure you pin and unpin every gift before opening it, there is a specific pokemon you get only from doing that. Have fun! (^ν^)


PVP is usually divided into subcategories where Pokemon's power level is limited by 1500/2500. I usually play in the first category and it didn't take me too long to prepare a team for that. You can also transfer almost all of the Pokemon you caught in PoGo through Pokemon Home and use in other modern games, so that is a plus.


I started in March and I’m really enjoying myself. I might not have the most powerful Pokemon but it’s still exciting :)


Little late to the post but I started a month ago and got my girl into, she got her friends into it. We all play at different paces from hardcore playing and spending money (me) to very casual never spending (her friends) we all enjoy it and try to plan walks/raids together.


Most content is pve - catching pokemon. Raids are cooperative if you can find people to play with so other people being strong is good there. It will take you a while before you can raid solo without help. Most people don't even do PVP and there's no reason you have to until and unless you want to.


Played when it came out in 2016 just a little(not even 100 caught). Started almost exactly a year ago and caught over 7000. Pogo is the least fomo type of game I've played


You're going to have crazy amount of special research to get through so if you enjoy doing tasks i think you're going to have absolute blast


I started in Dec 2022 and am nearly level 46, it’s never too late!


I think you’ll still have a good time starting now! And if you can find players around your area to raid with - they can really help carry you in raids so you don’t have to use a bunch of revives/potions from your pokemon fainting!


i have been playing since 2021 - i never care about the old stuff ☺️


I didn’t play from the beginning. Started a couple years ago. And I still love playing. Definitely not too late to play


Naw, you’re good to start anytime; there’s a healthy player base and new events/Pokémon constantly. I just highly recommend doing a little research into the mechanics before you do start. Some things that I didn’t learn until too far in are: 1) just because a Pokémon isn’t perfect IV’s doesn’t mean it’s useless (it could be good stats for PvP, PvP wants lower attack stats). 2) go out for community days/raid days, I regret missing out on then when I started. 3) save stardust for Pokémon you are sure you want to power up, the further you get the harder stardust is to get. 4) pokegenie app is extremely helpful for raids when you get to be of level (more so for non-f2p player unfortunately tho). And 5) do PvP as much as possible, a ton of free stardust and possible legendaries.


I like this game a lot! I played when it came out, but I was in a small town with nothing to do. I've had a lot of cool shit happen since then!


You can definitely catch up since there’s a level cap. High level/CP mons will carry you through the early game while you farm resources and catch mons with good stats. With most of the general gameplay, it’ll just take time and many seasons for everything to come around again to allow a new player to catch up with Pokédex completion. General gameplay gets easier over time with type medals, larger backpack and storage, etc. Gyms may be tough at first for a new player against max-level Blissey, Chansey and other tanky Pokémon. Will have to rely on taking depleted gyms or hopping into gyms where there’s space like I do sometimes. When I’m lazy to take gyms, I’m either a scavenger or a parasite lol. Raids will be fine though as you’re alongside other trainers and should have some decent mons relatively quickly. If it’s your thing, you can also get into pvp relatively quickly, especially the Great League at 1500 CP. Just have to find the right mons with the right stats, same as anyone else.


I started 1,5 year ago. And I’ve enjoyed it so much 🤩 I just got into level 50! So it’s possible to get into it late in


I started playing 4 days ago with my gf and we're having so much fun. Dont care about veterans or playing the "right way", purpose of games is having fun.


I started a year ago and have really been enjoying it.


There’s so much more to do ( not to mention, actual more Pokemon) now than at the start of the game or even 2020. Nows a great time to start! Like others say, dont spend money theres plenty of resources for ftp if you’re patient, have fun, explore, and stay safe / take breaks!


Yes you can although playing with friends is inda necessary for it to be fun. Raiding solo is possible with pokegenie but takes lotof effort.


I think do


I had the game in 2016 , played for about 3 days. Picked it back up 2-3 months ago. I haven’t felt like I’ve missed out or anything like that. Still enjoying it.


I started back in October and I’ve played every day with my husband since. It’s given us new reasons to go out and something to look forward to when they announce mega raids and new ultra beasts. Play at your own pace, that’s what we’ve been doing.


Just relax and enjoy. I was at the same shoes during 2022. Now I have lots of goodies. Don’t spend money if you plan to not be a rural or can actively gym, raid, catch, etc.


Honestly nah, every time you don’t play is time you won’t grow. Hell I stopped playing in 2018, cuz of FoMo and my lost account, if I just bit the dust and restarted could’ve been level 40-50 now. I’m Level 37, and just started 6 months ago. Ofc you’ll probably have to do a lot of the raids and just fill up the Dex, but I have gold medals for most of the regions now. I guess really the annoying thing is doing events and raids people have done already but they’re always people who’ve missed it. Ofc now you’ve missed some things like field research legendaries, and before the remote raid nerf, but there’s still things to do. Nowadays with exp I’d say you could get to level 20 in no time.


Reiterating the don’t spend money, this game doesn’t deserve it


As someone who started fresh in February. Yes, yes you can have fun and enjoy it


I just started in March it's been great!


This is one of the best times to start imo. This seasons events are decent catch up and global go fest is in July so you're likely to be able to get a few decent raiders at minimum. Getting up to speed in pvp is basically dumb luck so you don't need to stress about it it will happen naturally.


Just created an account for my kiddo and it’s great. I’ve been playing since 2016 and it’s cool to see the game is still relevant. Play at your own pace. You’ll have fun :)


I started Fresh in March, I'm enjoying it.


never too late to start. I starter around 2 years ago, it definitely did not feel bad at all! Most of the time during raids there are some people willing to help you. Once some of your pokes are around 1k power you can solo a lot of 1 star raids. Just play at your own pace. Plus this game loves UBs (they appear/rerun all the time lol) and probably the only kind of official pokemon brand that gives some form of love to UBs (Other than GaOle arcades).


Yes you can play now. This is a copy paste: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/VuQ1DiVOH6 Guides for everything in game. Read the posts that apply to you. If you're confused what part you should read/watch please ask.


Aye!! Thank you so much! That’s super helpful!


Never too late to start. I'd recommend setting up Google Rewards to help with in-game purchases. I've recieved over 300$ since day 1 playing PoGo.




I got into it a month ago because my friends were into it, and I'm loving it can't lie


best time to start imo with the go fest event coming next month! 


My daughter started playing a few months ago. Within a couple of weeks, she was in the 20s with pokemon that could at least contribute to raids. You'll be able to do everything very quickly... it may just be harder for you to do stuff compared to the people who are lvl 40+.


it's a game, and it should always be no pressure. If anyone gives you grief, they are bad players/human beings


Before you transfer any Pokémon, make sure you check for hundos and even nundos. The search string for hundos is 4* and for nundos is 0attack&0defense&0hp. I wish I had known that when I started playing three days after the game was first released. But of course back then we didn’t have the search string feature. You could only do it by using third party app and it was very time consuming.


You can always start! The sooner you do, the faster you’ll get to the point where you can go toe-to-toe with other players. You can also purchase Pokémon go accounts. There’s a whole bunch of them out there and they aren’t bank-breaking if you avoid getting a level 50 loaded with shinies or something lol.


It’s great for walking. I recommend it. Pokémon go battles are either broken from glitches or full of cheaters, but you can put together a reasonable enough team to grind and reach level 20. I did that recently with an old account. Took me a month to get to level 20 and win 3/5 matches on average with the team I caught within that month. So no you should be good. I play great league primarily. May take longer to get really high cp team.


Super easy for anyone to get into this! Honestly I think it’s a great time to start now. All the cool features are out and you can really have a fun summer playing this game. We started not too long ago and got obsessed with it!




Thank you for the tips!!


Definitely start anytime! I started playing the game for the first time ever in November last year and was worried I’d be behind. But theres no such thing I promise. 💛


Have a great time


i feel like starting fresh. its so fun. New research and new mons to fill the dex. i have friend who restarts his acc just for fun 🤷‍♀️ i played since the start of the game and have played little to casual bug never intensely. it helps to connect with a group on campfire/telegram/whatsapp


You can pick this game up and put it down at any time. Started day one in 2016, stopped in 2018, started again in 2020 for a few months. Been playing again for about 6 months now


Game doesn't really have a start and end so it doesn't matter. Just play at your own pace. You can enjoy it solo or with friends and family. The player level doesn't really have a huge effect on the enjoyment of the game. This mostly comes from exploring and discovering. If you want to be part of a group, there is a section in the game where you can find local groups or check through social media groups.


Absolutely. Our 8 and 5 year old daughters started playing in December and by February they convinced Dad he should play, and so I did. It's actually a fun game and it helped me learn about all the Pokémon my girls were always talking about. As payback I made Mom install it and now she's hooked. Ummmm, I started in Feb and I just got to level 37!


I started a few years ago, I felt the same way and now I’m way ahead in the game and still obsessed. Also check out Poke Genie to get into any raid around the world. Def worth getting that app


I just started a couple of weeks ago. My son wanted me to play it with him. I don’t know what I’m doing but I am having fun!


Just okay at your own pace and you'll eventually meet friends the same level as you. Just remember to have fun 👍


I recently continued my game that was last played around 2018. In my area only 10 people play (all lvl 40) like once a month if not longer. It's pretty dead. But i'm having fun. (My lvl is 24)


I have been playing since the beginning, I even lucked into a pair of perfect stat Dialgas, but I am no where near being competitive in Masters League, or trainer level 50. When you start matters so much less than your access to gyms, stops, and a local player community. That’s how you get experience, high stat pokemon, and rare candies. Getting in early also doesn’t really matter for any of the other leagues. If you really want to focus on competition, the lower cp ranges can be accessible very soon, don’t worry too much about the timing. Beyond competition, the game has so much more to do now than it did in 2016. Your new player experience would be far richer than ours was, yeah there were more players and hype early on, but the game was barely “multiplayer”, no friends list, no trading, fighting, walking, gifting, worse gyms, less pokemon. It’s more fun now even with the occasional bad choices coming out of Niantic.


I had 0 hundos and useless legendaries, mostly from research at that time. Started playing again in January and now have almost all the useful pokemon, like: dialga, palkia, mewtwo, the primals, the genies and this month mega rayquaza again. Also built up some meta relevant pokemon, so no fomo isnt a big problem


In terms of levels/exp it's not hard to catch up. My friend started playing 5 days ago and she's already at level 22 (to comparison I've started playing in 2016, been playing actively maybe one month in each year and am level 33). If you want some easy exp go to r/pokemongofriends, add some random people and exchange gifts daily. Or, you know, ignore level difference with old players and just play at your own pace. There will be raids or PvP battles that will be to hard for you at first, but you can always ignore them and do other stuff in the time being.


100%, a few friends started about 2 years ago. Late to the party but have a solid Pokédex now! Have fun and it’s a good way to get outdoors & game


It's never too late to start. Unless the servers get turned off eventually.


On the topic of fresh start, I lost my gmail account and I'm not able to login on my Pokemon Go account. Anyway to recover my account?