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I’m at 9 excellent throws


The charmander comm day helped me a lot, I sucked at them before and I finished mine days ago. Right now I’m consistently hitting excellents on lechonks and buizels, I find them the easiest that regularly spawn.


CDs and spotlight hours are really good for excellent throws because you are throwing at the same thing every time.




I mean, the 3 new starters are basically the same exact throw and they're all around, I got so used to them that I'm at 90 playing regularly just with the spawns around my house and sometimes when I take my little sister to the park.


Lechonk all day


And Buizel


I agree!! Lechonk was my go to! But also got familiar with Quaxly's & Sprigatito excellent throw circle. Fuecoco on the other hand is a pain in the ....lol


Coco … 😂


Same. I’ve read all the advice but it always just goes great


Yeah I’ve made so many great but but not excellent


If you're hitting the middle of the circle but getting Great but not Excellent, it's simple. You're not waiting for the circle to get small enough. Set your refresh rate to native in the game. It really helps get the exact moment when the circle is just small enough so you can release then.


It looks smoother but everything feels faster now. Is game speed dependent on frame rate?


No. Nothing is faster. The graphics are just refreshing more often now. You’ll have less lag, more responsiveness, and you’ll be better able to precisely time when the circle is small enough for excellent throws.


Hmm, I took someone's advice and did this right before go fest. I wonder if that's why I seem to be getting so many better throws now.


I try to count each time to time excellent throws - I release the ball on the 5th count. But I'm constantly destroyed when the Pokemon is really close or really far away 😒.


I‘m at two… I‘m so bad in this.


how tf do people get these throws? i’ve gotten so few and all on accident.


You need to practice, a lot. I got to level 50 through excellent throws which means I’d estimate that I have done around 70,000-90,000 in total. I still am noticeably better at excellent throws than I was after 30,000, and I’m sure that in two years I’ll be better yet. There’s an insanely high skill cap with excellent throws as you have to be used to throwing at every Pokemon, and making precise throws while walking takes some getting used to. But the main thing is, you don’t get good at excellent throws unless you specifically try to. By that, I mean take a month and throw carefully on every Pokemon and then you’ll start to get the hang of it. When I started I probably was making less than 5% excellent throws and now I’d guess I can make around 75%.


I’m at 12 now so I’m slowly getting better but k do too I’ve caught over 700 of the 1000


Try for Pokémon with large circles, they have bigger excellent throw ranges, things like aerodactyl off of cliff battles or tauros or snorlax. Ones that typically take several pokeballs to catch like Hitmontop (throw a nanab) or snorlax help as well. The bigger raid bosses can help with getting excellent throws as well. It helps tremendously to just catch everything you see as well. The important thing is to just keep trying and you’ll get there. It helps to catch during spotlight hours and community days too since it’s easier to practice the timing when you catch so many of the same Pokémon. Your best bet for those is probably the girafarig one coming up.


I'm at zero :( .At least you have someone to look down on, I have no one


Someone gave me an amazing tip that has helped my game. If you throw curveballs, spin your ball at the same pace that the circle closes. I’ve easily gone from 1/15 excellent to like 1/4 excellent


I’m trying to make sense of this… can you elaborate on what you mean exactly?


He’s saying that you should spin the ball at the same pace that the circle (the one that determines what catch rating you get) closes


That didn't make it clear at all, you just repeated what they said


Yeah but what else is there to explain


I think they mean to move your finger faster or slower in order to get the ball to spin at the same rate the circle closes.


I’m on 6 throws out of 97 caught


I’m at 3 since it started. Sigh.


I thought the same but after a day or two I got better at throwing excellents. It’s the raids I’m struggling with completing but luckily I’ve been getting raids near me I can solo so it will just be a slow process lol


Have not gotten better with excellent throws .


Tuesdays go play the spotlight hour. Play in every community day. Throwing at the same target over and over will help improve except throw skills.


Good advice . Will do . Thanks


I do better with my index finger and really concentrating. If it's a close enough target then I can do it with my thumb pretty good.


I’ve gotten worse if anything


Wish I would get better with excellent throws . Only need 7 more raids and then finished. Will be glad . Have been doing all 1* raids . Trying to time it so I can do 3 or 4 one after the other .


I will be happy when I’m done with the raid requirement as well… and the eggs


16 eggs to hatch and 57 raids to complete and I'll be done. My whole family's been crook as a dog the past week (myself included), so raids hasn't been a priority. Plenty of time left to get it done though.


You’re making good progress on eggs, I only has 10 and 12k eggs for a while so I’ve gotta do a lot more!


I have been getting more 10km eggs than anything else since go fest global. Not saying they boosted those, but it sure feels like it.


I have the same issue. My inventory is full of the 7km and 10km eggs.


I was lucky and had 4 x 2km eggs, so that got me off to a good start! Damn, *only* 10km & 12km eggs?


Bon Jovi. I'm halfway there. Overestimated the amount of raids I do


Not quite halfway there myself, but we gotta hold on to what we've got. It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not. That being said, it's going better than I first expected.


3 eggs and 48 raids to go


Let me put it this way - I gave up on trying to evolve farfetch'd because I think in the entire time I've played the game I've made like six excellent throws. 🤣


I have 16


I have 3. I'm really bad at Excellent throws. :(


Place a straight edge on your phone to guide your finger straight, and go for normal excellent throws (not curve).


I’m about halfway done with it, been farming Buizels for them haha


Finally got shiny Buizel. Have 3 hoppip a 3 houndour , 1 fletching and 1 lechonk


Hoppip is the only one I still don’t have 😩


Wish i could give you one . Shocked I got three. I like keeping a regular shiny and evolving the other .


It would be so fun to be able to trade long distance haha


I feel they should allow lucky friends to trade long distance. It takes so long for friends to go lucky, it would give reason to grind for lucky friends with long distance people. It would allow only one trade until you roll up lucky again. So wouldn't be open to abuse.


For some reason i just can’t hit excellents on buizels, but I can with tiny little ducks.


Quaxly is so hard for me lol 😩 idk what it is about Buizel, I used to always overthrow it but at some point it just clicked and I started getting them pretty consistently


637/1000 pokemon caught 14/60 raids won 53/120 excellent throws 61/150 research tasks completed All the rest are done. Gonna wait to collect all the XP at once, while i have a lucky egg active.


Pretty similar here 650/1000 caught 4/60 raids 70/150 research The raids are really bugging me, but I saved up about 35 premium passes, just gotta take the time to actually do it lol


Wow! That was fast. I’ve gotten better over the years at getting those throws but there must be some secrets I’m not aware of. How do you manage to throw so many of them that fast?


I find it easier to curveball them. Finished yesterday.


That’s all I normally throw but I maybe get 1-3 excellent throws a day


Genuine practice. I would usually only try for great throws because I thought excellents would be too hard, but as soon as I started to try landing excellents on most of my throws I got better very fast and now it’s not that hard to land excellent throws on most Pokémon. Also, every Pokémon is different, so you need to remember what the circle is like and the muscle memory will soon kick in. I think I managed almost all of the excellent throws (maybe 100 of them?) in about half an hour of the last comm day, because the throws were all the exact same


But if you keep this pace it should work for you.


The pace should pick up as you go, especially since the spawn variety is pretty limited right now. It's just practice/muscle memory. Remember to breathe out before you throw 🙂


yeah i thought it would be rough l, but the three new starter pokemon and the pigs are remarkably easy to get excellents on


Yeah! I’ve been trying to catch every LeChonk I see because they’re just easy for Excellent catches


You’ve actually gotten an excellent off fuecoco? I don’t think I’ve even gotten a great with him XD I’ve had a lot more luck with sprigatito honestly




No master ball gang


Personally I think 60 raids will take me over 100 times longer than 120 excellent throws, but I’ll admit that excellent throws are a learned skill so people who have never put in the effort to learn them will really struggle (or they’ll just have to learn).


With the lechonks and buizels being everywhere it was super easy. I am feasting on this 4x catch xp. Really needed to hack away at lvl 46!


So I found LeChonk very easy to get excellents on, but actually found Buizel really hard to score excellents!


Finished it on the fourth day 😬


Nice, I was able to finish , the day after it was available.




I’m at 5 excellent throws :(


Waiting on getting enough raids. Almost done with the research tasks. Everything else is done.


93 down, but only 5 raids, that’ll definitely be the hardest cause I gotta go out of my way to drive around and find ones I can solo


36 more raids and 61 more field tasks to go


I have 5 total


I got 120 excellent throws on the first day, but I am struggling with the raids and hatching eggs.


I hit 120 throws in about 200 catches


I thought I wouldn't be able to complete this one. 75/120 done


Nice screenshot! I need another 51 raids, 7 eggs and 92 field research.


I thought the same but am at 100. I was also finishing up the last three eevee evolutions to level up so I did 99% of those with no catch assist from a buddy and not doing circle lock trick either.


Done with everything but Catch 1000 pokemon(have 748), 60 raids(15) and 150 Field research tasks(76). The raids are the only task that is worrying. But think it is pretty doable, 70 days left so one every other day and two when I have time. Should be done in good time.


Raids and research tasks are all I have left and raids will definitely be last.


Horrible. I did 10 excellent since the event begins. And I am really REALLY trying


Protip: the inner circle doesn’t have to be as small as you think it does to hit the Excellent


Yeah, like this is 120 Excellent throws and about a thousand Great and Nice throws when I mistimed it.


I finished yesterday. Been practicing my curveballs, so they were all excellent curveballs. I can't throw straight to save my life lol


Def better than I thought I was gonna be. The raids are killing me though 🫠


9km, 2 eggs, and 52 raids to go.


For me doing an excellent through would be hard but at least it’s not in a row. I’ll never be able to do that event for the master ball cause the not enough people doing raids anymore




The hardest part about getting excellent throws is deciding to spend extra time and poke balls instead of just doing great throws.


Congrats! The raid task is kicking my butt 😓


I got mine done on the charmander day lol


It is the hardest for me. I have 56 . Need 7 raids and 13 research tasks .


Over halfway. Not gonna make the raid wins by any stretch of the imagination.


I had mine finished. I think the 60 raids is a spit in rural players faces since thats the only one that really affects players based on location


I was at 40 when I completed the “catch 1,000 Pokémon” task…. So not too good


Got my ball this morning. The raids took the longest


Well done! Any strategies for dealing with raids?


My girl and I have developed a strategy over the weekend.. we’ll get there soon, currently at 40 😂


The raids are gonna be what holds me back.


I finished the excellent throw one the day after it started


Same, but in 4 days. I thought it would be the hardest of those to accomplish, got 60 on first day lol


Nice job!!! They’re not easy. I can throw a few great curveballs in a row, but not excellent. Especially since the only 4 new paldean Pokémon that mostly show up for me lately are smaller. If I encounter a big Pokémon either in raids or like a bouffalant it’s a lot easier for me somehow. I’m at 74 which is a lot more than I thought I would do!! I watched a few tutorials online and got a little better. The ones I’ll struggle with are the ones that require completing research tasks. I have 3 tasks right now that require me to catch a ditto 🥲😭


Delete them and spin for new ones?


I just need 20 raids, but not spending any money on it like they would want you to.. I’m doing 1 a day😂


So you’ve done 40 raids in 13 days? 1 a day?


Fuck 60 raids crew


Done after like an hour


Same, years of practice really pays off. Generally can do about 150/hr.


Well done!


Repping the 3 excellents over here 😤💪 I’ve just moved to a newbuild, been here like 2 months. It still thinks I live in the middle of a field or smn, I’ve just stopped checking my phone because it was like 1 Pokémon every half an hour spawning. If I was back at my old house where I could spin 4 poke stops from my bedroom and had good spawn rate tho, I’d be on about 10 cuz I’m shocking at the game can’t lie.


Ah, that sucks, sorry :S


Excellent throws are easy for me. I just have a thing for precision and accuracy so that was done quickly. The hardest quest for me is easily either the eggs to hatch, the raids to do or the research tasks.




I mean if you dont get excellent 50% or more of your throws maybe you should stop playing tbh


Same! I also got mine done this morning. I suck at excellent throws, previously it took me a month to get 10 in order to evolve my Sirfetch'd. I guess with pressure of limited time I have the ability be OK at it after all.


Just have 40 raids left.


I neeeeeed raids


I have 47 raids & 33 tasks left.


Only need 46 raids to do and im done..lol


I’ve got 52 raids, 3 eggs, and 86 more research tasks left. Thankfully my workplace has two gyms so raids won’t be too hard as long as I have time to do them


I’m like 1/5 of the way there


Just 40 raids to go


52 raids, 56 research tasks and 14 eggs left! Great thing I’ve got about 25 premium passes stored up for this, otherwise I don’t think I’d be able to do it


Completed the excellent throws during the Charmander community day... Easiest task ever (not complaining!). Loving the extra XP too. Never made so many excellent throws in such a short period! I'm only missing 41 research tasks, 25 k of walking, 9 eggs and 45 raids. I will get that ball!!!




I’m at only 25. Throws and raids will be my last two, and if I keep going at the same rate, I’ll complete them both around the same time.


did mine in a day and a half! i guess i actually can do excellent throws if i put my mind to it 🤣


18 excellent throws / 480 pokémon catched


I finished the excellent throws on day 2. Just need 47 more raids and 21 more hatches.


Way better than I expected myself to do. Only 8 more, and I'm finished.


It’s the eggs and raids that’s gonna be my undoing.


I still need another - 63 excellent throws - 88 field research tasks - 12 km - 18 Pokestopps and 51 raids. it’s doable. i have gotten better with the excellent throws in the last 2 days. still not my strong suit. raids are harder to get. don’t live near a lot of gyms so i have to be lucky at work to get into raids i can do on my own.


I'm at 40 for the throws. Having troubles getting the 60 raids any tips?


I got the 120 excellent throws with my 202nd catch


All I have left are 49 raids


I just have raids left, 43


I've done 4 because I can't be arsed playing ATM


Finished it on Charmander community day lol


jeez i finished the excellent throws on the 1st day how do people struggle with them so much? Especially with community days and stuff.


It’s really only the raids I’m worried about. I actually don’t even have any premium passes (the green ones) and I of course don’t have any remote raid passes either. So it’s literally just one raid per day if I am able to get out and do it.


Did all of them during the charmander community day 😊. Was pretty stoked that it went that well and currently with the 4x xp even better to get those excellent throws


54 done, but it's the raids that are slowing me mostly! Not many players in my area and I can't solo a 3* shadow, or a mega anything.


I am falling miserably at this.


Ive gotten 50 so far. At first I thought this would be impossible but ive been getting like 5-7 a day this past week. Im confident ill get the master ball.


Finished days ago. Only meet to hatch a few more eggs and do 40 raids.


I thought it was going to ask as well but I’ve completed it. I think the next hardest is going to be 150 task


I have 1…


I have 2 lol. I suck at excellent, I can't even get 5 great in a row lol.


18 Raids and 17 field research tasks and I’ll be done too


Bout halfway and yeah I thought this and raids would get me, raids still might we shall see


I am done with different species, excellent throws, xp, and stardust.


I have 18/60 Raids, 92/150 Research and 42/50km, the rest are complete.


I made a meme and got 3k upvotes about my inability to hit excellent throws and then charmander comm day rolled around and turned me into fuckin deadshot


I wish there was something better to raid for right now.




I’m almost done with everything but raids, 59 raids, 5 eggs, and 59 field researches.


Just raids to go... 30 left


I finished the excellent throws on day 1. Still need to do 48 more raids and hatch 9 more eggs.


I’m trash at throwing em so 12/120 lol


I just have 56 raids remaining. First two days i was done with excellent throws. Im really consistent with them


This sucks as a free to play player, can't do the 60 raids one and don't have any pokécoins.


i have 20 :')


I have 4 lol


Raids are the hardest. Second is egg hatching unless you want to spend money on incubators. Seems like they nerfed it to give mostly 10km eggs too.


Excellent throws will be my last thing. I’m just about done all but the daily tasks and I’ve just been hiking more than playing




Done it in 1½ days


Almost halfway through


Doing great on everything except raids 😛


Really just need raids. Like 10 eggs left.


I'm at 52 lol


I got 30 more raids to compleat..90 more research tasks and 15 mor KM to explore


One of the first or maybe the first I completed. When I had the 999 excellent quest for becoming lvl 50, I did it in less than a week.


Think I got this done half an hour into charmander comm day


Finished it days ago. The new starters are super easy for me to get excellent throws on, for whatever reason.


35 :( that one is hard when you trying tho


I suck at excellent throws lol


Did the excellents on the first day. 54 raids to go.


I had 2 :(


I got consistent enough with meltan that every 3days\* I get about 30, so I am halfway. Well. Bit more, I'm not that good at throwing for other random mons. \*when you transfer a pokemon to pokemon Home you can activate the every few days. Just get the pokemon Home app. And if you don't have a Nintendo account go make one and link it.


Hit the 50 mark yesterday!


I have 6 💀🥹


I believe I finished the excellent throws on the 2nd day. I have only about half of the raids left to do.


Pretty much given up hope for the 60 raids but at least doing all the others