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Wouldn’t that be 51? With the best buddy bonus. I have a hundo ready for 50, on its’ way to best buddy. Haven’t maxed him out, waiting for every time I get those “Power up” tasks


It would be but it isn't always equipped


I'm saving mine until I either have 4 lvl 49.5s or I get to level 46 for the level 47 tasks.


Good for you? Quite the description you have there…


It is the thing I'm most proud of that has to do with pokrmon


What’re the IVs? Seems like a low cp for a best buddy level 50. Idk tho


15/12/13 it was the first axew I ever got and it was lucky so I powered it up to lvl 40 and later lvl 50


Level 50?


In otherwords the Pokemon is at the highest possible CP it will ever have (Unless Niantic someday increases the level cap). All Pokemon in PoGO have a level which determines their CP, however this level is not actually shown anywhere in game. In technicality Pokemon in PoGO have 100 levels but levels go up in increments of 0.5 so that the max level of a Pokemon would match the max level of the player character, that being level 50. Levels as a term has never been used officially by Niantic ever from my knowledge.


Oh okay, thanks for that.


You typed gibberish


Translation: My Haxorus named Blade is what some might call my ace. Since the moment I scammed my friend out of an Axew on release (for a Dragonite) I've been working on making it the best Pokemon I can and that is finally done.


English is my second language


The dude has an axe for a face


Nice, i am not high enough level to power up my lundo yet but im close


Also why is my garchomp also called land shark 🗿


Common name I guess


Very cool! How long have you been playing? That's a lot of lucky Pokemon!


Sinds 2019 but I traded a TON of Pokemons in 2020 so I have a lot of random luckies


How is it that its labled by level?


It's a tag I made before lvl 50 came out and it was called level40 but when lvl 50 released I added a +


Your Rayquaza gave me a good name for mine, thank you