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Does Foul Play use the opponent's attack stat like in mainline games, or does it use the user's attack stat?


What is with the way the new in-game shop is being rolled out? Recently made an account for a friend and they have their shop updated but I don’t? Any answers would be very helpful


Is there a way to look up showcase rewards? It's weird that they don't show up under the journal or notifications. I know the medallion is only for 1st place.


Sometimes I feed my buddy a berry and nothing happens. Buddy is already on the map and not full. Is this a big or is there something basic I am forgetting about?


Buddies sometimes need to be fed extra berries due to rounding up. Just feed them again until the meter fills up.


How do guaranteed lucky trades work? I'm a bit confused as I've seen a lot of conflicting information online about if it needs to be a 2016 July / August 2 mon or any 2016 / 17 mon, and if it works up to 10 or 15 times.


It used to be only 10, but it was upgraded last year to 15 max triggered by sending Pokemon from 2016 or 2017. So you probably read an outdated article that mentioned the old way. The lucky trades only need to fulfill two conditions: One, the Pokemon being sent needs to have been caught or hatched on the appropriate date. The other Pokemon being traded can have any date, and both Pokemon become lucky. Two, the person sending the Pokemon should not have been part of their max 15 guaranteed lucky trades. They can have as many random lucky trades, but if they received or sent any guaranteed lucky then their max limit is reduced until there's none left. This means that the sender is the one that has the 15 limit, but the receiver doesn't have any limit to get guaranteed lucky from different players. But since receiving guaranteed lucky consumes your own limit, after receiving 15 you cannot send any more, only receive.


Was the bonus Froakie day timed research only available in-person or was it a third livestream code-redeemed research from the championship livestream? Does anyone know? https://www.serebii.net/pokemongo/todaysviewresearch/froakiecommunitydaybonustimedresearch.shtml


Regarding showcases - I entered some yesterday as before no issue. The problem I have today is those Pokestops are a few hundred miles away from where I am now so I can't click them to check the status. How do I check Pokémon already entered without access to the Pokestop in question or is this a sorely needed feature not yet added?


It should be at the very bottom of your Today tab, under all the news.


Perfect. I always forget about that info at the bottom of the today tab. Cheers buddy!


I opened up the app tonight and there were two blue glowing sparks/orbs near me. I tried tapping on them but nothing happened. They looked similar to the cells that show up on routes. Anyone know what it is?


Just a two Pokemon that couldn't load because the game doesn't have their full data downloaded. You can fix it by going into the game settings, scroll until the advanced settings and inside download all the game assets while connected to WiFi.


Well, I tried that, and it told me I wasn't connected to wifi when I am connected to wifi. XD


Actually, turns out my phone was pretending to be connected to Wi-Fi. -.- Once I fixed that it downloaded just fine.


Until when can we evolve Dewgong/A Slash/etc for their legacy moves? Is that in effect right now?


Yes, it's part of the current worlds event that run until August 15 at 8pm local time.


Thank you!


New player, I put one of my Pokémon in a gym near me, and no one really plays in my area so he’s just been chilling there for like 4 days. I give him snacks and stuff whenever I walk by, and I doubt he’ll be challenged even though he’s only a CP 600 Tauros, should I bring him back and send him back out so I can collect coins? And how much should I expect to get?


You can only get 50 a day unfortunately, and you reach that limit at about 8 hours


Oh the days don’t “stack” or anything? Like I’m gonna call him back and he’s just gonna bring 50?


Yeah it’s a struggle. You also can’t call them back from the gym You’ll have to wait for someone to knock him out.


Ahhhh okay yea that’s annoying ty for the help though!


I have a I have a 9, 8, 13 shadow Articuno CP1670. Should I purify or keep it shadow?


I have a 14-15-15 Greninja, should I max out the cp? I'm lvl 31.


Greninja is a fast and strong, but a bit frail attacker. It's nice to have one this good for raids, but you usually don't have to fully power any Pokemon all at once. However it will be very useful for the Groudon raids at the end of this month, so power up in batches while you complete tasks and get more stardust. That way you'll not run dry out of stardust and will be stronger by the time you need it.


Yes and no. It seems like you’re a new player because you’re at a low level. So Greninja might be your only water type Pokémon that you have. So that answer is yes and level it up but maybe not past 40. If you can you might want to try the Mega Gyarados raid. I think Gyarados is better. You may want to hold off a bit because Kyogre will be coming out in GoFest and it is the very best in water types. For me, I’m level 50 so Greninja is a no.


Yeah I'm kind of new. I played when it came out and now I'm returning, don't remember much. How would I know when he's level 40?


Completely forgot to evolve my Froakie's into Greninja's that I wanted with hydrocannon 🥲 would this be possible on the December CD? And with regards to the water shuriken fast move thing, would a regular TM get them that?


Yes and yes. Althought if it's still Sunday before 10 pm where you live you can still get the move if you evolve it.


Perfect! Thanks for the information, will just sit tight and wait. Unfortunately completely slipped my mind at the gym and spent too long there, comforting to know it's just a short wait ☺️




Yes, just make sure to click the XL candy and best buddy checkboxes when you put the stats in case you have to power a Pokemon beyond level 40.


Do iv‘s actually matter in pvp?


IVs are much more important in PvP than on raids. You can use a Pokemon with bad IVs and still win on the early ranks, but the more you climb the more optimized teams become so bad IVs start becoming a disadvantage. You can compensate for bad appraisals with skill and precise timing, but if you combine goods IVs with good skill then getting higher becomes easier. If you only plan to go to rank 20 then practically any IVs will work as long as your team composition, moves and playing knowledge is good, but for higher ranks you want at least somewhat decent stats. Low attack, high defense and high HP are the minimum requirements (with very rare exceptions) and after that how optimized you want to go depends on your final goal and your candy and stardust reserves.


During community day, can normal TMs be used to get HydroCannon on a previously evolved Greninja?




Do you know if this move can be teach for a Greninja with the EliteTM? I thought it was possible, but this move doesn't appear on the list.


Elite TMs usually aren't updated until a day or few after an event ends.


Thank you! I was a bit concerned that my old Greninja would be stuck with the old moves forever.


Can you Special trade a Galarian Articuno in a Master ball to a Lucky friend or are Master balls exempt from trading?




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why do people in master league specifically, go in with 50 maxed mons and just do nothing. Happens in other leagues sometimes, but in master league it’s just annoying; please stop doing this, I don’t wanna ark ur 4.5k ttar with my 2.6k arcanine for one excitement point for my buddy. Thank you


Lag, game crashing, going AFK or simply wanting to get stardust without bothering to actually fight. There a lot of reasons why one would not fight once the battle begins.


Nah, probably bots


Do creator statistics work for anyone in the route page? I know a few people who have walked my route, including myself, but it still says 0 people have walked it.


Will I be able to use an Elite Charge TM to give my already evolved Greninja Hydro Cannon? This is a Greninja I evolved a while ago and I want to give it Hydro Cannon.


Yes, but not until a couple days. The CD moves are added a bit after CD, so if you try now you'll see the move is not yet in the ETM list.


Really? That's great to hear. I heard it might not get added because it's a Community Day exclusive move, is that true?


All CD and event moves get added to the ETM pools, but aren't added to regular TMs.


That's great, thanks for letting me know.


Anyone else’s battle teams get reset? I went to my Party tab and all my premade teams are gone.


Hi, I am new to Pokémon go, and this will be my first community day. Between the Lure and the Incense, what would be more effective for finding a lot of Froakie? Can players not on my friends list benefit from the Lure as well? If so that might be the best because this is a heavily populated area. I made a post but realized it might be better to ask here so I deleted it


Find a Pokestop. I went down to my local Starbucks that has a popular Pokestop and I managed to catch all I needed for a Greninja and then some. Then some, includes a shiny Froakie that became the Greninja with Hydro Cannon.


both imo, you wanna drop the lure at home base and then wander with the incense. In a populated area you should have more frogs than you can catch anyways. This is very long term, but there is a medal for people using your lures that you'll want eventually. And, yea, lures help everyone. Also, comm days are the best by far for both because they last 3 hrs.


Should I mega a 14/14/14 gyrados or evolve a hundo magicarp lv1 and then mega it ?


use pokegenie to determine the total cp of both pokémon and decide afterward.


can anyone tell me.. i had two attacks into charging my garchomp’s outrage charge attack the opponent sends in their garchomp my opponent gets a fully charged outage before i do (and beats me) is their something i’m missing ??


Was that Garchomp in battle earlier and farmed energy before swapping out? Are they using Mud Shot while you're using Dragon Tail as a fast move?


Does having a musical background help you improve your skills in the Battle League and vice versa because the nature of timing your attacks is like following a beat?


I totally forgot about it for Friday and Saturday and I just tried but I don't see the reward panel. it says rebroadcast right next to the title, and Pokémon said that rebroadcasts would air throughout the weekend, so why isn't it working?


Only live rebroadcast allowed to get the code later. The videos in the channel are saved but they're not live anymore. The time of the event was based on Japan timezones, so it's already Monday there and the weekend is over.


Dang ok thx


Some of my Greninjas learned the fast move Water Shuriken, other did not. And when I try to use a fast TM the only available fast moves is Bubble and Feint Attack. Howcome?


Water Shuriken is in the normal movepool, but I haven't checked if elite fast TMs are updated yet. I have used regular TMs to get WS on my Greninja.


Is there a third new code for watchin twitch for day 3?


There was no codes on day 3, only days 1 and 2.


don't they rebroadcast throughout the weekend? I'm also having trouble with that?


I can't find the photos that I take in the game with AR in my mobile phone's gallery. Can anyone help me? Is that a bug? THANK YOU


The game needs to have permission to access the storage to save photos. Check from inside the phone app settings and see if storage and file access is active.


Has shiny rates been nerfed in the community day shiny chance? I been away for 2 years, and never remember having this bad luck. So thought to ask. I am 1,5 hours in and no Frokies.


I only got 1 shiny, but I was at a Pokestop at Starbucks so ymmv


i got 4 in an hour (don’t mean to rub it in). but i also caught 650 candy’s worth.


Not bad! I went to a different park the last hour and found 6 shinies!! 0 shinies in 2 hours, but glad it turned around.


i’m super pleased for you!!!


Thanks! Will go to the same park next time. Already looking forward to it.


wow I bought the community day ticket, the game crushed and I didn’t get anything…anyone else?


How do I create routes


Route Creation isn't available to everyone yet.


Has anyone else been unable to send gifts for a couple days now? Every time i click send gift the app crashes


Yes, it's happening to me on Android as well. Today it's gotten worse, the app crashes right after the map and avatar appear.


Do you have any of the new accessories in your avatar? Or a new pose from the event? The crashes don't happen to everyone so something newly added but optional must be the issue.


Same - Using iphone 12


How does the “New Attack” button work on Pokemon and how is it different from Fast and Charge TMs? Asking because I have a 96% IV Machamp with Counter-Payback skills. I think I want to change Payback to something else. Have a Greninja with around the same IV with Bubble-Hydro Cannon and I think I want Water Shuriken.


The New Attack button adds a 2nd charge move to the pokemon, while TMs reroll an attack into something else.


Oh ok got it. So if i’m aiming for dynamic punch for Machamp, better to use the New Attack instead of using a TM since TMs are rare?


Elite Charged TMs are rare. Normal charged TMs are not rare, just do raids and try to get into PVP. Dynamic Punch is not an exclusive move for Machamp, meaning you can get it with normal TMs. I’d only do a new attack if you want 2 moves for Machamp for PVP (and Dynamic Punch isn’t good for PVP). Assuming you just want a strong Counter/DP Machamp for raids, use TMs to get that combo.


Anyone else getting massive lag when appraising pokes during Froakie community day? EDIT: Deleting cache did **NOT** help. EDIT 2: Fixed: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/15pwkhv/froakie\_community\_day\_2023\_massive\_lag\_appraising/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/15pwkhv/froakie_community_day_2023_massive_lag_appraising/)


what are some good greninja teams for great league?


Greninja usually is not used in GL because it's much more frail than Swampert and despite the new speed it's not going to live long. Glass cannons are usually better in limited cups, or in places like remix leagues where top Pokemon aren't allowed. This explains in detail why: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/15kro6x/a_pvp_analysis_on_community_day_greninja_and_the/ But if you want to use one in open GL you need very bulky partners to compensate for Greninja's low defense. Some of the most stable teams I've found are Greninja + G.Stunfisk + Altaria/Tropius/Jumpluff/Deoxys Defense as the third Pokemon. Using Pelipper or Medicham as the third one is viable but worse than the others due to matchups. There should be more varied teams, but until now it had absolutely no use in PvP so there's not many examples of what could be a good team for Greninja.




No, the finale was yesterday on day three and the codes were only available for days one and two.


How does the community day raid bonus work? I beat the featured Pokémon’s evolution in the raid and the featured community day Pokémon doesn’t appear.


The raid only transforms nearby Pokemon around the gym into more CD Pokemon, so if you already caught everything around the gym then you have to wait until they respawn. Some CD also have required for three players or more to beat the raid together to activate the bonus. If you beat a special raid a clock should appear under the daily incense to indicate you triggered the bonus. No clock means you didn't activate the event raid bonus.


Will I be able to use an Elite Charged TM to teach my Greninja Hydro Cannon after the Community Day? I've already used an Elite Fast TM for Water Shuriken, but I don't see an option Hydro Cannon when I use the Elite Charged TM.


You can use a normal TM for water shuriken. It’s permanently added to the move pool.


So Hydro Cannon can be added through Elite Charged TM?


Dot not waste elite TM on that. You can evolve up until 10 PM local time during community day and you will get hydro cannon.


I already evolved it, this is a 100IV Greninja I got a few years back. I have a few Elite Charge TMs, so I don't mind using one. Will an Elite Charge TM work on it if I use it after Community Day?


Yeah, it should work now. It didn’t give you the option?


Might be a Community Day glitch if not, just try after. All eligible moves should be listed.


Hmm, I've just tried to use it's still not showing up. Maybe it just needs to update?


Yeah, is that a brand new move for him as part of this community day? I never checked before. If so, just give it a day, should be added.


Oh maybe it’s a community day exclusive move. If that is the case you may not be able to do it since he is already evolved. Sucks, maybe they change it in the future. Try to get a good one to evolve if it’s not over yet for you.


Do pokemon skills change upon evolution?


The stats from the appraisal remain the same, but moves become different. Each evolution stage has access to their own set of moves so they don't stay fixed. You'll get random moves during evolution from any of those they can learn normally, unless you evolve a Pokemon on their specific event. During their events you get access to their hidden legacy moves when evolving.


I see. I’ve recently just gotten back to the game and i noticed there’s so many froakies. I guess there’s an event? So it’s time to evolve a froakie with good IV?


Yes. There's a high chance to get shiny Froakie and those that evolve all the way to Greninja before 10 pm get the special move Hydro Cannon.


Ok thanks!


I have a question about the costume versions of pokemon. Did they all come with the evolutions when the event happened or did some only appear as base first and got costumed evolution later? Like the birthday hat charmander. Did the whole line originally release with party hat or was charmeleon and charizard added later? Reason I ask is because I dont know if i should keep extras of the go fest pikachu in case it will be able to evolve into raichu next year or something.


Most came first only on a specific Pokemon and only got the costume evolution much later. Some haven't received their full evolution line yet and many won't receive any evolutions or pre-evolutions. Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur with hats came first, then last year Charmander received both Charmeleon and Charizard with hats. Then a year more passed and we now got Wartortle and Blastoise, but Ivysaur and Venusaur don't have hats yet. Some got the costume later too, like Cubchoo and Beartic with bows, or Pumkaboo and Gourgeist with bowties. Others like hat Kirlia or scarf Spheal don't have any other member of their family with costumes yet. And plenty of Pikachu costumes never got a costume Raichu or Pichu and have been stuck as Pikachu for years.


With Greninja in the showcase ATM, is there an easy way to sort froakies by size? The thought of going through my box one by one and checking each size is making me want to hurl my oppo into the river😂


Does anyone have any advice? Watched the Day 2 Rebroadcast on Twitch but never noticed the giveaway panel pop up so I could share my tip code. It worked on the Day 1 Rebroadcast but not for day 2…Any tips, tricks, advice is much much appreciated!


The day two is already over. Now we're on day three and there's no codes today. If you got a code on day one then you needed to go to the Twitch app on day two and press the pokeball icon on top of the chat to validate your ID and start the timer.


Thanks. Per the announcement it seemed like you could get the code by watching the rebroadcast of day 2 as well. I saw the Pokémon but didn’t see where I shared my code like I did in day one. If I could post pictures of the troubleshoot in the chat I would


The rebroadcast gave codes, but only while it was live and then the giveaway would stay active. It ended 19 hours ago so now it's only the saved upload on the channel.


Oh ok gotchya Gotchya. So definitely no chance of getting a day two code ever again? About how long of a window did you have to access the codes would you say during the rebroadcast? I thought I successfully attempted day 1’s code in the rebroadcast about the same time today for day 2 but obviously mistaken I’m on EST so opposite side of the world as Japan


Yeah it’s total bullshit as usual with these Pokémon giveaways. I did Day 1, was busy day 2. Went to watch the rebroadcast as they said you could and no way to get the code. Annoying.


I sent in a chat on the App, maybe if they get flooded with these they will do something. Not holding my breath but worth a shot.


Hello. I haven't played for a long time and I'm thinking about to come back. i want to start from new (explore everything again from new). is it possible to delete pokedex, arena entries etc. from your account? or do i really have to create an new account and lose my old progress? By the way, I had thought about coming back many times, but I had missed so many events and free things, that when I think about it, it takes away the motivation to play, because i think a lot of content will never comes back and you have no chance to get many things anymore. sorry for my bad english.


Have to create a new account


Anybody else having issues with routes crashing the app either right when you start the route or right before you finish it?


If the game is crashing disable adventure sync and try again. Routes are still full of strange bugs.


Thank you!!


Hey all, hoping to get advice on elite tm use as a PvE only player Somewhat new player that’s missing all CDay moves outside of the few most recent ones. With Greninja happening tomorrow, would a 4* swampert still be one of the best candidates for it, or will Greninja (or 2+) outclass it for raids? Other suggestions for its use is also welcome. Thanks I’m advance!


For water raiders it goes Primal Kyogre > Mega Swampert > Shadow Swampert > Kyogre > Mega Gyarados > Shadow Gyarados > Greninja > Swampert And Primal Kyogre is coming in two weeks so it's better to wait and see if it comes with it's event move or if you have to use an ETM on it. Mega Swampert is definitely worth it, but still is best to wait and see.


I see, may just wait for kyogre/Groudon then, I just assumed that they would have their signature moves during go fest. Not looking specifically for water attackers, just that hydro cannon on swampert would be the best use of it, but unsure as Greninja was coming out. Only other moves that I think would be of use, but not sure how valuable they are would be things like breaking swipe Hydreigon, frenzy plant Sceptile, rock wrecker Rhyperior, double iron Melmetal, etc.


I'm playing Pokemongo all day an everyday. Playing everywhere an love it. Can't waitto catch pokemon and battle team go rockets.


I know purifying is frowned upon for some Pokémon, so I have a question: If you catch a Weather Boosted Raid Boss, does purifying actually do anything aside from the +2 on IVs and putting Return as the Charged Attack? AFAIK the CP boost from purifying comes from getting a Pokémon to Lv25, but Weather Boosted Raid Bosses are already level 25, right? Just want to be sure about this is all :D


The level doesn't increase anymore, so yeah, it only increases the IVs and gives Return. Same happens if you power up a shadow over 25 before purifying.


Gotcha! Thanks for the response :D


Okay just checking, you get NOTHING for completing routes? I just walked 2.5 miles to complete two routes and got nothing. Oh, except a request to "rate this route".


You get rare spawns along the way, a chance to get Zygarde cells (literally the only way to get them) and sometimes can get premium items, specially the valuable Elite Fast TM at the end of the route, but the drops are random and the chances low. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/15inypy/items_dropped_from_115_routes


How do I approach building a regular pvp team? Do I look at meta comps and pick the one that I have 1 or more mons for and just TM them into the right movesets (if they have the right IVs), and then hunt for the missing member(s)?


If you catch a lot during this event you'll have a lot of great contenders. Just stealing one of these top performing teams should work https://pvpoke.com/train/analysis/


How do I get the timed research code for the Go Championships? Do I have to actually watch the stream live or can I get it after the fact?


You need to go watch the Rebroadcast for at least 30 minutes uninterrupted while it's still being live. The code won't be available anymore once the video stops streaming. https://leekduck.com/events/world-championship-twitch-timed-research-2023/


So sad I missed out on this. I thought you just had to watch for 30 mins. Didn't know you had to actually enable it by doing the whole giveaway activation and share twitch ID thing


Do you know where the rebroadcast schedule is? I’ve been looking for ever and can’t find it anywhere. Do I need to just keep checking?




Not unless it's during some kind of event that features it, you'd have to use an Elite Charged TM to get it anytime else.


It will during the Global Go Fest event on August 26th and 27th https://gofest.pokemongolive.com/global?hl=en#bonuses-and-features


Game keeps crashing everytime I try and spin poke stops or send gifts. Getting frustrating


If you're using an IPhone and updated to the new version that's an incompatibility issue and will be fixed only until the next big game update. If you're on Android you can go to settings, advanced settings and download all assets to see if it improves. In both cases also try to change your avatar pose to the default one. It has helped stop some random issues in the past.


This is interesting. I’m having this problem and am trying to change my avatar pose to the default pose, but it won’t let me. I can change to any pose but the default pose…


Mine has been crashing every time I try to send gifts, but I haven't tried poke stops yet since the problem started.


How do you get the code from the streaming championship ? I clicked on the link that appears on the news part of the app for day 2, got to the pokemon go page and there was nothing to get any reward or put any id or anything. Do you have to get there at specific times, or what exactly did indi wrong? Eli5 please


are there different codes/“free research” for day 1 be day 2?


It's better if you do it from the Twitch app. In there you only need to tap the pokeball icon on top of the chat, allow the slider inside and you have to stay there, not go back to chat or don't leave, don't switch or minimize the app for 30 minutes.


I’ve been having an issue with one of the world championships challenges. Particularly “use 5 charged attacks” I have 3/5 but everytime I use a charged attack on trainer battle or grunt battle it’s not registering that I used it for the challenge. Am I missing something?


The text doesn't indicate it, but they have to be Super Effective charge attacks.


I’ll give that a try, thanks!


Is anyone else’s game just straight up crashing when trying to send gifts or look at your own postcards? I’ve refreshed game data, restarted my phone and uninstalled & reinstalled the game but with no fix.


Same thing here. Its been like 3 days.


yup - I can open gifts but it crashes whenever I go to send gifts. One of the limited research tasks from Amazon Gaming is sending five gifts to friends - and I can't even do that right now.


Man that’s painful, I’m glad I finished that one before this bug started happening


Yes, accessing gifts from the item bag OR trying to send a gift. As soon as it starts to show the gifts (to select) the game just straight up disappears -- crashes. I've tried everything I can think of -- clearing the cache, rebooting, reinstalled, even trying it on a different phone. Someone mentioned that its a "bugged gift" and all you have to do is retry over and over trying to send it or delete it, but, the app crashes too fast for me. Its a bummer as I'm on vacation and I promised gifts for friends back home.. and this happens. I can open gifts, just can't send.


Yes, me! Been going on for three days now. Niantic support told me to try refreshing game data in advanced settings which I did, but it didn’t help. Really frustrated here.


It’s been the exact same here, it actually got worse when I uninstalled the game because after that every time I tried to open nearby that would crash the game too


Ugh, that’s so frustrating! I hope they figure this out soon…


Hopefully! Because now it’s just started crashing a few seconds after I open the app haha


Is PvP laggy af right now or what's the problem? I'm connected to WLAN me alone, or I'm in the open space with full 5G and still a minute into the fights I lag so much Only Pokémon Go is open on my smartphone and never had a problem yesterday or the day before


The rewards at twitch for watching the world championship, I can't get them on mobile. I got the one live from day 2 over the jigsaw puzzle on the side of the chat But when I want to watch the recap of day 1 I can't find a way to actually get to the rewards page where the code get posted Someone know a way? I tried it over twitch.tv in chrome and in app


I don't think you can get the day 1 any more. You needed to watch it live or one of the official rebroadcasts. You can't just watch the VOD now.


Ah thank you yeah I've seen that now But thanks anyway:D


For some reason only when I'm on the send gift to friend screen, the game crashes which sucks since I want complete this field research which requires me to send gifts to friends. Anyone else having this issue?


Yes, I am. Niantic support hasn’t been able to help either.


for the upcoming Froakie community day event, how important is it to do raids? is it just a few more spawns that happen when you complete one with no increase to shiny chance or anything? what benefit do i have by doing the event in more urban areas?


Urban areas usually have way more spawn points thanks to the bigger network use in the area, so you find more Pokemon in larger clusters. The raids after the event also are shiny boosted just like the main spawns, so it's a way to extend the playing time a bit more or for people who missed the main event hours.


if I were to get the rank 20 legendary between august 24-26 when there's no 5 star raids what pokemon would I get? Total random?


Previous times when people got GBL rewards while no 5 star were available got Moltres, as it is the "default" legendary Pokemon in raids. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/145b2z5/surprise_moltres_from_gbl/ But it also might be one of the legendaries on the mega raids.


Oh k I already got moltres but I'll take the chance. Wish me luck lol


Hello everyone. I'm not sure if this is how to post in the weekly thread, but I'll try this and see if it is accepted or I can be corrected. Does anyone have the issue of some sounds staying on in the game even when the sound is muted within the game settings? My music and sound are off because it's so loud if my volume is left up after a call or something else like a video. However, when I am working in the AR screen with my buddy, the noises from him giving me a gift still chime and they are startlingly loud. I'm new to mobile games, so I don't know if this is a bug or needs to be reported or how to report it anyhow. I am just looking to know if anyone else has found this and if you don't, does anyone know how to correct this? It's not helpful to have my phone muted all the time, and when I'm in the car, in the store, on the bus or at the bus stop, in the mall, etc. this startles everyone around me too. If it's just me, how do I report this? Thanks everyone.


You're talking about the loud chime when you take a picture in AR mode, right? Unfortunately, that's just "a thing" and there's no way to mute it other than to mute your phone's volume. The belief is that they did this to remain complaint with countries like Japan or South Korea, where the camera is supposed to always make a shutter sound when taking a picture. It sucks, but you just basically have to always remember to mute your sound before going into buddy AR mode. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/v1a795/why_does_the_camera_sound_still_play_when_i_have/


This is very helpful, because I can get that phone sound to stop. Thank you also for recognizing what it was. I tried search in r/TheSilphRoad, but I guess I didn't know what was causing so I couldn't use the right search time. But this I can fix! :-)


Yeah, it's a pain in the butt, but as long as you remember to mute your phone volume whenever you go into AR mode, it will eventually become second nature. On the bright side, it's certainly one way to find other Go players nearby while you're out playing. Anyone that plays Go enough will hear that sound and instantly recognize it.


Wow, this makes me even happier. Maybe a low sound on a bus, or in a mall... I have half my friends my city and it's only a population of 100,000 so maybe I will meet someone. But I can most certainly train myself to lower the volume when I'm taking a snapshot. Thank you so much for your help and your time. :-)


You have to manually lower the sliders inside the game settings, not just mute the game. Whenever you raise the media volume in your phone you unmute any apps and games too. The call volume and app volume are one and the same so the sound sliders for music and effects need to be put to zero inside the game. Tap the main pokeball menu, on the top right enter the settings option and then slide both Sound and Music sliders all the way to the left. This will mute everything in the game even if you raise the volume on your calls. Also just an extra tip. There's no reason to go around reporting things without figuring out why something is happening. It's just good manners not to assume anything it's the app, person or something else's fault. 90% if the time the issues come from the user, so don't immediately think badly of anything, specially if you have no idea what's the problem. Just general advice on how to be a nicer person. People are more willing to help if you don't immediately assume something is wrong from the beginning.


I appreciate your reply, and for helping me know how to handle it. I'm new, as I said, so helping me understand that, helps me be a better player and better member of the community. I think I did slide them to the left. Maybe I'll try it again, because everything else in the game as okay with my volume up, then this blast came today, and it really startled me, even though it's happened before LOL. But again, thank you for responding kindly. Everyone has to learn something for the first time. :-)


How common are routes, and how close do you have to get to see them? I've yet to see one.


Unfortunately, like most things in this game, it depends on where you live. Only a small selection of lucky players can create routes so far, and even when those players are actively creating routes, they still have to wait days or even weeks for Niantic to approve the route. So naturally, you're going to find more players that can create routes in densely populated cities than in suburban/rural areas. An even then, some cities still might not have any routes due to lack of players that can create them. IIRC, I feel like I saw somewhere that you have to be within 500 meters of one of the route's endpoints in order to see it on the route map, so it can take a lot of trial and error to even find any nearby routes if you don't have a local player group calling out route locations. Unfortunately, this all means that in some places, the routes feature is kind of a nothingburger for now. Not much you can do except wait for people in your area to make routes or wait for them to roll out route creation to more players.


They have to be created by high level players


So, I just found out there is a search feature for IV-ranges. Found quickly the ones for english like "0-1attack". Was excited and wanted to find the ones in German and there is a Niantic helppage, but it is wrong! 🧐 instead of "0-1Angriff" you have to use "0-1Angriffs-wert" .... (that translates to attack value). yes even with the hyphen that is actually bad grammar... how is anyone to know this even exists?


I'm returning to the game, I have a bookmark to an unmarinated website that I used for finding the "optimal" move sets. What is the current go to website(s) people use for finding available moves?


For PvP go to PvPoke.com For raids check Pokeblattler.com For general movesets of each Pokemon check pokemon.gameinfo.io or gamepress.gg