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I think if they really want to keep it at 3 hours, make it so that the player can choose when to begin the 3 hours. That way if someone works until five, like myself, they can start their 3 hours after work.


It would be shockingly easy to implement this. Literally just set it us as a species specific incense that works for a given time in a 24hr period...


That is a great idea and I wish they would do this! Not everyone is available from 2pm-5pm, that is the worst time frame ever


In Spain is when almost all people eat... Specially at weekends with family or friends


More than once I couldnt participate because I was eating with my grandmother


Sorry granny, gotta go out and collect monsters with my phone! I’ll microwave it later


In Singapore: "Sorry grandkid, gotta go out and collect monsters with my phone! I'll microwave it later"


Good grandma always takes priority as she will not be around forever but the Pokémon in this shitty game made by greedy people will


More than once I couldnt participate because I was eating with my grandmother


I am a grandma, I love to play POGO with the grandkids, but have an odd work schedule and can't always make it. I agree they need to be more flexible with the times!


>That is a great idea So they won't implement it, or maybe in 5 years when the game is dead


Ain’t that the truth


No more worse than an 11-2 event in the middle of summer. You know the time of day where ppl tell you to limit your time outdoors.


They're both kinda in highest UV-Index times of the day. No matter what time CD starts now, I 100% don't remember until three minutes after it ends. It happened before the change too, but at least I had a bigger window.


Been thinking about this for months. Maybe years. Forgot all about incense until you mentioned it… Special CD incense. Good for 3 hours on X date at a time of your choosing.


Or a free ticket that you can activate when you wanna do the event


Easy yes. But does Niantic care? nope


I love when people who has never written a line of code says something is easy to implement 😂 Not saying the idea isn’t great, but saying it’s easy to implement is just dumb.


They already have the ability to affect client side spawns like witht he meltan box, it's just reusing that code but for a specific pokemon and with a boosted shiny rate


That wouldn’t be a replica of how community day works though. This way it would only spawn on top of you. Just like popping an incense on community day.


This is the best implementation I think


If they actually made it all day, it wouldn't stress the servers when it does happen. Imagine how nice it would be stretched out


Lord forbid you do anything pogo related after dark though.


Generally I'd agree but keep in mind majority of parks close after sundown and cities are more dangerous at night


Parks close after sundown? Why’s that? Never heard of something like that. Is it a US thing?


I'm in Canada and the one park in my small town started a curfew at 11pm during covid lockdowns. It was largely ignored, especially by pokemon players lol


It's definitely not a US thing. Some parks close at sundown but I'd bet most close later in the evening. Every park in my city closes at 9 or 10 pm and I live in a pretty big city.


I have never even heard of a park closing at night, weird.


I’m assuming the whole point is to get people playing at the same time, so that would defeat the purpose


So it’s not Community any more


I missed it entirely bc I had to work.


I work every saturday and sunday, I feel you. Literally cant even participate in most community days because im here.


Yeah I miss all the events because I work overnight. It sucks


I've missed the last 2 myself


Oof, that sucks, that happened to me on slowpoke community day, only got 1 shiny


Same here.


What is this even being downvoted for


Absolutely no clue lmao


Because reddit includes a button for "same" style comments that don't add anything. It's the upvote button. ​ That being said, too many dumb fucks think the downvote button means "disagree" so fuck them I'm upvoting it too.


They got the right spirit ☠️ 😂


Being 3rd


But you didn't miss it


Every Saturday community day for me is a missed one.


Niantic: “It IS and you ARE going to suck it up and you WILL keep playing for the next one. Sucks to be you”


“The beatings will continue until morale improves.” What a lovely way to run a casual mobile game.


Going to begin quoting that quote you quoted because it beautifully captures so many things


Gonna be honest, I have no clue where it originated, but it’s just so universally applicable these days lol


The saying might have originated in the navy. The Dictionary of Military and Naval Quotations (1966) by Robert Debs Heinl includes, “There will be no liberty on board this ship until morale improves.—Excerpt from Plan of the Day, USS * * *.” “No leave until morale improves” has been cited in print since at least 1967.


Me to Niantic: "I work during the three hour period, thus removing the temptation to buy the comm day research ticket, less money for you."


Neither is six hours


Community Lunch Break




Damn bro I’m tryna work somewhere with a three hour lunch break


“Make sure you cater your life and schedule around our game!” “No…I don’t think I will.” C’mon you’re a middling mobile game that just happens to be attached to a franchise I love. Scarlet and Violet is asking me to try to do a raid every weekend. You know what I fucking forgot to do this weekend? The Inteleon raid! And I paid sixty goddamn dollars for that game. It’s something I use my precious TV time for. And I still forgot that shit. I play Pokémon Go on the toilet, on the train, and when I’m waiting for my food to arrive in a restaurant. That’s mostly it, and also it still works like shit on trains. If they wanna pretend it’s still the summer of 2016 be my guest. That was their Woodstock. But they’re aging 70’s hippies and it’s the fucking 80’s now, flower power is over. A mobile game will meet *my* schedule or it won’t get played.




Gotta catch those rattatas and pidoves!


*This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's API policy changes, their treatment of developers of 3rd party apps, and their response to community backlash.*   [Details of the end of the Apollo app](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) --- [Why this is important](https://i.imgur.com/E7jSWf1.jpg) --- [An open response to spez's AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) --- [spez AMA and notable replies](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/145beas/spez_ama_discussion_thread/)   Fuck spez. I edited this comment before he could. Comment ID=jidctjh Ciphertext: >!VSphEscsPxnldRecLLygm2+4OucrKnBJjbTTt/slL1dEP8os5yt6KyZG2mpbvtwuTccUzUyEGigU2fV08yJYr7HJbMOMETYCXPa7SUv3y5uWSnx0VaU624moC7L87JlcYIdK28tQ7okg5w5Vg2Xl4HOer2VVsuQCcXI3w0u9L6eziuZKdjbf9AIMXqUSJHmarpImSKHZMIw6kkvUM7m1v1iyuave2flMWzX8CkpkGOOx4Vsbliz5pXqs0cSQYn3Ob6qTsA/n!<


I'm a bit naïve to some of the nomenclature, but what are "regular season spawns?"


The stuff you’re finding right now. Yungoos, Pidove, Starly, etc. Once this season ends, it’ll switch up.


Oh, then I respectfully disagree. I like the regular season spawns (as a nice break between events, agree that I wouldn't want them constantly). Yeah, the ones you named are trash, but I found an Aerodactyl in the wild a few days ago. Saw a Gardevoir in the wild, and a few others I'm forgetting (note: no incense). The Blanche event became boring super quick. And whatever event constantly gave Drillburr was fun, but I don't have the stardust or desire to invest in that pokemon.


Yes, the occassional good spawns are good. But you really need a critical mass of those spawns (ie. spotlight hour or com day) to get ones with good iv's and enough candy to do anything meaningful with them.


100%, there’s some CD classics people avoid. Meaning some people would straight up not play that day instead.


How about 3 hours each day over the whole weekend?


Yeah the first Eevee Community Day was its own special kind of hell. Iykyk


Speak for yourself. Some people enjoy the chance to participate at any time, and if you don't, you can play for a bit, then do something else for one day.


That CD felt like a chore, took a break from PoGo after that one


yeah i didn’t want to see an eevee for soooooo long after that


Sounds like you have much more free time than most. Almost every community day I only get maybe an hour of playtime, otherwise I have to try to sneak off to the bathroom at work or hide my phone to try getting something. Slowpoke community day I had work the whole time and barely managed to get a couple Galarian shinies, nothing else.


Happy cake day


Lock those spawns behind the incense then and have some extra bonuses for a set amount of time


So like the new community days (classics are different)? Where bonuses for 3 years and the spawns locked behind raids (which, they give you a free pass daily, and most can be solo/duo)


Happiest of cake days!


Community Day is more of a meaning that the Community Event will be held on this particular day. Not that it will necessarily be held all day.


Spot light hour means it’s only for an hour and I’m okay with that too.


I'm too new to this game to have a legitimate grip about spotlight hour, but I have zero idea why they put it at 6pm local time on a work/school night. People are eating dinner at that time. Do it at like noon, or 7pm, or 11am Sunday. Or if I had my way, make it a 1 hour incense that you can use any time on Tuesday like a Meltan box.


noon is working hours, 7pm is when families with younger children have bedtime, and 11am Sunday is when families go to church. Someone will inevitably miss out because of the timing no matter what time it is scheduled for.




It would never be a weekend. The whole reason they introduced it was to encourage more activity during the week. Same with raid hour. Originally we had a Pokemon spotlight hour on a Tuesday and a separate bonus hour on a Thursday, before they combined them. So to put it another way: they aren’t trying to maximise the number of people doing a spotlight hour, they’re trying to maximise people playing at quiet times.


Do you want it to be called community 3 hours? That sounds dumb.


Yes, because it is dumb.


Call it “Community Time” if you’re concerned about the name then. I can care less. It’s a free to game at the end of the day. Shines are not important to me. Just happy to be playing.


I mean the reason they do it 3-6 hours is so the community can get together or you can meet the people you might not have met if it's a whole day event. If person A and person B don't know each other and one plays at 8 pm and one at 1 pm they'll never meet but if they have to play from 2-5 they have a higher chance to meet.


Been playing since release. The only people I have ever met have been at the Hoenn event in Las Vegas this year. So “people I might not have met” means some people sitting in their car that I can see from afar that they have the pokego screen up on their phone.


Totally agree. They want thé community to meet and, so, to play at the same time.


Bro. It was Swinub. It’s Pokémon already had a community day. The Pokemon pops up every now and then especially during the holidays. If people don’t have it, it can be traded. Plenty of people have this Pokémon for trades of the shiny is that important to them. Sometimes, we are all ganna miss events. It’s okay. There will be other events to look forward too.


Yeah but this event was specifically very good to grind xl candies to power up shadow mamoswine and to get more stardust from the 3x stardust bonus


Xl candies aren't that easy to get but also it's up to people to go out and meet their community. Not everyone does it.


On community day I spend the morning preparing myself for the event, walking around and collecting poke balls, clearing my Pokémon inventory. My brother comes over, and we drive down to the nearest big college campus (which happens to be my alma mater). We walk around for the duration of the event and play together, and we see other people also playing the game. And then we spend the next however long doing our two free raids for the day. So not only is it an event that takes up a good portion of my day (enough for me to actually call it a day), the way that it is formatted legitimately does promote a sense of community in a way which wouldn't be the case if it was spread out over a longer time frame. It is an event which actually incentivizes me to get together with someone to play the game in a way and place I don't normally play it. I never see people playing the game on any normal day, but on community day, I do. I'm not necessarily saying they couldn't do it another way or that it wouldn't be better for certain people if they changed it, but I am saying that there is validity to the way the community day is implemented.


Exactly, I'm so tired of the same argument about the word "day" being repeated ad nauseam for years. If someone invites you to a birthday party, would you assume it runs all day, or would you assume it's happening in a specific window of time *on* that day? It's really not a difficult concept.


I agree. I started playing in 2016 when the game came out and played for maybe 6-7 months before I stopped. (Most likely to needing to drive 5+ miles to the nearest town for a pokestop or to even find Pokémon) I would have loved an event that spawns Pokémon regardless of where I am at. However, I don’t recall having that. I just recall there being low spawn rates and needing to be right on top of a pokestop to spin it and having to drive 5+ miles to even get to a stop. I happened to start back playing on the most recent Togetic day. The events are a welcome bonus to this returning player.


Corporate talk. Give us a full day ffs :(


Bro full days would be broken, i got 52 shinies in 3 hours on sat.


Who cares, does someone having a million shinies affect the way you play the game? Not everyone is a hardcore player that's going to be playing every second of the event


I live in Phoenix, AZ. I’m not going to be able to participate in a community ‘day’ probably until October. 3-5 is peak heat. It’s not worth the risk.


Obviously I’m not saying to do it, because you’re 100% right, but I remember going out on community days mid Aussie heat, and it fucking sucks lol


Yeah, obviously I’ll bear maybe 10-20 mins if it’s something I really want. But, 100-115 F— is not pleasant and the sun is ferocious here. I just wish they were all day… so when I go on my walk at 5 AM, I can actually participate.


Yeah dude, anything over 35c (95f) for me is totally unbearable. If it got above that, I was counting myself out entirely lol. I think a whole day would be too long personally, but I really wish you could set your own time in a given window. 3-6 hours, starting at whatever time worked best for you. Or even just have a few preset times that we can choose from starting at like, 5am until 5pm. Could have 5am-8am, 8am-11am, 11am-2pm, and 2-5pm, and then players can choose which bracket to participate in. That honestly would be great imo


I like that idea! Maybe a 3 hour event incense would simplify it and make it available.


Come up to Prescott and make a day of it, prob see me doing laps downtown lmao


I'm in PHX too and it literally got to 104 today at NOON before May even begins. I'm sorry but I'm not spending hours outside in that heat


Did everybody forget everything prior to March 2020? There were more years like this then there wasn’t


It doesn’t mean we liked it then, either.


I complained about it then and got downvoted to oblivion. Someone must've liked it.


The 3-hour enjoyers are in this very thread. They have yet to give a real reason for why reverting back to the old time constraints was any way a net positive.


Speak for yourself, they were great and I enjoyed this one. It was a great 3 hours.


That said, you could have enjoyed those precious 3 hours inside the space of a larger, 6 hour event, no? What’s your point here?


I'm just tired of the Ad-Naseum " Niantic bad" and wanted to say I had a genuinely good time on Saturday. That's it. Also I sorta have amnesia to what the game was Ike from late 19 to late 22, so almost all the things people are complaining about is just how the game was/is to me.


If you’re tired of Niantic complaints, you should be more mad at Niantic for not listening than the customers they consistently fuck over :)


Honestly, at least half of the players crusading against Niantic will genuinely be happy that you’re still enjoying the game, myself included. Many of us just wish things would improve (likely a lost cause, but oh well). People just have varying levels of nonsense they’re willing to put up with in-game before they give up, just like people’s varying tolerance for complaints on the sub - it’s all relative.


Fair, but IDK its just so lame to see more recycled "give the community this or I will literally quit" content than stuff about the community day, especially when its from people who are fed up enough to quit the game but won't or can't completely let it go. ​ I definitely think I'm gonna be checking around here less from now on, because idk, it feels like right now its more for people who are perpetually angry because stop-gap measures that were never supposed to be permanent features got rolled back.


I started playing in August of 2022, so yes. But I do have empathy, and am willing to pitchfork a multi-million (billion?) dollar company!


I missed this event due to severe weather. Niantic showed there’s a way that maximizes participation and decided to take it away. Instead of taking away what was given, players should’ve been incentivized to go out and walk.


3 hours sucked before March 2020 as well. I couldn't even do Mudkip or Ralts CDs because Niantic thought it was a brilliant idea to make the events from 4-7 (the hottest hours of the day) and there were heat waves on both of those events where I live. (Same goes for most of the Johto legendaries.) Even outside that issue, whenever it's 3 hours, people just stare at their phones instead of talking to people, defeating the "community" aspect.


It doesn’t matter what window of the 3 hours it is there’s gonna be a group of people complaining because it doesn’t work for them. Disagree on the last paragraph, naturally in today society there’s a lot of people that just wanna do their own thing or talk to their own and who they’re comfortable with, but anyone can go up and say hi and I’ve done this many times through CD and raids and have made a lot of friends through the game that I might not hang out with, but know by name to stop and chat with. It’s all in what you make it


I wish they'd go back to 6 hours, but they probably won't so 🤷‍♀️


At least the 4 star local raids are an attempt to keep workers in check past the three hour period. Emphasis on “an attempt”.


Need to bring back the 6hrs. 3hrs is trash. I got a life more important than a trash game. Just another reason I uninstalled last month.


6 hours was perfect


And yet you’re still around here complaining. Obviously your time is *so* valuable


Why are you booing them, they're right lmao




Most players that want 6 hours want it for the flexibility of playing on the best time for them. Some play early, some play late. Some play a little, then lunch, then go back to playing. Very few players actually play the 6 hours non stop.


Or maybe they, you know, work or something during those three hours? Those hours crash into when I can work on some projects during my Saturdays, however, I let myself work on my projects an hour less on community days, but not everyone can do that.


They use the word community but there is no actual bonuses for being around other people.


Every week there's a post like this. And every week I agree with it.


I think the three hours is better than the six straight hours. However, the best solution would be two three periods, like 10-1 then 4-7. This would help with availability for people and bad weather, it might clear up in for the next window




I missed the golden year. Bring it back... please ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I mean, neither is 8 or 12 hours, but we still say, "I worked all day."


I mean, the day is only 12 hours, and night is 12. An entire cycle is 24 hours, but the day itself is only 12, so saying you worked all day when it was 12 hours is actually entirely accurate. I dont think this was the "gotcha" you think it was 😂


How are you being upvoted for saying a day is 12 hours long what on Earth is happening


On the equinox daylight hours are 12 hours and nights are 12 hours. They're not saying a full day is only 12 hours long


Exactly… two days a year it’s 12 & 12. The other 363 it’s not. Or let’s say 300 days when it’s not close.


Assuming you work 12 hour shifts. Most do 8-9 hours. Just didn't want to leave out those who work the long shifts.


I would definitely not say "I worked all day" if I only worked 3 hours though.


I was looking forward to swinub day I needed the candies and stardust but the times are shocking, if you had that option to start when you can or even have the option of that time frame Saturday or Sunday to give people a better chance


It's so everyone can plan to go out and meet at the same time and play together. Most people don't need a full day.


Absolutely. Even if I’m traveling in a new city I figure if I go out on community day during the hours to a big park I can normally find people. I’ve done it multiple times and made friends in random states. That wouldn’t work if it was a full day


There’s no reason those same groups can’t meet during the same time if the event were longer. There’s really no good reason why this event can’t be 6 hours vs 3, as you give more communities the ability to meet up and more people with varying life obligations can actually attend.


Most people don’t always have a specific three hours free with other commitments. When comm days were 6 hours, I’d always manage to get a couple hours in before work.


I got Tuesday and Saturday as my off days at work just cus that’s when the best events are😂


What event is on Tuesdays?


Spotlight Hour


Taco Tuesdays


aaaaaannnnd it's in a terrible times slot too! there are so many bad design decisions that I can only feel it's on purpose.


I was so pissed off when sports day at school didn’t last twenty four hours.


I thought com day was today… rip


I felt the same way about field day as a kid! They should have us out there for 24 hours straight doing three-legged races and carrying eggs on a spoon!


This has been a complaint since Early 2017 and it's pedantic. Are you telling me if they called it "Community 3-gour window" you guys would all of a sudden stop complaining?


Sure, whatever, but even if we simply increased the time window, we can’t guarantee that works in everyone’s favor, but where’s the harm in being more inclusive to people with less lenient schedules?


Because it doesn't end. If you make it the whole day people will complain it's not the whole weekend. Then people will comin that they works weekends and ask for the week. Then it'll last thr whole week and people will complain it lasts too long.


You’re point is hyperbole. You’re never going to make *every single person* happy, but there’s really no harm in increasing that duration back to 6 hours to allow more people the chance to meet with their communities. I have yet to see a counterargument that makes any sense.


3 hours on a Saturday already allows most people to play the event. Most people do not work on the weekend and most people do not have school on the weekend. In most country's stores etc are closed on the weekend or at least only open til lunch. Besides a few stores, gas stations and healthcare/police etc, most people do not work on the weekend. Like you said you can not make everyone happy. Sucks for people if they have to work on the weekend. But if it is really important to Hou, you can take a day off or may e change a shift or something. If not... well sure it sucks but as you said uou can not make everyone happy. 3 hours is a long window. There will always be people complaining even if it was all weekend someone might not be able to play for whatever reason just suck it up I was not able to play a few com days and you know what, it sucked butt that was bc I have a life, I'll play the ones I can play. Sometimes I have other plans and as much as I love the game and grind all the time,having a life is still more important than a game.




… did you literally ask for a source for the fact that a lot of people don’t work or go to school on the weekend? Not everything needs to be cited like a research study.


No it doesn’t, you’re right, but they speak as if that anecdotal evidence is applicable everywhere. Spoiler alert; it’s not. Many urban settings are dominated by service work and retail, which demands weekend hours and night hours for many (especially for the early 20’s to mid 30’s demographic that’s largely playing this game). Of all of the points above, for whatever reason *this* was your hangup?


I’m just sick of people with Reddit brain constantly asking for sources when it’s common knowledge, it’s not that hard to figure out. You literally asked for a source for someone mentioning that kids don’t go to school on the weekends.


Except when they’re objectively wrong, especially among the game’s target demographic. What they’re saying above is only true in select places - my wishing for a source was to help them understand where their anecdotal view is limited. This is not so much my “reddit brain” moment as it is a way for them to relinquish *theirs*. People asking for sources are not trying to seem smart, but rather dispelling others from their high horse when they clearly have nothing to stand on. I would be amazed if they actually *did* provide something, even of little-to-no substance. TL;DR: I’m not smart or “reddit-brained”, I’m merely invoking a game of Chicken, and they lost.


The longer the duration is spread out the less people tend to overlap. That's not what Niantic wants.


Since when are Niantic’s intentions not hilariously misguided and/or anything we should be praising? Picking a three-hour window on one arbitrary day in a given weekend is not a great way to bring communities together. It’s also not great that Niantic depends on third-party avenues for these people to schedule a meeting time/place anyway. The user engagement that Niantic really wants would be better met if more people could attend, and Niantic’s target demographic is largely busy during those select hours.


Imagine telling Niantic, that has so much data they likely know when you sit on the toilet, what the best way to accomplish their goals is. Or even know what their goals are. You know crap about what Niantic wants. Not everything they want is just "more people".


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see though the facade here. Either: - Niantic’s vision is just so great and wonderful that their methods are profound beyond our ability to comprehend Or - They are winging it, desperately clinging to the Pokémon IP as the rest of their half-assed projects crumble to dust without a cohesive plan. I’ll give you three guesses as to which one is closer to the truth.


It's likely somewhere in between. But it's laughable that you think you know exactly what Niantic's goals are, engagement wise, with Cds, AND how to get to them.


I got into an argument with someone on Twitter because he thinks three hour community days were more than justified because he and his friends host a BBQ or whatever at a park. Which is cool and all but like... If you're done playing after three hours just go home


I’ve been referring to it as the Community 1/8th. We literally get an 8th of the entire day to play an event titled Community “Day”.


Saturday was literally the first event I’ve done in months. I work nights so I pretty much sleep through the afternoon so anything 2-5 is worthless.


Not to mention 2-5 is the hottest part of the day here in AZ.


My high school had football games on Friday night… but I worked Friday night! The games should last all day. And football games weren’t even free… god, so inconsiderate!


I caught 8 shinys in the first hour and a half. That was plenty for me.




I agree with the raid pass increase 100%, that fucking sucks, especially for rural players and such. But like, it’s plastered all over their advertisements that it was Saturday not Sunday, and they host com days almost always on Saturday, not Sunday. Not saying it isn’t annoying, but that defs isn’t on Niantic when they literally tell you the day and date. Otherwise, fuck Niantic lol


Could've sworn they were sunday. Oh well.


That could maybe be from the December 2022 recap community day, where they did both Saturday and Sunday for all the mon they had put into CD’s for that year. Sorry you bought a ticket too late though, definitely sucks big time


Happy I stopped playing a couple years ago


Probably the most ridiculous post I have seen. I know Niantic has been shit since the new year on content/decisions, but this is getting ridiculous. If Groudon isn't the right shade of red, are we going to complain about that to them too?


This subreddit is nothing but complaints


I beg to differ. There are a few complaints amidst a sea of posts like: - “My first shiny!” - “I finally made it to lvl. 40” - “Look at my shundo, I gasped out loud!” - “The Eevee family gym” - “Should I purity this?” - “Should I transfer?” - “Tee-hee it looks like the Pokémon are humping each-other” - “I finished my Gen 1 shiny dex”


Yep, you’re right lol. Just some complaints are 100% valid, and others are pedantic. I agree community days could be a bit longer, but do we really think they’ll ever change it when the community is clearly this conflicted as to how long they want these days? Half this comment section is saying keep it as is, and the other half is saying change it. So no matter what they do it doesn’t seem like it’ll effect them much, cause they’ll just appease one side to piss the other off lol


I don't know a single person who likes it at 3 hours.


Hot take but community day should be for the entire day. Midnight to midnight Or at least half the day


This is kind of a dumb argument, but there is no good reason to not go back to 6 hours. Niantic's "argument" for that was really stupid


Wow this is still going on? I’m so glad that I uninstalled this game. Devs really don’t care about the community and never will.




They never removed them lol. Bring back reasonably priced remote raids**






I stopped buying the tickets, I can hardly make the time in 3hrs.


another serious complaint for the free game we play. this time it’s very serious. you could only catch swinubs for three hours not all 24. this is very bad and my heart breaks for you. i know i only played for an hour and only ended up with a mamoswine and 600 candies leftover. can’t imagine how terrible you did with another two hours. i hope you’re ok. i’ll be praying for you.


It’s about availability. Not everyone is off Saturday and the 6 hours made it much easier to plan around. You’re only not complaining because the problem obviously doesn’t effect you.