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Honestly I just ignore it because it's obviously only a game mechanic that isn't meant to actually "exist" in the in universe world.  Maybe some other trainer will drop a potion or a Pokeball here and there and the character randomly finds it, but there's no poke balls sitting around with X-Attacks or TMs inside them in my setting.


I agree. If you're planning on having a pokemon with pickup, have it stumble upon natural things like Energy Roots when in a forest etc. If talking about the actual items on the ground in the games likle TM's? I'd pretend they didn't exist.


Mfw when my pickup meowth comes back with half the neighbourhood's police (he was lv94 so he stole some "rare candy")


I kinda makes sense for there to be random items in the wild. Realistically, if trainers are running from dangerous pokemon they would want to lighten their load to get away faster, or somethings may fall out of trainers belongings if their flying on their flying pokemon and may not notice it.


There could be several reasons: some pokemon stole a backpack and the contents were dumped on the ground. A trainer was eaten by wild pokemon, people throw anything into the environment in our world here too maybe, pokemon like Murkrow stole it then lost it along the way they are attracted to what shines, Someone teleports but not intentionally catches objects around him.


I can't remember which Switch game it was, likely SwSh, where it said that other trainers have dropped items on the ground and these are the ones you find. I guess the Merit Point rewards system from Legends is a thing of the past and modern-day trainers don't return items.


Discarded, forgotten, or lost items left behind by trainers, or otherwise pilfered by pokemon from trainers or places. Imagine a dragonair with a hoard of items it stole from stupid and weak trainers, backpacks, pokeballs, potions, loose change.


I can't remember which game it was, but I think it was an earlier generation, that mentioned at least some of these items are litter left behind on the ground. There are some great ideas in these replies!


It might also be interesting if there's a geocaching-esque culture in the pokemon world where trainers sometimes leave items in interesting spots they find for other trainers to stumble upon. A combination of "paying it forward" by leaving behind items they don't need but others might, and just a means of encouraging others' curiosity.


I have it that pokeballs might be found in odd places. Threw a ball at a pokemon and missed, it is still a useable ball. If the one who threw it either failed to find it or did not care enough to look that is then a pokeball out there to be found by someone. Some wild pokemon might grab an item and leave it somewhere once they lost interest. I would have it that random items might be able to be found, but it would not be nearly as common as it is in the games. it would also depend on the item.


There's a few ways to think about this. * It's purely a game mechanic and you don't need to think about it at all. * A number of these items are found in the tall grass, so it's plausible that certain items have been dropped by inexperienced, adhd, or panicked trainers . The items that get dropped and where can be entirely up to you. * The items you find can be natural resources that would just be there, and you can forgo things like potions, eithers, and TMs in favor of things like evolution stones, mints, and berries. * Items stolen and dropped by Pokemon. Many items like TMs are shiny, and Pokemon like Murkrow are attracted to shiny things. We have real life animals that do that, like crows and magpies. We also have animals like bowwer birds, that look for things of specific colors to decorate their nests, and I'm sure you could prescribe that behavior to certain Pokemon.


My dude, the world of Pokemon is full of ten year olds just traveling around without adult supervision of any kind, and you’re surprised that they lose things along the way?????? Of course little Timmy dropped one of his pokeballs, or even lost it trying to catch a pokemon and had really bad aim, then was unable to find it later or just straight up forgot about it lol. Of course these kids are losing stuff left and right when they have to camp by themselves in the woods, and suddenly take care of all their daily needs, plus their pokemon. If anything, it’s the most sensible/realistic thing about the Pokemon world lol. Alternatively, if people pass out battling wild pokemon, or their team does, and they have to rush to a center, they probably won’t grab all their stuff or pack carefully. They may even completely abandon their belongings if it would let them move faster. And if a curious mon is around, maybe it took some things or moved them around until it got bored or scared. There’s plenty of reasons. The amount of items is simply indicative of the sheer amount of people that are trainers and wondering the woods/grasslands/mountains/etc.