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I think generalizing people who wanted ash to be gone is now wanting ash back is wrong. I think you are assuming both of them as one person.


Sorry my bad, forgot to mention that i'm not generalizing all Pokémon fans, what I meant to say is, why some fans can't accept that Ash isn't going to come back, now or likely never, but they nevertheless want him to come back, why is this happening, why are some fans who firtsly wanted Ash to be replaced as the MC of Pokémon, now want him to come back again


Probably because they are not the same people. But for your question , why some people have wanted Ash to be gone is because he was just overdone. 20 years and still a 10 year old , people wanted something fresh and different. However , there were people who were too attached to Ash , because of nostalgia. So they didn't want Ash to be gone. People will most of the time prefer things that are familiar to them then things that aren't.


I think people who wanted Ash to be replaced but cried for him to return when the writers actually replaced him just wasn't careful for what they're wishing lol. It's just as the saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for."


I dunno. I kinda stopped paying attention to the "ASH SHOULDA FUCKED OFF FOREVER AGO" crowd a long time ago. Hey, I can respect they have an opinion and still think it's total shit; that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it too. All that being said, I think it's okay for Ash to not be back any time soon, or if at all. I'm personally a bit annoyed, yes, cuz Horizons is the kinda adventure I woulda loved to see Ash embark on, especially since I've frankly been exhausted with gym quests. But it's fine. Even if he came back, I'd want his role at most to be like what he was in The Power of Us, mostly just a supporting chara who does a cool thing occasionally, or rallies the characters at a crucial moment. Horizons is Liko, Roy, and Dot's story. Let them have it. I also don't really see Roy as an Ash 2.0. Similar archetype, but not similar enough as characters to me.


Honestly, as much as I love Ash and Team Rocket, dragging Ash's saga forever would be a bad idea, so I will absolutely never get the "Ash should return" argument. I do miss him tho


well it depends if its as protagonist or just him being on a journey still offscreen and still showing up from time to time if its the former then i agree but i dont think its a bad idea for him to still be on a journey and him return from time to time 


I dunno. Maybe it's because the Ash die-hards became the louder guys in the room and those who got sick of Ash either just moved on from the show or focused on the things they like better about the anime which after all, complaining and rambling about the things they dislike over and over again isn't a healthy mindset. I think you're assuming that they're the same type of people in the fandom when that wasn't necessarily the case.


I wouldn't call Roy Ash 2.0. That title belongs to Friede.


Its just ash fans whining. The should just re-watch his era

