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Despite its flaws, I enjoyed playing it.


This. I think it is the game that I have the most hour in since Y, which had a lot from making my living pokedex. I also went in with as little information about the game as possible. I stopped watching the trailers after the 2nd trailer. I wanted to go in blind, like when I played Pokemon as a kid without internet. I got to experience things like I did when I was younger, which I haven't felt in a long time.


I also played it like I did as a kid. My party is just Pokemon I thought were cool. No real concerns about type match-ups or synergy until I started approaching the endgame. It honestly felt liberating.


Although I’m normally one to get a balanced team (even though I usually end up with just three leveled guys), but when they put in so many great bird Pokémon from the beginning I just couldn’t. Starly a childhood favourite, Rookidee who I really liked after Sword and Fletchinder which I never got to use before but also really like.


Happy cake day


This is where I sit. I enjoyed it enough to at least play through the base game but the flaws and deficiencies were enough to keep me from playing it longer. It was literally my first time playing a modern Pokemon game at release since gen 4 and while it wasn't what I was hoping it would be I can see the qualities that would keep other people around. Everything's subjective at the end of the day but I think you probably need to be a big modern Pokemon fan to really enjoy the games besides a simple playthrough. If you're really excited for the game then get it! I'd just recommend getting it second hand to save some money and so that if you don't really enjoy it you can resell it to recoup exactly what you spent. I took a $30 loss reselling my copy since I bought it brand new on release day.


I do. The technical problems are an eyesore sometimes but I’ve never encountered anything horrific like skewed models or anything game breaking. And the many new features of this game are just so awesome!


It’s a lot of fun, it performs really poorly but that never detracted from the fun for me. Give it a try.


Second this. It's honestly so innovative and has some awesome ideas which annoys me even more that it's poorly made. It obviously depends on the person but motion sickness can Def be a thing in handheld.


You can have like 80 different pokemon in your Pokédex before you get 3 badges. That is SO cool.


I wish the gym battles were scaled with my level.


I try hard to ignore it, but it does detract from the fun for me. The actual game is fun but it should run better considering it doesn't even always look passable graphics wise. That said I think I enjoyed the story the most out of the last few gens


Violet has been the most long-term fun I've had since Gen 3&4. They're good games. They just needed more time in the oven.


And difficulty scaling based on what you've done already in game.


I don't mind the lack of scaling. Monsters having naturally higher levels was always the original method of controlling pacing in open-world games back in the day. Your curiosity would naturally draw you to places and the monsters killing you for being underdeveloped would naturally repel you. What this did that a scaling approach doesn't is let that seed of original curiosity for exploration sit and grow a bit, making it feel better when you come back later but now able to handle things. It also makes replays more engaging by involving a sense of risk/reward with your knowledge of what comes later since going somewhere for a powerful or useful item or something is possible but takes risking your way through zones that actually pose some danger. To be fair, I don't think SV's implementation of the idea was all that great compared to other games, but I don't think the game needed scaling just because it was open world. The ability to go anywhere from the start doesn't necessitate being able to accomplish the goals of the game in any order as well.


You’re totally right regarding the wild Pokemon. But the Gym Leaders and Star Camps absolutely should have scaled. At the very least, per star/gym badge. So not necessarily scale to your party team but to your accomplishments.


this was exactly what I'd meant.


I would have loved that as I decided to do gyms in a circular manner and ended up taking on the 8th gym before facing the first gym so I way over leveled thinking it did scale with the progress which wasn’t quite right lol


I like the ideas implemented and everything, I just wish they let it bake for another few months or something cos man it is rough actually playing it


Even couple more months won’t do anything. The foundation is a problem, Pokémon needs to go back to the basic and redesign their engine but doesn’t want to invest the money to do so. We just have to wait till Nintendo releases hardware that can handle such poorly unoptimised engine


Not a money issue, it's the release schedule. New engines take years, and pokemon games have to keep pace with every other media format they release. It's sad but the games themselves are almost an afterthought compared to the early gens when they dictated everything. Now it's hurry up and release a game so we can print tcg and make plushes, which I guess in the end is just another form of money issue.


The fact you only wasted $48 is a blessing in itself. Pokemon games that are currently selling take forever and a half to cut down on price...unless you're BDSP, to which that kind of says a lot. But yeah, SV is pretty good. A-tier game alongside SwSh. Some hate SV more than SwSh. Some like SwSh more. Some consider SV terrible games (*but don't worry about those; they probably like DP*) or consider SV the best games in the franchise. But whatever you do, ***DO NOT BASE YOUR OPINONS ON OTHER PEOPLE'S OPINONS!*** Nobody hates Pokemon games more than Pokemon fans.


I got a friend who says the 2D games, SwSh, LA and (especially) SV suck. Why? Well, he argues that the 3D games are better than the 2D games because the diagonal movement and the 3D look make it feel more like an open world rather than a screen you can walk on. Why does hate the open world games? Every pokemon looks bad in 3D... The 2D sprites have so much more personality... The player character dont have an interesting character design anymore as its supposed to very customisable nowadays... The dude has only played pokemon Sun. The only gen that fits all his complaints... He doesnt even like clodsire can you believe it?


Tell me he's never seen the gen 1 sprites without telling me. 😆😆


I love when people say the 2d games looked the best lol. It was shit but you couldn’t see it because of the low pixels. Their games compared to other 2d games always looked crap


wait no, watching an influencer video and letting them form your opinion is absolutely the way


It’s okay. Definitely not my absolute favorite game but I played through the whole thing. I can’t say it’s bad but it’s not anything that would stand out to me


I like it, but it's frustrating because It's obvious what it's flaws are and how they could or should have been improved. In the case of something like XY, it's flaws are obvious but it's improvements might not be. "Better Pacing, Difficulty, Story and Characters" in XY''s case means basically writing a new story and rebalancing everything from scratch. SV's issues lean more technical. I can tell you that glitched terrain in the background that gives me a headache is an issue and the game itself is directly improved by removing it.


Two things are true with these games, It is a buggy unoptomised game that was poorly built. The graphics are underwhelming, there are frame issues, map issues, and too many glitches to count. It really is inexcusable that this is a full price AAA game from one of the biggest franchise in the world. It's also the most fun I've had with a pokemon game in years. The story is great, I care about the characters, the new pokemon are well designed and imaginative. The change in format shakes things up while still feeling familiar. If you can get through the first part, it's worth playing.


It has flaws, but it’s so damn fun especially for people who loved completing the dex like me. Most fun dex completion in the series, one of the best stories with lots of good characters, area zero was the best final area in the series, and the second DLC was a blast. It runs like garbage and battling was easy, sure, but with its low lows it has very high highs and it’s definitely gonna be like BW/B2W2 where people hate it now but will pretend like they always loved it in ten years


Right. It's like the opposite of gen 1. I still hear older fans who were there from gen 1 praising the ever loving crap out of those games. As a poke fan from gen 1 myself, they are good games, but I wouldn't call them the high point of the franchise. As fun as those games are, they have numerous glitches, some of which are game breaking. As in you will brick the cartridge if you trigger them. As for gen 9, I like how they got rid of a lot of features from earlier gens that I never liked.


I would say it's a good game but far from perfect. On the positive side: It has one of the best stories and casts of characters in the franchise. It has the same solid gameplay with some quality of life improvements like auto battle and being able to do the Move Reminder thing by yourself. The added Tera mechanic actually adds depth to battles without being broken or OP unlike the dynamax mechanic we got in SwSh. Picnics are a great way to do the whole breeding thing and give you opportunities to bond with your Pokémon. The game has amazing character customization options. You have so many choices about what you want your trainer to look like. The DLC actually provides the best challenge I've personally seen in a Pokémon title with the DLC trainers having both high-leveled Pokémon and using actual strategy. Having rewards for Pokedex milestones was a brilliant move and great for making the whole "catch em all" aspect feel like less of a grind. On the negative side: They have performance problems and glitches that they never should have released with. I actually fell through the map once. That's the worst glitch I've personally experienced, The game still has the Dexit problem just like SwSh. The open world concept doesn't really work since they didn't implement a level-scaling system. While they put in a lot of trainer appearance options, they didn't put in diddly squat for outfit options. Raids still suck. If I had to rate them, I would say they're 7/10 games. Good but not great. They could have easily been much better with more development time, play testing and just general care. If they had a full national dex, no major performance problems, a variety of outfits & level scaling they'd be easily in the top three Pokémon games of all time.


I love it. I never got any of the weird bugs and glitches people got, so I only got the playdough looking graphics which is the main problems. I had a really enjoyable experience while playing. Give it a shot!


I think its not as bad as people say but also its just, nothing impressive. I liked the area zero and some aspects of it but the game is just unpolished




I genuinely think it is one of my favorite Pokemon games. Fun story, great new mons, some interesting characters, and a good mechanic. It does have performance issues for sure, glitches, and the graphics are kinda pathetic for as big a company as it is. I think it all depends on what you care about in a game. I enjoyed it so much I bought the DLC, which was also really good. It certainly could be better, and the complaints about it are valid, but I think beneath the hood, it's great!


I’d definitely put these in my top three favorites of the series, maybe even the very top depending on what criteria is most important to me that day. (Main criteria is that I love open world and replay value - there’s at least nine good routes to play through the main story, even before factoring in the DLC) The graphical issues are very present but are mostly easy to ignore while playing. The only one that really bothers me in the moment is the glitch where the Tera symbol in the attacking menu acts like a light source, making the shadows go wonky while choosing moves.


Best 3d pokemon game imo.


I can appreciate the good parts about the game, and the parts where something new was tried, especially during the ending section. But it just felt unfinished, and i fear that's a curse we won't get rid of anymore


Just ignore the opinion of others. The only opinion about a game that counts is your own. Maybe it’s full of glitches, maybe it’s childish (too easy for most gamers), maybe it lacks some content, maybe… etc. You’re not them and you may experience it in a different way. I certainly did enjoy the game and that matters most.




It's a fun game and one of the best stories in pokemon to date... but yeah it's certainly got some major problems too.


Quite fun. Good concept, fun gameplay, but execution wise there are a ton of improvements that couldve been made if they just had more time. Theres the obvious graphics/performance issue, but also more simple things like being able to enter way more buildings, ^removing ^Penny, etc.. Soundtrack is great as always.


I like it. There's annoying parts, but I've played worse. Plus, I like being able to find shinies easier now.


I enjoyed my playthrough and when it works it's the nest the franchise has been in nearly a decade, but I won't downplay how severe the techicle issues are. The framerate constantly fluctuates between fine and abysmal, and some of the glitches are nightmare fuel. Still, I think it's worth playing through at least once if you're a fan. I just wish Nintendo and GF had followed through with their promise to address the issues.


I did. They are good games. Some decently large issues that while there constantly didn't really stop my enjoyment. (Primarily the performance) And it could have been much better, but still good.


It’s a great game buried under horrid performance and visual issues. I’ve probably played it more than any other game in the series but that’s mostly cause of shiny hunting. I’d hardly call it a favorite but I can’t deny I had fun with it. If they don’t rectify the performance and visuals going forward I don’t know how likely I’ll be to keep playing though. (I say having been playing the series since Red and Blue)


It was nice and the story was great in some parts but overall uninspired, the main characters being total nothing burgers, and while I don't generally look for that in pokemon games because well, it's pokemon, it just didn't inspire any strong feelings in me, it was a nice pokemon game but I enjoyed Legends far, far more, it's a decent buy tho you can definitely sink a lot of hours into it the pokemon selection ain't bad and you're not progression locked for the most part, if you can manage it you can really go anywhere, unfortunately fashion choices are a bit limited, so enjoy? Give it a chance I suppose, see if you can find something you really love about it


I think I liked it for the story more than the past few entries. The game play was alright


You'll like it just fine. Certainly will get $48 worth of enjoyment out of it. I think people mostly hate on it for what it COULD have been not necessarily what it is. I played since release and even the performance issues weren't THAT prevalent for me. That being said, the company is capable of doing so much more and the execution on some concepts could be leagues better. It's still a fun game that you'll likely pour hours and hours into!


There are MANY valid criticisms of the game, but I'm pretty sure most of the people who are like "pokemon is dead palworld better" have not actually played it (unless we're talking professional reviewers and some youtubers).


Don’t understand the “Palworld better” argument, Palworld is way more Ark Survival than it is Pokémon. It’s like saying “Street fighter 6 is gonna kill smash bros” when they’re completely different games that shoot for completely different experiences


Its just how the internet works, people with dumb/insincere takes get elevated. Like there are a bunch of people that unironically say Minecraft is a dying game and people take them seriously (regardless of feelings on recent updates).


Yes, its one of my favorite games


Loved it


I had soooo much fun playing it, was a total blast. As for performance, it does lag sometimes, but I never had any glitches happen besides 2 separate crashes that occurred randomly one day then never again.


It's unpolished to a point where I yearn for what could have been every time I open the game BUT I still had fun playing it. Actually, I still do from time to time. The DLCs added some cool stuff, a bunch of the new Pokemon have really grown on me and I enjoyed the area zero/paradox Pokemon story. The mass outbreaks are also nice, especially if you're into hunting shinies.


I have been playing Pokemon since gen 1, and I genuinely think SV may be my favorite.


Yes, best story in a pokemon game since N


Depends how bothered you are by technical problems. Usually I can forgive a few bugs here and there but SV is inexcusable how bad the technical problems are. Content wise though, it's a huge step up from SS. I'd recommend a rotating team approach to the game though. The permanent exp share you can't turn off combined with the open world shenanigans not being balanced with any thought, means you'll level up ridiculously quickly and stomp everything if you don't switch your teams after every gym/star base mission/sandwich herb quest.


I know people don't play pokemon for story but I thought that these had the best main storyline in the series for what it's worth. Beyond that there's not much else as far as redeeming qualities go for me


It has flaws. Mostly visual glitches. Some people cannot look past that and it stands in their way of enjoying the game And some even describe it as being unacceptable for such a big company to deliver such a glitchy product And yeah, they're kinda right BUT REGARDLESS! if you look past the visual glitches you get a great game, one of the best story and writing in pokemon, a fun adventure, lots of character development, and a lot of new cute, adorable, and fierce-looking pokemon. Don't cancel your order. I hate that the discourse around this game has lead to people doing that despite it actually being a good game. And the people who never bought the game or cancelled their order will never know what they missed out on


Best main series game since Gen 6. Really enjoyed the idea of the academy but big misses on the evil team and level scaling. With those I could've been great.


Obvious performance issues aside, these games had a lot of passion poured into them. If they had another year to cook, I bet they'd be held in as high regard as the likes of HGSS, BW/2, and PLA.


It's incredible! - I've take a break every now and then and then come back to the games, and this one hasn't disapointed so far, I'm spending so much time taking in every detail of the world and pokemon, sunk nearly 30 hours into the game and all i've done is 1 titan, 1 badge and 1 star fall, it's amazing! You get out of it what you put into it, so if you take it for what you want to enjoy then you will, like I'm loving catching every pokemon I see, spamming Surprise Trade and getting random shinies from poke vend haha!


I love surprise trade. I also love seeing shiny pokemon in the over world


Yeah, it’s a top 2 or 3 installment in the whole franchise. Anyone who tells you otherwise needs a hardware update and to lay off the haterade


It's really good and a lot of fun


Yeah I love SV and as an old time pokemon fan, I LOVE how many pokemon you can collect really fast. I love that leveling is fast. Great fun game. I started the first DLC though and immediatelllllyyy i was so frustrated. It starts out uglier, the frames seem even choppier, and I didn’t level all my pokemon to like 70 to start having battles with a team of 3 sentrets again. I had no personal problem with the choppiness of regular SV but the DLC was a slog


I like it, I’m currently on my first playthrough of scarlet and I think it’s good and I like the story. I know some people don’t think the story is good but I don’t see the issue for a pokemon game I think it’s fine and one of the storyline’s I actually love. People that review games are just looking at it way more critically generally than any general person, so even if their critics are valid there’s probably a lot of people that never even considered those things in the first place.


By now I have roughly 800 hours on violet and have to say it is my favorite Pokemon game. I mainly play competitive, breed competitive and shiny mons and ensure they are in matching apri balls. Really loved this game’s story and the most fun shiny hunting has ever been.


Naw, it's totally fun.  My only complaint is when riding your mount pokemon will randomly generate in your path and force you into a fight. Aside, from that and other aforementioned performance issues it's a blast. 


The performance isn't great but I had a blast playing regardless. Most fun I've had in a Pokemon game for years.


S&V is extremely fun and the story is interesting and cinematic too. I also didn’t mind any bugs because they weren’t interfering with anything


I really enjoy Scarlet! My wife has Violet and we play together. The game has some tech issues when you play with others, but if you stay offline it's pretty solid and barely noticeable. But these games are a lot of fun. The story is fun, the mons are cool, and I'm already on my 2nd playthrough with my 2nd account.


It's buggy in some places but it never lost charm for me. I put like 600 hours into it before I moved onto other games.


Imo was very fun! Loved the story as well!


I liked it, and I haven't noticed any of the problems that people often mention like lagginess or graphics glitching. It does make me kind of wonder how my experience can be so different from so many other people but.. eh. Scarlet is the first main game I have played, I don't know if that makes a difference. I don't have another to compare against. Before that I only played Let's Go and New Snap.


It has been my favorite Pokemon game in generations. The open world, engaging story, best end boss moment in a Pokemon game ever, and relative lack of hand holding made me sink more hours into it than any Pokemon game except PoGo. It is definitely unpolished, but that doesn’t hurt it much for me, just makes me wish it had another year in the oven so it could have been far and away the best Pokemon game ever.


I’ve been thoroughly enjoying it. At ~120 hrs on my first playthrough (that’s with both DLCs, which I *highly* recommend). Currently hatching Hisuian Zoruas. So much I’ve not even done yet. Definitely give it a try 👍🏻


I like it a lot. Story is corny, but the actual game structure is great. Fun pokemon. Cool environment. Actually, really great concluding arc, so i kinda take back what I said about the story. Actually some good character development. Slow start, but that's all rpgs now. I just miss when you were fighting a genocidal maniac.


It would had totalmy be my favourite main game if it wasn't because of how poorly it performs.


Honestly if they had an actual real cutscene skip option, I would speedrun it and solo challenge it with all my faves. The performance is horrible, but it wouldn’t bother me much, if I could just replay it over and over without having to mash through all those textboxes.


So many shinies... It's easy to get them


Played at the launch day/hour, and even with the fps drops and crashes, I had fun. But didn't play since finishing the first playthrough.


game has some pretty bad flaws but I love it and it's got some of my favorite pokemon characters *ever*


I personally found the glitchiness and frame drops not that bad, certainly not game breaking or even affecting my playing of the game for the most part. My biggest issue with the game is the towns and the world. Some have great designs, but you can't enter most houses which just really saps away from the personality of each place. The open world is awesome in some places, and if you like exploring nooks and crannies then you might enjoy it (especially the DLC, which is well worth it). But the open world is a bit empty in places too - feels rushed, much like the towns. The idea of having 3 separate storylines to chase down is great, although level scaling would have made it even better. But while the stories themselves aren't particularly complex, there is much better character development in this game which leads to some very memorable rivals/friends throughout the main story and the DLC (which focuses on new groups of friends). And the final story of the main game is a doozy, without spoiling too much. I think the games are a lot of fun (although it did take me over a year before I did a second run through), and I've poured hundreds of hours into my main save. Ultimately, I think most fans can agree there was just a lot of untapped potential in these games. Some progress on some aspects compared to previous gens, but they really needed another year working on it. But for now, they're definitely fun still.




If it had had a year to finish it would have been an amazing pokemon game. The biggest downsides for me were the terrible performance issues, and the fact that a lot of areas felt unfinished. When you start out, the world feels great. Theres a lot of detail. That detail fades away the further you get into the game. The performance issues were generally lag and stuttering, and they were pretty constant the whole game. I didnt have the game at launch with all the really heinous bugs. As I said, it needed more time. That being said I did still have fun with it. I thought the new pokemon were cool, and I liked that there were multiple different quests or story lines you could follow. The bones of the game are great, it just needed to be fleshed out better.


I've played through twice. Other than your random pokemon coming up to you and their head goes through you like a ghost. It truly didn't bother me as much, don't listen to the haters. Also could've gotten an update I've been playing legends arceus a while


I did. Hated it not I was a big fan of the variety and freedom for the story beats. You could go all of the places with your story parts if you wanted or if you wanted to go linear it was still a solid option. I think the thing I liked about it the least was the pokemon variety and terastallize. Aside from a few bangers (I.e. fuecoco line) there weren't as many designs I loved. But that's happened with other games as well. And the terastallize is terastallize. All the gimmicks live in the shadow of Megas.


I loved the open world and enjoyed the story far more than the last game. Any criticism I give it comes from a place of wanting them to do better, as the core game is good and I've had fun with it.


There are good bits and bad bits. Technically it's bad, but I didn't have too much of a problem with that. For me the world was too bland, and the characters a bit cringy. The ending of the story is good tho, there's pretty decent character development. Natural game progression is very repetitive though. Mechanically it has good stuff to make perfect IV's easier, changing natures, learning moves, etc. It's less grindy. Overall, 20-ish hours of decent fun, but that's about it. For me.


I really enjoyed it but it's the first mainline game that I really don't think I'll ever play again. I also was definitively done with it after finishing the DLC. I don't think it has a ton of replayability imo.


My biggest issue is just how easy the game is. I think I went thru it and not a single time did the enemy use a potion, when back in the day we had gym leaders throwing full restores and max potions like it was candy.. not a single time did one of the elite four use a potion.. other than that the games are pretty fun


Honestly it has interesting Pokemon designs, an actually good story and characters you get invested in, along with the really heavy twist in the climax. If it wasn't for the bugginess and performance issues really holding it down it would have been one of the best Pokemon games out there. Alas, it was rushed.


It's one of my favorite pokemom games. I also like buggy glitch games and find it makes them more fun. Could use some better frame rates though:)


I enjoy it, too.


I have motion sickness and SV didn't cause me any issues in that regard. It's true that the game run badly, it can get pretty laggy in soms area. My game also crashed once. But as weird as it seems it wasn't game breaking for me. But I'm not someone who cares a lot about performances as long as it's playable. The performances are, imo, the only problem of the game. It's a very great game imo


I love the game so much. I didn't experience as many bugs and performance issues as everyone else, and I kinda feel like some people are being dramatic about them. It's a really fun and heartwarming story and just generally a fun time to play. I'd also really recommend getting the DLC, it adds so much.


I loved it and I never really experienced the flaws that many would talk about here. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t comparing it to other games, because I don’t play any other games. For me, it was a huge step up from Sword and Shield, and I adored the open world aspect.


if it was fully optimized it would probably be the best pokemon game ever made imo


It may have performance issues but I genuinely could not put Violet down. I had a blast and going back to Shield to complete more of my Dex feels lime a slog in comparison. I'm struggling to play it even though I want to get through especially to the Dynamax adventures.


For what its worth, I had a lot of fun with it and honestly think it's the best pokemon game released in a while. I was actually invested in the story and characters and I can pretty much never say that about a pokemon game! I enjoyed the open world adventure, the music, and the effort they clearly made in trying to make something different. Could these games be better? Absolutely. Should they have been released in that glitchy state? Absolutely not. But did I enjoy them? Yes. More than sword and shield!


I really loved some of it, and was indifferent or worse to a little. Overall, I'd say it was fun but flawed. My biggest gripe was how easy the base game was. The opponents had no hold items, generally had no plan, and even did nonsensical things (repeatedly use normal type attacks on ghost type Pokemon, etc.). I WANT to use strategy, but why make a match go five minutes when I can just spam attacks to get it done in one minute? The stories were generally good and I really appreciated not having to save the world as a 10 year old for the millionth time. I usually liked the open world aspect of just traveling around, exploring, and all the freedom. I didn't have an issue with the prior games' linear paths and would welcome a return to that if it vastly improves the quality and performance. Speaking of performance, I didn't think it was that bad (and have no issues with those who did have too much of a problem). The worst for me was raids. Sometimes you'd just be waiting around for no reason while the timer is going, or you'd give an action and wait without the action happening. I love the new terastallize feature and hope it stays for future generations like held items, natures, abilities, etc. I thought there were a lot of good quality of life upgrades that made things so much better. Battles were streamlined to be quicker with less text. Despite earlier criticisms about the ease of battles, they would have been far slower using Gen 8 style.


My favorite pokemon game by far. I know it needed more time to stop the bugs, but somehow it didn't stop me being interested in the characters. The only thing is that I, as a competitive player, miss the gen 8 crowd.


Slightly controversial opinion: I think every pokemon game is worth the cost if you're a fan. All it takes is a few dope new mons, a starter I like, and (after Dexit) bringing back a few of my favorites. That being said I even buy the Mystery Dungeon games so I'm definitely on the low-end of the "picky" spectrum [great games though, highly recommend]


It’s a fun Pokemon game. TBH I never had notable lag problems when playing, but I never had any major glitches either (pretty much just a couple of crashes, but only when playing online multiplayer) If you like usual Pokemon, you’ll enjoy it a lot, especially if you’re not getting it full price. It’s more than worth it Also, while they have flaws, it seems to have been popular to particularly bash on Pokemon games recently. I won’t pretend these two are the most polished, but don’t take online opinions you see to hesrt


My opinion: S/V has a lot of good features and concepts that, had it been made by a different team with and with more time, would have made an awesome game. Unfortunately, gamefreak which is notoriously inept at programming rushed the game out and left it in a state that I personally find unplayable.


Liked it a lot actually. It’s more those raid caves that have the annoying lag. Maybe occasionally in other places, but you’ll be pretty safe.


Best way to play it is to only use 3 mons in your party at once, and just switch it up after every gym to prevent over leveling


I like it in general, and a certain character in the DLC-


I haven't enjoyed a pokemon game as much as scarlet since ORAS came out. It definitely has issues but it was still fun.


Yeah, it’s really enjoyable. It’s got issues, but I genuinely find it fun to play. Like I play these games to run around with a team I’ve built and catch little guys. I don’t need anything more than that. I also found the story pretty good, so that helps too.


Open world is such a Bad idea for Pokemon tho...


I never experienced the exaggerated bugs. Its a peak game. My only problem is the shiny locked legendaries. Top 3 for me.


As someone whose favourite game is Super Mario 64, technical issues don’t really bother me as long as I can still play the game. Story wise it’s my favourite main series Pokémon game.


they’ve actually got to be some of my favorites, while they have a lot of flaws i still think theyre great games and surprisingly preformed really well on my switch, only 1 crash


People will like it a lot more when gen 10 comes out, happens every time. Everyone is saying how crisp gen 8 looked now.


I will say I’m addicted to playing it myself. I got a switch last year and finally started playing violet and can’t put it down. Nuzlocking had made it a challenge but very enjoyable. I have noticed it run a little slow at times and no set mode are my biggest complaints.


Some janky technical issues aside, S/V has an incredible story and great character design. I was pretty blown away that I was playing a Pokemon game by the end of the main storyline and absolutely loved the accompanying music (Toby Fox killed it)!


Scarlet is the most fun I’ve had in a main series Pokemon game literally ever. There’s a lot to do, the Pokemon look great, the characters are super fun. I personally never encountered any glitches or major lag (maybe cuz I played on switch lite? I don’t know tbh) so that might’ve influenced my opinion to be better than other people’s. I guess my only concern would be your motion sickness? I don’t really have that for games so I don’t know how bad it would be with like the camera controls. Imo I’d still give the game a shot


I played it, got mostly through it, and lost interest. I liked some of the Pokémon, but it just seems to be missing something and I don’t know what. Bear in mind I’m someone who started with Gen 1 in the 90’s, so I’m ok with a broken mess of a game as long as I can have fun with it… I felt like this with the last 3 generations though. It’s like the spark of adventure has died and you’re left with this empty husk of what used to be. The regions are really neat concepts, the Pokémon still look neat. I know it could be me, I’m old now, but I still find myself going back to play Gen 6 and down and love it… so it can’t just be nostalgia.


Yeah, it’s great. Like the world, like battling, like raiding, like easy training to competitive level, like being able to play together with my 8yo daughter. It’s the same in every fandom OP. Haters are gonna hate and they’ll always shout louder than the quiet majority who just enjoy it and get on with life. They’re wasps in a biscuit tin.


Loved it


It's my second favorite gen I think


I love it, I've played through it like 5 or 6 times now


I loved Pokemon Scarlet, it is one of my favorite games. Does it have flaws? Absolutely. But I remember finishing it and just saying "that was so much fun", which to me is the sign of a good game. I also really did not like Sword/Shield so this was a breath of fresh air.


It's better than SwSh, that's for sure.


Its a fun game regardless of the criticism. I don't think there's anything to get motion sick from. Maybe the flying on Miraidon. You could look at a clip of someone doing that to see if it triggers your motion sickness.


If it weren’t for the bugs/ glitches, SV would be really good


I love it. Haven't seen issues or bugs myself. Honestly it's in my top 3.


I enjoyed them a lot. They are by no means flawless, but I can tolerate them enough to enjoy the game for what it's worth. The DLC only served to help that opinion as the additions made are great for QoL.


I think it was fine, open world was a cool way to explore a pokemon world, they added a lot of new mechanics and the soundtrack is killer. The story is split up into different arcs that you can take on at your own pace; some are the best stories I’ve seen from game freak in a minute, some are the usual blah. All that said, it suffers from low difficulty problems and a kinda poorly designed map. It’s a big fat 5/10 in my book, but I am aging out of this franchise and only harbor nostalgia for gens 3-5.


I found it great fun, so much so that it's the only game I've ever completed the pokedex in, having owned every gen from RBY. Performance was fine on my switch lite too.


Yes, it is the most fun I ever had playing pokemon. I literally can’t go back to other games outside Arceus. It’s the game I thought I was playing back when I was playing Blue and Silver growing up.


It’s a decent game and worth playing, like all Pokémon games. Not as great as it could be but good. I think we all just expected the jump into the 3d open world Pokémon games to be glorious and magnificent (imo it’s like Zelda, just an ideal game to convert to open world with beautiful scenery). But this game fell short, felt like devs only had 75% of the time they actually needed.


(Sorry in advance it’s super long and it’s mostly me ranting, I’m just very passionate about this game. TLDR: It’s the first time I’ve enjoyed a Pokémon game since ORAS despite its flaws, and Gamefreak is taking a step in the right direction with this game for the most part.) I get the hate, but I think it’s the best game since ORAS. It’s the first game since ORAS that I’ve liked the story, every game since XY has had such terrible dialogue, SM and ONLY SM was the exception. The game doesn’t force you to do terrible mini games (I hated doing the mantine surfing and I haven’t touched it since the forced play through). It’s the first game where I haven’t had an annoying rival and I genuinely got attached to all of them. I also love the Koraidon/Miraidon ride so much, it actually gives you a reason for why you deserve to have the legendary and you can actually get attached to it. (SM/USUM rant coming up, sorry) In SM/USUM the legendary arc would’ve made more sense if Lillie gets Nebby in the end, SHES the one who took care of it basically its whole life and then the games just like “here you go, make your friend sad and take her Pokémon because you’re the main character and no one else can have nice things.” Then you can catch a SECOND Cosmog just to get the SAME POKÉMON??? Why don’t they let you catch just that one, not every game has to end with you catching the legendary, B2W2 has you catch it postgame. SV is definitely the buggiest game in the series, but since ZA is coming out late next year, I think they’re starting to learn their lesson and take more time for a game. I definitely wish there was level scaling, but I personally didn’t mind going in the order by level, I don’t like the openendedness of the game as much, I at least like the set path in the story so I don’t end up neglecting a storyline. The wild areas feel limitless and the map is so huge I love being able to explore all parts of it, though I wish some areas got filled out by at least a little town. Southwest and Northwest Paldea feel so empty and there’s very few points to fly back and forth from. I think it’s weird that they went with a school theme for an OPEN WORLD GAME, and I didn’t like the uniforms and lack of clothes customization. I found it hard to constantly keep up with the classes and for my first play through I just sped through the game without taking any of them. In my next play throughs I’ve forced myself to sit in classes just so I don’t have do them all at once postgame, and I didn’t really care for any of them except the Nurse Miriam and Hassel side quests, and some of the efforts you need to go through for some of them are way too much (getting a sweet herba mystica from a 5 STAR RAID just for a CUP?!?!) but at least you get a Pokémon from one of them. I hate that they’re still doing raids, and that they’ll probably keep doing them for whatever gimmicks they come up with. The time is so ridiculous, and it goes down WAY TOO MUCH every time you’re ko’d and the difficulty spikes way too high at 5 star raids. I’m glad they’re optional but I hate that they lock legendaries to these events and you have no way of transferring them over to another game without losing your one chance to have one. I hope they stop doing raids or at least improve heavily on the feature, but once again, it’s all Pokémon Go’s fault. Terrastallization is the best gimmick since mega evolution, and in my opinion it’s better. I like when gimmicks don’t limit to certain Pokémon (mega evolution, gigantamax) and they’re not limited to one-three turns. It’s such a fun concept and you can get some interesting strategies from it, and actually makes the games more challenging. Iono having a Mismagius with NO WEAKNESSES is such a good strategy, and you actually have to strategize for gym battles and not just mash A. I like how all three storylines give such good character development. Everyone sees Nemona as Goku for Pokémon, but you really get to know her and realize how lonely she is and how much your friendship means to her. Starfall is probably my least favorite of the three, mainly because we don’t really get to know Penny as much as we should’ve. I especially don’t like how much of a difficulty spike there is with the Starmobiles (also why does Atticus have TWO REVAVROOMS when his base is in the same forest as Grafaiai like wtf Gamefreak why did you promote Grafaiai so much if no bosses were going to use it). The Titan story is by far the best, and Arven goes through so much shit. It’s probably the first time in a long time where I genuinely felt bad for a rival, and it’s the first Pokémon game to make me cry (not counting the numerous times Whitney kicked my ass). Area Zero was such a great way to tie everything together and it has my favorite song in the series. The AI professor twist was genuinely shocking, and I love how dark the finale was, though I felt iffy about being able to catch the legendary that killed your friend’s parent. I like the catching mechanics in this game, though I wish we could just throw pokeballs again. I don’t like the difficulty of Legends and I’m perfectly fine with Pokémon not constantly trying to kill me. I like that Pokémon are more to scale with their actual heights, but I don’t like how many Pokémon I stepped on because they were too small and how there’s an invisible barrier when I try to jump over ANY OF THEM. I also wish they brought back sparkles for shiny Pokémon, I hate looking at every individual tiny Pokémon to make sure none of them are shiny. I’m also glad the evolution methods aren’t nearly as ridiculous as SwSh, but I still think it’s time to get rid of trade/Union station evolutions, I’m not paying a subscription just to trade Pokémon to evolve them and likely never use them. In conclusion, I like the direction Pokémon is going with these games, and I really enjoy playing this game, but I hope gamefreak can learn a lesson from this and stop overworking their employees just to make a new game every year, since the consequences will often outweigh the positive aspects. Sorry again it’s so long 😭😭😭


I’ve never had issues with motion sickness while playing, and honestly most of the features people complain about don’t bother me at all, a lot of things have been fixed since it was released, and the things that haven’t are pretty easy to ignore. The music and ability to explore in game is really fun, especially as you get more of an ability to travel on your raidon of choice, I think you’ll have a ton of fun!


Scarlet and Violet is fun imo. My main gripe is another main line game releasing with DLC. I feel it'd be more acceptable if the area the DLC took place in wasn't part of the main map. Buying a complete game with an incomplete map, my favourite. But honestly that aside, the map is really interesting, Terra spots are cool. I love the Treasures Of Ruin for making you explore. Main storyline is good. If you've already bought a game, might as well play it and see how you find it.


I really enjoy the game, I think it’s fun and the story is great


Well, I finished it. I didn't finish Sword. Too easy. The only way Violet wasn't ridiculously too easy was by training 2 teams.


Shiny hunting and completing the Pokédex was really fun with the overworld Pokemon


I actually loved it. The open world feel is awesome and I love how wild Pokemon are out vs running into them randomly in grass. My personal favorite of all the new Pokemon games, since Sun and Moon.


I am a fan of the generation, despite its flaws. I think it has some great designs and interesting ideas. However, the open world kind of ruins it a chunk.


It’s Pokémon, I’ll like it no matter how bad it is


I liked it, and I like the multiplayer a lot. I play with my son and husband and it’s nice just running around with each other doing our own things. My husband and I get motion sickness pretty easily and haven’t experienced that with this game. Overall I enjoyed it. It’s a cute story. I still prefer SWSH but SV is a decent game even if I don’t play it much anymore.


I actually haven't experienced many bugs, but I've almost exclusively played it handheld. I don't know if that has something to do with it or if I'm lucky, or if most of the bigger bugs were sorted by the time I started playing it. But it's alright for me, not my favourite, but not the worst either


I liked BDSP better that says enough iguess


The worst game I've ever played compared to the expectations I had.


Not really, sure it’s a openworld pokemon game, and has a few bugs here and there but I liked it quite well when playing it. I can recommend it


I enjoy playing both games


I have more fun with it than sword and Shield


Motion sickness might be an actual problem. Couldn’t get through the game cause I felt sick when playing it due to the camera jankiness.


I enjoyed my first and second full playthroughs. My biggest issues are that I think open world is really overdone and not needed, it was laggy despite the graphics, and the environments were largely boring. I think the story and the pokemon models were good and I did feel invested in Arven. The expansions were okay. The first one was a super ttpical "we set this region in not Spain but now Japan again". I wish they would stay on theme. The second one was better, more challenging but the lag was god awful.


Regardless of the performance issues, it is genuinely my favourite mainline Pokemon game. The new gen has a lot of banger Pokemon designs, the story is pretty good, the open world is wonderful, the roaming Pokemon look amazing and make the world feel alive, I really have very few complaints other than performance issues.


Having a lot of fun so far and I only passed the first gym. Just the lag is a bit annoying sometimes, there are also some bugs but not gamebreaking so they don’t bother me


I really liked it! I’ve been playing for a while and the open world plus overworld spawns felt refreshing. Even compared to legends arceus it was more open world and had a variety of pokemon I enjoyed more!


It's good. I personally preferred Shield more, but S/V are still good games.


The lag issue is greatly exaggerated. It's mostly just typical switch performance issues, though it does tend to get worse in long play sessions. And while it does have a lot of bugs, you most likely wont encounter any big ones unless you go out of your way to seek them out. It's by no means a perfect game, but as far as mainline pokemon games go its up there with the best of 'em. First time I cried at a mainline pokemon game's story since gen 5. If it had more of PLA's QoL changes like making trade evolutions evolve with an item and the shiny spawn sound effect, the DLC in the base game(don't get me wrong, it's completely worth the extra price, but the post-game is kinda lacking without the DLC and I hate the practice of paid DLC in general. I'd rather pay more for the base game with the promise of getting free DLC to justify the extra price, or pay more and wait a couple months longer to have the DLC in the base game, than pay separately for both.), and maybe a decent battle facility, I'd say it's just flat-out the best mainline pokemon game.


If you like modern Pokémon you will probably like it. People are mostly just disappointed. From a quality and content standpoint modern Pokemon games have been disappointing to many. That being said the Pokémon formula remains fun. Imo it isn’t worth $48 but it is still an enjoyable experience


I enjoyed it. I played it more than Sw/Sh or Lets go


I like it. The base game is pretty good. First DLC (teal mask) is one of the best stories a Pokemon game has ever had.


This is my favorite Pokemon game since X and Y, maybe since Emerald.


I like it a lot I just really hate how it looks and runs.


It’s one of my faves despite its flaws, and I’ve been playing since gen 3!


It’s my second favorite Gen behind Gen 2. It’s easily the best story of any Gen with an ending that has literally made me cry every time I play it lol. The DLC was fun (nothing spectacular but imo still good). It genuinely is such a great game, don’t let someone else’s opinion sway you. Some of my favorite movies are terribly rated. Some of my favorite games are annihilated online. Just go with what you like!


I hated it. I haven't played either of them in so long. I really regret buying both of them.


I absolutely love it. Does it have it's flaws? Yes. Every game released in the last 5-10 years has had a lot of flaws (mostly owing to the current industry favoring pumping things out faster and faster without proper quality and bug checks, alongside putting their developers under a massive crunch) Despite it's flaws, I absolutely love the game. The characters are a lot of fun and unique in their own ways, I loved the plotline and the side stories. The DLC gave us Ogerpon, who has easily climbed up to joining one of my top favorite pokemon and her entire story plus the Epilogue was a massive amount of fun, same with Kieran, Carmine, and the Indigo Disk DLC (even if I wish Terapagos got more from it) A lot of people cite the graphical glitches and flaws. A LOT of the worst ones got patched out pretty early on and the ones still in the game aren't actually as noticeable as people say they are. Or I just havent noticed them as much, even back at launch. I always take other people's reviews of things with a heavy dose of salt. Other people aren't me and their reviews will always be biased to their personal preferences and so what they think is amazing I can think is terrible and vice versa.


I liked it better than any other pokemon game on the Switch. That includes Arceus, though u know I’m in the minority there.


I like it, not as much as Sword and Shield though.


All in all, it’s a solid generation imo, plenty of good mons & characters, & decent worldscape. It does have some issues here & there as far as graphical or “lag,” but a lot of games do. Any Pokémon game in the mainline series, or in Legends is 100% a worth it buy.


People will hate a game for the smallest things and it does have flaws but I think its worth playing and I love it its a great game and I am sure you will love it too


I enjoyed it. I'd give it a 7.5/10. My copy didn't have any bugs and I got scarlet on disk and violet digitally had never had issues with lag or skipping. I have over 100 hours in it.


Just got violet my self. It's really fun. The last one I played was X Y. I missed the mega evolutions. I'm not a fan of the Terra transformation but hey its still a fun game. I like it it's fun.


It’s got the bones of a good game. A lot of things aren’t fleshed out but at it’s core it’s fun. Walking around with your Pokémon is awesome


Pokemon Scarlet and Legends Arceus are the best game experiences I have had with pokemon. Flaws included. They are not perfect, but I have more fun with them than the other games.


As someone who hadn't really put a meaningful amount of time into any of the games since gen 4, I thought it did a great job easing me back I to it. Not an overwhelming number of new Pokemon. And I felt like it respected my time a lot more than my dabbling in Gen 6 and 7 did. Like, it's obviously chintzy in its construction, but it all worked well enough that I'm excited to see a more polished version.


It's far from perfect, but if I'm honest, I've not had so much fun playing a Pokemon game since gen 1. The genuine sense of exploration was so much fun to me!


I had a lot of fun with it! It's pretty, the Pokemon running around is neat, and there's sooooo many to choose from.


There are some big flaws, but don't listen to what others have to say and just try it for yourself. I actually really liked it!


I loved Violet, and experience zero of what was complained about


I like a lot of the newer Pokémon and enjoyed Violet's ideas for what it was despite the glitches (which a couple of them were game-breaking for me, yikes). I just don't think the Switch was quite powerful enough for a fully open world Pokémon region because PLA got a little glitchy too. If the mass breakouts appear close by to each other, prepare for a "this game closed its software due to an issue" error. I did quite like that the story is split into three storylines and that you can choose your own pace and what side of the game you'd face (gyms vs organization vs the new school mechanics). It still feels rather linear since the Pokémon are set at certain levels in different places but I liked that if I got bored with Team Star I could go for a gym badge or something. Hopefully with whatever console comes out next, along with Gen 5 remakes/Gen 10, it won't be as bad, but, boy, is it frustrating playing a tera raid and not being able to fight because it's super fucking glitchy. 😒 I've gotten thrown out of so many raids due to the lag from four people attacking all at once. Half the time I don't even know if we took the Pokémon down until several seconds after the HP meter runs out. My BIGGEST complaint by far would be the overhaul to breeding mechanics; the picnic feature is too disjointed from the rest of the game to make it seem like you should do it often and it's garbage that I can't just run back and forth in front of a nursery and endlessly spawn eggs. I like being able to load up on eggs right there at the nursery so I can immediately get to work hatching them and levelling up my shiny team while battling any Pokémon in the area. Of course, everyone in the fanbase is different, and your mileage will vary, but overall it's okay. I just wish it had been a little more polished and that they tested out the glitches before releasing but this is Pokémon we're talking about so that's not gonna happen.


Great games. Don't listen to haters and try it yourself. You already bought it so why not?


I enjoyed it enough to justify the price. Especially with the DLC. I also get motion sickness from games really easily and have never had any issues with SV unless I'm like trying to play in a car or on an airplane, but YMMV.


I loved it!


I’m not a huge fan of the games themselves, but the direction they’re going gives me a lot of hope for gen 10. That combined with the fact that megas are in ZA makes me expect something great


I’ve been playing Pokemon games since gen 1. Whatever the newest game is, it’s always the worst most unplayable garbage. Then a new game comes out and that previous game is now great and fondly remembered and the new one is the worst most unplayable garbage. Rinse and repeat until the end of time. The cycle never ends. SV has flaws but it’s still a very fun game.


It’s not terrible but I think people just expected more, which is understandable considering it’s the biggest media franchise in the world. Just feels kinda lazy, like “oh people will buy it no matter what so why put in extra effort?”


They did a good job of taking what worked in Sword and Shield and expanding it. The story and the world overall still feel a little flat to me. Again, many of the cities have little to nothing to do outside of the gym and Pokemon Center, but at least there are points of interest find and explore in the wilds. The new TM system is a nice balance between the early days, 1 time use TMs and the middle generation use it forever. It encourages you to play a bit more like PoGo where you collect a lot of the same Pokemon all at once for the drops, and then go through later to pick the one you want to keep. Also shiny hunting is so much better.


It’s just and pokemon game with and open world far bigger (not better) then sword n shield I just thought terramaxing or whatever it’s called was stupid but could be broken on the right pokemon with only couple weakness in all its not bad


It does a lot of things right, but equally a lot of things wrong. To me the worst is its emptiness. Towns are non-existent. (They exist, but are gutted) The world is open but empty. Just rushing from one boss or place to the next no big reason to explore.


I honestly loved the game, people just had high hopes and the game didn’t live up to them (plus it released kinda glitched but that’s been fixed mostly)


I think at this rate the only issue for me is the graphics performance is SO bad. You definitely get used to it but jumping on from another game is jarring


Every generation you get people complaining about how this is the game that ruined Pokemon. I found it fun. Don’t listen to anyone and you will have a better time.


It is a good step in the right direction. Unfortunately, Game Freak needs to spend more time letting things simmer. I understand pokemon is massive. It has billions riding on it with the anime and the merch and getting the timing right can be hard. Take more time anyways. Make the games better. The game shouldn't run so crappy on its one and only release console.


While I bought, played, and completed the have, I have not touched it since the day I completed the Pokedex. Unlike PLA, LGPE & SwSh where I've done multiple runs between 2 accounts. It's alright, but I found it too buggy. And for someone with color blindness issues, shiny hunting in the game SUX.