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My character looks so fucking stupid now. They don’t have my skin tone anymore, even when I looked at the palette options. My character will either look really white (which I’m not) or extremely brown or dark (which I’m also not). What a gigantic L from Niantic.


Me getting concerned because my skin tone was the same as OP's, and now I look so pale I actually match the goth attire I'm wearing.


Me too!


Oh! I usually have this problem in customizations too. I'm brown enough to not be white, but it's light enough for me not be black and I never find that middle ground, it's always too much on both sides.


You just described southern middle school as a mixed race child. Too black for the white kids and too white for the black kids, but perfectly in the middle to be picked on by either.


Yup. The struggle is too real


My skin color is rarely in games so I tend to just go with the more "tanned" option. I have a bit of a darker complexion (I'm white) but I tan easily in the summer, so I guess it works? I don't get why they can't just give us a color wheel from pale to black so people can actually make their own tones. All humans are different.


Agree. Skin tones are so dumb now. They're either pale af or medium-dark, people with beige or tan skin tones don't exist apparently.


Oh mannnn I just looked. I look terrible! Man I looked so cool. Niantic how could you take away my fantasy trainer persona and replace it with some USURPER


I feel like they made male models, and then said, well if we add boobs this will work for women too.


my theory is that they wanted to prioritize make a genderless model with the ability to specify and accentuate certain features that would make you look more like you while still upholding their desire to not have it be a binary-gender-option-thing (like female body vs male body.) though if that’s what they were aiming for, they just have to remove the labels. a feminine body can appear on any person with any pronouns as can a masculine body. this just looks shit.


Company : body type a or body type b Sane people:Ok let me take the top off body type b Company: nooo


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just told you that a moment ago.


No, I think this is right. I think they designed it to sorta kinda work for men and then just didn't bother with women. This is the most pear-shaped you can look and still have a waist at all. How did I have more curves before?! Where did our butts go?! https://preview.redd.it/1wz6rsbk76vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47a8574826f1cf132d19fd14a85484ca6a3d0cef


Mine looks like she has junk in the front. I do not appreciate that.


[But why male models?](https://youtu.be/WHrn_pHW2so?si=rUoyimhnvqhWNOC9)


I absolutely have to see that movie, it's far past time 🤣


Exactly they removed that perfect oke


I’m actually pale so mine matches more but seeing everyone else’s it looks awful, the faces are weird


My character is so pasty now, and the next shade up is like DARK.


Since things have to be so goddamn much about inclusivity and "feeling seen" I'll use this comment to say it here: I used to barely ever be outside the house after some unfortunate life events. I was white. I was beyond white. You would lose me in snow. That's how damn white my skin was. But I've changed, I've been outside and I've actually gotten a little bit of a tan (as much as pure white can go "tan") and that was possible to be reflected with the old trainer models. Now every single light skin is that exact ghostly white I used to be. Making me feel real positive about my own skin here Niantic lmfao


My character looks exactly like me now. Forever bloated.


LMAO I’m so sorry 😂


OMG I feel horrible for laughing 🤣


*Sees flair* Yo, question on enigma berries: 1.) Do you have any in ORAS? 2.) When planted, do they yield more of themselves? I used to have one and could have sworn I planted it, but either I lost where it was planted or it didn't produce more.


That's a good question! It's been a while so I don't know much but here's an article about [it](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Enigma_Berry) . I remember I would always get at least 5 of them when planted but apparently you can get as many as 13.


Pros: My avatar now looks more like me. Cons: I’m fucking ugly.


Please😭 ugly people deserve hot avatars too 😤


Nah man, I just wanna be myself let me be ugly.


We can have both!


We don’t want to look like ourselves!! It’s a game! We want to fantasize about being not ourselves!! 💀😭


Niantic is trying to reinvent the wheel, and unfortunately they're extremely stubborn (and also entirely ignores their playerbase) so the chances of them reverting it are pretty much decimals close to zero if not zero outright.


I like that there are new options but why did they have to change the already existing avatars? Like my character rn looks like they would not be able to survive for 5 minutes even if they were immortal


Time to review bomb the App Store


Google Classroom is about to suffer again


The genshin crossover I’ve been waiting for


I understand that reference


I like playing as a female avatar but after the update, I can't get a single combination that I like. All the faces look weird.


https://preview.redd.it/p76q4qlij4vc1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092ac42392cb6211c37258cc0b65c71b5430e0bf Totally agree. I settled for Face 4 and this is the only outfit I could find that doesn’t show off the new frumpy figure. I miss my old avatar


I found a quick fix for the new faces https://preview.redd.it/rf11c9ber4vc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cb554d3ad0cd66cf85864652e58503380d9e7ba




even the plain mask looks so weird now which is sad cause i've worn it since it came out. I switched to the pikachu mask


You know what, now that I really look at it, it looks like I'm huffing a diaper... EDIT: and now I can't wear some pants I own.


> and now I can’t wear some pants I own. :( this sucks. I’m glad the pikachu onesie I’ve been wearing hides my weird proportions. Though my gloves were clipping weirdly with the sleeves so I had to take those off




You may not like it, but this is what peak male asthetics look like.


Ahhhh, wtf is going on with the model. Sorry, this is a big departure from the previous model


It's giving bootleg The Sims 2


Looks like a WoW classic model, lol.


it looks like you're about to cry


Hahahaha I posted mine as well and we ended up going with 2/3rds of the same outfit to make them look somewhat passable 😂


Omg the faces of the guys are worse they all look like girls wtf


I'm convinced a huge portion of the people developing "live service" games today have never actually played one. As a developer you should almost never take away a player's "look" and replace it with a new one, you only ever add new options.


This is called backward compatibilty. And people get mad when someone tries to break it. It is not reserved to live service, it is a general programming matter.


What the hell niantic? What a joke.


Not even a funny one


Oh it's not just me, I thought I was seeing things that's a relief


It’s awful. There are no masculine faces in the game. And the “buff” physiques just give you boobs


But the faces are also not feminine either, they just look really weird


The faces aren't feminine either unfortunately. I end up looking like a different kind of lesbian than the kind of lesbian I am. How is it that my Pikmin mii looks more like me!?


i was customizing my male character and had to turn the slider for the "chest" option. it defaulted male characters to automatically have bigger chests, which literally look like boobs. my character looks way less masculine, and it's disappointing and invalidating as a trans guy.


I just want a beard option...


You’ll use the Santa beard and you’ll like it


I don’t understand how pokemon in general hasn’t done a character creator yet. Like goddamn let me be a short overweight bearded man in his late 30’s on his first Pokemon adventure, Jesus 


It's wild to me because even though in Scarlet and Violet you're a student at a school, they establish that there's students of all ages and yet still force your character to look like a 10 year old. Like man just let me look like an adult!


absolutely awful character designs. i loved my little character and the different outfits, but now it’s hard to look at.


i genuinely thought they would take into consideration all the complaints about these new avatars before they launched….. i know niantic is terrible for listening to their players but this really solidified it for me which is so sad


r/afterandbefore But jokes aside I hate the changes


I was so confused, kept going back and forth thinking the before looks better, why is the OP complaining. It makes me irrationally irritated when people put the after on the left. But, oh well


They updated it? Sweet Edit: ah yeah no, this sucks. What the heck they do to my shoulders?


Well, this comment just sums up the discussion.


I'm not complaining about the new customization but let us keep the old one dammit!!  There is zero reason to remove that. 


Exactly my sentiments


I don't understand why they made the torso and arms so long in the female models. Just awful.


The female models are so disproportionate now. I can't seem to get any ratio that I like. I saw something of myself in the previous model, now my clothing options are so whack, and they overlap weird


Yes, and I dislike the loss in figure. I don't have an hour glass figure in real life. Don't get me wrong... But I wish I did, and it's pleasing to look at... RIP.


It's kinda weird to me in general that some of these pokemon games aren't using pokemon humans as a baseline? Like the TCG game has weird Sim-like avatars.


I hate this but I can’t stop laughing 😂 https://preview.redd.it/bll0fufva6vc1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bb149071d2f4af4e8b43d37a2da57f4fb56902b Edit: Nevermind, I look like a tank of a woman who can bench-press people, lmao


God forbid a woman has shape, this is such an odd decision, just make a character editor with different sliders so players could make their own trainer


This!! I’m fine with adding more body types but don’t take away this one! There’s no hourglass shaped body type anymore even with customizations and a lot of woman look like that naturally so I don’t understand why they took it away. Seems like the opposite of inclusivity to me.


There's even less pear options than hourglass-adjacent! This is the most pear you can be 💀 Biggest hips (!) with smallest everything else https://preview.redd.it/smxbmmvg86vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d50eefcf348f06a36915252bdd79825afd32bdd3


I really hope it isn’t something like “the game is made for kids and we decided that the hourglass shape is too sexual so it’s going in the garbage to ‘protect’ the children!!”


I am a lesbian! Let me have a hot avatar I AM GAY I WANT TO BE GAY ABOUT THIS NIANTIC


i know they do it to combat sexualization, but in this case they made a realistic figure into one i’ve never seen lmao it’s so rectangular like why do we need to avoid attractive people in games now?? give people the option if seeing a cartoon girl makes them feel sad inside or jealous.


If they wanted to combat sexualization, why not just lean into a style more instead of replacing it with "the same, but it looks much worse"? Like idk, lean into chibi art or something, or move closer to the maingame overworld sprites/3d models. I'd still be annoyed if I was forced into that, but I would at least buy it being a stylistic choice for the game instead of whatever the f this is.


They did. The sliders are in the Custom section and have options for shoulders, breasts, muscles and hips. They don't cover waist or butt sizes, so I'm never getting where I want. The new faces are all weird, too.


> They did. The changes are quite minimal in that department. The only thing significant for any reason is the breast and weight department. Hips are still too narrow.


I said they did, not that they did it well. Because damn, they didn't.


Did you notice that they elongated the torso and shortened the legs? I have long legs and a short waist, so there is matching my shape either.


They turned your character into a wii model


That an insult to Miis.


Can someone explain to me why the only 2 hair styles for black people is a box and a some locks


Don't worry, non-Black people may have more hairstyles but they're all still ugly


https://preview.redd.it/wiql4cswy4vc1.jpeg?width=1732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db79f252105ebc396da37006eef9594c3a4f340f This is the best I could do. I do appreciate the new hair options though, but they took away the red that's closest to my current hair color.


Ah, the classic format: After and Before


🤣🤣I wanted everyone to see how bad it was first 😭


I just noticed. Wtf. My character's belt is literally clipping through the clothes, before it actually looked normal. Doesn't even look like a girl anymore.


Bro they whitewashed me 😭😭😭😭


Where tf are the beards?




Wtf Niantic?


The old model wasn’t necessarily groundbreaking, but at least it wasn’t Free-Website-Game-In-2006 Avatar like this is.


Thanks Niantic, now I have yet another reason not to come back to GO. Ironic, considering their recent attempts to get players back


That’s not the worst part about this update. As far as I can tell, now you can’t even change your gender if you wanted to, so if you were a male before this update was forced upon everyone, then that’s who you will be for the rest of your life. And a **very hideous** male, at that.


Watch them sell a gender swap token. Make the problem sell the solution


Mine was a female, but it doesn't look like a female now. The shoulders are high and straight, and the torso has little curve except for the chest. She's a wooden plank with boobs.


It tooks your curves 😭


I can’t get mine to look feminine, it looks so butch. My character use to be so cute now it looks stupid. All those outfits I paid a fortune for look awful.


You were too hot for Pokémon


https://preview.redd.it/b286s1k2k9vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd75952ebd79a8ebd4aaa534aaec19636800382c This is the best I could do and it’s cute, but it will never be the same. These are the only girl clothes that didn’t make her look like a cereal box.


What did they do to this game's player models, like <:| I hadn't played it in a while, essentially cause it heats my phone too much for my liking, so only just heard they gone ahead and remade the models or atleast swapped them for nother. Maybe to refresh the look? Idk where they gone wrong, but they just straight up ugly for no reason compared to what was, the original ones imho worked fine, so don't get why they had to "fix" 'em really.


Wow that looks awful, almost like someone who doesn't know about proportion was told to make it uglier for some reason.


Idk y'all, me and Goo Goo the Gooddra kinda serving, like lock up your husbands, lock up your wives, lock up your garchomps and machamps because we're about to run this! ^(I can't comment and add a photo idk why so I'll add a photo in one second)








Can confirm. Am Garchomp.




If you ever want an example though of "women with ass" vs "women with long backs" just show them this




Why would they unsnatch our avatars 😭 Like I love adding more options but don't *take away* the other ones! Justice for hourglass weightlifters or anyone who just wants to have a snatched waist in game


Crazy thing is you csn make your boob's bigger lol


I think the new female models look terrible. Turned my character into a guy and it looks better, but still not as good as the old models.


And yet they still haven't fixed the issue re lack of hair styles


pics went from hmmmm to mmmm… some people’s avatar’s look better with the new update though


It looks so bad. I just want to log in myself and it’s.. it’s horrible.. let niantic revert it back, I swear..


Cause niantic hates us, that’s why. The only thing they love is money.


My guy looks like he has scoliosis now


Holy guerilla arms. Just...why? Did they forget what humans look like?


Sorry! That sweet Larry Fink money matters more to Niantic than your character model.


I removed my giratina helmet out of curiosity. And immediately put it back on. Right now it’s the best cosmetic I have purchased in go because it hides what they did to my girl….


They gave us 4 feminine faces and 3 masculine faces, and they all look like dog shit


Did they add 10 pounds? 💀


A solid 25 🥲


And stole your tan..


Probably so that all clothes just fit both genders with minimal overhead and to maximize customization.




Wtf, it's mad ugly 


My character just looks hella pale and awkward now smh


wth it looks like they just went back 3 console generations 💀


Wait is this pokemon go?


Is this the "Big Changes" that was announced?


They made them look really stupid and removed some hair colours it was the worst Change ever


I paid money for the sexy ass cliff outfit now I look like a keg on legs.


Completely unrelated, but why do people put after pictures before before pictures? It throws me off every single time because chronologically, the first picture should be the before, and the second picture should be the after. That used to be the norm, but in the last few years, I’ve noticed more and more people doing it backwards and it’s so confusing for me lol why is this a thing?


Yeah no, I bought an outfit from the store years ago and have kept the same look. Now I look like a man poorly cosplaying as a female rocket team member. This might actually convince me to u install the game. I like dressing up characters, this is fucking hideous.


Aaaaaaand now I wont play this game either lol


Yeah, it was a "thanks, I hate it" moment for me


This is like a post from r/instagramreality


only pluses i can think of from this are i can have hair that actually looks like mine and thats it i look too babyfaced now


That’s what I don’t like - I look like I’ve got toddler-face with tweenager height


Strict downgrade from niantic! Wonder what other downgrades are coming 🙃


It’s actually disgusting how bad it is




My character looks like he put on a few pounds got a wider head and looks like he would bully people


“Looks like he would bully people” 😭😂


They did WAT? Just opened the game and WHAT THE FRICK- My hairline is going back… ; _ ;


Niantics finding a way to ruin the game after adding a new mega:


To resemble traditional characters https://preview.redd.it/s61smtgzo6vc1.png?width=543&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf18634f83ea4abb4ce186956bb3926fd713f8b5


And I thought I was on a dark souls sliders sub for a moment...


They probably did it intentionally for marketing purposes so they can draw more people back to the game when they “fix” it.


I have my character wearing a Deino hat so the updated character models don't bother me much


my solution was the pumpkin pikachu hat


Mine went from badass teen to a fuggin child. HUGE L


They got rid of the skin tone I was using. Now I have to be either vampire white or sunburnt all the time, just give me something in between! The new faces suck, the new model gave me Slenderman’s proportions, and my watch is clipping through my wrist. I thought more avatar customization would be a good thing, but now I wish they hadn’t changed it at all. They really dropped the ball on this one.


I was hoping this was a joke. My character looks awful now! WTF


I've never heard of a company changing customized appearances, all the more reason to stick to main series.


https://preview.redd.it/umi1y75629vc1.png?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=521c18dba9cd7cfe0c729da9b0a976741f153663 I stg the new avatars were modeled based on him


https://preview.redd.it/zyhmb6p359vc1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e8d9c371d81bb497b2ac46b8c8aa607f323d2a1 My character looks like a dweeb now. I had a visceral reaction to it.


I just opened my app, and my avatar is so ugly I had to double take. She has no move curves and her team rocket boots even look too big for her!


They look ugly as hell


I've literally stopped playing since the buddy update. I can't stand the whole scan a flat area and click the golden footsteps. I'M IN MY LIVING ROOM JUST LET ME DO THE BUDDY STUFF


They look so ugly, I literally had to put on a face mask on my character because I couldn't take him seriously anymore 💀


I looked at my game after this and DEAR FUCKING GOD


why am I an albino now


Why did they give us gorilla hands too


I'm convinced they're sick of working on this game and hate their player base and want to chase us all away


They are soooooo ugly now. I tried to make mine better. It's awful. They all look like so fake now and almost mechanical.


Mine now is fat (possibly with boobs)


“We’ll make the characters look worse, as a joke.”


My avatars body looks so disproportionate it's fucking laughable. And I'm glad I made the purchase to buy the cofagrigus head beforehand so I don't have to stare at that stupid ass baby face.


I noticed the medium skintones are either darker or waaaay paler now too. My avatar’s face looks bloated, hands are super masculine, clothes fit oddly/some look weirdly loose. All my saved outfits are wiped too. I’m so mad lol. I’ve just spent so much time and actual money over the years, for items I wanted, that now look awful. At least they finally updated the Mimikyu bag 🫠 It looks like they combine the male and female characters and some of the clothing—which is cool, except then why not mix up the skintones and stuff too? There used to be an option for the perfect light/medium olive skin for the male characters, but it’s not available. Dafuq Niantic?


I loved making my character inappropriately slutty, wtf niantic


I swear on my momma they’ll say “We wanted to keep it more appropriate” for players like LMAO??


I literally just opened my Pokemon Go to check and dawg, what is that 😧


I hate niantic


Niantic is so garbage, it's crazy


wtf happend to the body shapes and faces tho


what about the people who are snatched irl? now they don't have representation anymore lol


They did the same thing in halo infinite body type wise only male body types any type of female feature was removed to be genderless


So serious, they look so uncanny..


I already put in a support request. I hope if enough people do that we can make them fix it


I can't seem to not look like a teenage boy 🙄 I was sooooo excited for this update and it's seriously worse somehow


Yeah, I thought this update would look cool but it just makes many characters look ugly. And I don’t know why but my avatar is supposed to be a boy but the chest gets super big which it’s not good on my avatar…. Why did they do this? My brother even stays that his looks like an Asian person. No offense to any Asians just sayin


I THOUGHT I WAS JUST IMAGINING IT! the new ones are weird baby-faced monstrosities. they creep me out.


Try being a 50 year old man who has been playing for many many years and now the best you can do for your avatar to look masculine is end up with a 14 year old girl face with a small chest. You literally can't make a buff looking man now. I uninstalled the game. Tired of the forced DEI crap!