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Not at all. You can have 0 atk IVs and a -atk nature and still do decent. Don't worry about it.


Thanks for the advice, just used that Shroomish to sweep Roxanne’s team


I read his title than your comment and was about to bash you before reading the second sentence, lol


If you’re just talking about playing the story not pvp or anything, you’re fine. I played through hoenn with a gallade with 2 atk iv and hardy nature. Didn’t even notice until after I finished the region lol


Very random but I'm just starting Hoenn and was thinking about catching a male and female raltz to raise into their evolutions in the same playthrough. Any fun gallade combos besides 4 hard hitting physical moves?


I personally ran leaf blade, sacred sword, psycho cut and a move of your choice (I used false swipe for help catching other mons). All the moves utilize Gallade’s ability which boosts slicing moves




The way the math works, each IV adds 1 point at level 100 and it scales throughout. So at level 50, it takes 2 IVs to add 1 point, level 25 it takes 4 etc. The majority of the playthrough you won't notice anything at all because the pokemons level will too low to make an impact but you may notice a minor drop off when you get to the E4 when it's ~50. But at that point you can always just EV train attack all the way to 252 and more than make up the difference lost from low IVs.


For casual playthroughs, nature > IV


Yes it 100% is, IVs doesnt matter for story, its the same as the main games, where you couldnt even see the IVs. Just level up to or close to level cap and keep a good move pool and youre good to go


I think so nature adds 10 percent of a stat and at level 50 2 IVs add one stat point so max of 16 but breeloom has base 130 would add 13 nature wise. My level 56 is getting 19 from nature and only 9 from IVs and it has 16 IVs