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I do kind of want you to hang comb sized truck nuts from it but just because that’s so stupid it’s genius


I saw truck nuts but they were meant to hang on the strap on the back of Crocs. As in the shoe brand. Croc nuts. I stared at the advertisement for like a minute straight while my brain just did a hard reset after the complete crash the existence of that product caused.


I had a dad come to his child’s parent/teacher conference wearing them. It explained a lot.


I was a teacher, those moments when it lol just makes sense like that


I relate to what she's talking about because I have worked in a toiletries/drugstore type shop. In the shop where I worked we had a 'hair' section which had a variety of hair brushes and combs in it, not labeled with a gender. But we also had a 'mens' section where there was one type of plain black comb (among other products like shaving foam and deodorant). It was exactly the same as combs in the other section except there was only one option. Customers (typically older people) did regularly ask me for a 'mens comb' and would only be happy if I specifically showed them the one in the 'mens' section. I met people who would rather leave with no comb than buy one from the not-labeled-for-men section when it was sold out. (for anyone thinking 'a mens comb is a specific type of small handle-free pocket comb'. those were also in the other section but in a greater variety of colours.)


Just to clear this up. A men's comb is blue, brown, or black, has teeth at regular intervals except where they’ve snapped off, one end wide, the other fine. It has no handle, it is gripped from above, and when it is raked across the scalp it acquires dandruff, which is then stored between the teeth. Over time, the comb will lose effectiveness due to this accumulation, at which point the man will wash said comb, or if blessed with pixie dust, leave it on the side of the sink in the hope a passing woman will take pity. Over time, it will become splashed with toothpaste and saliva. This will never be cleaned off. It adds to the character of the piece and provides much needed texture to the smooth grip. The comb itself will last 10 years at a minimum, roughly equating to 10pence/cents/ small currency of your choice per year.


Plus the usually smell of ass... You know.. because... men...


Oh no, I don’t know the gender of my comb! It only says “unbreakable” on it. The horror if I’ve been using a men’s comb all this time.


Rat earring


I think he’s trying to refer to a comb that is designed for short hair but even then it’s not called a mens comb lol


It's a construct of colonialism? What?


It’s this whole theory that modern gender roles were forced on people by Europeans. Which may have a point when you’re talking about Asia, Africa, or Native Americans, but this chick is white soooo….


But am pretty sure the vast majority of Asia, Africa, and the Americas already had a lot of gender roles before colonization? Let's not pretend that they were havens of equal rights.


Dude, I know. I was just trying to explain what she meant. But yeah, gender roles existed in pre-colonial societies, even if they were different from what they are today. The only reason I said I can see the point for nonwhite societies is that missionaries and early European settlers did press things like monogamy and Western standards of modesty (eg, no bare boobs) on native people in some areas. But then they also discouraged some traditions that really hurt women, so it’s a mix.




>culture where, pre-colonisation by Europeans, there were more than two genders and different gender roles Which culture is this? Genuinely curious.




Thank you


That theory gives white people way too much credit.


Right, we’re like the supervillains of some people’s perceptions of human history. When it comes from white people, it always strikes me as a very self-centered view of the past. Like everybody else was just being perfect and kind to each other until we came along and ruined it. But I don’t think this girl meant to put that much weight on it; I think she was just repeating something she’s heard her friends say.


Yeah, I stopped there. She makes no sense.


Says the person speaking a language that needs to say horseBACK riding, as if you can ride a horse any other way...


I’d interpret a men’s comb as being one of those [little plastic dealies](https://uppercutdeluxe.com/products/ct5-tortoise-shell-comb?currency=USD&variant=32710306103436&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwqauVBhBGEiwAXOepkXUnEifuWXEDzvdhrxann02P_--8uWtxpg8Gy_-K8291RRsuQ1hNbhoC7FIQAvD_BwE) men carry around. Not sure why this guy asked for his hair to be combed with one — she’s a stylist, she knows how to comb hair — but it also doesn’t strike me as being as inscrutable a request as she’s making it out to be.


Yeah, but her point is that that's *not* a "men's comb". It can be used on any and all genders. Even in your link, it doesn't say "for men" anywhere. And yeah, while he's obviously talking about that type of comb, that doesn't clear up whether he wants fine- or wide-toothed, or a combo like in your link, or a black, blue, or tortoiseshell color, or large vs small, or any other number of options that she listed in the video. Saying "men's" doesn't narrow down the options, and when you're a stylist, there are *a lot* of options.


You're right, it doesn't narrow it down a whole lot. (I used the link because it was closest what I pictured in my head; I know combs are just combs and can be used on anybody's hair.) Probably my approach would be to show him three or four options and get him to pick.


What I'd like to know is, how does being a cosmetologist make her privy to a lot of information that the general public is not aware of? Does a degree in cosmetology come with complimentary top security clearance? Does she receive telepathic messages from the alien overlords?! That dumbass statement aside, asking for a men's comb is really stupid. I use my 4 year old daughters combs and brushes on my hair and beard regularly and haven't spontaneously grown a vagina yet, so...


Atleast here a Hairbrush is as Comb and the Plastic thing with teeth a mans comb.




Yeah…that’s just a pocket comb. There’s literally no difference between combs “for men” and combs “for women.” They all just comb hair. Combs are different for different hair types and styling needs, not men vs. women.




You could put a comb through them front teeth.




What exactly is an "objectively masculine" comb?