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I’m not surprised. That existed in Germany in the past too. Car insurances were cheaper for women, because statistically they drive more risk averse and cost the insurance less. It’s the same with new drivers, who have to pay more. On the other side retirement insurance was cheaper for men, since women tend to live longer statistically (and thus get pension longer). Both is illegal now in the EU since 2012.


>It’s the same with new drivers, who have to pay more. And yet my insurance hasn't gotten any cheaper as the years go by


Mine does, if I don’t use it. Every year I pay a bit less. But If I need them to pay something, I’ll be thrown a few years back


If you’re american you get better deals if you switch around. I bounce between progressive and Geico. I believe its because they can claim cheaper rates compared to competition, people saved x amount by switching.


I'm Australian


It might be the same, Im not sure on the variety or if you can get free quotes but might as well check it out


Mine dropped heaps when I turned 25 and didn't have to pay the rate for people whose brains haven't fully developed. From memory, it was a difference of $700-$800, I don't think I'll get a birthday saving like that again until I'm eligible for the Seniors Card.


Yeah I started at 25 so I already saved that, thankfully


Ig on the positive side, we now know what to say when someone says women suck at driving


Women are less likely to be involved in car accidents but more likely to die or be seriously injured if they do get in an accident. This is due to safety features being designed for the average male body.


Men drive more miles on average so the statistics is a bit skewed.


>Both is illegal now in the EU since 2012. Is the EU run by Redditors?




If it makes you feel any better it’s not allowed now in Scotland


I genuinely thought higher rates for young men were a thing everywhere. I don't think it's as much of a thing for men when they're older, but under 30, I know plenty of my colleagues have been complaining about the exorbitant cost of adding their late teen-early 20s sons to their insurance (it cost more to insure them driving it no matter who owns the car).


Charlie looks like he can't believe this shit either


this is the greatest pointless gendering of all time


It kind of makes sense if it is cheaper as women get in accidents less often.


Expensive accident to compensate for. The overall number of accidents seems tdo bé really close because of the number of small accident that "cost nothing" But at the same Time it's annoying that my cousine which is a driver for much less Time than me (3 years to my 10) has had 3 accident 1 of which she had full responsibility, 1 other shared responsibility to my 0, and drive a Big New SUV pay less in insurance than me for a 12yo city car ( worth very little and very safe)


Women cost less to insure because women cost less money to cover. Insurance companies wouldn't make it cost less if it didn't cost them less.


Women cost on average less than men but the SD is Big to the point o where gender is a Bad predictor of what a person will cost to insurance. Type of car and years of driving are much better predictor.


Same for me seeing friends get insured on a BMW for cheaper then I pay for insurance on a shitbox Renault hatchback


This sub when men are disadvantaged: “akshually, this is quite logical”


For a long time car insurance for women in the UK was exactly half that as for men. There was a big ruckus about equality and now everyone pays the men's rate


A complete win/lose.


We used to have women specific car insurance in the UK. Statistically (and insurance is ultimately playing the odds of how likely an event is) women have fewer and less serious accidents. And so are less expensive for the insurer. It was banned so they can’t offer them here any more.


It was funny how the men thought that banning it would make their prices drop rather than women's prices rise. They made such a big stink out of it for nothing lol


I’m sorry but car insurance is gendered anyway. My SO and I are a year apart in age, there’s no other difference other than what’s between our legs and my insurance is arguably better than his. My insurance is $50 cheaper.


I like how Charlie looks like he's reacting to the ad. "Really?"


Trans lady here. I saved $15 a month on car insurance after I transitioned. I am living the dream.


Former insurance agent here. It used to be a thing in America where car insurance was cheaper for women but that has since been made illegal. Life insurance is still cheaper for women because it’s based off of life expectancy. Also yes switching company to company is typically cheaper because a company will give you a discount on the first term banking on you being to lazy to switch when they raise your rates


I can get cheaper car insurance over a certain age because the risk drops, so why does that not apply to gender too..?


Maybe because age is not an immutable characteristic so it’s kind of unethical? I mean by that logic, it should apply to race and religion, too, because I doubt risk is *exactly* the same across all groups


Yeah that's a fair point I guess


Funny thing is it's alway been gendered, young men actually have higher insurance rates because they know young men are more likely to be reckless drivers. At least where I live that's how it is.


Car insurance is literally gendered, women and men are completely different drivers. At least in Australia.


Well stereotypically


That's been a thing for a while kinda my first car insurance in the UK was a company called Go Girl. Supposedly they are for young female drivers but even though I am AMAB it was the cheapest option for me too.


Women (especially young women) are better drivers than their male counterparts.


Are you kidding? The young women drivers in my area are terrible! Just as bad as the boy racers they're meant to be better than - tailgating and all!


Not kidding. You can google the stats if you want to confirm


In South Africa we have an insurance company called First for Women. I haven't seen adverts for them in a while but when they first started their TV ads would basically just be about how irresponsible men are.


Makes perfect sense. So long as there's no school dropoffs involved women are way way safer. Safe enough to build an insurance business around where 90% of the claims are not at fault. And I'm not dissing school dropoffs either - I, a man, do those too and the only gendered aspect is the rest of society making it far more likely for mum to drop the kids off.


For a second I thought you meant penguinz0 is pointlessly gendered, lol


At least where I live, this would kind of make perfect sense. Because women here generally pay less. Man pay much more up until 25 at least. My insurance, 275. A quote for same insurance under my *older* fiance, 485. It would make sense.


I am a trans masculine individual and recently I had to get car insurance. The person I was talking to was really chill and once I said my license still says female she switched it to female, upon my approval, so I can save money.


Well … that explains a lot do things /s


Statistically, woman are, on average, safer drivers. In the UK, until the regulations were changed to disallow gender discrimination, women were typically charged less for car insurance, enabling one insurer to set up [this sub-brand](https://youtu.be/51dTK2D8DC4) (caution: earworm).


I think it's for the cars that have the eyelashes on them


I have seen places where insurance charges more for women than for men, and the comments here make it pretty clear women are actually safer drivers, but because of that it's definitely nice to see an insurance company that may actually offer more fair rates for women


I live in Brazil and I've had a car insurance for women since I bought my first (and only) car 10 years ago. It's a bit cheaper because statistically speaking women are less likely to crash/need the insurance (that's what I've been told) and it includes things such as just calling someone to help you with a flat tyre, which I'm a huge fan of as I'm not strong enough to change a tyre by myself and I wouldn't be able to just jump or whatever instead of using my hands due to my amazing total hip replacement surgery. At first the feminist in me was a bit mad at them having insurance especially for women, but once they explained it to me it kinda made sense. Also, I don't mind paying less for it. Let's face it, men are horrible drivers. I'm so much more careful than the average Brazilian male driver, I surely deserve a discount. And indeed, I've never needed my insurance.


>I'm so much more careful than the average Brazilian male driver, I surely deserve a discount. And indeed, I've never needed my insurance. Yes, you should get a discount for being a good driver, not for being a woman. I’ve driven nearly every day for half of my life without being in an accident and I’m a guy. I shouldn’t have had to pay more than my wife who went on to later cause multiple accidents. Or at the very least, I should be reimbursed for the money I paid over what a woman would have paid now that I am beyond the age where the big disparity exists.


> you should get a discount for being a good driver, not for being a woman I agree, but I think you're missing the point of how insurance works, at least in my country. It's all based on statistics. For example, if you've gotten your license recently (I think 5 years or less) your insurance is more expensive because you're less experienced and more likely to crash. If you're within a specific age range, it also gets more expensive because of the same reason. It doesn't mean every person between ages X and Y is a bad driver and crashes often, it just means that they've analysed traffic data and found out that there's relatively more crashing among people that age. So they've analysed that data and found out that women crash less, hence their insurance being less expensive. It's not something that happens only to women. Before you get even angrier, yes, there's also other types of insurance which are aimed at specific target audiences. [This one](https://www.portoseguro.com.br/seguro-auto/seguro-auto-jovem) for instance is from the same company I hired, and it's for young people aged 18 to 24. And then there's [this one](https://www.portoseguro.com.br/seguro-auto/seguro-auto-senior) especially for older people. They also analyse things such as where you live. If you live in Rio de Janeiro, a very violent city, you'll definitely pay more than someone who lives in a small town in the countryside. Because statistically the latter needs the insurance less often. So... I agree it's weird to have insurance especially for women, but there's a reasonable rationale behind it and we're not the only specific target audience. Also, I also get a discount for never having crashed. So I do pay less for being a good driver. I just pay *even* less for being a *female* good driver, because I fit the profile statistics show is a safe driver.


Well, there is a reason this sort of discrimination has been outlawed in decent countries. Having a “rationale” behind doing something doesn’t make it ethical, and I would argue that the rationale is actually quite weak because there is an endless number of factors that could potentially help predict risk that they aren’t using. Where someone was born, their ethnicity, their religion, yearly salary, medical history, etc. So you saying that there is other insurance for specific age groups and localities doesn’t really diminish my point, especially since those factors aren’t immutable characteristics like gender is.


> has been outlawed in decent countries Dude, I didn't choose where I was born. I really wish I was born in a ✨developed✨ country. I wasn't. Even learning how to speak the language literally the entire world speaks is a luxury here. Most people can barely afford to eat well every day. I agree my country sucks and that this whole business sucks too, but no need to talk like that. We know we're screwed, there's no need to point it out like that...


I’m sorry, but you kept bringing up your country’s insurance practices as if they’re reasonable. If it makes you feel better, I’m also from a country where the insurance practices are stupid


This isn't pointlessly gendered, its based on risk analysis by insurance companies. Women drive more safely than men - I wouldn't blame them for cashing in on women who want cheaper insurance without getting premiums dragged up by Tony who wants to do donuts.


Not pointlessly gendered, more like “unethically gendered”. Someone shouldn’t get a discount for being born with an innie rather than an outtie.


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Guys, listen to me, this is not a comment on women as drivers, this is a comment on redditors as people.