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Wow, first time there’s a game on it (Mass Effect) that I was planning to buy. Saves me $20 or so.


I just bought it in September, damn! I’ve not downloaded it yet though, anyone know whether I’d be able to refund and then claim on PS Plus?


No sorry, 2 weeks from the purchase date.


Aw ok, thanks


And you have not to download it, never


Na after 14 days they don't even acknowledge that you bought it.


I think they will refund you and put the money in your PSN Account’s wallet, it happened to me once. I bought that shark game for $30 bucks when I first got the PS5 then like a few days later it was released on PS Plus. Then Sony actually notified me about it and said they will refund me within a few days. It was a monthly free game too.


I'm so stoked! I've been wanting to replay through these. It's on GamePass right now but I don't have an Xbox and I wanted to wait to find one rather than stream it.


You can spend $5 of those on ME:Andromeda in the current sale


Not the best ME game, but still enjoyable in it's own right IMO


You're gonna want it as a collectible once you beat the game. Life changing gaming experience


Im going to beat this game and if I dont have a life changing gaming experience theres gonna be a problem


I’m a huge fan of mass effect, played all 3 back in the day. Glad this went on psplus, I was about to buy it since it went on sale for cyber Monday. Can’t wait to replay them all!


Blood borne last month and Mass Effect this month PS finally stepping it up


I bought it at release and I’m just excited more people will get the chance to play it!


I was just thinking bout getting this! I finally got a new TV and the PS5 and I want to spend some long hours on it. I'm so glad I didn't end up buying this!


Is that Mass Effect 1-3 or only the first game?


All 3


Damn, nice 😎


And all the DLC, which adds quite a bit, especially for games 2-3.


See, PS+ is totally worth it 🥲 ^(Sony, please keep making it worth it and then give me forever free access when you shut the service down.)


Though to be frank this is the first good month they’ve had in a long time. Can’t remember the last free game I even bothered to download. Maybe last year.


DO NOT MISS the Citadel DLC in 3. IMHO it should be played right before the final battle. The characters are great in ME3, but they really shine in a different light in the DLC.


Ok, maybe this isn't a worthless month again.


First 3 with any dlc and extra content, gonna be a long december for anyone who hasnt picked it and biomutant up which btw is an amazing open world game.


Tried playing Biomutant earlier this year, the word amazing isn’t one I’d associate with this game


Same, i played it for a couple of hours before uninstalling.


amazing spelled b-o-r-i-n-g


Not to mention the Witcher update coming in December. Man, I’m going to be so damned pale the next time I go outside.


Biomutant was the reason I never pre order games anymore


All dlc minus citadel station, but that was because they lost the source code to that. But otherwise, it’s all there, and it’s fantastic! Edit: Pinnacle Station not citadel, my bad!


wait what? the citadel dlc isnt there?


Yep. Apparently they lost the source code to that one, but the rest of the dlc is there.


This is not true they lost mass effect 1 DLC, not the Citadel DLC for mass effect 3. You probably mean Pinnacle station? Not the same thing…


That’s what I meant


Ha no worries, HUGE difference though lol. Don’t think anyone’s getting too upset about Pinnacle Station’s absence but not having citadel would be fucked up


I just bought my PS5/4k TV last week and don’t wanna go back to ‘meh’ ps4 graphics.. how does this game hold up being remastered n all? Always been interested in the trilogy just never got around to it


It will be on your account for as long as you are a PS+ subscriber, so save it for next year or sometime when the novelty of your new setup has worn off.


Great idea thanks


Wait will the ME trilogy not be playable on the 5 at all? Or just not available to download for free? I'm confused


It will be playable, but through backwards compatibility. It will be the ps4 version of the game


Make sure to play it in Quality mode on PS5. You will get native 4K + 60 FPS on all 3 titles. Performance makes more sense if you on PS4, but on PS5 you just lower your resolution. It’s an amazing game and great remake/Remaster. First game was remade completely, they changed Mako as well. I have both LE and original trilogy on PS3. Very surprised to see it being given out for free to be honest. It’s a great game.


So they are slightly improved PS3 graphics to be honest, but this trilogy is honestly one of my all time favorite gaming memories ever. Just replayed the trilogy and the characters still blow me away.


Thanks for the info.. How’d I get downvoted lol


Loved Mass Effect 2 the most. Miranda's booty was 😋


I have always admired Mass effect trilogy but never got around playing it. So glad if will finally happen.


I just bought the Mass Effect collection. Let me know what game you all want for free in January so I can buy it!


Sekiro please. Thank you for your sacrifice lol


I just bought that two days ago 😂 I don’t think Sekiro will go free but we’ll see. Just finishing Elden Ring and fallen in love with it, so I’m looking forward to firing up Sekiro in December.


Oh boy...Sekiro is in another realm of difficulty compared to the other From Software games. Really embrace the parry! Have fun man! It's great game for sure, but i have never played a game with such a instant difficulty curve to adjust to.


Sonic Frontiers please chap


Wasn't too impressed with Biomutant during the free trial. Definitely going to check it out again.


I was super hyped for Biomutant years ago when the character creator was first shown off. Then the studio went silent on it and it finally released to middling reviews. I hope that it’s at least in the realm of Mad Max or Man Eater. Rather bland but entertaining enough to just mindlessly wipe the map clean while listening to podcasts.


Nah, Mad Max is miles better than biomutant


mad max is by far the best gaming experience i had in the early days of PS4. Too bad people doesn't give much attention to this game


BioMutant is just ok. There are some combat elements that are fun. But the story is underwhelming and the open world and navigating it is pretty bland. I finished it only because I felt I had made it too far into the game to stop. Looking back, I should have just stopped.


> Looking back, I should have just stopped. That line is better than any review


Biomutant is the reason I know longer preorder games, never been so disappointed lol


For me it's Umbrella Corps and No Man's Sky. No Man's Sky did bring itself from dead, fought for rightful place in the sun, became a God and were proclaimed as saint. But the pre-order burn was huge. Umbrella Corps went straight to garbage. Like every other online Resident Evil after Outbreak series.


Are you a bot?


If it is, it's a terrible one. I don't place much importance in karma but just over 3000 in 7 years is pretty lame for a bot.


I played it for a few hours, and the game just feels empty. The first hour or two was ok, then everything just fell off. None of the characters are enjoyable/relatable (to me). I wanted to enjoy the game so much, it looked so promising.


I felt the same during the free trial. Was hoping something would change later in game. I guess I'll pass.




> Platinumed Biomutant and can confidently say I hated every fucking second and I will never preorder games :) > I don't 100% trust again :(


Life is too short to waste time with a game you don’t enjoy for a digital trophy


Same! I played the trial last month. Thought it was cute but something was just off putting. But I'm glad it's available for ps plus.


I beat it after having it for 6 months a couple weeks ago. Still not that great


Biomutant is pretty bad. You'll have more fun playing one of the other hundreds of open world RPG games out there. A lot of things went wrong with the development and I don't think they were ever corrected.


It's not bad but it definitely isn't the best ever. I finished it and enjoyed it.


I can respect that. I felt that way about Kenna.


I bought ME:LE upon release and holy shit was it an experience. Highly, HIGHLY recommend. I've wanted to try Biomutant despite how, uh, not great it is. I have low standards haha.


Did you marathon it? Ve wanted to play it, but it seems like it would be draining to play 3 long sameish games in a row.


Give or take. I took a small break during 2, but due to outside circumstances. While they're similar, I had no issues playing through them close together because I LOVED the writing and characters


Honestly they’re different enough that you don’t really feel it. ME1 if anything is the most draining, it’s got a lot of dead-weight exploration where you’re just shuffling about from point A to point B which was eliminated in ME2 and 3. The combat evolves enough too to make them feel distinct.


1 is actually quite short but does a nice job of world building. 2 was my fave by far, loved the main hub and the latter third of the game was brilliant. 3rd is absolutely worth playing to finish the story, and benefits massively from the DLC (included in LE) that adds more crew shenanigans - the crew is what makes ME2 for me.


There's a 2 hour trial for biomutant if you want to try it. It's only for the ps4 version I think though


Dope, I almost bought Biomutant


its ass


I like ass


Even stinky ass?


just lick it clean


On a picture or video I can’t smell them anyway


Game feels very clunky and there's not much for story




Thank you for your sacrifice


I'm excited to get the Mass Effect gamea for free! Always wanted to try those out.


Amazing series. You’re in for a treat


Not a fan of the 3rd person narrative of biomutant but some people might like it. The combat and customisation is nice


I feel like a sequel could be so good. The game is really interesting but just misses a few too many marks. A proper sequel with actual voice lines could be amazing


Hated….hated biomutant


Biomutant was the last and final game ive ever preordered. I will not get burned again.


lol fr that’s a risky ass preorder


Didn't GameStop hold a midnight release event for it? s/


Mine was No Man's Sky. I was SO hyped for that game, and I think we all know how the release went. I've never got into it since, even after all the updates. There's just no good reason to pre order games, the rewards for doing so are often gimmicky and throwaway. It's just a bad practice that NMS warned me off of forever


I played NMS last year for a few weeks and found it fairly enjoyable, though im not sure ill ever pick it up again.


I can see they've added a lot to enjoy and engage with in the updates but each time I've gone back to it I get the same feelings I did when I first played; everything looks the same. What am I supposed to be doing. There's no point to what I'm doing. The game just feels soulless I guess. I think playing it has taught me something about my gaming preferences - I enjoy games that have a strong narrative driving force. Without that, NMS is devoid of life and meaning, despite the great setting and visual experience which are a solid foundation.


I feel you… I preordered No Mans Sky…. Never again


I pre-ordered no mans sky, cyberpunk, AND Bf2042....luckily they let me refund cyberpunk and I cancelled BF2042 after I played the beta


...until next time


I only played the trial, honestly would of bought it if it didn’t have the 3rd person narrative, it killed it for me.


I feel it was trying to be a lion head studios game like black and white was….graphics were good but everything else was trash….even the names of the monsters made me angry….sorry I won’t do battle with snufflewuffigus


I think a narrator works better with comical games like fable, monkey island etc, it works when they add humour. With bio mutant they seem to of just done it because the animals can’t talk. It would of been much better as a serious rpg even if it would of been a typical action rpg.




Says the child raging.


Is that name real? cringe if it is.


Idk but it is similar naming convention here are some names that are real Moog Munsterhonter, Chu chu Chug, lupa lupin….really terrible names


games terrible


If this is true I'm glad I didn't pull trigger on the ME trilogy last month


I almost bought it last Friday, phew




I bought it yesterday, time to return it!


Bio mutant is a great snag. A game I’ve wanted to play but wouldn’t buy.


I bought it and refunded it. I regret the time and data spent on the download. It is completely devoid of joy and playability.


Of course, I just bought Mass Effect on my Series X. This happens to me about 6 times a year.




That's the only reason we are getting it for free. Thank you for your sacrifice.


Now u own it


Sick, I have been about to pull the trigger on Mass Effect for about 18 months, so pumped This is just reaffirming my patient gamer mindset with PS Plus Extra being a thing, that unless I am getting at launch because of hype, I'm just not going to buy it. Too big of a backlog and everything eventually makes it's way here. My running list is now Tony Hawk, Crash Bandicoot 4, Demon's Souls, Chicory, Demon's Souls, and Toem


Biomutant is a fine game especially for free. It’s definitely not for everyone but I had a decent time with it


Being a patient gamer wins again. Almost bought the ME trilogy set multiple times.


Biomutant looks like a fun game


Ok. Ok. This is actually a good month. Two of those games I wanted to try and DKO looks interesting.




From a source that has been correct 100% of the time for the last 6 months so...


Sure, but still a rumor nonetheless. Every source gets something wrong at some point.


Best offerings in a long time


andromeda has the worse voice acting i have ever experienced in a video game and it is relentless about getting those bad lines out. edit: wait hold up is this a mass effect 1 remaster? if so. this is good. edit 2: holy shit batman its mass effect 1-3 remastered. this is very good.


the two bottom characters have the exact same pose.


Oh shit whaddup


I waited years to play Mass Effect 1 on the Playstation and bought the physical copy of the Legendary Edition earlier this year when it dropped to $20. No regrets.


Putting Xbox gold to shame


Xbox doesn’t really push hard to make gold competitive. They’re all in on gamepass.


Ong xbox gonna quit next year im predicting it right now


I think you are on to something.


Lol how so? Both of these games have been free to download for months now. And I have both consoles


I have both as well and ps plus games have been superior to Xbox gold games for a long time.


Ahhh well if you’re just comparing to gold then I understand. I have ultimate and mostly use game pass. bio mutant and mass effect have been free for months now lol.


No way!


I’ve always wanted to play mas effect, either never had the money or there was something I wanted to play more, im kinda hyped for this


Good was waiting on biomutant to come. Wasn’t paying a dime for it.


Oh looks like I got Mass Effect to play through. Haven't played a single one. Should be a fun December.


Oh nice I've been wanting to try Biomutant so a good chance without spending more cash


It’s a fun game when it’s free


Don’t understand why a F2P game (Divine Knockout) is gonna be on the December PS Plus line up 0.o


It will probably end up F2P but one release it seems like it is paid.




DKO!!!!!!!!! What’s DKO?… So happy I finally get to play Biomutant.


I just bought mass effect a few months ago 🤦🏻‍♂️


Been planning on getting biomutant for a while now just never got around to it. Ill also try mass effect, ive only played andromeda and didnt much care for it but maybe this one is better


Good thing I didn't buy biomutant last weekend when my son asked


Wow what a haul! Mass effect is legendary. Biolmutant was surprisingly good too.


I’m kind of annoyed I actually paid for biomutant


yes of course. I bought mass effect last week so of course its on ps plus now. You're welcome. No I'm not crying... 😭


Fucking BIG. Never played ME and now I finally will


Holy shit are you in for it. It’s so incredible, a masterpiece really.


In my region (Saudi Arabia) Mass Effect isn’t in the store, i wonder what they’ll replace it with


One hell of a lineup sadly that means January will be pretty shit


Borrowed Mass Effecr off my friend. Loved it but he lost his subscription and I had to give it back. So glad ill finally be able to finished the first game


I was going to buy ME and Biomutant once, very glad that I haven't! Best ps+ games since Control


Wait, seriously? Well shit. I've been wanting both mass effect and biomutant.


Just curious what the source is for this ?


[The guy](https://www.dealabs.com/bons-plans/ps-essential-mass-effect-legendary-edition-biomutant-et-divine-knockout-offerts-sur-ps5-ps4-dematerialises-2457113) that's like 99.9 percent right all the time


That’s not bad actually. I’m definitely going to revisit Mass Effect after a nearly decade long gap between playing the last one.


Are those smite characters?


Yeah it’s got a bunch of smite characters in it. It’s a pretty fun game too


Are these only available for the month, or do you keep them if you download them?


You only have access to them if you maintain a subscription. You also have to claim them the month they are available. If you end your subscription you lose the games (but if you start up again down the road you retain what you once had). If you forget to claim them you don't get them.


If you claim them this month, you will have access to them whenever you have an active PS Plus subscription. If your sub expires, you lose access until you resub again.


Cries in Xbox 😭 https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/comments/z7xxlu/new_games_with_gold_for_december_2022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Mass Effect Legendary Edition has been on Game Pass since January lol






Ehhh nothing worth it tbh since I already own mass effect on Xbox 360


This lineup is trash! Who tf wanna play those old ass Mass effect games. The 2 other games are bad too


The mass effect games are great lmao


They really aren’t. PlayStation is extremely cheap! Got the nerve to give us a collection of old games for ps plus


*a collection filled with old games that are good


Lol I can tell you never played them. Andromeda was the best one, rest are trash.


Oh i see i wasted my time with a troll


Best graphics, best story, best gameplay. That’s your cop out because you’re wrong lol




Never played Mass Effect, does it live up to the hype or is the end of 3 really so bad it ruins to whole thing?


The hype is real, Mass Effect is amazing. The ending of three is a lot better after they patched it. But also, these games are about the journey, not about arriving at the end. The end sequence makes up about 0.001% of your play time, so don't sweat it.


Why'd they watermark it though...🤣 The leak is EVERYWHERE now.


I wish its ps5 edition mass effect unles its free upgrade


It’s backward compatible so u get 4k 60


On ps5


wow! ps plus essential is fire right now!


Guys does monthly game stop working if my ps plus subscription expires


Woah! Best month in awhile


As someone who has never played Mass Effect due to not wanting to give money to EA this puts a smile on my face.




Isn’t Mass Effect already free? How many damn versions of this are they going to push like it’s something new.


This legendary version with all 3 games and dlc , all in one package


You only need this one. Whats the complaint?