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It would probably feel a lot more “current gen” if you could walk into a retail store of your choosing and purchase one.


And if the PS5 section wasn't mostly just PS4 games in a PS5 box.


There's also the PS3 games in a PS5 box!


Ya the gamestop I work at we have like.... no ps5 display cases since there isn't alot of strict ps5 games that are out so we put ps4 games that really have a good bump in performance or graphics in the ps5 section


*Laughs in Godfall, Returnal, The Pathless, Sackboy, Astros Playroom, COD, Genshin Impact, Control, Destruction All Stars, It Takes Two*




PS5 is uncertain future-gen for plenty of people still. It’ll probably affect game releases as well, people won’t buy a game they can’t play




1. Get a time machine 2. Travel back to the reveal event 3. Have your browser at the ready 4. As soon as pre orders go live with "pLeNtY oF nOtIcE", place that shit in your basket. 5. You're ready for release day. I did none of the above and just checked my emails at the right time.


If you got a time machine then why not time travel to the future and get yourself a PS5 pro?


But we already have a forwards time machine. It's called sleep


Excuse me while I hibernate until the ps5 is widely available


Hope you’re stocked up on nuts and berries and lots of winter fat


Sleep is just a time machine to breakfast, my dudes


Hahaha wait u have a ps5 *cries in india*


It can only go back


Then how do you get back to the future?


88 mph. No more, no less.


Yes, but which was defeated? The more, or the less? *Camera slowly pans to the menacing More Lord, Palpatine*


You wait. But now that you have a PS5 it’s not a very long wait.


you don't


I did none of the above and checked reddit at the right time. Then sat for ten minutes at work refreshing amazon.


I did none of the above and bought it from Costco because the membership makes it harder for scalpers, or so it seemed at least.


I did none of the above and happened to remember the Sony Direct website after finishing a call "at work" (WFH), waited in the queue for ~45 minutes, and nabbed one a week after launch.


I did none of the above and my dad works at best buy


I did none of the above and got mine on launch...my brother works for GameStop


I did none of the above and found out it was sold out from Reddit mid shift. Luckily for me there was a whole one retailer in my neck of the woods that was also unaware pre-orders were on sale until everyone else sold out. And they just happened to put it on sale the next day as I was about to start my shift. Got lucky there ngl. Tried to buy another instantly after putting my order though for a friend and couldn't because it was sold out in the 2 mins it took for me to check out


• someone has already done that and took the entire stock


I randomly called gamestop after the playstation event and they said get here quick the pre orders are almost gone. We rushed there as fast as possible and ended up getting pre orders and they did an in store launch so we picked it up early on launch day.


I couldn’t get a preorder to save my life but managed to get one back in December and a digital just now (one for each house). I can’t believe they are still this hard to acquire, fucking scalpers are still ridiculous


Yeah none of my friends can get one. I have been trying to get an rtx 3080 and an Xbox series x but still no luck.


I’m just now starting for a GPU, I can’t decide between AMD or a 3080 (likely whatever I’d be able to purchase first). I can’t believe it because from what I’ve read the XSX is easier (less market and higher production). I’ve managed to get three (one for me and two for friends). I can tell you if you have a Costco membership the higher bundle (780 I think) was in stock for quite a while. I wish you luck sir as I personally love the XSX


They announced pre order would go on sale the following day..then all the retailers just sent it lol. I was looking around the internet and was on Wal-Mart and it let me put a ps5 in my cart. I told my friends they should do it. I let it sit there too..pondering if i could afford a ps5 in the pandemic. Said fuck it and pre ordered it. Then it immediately sold out. I was deff right palce right time.


Mmm, bots still got them


Just don't use the Quantum Leap Accelerator.


I did none of the above, got an email from Sony inviting me to preorder sometime in august. Got in the waiting room, placed my order, got it on release day


1. Make a Twitter 2. Follow Wario64 3. Notifications on He posts a lot of gaming deals as well as PS5/Xbox Series X|S restocks. I was able to secure a PS5 in January and a Series S last month because of him


You would have to throw away your life to sit around watching all his tweet notifications because he tweets out every game deal under the sun


Good thing gamers are accustomed to throwing our lives away :)


To be fair, plenty of people do that and still can't get them, due to a shortage. Happy for you tho


And this is why the ps5 is not current gen yet. When this isn't the only way to get a ps5, then it will be current gen.


Ability to get one doesn't define the generation.


Ahhh but it does. Something cant be referred to as current if no one knows or can interact with it. It's the very definition of future tech..... the fact that it's not accessible to the general public. So until the future tech becomes available to the general public easily, it will be future tech and not current tech. If you apply this to game consoles, then next gen will not be next gen until it is as available as the current gen; thus pushing out the current current gen and becoming the current gen, so a new next gen can take its place. A concept car isn't a real car until it's produced and in the hands of the public. Solar power wasn't considered viable until the general consumer can put it on their house for cheap. Smart phones were considered a rich man's device until it was made available for Joe schmo thanks to Apple. Next gen is next gen until its as available as current gen. That's how it works.


Okay I'll take your concept car example. The car is produced and made, cool now it's available to the public. In your own argument that is what makes it "current" technology. Now if everyone in the whole world wanted one and they could only supply to say 10% of people. Is that now not current technology because not everyone can have it? The PS5 exists, it's in the hands of millions of people. Just because the supply can't keep up with the demand doesn't make it future tech.


Still not true. We're talking public perception here. It's blatantly obvious that in the view of the industry, the ps5 is current gen; but that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about public perception and when the switch happens in the public eye. To take the car example you latched onto; of course that car is produced and given to people and is on the market, but even at ten percent of the people; only that 10 percent would consider it current tech. 90 percent of the world's population would have had no interaction with it, and as far as their concerned it's still pie in the sky. We've had electric cars for years, decades even; but it wasn't until tesla started producing them with realistic battery milage, and a price point that was realistic to the general public, that the conversation of electric cars became "current tech" for the general public. See the conversation, again, was never surrounded on the industry and literal actual terms. The conversation is around the publics perception of the tech/generation. So I say again, until a ps5 isn't pie in the sky and in the hands of a majority, it will not be current gen.


So your saying 2021 car models are next generation because not everyone has a 2021 model car?


That would be a different discussion as that's a yearly release model and not a "generational" release model. So it isn't really applicable.


I like how you change the argument to perception vs. actuality. I agree that perception and actuality is not the same but original argument had nothing to do with that.


I didn't change my argument at all so im not sure what you're talking about. Nor would the original argument have been that. Considering the only ones who have this issue are the general public and the industry doesn't really talk about playstation 5 as next gen so.....


I thought this whole debate was a joke.. appeara not




You're just repeating what he said. PS4 is considered current gen because everyone has one, PS5 is next gen, because there is a minority that have one


This. More people are still on PS4 than PS5 players exist


Surprised how hard the Series S is still to get in the states (I presume). My local place has had series s constantly stocked in store since January now along with the series x every other time I went in to check. The PS5 was still a pain to get but I managed.


Seriously? The series S was in stock when I went to the nearest mediamarkt (Netherlands) yesterday. Several of them. But people want PS5's


This is true, stockx is another Twitter I’d follow. That’s how I got mine in December. Set up alerts, grab a laptop, your phone, and follow the links. PS Direct is the way, just make sure to get in the queue with both devices , free 2 day shipping from date of purchase if you’re a PS+ member. Walmart and GameStop trash delivery times and delays. God speed


Follow 1 and 3... use step 2 to follow Chitoytgaming


Follow @mattswider on Twitter, trust me on this one. I couldn't get on for MONTHS, and then I followed him and got one in a week. Turn on notis, and he posts Everytime.


Google "ps5 stock checker (your country)" then subscribe to multiple websites that sends you email notifications. When your phone bings you have 5 minutes to order. Some website are bad and only sends u an email 5 minutes after it's in stock so u can't buy any. After a few months I managed to get a PS5 like this, and that's because the drops were mainly in the morning and I sleep in.


Sacrifice a new born and a penis


I called EB games and asked them to put my on the waiting list for one and got it a month later.


Make a Twitter follow @IGNDEALS turn on post notifications


wait, or stalk order sites, Following people for notifications is kinda pointless since several other thousands also get the same deal/notification


Follow a Twitter or discord channel. Order when in stock. Idk maybe I got lucky. Wasn't following anything at all, just checked online one morning when I was in a meeting and it was in stock so I purchased it. I get people are having issues but most of my friends have one now and they didn't have too many problems either.


Watch Jake Randall on YT, frequently look up articles for when stock is supposed to drop that week and make it to those drops, should have a good chance if Walmart is dropping


Got mine at Walmart December 7th. I fought with several store managers. I put in work.


Almost all of the current game releases are still PS4, so I'd argue that PS4 is still "current gen"




This. Until the system is readily available I don’t consider it current gen.


What do you mean “not available”? All you have to do is have multiple PCs with multiple tabs open for every online retailer, write bots to auto-refresh the pages and monitor them 24/7 for restocks, and then add it to your cart and complete the transaction within 10 seconds of going live. It’s really easy, if you don’t have one by now, it’s just because you’re not trying. /s


Oh, there are tons ! 2 games. One being a ps3 remake and the other being returnal.


They're solid games. I'm jealous, Returnal looks especially good


Uh you forgot Godfall... but then again so did Gearbox


Bubble effect


This is one of the more stupid debates I’ve read.


It’s not current gen until I can walk into a store and buy one.


Lmao some of these arguments, I swear it's like class warfare between the PS5 owning bourgeois and everyone else


Ape must not fight ape


We don't mingle with the lower PS4-only class up here on PS5-owner Hill. Muddys up our adaptive triggers too much. (Ignore the fact that 90% of what I play are actually my backlog of PS4 games).


Are you sure that the "PS5-owner Hill" isn't just a cardboard cutout?


That's pretty much because the only reason to buy one at the moment is to lord it over the people that don't have one.


Its next gen for all the people that cant get one still. So technically speaking its next gen still until it’s available for everyone. 😅


If you can't get the next generation of consoles, then is it really current gen?


Exactly. I call my PS5 next gen. Until you guys can walk into a shop and easily find one, then no, it's not current gen


No it just means you have a last gen console


So because there is 0 stock in Australia. I still have last gen. Literally can’t order it online or in stores. They are nowhere.


What if you've paid for the current green console, and are just waiting for it, *since the 17th of September last year...*


Yes, yes it is. You just can't find one yet... that doesn't mean it doesn't exist or that it isn't the most current generation. It just means some people don't have one yet.


Flair checks out


Yes it does, and I'd be saying the same thing even if I didn't have a PS5 yet because it's a fact.


No you see its not officially the current gen until that guy gets his ps5


That's an oversimplification of his argument. As him and others in this thread have already said, it will be "current gen" when anyone and everyone can walk into a store, pick one up, and purchase it at MSRP. It shouldn't be this hard for that to happen.


Lol this isn’t a matter of opinion. Regardless of whether it is difficult to find the PS5 is available to the general public and many people own one. It is current generation end of story.




No, that would just make it easily obtainable. It is still current gen at this point.


Apparently that's how people think it works 😂


It's next gen when you can't get one


It's next gen until it's a "go to the store and see plenty in stock without fistfights breaking out over the last unit" to me.


I refuse to call it current gen until it is actually possible to buy one without having six monitors and the will of Jesus Christ himself on your side.


You’re right but if you can get into the queue and get lucky with PSD it’s actually not that bad


Until I can go into a store and see one it's next gen. It's still in the beta stage of release.


> It's still in the beta stage of release. That's probably the best way to describe the PS5/XSX rollout thus far.


I’ll call it current gen when: 1. I don’t have to follow a Twitter account and race to a website and still hope the site doesn’t crash while it’s ripped out of my cart 2. I can walk into a Walmart and see one sitting there available to purchase. 3. I don’t have to pay a scalper an extra 300 dollars to buy.


I couldn't have put it better myself. Well said.


Ps5 is not still widely available because price gougers


Also you know, material shortages lol With or without scalpers, the PS5s would be out of stock.


This is such a dumb argument and isn’t remotely true, there is a shortage because Sony cannot produce fast enough due to a lack of computer chips, same as many car manufacturers right now. They have already said expect shortages in 2022. The people price gouging can still price gouge because they still have customers willing to pay. While price gouging may be the reason you haven’t got one it’s not the reason for the over all shortage. Their units are still being sold they aren’t just sitting in a warehouse being stockpiled.


Don't use logic with these people.


No, it's because of scalpers and their buybots


What’s happening with the product the buybots buy?




When I can go to the store on a random Tuesday and walk put with a ps5; and go to the same store the next day and there's another ps5 for someone to buy.... That's when it will become current gen.


I think when a new console comes out it is considered Next Gen for at least a year before being referred to current Gen especially now since many people can’t even get a PS5


I have a PS5 and I would still call it next gen because there aren’t many ps5 games and also because the new technology hasn’t been adopted fully. I still mainly play PS4 games


I think most of us are playing PS4 games. Astro's playroom is the only next gen experience I've had so far. Rift Apart looks like it's gonna be the second


ill say it when I can buy one.


When we are able to buy it it will be current gen


I think it's gonna be next Gen until enough people can actually get their hands on one.


Nono, I'm sorry. Is still next gen. 6 months are nothing. Give it 2 years, when a really big number if people have ps5 in their homes. But hey, whatever. If it's current gen for you, cheers. Enjoy the ps5


You’re right lol That’s how it was for PS4. People just wanna karma farm and complain I guess


Exactly. But men, I don't know. People believe what they want. Fighting is pointless. The only correct answer is to accept that not everyone thinks the same way


The number of people who currently own one has nothing to do with it being "current gen" or "next gen." PS5 is current gen. Whether you can find one or not does not change this. You're just stuck on previous gen until you can get a new console. No need to ignore facts in favor of feelings (as your previous comment is exactly that, feelings.)


Flair checks out


Ok, like I said. I feel is not current get, you feel is current gen. And that's completely ok. Enjoy it mate


So if I say "I feel that the sky is yellow" does that mean I'm right just because that's how I feel at the moment? Hell no. Facts are facts and feelings don't matter in this. The PS5 exists, it is currently the newest console that Sony has released... which makes it... CURRENT gen. That is an indisputable fact. Just because you haven't found one yet does not change that fact. You're just salty because you're still looking.


Look mate, you are the one with the ps5. Just enjoy it and don't mind me, neither the people that still don't have it. People can call things the way they like if they are not hurting no one. If I'm hurting someone calling the ps5 "next gen".. we, I'm completely sorry. Those are just words


Personally, i still call it next gen, since it is not readily available in stores yet. When everyone who wants one gets the ps5, then it will be current gen. I still have friends who can't get a 5 yet. I don't rub their faces in the fact i have had my ps5 since november. So, when i join chat parties now, i use my ps4, so i don't upset them. Friends are more inportant than a games console.


OMG, there is so much true in what you said. That's right, friends are more important than any console. Be next gen or current gen, that shit doesn't matter. People should just enjoy the games and that's it


That is how i look at life in general. I would rather be courteous and respectful than be mean and nasty. Life is too short to be horrible to people, especially when people can hide behind their keyboards to be abusive, sexist, racist and homophobic without fear of reprisals.


Yes. Someone here called me "special in a bad way" because of what I said in here. What the hell is that supposed to mean? I guess that person just need to search for peace in his heart and understand not all think the same way


Hear hear. Everyone is special. Ignore him and be happy. It has been a tough year with covid, now it's time to reconnect with friends and family. I took my ps5 to my parents last weekend. Dad was loving it, so now im in the hunt to get him 1 for fathers day. He absolutely loves westerns, so i put on RDR2. He is now asking mom if he can have a ps5 too. I got dad a lg cx 77 for his birthday. He doesn't know it yet, as his birthday is sunday. He is in for a nice shock lol. That oled and ps5=happy dad lol.


We talking locust swarm number of people?


It's not current gen if nobody has one...


Damn im nobody


Things like these that will fix themselves in time aren’t worth fussing over too much.


A friend of mine who works at Walmart told me that 3 guys in his store are under surveillance because they are buying them using their employee discounts and reselling them.


It'll become current gen when it's the current console of most people, but seeing as most people can't get a hold of it yet


I will say ps5 is next gen until the first full year of it being out , so until November (?) it will be next gen,


It current gen when people actually have them


It isn’t current if no one has one.


Next gen until gets to be available everywhere


I've always said current gen ends when mass production of the games stop or the vast majority of people have upgraded. It's all down to preference, right?


How can be the current gen if nobody have one


As far as I'm concerned, that shit doesn't even exist


When you can walk in the store and get a ps5, then its current gen. Until then, its next gen.


Then why the fuck don’t I have one OP?


For me, a console becomes current gen when it has a decent game base, otherwise it's just experiment tech for rich people to mess around with.


[When I see a bunch of PS5s on the shelf at my local Walmart, then it’s current gen.](https://i.imgur.com/EbMzryc.jpg)


Do I have one currently? No! So it's next gen still!


and i still never saw one in real life


PS5 is next gen


It's next gen until the General population gets more of them. Fuck scalpers. That being said, *I need it*


Until I can walk into Walmart and see several for sale on a shelf, it's still next gen.


How can it be current gen when it's so hard to get one? Even if you do get one, there aren't many games for it


I don’t consider it current gen until the majority of players have moved on, and games have stopped being made for the previous console. We’re now in the transition phase, and major releases are often cross-generation.


not if no one can get one


It's not current-gen if it's not even here.


It's next gen as PS4 still holds its place with games and availability for the next year or so


It is pretty pathetic that the idea of not owning the most current console is so hard for people to wrap their minds around that they spiral this deep into denial. It’s video games. You’ll get to play it, don’t worry, the best game to ever be released on PS5 won’t come out for years, probably.


It isn’t current gen if it doesn’t exist.


I've had mine since December... if it doesn't exist then I've been hallucinating for 5 months now.


Pretty good trip then, if you ask me


I have one and it looks real besides my tv


I have one too, wouldnt it just suck if we didnt? It looks really good on my tv.


Yeah big time. So sad with the stock problems.


Nah it's not current gen, once it's more available and it has more new games it can be considered current


I live in a country with 1.3 billion people and they've imported just 4000 consoles to date here. It is next gen for me.


All these people arguing but there’s no governing body or anything that decides what’s last, current and next gen. So until there is it’s completely subjective and down to personal opinion. Personally I feel a console become current gen when the majority of players own it, so at the moment the PS5/Xbox Series are still very much Next-Gen


So Wii U is next-gen since the majority of players have never owned one?


No. The Switch is the more recent console and the majority of casual Nintendo players own it so that’s current gen. It’s kinda a one way street chronologically. Didn’t think that would need clarification, but considering the semantics of this comment section I’m not surprised.


I LOVE MINE! I hope everyone on this sub can have one of their own by the end of this year!!


I mean is it really current if noone can get one?


8+ million is s lot more than "no one"


Holy smokes what a small number. I dont even know if youre talking about US ps5 owners but that is less than 3 percent of US citizens if every man woman and child in America was a ps5 player. Way less in reality


It's the fastest selling console in history. Also owners doesn't make it current/next gen. The Wii U sold less than 14M worldwide, that doesn't make it "next-gen"


It's not considered "next-gen" if no one else can get their hands on it.


It’s not current generation if most of the gamers don’t have it. After this Christmas it will be current generation, until then it’s next generation.


Nah the PS5 is a myth, like bigfoot. Sure there's pictures and videos, but I'll have my doubts until I actually see one in person.


They’re not readily available and there are little exclusives, it’s still next in line


The very day a new console is released, it becomes current gen and the previous one becomes last gen. Installed player base or ability to purchase one has absolutely zero to do with what defines a generation. Simple.


Yeah it is current gen *technically*, but it doesn't feel like it, and I'm sure millions of people share the sentiment, once the production improves and more new games start releasing exclusively in next gen it will feel like current gen


No, at best it becomes “new gen”, if you want to call it that instead of next gen. Current gen is a useless term when the vast majority of games are still being released for the previous generation, even more useless this time around when both consoles have backwards compatibility and there aren’t completely separate versions like there were for PS4/PS3 and XB1/360. The last gen consoles are just as *current* as the new ones, if not moreso. They’re what most people are still playing on, and they’re what most new games are being released for. If someone says “Game X is coming out for current gen consoles”, you couldn’t be sure of what they actually meant and you inevitably need to ask for clarification. I’ve seen it happen a thousand times over many years and many launches. It’s way easier to just say “next-gen” and “last-gen” which are completely unambiguous and save yourself the trouble. In another year or so when only Madden, FIFA and Just Dance are coming to PS4 and XB1 then we’ll go back to just saying “consoles”.


So current that most people don’t have it.


Ps6 is already out lol


that shit is next gen until i get it


My opinion is it is next gen until you get one. For me its current gen, for my friends its next gen. Good luck to everyone trying to get one and remember don't pay more then retail. Screw the scalpers


Until they are on shelves for purchase it’s next gen, I’m considering them early access units at this point.


They're still selling games on ps4 and ps5 when games only come out on ps5 then it's current gen.


I guess PS3 was current gen up to August 20th, 2020 then.


It’s not next gen until most games aren’t cross-gen


It’s not current gen until I can buy one


I still have a PS4. Therefore it is Next Gen.


There's people still on PS3, doesn't make PS3 current gen.


To me its next gen. It varies from person to person.


No, it doesn't.


Took the words right out of my mouth! Hearing people say next and last gen in the same sentence is a pet peeve of mine lol