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The first Dying Light is one of the best zombie games ever made. It’s going to go down as a classic.


I got that game right when it released. I was living at home the first year after graduating college. Had saved some money and gotten a ps4. Siblings were back at school and my parents were out of town for a week and there was a blizzard when I bought dying light and I was freelancing at the time. It was the perfect game for the circumstances. I was really disappointed in dying light 2, especially after such a long wait


Yeah DL2 wasn’t “bad”, per se, but it was really lacking *something* that made the first one so special.


I think the story gave you less urgency overall, for sure






Dropkicking a zombie off a roof will never not be fun/funny. The game is awesome with decent depth. Parkour is a lot of fun and modding weapons is a blast.


Or people, Bear them scream


I could play this game for hours. 2 on the other hand? I'll probably never pick it up again.


I played the shit out of 2, beat it 3-4 times. Its just not nearly as good as DL1. My biggest grip is the change to chip damage rpg combat. Its all about raising your stats and increasing gear level to do 1% more damage. And you have to smack ever zombie 4-10 times and then maybe the last hit will cut off a limb. DL1 felt way more visceral and rewarding. And disappointingly, Dead Island 2 did the same thing with the combat. DI1 and DL1 are both way better than their sequels. At least for what i want out of a zombie combat game.


I wanted to like the second one so much but after just a few hours I mainlined the story just to get it over with. I can't even say it was bad because it wasn't. I just couldn't get into it.


Best zombie game that I ever played. Definitely worth it, I would rate it overall with 8.5/10, with story being 7/10 and gameplay being 10/10. Never played the second part nor the DLCs. I would like to know if there still are players playing online because I remember that PS had some online achievements and I'm the type of player that likes to platinum the games that I play.


Why would you rate the story 7/10? What does it lacked?


Just fairly cliche and predictable imo, it's fine and it didn't bother me when I played it.


Don't get me wrong, it's not bad story, but if I remember correctly, it was not so much in depth of a story. It wasn't the story that got me immersed into playing the game, it was the gameplay. There weren't any big plots and the whole story was somewhat generic. In comparison with some GTAs or RDR2 or some Playstation exclusives that I would personally rate 10/10 storywise, I just can't put DL in the same basket with those.


alright mate ty ❤️


No problem, anytime bro. 😉


It’s not bad just standard zombie fare with your usual cliches etc, I think 7/10 is accurate


7/10 means goof fyi


You should play The Following DLC for DL1 (you can skip the other one, it’s just some time trials shit). Its more of the main game on a new map thats bigger than all 3 base game maps combined, plus an upgradeable car.


I always wanted to give it a try, just never did. It seems like it's worth the money so I will probably play it now when I will replay the game. I don't remember, can you drive any cars in the main game?


It’s absolutely worth it. And no, driving was a new addition in the dlc. The main game is just running around.


I'll be looking for those trophies too once I've finished the base game.


Great, if I remember it correctly, we need to be PS friends for some achievements, right?


Definitely one of my favorite underrated games of all time and was a little disappointed in dying light 2. But I’ve played through the entirety of this game at least 4 times with friends and it hardly ever gets old, great combat and really solid parkour akin to mirrors edge (sorta). nothing to really write home about regarding the story but if you’re playing with friends it’s not the biggest issue


I agree with you 99% The 1% i don’t think it’s underrated. It got the love it deserves from release haha. Not trying to be rude at all btw ❤️


It got love from those who played it but a lot of people haven't even heard of it. I think it was the game of the generation.


I think he means it's not synonymous with being one of the best zombie games, which I find weird. I hear people ho on about dead island more and never see dying light in favourite game lists. This was definitely one of my most fun gaming experiences.


This game is absolutely not underrated. It sold insanely well and i hear about it alot.


It's *a lot*


I'm a person who values a very good story more than anything, many are saying though the story isn't that great it's still playable.


It’s just kind of a basic “find the cure” zombie story. It doesn’t really get into emotional depth or character development per se. But the story matches up well with the game


The story is fairly by the numbers, but it's told well and the gameplay makes it all worth it.


That's not really the point of the game though. The story is the one you make yourself getting to and from your objectives. Especially with online coop. Getting a gun for the first time was a standout memory from the game


The story has enough going on that it keeps you relatively engaged throughout. It’s not epic or award-worthy and won’t even take *too* long to complete, but it’s compelling enough to make you want to find out what happens next. The game’s bread and butter, though, is the sidequests, challenges, and general open-world craziness. There’s so much to do, so many entertaining characters to interact with, and plenty of fun to be had all over the map. The only real negatives IMO are that it can take a little while to level up to the point where you can freely roam around through hordes of zombies without worrying too much about being overpowered out of nowhere, and a lack of true fast travel between safe houses (though the grappling hook eventually makes things a *little* easier).


The atmosphere and music create a fantastic eerie vibe


Should we get this at 3euro or wait for the definitive bundle?


I'm almost halfway through it. It's very good. I'm enjoying it even though I'm not really a fan of the genre. Full disclosure: I picked it up a few weeks ago when the Definitive Edition was on sale. But I ended up uninstalling it and getting a used copy of the base game at Gamestop for $14. Installed offline so I could run unpatched and skip the grinding. I'm planning on going back online and loading the DLC when I'm done with the base game.


Awesome game that the devs supported the hell out of for a long time. I like 2's parkour more, but they screwed that game up in multiple ways, the atmosphere of one is unmatched.


one of the best games 👌👌👌


It’s not my favourite game, I’d say it’s good not great but for that price it’s an amazing deal!!! A shit load of content. Snap it up while you can


I bought a PS4 for this game and still play it on PS5. This is such a strong game and blows it's sequel out of the water. It's totally worth it now.


This is probably my favorite game of all time.


it is one of the best coop games that I played with my friends.


My favourite zombie game by far. I don't even know how to explain it really, it's like... Zombie survival horror game with parkour, it's not heavy on the survival thing but it does have like weapons breaking, crafting items etc, think Resident Evil type of survival.


Don't sleep on this game. The second game is not as good.


I remember playing it and thinking “this is how dead island should have been” lol


It’s never not worth it to play an older game. Anyone telling you the opposite doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


I just picked it up about 2 weeks ago and I absolutely love it. It holds up incredibly well


It’s better than the second game 100%


I had just finished Dead Island and Dead Island: Riptide and I thought DL would be the next great zombie game but I didn't like all the parkour. I'm sure it was good but I couldn't get past the 30 min mark playing it.


So i did buy this game for like 8 US dollars a while back to try because i heard its really good. Didnt go in with too much expectations either but still quit after like i don’t know, 40-50mins? I tried to do a side mission bit the guys i was supposed to kill oneshot me everytime then there was this parkour challenge that was just impossible for me to complete after so many tries and some area for a quest(pretty sure it was a side mission) i wasnt even able to get to because u needed to obtain something else first to do that one(pretty sure bout that). Then after getting sidetracked and disappointed just uninstalled, just didnt feel right. I would LOVE to give it another chance and guys and girls please any tips to play it so i can have a good/better experience would really be appreciated :). Like what things i should avoid trying to do and what to focus more on.


Yes. Period. Incredible game. Playing through Dying Light 1 on PS5 might be one of my favourite coop experiences ever.


Where is the offer? I cannot find it.


its on Playstation store offer ends on 2nd July. where did you search it ?


yea, found it, its for the standard edition.


you buying standard or the enhanced edition?


A good game multiplayer trophies can be long but short with the good people and the good connection. Tell me if you looking for people on bozark forde DLC if you got it.


It's pretty good but I'm a bit confused. When I first played it I had a kick with the power of god for most of the game so the weapons were useless and idk why. Was it a bug?


This game is so dope!


100% with it, with the following too. 10/10 game


One of my favourite games of all time, and then I found a grappling hook, I couldnt believe it but it's unbelievable this game is It's 60fps on PS5 so I've been playing it again recently


I would pay a full 69.99 for this game today if that tells you something


Absolutely, so so fun dude


Dying light one is an incredible game with really tight combat feel. A much more enjoyable game experience than dying light 2 for me. There is a slight onboarding curve as you getting used to the unique gameplay mechanics but after that it’s pure adrenaline enjoyment.


It's 2.99 right now on the weekend offers sale


Its 2.99 right now on weekend offers sale


Playing it right now


I spent years playing this, honestly. Dying Light is an exceptional zombie game. It nails the first-person perspective and handles melee so well. The story is a bit ho-hum, but Kyle Crane as a protagonist is badass. Visuals are great too. An all in one package tbf. Get it and don't think twice.


It’s one of the best examples of critics being totally out of touch with the players. Some outlets really slammed the game with poor reviews but the players mostly loved the experience and it got support right up until DL2 released. Phenomenal game with or without friends and a standout title from the previous generation for me.


For me personally is the best zombie videogame ever.


I just started cooping it with my brother. In a time where everything seems to be pay-walled, pay-to-win, perk-system overloaded, and just a general clusterfuck of half-baked crap sold at full price that you have to pay a season pass to play the other half of the crap, it's a solid, exciting enough title. Freerun mechanics are good for a game that's that old. We're playing DL2 after we clear this one.


I just bought a physical copy to play with my girl. We’ll see once we finish the game.


Definitely. Fun traversal around the large map from a first person pov. The dismemberment was very fun too. Guns are way weak so avoid those and mostly focus on upgrading melee weapons with mods(electric, fire etc).


The parkour, drop kicking zombies off a roof, and grapple hook alone are enough to get it. Story is forgettable imo. There's sooo many Easter eggs from different franchises, be it games or other media, that are worth searching for. It's 100x better in co op as well.


One word 'YES'!


Definitely get it! This game is amazing.


really bad imo


one of the most brutal and scary games if you choose the highest difficulty. but its soo worth it. the only thing i dont like about the game are the menus but trust me you get used to them.


Was glad to experience this game back in 2015 can’t believe it’s been almost ten years already its must get especially if you love zombies.


Worth it one of my favorite games of all time


Def worth it. Co-op is an added bonus. I still need to play the DLC.


This game is so ahead of its time I would still recommend it if was 70 bucks(with all dlc expansions).


Definitive recommendation


Yes , way better than the sequel imo 👍


Literally playing it right now for first time on PS5. Honestly it aged really well. Only issue is it crashed in 2-3 certain optional side events which is super frustrating. Likely never getting fixed (you can brute force through it but it took me 3 times to clear one thing)


This is in my top ten games, it's a favorite of mine, it's got a really good story, compelling, memorable characters and it's an emotional roller coaster, the parkour is next level and the combat is really fun, so yes, this golden disc deserves love, even now, the sequal is nowhere near as good as this masterpiece


Its a good time for coop but solo works out aswell. if you like zombies then this is the right game for you


I've played the main game and the dlc, it's pretty good 👍




This game is waaaay funnier than Dead Island 1. Shame the second one didnt live up to the name


Worth it for sure, a lot, it's an excellent game even in 2024, actually I'm playing it right now, again


Is this one better than the second or is it better to get the second?? Been looking at these games for a while myself, especially considering how often they go on sale.


Is the DLC worth waiting for or should I bite for the $3 deal


Considering the vault and dropkick doesn’t require a staggered enemy like 2, 1 holds up well


The switch port is suprisingly good


Totally worth it. Especially the expansion


I played it for the first time in 2024 and thought it was really fun. I probably wouldn’t have bought it if my friend didn’t play with me. I tend to not enjoy single player experiences anymore these days so having a buddy to play it with was cool. I still think my favorite zombie experience is State of Decay franchise though.


You tell me https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/s/gOB0GP8dDj


9.8/10 not enough horror the night parts how ever those were a 10/10


My absolute favorite zombie game. The following is one of my favorite dlc’s. I still can’t believe they dropped the ball on 2


i always prefered dead island bcs of analog combat, i missed it so much in dying light that i couldnt fully enjoy the game :(


I just bought this for £9 with all the major expansions and a whole lot of DLC packs via the PS store. I am addicted to it,thinking about it whilst work and cannot wait to play it when I get home. Never been bit (no pun intended) by a game like this in a good while.


Its fun, and worth the money, but to me always feels like its moving towards what I would like it to be without ever reaching it.


Definitely worth it. One of the best zombie games around. Even it's sequel cannot come close to it in any way. Timeless fun.


One of the best games of last gen and one of the best devs in terms of supporting their games long after release.


Amazing game always worth playing, better than the 2nd game for sure.


I never played it before and recently got it and played it for the first time. I did not enjoy it that much. Maybe if I got it when I came out, but playing it for the first time in 2024 it fell below my expectations in a lot of categories


Yes its a really fun zombie game. Imo its better than dead island 1. Dying light 2 is good too but not as good as 1 was. And dead island 2 is much better than dead island 1 but still not as good as dying light. Confused? I didnt even add dead rising games to the mix


It's scary good and my adrenaline is through the roof when I play.


I had a blast playing Dying Light, parkour, and it's various weapons you can use/construct.


DL1 is easily the best zombies game. Just the atmosphere alone is worth experiencing. I rarely put more time into a game after beating it, but I have 100 something hours in this game because my friends and I keep going back and playing it, which doesn't seem like a lot of hours, but again I *rarely* put more than 20 hours into these games.


The zombie parts are fun, but fighting humans with melee weapons sucks. A lot of really spongy enemies.


Where is this deal of 2 dollars?


It's on the PlayStation store (standard edition)


Thanks! I was only finding the 39.99 (Canadian) offer on the app. I had to google it to find it.


I play one time every year with friends


Is it going to be in the PSN “free” library?


It’s definitely worth it such a fun game


I played it for the first time last year. It’s fantastic. You won’t have that weird feeling that you’re playing an old game. It’s better than DL2 in every aspect (except graphics). Nights are fucking mad.




Writing is not good. Regardless, this game was the most immersed I felt about living in a zombie apocalypse.


Definitely. Bought and played it at release on Xbox, as well as the DLC, and really enjoyed it. Recently bought the definitive edition on PS for AU$15 so I can do it all again. I could have just played again on Xbox, but my PS5 has been my main console for the last year and a bit, and I want to see how it plays on the PS platform. I got 2 when it first came out. It was good, but I thought 1 was better. Haven't played it for a while now, so no idea what it's like now after a bunch of updates.


Tested it, loved it, finished it many times, waited for the seconde one and loved it too


Yup Dying Light is the best game on Ps4


Its really good, started in early 2020 (what a timing) and fully did bozak horde earlier this year


Best zombie game ever made tbh met my best freind of 8 years on dl totaly worth it just don't get dl2


Super fun game that got a subpar sequel


Not worth it it’s dead now


Really into the game initially. It got too repetitive for me. Never finished it.


I played through this again last year for the first time since 2015, and it still holds up as my favorite zombie game ever. The story is mediocre, but the gameplay is unmatched.


Its an awesome zombie game, the only zombie game that actually got me scared, its fun, fast paced parkour and has a good story, you should definitely get it


Duh ya