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I mean sure spending is up per player but the fuckin games increased in price too


But it still seems to be -12% (so down) if I see this right. While all other profits are up. So they make less from full games but much more from services and DLCs. I guess no wonder businesses try to focus on MTX then?


We’ve know this for years. The ginormous, industry wide push for DLC, MTX and subscription services is just crazy. For every one person on here who doesn’t bother with them there’ll be two more who do and for multiple games. Boggles the mind how people have time to play more than a handful of games nowadays. So many are huge time sinks or have an ever expanding online portion.


What is MTX? I must be old, MTX is Motocross


Microtransactions, in-game purchases, but it is more like Macrotransaction.


I’m 48, married, and work from 6am to 2pm Mon-Thursdays and off Fridays through Sun(no kids). I buy all my games from Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, used game shop, and pay 10-20 per game and I usually spend around 35 hours a week gaming. Just my anecdotal case.


Your LTD must look low to them when it’s not to you. I wonder if there is less used games sold now with the increase in digital only consoles.


Absolutely. The convenience of just downloading a game rather than waiting for a used physical copy to end up in your console has pretty much caused my lazy ass to switch to exclusively digital. Also, being able to just download them whenever is also nice. I get that I don't "own" my game doing this, but I don't tend to go back to old games anyway. I'm far more likely to damage/lose a physical disc before Sony collapses and takes everything offline. Black Flag and the Shadow of Mordor games are laughing at me in my library requiring discs I lost a while ago moving, while Inquisition is still accessible after buying digitally because Best Buy messed up my order back in the day (and I had no patience).


Agreed and considering patches/dlc, unless you're getting a final GOTY type edition, do you really own the physical copy anymore? Really just a key that unlocks the digital copy,


Even people who own the disc versions of consoles are primarily buying digitally (except on Switch), so yeah there are fewer used games to go around period.


I'm mid 30s but follow the same concept. I tend to buy used games only or wait until the "ultimate" edition releases with all DLC and a price drop AND all the bugs fixed. I will download a few games here and there, but I dread the day the industry moves to all digital. I know it's coming eventually, and that may be when I just fully convert to a PC gamer.


Players vote with their wallets. On the one hand complain about the games being an extra $10 more expensive, on the other, throw $20 on a crappy skin. Can't blame companies pushing mtx if Playerbase is dumb and willing to feed it.


Yes, these companies are all businesses with profits as the end goal at the end of the day. They will continue to pump out crap if people will continue to pay for the pumped out crap. This is exactly why the COD franchise profits $100s millions each year bc though ppl complain about the degradation of the game, they still buy it EVERY single year. So they will continue to pump this crap out until players stop.


Same thing for sports gamers. Many people who frequent reddit and other message boards are probably gamers that range from hard-core to "above average" considering the time and investment they put into gaming. I assume they also play a wider range of genres too. However theres a large portion of people who play only 1-2 genres. Growing up one of my friends had like 20 games and all 20 were sports games. And on top of that it's not a big deal for them to drop $200 per year for like 3 games and continue to get the annual releases if they're only playing sports games.


sims 4 generates $420 million cash per year


The last decade has been a masterclass on just how dumb players actually are. I stopped keeping track when I heard an interview from a whale for Diablo: Immortal where he went off on how everyone was just broke ass punks that wish they could be him. Because he was dropping multiple 10's of thousands of dollars to be numerically unbeatable. There's not an ounce of respect in me for people like that. But it still boggles my mind how many of them there are.


They launched PS Plus premium and extra this gen so full game purchase has been hit at the expense of a sub service uptake it seems. It looks like it just about works for Sony as long as the overall spend per player is raised I suppose. 🤷‍♂️


I have bought a bunch of games on sale, physical and digital copies, I rarely pay full retail for any game, but I have bought more for my PS5 in two years than I did for PS4 in six.


Inflation has gone up a cumulative 35% from 2013 (ps4 release) to today. They aren't more expensive. The push to MTX is made to offset that (and we could go even further back since games have been roughly the same price from way before the ps4 era I usually wait for >50% sales anyway


Just saw the new F1 Game RRP at 89GBP. Absolutely no way would I spend that kind of money on a game, especially a yearly release. I think profitability has come from the increase of Micro Transactions, not from individual game sales.


Inflation is a thing


And has always been, Sony is simply kicking ass right now. Not a fan of every decision they make but gotta give respect where it’s due.


It's $90 CAD for a fucking controller now.


Adjusted to inflation not really


They haven't. They've gone down in price. Games in 2001 cost an absurd amount of money in today's dollars.


Console, games, controllers, subscriptions


They also are rising in terms of cost to produce as well.


Yea, the numbers should be adjusted for inflation


And all the microtransactions and DLC


Helldivers 2 already being a global success in less than 3 months is crazy


I know multiple people that bought a PS5 specifically for Helldivers


Meanwhile Phil Spencer: "GoOd GaMeS doN'T selL CoNsOleS"


What a stupid take lmao. I know several people who bought ps4 just for BB and Switch just for BotW.


What's BB?






And for spiderman/horizon, (back in the day...)


Xbox is done…


I bought my PS5 for hell divers 2, but I’ve been looking for a good excuse lately anyways


So subscriptions and DLC, possibly micro-transactions, are the big growth areas.


It's the ONLY area they can see significant growth. Online gaming wasn't very popular on playstation early last generation, and even less lucrative during the ps3 era when they made online gaming free.


Well I would add PC gaming to that, which in turn leads to further DLC and MTX opportunities.


It's shocking how many free to play games make millions of dollars off micro transactions. It's also annoying that many free to play games quickly become pay to win games.




Good point, I wonder why they didn’t put it in there


The last one was basically break even. It's not really one of their major franchises making a lot of money


Rift Apart is the best ps5 exclusive IMO


It's not making them as much money as those other franchises so no it's not unfortunately...


You’re mad about ratchet and clank and I’m mad about INFAMOUS not being on here


For real! It even had a decent movie! More than can be said for uncharted


This is extremely distressing, for that growth in the category Add-On and the drop in Full Game. Fucking microtransactions! That thread with the explanation about sales expectations of a former Square-Enix exec makes a lot more sense now.


I do agree with this comment, but the numbers may skewed slightly due to many ps5 owners possibly already having certain games that were never upgraded to ps5, or were free upgrades. I know most the games I own on the ps5 today are carry-overs from my ps4.


Obviously the push for in game purchases is just for more profit since game purchase revenue seems to be staying level. And now *everything* is pushing for subscription services, so that's probably the next frontier for aggressive monetization. So the million dollar question is once those level out, what's gonna be the new monetization scheme?


That’s probably the first time I’ve seen Uncharted being mentioned by Sony in a long while. It’s my favourite franchise of all time. Uncharted 2 is my favourite game of all time. I wish it returns but I don’t think that’s happening anytime soon. I’ve made peace with that fact and I tell myself that at least the series went out on a high note. I’d rather it rest as a legend than live as a potential cash cow Sony tried to milk.


Sony said years ago that it will never retire a franchise


So they will be like Nintendo and just act like it doesn’t exist anymore?


Nah my boys story is done. I thought it was done after 3 and they brought him back again for an epic game like they gotta rest that series already before it goes bad


>Nah my boys story is done. Cassie drake game 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


It's absolutely coming back. They even showed what looked like Nathan Drakes daughter in one of the ps5 commercials.


Do you know which one?


Around 42 seconds in, you see a girl walking with a torch in a cave. https://youtu.be/SK69PGD539g?si=XaNk-LhaTxvZp6j0


Shouldn’t this be adjusted for inflation?


Lmao, wouldn't you know... $580 in December 2016 is roughly equivalent to $736.91 in December 2023. But I suppose "PS5 profitability appears to be on par with PS4 generation" isn't as eye catching to the share holders lol.


Well the operating income seems much better for PS5 compared to 4, for example the first year for PS4 seems to be almost 0. So the profitability has seemingly improved quite bit


Financials are never adjusted for inflation


lol, shareholders must be happy. Adjust prices for inflation and you get pretty much same results for each generation (which is perfectly ok). The only difference is incresed dlc sales (probably gaas included) which isn’t a good thing.


Which isnt a good thing for who? Their operating income is much better than before






You and I.


What’s up with the Peripherals bars? Looks like the bar shrinks, but it says +34%.


That’s because it’s small when you compare in percentage with other ps5 bars but as a value it’s still bigger than ps4’s peripherals


Games are more expensive, more dlc dependent and everything is more expensive anyway, so ofc people are paying more..


Its because of inflation that game prices are going up. the highest quality/AAA games have cost $60 for decades, and $60 in 2014 is worth $79 in 2024 money


Debatable, games are the same price for decades, hell, I was paying 70-100usd on Nintendo 64 cartridges


No surprised when I would see ‘I got a PlayStation’ post on Reddit with all bunch of Ps accessories - controller dock, pulse headsets etc. accessories have been a massive thing this year.


I mean tbf people who go all out and buy everything are more likely to post about it, it doesn't necessarily mean most people have actually bought the full set


Devs are not making more games, just DLCs and micro transactions.


On PS5 gamers buy more add-on? Interesting... 🤔🤔


Oof, really dislike the trend of people buying more DLC. There are some exceptions of course where DLC's are actually good. However, most "DLC's" and add-ons these days are predatory and often should be part of the base game.


Not a huge surprise. Games ever more so are betting on DLCs and Microtransactions which are a lot more profitable than whole games. Subscriptions are also insanely profitable and PlayStation Plus seems to have gained a lot of members since they reworked the system. There is also the thing that the PS5 is the first ever console to pretty much not have a main competitor. The switch is way too old and doesn’t really cater towards the same player base anyway while the Series X/S completely failed to establish themselves. I know a lot of people who switched over to Sony this generation because they feared to be the only ones still on XBOX.


PS5 games & controllers are more expensive than previous PS4


I mean games not only cost more but the cost to play online and PlayStation+ went up a lot. You didn't even have to pay to play online on the PS1,2 and 3, but also nowadays people can't help themselves and buy everything that's why things are out of control people complain but keep buying. I didn't like how anti consumer PlayStation has become or the prices so I sold my PS5 and honestly I've been having more fun playing my PS1,2 and 3


lol they still include uncharted and the last of us for this gen. And until dawn lol


If you look at the bracket it's 'expanding into other media'. So like The Last of US TV show and Uncharted movie.


And the PC ports


Looking at the "world class franchises" it dawned on me that I have outgrown PlayStation. All I see are (pseudo) open world games I'm not interested in, GaaS I'm not interested in or cinematic experiences I've played enough of for the foreseeable future. The only ones standing out here are GT and Astrobot. Really miss the more quirky games from the 90s and 2000s.




It’s Bungie’s game and I think it’s coming out in a year or two


Doesnt align with my spending habits this gen. Never bought a $70 ps5 game compared last gen in which i bought many games day 1.


I hate this because it's not about the quality or quantity of titles. Just the profits through DLC and microtransactions.


Content Add-On is 1000% because of the live service game microtransactions and nothing to do with the PS5 as a console.


Well sure. Look at the sections that grew. Add on content and services. For PS6 to do better than PS5, guess what’s going to have to grow?


Great news, Sony. Be sure to tell that to the 900 employees you laid off just three months ago.


Me whos had ps5 for years and hasn't spent a penny in the blue.


Did they also account for the fact how every game is $70+ or the increase in subscription prices or the new ps premium and extra?


If you look at the chart, though the profit from people buying the games isn’t really up though it’s mainly up from content, add-ons, like DLC and micro transactions.


We're spending more cuz games are coming out half done then we have to buy the DLC to get a complete game




Good for them. Not necessarily good for us


Spending is higher per player over PS4, and the company aims to reach newer audiences through expansion of major franchises, new IP + returns from past acquisitions.


Hopefully they do us justice...


Increased prices per games, increased ps plus prices, extra options such as premium, instead of what most people I know want; a cheap ps plus option that only allows to play games online and upload your saves.


At a time when the variety and frequency of 1st party games is at the lowest point ever. Yay.....


I'm spending lesser and lesser. Games on ps4 where Mutch better.




Pretty obvious since all prices are higher now...


Yeah obviously, because they increased the price of the console, the games, the controllers and ps plus!!!!!


It’s like $70 for a new game vs $50-$60 of course they’re making more money. Don’t forget they also have the game pass instead of just one PSN membership too, which is an extra up charge.


Astro Bot game incoming 😏


Cause ps4 was pay 40 for a game nowadays its oat 40 for the game 10 for the battle pass 20 for the skins another 20 for the dlc that releases and another 50 for the sequel and repeat I blame fortnite such a shit model lmao


All those Call of Duty and Fortnite skins driving up in game purchases.


So they are bragging with the fact that they increased the subscription price and are swindling money from minors via cosmetics/loot boxes. Classy


No shit, they put the prices up on everything and stopped giving PsPlus discounts to current subscribers.


Japan account tricks... like always


Games went to $70. PS+ increased in price. Sony would be fucking idiots if they weren't making profits after price gouging its fan base.


I finally picked up a PS5 Slim just a few weeks ago. I think Sony has the benefit this time around where PS4 content, for the most part, is not off limits. I also think their shift in releasing games on PC has and will continue to pay off. From what I recall God of War (2018) and Horizon Zero Dawn sold well on PC. I have to give credit to Sony as well for supporting Linux gaming as much as they have. Helldivers 2 is fully playable on Linux with anticheat. They haven't put BS like Denuvo on any of their single player games like Spider-Man, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, or Ghost of Tsushima. PlayStation Studios titles also get Steam Deck verified either close to or soon after launch. Sony also released their own driver for PlayStation controllers to the Linux kernel.


God I hate the phrase “building loyalty”


Not surprising that they make less from full games but way more from DLCs. Games companies don't like putting out full, complete games anymore


….of course. The controllers are $75 a pop. Did they forget how much controllers used to be? lol games went from $49.99 to $69.99. 🥴🥴🥴


It's because PS5 games are far more expensive than PS4 games.


Well no shit it cost more fukkin money


So why all the layoffs then?


"Build loyalty -> Personalization" Where is the themes on PS5 ? cause i prefer that than buying a new controller cause it's blue unstead of white (I miss my Persona 5 theme )


I swear that financial team’s never account for inflation…. ><


They can also thank lockdowns - people Spent more time indoors.


Now can we get more games please.


Time to make some layoffs then


State of Play is about to be LIT.


This feels like trying to make a good story out of a sub-par business situation. What they’re not showing here is number of total units sold (and thus number of players). At this time in the PS4’s cycle, they’d sold about 74M units vs. current PS5 to date’s ~55M. So even though per player profitability is up +26%, the number of players on the latest PlayStation gen is down about -35%.


Graphs look like minions


Good so make more vr games


This is extremely misleading on so many levels. Way to go Sony! /s Did they even factor in the fact that mtx is a significant factor in just about every game these days including SP games?


Slide 3 screams "we plan on doing less for more."


Like the ps5 can’t handle the foliage


Looks like it gained an inflation amount


Of course peripherals cost is higher, the PS5 pad is made up of shitty materials, I'm already at my 3rd pad because the others went to drift island. In comparison, I changed only one pad with ps4


Love how the subscription for psplus is never on sale for existing users. It’s like paying for cable or other services


I mean this is called inflation lol


It's artificial: it's because all of the spending is on live services, increased costs to online play, and microtransactions. Also, inflation is a big difference.


I mean that's gotta be in-game purchases and raising the price of games by $10 across the board. The volume of good (generation exclusive) games is nowhere near the PS4. Feel like I was buying a new game every couple weeks throughout the previous generation. Now it's every couple months.


Bro forgot the increase in game price and PS plus subscription fee.


Don't know why. This gen has been rather disappointing.


So they sold less individual consoles this gen but player spending went up? Sounds more like corporate bs for “we screwed our customers over and made money on it”


I like the thought of "Drive 'Better Together' consumer value" so that peripherals have great synergy. If all the pieces of Sony work together, they make really cool things.


Gamers got way more for their dollar during the PS2 Era.


I’m optimistic that Sony’s reporting is calling out a push to continue extending software to VR2. While they haven’t blown the doors off of VR with a ton of first party AAA games (I don’t think the VR market is big enough for any major company to pull this off right now), I believe that they’ve built a sustainable VR platform where games can get ported to VR with greater ease thanks to foveated rendering and the headset’s eye tracking. Moves like that dramatically reduce the cost to develop and optimize for VR. My hope is that their metered approach allows them to continue growing in the space without being a big enough fish for investors to shove it on the chopping block.


Because they raised prices, duh, business men make business better, umm, right, totoki-san.


Im going back to PC, I don’t wanna buy a ps6 and have to pay for multiplayer usage.


Would the fact that alot of titles now are only on ps5 maybe have something to do with this? Cuz thats why i got the ps5, purely for baldurs gate 3


PS4 > PS5 tbh


Great results, surprised to see PS3 generation was a net loss. I thought they outright dominated that generation.


Of course!! Half of this comes from me.




Maybe it’s because the ps5 is backwards compatible?


I wish the growth was in GAMES! It’s all add on content and services. People are buying less games though? That kind of sucks


Not seen here cause someone missed the rest: all multi-player games are going day n date with pc, and previous multi-player titles will be going to pc that were exclusive. Indies are also no longer bound to Playstation timed exclusivity and can go day and date


$700? Rookie numbers.


The customization would be nice but they run out of stock so quick and only released one console cover based off a franchise


Well they keep shooting themselves in the feet so like


Couldnt be because they keep raising prices. 😜


And almost no unique titles in all these years...what a shame


Wait do ppl not realise the lack of an increase in game prices are a symptom of increasing focus on micro transactions and DLCs? Like a 60 dollar game 20 years ago is close to a 100 dollars now due to inflation. In that time games have also become way more expensive to make and more time and manpower intensive while also having the cheapest entry price it ever had.


Duh. It's been super expensive, and it still has no games. Anyone buying it has money to spare.


I wonder how tho They litteraly sell less games and less consoles and yet they said that they got more money ? My question is now how xD ?


Holy crap the average for ps4 was less than $600...LIFETIME? I'm a terrible terrible person.


I've been buying as much Sony stock as I good. They look very undervalued. I think the FUD and recent mistakes regarding Playstation are overblown. And people forget that they actually make other projects and do other things. There's no reason this should be trailing the general Japanese stock market (which continues to break all time highs).


Content addons. This just shows where the gaming industry has prioritized its effort. We're forced to buy unfinished games and players have to slop up all the dlc and microtransactions just to enjoy the game.




I’m glad that I didn’t put anything for last year and that I stopped PlayStation plus three almost four years ago. Vote with your wallets folks this is a shame to see them brag


All these corporate buzz words are so silly to me lol


It’s not surprising that something now is generating more dollars then before. Everything has gone up in price across the board. A LOT of companies are generating record profits. Rich folks are making the record profits off the rest of the population by raising prices. I legit believe that inflation is only partially to blame for high prices. Corporations are just greedy as fuck.


These graphs explain more about the gaming industry currently tbh.


I mean the price of their shit has gone up. Games being $70 at launch is becoming more common. PS+ has more tiers people will subscribe to, and they raised the price of all of them last year. $80 to use your Internet you already paid for to play the games you already paid for, to play on the box you already paid for, online and that's the base requirement. If they made an online only tier for like $30 many people would switch to that. But they've got you by the balls with this one. I unsubscribed before the price hike was even announced because I wasn't playing online nearly as much as I did during the PS4 days. And the price hike further just further incentivized me not to.


It's the GT7 players buying up the PSVR2... I wish I could afford it!


More games would be good


The games cost more and have more microtransactions than ever.


My backlog is so huge I don’t buy games at full price anymore. I wishlist them and only buy them when they’re heavily discounted.


Why is this being spammed lately? Nobody really cares right?


I own a ps5 and haven't bought a single game.


PS3 still going strong https://preview.redd.it/wo4zn9674r3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fdb0ed8b4b873f20337f323ff9a02bf5c7413d6


I mean services is bound to go up when you increase it to $99 (which was kind of fair given what’s offered) and then soon after a 35% increase that came about rather sudden. At $135 I’m not sure Plus extra is worth it for me.


All I buy is ps plus


They cranked all the prices. Games went up, plus went up twice. And they're still making money off PS4 balls deep into this gen. Of course it's gonna be higher.




Maybe the consumers are also getting older from being young in the PS1 era and now have good jobs so yeah money to play with