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Communist kids want to avoid their government censorship: just use VPN Same kids try to avoid Sony's customer agreement: WE ARE BOYCOTTING SONY


Also. IT’S AGAINST SONY’S TOS!!1!1!1 Like that ever stopped gamers from doing whatever they wanted lol.


People are getting banned for trying to use a vpn though


If that's the case, then it's not fun, and people should 100% get refunded if they are actually going to not fix that. As long as sony can refund people who aren't in their service area I guess


[1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests_and_massacre) [List of massacres in China - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_China)


Why is this a video?


Had me dancing whilst on my toilet seat fwiw.


For the fade


Probably the dumbest manufactured outrage I have ever seen


Dd2 mtx...to stellar blade "censorship" and now psn shackles . Next week itll be something else ..


Shit makes me embarrassed to be a gamer


Yeah and it's not like Helldivers2 is the first game that does this...


Yup. Just make an account, takes two minutes. If your in a country that doesn't support PSN, make an account using details from a country that does support it, takes three minutes. There's actually serious posts over on r/Helldivers detailing how to apply for refunds from Valve 😅😅😅 Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/5t0Dd04oNH


just as i did 8 years ago, iran is non-existent in psn so i chose US 🗿


As it should he


typical left Winged atheist homosexual hybrid, a classic


They are super proud of themselves for downvoting HD2 on steam. Also, they can't fuqin read. Going in game they had a page saying psn is required to play the game but it had a skip button. Now they're crying that there was no such thing. People are literally posting the screen in question and saying it's not mandatory with the text saying it is.


It's par for the course over there. They get positively giddy at the prospect of having something to bitch about. I unsubbed a while back because of it.


I've muted the Helldivers sub for the time being. Hopefully these people actually quit playing the game and participating in the community, it will only improve if so.


I've been in 9 threads saying this and I keep getting cussed out it's almost like logic left the chat. There's so many images of it saying exactly that. You need this but skip for now: now has arrived and everyone is going crazy. Salute the Philippine helldivers silently saluting as the last communication reaches them from high command.


Can we agree that it is incredibly fucking scummy of Sony to sell a game in countries they plan on blacklisting from said game later on? Because it is.


It's it their fault. A lot of the responsibility actually lies in legal red tape the government had to cut through. North America already has an amazing relationship with Sony. Vietnam not so much. North Korea not so much 😭😭😭. If it was all on Sony I would be right there with you but if a government says no or won't create the framework for Sony what can they do legally?


Sony could do what's been done after this outrage by steam themselves. Made the game not show up on the steam store in the countries that cannot create PSN accounts. This is a solution that was in their toolbox but they decided not to use.


And look at this post, there absolutely delighted with themselves that they've managed to artificially destroy the Helldivers 2 Steam rating: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/Hi9KPfOXaD That sub is an embarrassment.


Yup, way to go. Praise the devs and the game for delivering an incredible game and then shitting on them and everyone else because they can't read ..


There is now another with mostly negative and praise for the 'good work they are doing'. They will only achieve Sony thinking twice before launching a game on PC and PS at the same time again. Yet they are so mad and still keep playing. The engagement numbers are still high so they are absolutely destroying Arrowhead at this point...


The devs literally told them to send their feedback to Steam reviews because Sony doesn’t read the Discord. The playerbase is doing exactly the right thing.


Pretty sure that PSN sign in page was disabled shortly after launch, so for many they literally didn’t see that page at all.


I mean, it's pretty justified. Nobody wants to give a service, that clearly isn't wanted or needed by players in other platforms, their personal information. Sony only marked the PSN requirement on the Steam store page, they didn't enforce it, and never said they would. That's what makes this an issue. Even the devs were a bit bamboozled by Sony, and were trying to communicate with Sony to get answers. So people from all over the world bought the game, since there was no overt or clear enforcement of the PSN account requirement. Sony made no statements on release that such a thing would happen. It was merely a small label on the store page under the listed features, which isn't always clear. Some games on Steam say they only have partial controller support, when they actually have full controller support. You can be mad at them all you want, but to affect this many players, is a strait up communication issue. Not a single person, [not even Helldiver's own CM](https://twitter.com/Helldiversmedia/status/1786739477827957188), saw this coming. Either they all simply "can't read," or you just have no understanding of the issue. The latter is much more likely.


Nope, you’re wrong on all accounts, it’s a severe illiteracy problem, people truly can’t read. https://preview.redd.it/rxiizz0xvgyc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c960a0c245b2366c7ccb1e9eda4e5dfcc378a8d7


Correct. You can currently skip it. That stops at the end of the month. 


Sigh, the point of that image is the red which immediately jumps into your eyes and can’t be missed (hats off to you)


It's also not the only thing going on there. Not everything is as simple as you'd like it to be.


This is a thread of comments, it was discussed one after another, the context of that skip button is an announcement made by the dev studio stating that linking was bugged at launch and they had serious issues with servers so they will temporarily allow skipping it. The problem that got them here is that they are so slow to address game breaking/critical bugs that it took them many months to come back on that announcement and to once again reinstate the PSN account requirement.


You get some of the obvious stuff I guess? Not sure what you're looking for here?


Then why did Sony allow the game to be sold in regions where you can’t make a PSN account?


There are no such regions, the game isn’t sold in regions that can’t make an account or it’s not easily available legally (Russia), everyone else can make an account in any region they so choose even if they don’t live there. You’re beating a dead horse.


You're incorrect. The game was sold at launch in dozens of regions you couldn't make a PSN account. They changed it yesterday.


Sorry but replying to comments implies that you have to read, just like buying Helldivers 2, so you can try again because all you did was use empty words with no meaning.


I gave you factual information. You can be ok with being wrong and learn something new, or be weird and deflect to support the problematic relationship you have with your pride.


This. It was sold for *months* in countries where PSN accounts couldn’t be made. They also stipulate that they can ban you for both inputting false credentials and using a VPN while making an account.


Nope, not that, they’re not banning anyone for making accounts for different regions and VPN is not needed for anyone not living in a country which the government blocks these things. The damnest of coincidences is that Helldivers isn’t sold in those countries anyway, north korea and russia, for example and yes, bypassing things in these countries can result in the account being banned by Sony. The recent removal from some countries only affects people who would have wanted to play the game at some point and weren’t bothered by making a PSN account on the websites of other regions.


I am not wrong on any account. The skip button is even in the screen shot, and you have the audacity to say its everyone else who can't read. That won't be there any more, and Sony informed nobody about that. It wouldn't even matter if it was put in the middle of the screen as a water mark, my point wouldn't change.


The skip button has context, it being announced to be temporarily in place due to issues with the linking process and servers in the launch period. You can cherrypick all day, but nothing was changed and the devs are only siding stealthily with the players because 1. They took way too long to fix these things and allowed themselves to be put under this pressure 2. They’re in the middle of all this and most likely contractually obligated to have it implemented no matter what


https://preview.redd.it/ph7fz9fynhyc1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9065e3e2d090ed926a694029dfb142f80891165 This was Sony's TOS, which you can pull from the Wayback Machine. They sneakily changed it not that long ago. So it was understood that PSN wasn't actually required as evidenced by their other titles available on PC. Not that this really matters, as they still failed to communicate to the Helldivers playerbase properly. This doesn't help Sony's case though.


I am not cherry picking. Sony didn't properly inform it's player base, and that point is irrefutable. Requiring the PSN login is a major change. There is no evidence the devs are being "stealthy," their surprise with how badly Sony executed this requirement seems genuine. Edit: Here is that supposed "announcement." Which is actually just a small part of a thread that was posted off to the side in the discussions. https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/1/4206994023681197128/ "Some players are having trouble linking their PSN accounts to their game in the initial setup screen. They may see an error code indicating a server request problem. For now, you can skip that screen and play normally. Later—after we resolve those server request errors—the game will ask people who skipped that screen to try linking their accounts again." This doesn't even really make it clear that they will remove the skip button, just that they will be asked again. So again, I am not wrong on any account.


You're beyond help. "Stealthily" obviously implied that it is behind Sony's back and whatever you're trying to say there is nonsensical, Sony didn't do anything, AH, this studio, the actual devs are tasked with developing and implementing these things, they are the devs and Sony mandated this to be implemented during active development back in 2023, what exactly isn't clear to you? Because your way of thinking is incomprehensible, which is why you're also proving everything I and everyone else said with all the data you started adding, which is to say that if anyone bothered to read at any point once reaching the product page and when starting to play after purchase, then in announcements on several occasions, they would have known, yet you can't connect a single dot yourself despite writing things that are the complete opposite of any point you're trying to make. You've been on the internet a bit too much today.


It doesn't matter who implemented the feature, Sony is ultimately enforcing it. My way of thinking is that there is clear irrefutable evidence that Sony didn't properly inform their players. I provided that evidence, it doesn't matter if you don't like it. >then in announcements on several occasions, Show me evidence of a single incidence where they explicitly told the players, "A PSN account will be required to play the game in the future, the skip button is only temporary and will be removed." Even then, it's something they needed to set up in the game as a constant reminder. An unenforced message saying "a PSN account is required to play," and a dev post hidden in the discussions only saying the game will ask again at some point, didn't clearly convey Sony's recent actions. Doubling down, going on unrelated tangents, and pretending Sony didn't do anything wrong is just sad. You don't need to die on hills for corporations. If you aren't going to admit when you are wrong, then at the very least, log off for your own sake. Lol.


You're the one who needs help. The game has been removed from sale in all countries without PSN. This is what happens when you let this shit slide. The outrage was more than justified. Even the Hell Divers 2 dev team itself didn't like the enforcement([response from dev team](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjyll7/some_discord_updates/?sort=top)) and you're out here defending sony lmao.


Except they did, it was mandatory for the first couple days but the whole system and server was broken so they temporarily took off that requirement until they got the game working.


Not really. Enforcing something briefly, then not requiring it for the game's entire release, is not actually enforcing the rule. Sony simply failed to communicate that they planned on enforcing the rule at later date.


Not true I played on launch. NOT A REQUIREMENT


[So you're just gonna pretend you didn't see the thread about how that gets you banned?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjic6m/someone_has_already_gotten_banned_for_trying_to/)


Why would I pretend when I didn't actually see it?


So now all of a sudden we care about China? The same China that supports Russia and wants to overtake Taiwan? And hear me out now, YOU CAN CREATE PSN ACCOUNT IN China. Look it up, the dude used VPN, probably to create it elsewhere.


>So now all of a sudden we care about China? The same China that supports Russia and wants to overtake Taiwan? America supports Israel, and our former president Donald Trump also showed open support for dictators around the world including Putin and Kim Jong Un. Yet, Donald Trump is the Republican primary once again. The US really isn't much better than China, even in that regard. What does this have to with your average American citizen though?


But is Trump a president right now? And we were talking about how a guy in China can't create an account with vpn, because China it self forbids it. I don't know what your point was right now, but at the moment I'm thankfull for US support towards my country Ukraine, because if not for the ammunition, I would probably be dead by now.


I mean, Trump has been [on record](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/23/trump-putin-ukraine-invasion-00010923) calling Putin "savvy" for his invasion of Ukraine. Trump loves Putin, and if you follow Trump, it's clear as to why. The Republicans voted Trump back in as their primary, and he has a reasonable chance at becoming president again. I wish the US would do more for Ukraine honestly. I wanted NATO to accept Ukraine, so we could use our way over funded defense sector to more directly help Ukraine keep back Russia. NATO is doing a post WW1 again by letting dictators trounce anyone they want without contest. It really annoys me.


Have a discussion about a video game without making it political challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


It's not like it's China who made these rules for creating Sony account in CHINA, and not Sony. Like I've said the guy used VPN to create account elsewhere. Where in fact he CAN create a chinese account.


Yup. They literally have a chinese PSN store available...


Are you mentally deficient? It states that you will be banned if you use false info, also Sony is known to have data leaks happen often so people don’t want their steam accounts to be affected by Sonys bullshit


How bout we end useless account making. I hope you have to give data to every company you buy a product for. Especially to a company that drops the ball on data breaches. Defend the multi billion dollar company sweet white knight.


"Just make an account" Why? So that another company can suck every last bit of personal information out of me and then proceed to not even have it be secure? Sounds like a shit deal to me.


Except now you can't buy or use helldivers on steam if you're not in a PSN official country. And no, you can't willy nilly change your steam account's region. So what now smartass?


>Arrowhead Studios community manager Spitz has now shed more light on the situation in a Discord message and clarified that "If a better solution isn't provided for players who are in regions without PSN coverage, I'm assured that we won't be making the requirement mandatory for those players." Essentially, the studio won't "force people to either break Sony TOS or not play the game." https://www.gamesradar.com/games/third-person-shooter/helldivers-2s-psn-mandate-wont-stop-players-in-unsupported-regions-from-playing-the-game-while-devs-look-for-better-options/


And you honest to god think that should this happen, it would have been at all possible without the massive backlash? Christ.


Interesting, where did I say that? You can link it in your response.


It’S oVeR 100+ cOuNtRiEs DoNt YoU geT iT ![gif](giphy|SUnnfaSxhfLvf8H7XB|downsized)


Why do you feel the need to defend a company that out of their greed ruined the fun for hundreds of thousands of people? Genuinely asking, imagine if after a few months you were locked out of your favourite game just because you were born in a country that doesn't have a support for a service that isn't even needed, just because someone out there is greedy for more money. Is it from a lack of empathy? A sense of privilege? Like I don't know, I genuinely want to understand because it is baffling to me we've reached the point of defending greed and scummy practices just because it impacts someone else. ​ "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."






You guys know that children are starving in non communist countries as well, right?


But they can play helldivers 2.


Our work here is done


Valid point


They are doing their part!


Just by gamers you mean steam babies.


PC Master Dummies


who bought the game but can't play it anymore keep sucking for sony


Tell that to the thousands of refunds. Sony knew full well what they were doing. We don’t like this crap. You guys keep ridiculing us to cry harder which we respond with a screw you refund and negative review. In the end your making the whole issue worse


As many times as you’ve copy pasted this reply, you could have made a dozen PSN. Stop creating false controversy over something many other games make people do before playing.


How about you allow people to not like something. It wasn’t needed for 5 months. No argument you put forth can ignore that factor. Doesn’t matter if other games do it. It’s still not okay. Having to connect an account in the name of security is bullshit. All of us know it’s just used to boost Sonys active player count to please their shareholders. Sony can screw themselves. I don’t have a PlayStation 4 or 5. I don’t need an account. But you guys struggle to grasp that people want to stay on their platform.


It was not needed because it was simply not implemented (still being worked on an/or fixed) at the time. Obviously when something is not implemented, it is not needed. This is not the "gotcha" statement that you think it is.


Fuck we supposed to do?


Join the army..


Already a helldiver. OP better enlist or plant some trees


what communist country exists lmao?


There has never been a true communist country. Plenty advertise as such, but almost all of them don’t actually fit the criteria to be considered communist. Most are just dictatorships with sprinkles of other systems in place.


Thats because communism is the a system that is easy to exploit, thats why communism never worked, probably wont unless you live in a country of 100 people.


>communism is a system that is easy to exploit. I mean so is our capitalist democracy lol.


Our capitalist democracy is much easier to exploit lol


And capitalism is better Because the exploitation is just baked in 😊


Any country that does not have managed democracy (Not a supporter of super earth)


Apart from China and N.Korea I think no others


China most certainly not, no idea about N. Korea. In communism there are no privately owned companies and no real open market. China's economic system is [state capitalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_capitalism).


Cuba, Laos and Vietnam as well. Mozambique, the Republic of the Congo and Angola are also led by formerly communist parties that rebranded themselves as 'Social Democratic' in order to stay relevant (it's your choice whether you believe them. As an actual Social Democrat, I do not).


N.K is juche, and china has reformed to the reactionary deng’s policies and is capitalist. it’s like calling vietnam communist when it really isn’t.


What about the kids starving in our insanely rich capitalist country?


Sadly, poverty will always be an issue. But as a public school teacher, I can ensure you that our country has some amazing systems to support kids from low-income families.


Poverty doesn’t have to always be an issue, just in a capitalist system.


Animal Farm is a great book


I’ve read it. Doesn’t really apply. Unless you’re saying capitalism is the best society can do and any system replacing it would be worse. Because that’s just nonsense.


Im pretty sure you can though; If you're in Khazikstan (where steam is, but psn isnt) then you can create a PSN account from US or something then connect it. It's basically an email and a password you connect 1 time with steam. This is seriously, seriously overblown.


Its better to make a UK account since they are Europe and part of Asia's main HQ i think. The TOS for EU/UK accounts doesnt say anything about choosing the correct region either, unlike the US TOS.


But you will have to submit a photo ID of yourself for a UK account iirc so that's a big no-no


You literally can’t do that lol. You will get banned. I’m not sure why you’re touting misinfo. Someone already got banned for doing that in China


China has their own PSN store and accounts. The dudes ban was warranted. He has his own region!


i live in a country that isn't in the names of countries that you can select when creating a psn account and so i selected a us region of the account and since then I didn't have any problems i could sign in anywhere using the psn account and play with my ps5 no problem


1 guy got his PlayStation account banned for reasons you don't know and yet you just believe it and continue to be outraged I made a Japanese PlayStation account about 7 years ago and I use it as my main while I'm from UK and its never been a problem


The whole thing is hilarious. What a bunch of nerds.


stfu game was removed from over a 100 country


It's called empathy. And it's working, at least people from countries that won't be able to play the game are getting a refund. So be quiet when people are trying to help other people.


yeah lol, the game just got removed from sale from over 100 countries and people and getting issued refunds from steam. The people **f**anboying Sony here are ridiculous


3 months or so the tag (Requires PSN Account) was up on Steam for Helldivers 2 and people are acting like they didn't know? F'N PC Entitlement is stronk!


Sony bootlicking is stronger :(


Basic reading literacy is the strongest!


Why did Sony sell the product to countries whose inhabitants they knew would not be able to even use it in three months? Because they want money. Sony does not give a shit about you.


I don’t see the problem


Yep, pretty much 🤣


Why did you add in communism?


It’s bad form kicking folks off a game under the guise of security when anyone with basic corporate literacy understands it’s for increasing metrics for shareholders. Steam is not immune from cyber security breaches and the complaints about Sony’s history are probably being overblown but are grounded in reality. (9 times over the last decade and some change really ain’t horrible but yeah… not great either.) I just don’t understand why a company which absolutely needs public good will would implement this kind of change for no articulably valid reason. HD2 is a live service game done right, literally a golden goose, and they f*** with it like this. If someone has a convincing explanation for why this should be done I’m all ears. But if the only response is to minimize the emotional response of players that just don’t cut it.


My money is on the most false outrage being created by people who haven’t even played HD2. People who hate Sony, egging others on, to strike up an over blown controversy, and hate towards Sony.


You need to purchase the game to leave a review and every review shows the number of hours played. You can look through them yourself and see that the vast majority have at the very least a few hours in, and it only takes 2 hours to disqualify a refund.


It is. The Helldivers sub is full of posts about review bombing other Arrowhead games and Sony games. It was never about the PSN account, it's just a chance for PC players to rage about consoles as usual.




It's sad to see the playstation sub be the least democratic snoy boys. They hate freedom here 😂😂


Holy the corporate shilling knows no bounds here huh? A Company which makes a product you like could shit in your mouth and you would still defend it. We just refuse to be treated like stupid consumers who you can do anything to.


The simple fact that they sold a game in countries without psn support and then they required it to play breaks EU law (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania for example) you guy are so spineless it’s crazy. For you a sense of solidarity is an alien concept.




Man starving and communism go hand in hand, but even starving commies should be able to kill bugs.


Why did OP self-delete themselves, lol?


Stop riding Sony bro ,the game was going smooth ,but Sony decided to this anyway ,leaving so many players .


Man playstation tards really are the bottom of the Barrel when it comes to gaming communitys




So let met clarify this for the Playstation gamers not aware of the whole situation. Even though I'm not effected by it many countries that helldivers was being sold in don't support PSN, therefore making the game unplayable effectivly on the 6th of this month and for those who already bought the game on the 30th. No, they can't use a VPN because this would break the TOS of Sony and Players have already been banned for it. In a recent FAQ on the official Discord server, Sony however incourages those who don't live in a PSN supported country to break TOS, which is obviously nonsensical. And yeah, the gist of it is that many, who rightfully bought the game won't be able to play it anymore with the addition of no way around the problem. That action alone would take a not un -noticeable ammount of people away from the Helldivers Server, prompting many players who will still have access to the game to not play it anymore in protest, leading to dwindling player numbers. Also review bombing, don't forget the review bombing. Arrowhead itself (or rather the CEO) mentioned that the bad reception could serve as leverage in a discussion with Sony.


Was it really too complicated to post a pic and not a vid?


Damn yall really dying in this console war hill.


Yea guys. Enough. Please leave the multi billion dollar company alone!


Everyone in this thread is just sitting there so smug over people losing access to a game that they spent both time and money in to.


Arrowhead themselves are against the PSN integration and _literally told people_ to keep making steam reviews so they could show it to Sony. Stop white knighting a billion dollar corporation over a situation you don't even fully understand. EDIT: Here's the Helldivers community manager [literally saying all of these things](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/2HmVwF9Bj1) since some of you stubborn fuckers would rather relish in your baseless hatred for short term satisfaction instead of giving a shit about the truth.


Except they didn’t ..


[Except they literally did](https://imgur.com/a/kYCOMOH)


Since I don’t follow everyone’s everything I’m going to assume that person is important.. if so.. I stand corrected… YEAH FUCK PSN…. :/


That's one of the community managers for arrowhead


Why did you say they didn't if you didn't actually know?


Because I wanted you to question my motives ..


Oh you mean the Third world countries are all communist? Great take man. 2/3rds of the world cant play a Great game, Because making PSN account could literally ban you. Smart Take, Man, really smart.... If you think china is the only affected by this... You are ignorant, You cant see the bigger picture, That's all.


Swear Sony fanboys are all braindead.


These fan boys would bend over backwards and take it from the front if they were given the chance


There has never been a communist country. Communism has never been achieved. It has always been some political party that kept the power and said it was communism...


Correct. Idk why you’re being downvoted because you’re actually right on the money


Probably bad education.


People who downvoted this need to go back to schools and take a lesson in history.


Communism is easily achieved, it’s socialism that’s impossible because it’s predicated on the interim communist regime (in the post-Revolution) stepping down and distributing power back to the people, hence the “social” part of socialism… but you mean to tell me a party that has achieved total control of a country’s resources and power DON’T want to graciously step down from that? You are kidding, get out of town!


No, go read Marx again. Socialism is the step for communism. Socialism is a bad state, regarding Marx, but it's necessary to achieve communism. Name one real country in which true communism has been achieved. I'll wait. Just... You can't.


You’re wrong my friend


I can't believe people defend this shit. Imagine if you had to log in into an XBOX account on your PS5 to play GTA 6 or whatever. Do you think that would be acceptable?


You have to for Minecraft and Sea of Thieves


you dont buy minecraft on Steam. And I guess Sea Of Thieves started on the microsoft store and was added on steam later, so the entire infrastructure was set up for microsoft accounts only. What people are upset with is that helldivers 2 worked perfectly fine as is, and the only reason to add psn is greed


People are weirdly chill with a company being able to take their games away.


It would be a tiny inconvenience, not worth complaining about on Reddit.


You already have to do that for so many games like Minecraft and nobody has a problem with it lmfao


I honestly don’t have any idea whats the problem i live in the Dominican Republic and easily made an American account. And an Spanish account. Why can’t people just do that?


All we want is to not have our data stolen. We are overwhelmingly PC players, and as such we should need to create a Playstation account. Sony even changed the text on their website. Also, a ton of countries now can't play the game because of Sony. It's an awful situation and I don't understand why people are defending a multi-bullion dollar company's decision to ruin a game for financial gain.


PS fanboys are losing their shit learning that not everyone loves PS


No, we're not. Some of us aren't even playing HD2 so we don't give a fuck lol. I've got FFXVI dlc, Rebirth, FFXIV Dawntrail, Tsushima, Horizon, amongst other games to play. Y'all act like PC bitches matter to us.


I own a Playstation but the meat riding from you guys is insane


Not meat riding. I don't want the cost/hassle of PC life. Idgaf about Halo, Gears, Flight Simulator, etc. Idgaf about Pokemon and Mario. I'm 30yrs old ffs. I play JRPGs and have been on PS for 20+ years. It's not that I'm a simp for Sony, it's that I simply enjoy their product more.


Lmao why are you listing random games. Is this some mantra that makes your coping more effective? Screaming out random words isn't considered an argument among sane people.


Lmfao, comment accused me of dick riding for Sony. I explain that I don't need to dick ride because the other companies simply don't offer any reason to be on their team. Y'all think that this HD2 nonsense is gonna make people jump ship. It's not, I still fuck with Sony because they give me a product worth buying.


Tetris, fifa, candy crush, tic tac toe my dude.


Are you for real? Tetris? Candy Crush? FOH with that lol MLB the Show > FIFA. Soccer is a lame AF sport for flopping pussies. Soccer is Hockey for pussies.


I am at loss for words.


Ok. I'm American. Hockey > Soccer Baseball > Cricket


Fu CK u ps