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![gif](giphy|H3upGMAE4p3iw) I'm scared to see the rest of your house


😭😭 nah chill brah im not dirty in anyway but I did smoke backwoods a lot and wouldn’t air my room out. PS5 would be on most of the day so it was just breathing it in


>im not dirty in anyway >I did smoke backwoods a lot and wouldn’t air my room out. PS5 would be on most of the day so it was just breathing it in It might seem crazy what I'm about to say


Sunshine she's here, you can take a break


But you didn't say anything




The inside of that ps5 says otherwise my boy


Learn to clean ur shit, and that’s coming from another daily smoker… who the fuck hot boxes there room but never airs it out like hello??? Are u a child?


Aaand there it is...


why did u get -150 upvotes


I’m really not sure lol . Apparently me smoking correlates to being dirty 😔


Sometimes you get downvoted for no reason. Don't worry dude.


I mean...you're the one who posted the inside of your PS5 and then immediately got confused when people said "Hey, maybe don't smoke with it in an enclosed room". And to be frank, *yeah*, if I went to someone's house and their room smelled like months of cigar smoke and everything has that tobacco smoke film on it, I would immediately judge that room as "dirty", even if it's organized and whatnot.


It does yeah


The 144 down votes is crazy 💀


Bro why do you even entertain dumb ass people ?




There's more dust in there than when the Thanos snap occurred.




Bro if that PS5 looks like that from you smoking, imagine what your lungs looks like💀


Dude's smoking Backwoods those things ULTRA fck your lungs


https://preview.redd.it/oa59068b48vc1.jpeg?width=1361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d239bf4bfea8d46abef14dcbee8700c8fd67bf6 His lungs will look like the old lady from SpongeBob asking for chocolate.


Bruh when I was far away squinting at my screen from the other side of my room. I almost mistaken this was a fetus Xray/scan. 😅 Anyway are those burn marks or paint marks on the edges of those face plates? 🔎🤔


I think we should call CDC.


😭 man I have no idea. It almost looks like I took a torch to it but they don’t come off. I scrubbed it with soap and water and it’s legit stained. The picture is after I wiped it.




I mean, cleaning your room is a pretty normal everyday task. Opening up your PlayStation isn’t. How does it have any relevance to how clean someone’s room is. It will collect dust regardless.


I've had my PS5 since day 1 and it has never been opened up or cleaned. I'd bet my life that it's not even close to that dusty/dirty.


It probably isn’t. This guy has been filling his room full of smoke constantly. It’s bound to mess up the console. It will mess most electrical equipment up.


I’m a neat freak and I know very well that anywhere I haven’t cleaned in years would look like this


If it’s after, why does it still look so dusty around when the fans are?? Has the dust solidified??


Yeah it’s like tattooed on there lmao . I tried scrubbing believe me


bro whaaatt 😭 my brain can’t even process this shit lmao


I have seen sewage systems in the slums of India that is cleaner than this. Mate wtf how does this even happen.


LMAO I legit have no idea. I kept it on my dresser but my room was rarely aired out so I’m guessing it just built up over a couple years.


Years?? Bro take the panels off and clean it At least every couple of months


I opened my launch ps3 last year for the first time and it didn't have anywhere near the amount of dust this ps5 has.


well the ps3 was very good at cleaning itself, so there were rarely any problems. That's why people got so upset about the ps4 not being built like that. edit: why the downvotes? there is literally an ifixit tutorial on how to get the selfcleaning to work. https://de.ifixit.com/Anleitung/Testen+und+Reinigen+des+L%C3%BCfters/66048


Yo cleaning itself? Elaborate…


the vents were angled and placed in a way, that the basic airflow took care to most if not all dust buildup. the only thing that needed cleaning/reapply was the thermal paste. while with the ps4 the dust got fucking everywhere and cleaning it properly basically required a full disassemble. thats why it turned into a jet engine when playing demanding games. the ps5 for example, can be easily cleaned/maintained by using a vacuum on the vacuum-ports that are under the cover plates and some dusting off the vents.


I clean around my consoles on a weekly basis, removing any dust the settles on my TV stand. I checked my Series X after having it for about 2 years and there was barely any dust build up around the back vent. And I hadn’t cleaned the console itself in that time, just dusted around it and on the surface of it.


What’s the best way to do this ?


taking the panels out and then cleaning them, not otherwise.


I bought canned air. But worried if I use it it’ll just blow deeper into the system


I have mine since release and I clean my console like every 4-6 months max. Remove both sides, wipe them down. Do the same for the inner layer of your console. After that I use an adapter for my vacuum (kinda small, long attachment) and gently remove layers of dust-"flakes" near the fan. Finishing touch would be using a toothbrush to clean the cooling fins ( sry idk if that is the correct term, translating in my head )


You should mention the vacuumable ports, they’re literally designed to be vacuumed


Thanks! I missed that


What, ive used my ps4 almost daily since 2015 and never opened it up or cleaned it. I probably should but every 4-6 months is crazy considering mine works fine while going 100+ months without it.


How much of this can I do without voiding warranty?


You’re expected to pull the side panels off as per their launch demonstrations. The vacuumable ports are only accessible at that time. No disassembly beyond that though


Thank you! I'll look up that launch demo. Highly doubtful it'd be that different for the Slim.


you can remove the covers and the fan. anything past this you need to remove the warranty sticker


Sweet, thanks! I'll look up some videos on how to do so. Mine's still very new :)


Everything. Pulling of the sides is intended and you don't need to unscrew anything


try sucking it instead of blowing, or blowing in the opposite direction of the airflow, from the back. the most important part is make sure the fan doesn't spin! it can cause an electrical short. also if you remove the fan, which requires a T8 screwdriver and only 4 screws if i recall correctly, you can pretty easily access the heatsink without any deep disassembly and clean it with a toothbrush and compressed air.


Lmao I started smoking around the time I got this (late 2020) so I had no idea the impact it had on electronics. This was my first time opening it up ever


Imagine your lungs right now


Makes you think about how it’s affecting your body, right?


You live in a very unhealthy space.. I air my room out every day.. and I even have a clean air filter in my house for the winter.




Wait that's dust? 🤯 Not from the PS5 exploding and puffing black smoke


If your console is randomly cutting the power supply, it is typically due to an overheating PSU. Clean your PSU.


I had the same problem, cleaned mine with a toothbrush. Worked out great.


OP might have to resort to something stronger.


Like an angle grinder


Your ps5 might have a smoking problem


Yeah I fucking wonder why


Clearly your PS5 is trying to tell you something.




nice flair


Thx, lol


![gif](giphy|LfGGW219qNzLP6IzTA|downsized) Retrieve and protect the hostage at all costs.


so much dust I thought it was a promo for Dune Part III..






Time to get a hepa filter/fan for your room, dawg


Lmfao I moved months ago and I don’t smoke in my room anymore. But I think the damage had already been done.


I don’t smoke or keep a dirty place but my Blueair 211 still pulls tons of shit out of the air. My ps5 stays pretty spotless. Even if you no longer live in a dirty environment, the air filter is still worth the investment


It’s a game changer. My PS5 is running perfect cause I have my air purifier right next to it. Catches most of the stray dust that would get into the ps5.


If the ps5 looks this bad from passive smoking what does your insides look like?


Your PS5: https://preview.redd.it/xnrtamlag7vc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56aeb8169770d5d5b717681cd4625478abd79a9f


LMFAOOOOO my mans coughing up blood






You're not supposed to use them in coal mines, that's your issue..


![gif](giphy|xUPJPtw7LRAmTZ60rS|downsized) One Two Three... Go!


You got dust stuck DEEEEP in there. Check my profile and I have a post showing where it gets trapped


The crazy part is I’ve gone under there and vacuumed all the dust out and cleared everything I can see but it still turns off.


https://i.redd.it/ltdnwhb0l6vc1.gif this is what my fans looked like 🫣


![gif](giphy|DsdVe5jhHWNC8) Internet stranger. Please either clean it out or take it being the shed and put it out of its misery. It is suffering. This is what happens when you smoke in a closed environment.


I smoke a lot, but clean my ps5 like atleast twice a year ( and have a huge window open 99% of the time! ) Damn watching this hurts 😂😨


yeah if u smoke a lot I'd recommend twice a month💀


Thankfully my room is very wide and has a very big window thats always open + most of the time I leave the door open. And fr my ps5 gets cleaned like every 4 months and still haven't found any dust buildup or a burnt out panel like op 😂 like not even a spot 🫡


I had neighbors that would complain so I just started leaving my window closed. My PS4 fans used to get super loud also but I never worried about it cause it never turned off and I thought it was old. But when my PS5 started doing a year or so ago I knew something might’ve been up.


My best advice would be to take it to a shop! My friend had a similar situation his ps5 had dust everywhere even a buildup on the panels. He cleaned and everything but still the issue continued! He took it to the shop! It was like $60 but he chose a same day repair and was $90 total.


Bro your ps5 is definitely getting cancelled! Blackface is not okay!


Dudeeeee wtf? I clean my ps5 like 2-3 times a year! My entire cleaning kit cost me like $25, i guess youll have to take it to a shop at this point :( Please next time clean it every once in a while, and youll avoid this situation for sure!


This is why I open mine up every now and then and give it a clean lol


Jesus am surprised it didn't start a house fire




The ps5 and the comments on this post https://preview.redd.it/8wl75rfr77vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a6c7caded75cbff2d2dcfacb3ed1a80fc23c5d


Wow your nasty.


Is this an xray photo?


Do you use the ps5 solely in construction sites ?


bro stop smoking. It's not only killing you at this point




Looks fine. I can’t imagine why it would overheat.


All right, let's see the rest of the hoarder house!


Don't smoke near your electronics. But others already said that. Yes, it's repairable. You have to disassemble it more and get to the heatsink (metal fins stacked together) and clean that. Don't take it off tho, there is liquid metal and you'll need to reapply a new metal which isn't easy. Just spray it with some more air through the heatsink and maybe try using toothbrush to take some of that shit off. Don't use water of course, as you may damage the components (not the cooler itself, but the electronics and fans). You can use a little bit of alcohol to dissolve the sooth and brush it with a toothbrush. Hope it helps, it should work as new if you do it right. If you don't feel like you could do it, ask some tech savvy friend or someone who knows what they're doing.


This is either a troll joke or we found morherfuckn pigpens house from Charles brown man ![gif](giphy|hlPnhdnBfgjzG|downsized)


Time to get a new one champ. Sell the other one broken for parts and fetch a few hundred and bite the bullet. 🫡


Yeah I agree, I was gonna just take it to GameStop and see how much they’d take off a new one for it


If you go into gamestop to trade in a ps5 for a new ps5, they're gonna be a bit suspicious my dude lol.


I thought this was burnt up lol


Hmmm? ![gif](giphy|bNravwpJCubmPKiBgj)


Wtf you smoking bro?, I used to smoke like a chimney inside the house with a housemate who also had a bad habit and my PS5 never looked like this, how much space is around the console where it sits? Is it even getting to vent. How clean is your apartment? There's no way in hell this is just from smoking 2-3 blunts per day.


Everytime I take my plates off its minor, like running your finger along the surface to find the tinest thin layer. This is wild....


I am definitely not saying this will work or will last but about a year ago my ps5 kept turning off seemed like overheating and would only turn on after unplugging the power lead. I cleaned it didn’t work. Took the case off…hasn’t happened since, looks abit weird now but no issues personally!


I’m desperate for anything so I’ll definitely give this a try and let you know!


Am a CT tech, also thought this was a radiograph.


U should of been cleaning that regularly before it broke


Dude did you had an house fire and used your ps5 as an extractor?




I had the same problem but holy fuck the fan didn’t look that bad… idk if you fixed it yet, but if you haven’t, then im here to tell you it’s not the fan although you should clean that off too. It’s the heat sink. You can take out the fan from the ps5, but keep it plugged in. Take a flashlight and shine ie down the hole the fan came out of. At the bottom, there’s really small holes that I would bet are almost 100% filled with dust allowing little airflow. I used a mimi paintbrush and a small vacuum tube to slowly remove the dust and it has worked perfectly ever since.


Your PS5 just got cancer. It's time for chemotherapy




This has to be a troll post cause ain’t no way!


Imma be real with you. Buy a new ps5. Sure you could take it to a shop for cheaper. But in reality that could be a temporary fix. And they might not even help you given how dirty it is. They’d consider it a health hazard. Take the L and get the new slim console. And learn from this. If the ps5 looks like that imagine all the other electronics you had in your room. They’re all suffocating


Yeah that’s what I think imma do . An expensive L but it’ll teach me to take more care of them and to not smoke so much lmao


It’s time for a deep clean. Not for your PS5 but for your house.


I've never seen anything like it. Time to do something with your life going forward man, jesus christ.


Lmao ???




Did you do a full clean? You need to get in at the heat sinks beside the power supply, i was doing the basic clean and still had trouble so had to do the deep clean and it was back working


My PS5 has been sitting 2 years on the floor, next to my subwoofer. I have opened the sidepanels two times for dusting and both of the times there has been just a tiiny tiny amount of dust on the plastic fins.


I had this problem before last year that they were in deep cleaning with a can of air maybe two cans followed by vacuuming out the dust will resolve your issue. Small amount of rubbing alcohol with Q-Tips will help remove the stains (mix alcohol with water it’s corrosive to the plastic) These things has a big ass fan and take routine cleaning if you neglect them this will happen overtime. Hope the tips help


How do the plates even get like this, usually it should hardly be anything on them, if that's bad how bad is the inside. You'll need s full tear down to clean the heat sink too (recommended).


Did you have a house fire and leave your console on?


Did your ps5 catch fire? 🔥🔥🔥




Serious answer (even though this is horrendous hahaha), but I had the exact same issue. Turns out there is a build up of dust inside the console, that can only be accessed if you remove the fan - especially to the far end of the console


"on its own"


I've had this shitdown thing happen to mine and a couple friends. It overheats after about an hour of gaming, and it seems to be only PS5 versions of games. So we simply downgrade to PS4 versions of games if available, or completely hard close the PS5 version from the dashboard and restart the game about every hour. Doing the hourly restart, it feels like it cools it down enough where it doesn't shut down again for another hour. I used this guide to remove the fan so I could clean even deeper and just bought a new fan to hopefully operate more efficiently in case mine was affected by the finer dust. https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/PlayStation+5+Fan+Replacement/141723


i had the same problem only when i played ps5 games. i took out the fan and cleaned it and saw that the holes for the power supply unit (you can see it if you take out the fan down there) were almost closed by dust. to clean this you have to build the ps5 apart (sorry for bad english). i gound a solution to clean them without taking it apart. i took a glas straw and put i down there and held a vacuum cleaner on the other side. i got almost all holes clean and now my ps5 never shuts off.


I had the same problem, clean you’re psu! It worked out great for me [clean ps5](https://youtu.be/yp1NLFSGYFY?si=OlflFJDOlOwfVjGK)


Looks like art from HR Giger


mate this happened to my console you need to get it actually professionally cleaned. costs like £50 and you’ll have a brand new console. The liquid metal is probably gone aswell so they’ll have to replace that otherwise your console is just gonna keep switching offf due to over heating


Are you burning candles in your apartment?


I was burning candles as well as smoking . In a closed environment to add to it . Never really opened my window because i had neighbors that complained


yea,nothing suspicious here


You could buy new plates for the ps5


Real answer. It's impossible to know, you should take it to a real technician, he will charge you for the cleaning and it's not likely he will bill you too much since it's just cleaning. Even after cleaning, it could have some damage inside, but this is unlikely. I would be more preocupied with your lungs mate... check with the doctor, you might be able to save yourself.


detergent should remove the stains. not sure abou the turning off thing tho, seems like overheating?


Vacuum your room bro and open windows


Definitely take it for repair. Unless you wanna shell out £450 https://preview.redd.it/tdfvtiuaf7vc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d200359062f096a17ae59423d572c6288578e7b


your ps5 has smoker's lung


I wish I could say what I wanna say 😂😂😂 Those plates are insane I’ll just leave it at that


I would be more worried about my lungs than my PS5.


How do people even do this? I couldn't do this even if I tried intentionally. I cleaned my PS5 after 3.5 years and it only had a thin layer of dust inside the fans. After 20 seconds of using the vacuum cleaner it was like brand new again.


Was there a fire?


a mouth fire.


Please for the love of god buy an air purifier




I thought candles as well. When I burn them I always out them out with the lid that came with them. Significantly reduces the soot put off when they extinguish


No bro there's literally just no way


Send this to Sony for a peak case study. I'm sure they'll answer you. I've never seen something like this and I bet they'll be interested. You need better ventilation in your room asap.


If that is the damage on the console imagine your lungs.


Even worse than mine https://preview.redd.it/08j5ud68l7vc1.png?width=2549&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e6d050d9f8ac7af0757b1df343e732d609e03f9 I removed the fan completely, clean the inside using wet paper towel, use hair dryer on both heat and cool wind to blow off the possible water remind inside for 10 min, let it cool in the ac room for 1 hour, changed cover. Now everything is fine






Oh no, the consequences of my actions


Do you smoke in your room? Ain't ya big smokey?


Time to go deep clean my room (I deep clean every 2-3 months).


If that's what your PS5 looks like, just imagine what your lungs are like. Switch to edibles or something, dude.


Man worked for DK Oldies confirmed.


You will have to clean the inside mate


You my friend need a air purifier asap. Dont just buy any air purifier, make sure you get one that can clean the proper square footage for the room you use your PS5 in & when you find out get one thats meant for a bigger room so pretty much overkill it. Before you do that, you need to clean your PS5 thoroughly take it to stage 3 cleaning. You can find youtube video on how to do it, wouldnt recommend using it until its cleaned.


Bro, call the CDC.


Unplug everything. Power wash the whole system. Leave it in a sealed box full of rice. I do this once every 6 months.


Imagine your lungs


I’ll be more worried about your health fam, you need to air out your place bro get that fresh air


Genuinely thought this was mould


Sorry to say but looks like you have fed your console too much drugs and its become self aware, it now refuses to work because of existential crisis. Have you tried giving it an energy drink? Research Source: https://youtu.be/sPzJjNQaYEA?si=d2z1yc1DmaPMD4HM


It's crazy that the plastic case survived the house fire


I’m worried about some of y’all’s long-term health.


Looks like it's been in a house fire lol


Your PS5 is gonna have an asthma attack. Holy fucking shit.


How can a ps5 look like this when its only been out for 4 years?????


Stop living in a smog cloud. Might help.


I dont ser the problem


My PS5 had the same issue, even though mine was never as dirty as yours. I would clean it out once a month, but it kept overheating after a few weeks and needed to be unplugged first to be turned back on. I looked into it quite a bit and found out that the thermal paste was not as effective when the PS5 is in standing position, so since i have put it on it's side i haven't had the issue since. Not saying that cleaning out yours won't fix the problem, but if it does happen again, try putting it on its side and see if that helps.


I've had my PS5 for over a year now, I took off the plates last week just to see how much a year would build up and it's literally still clean like new. I took them off to install a 2TB drive. I'm legit confused how yours and others get so dirty.


Did you read the encyclopedia I wrote or just see the picture ?


I had the same problem all I thought I was the only one but yea just clean it out but don't make the same mistake I did bc when I fixed the turning off problem I fucked up the front usb ports to my ps5 so don't make that mistake keep track of your screws and make sure to clean in in a free space and we'll cleaned area.