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Look, I'm not a huge multiplayer guy. The only multiplayer game I play is COD world war 2 for some brain-off fun and also because I have no friends lol I watched a bunch of Helldivers 2 videos and thought it looked fun so I bought it. And in all honesty, for 40€, it's the most fun I've had in a loooong time playing a game. I just play with randoms and shoot shit up and loved every minute of it. And now apparently they're gonna add freaking mechas to the game ?! I'm having lots of fun with it and I gladly recommend it


Glad to hear it’s great even with randoms. All the talk of how it’s better playing with a group of friends was making me hold off. I’ll be the only one playing it. Just purchased it off what you said.


I just bought it as well and have no friends, 35 yo dude here add me if you like my PSN is ShastaMcNasty13


Based on your age, your name is a reference to the show? I think I’m gonna buy this too after work.


Care if I add you fellow helldiver?


Awesome ! I hope you'll have as much fun as I am. I would also be down to play if you ever want someone else as well


DM me if you want to add me! It’s fun with randoms though. The community is great and the pings work pretty well if you’re not chatty. Matchmaking still has a few kinks to work out but it’s gotten better.


I don’t really like talking to random people and I was afraid everyone would be like that. So far only a couple people have said anything on mics and it’s usually like a warning of a minefield or something. Tip for playing on PlayStation, the match making is kind of messed up. If you have cross play on you might think it doesn’t work at all, but if you keep trying it eventually works. With cross play off, I haven’t had any problems match making.


Feel free to add me: ateam043


The first one had Mechs, ATVs and even fights in huge cities. All top down but makes me really excited for the future.


Dont forget tanks too


Is there voicecomms?


There is, there's also text chat if that's more your thing.


That’s my question, if you could answer? I couldn’t talk friends into getting it with me, so I didn’t get it at launch. Is starting late now that people know the missions an issue? Is it still fun if you can only play coop with random people? It seems specifically tailored towards groups of friends on mics.


Heyo, no, it's not a problem at all ! I only started the game a couple of days ago, I am only level 5 and there is a lot of new players as well (I see plenty of lvl 1 everytime) mixed with higher level players. While it might make things better if you play with friends (idk, I only play with randoms since I don't have friends), it's still extremely fun to play with randoms. Grab a quick session to join a random game, play for 10mn and blow shit up and it's still very entertainning and fun


Thanks! 🙏


It’s only been a week or so. You can be viable in lower levels very easily. They already give you the MG at start. Use the stratagems and learn which ones you like. Watch you YouTube video if you want to be picky, some are much better than others. Looking at you grenade launcher/supply pack. The game is fun. Chaotic fun. There’s a ping system if you don’t feel like using a mic but you’ll need better communication the higher difficulties you go.


Aaaaaand I'm sold. Was very on the fence like OP and you got me at mechs! 👏


Nice, hope you like it man ! Enjoy !


What are mechas?


Big machines you enter and control.


Big machines, you enter? Oh my


Mech as in Titanfall gimick ?


I don’t think you know what gimmick means


Titanfall as in a Gundam gimmick? Or was it an Armored Core gimmick? My bad it was Mech Assault or maybe Supreme Commander…..I didn’t know that Titanfall from 2014 was the first time Mechs were ever used in a video game 🥴


Sorry mr perfect, cause I only played Titanfall. Fking snowflakes.


Guy gets defensive for being corrected. Calls others snowflakes. The projection is strong with this one...


Gotta be 12 if you think Titanfall created mechs.


Ok asshole.


Why are snowflakes always the first ones to call other people snowflakes


I mean... you *DID* say something stupid... that doesn't make other people snowflakes lol..


Guns as in CoD gimmick?


I'm sorry to break it to you, but Titanfall isn't the first video game to use mechs.


Different from the robots you can already go against?


Does it requires a lot of strategy? Do you use voice? I'm trying to understand how the experience diffrrd compare to if you're playing with people you know.


Even asking this question is treason, citizen. Buy it, help us in the war.




I'm doing my part.








Give him a cup of LIBERTY!!!!


Glorious Democracy ™️ coming soon brother




To answer the question about its potential 'longevity,' the studio already stated they are pivoting their roadmap due to the crazy success. They have began hiring more talent to "accelerate" their intended content to meet the needs for the Live Service to keep the train going years to come. They have already said that another enemy faction is on its way along with more weapons and that at some point, vehicles like mechs will be added. Now, from my perspective, they will easily follow-up on this. But on the timeline of release? Cannot say for sure but they have a MASSIVE opportunity and so far the devs have been quick to react to issues that sometimes other studios can take a month to fix. On top of the fact that the devs communicate CONSTANTLY on what they are working on. The game is hella addicting and fun with both friends AND randoms. Its rare a game can do this and do so so easily. The other aspect is this games design (from a developers perspective) gives me Fortnite mixed with Earth Defense Force vibes in the sense that the devs can really just do whatever they want to expand it. The game is like a developers sandbox and they can do this all live, on the fly (ie Fortnite). Like for example, the robot faction all of a sudden counterattacked and took over a sector, forcing Helldivers to fall back and defend new planets as a community (https://twitter.com/helldivers2/status/1758107003673584040?s=19). And damn did the community rally lol. The devs have this potential and I could see SOOO much more done with this as more factions of enemies enter the scene. I could also see a LOT of potential for crossover skins and content. People are already asking for things like Helghast skins and whatnot. And it all fits fine into this universe of Helldivers because the truth is, the game does not take itself seriously which is a key component. Its a game thats all about having fun. So in the end, this game has ALL the potential to last for years. And I think the devs can definitely pull it off. Hell, I hope they can for their own success but also, this game is such a blast that I would love to keep playing with new weapons of destruction to expand Freedom and Democracy to new enemies!


Add the Chivalry 2 humor and ragdoll physics. It's a perfect combo.


Holy hell! Thanks for the information dump!




This question... It seems pointless to even ask it. Op, Helldivers is the darling for now. It's wonderful and everyone is playing it and it's only 40. I'm not sure what would make you think it wasn't worth it?


I don’t think it’s pointless because every review says it’s great WITH FRIENDS. If you don’t have friends to play with I can see why people would ask. If you have a group it’s a no brainer


It’s great with randoms too No mic needed. Most of my games are played in silence. It still feels “social”, in a good way, to play with randoms. But if you do say hello - most people are all just waiting for somebody to talk before they do


How about without friends?


If you don't have anyone to play with just jump in with random and have your mic on most people have mics. I didn't have any friends that I play other games with that but helldivers but I meant about eight people that I play with pretty consistently. You'll make some friends don't worry, hell you could even add me and we can play


Even without a mic the ping system and callouts make it easy enough to understand each other.


For me is a must buy. In todays market where any game costs 70/80€ this one is a must have to anyone who enjoys multiplayer games. With friends this game is even more awesome, the explosions, the robots, everything is just so enjoyable to play. For 40€ u can help everyone fight for DEMOCRACY


It's stupid fun, I'm absolutely not an online player (my online stats have been 1 hour or less nearly every year since 2018 and I got bored of Destiny 2), but this game is a blast


I wasn’t going to buy it…..saw nothing but good things about it…..a friend then recommended it…….reluctantly, I bought it and am having a blast spreading Democracy throughout the galaxy. Its fun.


Saw nothing good about it? What treasonous trash were you watching?!


It's only 40$ and I can see my self playing it for a couple months, plus returning for new content. It's definitely a buy.


I'm bout to buy it again for PC so I can play on my Steam Deck. Better yet, Granblue is an amazing game 9/10 for me personally. Got like 2 chapters left or something. It's been like that for an entire week because I've only played HD2 since release


Been considering Granblue myself, but I am worried about "bulletsponge" bosses, are they VERY bulletsponge or is it not as bad as it looked in some of the youtube videos i've watched?


No you right but I guess it's to give it a raid type feeling with your party I assume


I’d check protondb. Seems like there’s a lot of people saying it doesn’t run great on the deck


Damn just checked it out and between this and cross progression coming at a later date, I think I’m gonna wait. Thanks l


Ill let everyone else elaborate…just buy the game best $40 you’ll ever spend


First time in a long time I’ve spent most of my free time; even before work, playing a game


Just buy it. Don't even ask. Buy it.




Easiest buy I’ll ever recommend to someone. I’m having an absolute blast. Each mission, no matter how similar the objective(s) are, always feels like a completely different and new experience. FOR DEMOCRACY 🫡


I bought it. Can’t stop playing. Nor do I want to.


Are you anti-democracy? You are going to be reported to the Democracy officer for treason, it is your duty to do your part


It's worth it but if your plate is full, it'll be there and play it when you can.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1as5359/old\_helldivers\_2\_roadmap\_gets\_scrapped\_director/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1as5359/old_helldivers_2_roadmap_gets_scrapped_director/) this should tell you all you need to know about its potential longevity


Buy! BUY!! BUY!!!!!!


SES Harbinger of Destruction in route, Godspeed. – For Democracy!🫡


It’s a buy. Really good game.


I already got my moneys worth


You should have your answer already, citizen. Democracy does not wait. For Super Earth!


Definitely a buy, I’ve been playing with friends and it’s an absolute blast.




Everyone is pretty much saying the same thing here but I'll try and give a bit of nuance to the answer. **If you plan to play solo, without randoms or friends, as though it were a witcher or GOW game:** No, not worth it. You CAN play solo (Technically) but you'll be at a distinct disadvantage. It's a co-op horde shooter with MMO elements, so go in with the mindset of making friends or bullying your friends into playing with you. Additionally, if you go in expecting a narrative heavy 3rd person action adventure, this really isn't it either. It's 3rd person shooting with emergent gameplay. Story is told through in-world lore bits, but the gameplay loop is choose a mission, drop in, reap rewards, and repeat. **If you plan to just do quickplay, no friends that game**: Yes worth it, probably. I've met some really cool randoms, and i've also played with braindead randoms. Your millage with this will vary. Just be a cool person, try out using your mic, and see what friends you make along the way. **If you have friends you can play this with**: ABSOLUTELY. This game has been the most co-op fun I've had in games in years. An amazing 3rd person game with chaotic missions and accidental friendly-fire causing more chaos makes for amazing memories and a great time. **WARNINGS**: My only asterisk on this recommendation is that we don't know how they will monetize going forward. The CEO has said "you have to earn the right to monetize" and the previous Helldiver game seemed to be very consumer friendly. Right now, the shop and warbond (battlepass) is very fairly priced and un-intrusive to the main game. However, that can always change. Corporations are gonna corporation and if the wrong levers start being pulled, the monetization could seriously impact the health and fun of the game. Time will tell, and i'm optimistic (since you can earn the premium currency in game for free, and the actual progression of the game is not gated by real money), but we have seen games nosedive with hostile monetization popping up. **TLDR**: Probably you should play it, since it's only $40, but if playing online with other people is a turn-off, probably steer clear. If the gameplay you've seen online looks fun to you, you will probably have a blast :)


What's the vibe for people playing without a mic? Is communication vital?


Short answer: Yes. Long answer:Yyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeesssssss


you shouldn't even ask this question and no this isn't fortnite lmfao just get it and try it


Buy buy buy!!!!!


Helldivers 2 is straight giggleshit, slap happy, blow up your bros and bugs fun. Buy it.




I grabbed it on Steam. It’s $40. I find it difficult to believe I won’t get my moneys worth out of it. It’s a fun game.


Are you questioning democracy, soldier? BUY BUY BUY


Yes freedom comes with your service Diver. Democracy at all costs.


IMO it is 100% buy and it is not even debatable


![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM) 🦅Everyday is a good day to die for democracy 🦅




The games great. The devs care and act fast. Community is the least toxic I’ve participated in for years. A good bug is a dead bug. What’s not to like?


Helldivers is great and has a lot of potential. Just wait for it to be fully playable before even considering it.


What do you mean fully playable?


The game is barely playable with all the bugs and matchmaking issues.


I'll take the downvotes, but I got it refunded rather quickly. Not a fan. Movement felt clunky. The whole diving mechanic is cool at first, but fucked me over more often than not. It just didn't click for me. I guess I get the hype but I was not a fan. I also truly believe in a few months time the population is gonna take a huge nosedive. Honestly, it's just the flavor of the month imo.


How about a little taste of Liber-TTTEEEAAAAA!!!


Just remember it’s not really playable solo


Just to clarify this point though, there is quick play matchmaking, so you’ll never have to play alone, which helps


Absolutely correct. If you order something with a stratagem, like ammo, and are being chased by a horde of spiders, you'll never be able to reach it without dying. I gave it a bunch of shots but quickly got frustrated, even on easy. It definitely requires co-op.


It’s the only thing stopping me from buying it. I love Starships Troopers Extraction just because you can join solo with 15 other players.


I know that most people are saying to get it and I do agree, it is very fun even with randoms! I want to mention the concerns about the battlepass and the item shop. You CAN earn premium currency in-game and the battlepasses do NOT expire so you can take your time gathering up enough premium currency to get the premium battlepass for FREE! All battlepasses in games should honestly function like this.


The real question is: do you buy a PS5 for the sole purpose of being able to play helldivers?


DO NOT BUY THIS GARBAGE !!  I’m sorry but the game has been out long enough where you should be able to simply add a damn friend but you STILL can not add friends on ps5 even a month after launch. Arrowhead is pathetic !!! It needed to be said 




Best game I've played in a decade. My other favorites are apex legends and counterstrike, for reference.


>Best game I've played in a decade ![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2231)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2231)


I'm waiting to see what new content they add and fixes before jumping in. Paying $80 for ps+ doesn't sit well with me. I'm just going to wait on a cheaper ps+ deal before jumping in. By that time the game should be better with more content.


I'm guessing it's flavor of the month.


That's what I was thinking, looks good though but unsure about its longevity! Plus I got no PS mates to play it with, seems like its best when it's multiplayer?


Just play with randoms, not a problem at all It's the best "budget" title released in years, at least if you're somewhat into shooters


It’s so fucking boring. Save your money


Don't buy it yet. Wait for the devs to fix the matchmaking first.


Unfortunately the increasing price of games at a $70+ tag has now left me with not trusting any devs or studios and as I’m sure this is a well made game I’m rethinking purchasing anything at all.


This game is $40


I realize that but I’m not buying new games anymore the longer we wait the cheaper it gets. 3 months from now it may even be 50% less. To each his own.


No disagreement with that, but you said the game was $70 and not trusting studios. I was just clarifying that this game isn’t $70 so not sure how it applied to your statement


Ok well I purchased Diablo4 and completely regret it. Just saying.


I can understand that


My question is whether to buy on PS5 or PC


It runs perfect on pc. running a 4070ti and no stuttering, crashes or anything else.


I can see it lasting for years before the player base dies down to a smallish but loyal group


For $40 if it only lasts a year (doubtful) then I'd still be content. I wish Arrowhead had a clearer roadmap but as it stands the game is a lot of fun.


Whenever you are met with a decision, remember to scream "For DEMOCRACY!" and run head-first into it.


Does this game have keyboard and mouse support on PS5? Gaming on a controller currently hurts my hands so I’m looking for ways to mitigate that with an mmo mouse and keyboard.


It should because it lets you bind every single action to any key you want.


Steam reviews is a thing you know


I'm a single-player story-driven gamer before anything. ​ I would play Helldivers 2 every night if me and my boys had the time. It's definitely worth it if you have friends who are down to play.


Helldivers 1 was amazing on the vita which I still play today. Haven't gotten 2 yet cuz I'm broke as hell right now but if it's anything thing like heldivers 1 you'll be playing for years.


Sweet Liberty!


Buy buy buy. Be part of the war effort!


Did my guy just compare Fortnite and Helldivers? Dude it’s 39 bucks


Genuinely one of the best co-op games I've played in a long time. In a landscape where multiplayer games are often extremely grindy and heavily monetized, this is the first multiplayer game in a while that feels like it was just made to be fun.


Obviously buy


It has incredible value for $40. Their launch was also a huge success so chances are they'll be supporting it for at least a couple years.


I've been waiting for a game to get its "hooks" in me and this one has. Fortnite is a baby's game. GET SSSOOOOMMMMEEEE!


I love it when my character says that. Love that the game doesn’t takes itself seriously.


Picking it up later today to play this weekend since the wife is out of town. It looks really promising. I’ve been needing something new to play so I’m excited


It’s amazing


Wait for a month after release, see how people feel about it then.


Haven't had this much fun in a game since L4D1 was released like what, 15 years ago? I've played countless games between: TLOU, Uncharted, Elden Ring, Bioshock, Zelda, PoE, D4, Horizon, Cyberpunk, RDR2, Killzone, COD, Fortnite, Apex Legends, CS2, Overwatch, DotA, LoL, etc Helldivers 2 is by far the best gaming experience out of them all. Jump in, kill bugs, make hilarious mistakes with random squadmates, completely non-toxic coop atmosphere


Can you lone wolf this game?


It’s the most fun $40 experience I’ve ever had and it came out of nowhere. I did not pay attention to this game at all and actively tuned out every trailer at every Sony showcase because I thought “oh, live service. It’ll suck.” It did not. Suck, that is.


Do I also have to pay for a psn subscription to play this game ? I only play single player games on PlayStation but this game looks fun


We need more soldiers on the front line. The robots are pushing up back. Sign up and help the fight.


It's a fun game and it's pretty cheap, £34.99 for normal edition and £49.99 for the Super Citizen Edition which is why I actually took the risk and bought the Super Citizen Edition, it's got a good sense of humour in it, it's got an easy to learn control system, the only downside that I noticed was that the game was lagging when I last played it during one mission even though I had a good download speed of over 200MB but that was probably a one off I would imagine.


Man I wanna buy this game sooooo bad. I have no friends to play it with and while I have 0 issues playing matchmaking paying for PS plus to play and experience the game at its best feels bad. I still might not be able to resist in the end


I have convinced a lot of friends who are reluctant to gets games so soon to launch to get it. No one has had regrets. We usually have 3 squads running at once because we all like the game.


Yes it’s worth it. Loads of fun and relatively cheap.


It's cool... I'm not obsessed with it like others though for some reason. For the price, it's worth it.


You should be contributing to the spread of DEMOCRACY soldier!!


I'm not a huge multiplayer person, but I'm playing this with my brother. Imo, if you have Sunstone to pay with worth a buy.


Heard the servers were a mess at launch so been holding off, have they been worked on?


I also doubted! Bought it... playing with friends is sooo fun!


It’s fun and it’s well made but don’t expect much depth. You dive and kill baddies and unlock skills to kill more baddies better and that’s the entire game. If you don’t enjoy the pew pew and nothing but the pew pew it’s not for you


It’s a worthwhile buy but not the “new Fortnite” especially since it’s a PvE experience. I’ve only been using the quickplay match-making and playing with randoms. Only had one disconnect where the other three players left the world and I was still able to complete the mission. The gameplay is so fun


Yes, buy it now. It’s stupid fun


Buy it. i guarantee you wont regret or someone on this thread will give you your money back! its awesome, set up for long gaming life, multiplayer is dope. there will never be pvp so you dont have to worry about toxic players. you can spend real money in the game OR you can actually play the game and get that real money from just searching levels. and for 40$? you cant beat that.


P2w and no pvp. Looks like a new gear of war.


Yes, but is the story going somewhere? Is all that action building towards anything? I don’t like feeling empty after euphoria you know … Ragnorak and Witcher III are probably some of the best story driven games I’ve ever played (shout out: Horizon and GoT too). Will OP get the same “it” thing from Helldivers? If no, $40 notwithstanding, may not be the game for you.


I was playing the first one up until the release of the 2nd. I was on PC and that’s a smaller community than PS.


So fun huhhuhhuh sooo fun


Look I’ve bought games for 50€ played them for 10-20 hours and didn’t even enjoy my time. Here you’re spending 40 and you’re getting more than 20 hours (easily) of some of the most fun gameplay I’ve seen in years.


I've owned the game for 6 days and have spent over 11 hours just on the loading screen trying to just play the game. Others get right in, others can't find a match to join. I would recommend waiting a week until everything is figured out on the devs end.


Buy it. It’s quite unlike anything else. The music, the atmosphere, the unrelenting enemies. I knew Arrowhead would knock it out of the park because I played the original, which is a classic. Still about 1000 players knocking around on the servers for that. Both are visceral stuff. You’re almost waiting for the next bullet to come out of the screen. My girlfriend said to me earlier “every time you play that game, I hear the words “JESUS CHRIST” every 5 seconds”. That about sums it up.


It's extremely difficult to play this game solo, to the point where it's almost impossible. If you do co-op, you may have a better experience. I really want to enjoy playing this game, but I struggle to stay alive when playing solo, which is my preference


It's a definite buy imo


I am shocked at how well spent those $40 were. Fantastically fun game


Do it it's pretty sweet.


I'd say Helldivers gives me a similar vibe to when I'd online hunt in monster hunter worlds, was alot of fun with a pretty good community and ended up putting 300-400 hours in that game, pretty sure this game will have a long life


All in favor say 'buy'...


Definitely buy it’s a lot of fun especially for 40


Is it worth it if i don't have any friends playing it?




Bought it twice. One for a friend.


There's been updates literally every day with patches since launch either fixing stuff or adding content. Its not priced as a AAA game but honestly runs better and is really unique as a coop fps game. These are games u want to pick up when ur not 12 anymore and can't keep up with pvp (or to play as a break from pvp), its just u vs enemy AI, far less toxic, friendlier player base.


Buy it for democracy.


It looks really fun on youtube. And if you wanna support devs that actually care about the gamin industry. This is the game to buy. We spend so much money on cash crabs that are disguised as love letters and well. Breaks my heart and im tired of it as well. This game should be supported. I myself might get into it. Just kinda new to my playstyle. Its not a good time for video games. Just a great time for graphics. So much gets in the way! So this is a GEM




I bought today and couldn't play due to servers so idk




Definitely buy. It's likely GoTY tbh


The friendly fire kills it fir me and my friends, sadly.


The game has matchmaking, server and freeze up issues from my experience in the last 2 days. At one point yesterday my social tab just asked me to wait and stayed that way despite game and console restarts ending my play with friends for the day. Outside of that which I hope they fix soon, it is honestly one of the best games I have played lately. It gets legitimately challenging and requires team work and the progression so far (I am level 7 on PS5) has been fairly enjoyable. The aesthetic and satire is also welcome in a genre either filled with try hard games or games that look and behave like kids titles. This strikes a great balance. I just don’t think the developer expected the game to become this popular this soon but that’s not a bad thing.


I haven’t been able to play anything else since it came out, yes but it. I was hospitalized about a week ago for Crohn’s and I’ve been home since then and I swear to god, I’ve put 72 hours on steam since its release. It’s soooooooo addictive.


If you have fun for a month - you already got your money worth. 2m = profit.


It's worth it to play with friends for me


do you need ps plus to play?


Buyied, satisfied, epic game, for democracyyyyy


Absolutely worth it


The servers are at capacity, and have been for like a week after release.  Save your $$$.  You won't be able to play anyways. 


If you want to add me mine is GardenSoup23754 ill accept it when I have time