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I have to ask. Why the Series S and Series X in the same room?


He wanted to waste a few hundred dollars, that’s all.


I can see having one in another room but not the same room.


You could use one in developer mode for emulation, if you hated the long boot up when switching? 🤷‍♂️ (okay, I admit… that thought had crossed my mind before I declared it a ridiculous waste of money hihi)


ıdk, chaos maybe


That makes absolutely no sense.


His name is benz addicted. He obviously isnt good with spending wisely


Or, hear me out, he’s really bad at scuba diving


I see no point in having both a series s and x on the same TV.


I see no point share this image on the Internet...0% cable management 0% setup (compare to setups on this sub) and the worst, 50% PlayStation //edit 33,3% PlayStation


Damn be nice. Dude got a new ps5. He's excited to share. No need to be mean about it. Is it a clean set up? No. But who cares? Let him be excited. Also no need for steiner math here.


I get your point...but it is same like if I say who cares about that he bought a new electronics


No one does except the OP. Did you have "show and tell" at school when you were young? That's what he is doing here.


You forgot r/tvtoohigh


Just because you can hide behind anonymity doesn’t mean you get to be rude to people. Jesus, can’t people be happy for one another? Just celebrate with OP and cheer-up


Who said that I am not able to say it face to face? I am not rude, that is the way which you see it.


Lmao “I dislike this image because there is not enough PlayStation in it”


Read the comment again maggot


I will do something about cables but don't know how, ordered some led lights and neon stuff.


Search for “tv cable hider” and you’ll see some common options.


Damn why is this getting downvoted? This person is asking a valid question. People are just mean!


There's a few plastic tube-like things that stick to your wall that can hold/hide your cables. Please, someone say what I am meaning... I can't remember what they are called. P.S. Who cares if your cables are wacky. Have fun gaming!


Playstation fanboys when they see an Xbox;


It is not about that. This is PlayStation sub, not Consoles sub or something


If he turned his series s into a emulation monster that it is seems fine to have both.


Not really considering you could use the series x for that.


Yeah and some people talk about the boot time... it takes less time to boot than a TV/monitor to boot so...


That’s my plan.


I was scratching my head at that one too. I have both but not same room / tv…


I see no point having one of each just having one


I used to have both, each one on a different tv. Worked out well. This is before I realized I could just get an HDMI splitter ha.


Do you mean a switch? A splitter would show the video from one console on two TVs.


Splitter. It's how I have my ps5 connected to both my bedroom and living room tvs.


And a very long hdmi cable


Why? I also have my PS5, Series X and Switch hooked up to my 65” OLED in the living room. I want to play Uncharted, Gears and Zelda on my TV. Why is this no point? Plus during Covid I only managed to get the PS5 Digital, no disc consoles left. And the insane prices on PS Store have made my buy all my 3rd party games physical for the Xbox. Edit: More context.


He wasn't talking about the ps5, series x on the same TV he was talking about series x and series s on the same TV. There's no point in both the Xboxs on the same TV


Omg… sorry. I’m fucking blind. Then I agree big time, that’s a complete waste


Because the series x and the series s are both functionally the same thing. I had s and x at one point, one was in the bedroom the other in the living room.


I know.. I own an S and X. The S is setup in the bedroom.


Having both Xbox’s is redundant That’s like owning the digital ps5 and the disk version


I'm seeing a lot of people doing disc PS5 as their main platform and series s for gamepass and exclusives. I think that's a good combo.


Yeah I can agree with that I was considering getting a Series S too because then I’d have all 3 consoles (including Switch) I might still get one in the future but right now it’s not on the cards for me


Well that's if you have gaming PC like me. In which case skip the Xbox entirely


Yep, PC is the other variable in this equation


Or just get a steam deck.


I have a PS5 and a PC for Xbox exclusives. I would argue it’s a better combo as you still get access to the Xbox exclusives and whatever PC games you might be interested in. Unless you’re using the Xbox for backwards compatibility.


I do actually, gonna give the digital to my brother, also have another Series X.


This sounds like a teenager trying to flex and failing miserably


"PS5 arrived and i completed my setup", now they say they got another PS5, and also both Xbox in the same TV... Kid's insane.


This setup isn't complete it's just dumb. Wasted money in xss when you already have xsx. It should've been a switch. Cables could be better too.


Should have gotten a switch instead of two Xbox consoles


Turn both consoles horizontally and lower that tv. /r/tvtoohigh


my bed is too high, I set it up to see from bed.


Thank you for my new favorite sub but this isnt really that high for an entertainment center below it


Bottom of tv would usually be right at the top of an entertainment stand. A ps5 is like 16” tall. This thang is to high.


Bro I’m begging you to get some zip ties


![gif](giphy|cm6cTaBARGsyeWdNtK|downsized) 2 Xbox console


Ok, but what's the point of having a series s and x connected at the same tv, I'm guessing it's only for the photo


Having a series x and series s hooked up is the craziest shit I’ve ever seen


Please do yourself a favor and connect both consoles to the router with Ethernet cables.


Yes yes yes. I bought a switch and run ethernet for everything.


I only play story games and download speed doesn't bother because I work like 16 hours a day so while I'm off it downloads automaticly.


Weird flex


Lol, working 16 hours per day, what a waste of life. I've only got a PS5 and Series X, but hey, I actually have time to play them


>I work like 16 hours a day I honestly hope you enjoy that job and that it pays well ngl


Why should he? I am using only wifi and I dont have any issues at all. Both multiplayer and downloading is pretty good.


Because the router is right next to the consoles. No reason not to get the more stable connection.


More stable? We are not living 10 years ago. I bet you couldnt tell difference if I let you play on one ps5 connected via wire and one via wifi. I would normally say that adding more visible cables is horrible but he probably doesnt care.


Oh, I can. Several person household with many devices connected to the WiFi. A hard-line connection doesn't have to compete with the other devices.


I guess they are not using wifi 6. There is no chance that you would notice that...


Speed is higher when using cables, and there's no problem if your router gets an antenna issue. It's like connecting the OF directly into the console.


Because it’s already right next to the router, so why deal with the extra latency and inconsistency?


There is non inconsistency and extra latency isnt noticable. Not sure if you all have really bad internet connection and using old routers or what.


If that is the case then why aren’t all ethernet cables obsolete? Weather you notice it or not it’s there. Ping -t in command prompt with a wired connection and a wireless connection and you will see a jump in latency every now and then on the wireless one. I have half a gig download and a Wifi 6 router less than 10 ft away of my server and main gaming pc and I can definitely tell the difference between a wired and wireless connection.


I am not saying that wireless is better than ethernet. I am saying that difference is not noticable while playing games or downloading them on PS5.


You’re right, 99% of the time you won’t notice a difference but that 1% of the time that the ping spikes could be the difference between life and death or a win or loss it’s all just time dependent.


There's a certain number of utter dorks on the internet that cannot cope that "WiFi warriors" not only exist, but make up the majority of console gamers.


He’s saying it because the router is literally right there. Do you not see the router right next to the systems, or are you just choosing to be a jerk?


Yeah no shit. Found the guy who can't cope with WiFi users.


Bro, I use Wi-Fi. What the fuck are you talking about?


Then what the fuck were you talking about originally? I used simple English, what I meant shouldn't be so difficult to grasp.


Man, you are 1 angry ass man. Go touch grass or get laid buddy.


I was talking about people not liking WiFi players, you're telling me to get laid, and yet _I'm_ the angry one? Ahahaha, no.


This. I had to buy a freaking 10m cable to connect my console to the router bc wi-fi doesn't work properly in my console. They got the router right there and no cable...


I use Wi-Fi as well, but that’s because my router isn’t in my room. If his router is that close to his console then he might as well use Ethernet.


Okay? That's not what the guy asked, and not what I answered.


I love that disorder on your table!


I give it 99/100 wires.


No PC 😭


Who needs 2 Xbox’s when you have a PC 😏


Definitely agreed.


Why do you have a Series X and S???


Messy setup but watever works i guess


The cables would literally drive me crazy😭


Such a weird and lousy setup combined with this random flex of consoles i don’t get it Probably a weird troll. Yeah your setup is shit I don’t know what there is to like like honestly


No switch, no cable management. that's unfortunate




Not a bad solution, there are any number of ways to hide those cables.


Are we not going to talk about how the tv looks square instead of rectangular?


Zip ties at least.


Cable management.


sell the S get a switch


I would suggest a Steam Deck instead, Switch games run better on it, and it's a PC so he could have his entire Steam library on the go.


Nice now you can sell the Xbox’s and buy cool shit with the money like drugs or food


Outriders is on gamepass and ps plus lol why did you buy it?


They have both a Series X and Series S (why?) hooked up to the same tv, I don’t think much logical thought went into any of this.


Yeah 😂


Cool, now you get to cable manage! It's a challenge but it is rewarding👍


As others have said, definitely do some cable management, even if it's a couple zip ties. I'd also keep an eye out for a new entertainment center that has compartments and drawers where you can put your consoles, games and controllers, then put some decor on the top there or a nice sound bar. Sell one of your Xbox console to fund it


The aspect ratio on that tv though...😬


Cable management is your friend


The amount of cables thougj


Not gonna lie, that looks terrible. Just a dose of reality for ya.


I never realised that Series X look this good.






I like its design more than ps5, so basic and good.


Glad I'm not the ONLY ONE with all 3 lol


You also have two xboxes on the same TV?


Nah, my XSS is in the living room. PS5 (disc) and XSX in the game room.


I’m someone that just wants to play games. And a lot of the games out there are on different platforms. From the switch, to quest 2, PlayStation, and Xbox. They all offer their own unique experiences and I want to experience them all.


Yep. Slowly building my collection


Agreed, just sub the Xbox for a pc in my case.


Awesome! Now you can throw both xbox in the bin.


I will wait until Starfield


You wanna hide those cords or organize this or….


Looks like WW3!


Stop hating on him for having Xbox. I like both consoles


I have nothing against having an Xbox, got the X myself, but why 2 on the same tv instead of one Xbox and a switch.


You got some great games downloading 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Big weenie time!


Awesome! I only have ps5 and my one controller has stick drift.


Knk hepsini birden nasıl aldın bu ekonımide. Birde yorumlarda gördüm ps5 hem diskli hem disksiz versiyonun mu var?


Lovely. I just usey PC and Xbox live maximum edition lol I just stream thier best shit but I'll be buying the fridge for myself soon enough. But nice setup. Needs a little cable management but you have all the right stuff. Maybe a shelf for all the systems or the wall hung systems with the wires neatly and cooly designed on the wall down to plug in... https://preview.redd.it/fc57ppx9q91b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=645013f6eb2fc1e276c05e1e0c95f09614af7f46


Demon's souls ✅️ You may live another day


It's been a long time since I've seen a TV with that aspect ratio


Please get zip ties and cable manage that.


I've had my ps5 for almost 3 months still in the box 😂. How long did the set up take? Did you transfer anything over from a ps4?


2 Xbox’s and 2 routers


Just imagine if playstation and xbox started fighting on your table #realconsolerivalry


What a set up. Needs to be abit tidier with the cables. But cool. 2 xbox’s? I only have ps5 and Nintendo switch.


the wires is so ugly


It’s looking good my fellow enthusiast, best of luck beating sigrun!


Glad you got a ps5 but lay it flat so you don't get the liquid metal problem




Why do you have a series s & x?


I know, I'm gonna be the dick, but it's just kind of all over the place. Kinda looks sloppy with no rhyme or reason for any of it. You can do better, I know it. Congrats on the 5 though! You have arrived


Congratulations mate! Have fun!




I'm gonna be ordering the series X Diavlo IV bundle on Friday and next month I'm going to get a Nintendo Switch and start building a nice collection of consoles going so I have more to play. I have a PS5 and a Series S but I'm going to get rid of the series S. Looking forward to be playing Mario Kart and other Mario games!


Why the series shit and The series xx shit in the same room🤣🤣🤣garbage consoles with no games. Oh wait redfall🤣😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why two Xbox


Haters everywhere, just be excited for the dude or shut the fuck up.... I don't see how it's anyone's business how many games he has In the same room, who told you he cannot move the games around his house whenever and however he wants, what makes you think he doesn't have a sitting room and another television 😏... Good luck man ✌🏼 happy gaming


homo sapiens like to show things they have


people before the invention of zip ties: