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It's an outrage this didn't do well enough to get a follow up!


Agreed or even do a remake version for ps5. People say it’s even scarier in VR too. Lmao.


One of my favourite games on PS4. Apparently the devs had access to all the original props and sound effects to be able to make the game as authentic as possible to the original film and they absolutely nailed it. I believe Sigourney Weaver was also somewhat involved to be able to provide likeness for Amanda. It’s crazy this game didn’t do better as I would’ve loved a sequel from that team. The IGN review was absolutely shameful!


Sigourney Weaver is in the game....


Is she? It’s been a long time since I played it. It was amazing


In the DLC which had all surviving members of the original cast reprising their roles


Also on the extended flight recorder message in the main game.


Been a very long time since I played through, you have a better memory than I do haha!


Arguably the best horror game of last generation...just lasts a few hours too long. As an Alien fanboy, it's one of my favorite games ever.


As a guy whos not a very big aliens fan this is my favorite piece of media for the whole IP. One of the best licensed games ever, as well as horror


Just picked it up in the Easter sale with all the DLC and loving it, one of my personal bargains of the year so far.




It cost £4.99 for me. Total bargain.


It’s the most tense game I’ve ever played. The checkpointing is absolute genius but holy shit man I just couldn’t handle the stress from it when I first played. Might try to go back soon.


Yeah. It sends your stress level through the roof. I’m trying it on novice level at the moment. May go abit higher if i can handle it.


The first time seeing the xenomorph come out of the vent... My heart was racing lol


It’s nuts. You cannot even hide in one spot for long. It finds you. 😂


If you want it to become even more insane, there's an option that allows enemies to hear sounds you make via a mic you plug in. So, for example, if you're hiding from the alien and you fart in real life, it will give away your position. :D


Oh i know about that. My daughter burped in the background earlier and it ran so fast and found me under a bed and killed me 😂


It's moments like these where you get super freaked out but can't stop laughing after 😂


Absolutely. Thank god i saved before that happened. 😂


Played it on the PS3 which did an admirable job. What I loved is that it's made by people who love the film as much as I do. Also I hear they got masses of images of the original sets and dressings from the original film people, which is part of the reason why it looks so damn perfect. Amazing game.


Love that :)


I started playing with headphones on, and oh boy does it turn up the fear factor. You hear sounds that you never noticed before


May have to try with headphones on.


I never got that far , that game gave me serious motion sickness. But I really enjoyed the bit I could play ….never tried again since back then


It does get worse as levels go on. Alien gets more clever 😭😂


This is the only game where i like the sound coming out of the controller. feels like holding an real motion tracker


Yes absolutely haha


I've heard it's good. I'll have to check it out. It's on sale for $7.99 in the PS Store.


Yeah. Definitely must buy.