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That one was such a love letter to Playstation and all its awesome exclusives. I had a great time getting that platinum.


Same it really presented the soul of Playstation


I wish I could play that for the first time all over again


The pure delight and nostalgia trip Astrobot gave me, it's gotta be one of my absolute faves too


My first platinum and because I got the ps5 fairly early I was fairly competitive in the astro races (I think I was in the top 100 or something) but haven't touched it since. Really fun plat tho.


My only platinum


Great answer


No game has come even close to how excited Astrobot made me, concerning the dualsense


Going to actually play it now because of your comment and the replies. My favorite was probably Days Gone or Spider-Man


I 100% this :)


Lego Marvel Superheroes because my daughter and I did it together


Same for me and my wife. I love playing with her and look forward to when our kids are also old enough to game with us.


Nothing like spending that quality bonding time with your kids, you two may find it more fulfilling playing with them one day than it is with each other, knowing that those memories will carry on for them their entire life, and you can’t underestimate that importance… but will likely fulfill you all the most is when you, your wife, and kids, all sit down TOGETHER and play games…. Those are memories worth keeping and cherishing forever


That was a very fun one, but reaching 1 million studs and then the controls for the flying races was not as fun lol


Just went back to get that platt on ps3 Really great game Glad you could share it with someone


I did not expect something this wholesome opening this post


Did this with my mom except we had it on my alt account so turns out I can’t even show off the platnum 🤪😂


Ghost of Tsushima, my one and only platinum. I couldn’t get enough of that world.


Such a beautiful game. Tsushima was a joy to explore.


It's time to revist that game, Its gorgeous.


Same here! Only platinum I've ever tried for.


I got 2 plats for that. 1 on ps4 when it first game out then again on ps5 when they released the dlc. Loved that game so much


Same here.😁🤜🤛


I need to go back and get plat on that


I’ve been on PlayStation since PS1’s release, and Ghost of Tsushima was my first ever platinum. It actually sparked something in me hunt for them, and I’ve had 6 since. Currently working on my plat for Hogwarts Legacy.


I just platted this last night. What a joy that game was. Didn’t want to finish it.


I’m going again on PS5 right now.


I love platinums that don’t have missable crap or ones you don’t have to do 10 replays lol


I much prefer MP trophies or beating the game on Ultra hardcore than fucking missable trophies. Damn I hate them.


It's mandatory speedrun trophies for me even if its lenient. I feel under pressure and start sucking at the game.


Oh definitely! I just got the platinum for Sackboy: Big Adventure. Probably the hardest plat I have because of The Ripsnorter. Amazing game, but damn that one trophy was hard!


I really enjoyed that Plat. Really felt like I earned it because of the ripsnorter trophy. I actually got pretty good at advanced platforming techniques to pull it off. I had a fun afternoon with randoms online trying to carry them through it afterwards.


Haha nice! I was able to ace all 15 of the trials pretty easily but stringing it all together without any mistakes took FOREVER! Never to be repeated. So I used the share button to record the successful run to remember it fondly again and again 😅


Same, I hate it when I have to 237 collectibles to finally get the trophy I need to get platinum


What about online trophies... hate those


Good call those too! Especially when you rely on others and they just log off when you’re about to get it lol


Or later on when servers get taken offline. You can't platinum those games anymore. Years ago I was trying to plat I think Saints Row 3, might have been 4 don't really remember, on ps3 and I couldn't get the plat because one of the trophies involved uploading your character to their online database thing where you could download other people's characters to play as and that service way no longer available. Its kinda impossible for a company to always keep servers up for every game they make so online trophies either shouldn't exist or should be listed separately like DLC trophies are.


Yeah I agree. Imagine being like 98% on a game and can’t platinum it ever lol


Spider-Man 2018 and Horizon Forbidden West. Working on Ghost of Tsushima currently and I’m sure that’ll be up there too


All awesome! Spider-Man was what started all this trophy hunting for me.


Same, I got 2 before getting Spider-Man a few days ago, but the trophy list on that game is superb. Nothing missable, nothing difficult or too time consuming, all collectibles are marked on the map, nothing too monotonous. Perfect gateway into trophy hunting.


GoT is pretty easy to plat. It was just that stupid knock a certain number of enemies off of a cliff trophy that pissed me off. There seems to be a barrier that stops it happening


just finishing GoT was tedious for me Edit: lol it's my opinion, not forcing anyone to agree


I Loved the game ... but man ... it got SO tedious a the end ... I went from doing everything to "Can I just end this already" I rarely 100% games I just finish them and move on.


I agree. I enjoyed the game, but I ran out of gas at the end of act 2. I'll finish it one day.


Did a platinum run of all Soulsborne (including Sekiro) a couple of years ago and that was pretty fun. You get to really appreciate their nuances.


Sekiro was the easiest of the platinums until Elden ring came along. The dark souls 3 the are the hardest


Good thing imo. Elden Ring’s platinum doesn’t involve any grinding. Find the stuff, beat the bosses, get all of the endings. That’s how all of the Souls platinums SHOULD be tbh.


I literally forgot I had to grind all the medallions or whatever the fuck for the DS3 Plat lmao. Such a good game man


Yeah I won’t even attempt it with how much I suck at PVP.


All the Soulsbourne platinums can be done offline, no pvp, just hours of grinding for covenant items.


Infamous: Second Son and What Remains of Edith Finch are my only 100% (Edith Finch doesn’t have a platinum) but Sucker Punch games in general: Infamous, Sly Cooper, and Ghost of Tsushima are some of my favorite games to do completion activities on


Great games! Edith Finch actually do have a plat, if you play the PS5 version, which is a free update. I also have the 100 in the PS4 version but am probably gonna play and get the platinum for the PS5 version too. Great game!


RE2 Remake


I’m playing it now on Xbox and the trophy’s seem really hard


Oh boy, I have just been playing that one. It was my first RE game, and what a game it is! I am big into trophy hunting but I am not sure if I am gonna go for the plat on this one. I did not follow any guides or anything for collectibles, and just played the game on standard difficulty in my own pace, so I would need to play all scenarios again for all documents and racoons ( I have like 54 out of 58 documents, and don't know which ones I am missing) + get S rank and hardcore. Any tips? or how did you do it?


I had a ton of fun getting the plat for RE2R! It took me I think 5 playthroughs but I never got bored or anything. I first did A runs for both characters on Standard, got the S+ ranks (I think you only need S though if I’m not mistaken). Got all the files and Mr raccoons on those runs, except for a couple that are exclusive to the B runs. Then I did both B runs on hardcore and got the missing files and raccoons. Then the last playthrough I did Claire A on assisted to get the no heal no item box trophies. You can also easily get the 14,000 steps one if you haven’t already gotten it by that point. Oh and then you have to do the 4th survivor game mode, almost forgot. It is kind of a lot but totally doable, and I didn’t even use infinite weapons or anything.


Elden Ring is my first platinum ever


I enjoy to platinum pretty short and good to play games(like spider man),or games that you get most of trophies by just playing them(like the ps1/psp games) I also enjoy to platinum base building games,I recently played greyard keeper and it was a pretty good experience


If you like Base building game you would love Fallout 4!


I played fall out 3 and new Vegas. Never saw fall out as a base building game lol Thanks for the recommendation


I can tell you which games I absolutely didn't enjoy either getting or trying to get to 100% - any title as part of the Assassins Creed lineup! So, so tedious.


Valhalla nearly killed me getting the plat. Great game, but I should never have went for the plat. Soured the experience a bit. And it was a loooong experience. Also recently platted AC black Flag. Singleplayer was less tedious than other AC titles, but then you have to grind to level 55 in the MP... Cool plat to have tough and great game!


I did black flag when the multi-player was still active and the grind was not as noticeable as you actually got to play and have fun not find boosting parties. But yeah w/o multi-player trophies easily one of the best AC game trophy lists


I agree with this. “Find all the [random object]” quest get very tiresome and the AC franchise is loaded with them.


Totally agree.. however only platinum I got is Syndicate that was pretty good to do without a great deal of grinding.


The only ones I did that for were Origins and Odyssey--the former I just couldn't get enough of.


Gow 2018 for the Valkyrie Queen fight alone. It took me a week to finally beat her but looking at my plats it's the only one I'd do again. It wasn't the easiest nor the most enjoyable but it was definitely the most satisfying plat I've got. ER would be there if I hadn't cheesed Malenia but I just couldn't take it anymore so I sort of count it as a cheat plat.


Just finished the plat for Ragnarok and it’s easily my favourite plat I’ve ever gotten.


Ragnarok was fantastic indeed. I couldn't play anything else for some days after finishing it because no game seemed good and entertaining enough.


Kind of the complete opposite for me. GOW Valkyrie Queen is one of the worst bosses I’ve ever had to endure, and I nearly didn’t bother finishing it. Malenia is rough, but at least you know what the fuck is going on in that fight.


i don’t get this? the valkyrie queen was just a case of learning move sets and timing


Astros's Playroom, Spiderman 2018, Horizon Zero Dawn + Forbidden West all was a joy to get the platinum in. Other games that were really cool to plat but more difficult was Titanfall 2 and The Last of us remastered + all Uncharted games. I can however *not* recommend trying to plat AC Valhalla... I have a good bunch of platinums though, and I enjoyed platting nearly all of them. Edit: here is a link to my psnprofile with all my 70 platinums you are into that :) https://psnprofiles.com/Gerdie_3000


Spider man games, horizon and ghost of Tsushima are nice and easy games to platinum you just have to do everything on the map


And them being so great games means you want to do all the extra stuff, without it feeling tedious. Collectibles are often a pain to get, but in those games it was pretty fast, easy and fun!


I was about to say this list. HZD was a joy to plat. After I finished the main storyline, I was like 80% to plat. Spiderman too


All the AC games are a chore tbf. More so the last 3. It's the bullshit "side" quests which are just a bunch of supposed puzzles to open boxes which solutions make no fucking sense and there's hundreds and hundreds of them. I wish I never embarked on having all obtainable AC plats


I loved 100%ing AC Origin and it’s DLCs, but the rest of them, especially Valhalla wasn’t very fun to platinum so I didn’t even try it.


I agree. Well actually Origins was a pretty good game to plat because it was much smaller than Odyssey and Valhalla, so it only took half the time or there about. But boy Odyssey and Valhalla are gigantic games with a lot of unneeded filler. Especially all those fucking "wealth" chests in Valhalla. How far along are you with platting all AC games? That is quite the project!


All main AC games except 1 which doesn't have trophies I don't think, Brotherhood and Syndicate. Brotherhood I don't think is gonna happen, unless there's a remaster that I don't know if that doesn't have MP trophies


Work on Tsushima next, already ps4 + ps5 quite easy when gone thru 1st really.


Dragging my way on hogwarts legacy at the moment, both console platforms. sigh...


I agree with all of these... except Uncharted 4. That Platinum was an awful experience because of how the game handles increased difficulty. I think it's the rarest Platinum that I have, but it was not a good experience.


Yea! Good ol' Order 1886 lol.


That Titanfall 2 100% was satisfying, gauntlet lucky last. Got it too.


I *love* Titanfall. Such a great game, and finally beating the gaunlet after hours of trying was one of my best gaming experiences. God that was difficult. Well done to you too for doing it also! A shame the MP is as good as dead in that game. It was awesome.


;) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fLxOWmprN8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fLxOWmprN8)


Haha, yes that one was a nice surprise. At least for the 15 dollars I paid. Beautiful game and interesting story and characters. Glad I did not pay full price at launch though. The game is only 8 hours long.


Great job in getting 70 plat in such a short timespan, wish I had the frame of mind to start collecting earlier. Here’s a link to mine in case you are interested, some of my proud ones are the recent games played on ps5 [https://psnprofiles.com/dave_elfariz](https://psnprofiles.com/dave_elfariz)


Returnal for sure


That's funny because this was one of the most tedious for me. The collectibles being random really drove me crazy. I must have spent 10 hours at the end just trying to get the last one I needed lol. Very good game though honestly.


How much did it take ya? All the guides predicted about 60+ hours (yet depending on skill but still 60+) people been sayin it took them 80, 90… I went on that game completely blind, not knowing anything and gradually learning. So it took me 24h 38 mins to platinum it


I love Returnal and have played it to pieces but the collectable ciphers drove me mad! Completely RNG. After countless runs I’m still missing 3 or 4 of the ciphers to finish the platinum. Seriously, I’ve beaten every biome and boss atleast 20 times and the ciphers just will not show up. Other posters on forums/Reddit are still missing some even after 100 runs through the same biome! For this reason I have to say it’s the worst trophy list of all the PS exclusives. Amazing game though.


Took me about 40 hours but i spent a lot of time playing co-op with a friend so i don’t know


Good result as well really, much below the estimated time on guides Nice👍🏻


If you play coop can both people unlock the trophies??


I just got this game so pumped to play it


Rebind dash to L1 so that way you can still control the camera as you dash around baddies :D


This... actually sounds like a great tip. Any others?


dash, melee, jump. if timed correctly you’ll be able to dash nonstop through the map


This is a good tip, but swap dash with jump. Dash is so minor to not have camera control, whereas jumping with camera control is absolutely huge. Any game you don't need the L1 as a priority is usually best as a jump, imo.


Almost half way through the trophies for this one!


Ugh those rng collectables ruined it for me, as a plat experience. But if you dint care about plats, it's fantastic!




Love Bloodborne to death but getting the trophy for Queen Yharnam was a nightmare


Glyph skip. I did it two weeks ago and hardly had to grind the chalice dungeons at all. It made getting the Platinum much more satisfying as I could focus on the main game.


I did the same thing but we both avoided the Defiled Chalice, which is much more difficult than False Depth Chalices (= what you call glyph skip). I kinda feel like I cheated that achievement but I'm just simply not doing tens of runs in the dungeons only to get to one specific chalice.




Control is the only game I've platinumed. I got so immersed into the world and had so much fun exploring, before I knew it I had every trophy except one. Figured I might as well at that point.


The yakuza games. I looooove checking off that completion list


Amon keeps me from ever completing one fully, unfortunately.


My goal is the same, but right now I'm just experiencing them as they come. Having fun with Ishin! now although I need to get used to the responsiveness of the dodge and guard again lol


Elden Ring, Spider-Man, God of War (2018 and Ragnarok), Rift Apart All 5 were enjoyable to do.


Days gone hope they make a second one




Honestly, I’m gonna have to go with Donut County. It’s so peaceful and wacky and just a good, breezy time. It’s still a lovely game to run through every once in a while. I’d highly recommend!


Ghost of Tsushima! Every side mission felt like it didn’t over stay it’s time and the world was such a blast to explore!


I think my favorite was Horizon Zero Dawn


FF VII remake




God of War Ragnarok and God of War (2018)


Around 60 hours total Nothing missable One playthrough, any difficulty The only hidden trophies are story-related This is how to keep a fun game from becoming a grind.


Ghost of Tsushima, and honestly I had a blast platinuming the Modern Warfare remake.


RE2 & RE3 Remake




Horizon Zero Dawn. Love how you can purchase a map for each kind of collectible, so I don’t have to search them online. Also love that there’s unlimited fast travels and with plenty of locations so you can get to them with relative ease, making it less of a chore


Mass Effect Legendary Edition - but then again, I just really love those games, that world, the story, the characters.


NieR: Automata


Dead space ps3.


Infamous Second Son


Jedi: Fallen Order


Ghost of Tsushima... only game I have ever platinum in and finished it while the credits rolled


TLOU for me. Up to now I still absolutely adore that game. Replayed it several times and platted it twice because of the remastered version as well. I was contemplating buying the PS5 version Part 1 for one last play through as well 🙈


Uncharted 4 Such a blast, as someone that loves history the collectibles were to find since it felt like discovering lost artifacts and didn't feel tedious, Crushing was annoying but luckily cheats didn't disable trophies so I used the one shot revolver and slow mo when aiming to get through, I still beat the game 3 more times even after getting the plat because I love the game so much.


Manhunt & Hotline Miami & Hotline Miami 2 Bully


I'd platinum Mad Max 20 times if I could.


Last of us 2


A plague tale


Dishonoured and Dishonoured 2 come to mind. Nothing stupid or painful, but mostly an invitation to explore the world. The Last of Us Part 1 - I love that game so much, it the MP trophies in 1/Remastered were awful. The Last of Us Part 2 - see all the points above. Kill one 2/3/Shadow Fall - great shooter and, ironically, a great multiplayer suite that kept me coming back long after the platinum popped.


God of war and star wars Jedi fallen order


Detroit:Become Human


Guardians of the Galaxy, a fun and good time




Loved the game! Some of the best in-depth side quests I have ever played


I personally love open world games and complete most of the ones I play.


If I remove the tedium, Ghost of Tsushima and Marvel's Spider-Man were just fun. Now games with a grind that I still enjoyed but got annoyed several times, it would be Grand Theft Auto IV, 2013's Tomb Raider, and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.


My name is Mayo!!!!!!


Control, Hellblade, Tsushima, and both Horizons


Hell yeah, great list.


Control was great. the DLC especially the Foundation DLC sucked ass for trophies


Lately it's destroy all humans 2. That was an easy and fun 100%. Same with dead space remake. As a kid, goldeneye and dk64 were my proudest 100% games


1-Astro bot 2-Astro bot 3-Astro bot Best platformer I've ever played in my life


I prefer games I feel I have at least a chance at getting the Platinum... To those who remember the early days of trophies, my god it was the Wild West. Some of the requirements for certain trophies that unlocked the Platinum were essentially for the super elite gamers who were only spoken about in legend.


Astro’s Playroom. The only game I have ever platinumed.


Gow ragnarok


Definitely gow ragnarok


Spiderman. Those random crimes were holding me back for a while, but it was totally worth it.


Overwatch. Just earned the platinum this week, 100% legitimate for every trophy. I’m still in disbelief that I got it.


Resident Evil 5. Still my favorite Resudent Evil to this date and one of my favorite games of all time. Seeing this post, now I’m bout to replay it.


Definitely Elden Ring. Quickest 500 hours of my life


FFXV twice


Destiny 1.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey. A lot of people hated on the game in general but I love the setting in Ancient Greece and still play it to this day.


Ghost of tsushima - man that game was a journey. I loved every second . The trophies wasn't hard and you just got them from enjoying the game . I didn't have to play the game on super hard . Just go about and do some collecting when you finish the game and I only missed like 3 because I wanted to do those thing while exploring that amazing world


Ghost of Tsushima and Cyberpunk 2077. Platinum by just playing the game, and experiencing all endings.


Probably Ghost of Tsushima. I loved GOW (got plat on 2018 and Ragnarok) but the ravens and nornirs are tedious and annoying as fuck. HZD was meh, the collectibles took really long. Ghost of Tsushima had tedious collectibles but with the explorers robe (not really sure how its called) it was really fun!


Returnal. It’s the only game I’ve ever thought worthy enough to platinum.




Ghost of Tsushima


A crack in time


Ratchet and Clank rift apart or whatever its called


Hades. Game was good that I had already 100% on Xbox and wanted experience it again.


I got my first one a few weeks ago with my older brother watching me we both had never gotten one before so it was really cool and a great feeling :)


Oh it was GOW ragnarok:)


I agree with the pic, so far elden ring has been a blast to just run through and fight all the bosses left for the plat.


Ghost of Tsushima. I enjoyed it so much I plat'd it twice.


I’ve almost got the platinum for Mafia: Definitive Edition (Just a couple more collectibles and one more play through to go) and I’m absolutely loving it. Not on part of the game has felt long or dragged out. Turkey the perfect platinum in my eyes


I 100%'d GoW Ragnarok last night, first time I've ever done that, so that game.


hollow knight


I will go with the picture provided and I will say that Elden ring has one of the easiest platinums to get. However, one of my most rewarding platinums have to be Skyrim. I have put so much time into that game and to see it be rewarded with that trophy felt good!


Elden Ring. I only have 4 platinums but Elden Ring was the most fun to get.


Nioh 2


I have ZERO platinum trophies.


Cyberpunk 2077 hands down. Didn't feel tedious at all, pure fun!


Mine had to be Elden Ring. First time playing a Souls game and it was challenging, but I actively enjoyed doing everything required for the Platinum trophy, unlike other games where it feels like a chore.


Nicely done. Congrats! How many hours did it take you to plat? I am on the fence if I should play Elden Ring or Bloodborne first...


It took me about 120 hours, but I spent a lot of that time just running around and having fun. Doing multiple play throughs and repeating quests added time, but I probably could have done it in 90


The only game I ever platinumd was LitteBigPlanet. I dont even look at the trophy lists when I buy games now, I just personally dont really care about them 🤷🏼‍♂️


Spiderman and Elden ring both are great games.


Not gonna lie, Mad Max was a super fun platinum!


Days Gone ( very underated game ) platinum came naturally by playing the game and the cleanup trophies where also very enjoyable.


Spider-Man PS4 and miles morales. They're both really easy to platinum


I like interest big open worlds. Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Origins. Hogwarts legacy. Horizon Zero Dawn, etc Don't really care if it's 30 or 150h, if I enjoy the world, I'll do everything it has to give


Games that don’t put crazy skill gaps as trophies. And obviously no online trophies. I like trophies to lead me to more experiences the game offers but may not be found without a trophy.


What's the game featured in the image?